CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!
Coconuts, that's just BS. USCIS really doesn't seem to give a ****, even when it's their OWN mistake. Ugh.

Glad you were able to get the other tests done on time, though. If you weren't, then... :o It's scary to even think about.
pocherosFemaleCanada2012-04-30 17:10:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!
Catching up on previous posts: Coconuts, I'm sorry to hear about your medical. That's a bunch of ####### :/

Sherry: Same as above :/ I hope it comes back okay. Why is that the SSN people never seem to know what they're doing? No idea what you should do if it comes back wrong, except maybe try again (oh wouldn't that be fun...)

As for myself... My husband got rejected for that position. Two interviews so far, one he was underqualified and another he was overqualified. We were really hoping that this would be it. *sigh* But he has another interview coming up in two weeks. I'm glad he's at least getting interviews. We are going to be living with the in laws pretty soon though, and we're not particularly fond of that >_< Oh well, the first year of marriage is rough to make us stronger, right? lol.
pocherosFemaleCanada2012-04-21 15:36:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!
Just poking my head in here real quick. I'll catch up with all the other posts in this thread soon!

Good news! My hubby's old job called to set up an interview. For various reasons, one being that the position is in a remote area where not a lot of people would be willing to work, we're pretty sure they're VERY interested in re-hiring him. The interview is on the 13th.

OMG! I'm so excited... 4 months of us both being unemployed was crappy, and the thought of having to drive across the country in a car was NOT appealing. But now it looks like we'll probably be staying here. It's not 100% yet, of course, but I can't help but do a little happy dance :dance: :dance: :dance: If he starts working soon enough, too, I can apply for AOS before my medical expires in June. :D
pocherosFemaleCanada2012-04-03 16:47:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!

AOS Card production ordered!!!!

Congrats!!! :D
pocherosFemaleCanada2012-03-15 16:21:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!
Sorry I've been such a stranger! Congrats on all your approvals guys :) Glad to hear you got the job Ralyse :)

My hubby got a call yesterday for a job in his line of work. Yay! The catch is it's in Florida (we live in Nevada) and it doesn't start until July. But, we're strongly considering it if pays well enough since there isn't really any work here for hubby anyways, and our lease is up soon so it kind of works out in a roundabout way. Looks like I might be re-doing my medical exam (it expires in June), but I'm pretty much okay with that now. He hasn't been officially hired or anything yet, so this is just a possibility.

We eventually did get the unemployment money. The lovely people at the unemployment office didn't write down our apartment number on the address, so it was sitting in a mail office for 8 weeks -_-

Sherrybaby: That's ridiculous. :blink: I hope they give you an easier time now...

Edited by pocheros, 29 February 2012 - 05:58 PM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2012-02-29 17:54:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!

Got my card today, I am so beyond relieved... going to SSN office tomorrow to update everything, which I'm sure they'll manage to screw up... lol

I also have a job testing thing tomorrow, just basic call centre skills for a job I really don't want. The hours are horrible, the start date isn't until April and the pay is less than half of what I made at home for the same sort of position (which made me miserable, ugh). Unfortunately, of the 40-odd applications I've submitted this is the only call I've gotten so hopefully it goes well... and if I get it, I still have until April to find something better, I guess.

How's everyone else faring with job hunting? For those that have their EAD, at least.

Congrats on your card Ralyse! Should be mostly smooth sailing from now on, lol. And good luck with the job interview tomorrow :) Hopefully something better comes up. Call centre work does NOT sound fun :/

It's been 7 weeks since hubby got laid off and he's applied at over 100 jobs. Unfortunately most of them are out of state because there aren't really any jobs in his particular career path here >_< I just wish I had my green card on the way because if I had a job it'd be a big help right now... Until then it's just unemployment which the office keeps messing up for some reason and still hasn't sent him any cheques :/
pocherosFemaleCanada2012-02-08 19:10:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!
Congrats!!! :dance: Glad you didn't have to deal with any more SNAFUs.
pocherosFemaleCanada2012-02-03 19:27:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!
Wow Ralyse, I probably would've lost my mind and kicked someone's @ss! Ugh. Only 2 1/2 more years before you can apply for citizenship and forget about USCIS! :bonk: I really hope this is the last incompetent person you have to deal with and that you receive your card shortly.
pocherosFemaleCanada2012-01-30 16:46:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!
Coconuts, I'm sorry to hear that :( I hope you can reschedule it without too much trouble. Someone broke into our car a couple weeks ago too, oddly enough :blink:

Good luck with your interview tomorrow Ralyse!
pocherosFemaleCanada2012-01-29 17:49:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!

Oh jeez..... so, to continue my SSN saga, got a letter today stating I "have not given us the document(s) we need to show US citizenship or lawful alien status. Your legal immigration status and/or document(s) will expire before an SSN card can be issued to you." So my EAD that's good until January 2013 will expire before they can send me a new card with my married name?

PS: They took my old one in my maiden name from me at the office so I don't even have it anymore.

Guess we're going back again tomorrow. I sort of want to just wait until I can go in with my green card after the interview but at this point they've kind of been pretty ridiculous so I sort of want this straightened out right away.

Honestly you seem to have the worst luck and always get the most incompetent people! First your medical, now this. :blink: Makes you wonder if the SSA people are smoking something... I hope you can get it straightened out tomorrow :(
pocherosFemaleCanada2012-01-17 18:26:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!

Got my card today, woo. And it's in my married name, so all that nonsense at my biometrics appointment was apparently just that, nonsense.... lol. Would've been a better picture had they not made me cry, then.

Yay! :dance: It's too bad about the picture though. People can be such jerks :|
pocherosFemaleCanada2012-01-11 16:30:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!

Pocheros: :( I'm so sorry to her that, what a crummy thing to happen at the holidays. *hugs*

Went to the Social Security office today to change my name... and the lady didn't know how to do it. She called over another guy who said I couldn't do it without EAD which I pushed back on and they said they'd have to ask their supervisor who wasn't in... so they photocopied all my stuff and said they'd call me later. Sigh.

Derp, more SSN employees who need to be trained :/ Hope they work it out.

AOS is finally going in the mail today. Back to worrying about whether I did everything properly or not... :wacko:

Yay! We can never relax, can we? :lol:

I moseyed over to the DMV on the weekend and applied for an ID card because my hub's credit union won't let me open an account without an American ID (my visa wasn't good enough...) and I get nervous walking around with my passport as ID. (They sure do love IDing people here, even just for using cheque cards, which is understandable in Las Vegas, I guess) I was worried the lady wouldn't know what to do with me but the website stated that a valid I-94 can be used to apply for an ID card so it worked out alright. The ID card expires in February though, when my visa expires, which seems silly/wrong to me. I got a piece of paper to serve as a temp ID and was able to open an account with it, though, so yay :)

Edited by pocheros, 15 December 2011 - 03:06 PM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2011-12-15 15:05:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!
Sherrybaby, that's awful :( People are such jerks. I hope you can get your SSN in your married name soon.

Well, I just got some bad news... It's funny, because I was just about to print out our AOS application when I got a phone call from my husband to let me know he was laid off and his last day is on Friday. Mind you, he doesn't work just some expendable manual labour job... He's a technician. But since his company gets funding from the government and the government recently cut their funding, they laid off a whole bunch of people. I can't believe they only gave him a few days notice, though. He's worked there for over two years and was an excellent employee. Oh well, that's how things go.

I think there's a good chance he'll find a job elsewhere soon, plus he's getting severance and he can take out his 401k, although there's a hefty penalty. This puts us even more behind on AOS now though... sigh :bonk: Even if we could spend the $1070 on it, it'd probably be a bad idea since he doesn't have a job now and can't put that down on the 864, right? :/
pocherosFemaleCanada2011-12-13 11:45:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!
Ralyse, that sucks... I hope they issues your card in the right name! :(

Coconuts: yep, it's still 1070. Incidentally we're getting the cheque ready this morning to :D So we're filing AOS at almost the same time.
pocherosFemaleCanada2011-12-12 13:08:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!
Ralyse, that sucks... I hope they issues your card in the right name! :(

Coconuts: yep, it's still 1070. Incidentally we're getting the cheque ready this morning to :D So we're filing AOS at almost the same time.
pocherosFemaleCanada2011-12-12 13:08:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!

So happy to see all is falling in place for you ...congrats on getting the EAD/AP card....Thanks for the reply to my 1-693 question, I was told by another member that I should definetely add the 1st page of 1-693, I'll check out the USCIS site and reread the instructions on that.

AGain Congrats

I've heard that in addition to just the first page of the I-693, it's prudent to include one of the pages from the instructions that states you don't have to re-do the medical if it's within a year and highlight that part, just to demonstrate you know what you're doing and reduce the chances of an RFE :)
pocherosFemaleCanada2011-12-07 15:56:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!

Just got the hard copy of the RFE. They want proof of my mother in law's citizenship since she's our joint sponsor. So we're going to stop by there tomorrow, photocopy her passport and birth certificate and get them in the mail. So relieved it wasn't the medical, you have no idea...

That's great news! :thumbs: Well, it's great news relatively speaking- RFEs still suck. Glad you didn't have to get the medical transcribed or something.

Edited by pocheros, 05 December 2011 - 05:06 PM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2011-12-05 17:05:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!

The EAD will have an expiration date one year from the date of it's issue, but from what I've read here, once you get your Green Card it invalidates your EAD (you won't need it then anyway) but it could be a month or two between the time you get your EAD and when you get your Green Card, and seeing as how it doesn't cost anything when you file for it with your AOS... why not?? Guess it depends if and when you will want to be able to work.

Oh, thank you! For some reason I thought it expired much earlier. It's definitely worth it then, thank you! I guess it's the same story with AP too then? In the off chance I have a reason to travel to Canada before my green card arrives, it might be handy to have AP...
pocherosFemaleCanada2011-11-30 16:13:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!
I have a teeny question... does the EAD expire when your I-94 expires or when your visa expires? I'm wondering because I'm filing my AOS after the expiration date on my I-194 and I can't figure out the EAD instructions and whether or not I should bother with the EAD form.
pocherosFemaleCanada2011-11-30 15:39:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!

Got our biometrics letter today, December 9th :) My birthday is the 16th, so I was hoping to have it done before then as a present :D

Yay! :thumbs:
pocherosFemaleCanada2011-11-20 13:59:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!
Well, it looks like I can't get any insurance until next year. Apparently to qualify for insurance you have to file for it within 30 days of the marriage, but you also need an SSN. Guess when I received my SSN? 31 days after our marriage. My husband tried to explain to the HR person that we tried to get my SSN really early, etc. but she was a crabby old %$&^ and wouldn't allow us to be one day late. I really need a prescription for something too, ugh. Looks like we'll have to pony up the uninsured cost for a doctor's visit :ranting:
pocherosFemaleCanada2011-10-28 13:22:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!
I finally got my SSN in the mail! :dance: Anyone else think it's weird that it's an unlaminated paper card? (Yeah I know you can't laminate them) I like Canadian SIN cards better.

Can't wait to have insurance again! Yaaaay! Free dental cleanings and glasses! XD

Edited by pocheros, 19 October 2011 - 04:56 PM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2011-10-19 16:56:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!
The chart is wonderful Ralyse :D

Nevermind .. I realized its good news! :)

I just freaked out thinking it was an RFE or something :bonk: :bonk:

:lol: That's great news!

I secretly like that you guys are all doing AOS before me, so you can be the guinea pigs :rofl:
pocherosFemaleCanada2011-10-18 15:23:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!

I've read it's best to send an actual certified copy so we're sending one with the AOS packet... it was only 11$ to order from the country clerk and we got it two days later, so that made that decision easier.

And that's silly about your SSN, I say go back! I must've gotten a girl with experience with K1s or just generally good at appearing to know what she's doing because she had no questions or confusion and processed me really fast.

Thanks for the info :) I'm going to order a couple copies this weekend so everything's all ready to go next month. We only have one copy right now :P

The piece of paper they gave me said it might take up to 4 weeks, so I'm going to wait just a little longer and if it doesn't arrive soon I'll be heading back...

I wish everyone else good luck with their AOS and upcoming weddings!
pocherosFemaleCanada2011-10-14 13:08:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!
I haven't really looked at AOS yet because we won't be filing it till late November/early December :( And 3 weeks later I'm still waiting for my SSN because I wasn't updated in the system yet (even though I waited two weeks after POE) and they sent a request to USCIS >_< When I suggested we wait and come back in a few days the SSN lady insisted it wouldn't be any faster... Hmm I'm starting to doubt that! I'm wondering if Toronto Pearson is really slow sending out the folder that you give them at POE (because they send it to USCIS, right?) So I'm without health insurance till then...

I had so much luck with everything earlier in the process so I figured it finally caught up with me :lol:

Just a quick question, for AOS is a photocopy of the marriage certificate acceptable, or do they want an actual "official" copy of it?
pocherosFemaleCanada2011-10-14 00:41:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!
I didn't experience any difficulty applying for a SSN (other than that I wasn't updated in the "system" yet and thus it'll take longer for me to get a card), but this link has some helpful info:

Specifically, this page: http://www.visajourn...tent/otherforms See the link marked "K1 SSN Authorization" which is a memo stating that a K1 is allowed to apply for a SSN. I don't know if that's what Tileeka used but it seems like it might be. :) The SSN officer is going to check for your I-194 in your passport so make sure to bring it (obviously). :P I also brought my birth certificate (a health card is not considered valid ID, at least not at the particular office I went to).

Edited by pocheros, 27 September 2011 - 07:06 PM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2011-09-27 19:04:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!
Congrats to those of you who filed for AOS!

I went to the SSN office on Saturday and I hadn't been updated in their system even though it had been two weeks. I read that you can just return a few days later since the manual verification apparently takes awhile but we decided not to bother. The lady said that the people who update the system are behind and slow anyways so it would still take awhile- dunno if there's any truth to that. Sooo it's going to be "up to 4 weeks." I'm currently without health insurance because my husband's employer wants an SSN. Ah well!

We're saving up for AOS so it looks like I'll be sitting on my butt playing housewife for awhile :lol: Although I'd really rather have a job and some extra money I'm secretly enjoying being lazy like this, after going through the madness of working my old crappy fast food job! No offense to fast food employers :lol:

Edited by pocheros, 27 September 2011 - 01:20 PM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2011-09-27 13:17:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!

Grats Pocheros!

Ralyse: wouldn't be a wedding without some snag to test us! lol

My wedding: eek! So a small wedding in our home is the final verdict. My step-daughter (22yrs old) has decided she wants to be the wedding planner. Yay! or so I thought. Now I have to do stuff and supervise what she does lol. All in good fun (as I try to remember NOT to stress over the details).

The Challenge: any suggestions on how to make the wedding Camerdian? (step-daughter's idea of what to call me now lol) Remember, it needs to be sorta simple to reduce the stress of preparing :)

Steps to Canadianizing your wedding:
1. Write the invitations in English and in French
2. Serve jos louis for appetizers and poutine as the main course
3. Have the groom dress up like a lumberjack
4. Give out maple-leaf shaped toques to the guests
5. Instead of a chocolate fountain, get a maple syrup fountain
6. After dinner, go to an arena to play a game of hockey
pocherosFemaleCanada2011-09-19 17:27:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!
Congrats ralyse! I'm glad your wedding went well!

We actually ended up getting married on the 18th since hubby was sick on Saturday. We just applied for our license and then went to this tiny little building where they performed a ceremony that took about two minutes. It's Las Vegas after all so the process was quick and easy :D And now I'm sick on my birthday. LOL.
pocherosFemaleCanada2011-09-19 11:25:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!
Hey guys, how are y'all doing? I was without a computer for a few days- I missed it here :) Finally made my POE on September 9th and we're getting married on the 17th :D No wedding but it'll be a relief to finally sign the papers. One year from now we can all celebrate our anniversaries together in a new thread :D Congrats coconuts, that must've been a grueling four months but the wait is almost over. And congrats to everyone else!

Edited by pocheros, 13 September 2011 - 09:07 AM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2011-09-13 09:06:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!

I am happy things are working out for all of you! I am still waiting for an interview date. I check it probably ten times a day. Should I be refreshing non-stop?

Depends on how crazy you are :) It's up to luck, whether or not someone grabs a spot before you when it opens up... I probably refreshed it 4x an hour when I was at home, sometimes a lot more. LOL. But sometimes there's just no dates available for a long time, until they decide to open up more spots.

Edited by pocheros, 22 August 2011 - 10:36 AM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2011-08-22 10:36:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!
Ralyse and M&Dj, I hope your weddings turn out nicely. I'm sure they will be lovely!

I'm not really having a wedding. We're going to sign the papers as soon as I get over there and go out to dinner with his immediate relatives. Planning a wedding, even a small one, is just too much stress for me (not to mention easier on the wallet.)
pocherosFemaleCanada2011-08-19 20:52:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!

Hey guys :) Just wanted to update you all that my husband did POE in Winnipeg yesterday and we got married this morning. We'll have a reception/vow ceremony in September/October (TBD). Good luck to you all -- it'll be here before you know it!

pocherosFemaleCanada2011-08-17 19:05:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!

Thanks for responding. I called them earlier and they said the receipt number will show up after I schedule the interview. To keep checking for available dates. How long did it take you of trying before you got one?

Sometimes you're waiting quite awhile (several weeks.) They open up interviews periodically. The interviews tend to take place about 3 months ahead of Pkt3/Pkt4, I've noticed. Just keep refreshing and don't give up!
pocherosFemaleCanada2011-08-16 11:59:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!

I guess then you fall into the "show up at DHL and ask" category? That would suck... hopefully one or the other happens for everybody, at least!

Ah I see... I read someone's experience with this in the other thread. I see you can call DoS though and they can tell you if it's been printed at least. Things are efficient as always! :lol: Thanks for the help. No sense in driving myself into anxiety when it hasn't even been 2 business days yet! :P

Edited by pocheros, 13 August 2011 - 05:51 PM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2011-08-13 17:51:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!
Derp, I totally forgot about that page! Yes you're right. I guess I should read over the "waiting for passports from MTL" thread before posting questions in here. I'm confused about how you're supposed to get a waybill number if it doesn't show up on the website (which happened in your case) or if you don't get an email (which happens in other people's cases.) :S Are you stuck if that's what happens?
pocherosFemaleCanada2011-08-13 17:15:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!
I have a quick question! My waybill number will be displayed on the applicant summary page on the CSC website when my passport is ready, right? Right now the applicant summary page just lists my name, date of birth, reference ID and MRV receipt. It doesn't say "applicant status" or anything. Does it just look like this until it's ready? (I'm aware that seeing as my interview was on Thursday, it couldn't possibly be ready by now.)

Posted Image
pocherosFemaleCanada2011-08-13 16:51:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!
Thanks guys!

Congrats Kayla & Pocheros! :D

Congrats on getting your visa ralyse! That was awfully fast. I hope your wedding is a blast!

You had the dreadlock lady at the interview, right? I got her as well, and I read somewhere that the person who interviews you at least partially affects how quickly your visa is printed. Dunno if that's true but if it is I got lucky since you got your visa so quickly! Hehe. Living in Ontario might have something to do with it too, though. *fingers crossed*
pocherosFemaleCanada2011-08-12 19:06:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!
I was approved on Thursday! :dance: :dance: :dance: Will write a detailed review later. I need to decompress after that long train, subway and bus ride!

Congrats to everyone else!

Edited by pocheros, 12 August 2011 - 06:21 PM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2011-08-12 18:20:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!
I'm leaving on Wednesday morning and getting back Friday evening (interview is on Thursday). I won't have internet while I'm gone so no review until Friday or Saturday. I know the interview is supposed to be easy but boy am I nervous! Butterflies in my stomach just thinking about it. I'm compensating by bringing every piece of paperwork and evidence I can think of. >_>; I have it divided into two sections, one section is what the consulate will definitely want and the other section is everything else. :lol:

Thank you for all your help VJ <3 I wouldn't be nearly as prepared without everyone's input here.

Edited by pocheros, 08 August 2011 - 08:53 AM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2011-08-08 08:52:00