CanadaAnyone feel like they've made a huge mistake?

Actually Trader Joe's isn't as expensive as people think. All of their stuff is VERY affordable - they don't carry brand names, only Trader Joe brand name stuff, and it's very good quality. Reminds me of President's Choice stuff. Not sure if its worth a 40 minute drive, but if you're ever in the area you should check it out! The milk, bread, etc. prices are all cheaper than some of our discount grocery stores.

I love Trader Joe's. Surprisingly we've noticed it's not really more expensive than a regular grocery store. It's actually one thing I would miss if I were to go back to Canada. Go figure.

I forgot about Kinder Surprise Eggs (used to have a shoebox full of the 'surprises'). Now I am sad. :(

I am surprised to read that their prices aren't too bad. A 40 minute drive is certainly out of the way, but I would not mind to pop in if ever I was in the general vicinity to have a look-see.

Ashen, I'm right there with you in saddened by not having Kinder Surprise Eggs here. There's so many small things in Canada that I can't find here. So far as cuisine goes, I don't think there's anything here that I would miss if I were back in Canada. Well, maybe 1 thing. There's some pretty good pulled pork BBQ, but I don't eat it often enough to foresee myself missing and craving it.
Tick TockFemaleCanada2010-08-05 16:21:00
CanadaAnyone feel like they've made a huge mistake?

Yea, Weston Produce was a Woodbridge icon! I still can't believe it closed. Do you remember that "supposed" mafia hit around Christmas/New Years years ago? The guy was found dead in the WP parking lot hangin out of the driver's side window? That was crazy.
San Antonio has great veal on a bun as well...gosh this is really making me crave it now!

I'm surprised that I can find Mascarpone cheese here & glad too! Love making Tiramisu

:o I had not heard about that! I came to the US as a visit 5 years ago and ended up staying; most of the news I get from my family is regarding my family. That would've been quite the news story, I bet, eep...

San Antonio also had good pizzas. The only mom&pop pizza place in this town closed down years ago so it takes going to another town to get somewhat decent pizza. There are, however, at least 3 "Mexican" restaurants around.

I might be able to fine mascarpone cheese here, but then I'd have to try and find the utterly elusive "giant lady finger" biscuits.

I have the feeling you and I could keep reminiscing about various Woodbridge things for a long time, haha. Like... Did you know they used some of Woodbridge for a Disney movie - and also something from Gene Roddenberry was shot outside one of the recreation centers! I can't find anything about whatever Roddenberry shot, but I recall driving by and seeing a sign out. I think they were using the field perhaps.

http://en.wikipedia....ley_Cats_Strike <- Disney Movie

@ Nab

The posts you've written are very inspirational and heartwarming. :) *Big hug!* I've always wanted to bake but never have the ingredients on hand. I think I read somewhere there is a way to make bagels in the oven but it really does seem that throwing them in the water is a defining characteristic, hehe.

OMG I can totally relate to you and buying veal around here. I'm lucky enough to find it since there are a lot of "Italian American" people here, but it's still not the same as the stuff that you find in the GTA. And, the grocery store by me are also not what I'm used to. NYC = tiny stores that are not well maintained. I am glad I found Trader Joe's though.

And I know exactly what commericial you're talking about and my husband and I were making fun of it the other day. It was horrendous!! I miss the San Danielle Mortadella commercials, LOL.

I've heard there's a Trader Joe's around here - but a 40 minute drive doesn't make it too convenient. I don't think we could afford to shop there, either, so I guess it's good to not have it nearby. I'd just feel more frustrated.

AHA! You know the commercial! I cringe every time I see it. I also miss those San Danielle Moradella commercials. They have no Kinder Surprise eggs here - #######!?
Tick TockFemaleCanada2010-08-05 14:24:00
CanadaAnyone feel like they've made a huge mistake?

My parents are still there, so I'll be in the 'bridge when I visit. And yes, it has changed a LOT in the past few years.
I have memories of the young people hanging out at the donut shops or driving up & down 7 blaring their gino beats out of their suped up civics!
***I wasn't one of those "cool" poeple, lol.***

What I really miss is having a good veal-on-a-bun from some Italian place(Molisana). Can't find anything good here.

Yeah, my parents and grandparents are still in Woodbridge, so whenever I get to visit, that's where I'll be heading. I also have family in Richmond Hill and some in... Eesh, I can't remember where. They moved after I did.

I am sure whenever I get to go visit, I'll walk around, jaw agape at all the things that have changed. I was never categorized as a gina so I didn't really participate in that little bit of "culture" (lmao), though my high school was mainly populated with that crowd. The ginos and their music is about the one thing that I'm glad doesn't exist where I now am, but of course there is obligatory (and equally ear-bleeding) Mexican music blared every once in a while. It's diluted because the population is so spread out, though. Not actual nice Mexican music, but that "we're going to blast the bass while we drive by so all you hear is THUMP THUMP, THUMP THUMP, THUMP-A-THUMP-A."

I have often thought about veal on a bun. I recall Molisana bakery but I didn't shop/pass by there often so it's moreso a name than anything else. We used to get our veal sandwiches at San Antonio Foods, at the plaza across from Weston Produce (which has since closed, wow!). Veal is pretty much non-existant in the small grocery stores here. I don't really shop at the higher price-bracket places - kinda like going to a very dumbed down version of No Frills compared to say Fortinos or Longos. No Frills looks godly in comparison.

I also have come to absolutely loathe this one commercial for mascarpone cheese. They spokesperson (probably CEO or something) doesn't even attempt to pronounce it or any other Italian word properly. They should so totally let me do one of their commercials (for copious amounts of cash) just so they have someone who can "play the part" to make their product seem a tad more authentic, lol.
Tick TockFemaleCanada2010-08-05 11:56:00
CanadaAnyone feel like they've made a huge mistake?
I'd not consumed too many bagels from Timmy's to acquire a taste (and subsequently miss) them - but the one you described sounds very awesome! I imagine just being back visiting is quite a motivator to get awake, get up and get going; seeing things and people. :) I'd of gone the route of extra large too, though, haha. :)

I did a quick search and found the following: if you end up accidentally closing a tab in Firefox, you can press Shift+Control+T and that will open the lost tab, as well as restore any text that had been typed in that tab's fields. I've also read that there are Firefox plugins/addons that can help with saving your progress, but the one thing I find easiest is to hit Control+C to copy my text during writing long texts, as well as right before I actually press a button to submit. If the text is very, very important, I will actually type it up in a word processor first. It should be obvious that I've made plenty of mistakes in order to have thought up or looked into various safety checks! lol :) *big hug!*
Tick TockFemaleCanada2010-08-04 22:03:00
CanadaAnyone feel like they've made a huge mistake?

Pro or not, I am just saying people are saying: "Pills help" "You sound depressed" or "Pills don't help - don't take them" and I think those are dangerous waters to tread in. None of us should be suggesting anything like that is all.

I personally don't agree with medications either, but what is good for the goose isn't always good for the gander and what works for one doesn't work for all.

Yanno what I'm sayin?

AND you can't just go to wonderland now... whereas before you were sooo close! :P

True... So true! Oh how I miss Wonderland. I am sure the place has changed too, just like everything else has.

Where abouts?
I grew up in Woodbridge.

I as well. Excuse me while I get misty-eyed! I always hated Woodbridge for being full of stereotypical people in my age bracket, poor public transit, et cetera... Oh, how wonderful Woodbridge seems now. The year after I move away, the public transit is overhauled, expansion all around! All of the recreation centers there, but none here whatsoever! Night and day in comparison. Woodbridge is getting so expensive, I doubt I could ever afford to buy a home there if for whatever reason we could or did move back. I miss the development I grew up in - having sidewalks and quiet roads (aside from ginos speeding once in a while at night!) I miss having a corner store within walking distance, and actually being in a safe enough area to feel comfortable walking. There are no parks here. Ugh... Night and day. :(
Tick TockFemaleCanada2010-08-04 20:56:00
CanadaAnyone feel like they've made a huge mistake?
Awww... Just stumbled on a Toronto Star article. They just removed the motto and redid the logo.


Now I am sad. Not just to hear about things being changed, but also in reading how big Vaughan has grown. Things are getting better there; growth means more opportunities. The town I live in now is the total opposite. I'd be lucky if I could get any job. Heck, my resume will be even worse off than a high schooler's applying for their first job. I'm foreign, I only worked a part-time job (five years ago) and any of my references will be family or friend related - no former employers or even teachers. Mind you, I still am working towards AOS, so I'm thinking ahead.

I would've not been in a stellar position if I had not moved, but I would have been less useless than I am here right now.

I also have memories of VR-land, even though they're rather disjointed due to my age and location. I remember hearing "VR-land" and maybe a television channel but not much more.

Edited by Tick Tock, 04 August 2010 - 05:26 PM.

Tick TockFemaleCanada2010-08-04 17:25:00
CanadaAnyone feel like they've made a huge mistake?
Did they really? I couldn't find anything about that, but to be honest, I try not to pay too much about what's going on back there. All I saw was an updated city logo on their website. Vaughan was pretty nice, or at least the town I lived in. Mind you, the town was integrated and is now just a "community" but it was big enough to still register to me as a town.
Tick TockFemaleCanada2010-08-04 16:26:00
CanadaAnyone feel like they've made a huge mistake?
I was from "The City Above Toronto". I took everything for granted and only realize this after moving away. Technically, we were integrated into the GTA, but I did not feel as such living in my old town. I liked getting out into Toronto and am so sad that I did not do it more often. Too much regret though, and that will just bring me down. :\

I can only hope that one day, my husband and I will be able to move into an area that reminds me of the type of town I came from - but is rural enough to sate my husband's desire to not feel smothered with people or neighbours. I'm sure such a place exists, but I doubt we'd be able to afford it.
Tick TockFemaleCanada2010-08-04 15:07:00
CanadaAnyone feel like they've made a huge mistake?
In that case, they ought to at least knock. :wacko:
Tick TockFemaleCanada2010-08-03 08:44:00
CanadaAnyone feel like they've made a huge mistake?

Hugs to Kim, Tick Tock and Galateia .

Kim, I'm so envious that you have your own place. But then I'm younger than you, so I guess life is all about give and take. It's the constant lack of privacy, you're right, and also the need to question where we're going, what we're having for dinner, how much things cost, etc. My MIL just burst into the room saying that she got a job (after looking for just 3 weeks) and started looking through our closet and laundry pile to see if we had any polo shirts she could use. :mellow: This is what I'm talking about. Anyways I'm happy for her, but it makes me feel worse about my own situation because I'm the only one not going anywhere in life.

You're right Tick Tock, if only we could always see time as just ongoing rather than putting pressure on ourselves to 'do it all' within a certain time frame. I have everything crossed for everyone feeling this way.

The time thing is what I have to keep reminding myself about. :) In time, things will pass. I have a lot of trouble dealing with little things right now because I feel like I have no control over them - but now I'm just trying to focus on the things I do have control over, because in accomplishing those things, my grasp of control will broaden. It certainly is easier to write about it than live through, of course, but I am hoping that in the end, my husband and I will be in a better place/situation.
Tick TockFemaleCanada2010-08-03 08:33:00
CanadaAnyone feel like they've made a huge mistake?
Gemmie... *Big hug*.

Sometimes I regret picking my username because I envision a big clock counting my life away, or the feeling of urgency to get finally "settled". Other times, however, it reminds me that there's no cutoff in time; rolling plains instead of a cliff. In time, hopefully, things will be as we hope and dream them to be.

Also, the previous link for Log Driver's Waltz wasn't working for me. :(

So, hopefully this one works as an embedded video!

Tick TockFemaleCanada2010-08-02 15:30:00
CanadaAnyone feel like they've made a huge mistake?


Quoted for truth. :)

One night, I got very homesick/nostalgic and found a bunch of videos on Youtube. Things ranging from those computer animated shorts that YTV used to air, to the Log Driver's Waltz animation.

Awesome to get to see such things again, but it adds to the "you're not there anymore" realization. :\
Tick TockFemaleCanada2010-08-02 14:10:00
CanadaAnyone feel like they've made a huge mistake?
Just posting to say that I too share feelings expressed in this thread regarding being a fish out of water.

I do not feel comfortable to speak my heart on the issue, but I will say...

I had no career before I came here. I was only starting to discover who I was. I had one close friend.

I still have no career - not even employment. I have lost much of myself; muted, starved, forgotten. I have no close friends here and a thinning tie to the one back home.

You are not alone, Galateia.

Big hugs to everyone here. TGFJV.
Tick TockFemaleCanada2010-07-29 17:08:00
CanadaCanadian Thanksgiving
Abosultely nothing planned for Canadian Thanksgiving, but it's been that way since I moved to the US. November's Thanksgiving, if I had to predict, does not look very promising, special or "festive" either.

I hope you all have a very happy, safe, and delicious Thanksgiving weekend.
Tick TockFemaleCanada2010-10-05 15:17:00
CanadaHEINZ ketchup!!
Somehow, I felt pulled to this topic... I just had to click... Just had to read... And then it hit me...



As an aside, I've never been one to put ketchup on mac and cheese. However, a little bit of Italian salad dressing (the store-bought bottled kind) on white rice goes surprisingly well, in my humble opinion. This comes from a person who will put sugar on brown rice and eat it for breakfast, though! :rofl:
Tick TockFemaleCanada2010-05-24 20:17:00
Canadadual citizenship ???
When you go through a Removal of Conditions (citizenship) swear-in for the US, you do not lose your ties to Canada as a Canadian Citizen (if you are one). Therefore, you hold a dual-citizenship. There's no paperwork involved to "get" dual citizenship - you only lose Canadian citizenship if you file paperwork specifically for that purpose - papers dealing with the Canadian government, not US.
Tick TockFemaleCanada2010-12-31 19:58:00

Soooooooooooo............... Basically this afternoon has resulted in a lot of OMG OMG OMGGGGGGG OH MY GODDD.......... HOLY #######.... OMG............ *repeat*. :crying:

First off, I have a job interview tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!! (more on that later)

SECONDLY... I got this in my email today:


Your Case Status: Card/ Document Production

On August 16, 2010, we ordered production of your new card.


Ashenflowers! Congratulations! :) I hope that things continue on a happy path for you. :D
Tick TockFemaleCanada2010-08-17 14:50:00
CanadaNo Kinder Surprise Allowed!

I've been importing them for the last few years... my husband little cousins love them :blush: :whistle:

Be careful - the woman in the article had to pay a $300 fine for just one egg.

Tick TockFemaleCanada2011-01-11 15:11:00
CanadaNo Kinder Surprise Allowed!
"They have been determined to present ... a choking hazard to young children," said Mike Milne, a spokesman for the U.S. department of customs and border protection. Milne said the U.S. Food and Drug Administration supports the Kinder Surprise ban.

I had been wondering for a great long time why Kinder Surprise was nowhere to be seen in the US. I am glad that I've never asked my parents to bring some over when visiting to help combat home sickness/ for the sake of nostalgia. I can only imagine them having to explain, "no, officer - these are going to my twenty-something year old daughter. I assure you, she is very aware that she should not put little bits of plastic in her mouth and swallow them!"

Banning such an item is right up there in the "herp a derp" echelons alongside coffee cup labels that proclaim beverages may be hot. The toy is in a little plastic bubble that's a pain in the butt to open - not floating around loose within the chocolate.

Clearly it is impossible for a young child to choke on cheerios, baby carrots, apple slices... or any other food item. We need to ban solid food! Baby mush for all until you reach the age of 10! Parents, no need to supervise your kids.

... Yeah, I'm a little dumbfounded. :bonk:

Edited by Tick Tock, 11 January 2011 - 01:18 PM.

Tick TockFemaleCanada2011-01-11 13:16:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!
I read something interesting and sad today. Perhaps some folks here are familiar with The Cynical Brit (Aka TotalBiscuit) - WoW and gaming shout/podcast and audio blogging. Youtube videos and whatnot. I found this post of his, linked from and originally posted on Team Liquid:


Turns out this awesomely amusing Brit is going through rough times with USCIS. He's had troubles with AOS, something I totally sympathize with. I left a comment through his website to mention in the hopes that he'll find some info/support here. God knows what a nightmare this process can be, and if you read the link I provided a few lines up, you'll read what he's been through.

I'm not an avid listener of his stuff (though I certainly do enjoy!) but I thought this worth mentioning here as it's immigration AND WoW-related.

/salute The Cynical Brit.

Here's hoping he can get his AOS taken care of soon so that he can be with his family.
Tick TockFemaleCanada2011-01-13 12:58:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!
I healed Throne of the Tides at level 82, Disc Priest, full guild run. It wasn't half as nerve-wracking as I thought it would be though I imagine that pugs will be a different story until a month or so in when current Cata-level players have either gotten used to the revamped playstyle or have rage-quit. Triage-style, "welfare" heals are where its at, and I'm hoping that at 85, stats will be at a point where heals land for more so that their cost is justified.

A bunch of my guild went and killed one of the Whale Sharks last night for the achievement. It took us several attempts (including having a passer-by DK screw us up) to get it done. We had 2 Afflocks pull with dots, swimming backwards. Their dots were to hold aggro, and threat management was key. We did have corpses but with the Whale Shark hitting like Jupiter (eff "like a truck") but we did it without everyone being in heroic gear - some where but a lot were not. I definitely missed my warlock.

To those with gripes about gear being replaced at the start of a new expansion... I understand the frustration on gear being so easily replaced, but those concerns read as if the focus is placed heavily on "getting phat lewts." There doesn't seem to be much enjoyment of the game or even the company of people whom was present to get that gear. I've never been a raider (hoping to casually raid this expansion) but I would change my group/guild if I end up in a place that I do not like (repetition of rules, people not showing or showing up late).

You've gotta do something for fun or else it's not worth doing. Gear is cyclical, memories are unique. :)
Tick TockFemaleCanada2010-12-15 15:53:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!

The Shattering.


(That is all.)

Tick TockFemaleCanada2010-11-22 12:09:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!
Kimbear, you will keep getting DC'd if flying and you tab out. Switch to Windowed - Fullscreen mode and this will get you around the DC issue. It happened to me as well before switching display modes; I think it's a common issue since 4.0.1.
Tick TockFemaleCanada2010-11-20 00:05:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!
I don't like the sound of deadlines or timelines.

I was debating about whether I should level a new (Worgen) character or max my priest to 85 first, but I am hesitant on even buying Cataclysm now. I did roll a mage last night and I think I'll be working on leveling her; the Shattering and revamped leveling content is not dependent on Cataclysm so I can still enjoy the game, and save money. We might be moving to a place without internet (and no ability for [affordable] high-speed internet) around January or something - I've honestly no idea what's going to happen in the upcoming months but it doesn't look good.

As for actual game-related blah blah blah...

I've healed through Noth and XT-002 weeklies, as well as OS (9men)! If only the guild had an ICC-10 group for raiding newbies. I don't expect anything to materialize even though a member had mentioned setting a group up, with Cata being so close to release.

My haste is still way too low and my gear is awkward, but at least I have an 80!
Tick TockFemaleCanada2010-11-18 14:03:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!
@ Rob & Mel


WoWInterface may see updates of Grid before Curse does, but I have never bothered to compare.

I'm not too worried about my "frills" addons - as long as I have my core ones working, I'm satisfied right now. I'll probably completely reinstall WoW sometime around patch 4.0.3, as well as do a computer reformat. I've been putting it off for a while.
Tick TockFemaleCanada2010-10-15 12:33:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!
@ Danu

Glad to have helped. Just keep in mind that similar to FuBar, you will need a core addon to display plugins, and then the plugins themselves.

@ Welshcookie

No problem. :)

@ warlord

I peeked at the default raid frames... Not as much functionality/customization as I'd like. Beyond that, I am sure there will be addons available to help with your annoyances. You may be able to find a script to place in a macro that would state how many HKs you have - outputting info to the chat window. I don't know how to code such a thing but I imagine it's possible if not already in existence.

@ Peachey

That's a lot of gold. :) I've almost got enough for Northrend Flying (500g). That will be a time-saver for questing.

@ Rob & Mel


http://www.wowinterf...oads/cat22.html <- Keep an eye on this category for newly added/updated Buff/Debuff/Spell addons.

Stuf Unitframes should allow for debuff resizing/coloring, though I can't recall specifically how good it is.

May want to check too.
Tick TockFemaleCanada2010-10-14 11:44:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!
I had been deleting addon folders before installing the new versions - a full, clean install instead of "replacing" files/folders. Dunno if that made things better. Keep in mind settings should be stored in saved variables folder but this may not be the case with all - you may have some things reset on you.

Dominos - working.

xPerl - don't use. If you want to customize unitframes, look at Stuf unitframes. If you don't want customization, maybe look into oUF (core addon) and various layouts (downloaded separate). I use oUF and oUF_Nivea (which should be updated today). for those.

FuBar - look into LibDataBroker. Just like FuBar improved upon TitanPanel, LDB addons improve upon FuBar. DockingStation is my preference, and works wtih 4.0.1.

Omen - should work. Could look into sThreatMeter2 (WoWInterface) if you may want a smaller alternative.


GearScore - being worked on.

OmniCC - updated.

Power Auras Classic - should work, if not, being updated. Look into Event Alert if you want something a bit more simplistic - there are other addons that will fit help too. I use EventAlert.

If you use a lot of addons from WoWInterface, register an account (free) and save addons to your favorites. You can browse them easily to see which are updated, and when.

Edited by Tick Tock, 13 October 2010 - 04:55 PM.

Tick TockFemaleCanada2010-10-13 16:54:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!

dont forget warriors, dk and palladins. all use arp on most gear

oh and i hate inscriptionists who made a fortune last night lol luckily i had already bought and replaced all my gems, but i slacked and never bought my heirloom it's 3 times the price /sigh

my system hates the patch on live, yet on beta i had no issues, but now i get like 2 FPS..####### :(

Graphic settings were reset with 4.0.1. When you're at the game login screen, look to the bottom-right corner for "Options" and tweak the video settings low, and then slowly increase when in game. The client may have "decided" that your system should be running on higher settings than its capable of - this happened with my own client.

My Carbonite questhelper is broken....I am sad :( Oh and I lost all my node info on my Gatherer...more sad :(

If/until Carbonite is updated, you should be able to find alterantive addons to fill the voids you are missing. No clue on Gatherer; I've been using GatherMate and GatherMate_Data (for pre-defined node database).

There will be a few patches/hotfixes since there are a bunch of already-recognized bugs with the new patch, so just take it easy and enjoy the sun and water - if your computer can handle the new effects :)
Tick TockFemaleCanada2010-10-13 10:50:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!
@ Kimbear

I have only used their voice service once so far (for ZG run) but boy, did I feel awkward just trying to explain something and even when making a joke. I completely understand not wanting to get too "comfortable" in case something drastic were to happen.

@ Welshcookie

You did absolutely nothing wrong whatsoever. You did not ask for the ring. You did not bribe or pay for the ring. Those who /gquitted... top raiders? More like top nerdraging babies. The only person whom you should be concerned with - if anything - is the GM/RL and that is only if the GM/RL (whichever and/or both) had specific rules mentioning "no giving items away after you won a roll" or something similar. While I sincerely hope that your guild will manage without those 6 individuals and though I certainly don't know your guild's composition, goals, environment or politics, I believe that your guild will be better of without those 6.

After all, those 6 may have been some sort of cliquish, problematic group making trouble before you returned. Don't fell bad; just talk things out with the GM if you feel like you need to set something straight.

Just my two copper.
Tick TockFemaleCanada2010-09-21 17:25:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!

I tried to read through the entire thread to see if folks were on my server, but my eyes kept crossing... oy, I need sleep.


Lethon - Horde - Llysara (priest), Mhairi (paladin), Alaeine (mage)
Cenarion Circle - Avaryne (Horde priest), Mhairi (Alliance pally)

Aaaaaand Brewfest is back! Who's got their mount? :D

I played on CC years ago. I believe I have a few characters there still, though I'm sure they're buried in dust.

My Priest on Proudmoore is 58. I gained 2 3/4 levels on Sunday, the majority earned from victories in WSG as it was WSG weekend. Unfortunately, the few-win streak ended and the experience gravy train did as well. I absolutely loved being the only individual on defense as a Disc Priest despite attempting to rally more :bonk: - I guess people don't realize that defense must remain past the initial flag capture? Oh, how annoying it was to read "just let them win" as soon as Horde captured 1 flag.

Outland instances are unavailable to me via Dungeon Finder; I guess I'll quest a bit in Hellaciouslyannoyingfire Peninsula.

On the upside, I got to sight-see in ZG with some of my guildmates.

Does it take anyone else a bit of time to get used to talking to a new group of people in vent/mumble, or am I just that socially inept nowadays?

I'll probably be unable to hit 75 before Brewfest ends. I'll more than likely miss out on Brewfest and Operation Gnomregan's last quest. :(
Tick TockFemaleCanada2010-09-21 08:52:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!
Just wait it out, Kimbear. :) I am sure that even after release, there will be some class mechanic tweaking that will occur.
Tick TockFemaleCanada2010-09-04 13:09:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!
@ Kimbear

I am sure that shortly, at least 1 addon author will make an addon for showing CDs on the default "power auras". Interesting to hear about how the changes have affected BM hunter. :)

@ chyiochan

I keep wiping on "P1" of immigration (to put it in WoW/MMO terms). I played a bit of RO, maybe just for a week or so. It's interesting how many people meet their significant others online nowadays.

@ Rob & Mel <- Yes, that head piece. I lost it to a shaman. I kept having tanks who were incompetent and/or would take the long route through the instance so I actually leveled out of Gnomeregan's range without seeing it drop a second time. On the upside dropped for me later and the group was fine on me rolling need for upgrading to it. I am sure if I rolled greed with intention to AH it, I would've rolled a 1 or something. The potential gold would've been very nice but the upgrade is extremely helpful since I'm running without BoAs. If only I could afford the +30 SP enchant, the staff would last for a long, long time.
Tick TockFemaleCanada2010-09-03 21:10:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!
I concur with your husband (Peachey) and Rob & Mel (whom I presume at this point is Rob?)

More than likely, someone's gone used up that CD key. :( I don't know how one would fix this aside from trying to talk to Blizzard and explain the situation, unless you try and return the game after explaining you bought a game that someone has already utilized. :\

My little Proudmoore-Priest is chugging along. I lost a roll on the cloth headpiece in Gnomer to a Shaman. I generally know about the argument of "stats, armor type and availability" so I'm not too upset. It did, however, remind me of how I was ripped off by another shaman on my Warlock back when Ulduar was "semi-new" content - for a cloth headpiece they didn't even end up using.

Addons are allowed in Beta now - which makes me really wish I had an invite. Since the default UI is sound enough to allow for addons, I can't help but wonder how much more testing is required and when the Gnomer/Echo Isles patch event will be put in.

It'd be nice to have an 80 on Proudmoore for that patch.
Tick TockFemaleCanada2010-09-03 13:57:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!

I spoke with a few people a few days ago and decided not to roll elsewhere, but I ended up doing so today on Proudmoore since I had read good things about the realm. I'm not sure if I'll stick with it, though.

Starting over without money or heirlooms has been interesting. Perhaps my ores and gems will sell. Gotta save up for that pachyderm!
Tick TockFemaleCanada2010-08-22 00:58:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!

so david suggested we all get together on one server and make a VJ guild LOL.

That had crossed my mind, actually. :lol:

Edited by Tick Tock, 21 August 2010 - 10:52 AM.

Tick TockFemaleCanada2010-08-21 10:48:00