CanadaGood Luck Allie!!!
Is the xpresspost 12"x15"? ... I'm sure is it :) ... you sound well organized!!!! :thumbs:
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-06-17 09:57:00
CanadaGood Luck Allie!!!
Oh shoot !!! (I goofed) Your interview date is on Tuesday the 19th!! .... I'm still sending all of my best wishes for your interview!!!!!!!!!! :thumbs: :thumbs:
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-06-16 12:02:00
CanadaGood Luck Allie!!!
I just wanted to wish you the best of luck on your interview Monday!!!!! Let us know how things go as soon as you're able :thumbs: :thumbs:
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-06-16 11:17:00
That's great news!!! Congratulations!!!
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-06-18 12:25:00
CanadaUsing my AP first time - Any advices?
Hi Vox .. a member name judester posted his first experience in detail .. here is the post:

lynamonFemaleCanada2007-06-14 20:45:00
CanadaLeaving for Montreal Interview
Oh how exciting for you!!! Good luck ... and remember to breath and bite your tongue with all of those nasties that you may come across lol :dance:
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-06-15 10:17:00
CanadaVisa Approved
Hooray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy for the both of you :) :dance: :dance:
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-06-20 07:44:00
CanadaFiling AOS & AP
Can't you just send the vaccination worksheet instead of having the civil surgeon complete the I 693?
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-06-22 10:16:00
CanadaNot trying but just may set a record
I'm so sorry to hear about this Ron ... hopefully you'll get everything cleared up before your interview date ...
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-06-22 09:41:00
Canadavancover and montreal

Even though my fiancee lives only four hours away I haven't went to visit her since last summer. I didn't want to get turned away and even if they let you in, I have heard that it causes an extended FBI check. I wanted to avoid that so just didn't bother going.

My fiance lives 4 1/2 hours away and I go there every one to two weeks for the weekend and I've gone for vacations ect .. I've always been totally honest about where I'm going, who I'm going to see and what stage my application is at.

I carry all of my files for proof and also a letter from my employer, my pay stubs and my phone/cable bill. I have only been pulled over once (just after I received my NOA 2) and I didn't have all of my paperwork with me .. they just told me what to carry and sent me on my way.

Not once have I been denied entry ... POE is the Peace Bridge
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-06-22 10:09:00
CanadaAnother Montreal Interview!
I booked a studio at Centreville for the 17th .. they first quoted 125 for the room but when I told them it was for a consulate interview and that I would call back to book they told me that when I called back they would give me the corporate rate .. I booked cost $97
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-06-22 10:02:00
CanadaAnother interview story
Congratulations!!!!!!!! .. Let us know when you physically receive your visa :)
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-06-22 09:37:00
CanadaThe Visa is Here
Yayyyy!!!!!! Have a great trip!!! :thumbs: :dance: :thumbs: :dance:
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-06-25 17:00:00
CanadaVisa In Hand
That's awesome!!! Thanks for the PM .... Yayyyyy!!!!! :thumbs: :dance: :thumbs: :dance:
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-06-25 17:02:00
CanadaI'm gone and next time you hear from me ......
Hey ... wish you all the best of luck!!!!! :)
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-06-26 23:02:00
CanadaPOE @ Queenston-Lewiston (NY)
Congratulations!!! ... Have a great time house hunting .. and don't forget to have fun!!!
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-06-27 10:13:00
CanadaMTL Interview Question
Welcome aboard the wait train :)

It would be great if you could fill in your timeline.
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-05-03 09:15:00
CanadaI'm back from Montreal -Had my poutine and smoked meat!
Yayyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dance: :thumbs:
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-06-28 22:55:00
Canadaalmost moving day.....
How exciting!!! Have a great move and trip to get hitched!!!!
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-07-02 20:29:00
CanadaMontreal Interview June 13/07

Ok it wasn't the wrong thread :)

[I was shocked as I was under the impression that if the income would continue into the US, it was exceptable.. He said NO ! only US income, I said how about Canadian assets that we would bring into The US..
He said US ONLY!!

Hi Colin,

Sorry to hear you hit this snag, glad you were able to rectify it all so quickly.

Now - this is kind of an important issue for Canadians so I'm hoping you can clarify this for us. You mentioned that no Canadian assets are accepted and Darryl mentioned in his review (same type of scenario at the Consulate) that they went and got print outs of their accounts, so I assume they had cash. Based on the info in his post and the info in yours, it suggests that only cash is acceptable as an asset (outside of U.S. assets).

I understand your asset information is not something you probably want to share with us :) , however, if you could give us a hint at what wasn't acceptable and Darryl if you can let us know what is, I think that would be really helpful.


Hi There:
Well, I am well read here on VJ, but I made assumtions, :devil: that my three Canadian Pentions and my wifes (USC), two Canadian pentions, which of course would continue being paid to us in the USA
would do.
(I checked with the Canadian Pentions suppliers and they said they would send checks to a US Bank..)..

along with my Home business which checks that come from a Canadian Source , but would then come from an American Source once we moved.... Would meet with the rules that I read about...

This Totaled well ...Well in excess of the US $17,112. required..( 2 People)

And as a Back up I prepared an Canadan asset List which well exceeded the 5 times requirements.

Well This proved not to be ... as the Interview Officer said .. " That the income or asset would have to be from the US now" .. I looked at him shocked and said it will be ..

No he said American only.. And I would need an american co sponcer.. which I arranged and supplied an additional I 864 from my Son in the US.. in there hands in five days..

The Letter that he handed me said in 10 Days once I supplied them this new requirement, that they would send my visa..

So that was June 20th that they got it.. it is July 4th today..and I phoned the other day to check on status.. but the lady on the phone said that They have a 2 week backlog mail issue .. and I would have to add 2 weeks to the 10 days, that the letter stated..

You have to love this Process....


Here waiting in Calgary....... :wacko:

Grrrrr ... how incredibly frustrating for you!!!!!!! My sympathies for you ....
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-07-04 11:36:00
CanadaK1 Interview in Montreal - completed!

Well Shauna it is great news congrats

Thanks all - it makes me pretty happy that I chose to go the K1 route instead of K3 - I was just reading in another topic that the CO gave someone the gears because in the wedding pictures it looked there were only 8 people at the wedding. Uh... how is that relevant???? (says the person who only invited 17 to hers)

Congratulations ... although I have to say that I'm a little confused by the timeline in your signature .. I'm reading it that you had an interview at the consulate in 2006? and you're K1? .. oh dear I'm confused :blush:
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-07-04 23:23:00
CanadaMade it through
That s awesome .. I'm so very happy for the two of you ... you've been great support here in the VJ community and it's appreciated :) ... congratulations and the best of all well wishes!
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-06-27 17:52:00
CanadaMedical at Medysis in Toronto...
Hiya .. see this post :

lynamonFemaleCanada2007-07-05 12:48:00
CanadaWhat if the USC has a criminal record ...


Chillax babeeeee... you'll do just fine. As for fiance not being an :innocent: .... that makes life interesting ;)

Peace, L.

Women are always attracted to the bad boys lol ... a man with a rocky past that has risen above ... my goodness ... it's amazing how I see him through my loving eyes!! :blush:
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-07-05 12:34:00
CanadaWhat if the USC has a criminal record ...

Lynette, your next worry shouldn't be more than when to leave for Montreal since two weeks from right now 1:11 p.m. your interview will be over and you will be asking where is the passport already.
I wish you and Ed all the pleasures life can bring.

Smiles and heart tugs of gratitude ... you are tooo sweet :)
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-07-04 12:45:00
CanadaWhat if the USC has a criminal record ...
Thank you so much for the replies .. It's a relief to clarify with others opinions what I was assuming to begin with but couldn't be 100% sure ... now on to the next worry lmao (cause laughing is much better for you than crying :)) .. oh I so can't wait for this all to be behind me :)
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-07-04 10:51:00
CanadaWhat if the USC has a criminal record ...
Just wondering if any of my fellow Canadians can answer that question. My fiance was not a good boy in his younger years (half a lifetime ago) and he is not allowed into Canada because of his record .He was allowed to come here to recouperate from his surgery and he has paid the Canadian Government many a dollar for them to grant him access (which we have been waiting forever for .. imagine that .. waiting on a government agency). It's been weighing on my mind knowing that my interview is up and coming and they may ask me why I always go there instead of alternating visits. We answered the questions truthfully on the I129f as they were not crimes of moral turpitude. Can anyone share with me some words of wisdom that may ease my mind?
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-07-03 22:52:00
CanadaHow the HECK do I get my immunization record?
My doctor just gave me the MMR and the tetnus on the spot .. they didn't affect me .. I was about due for a tetnus (every 10 years anyhow) ... no blood work and no waiting for tests .. over and done with with the records to prove it :)
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-07-04 23:13:00
A guy at my fiance's workplace made a comment like that ... he just totally laughed in his face. Canada has everything the US has and much much more (free health care for one really big one!!). The only way that a comment would come out of someones mouth is out of pure ignorance. Just take if from where it comes from :whistle:
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-07-03 11:50:00
CanadaStupid question about xpresspost mailer
oh shoot .. already did .. will let you know how that goes .. dam dam dam :wacko:
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-07-05 15:59:00
CanadaStupid question about xpresspost mailer

Hi Lynette I don't know that it matters if it's folded when I received mine the Postal Service had a big crease on one end. Maybe you can roll it up and put a rubber band around it. They (MTL) stamp thier return address on the envelope


Hey .. aren't you supposed to be off getting all ready to be married or somethin'??? .Thanks for the reply, I can carry it .. just was hoping to be able to hold all of my paperwork in one hand (accordian folder) whilst my other holds my sons hand ... looks like the 9 year old will have his hands full as well :)
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-07-05 12:52:00
CanadaStupid question about xpresspost mailer
I got the envelope and it's almost as big as the frigging x-ray... I would like to fit it into my accordian folder but don't know if I should fold it?

Another silly question .. when I fill it out to come from Montreal to me here in Hamilton .. do I put their address as the po box or the 1155 Rue Alexandre?

Just dotting my i's and crossing my t's :)
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-07-05 12:42:00
CanadaMarried girl here!!!!!
Wonderful news!! Congrats!
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-07-11 15:01:00
CanadaTodays the Day
I hope that your day was everything that you dreamed for so very long that it would be :) .. .and pictures would be nice :thumbs:
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-07-09 22:34:00
I have crossed over a ton of times .. always being completely honest about my status with the K1 visa ... only one time I was pulled over ... just shortly after my NOA2 ... and they were very nice .. just told me to carry with me all of the ties to Canada whenever I crossed .. since that first time I've lugged all of my paperwork with me and never asked once for it to be viewed. The Peace Bridge duty guards seem to be knowledgable regarding k visas. One guy asked me a million questions really quick and I answered honestly ... I think that they have me flagged because they don't ask a whole lot of questions anymore :)
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-07-12 23:08:00
CanadaWindsor bridge or bust!!
Have a safe trip! :)
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-07-15 09:40:00
CanadaPetitioner's Background Check?
I kinda asked a similar question .. here is my post:


hope it helps :)
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-07-16 11:52:00
CanadaMarriage License ..
My Fiance and I got our Marriage License in Cleveland on July 9th. Would Montreal frown upon us obtaining it before the visa is approved? .. I thought that it is a good piece of evidence of validity of the relationship ... any thoughts?
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-07-16 11:48:00
CanadaRound 2 questions lol lol
The good thing is that the paperwork only requires photocopies and the I-864 I'm pretty sure doesn't have to be notarized ... don't forget you'll need new passport photos taken within 30 days of filing :)
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-07-12 22:56:00
CanadaRound 2 questions lol lol

Hi everyone. Firstly Lorry and I want to thank you for all the many well wishes on our Wedding Day ( 7 /7 / 07 )
It was a beautiful sunny day and everything was very nice. I'll see if I can figure out how to get pics up on here

I'm about to start filling the AOS paperwork and need some help. What else is new eh lol lol

Does Lorry have to fill out the form I-864 Affidavit of Support to go along with the AOS forms? We already did the income thing with the I-134 so is it required now again with AOS and an I-864

Do I send the EAD forms and the Advance Parole formsalong with my AOS application?

Thanks for any info that can be given I'm sure by the time we're finished filling these out there'll be a few more questions.

Allie & Lorry

Yes and yes .. I've got mine ready to be completed with the stuff I get from the boarder (I94 ect) so that I can file by July 30th :) (fingers crossed) .. and don't forget to take the vaccination worksheet to a civil surgeon to fill out the proper form (should be done same day .. in cleveland only $25.00) you do not need another medical .. Hope this helps :)
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-07-12 16:01:00