CanadaHad our I-130 appt. today
Congrats ! Glad everything went seemingly smooth for you kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
Cantwait2gethomeFemaleCanada2007-09-01 09:32:00
Just a heads up, if you have a fax machine that you can be physically at, they will fax your transcripts to you. I have been trying to get my tax transcripts for 2 months, finally got fed up and called the IRS last night ( everytime I would call the person would say that they were "never sent out", and they would "send them in tonights mail". After several phone calls and no transcripts, and interview right around the corner, I needed quicker action whistling.gif ). The guy at the IRS said that so long as I can physically be at the fax machine, he could fax my transcipts. He did say though that the reason they will not fax if your not there at the fax machine is for privacy protection.
Cantwait2gethomeFemaleCanada2007-09-11 10:10:00
CanadaHave a good one tomorrow Tinker!!!
Good Luck on your journey tomorrow kicking.gif
Cantwait2gethomeFemaleCanada2007-09-11 15:38:00
CanadaOctober 4 Interview
Thanks everyone kicking.gif

I have known for about a week, but I didnt know about this forum (never scrolled to bottom of main page hehe). Certainly is nice to have a message board that is dedicated to Canada good.gif

The interview certainly came sooner than I thought it would ohmy.gif

Just a question to those already gone through the interview. I am rounding up my documentation showing domicile in the US. I have past 3 years worth of tax returns, my voting record, my current and active voting card, statements from 2 bank accounts that are still open in the US, mail (car insturance, magazine subscription, and bank statemets) that is being sent to my parents house (which we will be staying at for a while after we move back to the US) and I am going to have my parents write up a letter stating that once my husband gets his visa approval, that we will be living with them. Would this be enough to prove domicile ??

Interview is about 3 weeks, very anxious yet nervous. The whole domicile issue is the only thing that is sticking in the back of my head wacko.gif

Thanks a million ya'all!
Cantwait2gethomeFemaleCanada2007-09-13 14:34:00
CanadaOctober 4 Interview
Hi all goofy.gif

I was just wondering if anyone else has an October 4 interview in Montreal.
Cantwait2gethomeFemaleCanada2007-09-13 12:22:00
CanadaDidn't get my letter in time, missed my interview date!
Congrats Samaci! If everything goes well for you, you will have the same date and time scheduled as we do!! =)
Cantwait2gethomeFemaleCanada2007-09-17 15:07:00
CanadaMedical with Dr. Seiden
Now the nervousness is starting to set in blush.gif I keep thinking I am forgetting something or I have overlooked something. Just dont want to get all the way there and then have something go wrong crying.gif
Cantwait2gethomeFemaleCanada2007-09-20 15:54:00
CanadaMedical with Dr. Seiden
Hello everyone!

Well one more step done in the process! kicking.gif kicking.gif My husband had his medical yesterday with Dr. Seiden. I was unable to go with him, so will give the quick over view as I got per husband.

Hubbie left at about 430 in the morning to get dr's office by 7am. He ended arriving about 30min early (he wasnt not sure how well the train stays on time, so he gave plenty of room in case train runs behind, etc etc). He said that the security guard let him come in and sit on the stairs to wait for office to open.

Once the office opened he said he had to show consulate letter, passport, photos ( yes, he had to provide 3 of them). After getting registered, hubbie said he waited about 5 min and then proceeded with the physical. Hubbie stated the dr. did general inspection (eyes, ears , heart) and then asked hubbie to remove under garments. Hubbie said he did quick look and then moved on. Overall, it sounded like most of the physical was just asking health background. I know that I found a link on a post that gave a tick sheet of questions asked, so he had general idea of what would be asked. After the physical he had he chest x-ray and blood drawn.

My husband was out the door heading back to the train at 7:45. So all in all, he spent about 45 min there. He said everyone was very nice and had absolutely no problems. good.gif

Cantwait2gethomeFemaleCanada2007-09-20 09:31:00
CanadaWondering about Len and Bren
I am eager to here how it went for her. Im sure they breezed through it, but still the suspense!! Considering the future at stake is in their (consulate) control hehe

Our interview is next friday, and I am getting more nervous as each day passes. So hearing how their interview goes will help prepare us for our destiny.

My husband and I booked an extra night in Montreal (to hopefully celebrate) and considering we probably will never be back in Montreal, to become the typical "tourist". We are then going to spend saturday and sunday in Ottawa (just to experience the capital). Gotta love interviews just before a holiday LOL

Edited by Cantwait2gethome, 26 September 2007 - 12:36 PM.

Cantwait2gethomeFemaleCanada2007-09-26 12:36:00
CanadaWondering about Len and Bren
Well its the big day for them ! I am just curious how Lens sanity is right now whistling.gif
Cantwait2gethomeFemaleCanada2007-09-26 08:28:00
CanadaLen_and_Bren Happy Dance
kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

YAY!!!! I am so glad to hear that she no longer has to worry and fret!!

Congrats Len and Bren !!

Now send us some of your good luck charms !

Edited by Cantwait2gethome, 26 September 2007 - 03:01 PM.

Cantwait2gethomeFemaleCanada2007-09-26 15:00:00
CanadaOff to Montreal in the morning !
Well all , its our final step ! kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif We are leaving tomorrow morning and driving to Montreal. I am such a nervous wreck right now blush.gif . I keep thinking I have forgotten something or feel I am going to forget an important document behind (even though I made my husband go thru the folder 3x! whistling.gif )

Our interview is Friday at 9am...its going to come to fast hehe.

I want to express my many thanks to those that helped me through the shady areas. Now our future is in the Montreal Consulates hands !

Edited by Cantwait2gethome, 03 October 2007 - 11:06 PM.

Cantwait2gethomeFemaleCanada2007-10-03 23:05:00
CanadaThank You to All
I just want to thank everyone who was so supportive and informative in our journey. If not for the advise and excellent help, I would probably still be stuck on the I-130 hehe.

Huge Kudos to the support team good.gif
Cantwait2gethomeFemaleCanada2007-10-06 23:21:00
CanadaApproved in Montreal!!
Congrats !!

BTW were you called to window 12 at all? We had our interview on friday also.
Cantwait2gethomeFemaleCanada2007-10-06 21:48:00
CanadaOur Montreal Interview.........
Well, when we got home yesterday, there it was, the package from Montreal! It came much sooner than expected. We were told it wouldnt arrive for at least a week, so we were not looking for it until friday at the earliest.

In the packet was his passport with the beautiful visa in it, a manilla envelope with precise instructions (pretty much do not open or the packet is invalid), and a welcome to America brochure, which gives you a web address to go to and download the packet. (not to worried about downloading the packet though, what I dont know, can be easily accessed hehe)

So yep, we are done for now. Looks like Feb will be our moving month. We are just going to relax for the next few weeks. I did a good job of worrying myself silly for no reason whistling.gif Of course my husband had quick response , "See I told you so" LOL famous last words.
Cantwait2gethomeFemaleCanada2007-10-11 10:00:00
CanadaOur Montreal Interview.........
Well folks, we did it...we were APPROVED !!!! kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

We left home around 11:30 am and got to our hotel (La Tour) around 9:30pm. We were very exhausted and tired, so did not do to much but grab a bite at the Burger King a few blocks down and then went to bed. Neither one of slept very well. All I can say is that I dreaded the room we were in. Outside of locality to the Consulate, I would not advise this hotel. Our bed was like sleeping on rocks, the room was extremely hot, in the bedroom there was crud left from other people who stayed there (will not get into the disguisting things we found), the couch was broken, our bathtub had holes in it, had to pull tooth n nail to get clean set of towels.....list could go on and on. So yeah, I dont give this hotel any kind of high rating, is only a 3 min walk to the consulate and nicely centered in downtown area (can easily "tour" the area). Then again, there were several other hotel chains in same area. Wish I would have a spent a few more dollars for better hotel.

So...our alarm goes off at 5:00 am. Talk about nerves at their last straw. We end up getting out of the hotel around 6:30 and notice no one is standing at the consulate. So we go down to the Timmies and hubbie has a tea. We get back to the consulate around 6:55am. We were the third in line. The first was a young couple (not sure if they from VJ), second was a family. At 7:30 the doors open and the security guard asks one by one to see their letter. We are told to wait in the foyer until called. Once directed in, they have us put all our things in a basket and walk through the metal detector. As we go through I heard the one officer tell the other to check my purse, unusual object in there. Of course I look at my husband and start freaking a bit because all I had in my purse was a book and my wallet with a few id's. The officer pulls me to the side and tells me he has to look thru my purse. He pulls out my book and then hands me my purse back. We are given a little card with the letter C on it and window 9 below it. We are told to go downstairs, that an officer at 7:45 will usher us up to the 19th floor. At 7:45 a guard comes in and gave precise directions that anyone with letters A- E to get in line. Of course there were a few that tried to get in line that didnt have those letters (not sure if they didnt understand directions, or only heard part of what he said). Once on the 19th floor , we were directed to go to window 9. Once at window 9 we were asked for the top page of the packet that gives the date of the interview. After giving it to her ( was the infamous blonde ), she said to have seat and someone will call us. We sat for about 10 min and then heard our name called. Once at the window, the lady that helped us get our packet together was SO nice and calm. She joked and laughed with us as we got our papers ready. She said to us, " I love your organizational skills, but all you really had to do is just have forms that were more than one page, stapled." So we pulled all of our nicely paper clipped forms apart and put them into individual piles. She asked for hubbies 2 pictures, long form birth certificate and copy of birth certificate, marriage certificate and copy, copy of my divorce records from my first marriage, hubbies folder with medical (didnt ask for xray)my affadivit of support, and then anyone else who was co-sponsering, their affadivit and supporting documents. She then gave us the form to fill out for the envelope to send his passport back in. She then instructed to go pay our fee, to then return back to the seats across from her window. She said she would be back and instructed that we do not give our proof of payment to anyone but her, and she also instructed to not stand at the window, that she would call us back up. After standing in line for about 20 minutes, we pay our fee and go and sit as directed. After waiting about 30 min, she calls us back up, and we give her the proof of payment and the return label. She then instructed my husband on what to do for the finger prints. After they are scanned, she giggled and said, "Not to many get the prints on the first try". After she verified address and making sure address was correct, she instructed us to sit and wait for our named to be called. The first portion only took about an hour to do, very simple steps.

At 9:45 they started calling folks in for the interview. The first few times your instructed to go to "windows" , but for the interview, your instructed to go to "doors". The first to be called was the family of 4. They were out in about 10 min. The second to go was the young couple. They were in there about 5 min. When they came out, the girl was smiling ear to ear and looked like tinker bell on her toes. Hubbie leans over to me and says, " Dont need to guess that they got approved! " Then they call us. Walking up to the door, I swear I heard my heartbeat through my ears wacko.gif . As we go in, all i see is this young guy sittin on a perch stool behind a glass wall. He asks us to raise our right hand and swear to tell the whole truth.

Consular: How did you guys meet ?
Hubbie (perky as can be):We met online
Consular: What chat room ?
Hubbie: Actually we met in EQ (for those who dont know, EVERQUEST)
Consular : *giggles* Here I thought all EQ marriages were done
Hubbie : Well, we have been married for 2 years.
Consular : <starts to explain a new form of internet dating, something about making a fuzzy toon, and how these fuzzy creatures get married>
Consular: Where will you live ?
Myself : We will live with my parents till we can get settled in
Consular : And what will you do for work ?
Myself: I will stay in the nursing field, old employeer cannot reconsider me until I can give them a moving date
Hubbie : Plan to work in the same career field as Im doing now, or work for <company he is with now>
Consular: Have you ever been convicted of crime ?
Hubbie: NO.
Consular: Have you ever been rejected entrance into the United States?
Hubbie: NO.
Consular: Very nice. Im happy to say that all your paper work is in order, and are approved for your visa. The visa will arrive within one week.
Hubbie and myself : Thank you
Myself : Have a wonderful Thanksgiving
Consular : You both do the same

We were in and out in 5 minutes good.gif . Over all, the gentleman was very friendly and laid back. I really didnt feel like we were being interviewed at all. I know as soon as he said we were approved , I felt the large set of bricks lift off my chest. All in all, it took us 3 hours from beginning till we walked out the consulate doors. Everyone there was extremely friendly and helpful to us.

Afterwards, we went back to lay down for a nap, or at least try to! dry.gif

We had a wonderful meal at the Hard Rock Cafe. Only about a 15 min walk from La Tour. We then did a bit of sight seeing on foot. Montreal is such a lovely place, but I sure felt like I was in whole different world. Not knowing to much french whistling.gif (only word I know is Bonjour--from the many border crossings , LOL) really made understanding what was written and being said , very very difficult, but well worth the trouble =)

We stopped in Ottawa, ON to visit the Parliment. Absolutely breath taking !

All in all, we had a great time, and absolutely no problems at the consulate.

Hope this helps anyone due to have their interview. As it has been mentioned by other VJ'ers, dont lose sleep over the interview! It is very simple and will seem like nothing at all. For those who may forget or lose their pictures, there is a booth in the basement that will do pics. It is $4.00 for 4 pictures. Cash only.

And a hint to those looking at hotels, check all the hotels in downtown area. I saw at least a dozen that were just a short jaunt to the consulate. Others may have had an OK experience at La Tour, but I personally will not recommend them.

We will not be landing anytime in the near future. We are looking at Feb/March to land. Our interview came much sooner than we anticipated and there are a few things we need to finish here in Canada before we move. Plus that will give us time to purge , purge, purge and do some more purging! When I immigrated to Canada, I brought 200+ boxes, plus enough furniture that as soon as the lease my husband was in expired, we had to upgrade to a much larger apartment whistling.gif innocent.gif . Granted only select items will return with me, as we will be living with my folks till we find a place we want. At that point, we are just going to buy new furniture. But he has several boxes he has to purge as well hehe.

Good luck to future interviewers !

Candy and David

Edited by Cantwait2gethome, 06 October 2007 - 11:18 PM.

Cantwait2gethomeFemaleCanada2007-10-06 23:17:00
CanadaT.O (Dr. Sieden - Front St.) Medical Review
My husband took the GO train from Burlington (i believe, at work and cant remember for sure). I do know that the train station he parked at did not charge for parking. I remember husband saying that from the train station to the dr. office was only like a 5 min walk. If you want more info, let me know and ill find out for sure where he parked.
Cantwait2gethomeFemaleCanada2007-10-11 13:49:00
CanadaHow do you know you got the visa
When we in Montreal last week, right after closing the door behind us, we were asked to raise our right hand before he started the interview.
Cantwait2gethomeFemaleCanada2007-10-11 08:56:00
CanadaBall is in Washington's court
I sincerely hope that everything goes well for you and Sharon. I couldnt imagine the frustration and let down the process has been for you both. Im not sure if it will help, but I can remember when I would have tough times in my life, my grandmother use to always tell me.... "there has to be rain to find the beautiful rainbow which will lead you to your pot of gold". Hopefully one day soon, you and sharon will find your "pot of gold".
Cantwait2gethomeFemaleCanada2007-10-11 09:14:00
CanadaPolice Certificate (Ont) and Med Exam
Just incase he does have to come to Ontario ... I'm from Hamilton, Ontario as well ... I called about getting a police check and the only station that does it is on King William Street ... $40.00 fee and the wait 5 weeks I believe. ... if they need a rcmp search, it can be done digitally from a commisionaire electronically in the area on York St. (905)527-2775 ... I'm waiting for them to get back to me regarding the cost and timeframe

I am confused about the Police Certificate too. I was told a few months ago by an Immigration Attorney I chatted with to get it done because it takes several weeks to process. I went to the RCMP, they gave me my background check right away, took my fingerprints. I had to send my prints to Ottawa to go through the Data Base and it took about a month to get back the results. I'm not sure if I need it or can use it. Until I joined this board, I was getting different and conflicting advice from anyone I talked to.

lynamonFemaleCanada2006-12-04 13:26:00
CanadaMy baby is here!
He's beautiful .. you must me so proud! Congratulations!
lynamonFemaleCanada2006-12-06 18:02:00
That's Great!! Congrats!!
lynamonFemaleCanada2006-12-14 18:24:00
CanadaYay! Interview date!!
That's great news ... just in time for Christmas :)!
lynamonFemaleCanada2006-12-15 12:35:00
CanadaEI questions
[quote name='Waiting in Vancouver' date='Dec 14 2006, 07:08 PM' post='620605']
serverence pay (3 weeks)

I was wondering if severence pay is mandatory????????????
lynamonFemaleCanada2006-12-14 22:32:00
CanadaWE GOT THE VISA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's great!!! You'll definitely have a very Merry Christmas indeed!!! :thumbs:
lynamonFemaleCanada2006-12-15 17:37:00
CanadaGreen Card In hand!!!!!!1
That's great to hear .. Congratulations!
lynamonFemaleCanada2006-12-17 17:27:00
CanadaChildren and AP
I live in Southern Ontario and I live 4 1/2 hours away from my fiance in Ohio. From what I've been gathering about obtaining Advance Parole .. it's taking about 3 months from date of filing. That's a pretty hefty timeline for my 9 year old that will want to go back to Canada frequently to see his father and other family members. Has anyone else encountered this situation?
lynamonFemaleCanada2006-12-17 19:42:00
CanadaSeverence Pay

As I was reading another post, a vj'r mentioned that they received severence pay.

I was wondering how serverence pay works ... is it optional or mandatory?

Well my boss called it serverence pay but it was basically a thank you for all of the work I did for him over the past 16 years ... There was no contract and he didn't have to do what he did ... And I am pretty sure that you wouldn't typically receive serverence pay if you quit/resign from your job ...

thanks for clariying that :) ... it's nice enough that we qualify for ei .......
lynamonFemaleCanada2006-12-15 19:03:00
CanadaSeverence Pay

I will get severance pay when I quit - I've worked over 10 years, so they will give me 1/2 week's pay for each year. So I will get 5 weeks pay. I know I am lucky.

I will have been with my company for 10 years ... it would be a nice little bonus ... do you have it in a contract?
lynamonFemaleCanada2006-12-15 12:37:00
CanadaSeverence Pay
As I was reading another post, a vj'r mentioned that they received severence pay.

I was wondering how serverence pay works ... is it optional or mandatory?
lynamonFemaleCanada2006-12-14 22:35:00
CanadaVisa approved!
lynamonFemaleCanada2006-12-17 11:47:00
CanadaPacket 3 returned to consulate
Hey Ron/Sharon ...

I received my packet 3 today as well :thumbs: ... I was a little shocked as I thought it would take a little longer! It was a nice little treat :)
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-01-11 18:14:00
CanadaVisa Granted
That's great news!!! Congratulations!
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-01-17 12:34:00
Been thinking about her ... hope all is going well :)
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-01-18 12:23:00
CanadaGuess who got the visa?
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-01-26 12:58:00
CanadaJust got a job offer!
That's great Buttons!!!!! ... will you be working in a "Ghetto" area hospital?? lol ... I'm still getting used to that term :) ... Congratulations!
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-01-26 13:05:00
Canadafavorite things you'll miss from canada
Swiss Chalet delivery .........
lynamonFemaleCanada2006-12-17 12:20:00
CanadaI'm stressing a little ...

yeah, i'm more than a little stressed ... we applied for our K1 back in April 06 and were told that planning our wedding a year from then was MORE than enough time... we planned it for May of this year .. and that date cannot be changed... everything is booked. we received/submitted our checklist at the end of December. I would reallly love to start seeing some Montreal March/April appn't dates ... Vancouver is rockn'and rollin in their scheduling .. what's wrong with Montreal? Too many visas probably ... this waiting is consuming me :(

sorry to vent .. we're all going thru the same thing i know ....

I am soooo feelin for ya!!! :( It's a wee bit aggravating!
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-02-14 18:20:00
CanadaI'm stressing a little ...
Thanks for the reply's ... I'm just more or less fishing for opinions on whether or not it is possible ... I think it is ... but it just looks like things have slowed down sooo much ...
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-02-13 14:35:00
CanadaI'm stressing a little ...
I'm starting to stress a little about the wait time for Montreal interviews ... I've been confident up until recently that my move date of June 30th would be plenty of time to get things accomplished ... now I'm not so sure. We want to make all of the arrangements for a wedding in Vegas July 8th ... does it look like I'm dreaming?
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-02-13 09:25:00