CanadaDo I undertand this right ??
I didnt want to hijack trebles thread, but I did see someone mention that a Canadian PR can maintain PR status so long as they are living with the Canadian Citizen. Did I understand that correct ???? I was under the assumption that once I moved back to the States, I would have to give up my PR status because I am no longer living in Canada.(and unfortunately will not be able to stay here long enough to even consider Canadian citizenship). That would be awesome if I can retain my PR status, never know where the future takes us laughing.gif If anyone has any links to this info, I would appreciate it.

Thanks a million guys!
Cantwait2gethomeFemaleCanada2007-11-08 12:00:00
CanadaHusband became US PR last night
Well I didnt see myself writting this blog for about another 2-3 months hehe!

Last night after we got home from work my husband says to me, "We need to head to the border". I am kind of puzzled as to why he needed to go there huh.gif , so I ask "Why do we need to go, nothing we need there." He says, "Want to activitate my visa". I had just figured we would do it when moved, so never looked into activation prior to moving. So into the car and we head to the Queenston/Lewiston, NY border crossing. (a whole whopping 10 min drive). So we get to the border, and officer asks citizenship and why we were crossing. Husband states that he was here to activate his visa. Offer contacts another officer that green car 1 coming for paperwork, and instructs us to pull ahead. We park and head in. We had arrived at 7pm. The waiting room was completely packed full of people. At about 7:15 a lady officer called my husband up and asked him to verify all of the information on the top sheet of the brown envelope. She instructed him to carefully check everything as to information on the sheet will be put on his greencard. She informs hubbie that it will take a bit to get everything in order. At about 7:45 she calls him back up, takes INK prints of his fingerprints. She then had hubbie go and wash the ink off and come back to finish up the paperwork. After all is done, I was able to go up to counter and clarify a few things. The officer told me that his visa in his passport is now his greencard until the actual greencard arrives. She stated it is good for one year from the date of landing. Informed he is now considered a PR of the United States ! WOOHOOOOO!!! kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif She stated that he can freely travel into the US now. The officer said that when we move our belongings, just a list with box number and an "idea of whats in the box" is sufficient. She stated that just makes the crossing much easier if you can produce a list that shows what your bringing across. She did mention that if we are still living in Canada when it gets close to the year mark on the visa, that we may be instructed to come in at the border, and given a "nice lecture" to make us aware and to notate his passport that we were told of the remaining time left on the visa. She said to just smile and nod yer head. She was a very sweet officer and very helpful good.gif . Overall the landing was very painless and very easy. I have NEVER seen officers treat my husband with so much respect as they did last night. (since the day we started dating, canadian border officers have always been very pleasant to me, but US officers have always been rude to my hubbie. I really dont understand why, he has not one negative mark to his name at all.) It was kind of weird though, seeing the officers degrade most of the people in the waiting area, and then so nice to my hubbie, so use to it being the other way LOL.

I did inquire about importing a vehicle. The officer instructed me to go to another counter to get information on importing. So we walked to the other side and inquired on the rules of importing. Explained to officer what my specific problem is and he stated that I do not have to import my car at the time I move from Canada to the US, but I would have a time frame in which the vehicle would have to be brought into complience and imported into the USA. At least now I know, and if I can help it, I will have everything done at the time we move, but if not, I do know that I do have a short time frame to bring car in and have it fixed then imported in to the US.

We were heading back home at about 8:10pm. Just over an hour to land in the usa.

So yeah ....... one step down biggrin.gif Finally considered part of the US population tongue.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

Edited by Cantwait2gethome, 09 November 2007 - 10:09 AM.

Cantwait2gethomeFemaleCanada2007-11-09 10:08:00
CanadaImporting the car, part 2
Well after going round and round between Vintage Vehicle/Canada GM/US GM/US dealerships, finally got some progress today!

The gentleman I spoke with today at Vintage was finally of some help good.gif . He stated that for the most part US and Canadian cars are made pretty much identical except for (he quoted the differences here) and the emissions. He stated that for my particular make and model, that when canadian gas companies were allowed to additives to their gas that it changed the emission control systems, and because of the additive change, the check engine light doesnt come on as quickly as cars in the US blink.gif , therefor it would not pick up any problems until it was almost to late. He said that all I will have to do is get it recalibrated to meet the US standards. wacko.gif

When explaining everything I have been through and reading others experiences, I told him I was leary of taking the car into the US. He explained that so long as I have my letter from GM with the letter head, that I would be able to drive my car into the US. He said that the border is mainly wanting to see that letter (to show proof that owner is aware that it cannot be titled and licensed until changes are made), that many of them are aware that cars need to be brought into states to be brought up to complience(depending on what state you live in, there could be other minor factors). I know when we activated hubbies visa, the officer there did state so long as we had letter from manufacturer that we could bring car in but we would have time frame to bring it into complience.

The agent said all I will need to do is show the complience letter to a GM dealership in the area in which we are going to live, and the dealership will call the GM Service Center and then they will know exactly what to do to bring car into complience. After the work is done, I need to bring the letter from GM and a letter from the dealership to show car has been changed, and then back to poe to import vehicle.

Sounds like so much work blush.gif Although I do not want to have a car payment hanging over my head every month, therefor whatever needs to be done, will be done laughing.gif

So now I get to pay my $75.00 and he will fax it to me kicking.gif One more step closer to moving!! Hopefully we will be back in Illinois by the time christmas is here kicking.gif kicking.gif
Cantwait2gethomeFemaleCanada2007-11-13 10:41:00
CanadaMoving date set !!
good.gif TY! See that is one thing I forgot completely whistling.gif
Cantwait2gethomeFemaleCanada2007-11-21 13:47:00
CanadaMoving date set !!
We finally have things in motion. Our moving date is December 18!! kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

This week has been very busy for us. wacko.gif

After calling around, we booked our truck with U-Haul, it is going to run us around $700 (included almost 900 free miles and 4 days rental of the truck) to go from Niagara Falls area to Illinois. Due to the fact that it was a one rental, the dealers here stated I would have to come in person to fill out the contract. In a sense, I am very thankful that they had us come to fill in the contract. The first lot we went to had poor looking trucks on the lot. After reading some of the horror stories, we decided to try a different dealer. The second one we went to, we booked with. The trucks on this dealers lot were all newer models(not a single one has rust on it , lol). The gentleman stated that he keeps 2 stocks on his lot, one for locals and one for one-ways, so I wouldnt have to worry about having a truck on my moving date. whistling.gif (we shall wait and see !) We put in an extra day just in case we have any problems.

Today I also put in my resignation at my job. It was very hard and a bit emotional cray5ol.gif . I really enjoy working for the company that I am working for (have superb managers), but there is nothing like home.

So now we are starting to do all the fun work headbonk.gif

As of today, we have :

Changed address with bank, past and present employers(for tax slips),gave notice with our apartment manager, set up an RBC Centura account, notified montly bills of new address (credit cards,cable,etc), have disconnection date set up for utilities and cable, in process of getting insurance letter (for car insurance), have complience letter (even though car is not in complience for emissions)for car, in process of getting dog and our 2 cats vet records, started job hunting process, and have notified memberships of moving date.

Is there anything (besides packing boxes tongue.gif )that I have overlooked ? I know first hand that if you forget something after you move, its heck getting it changed. I have had so much happen this past week that I feel like I am missing something and cant quite put my finger on it. We have set the weekend of the 14th as clean up the apartment and get prepared to pack the truck weekend laughing.gif

Any input would be much appreciated!

So in less than a month, I will be able to finally say.......I am home !
Cantwait2gethomeFemaleCanada2007-11-21 13:31:00
CanadaI may have to go back to Canada and refile as a K3
In my view, you have EVERY right to inform your husband by any way necessary. Cause you know what, the first time you didnt let him know, that would be the time that it would backfire horribly. For a good relationship, there has to be communication. Your husband has the right to know what is going on. If I were you, I would not stop doing what your doing.

Heck, when my hubbie and I lived apart, we use to flood each others mailboxes hehe. But I truely feel that is what helped us be the strong couple we are today.
Cantwait2gethomeFemaleCanada2007-11-21 16:02:00
CanadaI may have to go back to Canada and refile as a K3
It sounds like your brother in law is very spiteful (even with his mental illness). Could it possibly be some jealousy lashing out? You had mentioned that you are planning a May wedding.....maybe your bro in law doesnt like you and your husband having a some special attention for the wedding(hence the email about a dj from MIL). There defientely is no excuse anyone can munster up that would justify his actions. He is just down right mean and vindictive(to lash out a child).

One thing is certain, you didnt have to say much for this community to see that the environment your surrounded with right now is not a healthy or productive one. I dont know you and you dont know me, but I will keep your family in my prayers that you do get your apartment in december!
Cantwait2gethomeFemaleCanada2007-11-21 15:38:00
CanadaI may have to go back to Canada and refile as a K3
My warmest wishes go out to you Sprailenes! It is definetely is hard when people let their feelings fester and then just explode out at you when you least expect it. It is nice to see a parent caring for their child the way you are (so many in the world today have lost the parenting values).

I would highly suggest that IF moving back to would be the only resort, please check out Canadian Immigration. When my husband and I first got married, we thought it would be fairly simple. Get married, pack and move to Canada. Not so easy. The immigration packet is very straight forward and easy to fill out, but there are big differences between filing in Canada and out of Canada. One thing to keep in mind, if he moves here with you and you file in Canada, it would be quite some time before he would be able to legally work. When we did my packet, we were looking at close to a year without legal right to work(now granted time frame may have changed, so that would be something to look at). When we looked at the big picture, a year with no income from me would have been tight for us, let alone me going bonkers just sitting around whistling.gif

I hope for your sake that you do find an apartment and are able to finish your immigration there in the states. Your family's happiness and safety is the important factor. I have been in a similiar situation with my ex-husband. I was so relieved and joyous when we finally bought our home. Living with in-laws, especially ones that 1)are not very nice and 2)one that no matter what, their immediate family never do anything wrong extremely difficult to live with. I can truely feel for you and pray that you find a solution, and fast. When life tosses challenges/hurdles at us, it usually has a reason as to why, although we may not understand why at the time.

rose.gif rose.gif rose.gif Best I can do for you right now biggrin.gif

Hang tight Sprailene, your path just hit a slight a curve. Ride with it and it will straighten out for you :energetic:
Cantwait2gethomeFemaleCanada2007-11-21 15:26:00
CanadaAny of you planning to immigrate back to Canada someday?
I know from my personal experience (I am the US citizen) immigrating to Canada was very very easy. Granted, my husband remained in Canada and I returned to the US while we filed my packet. The longest part for us was gathering the important documents(all in all my fingerprints from the FBI took the longest to get). From the date that my husband sent in the first packet to the day I arrived in Canada as a permanent resident took a little under 3 months. To me, that was not to horrible, considering I was still able to come to Canada and visit my husband while my immigration packet was being processed. I would have to say the big difference in immigration processes would be:

1)Canada liked to see proof of our relationship (pictures, emails, phone bills, travel proof -- border stamps, airline ticket stubs, joint lease, cards to one/or both of us,etc) where US wanted just the basic forms (wedding certficate). Now I am not sure if that kind of proof is needed for K-1 because we filed IR-1.

2)While packet is pending, Canada let me enter with no hassles, whereas my husband could not enter while the immigration packet was in process.

3)For Canada immigration, we never had to have a single interview of any sort, for the US, we had 2 interviews.

4)My Canadian immigration packet weighed a fair amount ( i had 2 accordion folders filled with paperwork), US immigration packet fit into one folder, hehe.

If anyone has any questions, I will be more than happy to help where I can. Just a note , I did file OUT of Canada packet not INSIDE Canada packet. I do know from the board I was on at the time, things are a bit different depending on which route you do file for Canadian Immigration (ei time frames, proof of relation, etc.)

Now....for Vancouver! My husband was born and raised in British Columbia, so for him, it was like a child in a candy store when he took me back home! I absolutely loved B.C. I did a lot of first's while I was there. First airplane flight, first time to ride a skytrain,seabus,ferry,electric bus(although not toooo much different from a regular bus). We went in the beginning of April, and the weather was perfect. We were there for 3 weeks, and it only rained 2 days outta the whole stretch, got very lucky kicking.gif My favorite time was going to the island. We took a drive up into the mountains, and boy was is it beautiful. I remember standing and just looking up and seeing snow on the trees at the very very top and the looking at the trees right in front of me with no snow. My husband took me to several different waterfalls, the hotsprings (I actually sat in a hotspring pool. Talk about relaxation at its finest!) We also went to the pacific ocean. All in all, I would have loved the chance to live there, but "other" things prevented our decision to move there. If anyone gets the chance to go and visit, I would highly suggest it. We only did about 1/3 of the things on my husbands list of places to go/and see. LOL.
Cantwait2gethomeFemaleCanada2007-12-05 11:10:00
CanadaGreencard questions
Quick husband landed in early November, we still have not received my hubbies greencard and I am just wondering if anyone has the information of where I can check online to see if they have sent it, or if someone has a number he can call to inquire on it. I have tried to find information but not finding much.

Thanks in advance.
Cantwait2gethomeFemaleCanada2008-01-03 12:38:00
CanadaHusband's landing at Sarnia POE
Hello everyone ! Hope everyone has a great new year!!

Here is our poe experience :

We loaded up our 17ft U-Haul with all of our wordly possessions. We made it to the Sarnia/Port Huron border crossing around 2pm on December 17. I drove the truck and my husband drove our car. When I got to the officer, I politely told her that I was moving back to the United States after living in Canada for 2 years. I handed over my passport and list of goods in the truck. She scanned over the list and asked if I had any pets I was bringing in. I informed her I had 2 cats and 1 dog (explained that I the dog is over 10years old and I had him way before I moved to Canada, and that he came with me when I landed as permanent resident in Canada). She asked if I had any pet food or treats of any kind. I said that I didnt have any, that I planned on feeding them when we took our dinner stop. She then asked if I had any live plants. I told her I had 3 and that I had my plant certificates. She then said that I would need to go in to agriculture due to the plants because sometimes they want to check the plants themselves. I told her I understood. She then asked if I had any questions, and then I explained that my husband was in the car behind and that he had activitated his visa but was landing today. She said no problem, I'll take care of him while you quickly run into agriculture. I was not to worried with her comment as she was extremely nice to me (she actually laughed and smiled a few times).

So in I go to Agriculture....The officer waited for me to gather my belongings and certificates out of my truck. He walked me up to the door where an officer from Agriculture was waiting for me. She greeted me warmly and then instructed me where to go. At the counter I handed over my detailed list of goods in the truck, plant certificates and pet registrations.(She asked for all 3 of them). She then asked me if my cats were loose in the truck. I chuckled and said "No they arent, if they were I would be bonkers by now". The officer laughed and said, "yeah it would be a bit hard to drive like that". She asked me if I had a problem with her checking out the items in my truck. I said no and explained where my keys were to get into the back of the truck and also informed her that my husband was landing also with me and that he may be parked next to me. She was out there maybe a total of 5 min. When she came back in she asked me what type of car I drived, and I proceeded to tell her. She giggled and said that she felt like someone was watching her.(I was like oh no blush.gif ) She then said she doesnt see many well prepared documents and landings, and then she thanked me!! She then said "welcome back home to the United States of America" and sent me on my way.

Now for my husbands part.....when he drove up he handed over his passport. The officer again asked if he had any food in the vehicle. He told her what household food he had, and the liquor. He explained that we did not carry any pet food with us. She then instructed my husband to pull off to the side (opposite of where people get pulled over for inspection). He then asked the officer if she needed any of the vehicle paperwork. She asked him if he was importing it today and he said no. She then told him he will take those in when he is ready to import the vehicle. And then she sent him on his way.

My husband did say that the when the officer was checking the truck, all she did was open the back, peer around it, and then closed it. We both feel she was probably checking to make sure we were not bringing in pet food. In all common sense, most people would put the food in a very accessible area if they were not aware of the ban on pet food. We truely feel this is all she was checking for.

So all in all, every officer that we encountered in our landing was very friendly and polite. My husband even commented on how nice and friendly the officer was to him. I felt a huge rock lifted off my shoulders once we both were on the road again...................
Cantwait2gethomeFemaleCanada2008-01-03 12:36:00
Canadataking house plants?
My husband immigrated around christmas time in '07. Our plant certificate only cost us $11. I was able to list as many as I wanted, so on that certificate I brought back 6 houseplants. For me, the $11 was well worth the emotional ties I had with the plants....I had brought them with me when I had immigrated to Canada. Besides, I know around here, a 4" starter plant can easily run around $8 -10 and the plants are brought were at least 15 years worth of growth. Now mind you, we lived in Ontario, so I am not sure what other provinces charge.
Cantwait2gethomeFemaleCanada2008-02-12 13:39:00
Got back today from my interview at 6:30 ... I stayed at the Hotel Center Ville accross the street from the consulate (which was a decent hotel .. parked my car at the open lot beside it and was charged a whopping $23 to park until today) and arrived at the consulate at 7:45 .. when my son and I arrived they did a thorough security check (even rubbed a piece of material over my stuff and put it into a machine to see if there were any residues). My son was a little intimidated to say the least :). No nasty lady at security .. a nice looking bald man with a heavy french accent. I had forgotten to take my car door opener off of my keychain so they confiscated it and gave me a ticket so that I could collect it when I was done (no electronics of any kind allowed). I was also given a ticket that said "C" window #9. I was sent down a flight of stairs to a room that had a bunch of chairs (where there were people already waiting) and not 5 minutes after I sat down the nice security guard came down and took the group of us into the elevator. Apparently I was the only one with a "C" ticket and when we got off of the elevator he told me to have a seat and escorted the rest of the people around the corner to the left. When he came back he told me to go to the right and down a hallway where there was window 9 and have a seat. After sitting a few minutes (about 4 more people came in) a lady at window 12 started to collect our tickets and she told us to have a seat out in the main waiting area until called. When my name was called to window #10, I approached and a not so pleasant lady (very petite with glasses, probably in her late 40's early 50's with black hair that had been straightened and long very filed nails) called me to the window. She was upset that I had stapled my stuff and my sons stuff together when I sent back package 3 and I apologized. She collected all of the originals and then the photocopies of the originals for me first and then again for my son and then told me to go and pay my fee (which was out by the main waiting area .. wicket #14.) and then come back and sit in the chair directly in front of her wicket. I went and paid my $200 american (there was a line when I got there) and came back and sat. After a few minutes she called me up to do finger prints and was getting irritated because my pinky wasn't coming up clearly (they use machine readers .. not ink). After that was done she sent us back to the main waiting area for our number to be called .. I told her that I didn't have a number and she told me that I would be called by name. Shortly after 10:00 my name was called to interview room #8 (I had to keep changing seats in the waiting room because I couldn't hear clearly what they were calling with the crying babies and such) and I entered and it was just a small little room and I approached a very nice black lady with short blond hair behind a plexiglass window. She seemed not very pleasant at first and asked how my fiance and I had met. I told her that my sister had been friends with him and I went to Cleveland on vacation with her and her son to do the area attractions with my fiance and his son. She asked me what my attraction was .. I told her it was his personality and that we had spoken on the phone for awhile before I started going to cleveland. She commented on how my son would be starting the new school year and asked him how his dad felt about him moving to Cleveland .. my son said that he was okay with it. Then she told my son that she would give him his visa if he promised to be a good boy in school. He smiled and then she asked him if he was excited about having a new brother and he nodded and smiled .. she was smiley at this point too. She then told me that she would mail to me the paperwork with the xpresspost envelope provided. I asked her if I was approved and she said yes and I asked her if it would be mailed out by Friday and she said it should be and then I asked her if I was done and she said yes and we were out the door by 10:30.

Whew .. then I hit traffic in Toronto from the far side all the way to Hamilton and when I got home there was a message from the Consulate (left at 11:54am) stating that they had forgot to get me to sign something and that we could do it via fax so I called and left my work fax # so I have yet to see what that is all about.

All in all it was an okay experience .. Montreal is beautiful .. was a 10 minute walk to old Monteal from the Hotel .. and then we went swimming cause they have pool. The hotel also put my stuff into a locked luggage room until I returned from my interview.

Yay ... my visa is on it's way (soon at least) :)
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-07-18 21:33:00
Tears of joy filling my eyes .. oh God I'm soooo emotional right now .. overwhelmed with everything right now. I pick up my Wedding dress tonight .. I'll cry when I try it on for the last time before I'm married. My mind is like mush .. making lists and more lists .. will be up to the wee hours tonight to make sure my paperwork is in order .. am sure to have some last minute panick attacks and will be posting I'm sure with my last minute worrys lol.

As I'm sitting here this morning going through how the interview will play out in my mind I realize that I won't be able to smoke ... horrible habit it is but right now it is a crutch ... I'm such an addict! Good think I have a patch to put on so that I don't loose my mind completely :) .. so much to do, so much to do!

I thank you all for the well wishes with sincere gratitude ... I'll definitely post as soon as I'm able :)
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-07-16 11:26:00
CanadaVancouver Interview 12 July
You must be sooo relieved .. congrats!!!
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-07-19 09:40:00
CanadaCourier for Toronto Medical
I paid the $20 to avoid TO traffic :) .. no problems ...
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-07-22 10:26:00
That's soooo awesome!!!! Congratulations! :dance: :dance:
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-07-19 07:43:00
CanadaWe got hitched!!
Awww!!! That's so great to hear .. enjoy your honeymoon .. whatever that may be :) and congratulations!!!
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-07-24 18:43:00
CanadaJust beginning the K-1 journey.
Sit back and hold on tight (preferably with a couple of cocktails in hand).. it's a wild ride!!!!! and they're right .. the Canadian Forum is the place to be :thumbs:
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-07-24 19:26:00
CanadaHow very disappointing!!!
So .. I had my interview last Wednesday and was approved .. I had asked if the Visa would be sent out by Friday and I was told that it should be. I had a message when I got home that there was a signature that they forgot to get and the next morning a Miss Nault faxed it to me and I signed it and faxed it back (DS 156). She called me to let me know that it was received .. I asked her if the visa would definitely be sent out by Friday with the delay and she told me that yes it would be. I left a message for her yesterday and she didn't return my call.


I didn't .. stupid stupid!!!

So I went to my empty house and waited and waited .. I left another message for Miss Nault at 11:30 advising that I needed the tracking number because I had my whole life packed into a Uhaul and had not received the visa.. no call back. I got through to customer service at 2pm and she told me that my visa was just put in the mail .. #######??? .. I asked her why just today when I was told Friday and she said something to the effect of well they have no control over how quickly the computer processes them .. ( :angry: ) .. then I asked it it would be given to the courier by 4:00 pm and she could not confirm it with me ( :angry: ) (which means that I may have to sit at my empty rental unit from 9 until 5 tomorrow and then again on Thursday if it doesn't show up) .. and then I asked her if she could give me the tracking number and she told me that she couldn't provide that information to me ( :angry: ) .. and then I thanked her and hung up fuming the whole time .. so .. here I sit in limbo at my sisters with my 9 year old son who is also upset that we couldn't leave .. and it's hard to make a 9 year old understand patience before his time .. with a sad heart because I was supposed to see my Ed tonight so he could give me the bear hug that I've been needing desperately these last couple of weeks :crying: ... where the he!! is that fast forward button!!!!

and PS .. I hate dealing with Government agencies .. how the he!! do those people sleep at night?
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-07-24 19:22:00
CanadaCan it be that the Dr. wants me for herself
Your post made me smile .. and tonight I can really use it .. you can't help it if the Doc thinks your hot lol!!! :) It really bites that they are delaying you because of this .. grrrr .. this process can drive a person mad! Fingers are crossed for things to start moving along for you and Sharon.
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-07-24 19:43:00
CanadaYou can call me Mrs. now :)
I haven't been here cause it's been a very hectic few days :)

My last post stated that I had been waiting for my visa from Montreal which they had assured me would be mailed out by last Friday .. which didn't make it out until Tuesday .. and there my 9 year old son and I was sitting at an empty house with my life packed onto a UHaul 14' truck.

Wednesday .. nothing came so I faxed a Civil Surgeon in Cleveland our vaccination information and went and got my nails and feet done (that was a relaxing experience! ... my first pedicure and it was heavenly)

Thursday we sat and waited from 9 and at 11:15 the mailman delivered it. No signature required. My brother showed up at 12:30 and loaded my car on the car hauler. At 1:15pm we headed out on the road from Hamilton and arrived at the boarder at 2:30pm ... 4:30pm back on the road no problems at the boarder (very busy time to cross). The duty guard looked at my listing of what was in the truck but other than that they didn't even look inside of it and I had no problems with bringing my car with me (I had the compliance letter from Honda) .. no duty requested. Just $12 american dollars once they process the paperwork for the K1/K2. Got to Cleveland at 8:30 (met my fiance at his work) drove back to the house and unpacked the UHaul by 10:30. I was beat .. almost like someone had physically kicked me all over .. and so I took a couple of Advil and crashed.

Up the next morning at 8:30 ... organized everything I needed (my fiance picked up the paperwork from the civil surgeon and picked up the flowers for the wedding) and booked into the hotel by 2:00. I had made a last minute hair appointment for 2:15 around the corner from the hotel and had my hair and makeup done and back to the hotel by 3:30. Left to go to our wedding at a park worried the whole time that it was going to rain (funny as hell me driving a pick up truck in my wedding dress!!) and made it to the park by 4:45. The weather was perfect ... the wedding was beautiful .. pictures were taken .. and when all of that was done it started to rain. What perfect timing!!!

We went for a wonderful dinner at a fine dining restaurant with our children and then back to the hotel (the kids returned to our home with adult accompaniment) and we had a wonderful evening at the hotel with a good bottle of wine.

So here I sit .. filling out our paperwork to beat the deadline and all of a sudden there is some confusion .. but I will do my research here and I'm sure have some questions ...

Once this is done we will pack up and head out on the road ... destination .. Florida!!!

Thank you to all my VJ friends ... your help and support has been amazing!!!!!!!!!
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-07-28 10:13:00
CanadaSocial Security Number
In Ohio they took my USC's SSN # and all I had to show her was my passport
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-07-28 10:16:00
CanadaDr. Maureen Stuart
Hey ... glad your medical went well :) ... one more thing down for ya!!!
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-06-07 16:54:00
That so great to hear!!!!!!!! Congratulations Lance :) :dance:
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-08-09 00:42:00
CanadaGood luck Thermophile!!
Best of well wishes!!!
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-08-09 10:50:00
CanadaHow did you guys meet?
My sister and my fiance had been friends for a few years .. two summers ago she asked if I wanted to go on vacation with her to Cleveland ... we met and it was fireworks .. literally true love at first sight!!
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-06-10 22:14:00
Canadathe last 2 weeks
As a mother I can only imagine the depth of your pain and I'm praying for your strength to get through this....
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-08-03 08:09:00
CanadaThe 3 VJ stooges!....
Congratulations to you!!!!
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-08-09 00:44:00
CanadaCareer change at 33.
That is sooo funny .. I was telling people that when I moved I finally got to actually decide what I wanted to be when I grew up!!!

It's an exciting time full of opportunity .. enjoy your prospects!!! :dance: :dance:
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-08-13 23:29:00
CanadaThe Move...
Hey .. I can sooo relate to what you have just gone through :) .. Congratulations on your successful move!!! .. remember to take some time for some R&R ..... :dance:
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-08-13 22:49:00
CanadaDeath in the family
I'm soo sorry for your family loss ... your words made him sound like such a wonderful young man .. wishing you speed on receipt of the AP and *hugs* for your loss ....
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-08-16 23:49:00
CanadaCongratulations Misa!!!!
Congratulations! I enjoyed your review smile.gif
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-08-28 11:36:00
CanadaEI Issue

Our EI claim was approved and the first payment was issued yesterday.....hopefully we have it by week's end. It will be a 6 week journey from the time we started the claim to having the first check in hand. We're husband (USC) is a teacher, so these first few months without me being able to work are really going to be tough for us. The EI will make all the difference. If there are other K1s out's definitely possible!

That's great news !!! Keeps things positive for those of us that are on our way :)
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-06-05 14:19:00
CanadaGetting permission for son to immigrate from ex-boyfriend
Being stopped at the boarder was my worst fear so I will share my story.

My sons father did not visit his son regularily and I had fully discussed moving with our son to the states 4 1/2 hours away with which he had no objections. Within the filing of the I129f we had our divorce order completed in laymen terms stating that I had sole custody. He had reasonable access on reasonable notice and there were no restrictrictions on location of primary residence. My ex was off work for a bit and got wayyyy behind on child support and became a total a$$ to boot (he was only a partial a$$ before this and I had really tried to work with him on it) so I put him through to the Family Responsibility Office and then he got mad. Oh dear .. so very mad and very bitter.

I was worried that Montreal would need a letter of Consent and at first they said that it would be required and then they told me that it was not required (I have come to believe that some of the people working in Montreal don't know their elbows from their .. well ... you know smile.gif). I asked my ex for the letter and there was no way in hell (his exact words) that he was going to help me out.

So I went to see a lawyer and the lawyer told me that my court order was rock solid. That he had not seen the "no restrictions on location of primary residence" put into an informal contract in the 15 years that he had been doing family law and that I would have nothing to worry about. Montreal did not ask for anything more than what I had .. no worries there. Except for the following worry which nearly crumpled my world in my last days before crossing that boarder.

At any time my ex-husband could have filed an emergency change of heart to have the divorce order changed. He could have filed it for free at the court house and had me served and delayed my whole process by God knows how long. There is no way that he would have won a court case against me with the history that we have shared (it's harder to change a court order than to put one in place) but he could have put a major crimp in my plans as far as time and a whole shi! load of money for court costs which would have devastated my relationship with my now husband.

Sweet talking (me) and ignorance about the legal system (him) goes a LONG way ... all to way to Cleveland, Ohio in fact .. WITH MY SON!! and that is my story .. I hope that it helps someone .... smile.gif
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-08-30 16:09:00
CanadaWahoo they cashed our checks :P
Congratulations!!! We sent out our package on 07/28/07 and those cheques still have not been cashed ... I'm obsessed with checking smile.gif
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-08-30 17:43:00
CanadaThat was fast
Hey Allie .. that must be quite a relief .. I'm still waiting for them to cash my cheques grrrrr.
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-09-01 11:32:00
CanadaQuestion about Montreal
I had my interview on a Wednesday and my visa arrived the following Thursday Morning (even though they assured me that it would be sent out on the Friday ... don't believe what they say smile.gif)
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-08-28 11:27:00
CanadaAnyone in cleveland?
Hey Mephys ... let me know if you get that job interview here in Cleveland .. I would be more than happy to help you out in getting around once you get here ... I have all the time in the world up until September 10 when I start working smile.gif. I'm still learning the city .. but I have a fuel efficient honda and a GPS!!! (I love my Tom Tom)
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-08-30 15:10:00
CanadaAnyone in cleveland?
Hey Mephys ... let me know if you get that job interview here in Cleveland .. I would be more than happy to help you out in getting around once you get here ... I have all the time in the world up until September 10 when I start working smile.gif. I'm still learning the city .. but I have a fuel efficient honda and a GPS!!! (I love my Tom Tom)
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-08-30 15:02:00