CanadaMTL Timeline to Interview
Hello my friends ... I sent an email to Montreal this morning and my reply was:

"Your appointment later (yes this was spelt wrong) was mailed last Thursday, the appt is on July 18, 2007 at 8:30 am. Thank you"

I'm so relieved right now at getting a date but my first thoughts are for Alan and Sharon ... call them tomorrow or send them an email to see if you got your date ... I'm pullin for ya!!!
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-06-11 15:46:00
CanadaMTL Timeline to Interview

Hello everyone.

Sorry it's taken so long to get back on here, but work has kept me pretty overwhelmed. Just to update you on OUR situation, I've just gotten off of the phone with my Senator's office, (obviously because nothing has moved forward on our case yet) and Montreal has given her yet another story. First, they are telling her that our process was completed on FEBRUARY 7th. I'm not exactly sure how this part of the process goes, but we had received notification that our packet had been received and entered into the system back in December. They also indicated that they had received an inquiry from our congressman. They promised that the case would be processed as fast as possible, but that no one receives preferential treatment (we all get the same shitty treatment in other words). I was really freaking out seeing all the January applicants getting interview dates while we sat here wondering ####### was going on up there. Well, I guess it makes perfect sense if our packet had been laying on someone's desk for 2 months. I'm dreading the call to Sharon to tell her this latest news, as she's been at her wits' end for the last 3 months. But what can you do........

Once we DO have an interview date, I'll be driving 1300 miles to pick her up, then head to Montreal, get the visa (hopefully), and then we plan on driving back via the Blue Ridge Parkway and camping for a few days before getting back into MORE Government paperwork and waiting.

Keep your smiles on, this has to end sooner or later for all of us :whistle:

Hey Allan and Sharon ... I can only imagine how you're both feeling right now. I so hope that you get that date before mine otherwise I will definitely be guilt ridden. Montreal had advised that they had processed our package on February 7th (I had sent it Jan 26 .. they received Jan 31) so it looks like we are in line on the same date.. I really do think that they do the mass booking for the following month on the 15th of the month .. somebody reallllly dropped the ball putting you in line for an interview! So here's crossing fingers for you both ..
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-06-08 10:00:00
CanadaMTL Timeline to Interview
I should hold off until after the 15th and quite frankly I probably will .. only thing is is I know that you can't trust Montreal because others here have gotten their interviews without it "being after the 15th". They say that they never get cancellations .. that people just don't show up .. then how does that explain when people get an interview within 2 weeks when they call and are persistant ... mysteriously squeeeeezed in. I wonder that if it's because they call at the right time?
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-06-07 16:48:00
CanadaMTL Timeline to Interview
Thanks guys ... I'll tryyyyyyy to hold out until Monday to make another call :blush:
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-06-07 12:19:00
CanadaMTL Timeline to Interview
Oh dear ... I think that my file will end up on the backburner .. I called again today (I really couldn't help myself) .. when I gave my MTL # the man that answered put me on hold .. for a moment there my heart was in my throat .. then he came back and burst my bubble by telling me no interview scheduled.

I'm a planner and not being able to plan anything is driving me crazy ....... Ed's not well right now from his radiation treatments, my landlord just sold the house I'm living in and I have to be out by July 31 ... soooo many things that need to get done that can't be planned .... all because I need a date. A solid date to organize my life ... a definite date to look forward to!
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-06-06 20:17:00
CanadaMTL Timeline to Interview

Brian and I have often joked about the fact that our places of residence have caused us so many delays. Back when we filed our I-129F (in March 2006!) we were sent to Nebraska, which wasn't quite as slow as California, but still no where as speedy as Vermont! Then, lo and behold! We were transfered to CSC where we proceeded to wait even more before finally being approved (and let's not forget how wonderful CSC was for losing our petition after that too! :P).

And now, simply because of where I live, we get to go through Montreal instead of the speedier Vancouver. It really is impressive.

Must be something about those "V"s :)

Still, we're patient. There may have been some "damn those Vermont/Vancouver people" comments briefly let escape, but we've never actually felt any true animosity towards the people fortunate enough to be processed through those locations... it's not their fault they live in prime immigration territory :D

Seee .... this is exactly what I mean about all of those poor souls stuck in limbo .. gawd I feel so guilty ... it makes me feel bad that I want that interview still sooo much ... but I want us to all have our interviews ... like .. yesterday :)
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-06-04 22:38:00
CanadaMTL Timeline to Interview
Reading your posts makes me :crying: . I feel all guilty about desperately wanting my interview when I know that there are others that have had so much waiting on their hands. I really am sincerely happy for all of you that have been moving forward and my heart breaks for those that are stuck in limbo .... I do know that my time has not passed me by as of yet and that I shouldn't get so caught up and I should just patiently wait my turn ... but my goodness .. Just Hurray up Montreal for craps sake .. for allllll of our sakes!!!!!!!!!! ... anything more than 3 months is way toooo long to wait for a GD interview!!!!!! Thanks for being there my VJ Canadian friends :blush:
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-06-04 18:08:00
CanadaMTL Timeline to Interview

Congratulations on your interview Galateia!! :dance:

I wonder if Alan and Sharon have contacted Montreal recently?? It looks like they've been passed over even though their congressman contacted Montreal on their behalf I do believe (correct me if I'm wrong :))

I had called them on Tuesday and they said no interview booked yet ... I'm really hoping for good news next week.

Hi Lynamon nothing yet :( You should be hearing from them very soon I'm really surprised you haven't head anything yet
Soon you will be getting the good news, hang in there

I have that feeling like your playing bingo and waiting for that last number to fill a card :)

I called Montreal today really really hoping to get some good news because of the fee increase at the end of July .. nothing booked to date .. she says they only book after the 15th of the month .. people don't cancel .. they just don't show up .. and pretty much sorry about your freekin luck with the aos increases ... I really do believe that they should grandfather some of the files :angry:
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-06-04 13:45:00
CanadaMTL Timeline to Interview

Congratulations on your interview Galateia!! :dance:

I wonder if Alan and Sharon have contacted Montreal recently?? It looks like they've been passed over even though their congressman contacted Montreal on their behalf I do believe (correct me if I'm wrong :))

I had called them on Tuesday and they said no interview booked yet ... I'm really hoping for good news next week.

Hi Lynamon nothing yet :( You should be hearing from them very soon I'm really surprised you haven't head anything yet
Soon you will be getting the good news, hang in there

I have that feeling like your playing bingo and waiting for that last number to fill a card :)
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-05-31 21:11:00
CanadaMTL Timeline to Interview
Congratulations on your interview Galateia!! :dance:

I wonder if Alan and Sharon have contacted Montreal recently?? It looks like they've been passed over even though their congressman contacted Montreal on their behalf I do believe (correct me if I'm wrong :))

I had called them on Tuesday and they said no interview booked yet ... I'm really hoping for good news next week.
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-05-31 17:42:00
CanadaMTL Timeline to Interview
Just an update .. I called Montreal today and surprisingly I had a very nice lady answer the phone .. she told me that the interview had not yet been scheduled but should be done very soon and that I was more than welcome to call once a week to check. She said that they don't get cancellations very often ..people just don't show up.
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-05-24 21:01:00
CanadaMTL Timeline to Interview

just dropping in to say, had my interview this am. and I GOT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Congrats on your inteview :dance: :dance: !!!

Thanks for the crossing of fingers for my interview date .. it was very touching .. I'll be calling Montreal today :)
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-05-24 10:06:00
CanadaMTL Timeline to Interview

Hello folks,

My Congressional aide just emailed me after having FINALLY gotten someone in Montreal to answer her requests. THis is her reply to the inquiry:


I finally got a response from the Embassy. I hate to tell you this but your case probably will not be ready for interview until late summer...maybe late July. The reason you were given such bad information is because the computer couldn't "see" the number of pending cases. The estimate is based on past cases and the rate of processing. So...the Embassy had a 4 months backlog in December but now a six month backlog. Interviews are only scheduled a month at a time because the system is unable to do it any other way. I'm so sorry I couldn't give you better information. The reason that your case might be taking longer than others is based on when the Embassy actually gets the case, not when it is first put into the system. I don't know if any of that information actually helped least the paperwork isn't lost somewhere!!! Tell Sharon I'm so sorry I couldn't give you better news.


Well, there may be SOME upside to it. THey DO have the case, it IS in the system, they just don't know what the hell is goiing on because evidently, no one there knows how to work a computer. It's no wonder the US runs out of Work Visas for highly educated applicants in under a week. Evidently, we NEED them. Oh well :P

Your post was very disappointing and I feel badly for you both ... it's nice to see that you are able to keep a positive frame of mind about it though :)
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-05-16 11:06:00
CanadaMTL Timeline to Interview
I just called and spoke again with Montreal ... she advised that my interview would definitely not be in June .. most likely in late July early August ... I asked about cancellations and she said that they "don't do that" :angry:
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-05-09 13:23:00
CanadaMTL Timeline to Interview

My fiancé called Montreal today to do our weekly check for an interview date and FINALLY we're scheduled JUNE 15th!!!!!!!!! I'm soooooooooooooooooooooooo excited, at least for the moment. I know I'll soon be frustrated once again, once I grasp that we still have to wait 6 weeks!!!

Yesssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-05-09 09:54:00
CanadaMTL Timeline to Interview
Alrighty then ... considering that we're both chicken to call and tick off the people at Montreal for calling tooo much ... anyone else due for an interview interesting in making a phone call? :whistle:
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-05-08 17:06:00
CanadaMTL Timeline to Interview

They booked for June? I thought they did the interview appt. scheduling after the 15th of each month. I was hoping on June being my time for an interview

They also told me June/July but I called last week and I don't want to irritate :)

Same here... don't' want to wake the wrath of the MTL gods (lesser gods, mind you, but gods in their minds LOL) since I called last week. Should I? Shouldn't I call?????????????????????????? THAT is the question.... L.

Oh go ahead .. you know you want to!!! lol :devil:
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-05-08 11:42:00
CanadaMTL Timeline to Interview

They booked for June? I thought they did the interview appt. scheduling after the 15th of each month. I was hoping on June being my time for an interview

They also told me June/July but I called last week and I don't want to irritate :)
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-05-08 09:40:00
CanadaMTL Timeline to Interview
That's great news ... you also mentioned in the DCF thread that Montreal has booked their interviews for June???

Is there anyone here waiting for an interview that hasn't called and bugged Montreal recently???? Any takers?
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-05-07 22:49:00
CanadaMTL Timeline to Interview

ok here are the numbers as of today.....if there are any boo boo's lemme know

thanks .. you're awesome!!!
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-05-03 09:22:00
CanadaMTL Timeline to Interview
I just spoke with Montreal and they told me nothing booked yet .. they also told me that they send out a letter 2 to 4 weeks ahead of time and not to keep calling back .. to wait for the letter ... grrrrrrrrr
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-05-02 13:24:00
CanadaMTL Timeline to Interview

Montreal gave us an interview date of May 9th at 8:30 a.m. when Jon called through! I'm still in shock ...


HOLY #######!!!!!!! That's un freekin believable!!!!! ... I'll be on the horn tomorrow most definitely just to check and see .. seems to me like they squeeezzed you in because of your congressional complaints ... hooo weee .. WAY TO GO!!!!!!!!!! :dance: :dance:
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-05-01 18:44:00
CanadaMTL Timeline to Interview
Definitely keep us posted if you hear anything new :thumbs:

I contacted my Congressperson last month (March 16th), right after one of the consular employees quoted June / July to me and stated that Montreal was way behind. The person I spoke with told me that she'd contact me again after she had spoken to Montreal. Well, yesterday I received an email follow-up. The congressperson's representative phoned Montreal and was given basically the same info that we'd been given -- no interview, a letter will be mailed. What is different is that the consulate denied being behind on the scheduling of interviews and said they were well within the timelines. They also said that they would call the congressperson's office back with an update -- which they didn't.

Fast forward to yesterday when I receive a telephone call and an email from the congresswoman's office, with an attached letter sent to Montreal dated yesterday. When the congressperson's office didn't hear back, they generated this letter requesting timeline information ASAP. The congressional aide was so angry that Montreal hadn't gotten back to her that she spoke to my congressperson directly and complained. According to the aide, Montreal is having a number of issues right now.

I haven't heard anything else from the congressional aide, and to be truthful, I don't expect to. I guess I will just continue with this most horrendous of waits and try to think positively.

Sorry for the ramble.... :huh:

lynamonFemaleCanada2007-04-26 17:51:00
CanadaMTL Timeline to Interview

On April 16 I posted :

Some update:

Packet 3 sent on December 8, case status = Completed as per Montreal, entered to their system, waiting for an appoitment to be scheduled.
Called today to MTL to find out if appoitment was scheduled.
As of today not scheduled yet, estimated time to be is June, July - got an answer over the phone,
she ( lady on the phone) mentioned that it takes 4- 6 month now as they have long list of applicants, previosly, when called on January 28 was told that it may take 4- 12 weeks from January

As it passed (12 weeks), I thought I may have date in the system... not yet

New update from LadyK1:
On April 23 got an appoitment letter with an interview date for May 30 .

It seems that MTL is scheduling December for May...

Posted this to let know to others how things are going as myself was looking others timeframes.

Congratulations :dance:
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-04-24 10:26:00
CanadaMTL Timeline to Interview
Cdngrl was told that she was on the list for March ... and didn't get an interview until May ... this is so frustrating!
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-04-23 17:34:00
CanadaMTL Timeline to Interview
[quote name='Alan & Sharon' date='Apr 23 2007, 04:55 PM' post='858094']
I don't believe this.

Just received this reply from Montreal after emailing them asking if we were going to be able to count on anything in MAY now. We've been waiting since early DECEMBER for an interview date. This is getting RIDICULOUS>>>>>

Hi, I checked & you will be waiting for an interview date for about four more months

This after we were told probably an APRIL date in Early February.

That really doesn't make sense ... just lets say that they received your package 3 checklist and processed it in January .. that means that they are now quoting 7 months from receipt???

They booked CNDGRL 4 1/2 months from receipt date .. which is easier to deal with ..

Edited by lynamon, 23 April 2007 - 05:00 PM.

lynamonFemaleCanada2007-04-23 16:57:00
CanadaMTL Timeline to Interview

cdngrl UPDATE!!

Holy ####### I HAVE AN APPOINTMENT DATE! The letter came in the mail today! I cried .... seriously cried tears our joy.

May 7, 2007 is the date!!!

Our wedding is May 19th .. just in the nick of time!

That's sooo awesome!!!!!!!!!!! I remember your posts due to your wedding date.. It's nice to see some movement in Montreal
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-04-23 16:52:00
CanadaMTL Timeline to Interview

COM'ON MONTREAL!!!!! B) Atleast the weather is starting to warm up... Wont have to stand outside the consulate in the cold if they do end up scheduling my interview in June/July :)

Theres looking on the bright side!!!! You are definintely right on that one!
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-04-21 21:55:00
CanadaMTL Timeline to Interview

These "wonderful" montreal people replied with this:

Not at this time, hopefully for the summer.

Thank you

We are K3, packet 3 received Dec 2, 2006 (sent back on 10/26/2006...but i won't comment on this).

Un .. freekin .. believable :o
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-04-20 11:38:00
CanadaMTL Timeline to Interview

Some update:

Packet 3 sent on December 8, case status = Completed as per Montreal, entered to their system, waiting for an appoitment to be scheduled.
Called today to MTL to find out if appoitment was scheduled.
As of today not scheduled yet, estimated time to be is June, July - got an answer over the phone,
she ( lady on the phone) mentioned that it takes 4- 6 month now as they have long list of applicants, previosly, when called on January 28 was told that it may take 4- 12 weeks from January

As it passed (12 weeks), I thought I may have date in the system... not yet

Thanks for the info ... mine was received and processed by Montreal February 7, 2007 and they told m yesterday June or July interview.

Has anyone else next on the list called Montreal to see if their interview has been booked???
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-04-17 11:54:00
CanadaMTL Timeline to Interview
I organized the K1's by Montreal received date of Package 3 so that I could get a better understanding of the timelines at a glance ..

NOA2 Sent 2 MTL P3 Time Interview
Received Between

J&K K1 7/18/06 7/25/06 8/10/06 3m12d 11/22/06 APP
jg_am K1 8/8/06 8/14/06 8/25/06 3m20d 12/14/06 APP
Leafgal K1 8/30/06 8/3/06 9/1/06 2m15d 11/16/06 APP
Darkchild K1 7/14/06 08/??/06 09/06/06 2m14d 11/20/06 APP
smallcan9999 k1 8/25/06 8/9/06 9/12/06 3m3d 12/15/06 APP
billsgirl K1 8/31/06 9/5/06 9/18/06 2m9d 11/27/06 APP
ljs K1 8/18/06 9/6/06 9/18/06 1m27d 11/14/06 APP
mozplay K1 9/7/06 9/11/06 9/25/06 3m22d 1/17/06 APP
Officer's FianceK1 9/7/06 9/15/06 10/2/06 3m23d 1/25/06
Amanda.Lise K1 10/2/06 10/12/06 10/20/06 3m3d 1/23/06 APP
karlita K1 8/30/06 09/??/06 10/23/06 5m6d 3/29/07 APP
Kipster K1 10/3/06 10/13/06 10/23/06 2m24d 1/16/06 APP
Nicodemus K1 ??/??/06 ??/??/06 11/7/06 4m21d 3/28/07 APP
kristenm K1 10/4/06 ??/??/06 11/15/06 3m12d 2/27/07 APP
Jenash820 K1 9/5/06 09/??/06 11/22/06 4m0d 3/21/07 APP
Zarouk K1 9/11/06 ??/??/06 11/22/06 4m21d 4/12/07
Mephys K1 10/31/06 11/22/06 11/23/06 4m12d 4/4/07 APP

NOA2 Sent 2 MTL P3
received by

MyheartsinCanada K1 8/3/06 8/22/06 11/24/06
Alan & Sharon K1 10/30/06 11/20/06 12/11/06
cdngrl K1 10/27/06 11/??/06 12/21/06
Maryam416 K1 11/1/06 11/30/06 1/8/07
Ron/Sharon K1 12/8/06 12/28/06 1/12/07
Presgirl K1 12/6/06 12/22/06 1/17/07
Allie K1 12/22/06 1/3/07 1/22/07
lynamon K1 12/13/06 1/3/07 1/30/07
sapa_uscan K1 1/25/07 2/7/07 2/22/07
Necrotica K1 11/7/06 11/20/06 2/24/07
Amy and Brian k1 9/12/06 1/24/07 3/1/07
Laura0588 K1 1/17/07 1/31/07 3/7/07
Tinker K1 2/22/07 3/6/07 3/28/07
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-04-10 13:27:00
CanadaMTL Timeline to Interview
I asked about being put on a cancellations list and this was the reply ...

Unfortunately we cannot do this but you are currently on a waiting list to be scheduled.

We will advise you by mail or you may check back with us at anytime.

Thank you.


From: Lynette []
Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2007 2:26 PM
To: Montreal, IV
Subject: RE: MTL ***********

Dear Sir / Madam

Can I be put on a list to call in case you have a cancellation for my interview? The day before is all that I would require.

Thank You,

lynamonFemaleCanada2007-04-10 12:30:00
CanadaMTL Timeline to Interview
For info's sake ... I called Montreal yesterday and this is what they told me.
I know that they physically received my Package 3 back 01/31/07 ... they did not process it until 02/07/07.

She told me that we we on a list for interviews .. I asked her when I could expect one .. she said 4 to 5 months ... I asked from when? .. she said February .. I asked if I could verify whether it would be June or July and she said no. I asked when I would receive confirmation of my interview .. she said that they like to get it out approximately 4 weeks before the interview.

Just for info's sake ... grrrrrrrr.
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-04-05 08:10:00
CanadaMTL Timeline to Interview
Hi all .. just an update .. please add that Montreal Consulate received our Package 3 on Tuesday January 30, 2007

lynamonFemaleCanada2007-01-31 13:06:00
CanadaMTL Timeline to Interview
You can add me to the list :yes: ... NOA2 December 13, 2006 ..thnks! :thumbs:
lynamonFemaleCanada2006-12-15 18:32:00
CanadaPictures of your Wedding
QUOTE (Krikit @ Jul 1 2008, 08:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Your husband's a nut, Lyna. laughing.gif Those flowers are gorgeous. And so is your setting. Wow.

Thanks ... We just had our boys, my best friend, an aunt, uncle and cousin and the minister at a beautiful little out of the way park. The flowers were a whopping $30 lol and yes .. my husband is a nut smile.gif
lynamonFemaleCanada2008-07-02 12:11:00
CanadaPictures of your Wedding
I really enjoyed seeing everyone so happy on their wedding days!!! .. I'll share too ... I love my wedding pics smile.gif ...

QUOTE (lynamon @ Jun 30 2008, 10:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I really enjoyed seeing everyone so happy on their wedding days!!! .. I'll share too ... I love my wedding pics smile.gif ...

okay .. just one more smile.gif

Attached Files

lynamonFemaleCanada2008-06-30 21:25:00
CanadaImporting a Canadian car to the US

Hey guys..any Canadian import their car before or can any one give me a link to a place where I can find out how bringing a car into the US (on PR status)? I would really appreciate it. How does the US border deal with it? What are the taxes or duties I have to pay on the car? etc.

I brought with me my 2004 Honda Civic which I had since new ... had a letter of compliance that they barely looked at and was not charged any duty. (K1)
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-08-03 15:42:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
QUOTE (misa @ Oct 22 2007, 10:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
For those applying for or already applied for EI... I posted this in the pinned thread:


I know I can do telephone reporting, but I'd rather mail it in so that there's an actual papertrail.

I didn't know that we could do telephone reporting .. hmmm .. do you have more info?
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-10-22 23:10:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
Here I am reading this post and I'm trying to figure out where all of these places are in relation to where I am now so that I can join in in the fun :)

I came from Hamilton, ON and am settling in in Cleveland, OH .. and I do have to admit .. the Canadian Forum is the place to be .. I get all nervous posting anywhere else lol.
lynamonFemaleCanada2007-08-09 02:31:00