CanadaCost of medical in Montreal?
I found that Seiden charges $250, but I think I remember someone mentioning another place in Montreal to have the exam done. Who are they again? :blush:

Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-02-24 22:46:00
CanadaArrived At montreal
Good luck to all! :thumbs:
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-03-10 21:34:00
CanadaWhat are the chances I can stay that long?
Thanks everybody for making me feel more confident for my next border crossing.

I DO know what it's like in secondary, and it's no party. Do they train those guards to never crack a smile or what??
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-03-11 21:45:00
CanadaWhat are the chances I can stay that long?
So here's the plan. We'll be filing shortly for K-1. I want to visit Tim in the U.S. for most of the summer. Longest I've stayed in the past is one month.

Now I figured once we have the NOA1 in hand, I'd at least have proof that we're going about this the legal way. And I am pretty sure I can get an extended leave from work, as my boss has been very accommodating in the past. I've always had a letter from my boss with me whenever I've crossed the border, stating a back to work date. I've never been asked for it, however, and I've never offered it.

Has anyone here been in the same situation where they wanted an extended visit like this? Were you denied and told you had to shorten the visit? Just curious to hear from others, especially if they were at the NOA1 stage.

I know I'm not stressing unnecessarily about this, because EVERYTHING about this whole process is nervewracking, despite people telling us to "relax." :P

(Nite, all) (F)
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-03-10 23:15:00
CanadaLove 2 plantings a year
I am also looking forward to enjoying a longer growing season when I move to Oklahoma. Last year during my May visit, I planted some morning glory and was amazed at how big it grew by end of summer, and all the seed pods it produced! I'd never seen anything like it in Canada, especially north of Lake Superior where I lived for 15 years. I swear there were only three months of the year there when trees actually had leaves on them! Brrr...glad I'm not living there anymore.

But yeah, I'm looking forward to experimenting with some different flowers and veggies, different soil, etc. Not too keen on dealing with groundhogs though, that apparently can uproot plants within minutes and leave mounds of dirt everywhere. Oh well, it'll be an adventure. :unsure:

I've found a great website for gardening info where you can search regional forums to get answers to questions specific to gardening in your own particular area.

Gardenweb Forums
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-03-17 07:49:00
CanadaOttawa airport

Never had any bad experiences, never been pulled to the side. Not even when I flew from ottawa to USA to curacao for vacation alone - meeting my american boyfriend ( at the time ) in the caribean. Most of the time my passport gets stamped and they say " Have a nice day " and wave me through without even asking a question to me. I will have to say that im always carded and I look very underage for my age too which makes it even stranger. Iv gone more than 18 trips to the USA out of Ottawa, alone. ( knock on wood ) ottawa has been my best fly out point ever! Hopefully it will be a good fly-in point when/if i go back to visit my family.

Glad to hear you had no bad experiences at Ottawa, Inky. The most trouble I've had there is when an officer wearing a SARS mask, (probably for intimidations reasons :P because all I could see were his black eyes :unsure: ) asked me the same few questions at different times during our conversation. "Why so long between visits? When are you returning? Where does he live?" He was probably trying to trip me up, but of course I answered the questions truthfully the same way I initially answered them. He wasn't gonna make ME sireee! :no:

I just hope I get the same female officer I encountered during my last visit. "Where are you going? For how long? Got a back to work date? (didn't ask for proof, but I had it with me) Merry Christmas...have a good time." I think she did actually smile, come to think of it. :D
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-03-12 15:15:00
CanadaOttawa airport
Hi folks. I've been around for awhile, reading posts, asking questions, and gaining enough knowledge to be confident our petition will go smoothly. We're very close to filing for K-1.

Right now I'm just curious to hear about other people's experiences with the Ottawa airport border officers when they were visiting their significant other. Myself...I've flown out of Ottawa a few times with no hassles. Only once was I was pulled into secondary, but that happened to be Buffalo. (grouchy people there!) :P

Anybody here want to share their experiences about Ottawa?
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-03-08 22:48:00
CanadaIt's Rrrrolll Up the Rim Time!

I won a donut!

When you win a donut.... do you really win? Posted Image

Ya, you really win....if you get to have a sour cream glazed donut! :yes: I've never won anything though with that promotion.

To Jerrysgirl...I actually got someone at work today to bring me in a coffee from Timmies, but I drank it and threw the cup away!! I never even thought about rolling up the rim until I read this thread. I'll bet my Rav 4 is in the dumpster by now! :crying:
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-03-15 19:56:00
CanadaHappy St. Patrick's Day!
Hi. I'm Erin. :D Happy St. Pat's Day to all. Anyone wanna take a guess what my last name was at birth? It's about as Irish as you can get. ;)
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-03-17 08:14:00
I was about to head to bed shortly, but when I read your message I did a quick search online and found this:
Not sure if it will be helpful in your situation, as I didn't have time to read it at length. Perhaps if you do a search for "importing plants to u.s." you will have some answers. Good luck! I hope you are able to take your favorite plants with you. :)
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-03-21 22:33:00
CanadaFor those who miss Montreal Bagels
I make my own bagels, and I'm happy with them, although I've never had a true "Montreal" bagel to compare them to. Mine are sooo much better though than the storebought bagels.

While reading through this recipe, I noticed in step 5 that you form the dough strips into rings by joining the two ends. Just a tip: I make my rings by starting with a ball of dough, poking a hole through the middle with my finger, then kinda twirling the "donut" on my finger until the hole is big enough. Works for me, and there's no chance that the bagel will come apart during the boiling stage.

I also noticed that the bagels in this recipe are boiled then dipped into the seeds before baking. In my own recipe I boil them, then bake them 10 minutes. Then I take the pan out of the oven and brush the tops with beaten egg white and sprinkle with seeds. Another 15 or 20 minutes in the oven and they're done.

MMMMMMMMMM.......I must make some again soon. :yes: It's been awhile.
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-03-22 20:40:00
CanadaInsurance Question for new PR's of the US

When i inquired a few things back in january at the ohip office, she told me that for 3 months after i leave i will still be covered.

Out of curiosity, I just called Service Ontario to find out at what point OHIP coverage ends. She said "At midnight on the day you leave the country." Not sure if you'd get a different answer from another person, but just sayin...

Maybe several of us here should make that phone call and compare notes. :P
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-03-24 15:17:00
CanadaMy Interview at the Montreal Consulate
Congratulations! :thumbs:

Every time I read someone's interview review, it makes me more excited about my own future happiness. :)

Thanks for showing us the example of the interview letter and "Welcome to U.S.A" letter. I'm sure we all appreciate the gesture.

Good luck to you and your spouse. (F)
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-03-24 22:12:00
CanadaNational Do Not Call List (Canada)
I laugh when my mom answers the phone and it's a telemarketer and she WON'T hang up on them. She thinks it's rude. What's rude?! Calling a stranger to try to sell something or do a poll or whatever is rude! Ya, she'll say "Sorry, Mrs. O is out of the country." Then they'll ask "Do you know when she'll be back?" "Sorry, I'm just the housekeeper" she'll answer. Well duhhhhhhhh....If you're the housekeeper, mom, surely you'd know when Mrs. O will be back in the country?? :rofl:

When I get a call like that at mom's, I just hang up, and mom gives me heck for it. :wacko:
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-03-28 13:17:00
CanadaNational Do Not Call List (Canada)
Just wondering if anyone from Canada has registered with the National Do Not Call List. My mother gets NUMEROUS calls per week from telemarketers. She's interested to know if registering with the NDNCL will actually reduce these unsolicited calls.
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-03-28 10:59:00
Congratulations to you and all the others who recently got their visas approved. :thumbs:

Tim and I just started our journey (sent off the petition today), and I can't wait to experience that same euphoria you're feeling right now. :)
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-03-30 22:07:00
CanadaFinally sent in our K-1 application
Ok, so I won't mention anything here about a certain someone procrastinating to the point of driving me mad :wacko: .........but the bottom line is.......IT'S FINALLY SENT! :thumbs: (We're praying there's no RFEs or other delays.)

I'm looking forward to visiting Tim in Oklahoma for the entire summer while we await processing. I'll cross the border with lots of proof that I'm returning. Sure hope I get that nice lady officer again at the Ottawa airport who was in such a good mood when I went through at Christmas time. ;)

Thanks to all here at vj who've answered my questions and got us this far. I'll even thank all those who've asked questions that I never thought of, the answers to which were also very helpful.

*sighhhhhhhhhh* we go......... :)

p.s. I'd love to make a connection to any other Canadians on here making a move to Oklahoma? Anyone?
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-03-30 21:41:00
CanadaThe I-129F package arrived at VSC

A copy of the NOA1 has a lot more weight to it than just a reference number, so that's the preferred option. If you want to be even safer about it, bring with you as much of your I-129F application as you can, if not the entire thing. It's going to make a serious and organized impression :)

(But you shouldn't have trouble at all unless your visit length is approaching a month or longer.)

I'm planning to visit for the entire summer if the border officer allows it. And I do have an entire copy of the petition that I can show. I'm not too concerned about NOT being allowed to visit, as I'll have...

1. a note from my employer with an expected return to work date
2. a return flight ticket
3. proof of bank balance to support myself during my visit
4. copy of entire visa application
5. copy of NOA1

...but I'm prepared mentally for them to cut my visit short. It's happened before when I wasn't nearly as prepared. If it happens, it happens...I'll just enjoy my visit while it lasts. :)

To BriCar: That quote was from a card Tim sent me one time. I love it.
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-04-01 16:29:00
CanadaThe I-129F package arrived at VSC
It took 3 days to arrive. I've been tracking it on the USPS website. Now why oh why is my stomach in knots?? Could it be a bit of excitement? Probably nerves. :P Oh I know this is just the very first step, but Tim and I are having a bit of a celebration today about that first tiny step in our journey. :dance: << I hope we dance like this all the way through the process. :unsure:

My question is...When Tim gets the NOA1, will there be some kind of i.d. number on it or something that I could quote as proof of intentions when crossing the border next time? That is, if I'm getting a hassle about wanting to stay for an extended visit? Or should Tim send me the NOA1 or a copy of it? Just wondering.

You all have a great day! I am. :)
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-04-01 12:20:00
CanadaNeed prayers
Update: Tim is home from the hospital. He's on 4 different drugs, but he only needs to take some of them for a couple weeks. He'll have a checkup in 2 weeks and at that time will be told when he can return to work.

When talking to him I get a sense of how mellowed he's become. This heart attack really threw him for a loop. He never thought it would happen to him. He's taking it easy, but has been told not to just sit around doing nothing, so he's been going for several short walks in the past 2 days.

Since he got home this morning he's had lots of people show up with food, plants, cards and general support. That's one of the things I love about small towns...everyone knows everyone else and rallies around when they're needed.

Hospital expenses will amount to $2000 for his insurance deductible, which is very reasonable considering the circumstances. He's very lucky to have the job he has. His boss also told him that the board of directors had a meeting and decided that Tim won't need to worry about paying utility bills while he's off work. They'll cover it for him. A few years back the town did the same type of thing for another man who had a heart transplant...had all kinds of fundraisers to help him pay his hospital bills and mortgage payments until he recuperated. What a great bunch of people!

I'm so anxious to get down there to be with Tim. If all goes well, we'll be holding hands again in about 10 days. :joy:
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-04-11 21:33:00
CanadaNeed prayers
Planning to book my flight for the 20th. Wish I could go down earlier but I have some loose ends to tie up here.

Thankyou all for keeping me sane during all of this. It always helps when there's someone to talk to. (F)
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-04-10 15:50:00
CanadaNeed prayers
Update: I talked to Tim twice today and he sounds good. Still hasn't talked to the doc about whether he needs anything more done. But I got the full story from him.....

He had worked hard all day as usual...alot of heavy lifting involved. Went after work to help someone clean out a garage and move around some heavy stuff. Got home, ate, got into the shower and started having a heavy feeling in the center of his chest that wouldn't let up...kept getting worse. He got out of the shower and the phone rang. It was his son wanting to tell his dad about a new job he just landed. Tim had to interrupt him to ask him to come over as soon as he could. His son called 911, then he and his brother raced over there. The local volunteer first response team showed up within minutes because it's a little town of less than 250 people and they didn't have to go far. (Yay for small towns!) :thumbs:

When Tim got to hospital he was hooked up to all kinds of wires and they discovered he had had a mild heart attack. Then while doing further tests he had three more attacks, so they took him in right away to put the stent in. Otherwise, they said, he was heading for a big attack. Normally it would take about half an hour to an hour to do the procedure, but he was in there for 3 hours. I have no idea why, because even Tim doesn't understand yet what went on until he talks to the doctor.

Anyway, he's had lots of phone calls and visitors, and everyone I talked to who has seen him says he looks pretty good. It's so comforting that he has all those people around for support when I can't be there. But I'm going to try to get there as soon as a week from now. I told my boss I was going to be visiting the States a little earlier than the end of April as I had planned, and she understands and will be very accomodating as always.

Oh and did I forget to mention a bit of good news? Tim got the NOA1 in the mail today. :) So now I'll feel a little more confident at the border when I can prove we've sent in the petition.

Thankyou to everyone here for all your kind words and prayers.
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-04-09 22:32:00
CanadaNeed prayers
I got a text from Tim's son this morning saying "dad's fine...they're still doing more tests." Then 5 minutes before I left for work, his ex called and told me he was going into surgery???! I felt like the floor dropped out from under me. She said he was having a short surgery to put in a stent in a blocked artery.

I went to work today but of course I could hardly concentrate. All day I felt like I couldn't take a deep breath. When I got home my mom said she had taken a message from the ex that Tim may be home in a couple days.

Well I've just been on the phone talking to Tim at the hospital and he says he's fine. I can tell he's scared though, and I sure wish I could be there with him in a moment's notice. He said he never thought something like this could happen to him. He did say he'd probably go home in a couple days. We didn't talk long because the doc was coming into his room to take out the tubing they used to install the stent. I did some research online and it looks like the whole procedure is fairly routine and simple, with very little chance of complications. So that's reassuring.

Just now got another text from Tim's son saying he's sleeping very heavily now, so I won't talk to him again until tomorrow. I'm sure breathing a sigh of relief, although I may change my plans and make a trip down there sooner than the end of the month as I had planned. I still don't know what kind of recovery time he'll be looking at, or when he'll return to work. I don't think it will be long though.

Kathryn...I agree with you. We can ###### and nag at our significan others, but it all boils down to the fact that we're doing it because we care. If only they could realize that. I can see myself taking care of Tim as a mother would a child, but that's what we do for people we love, isn't it?

Thanks again to everyone for their prayers. I can't tell you how much it means to me and Tim. (F)
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-04-08 22:10:00
CanadaNeed prayers
Tim's son called again around 2 a.m. and said they're now thinking it was a bad case of acid reflux. But they kept him in hospital overnight and are planning to do a stress test, just in case. He wanted to go home, but his boys wouldn't allow it.

I'm so worried that Tim will refuse to take medication or get treatment for anything they might find, including acid reflux. He can be just so stubborn when it comes to doctors and getting help for anything. He prefers to suffer in silence and rely on prayer. It's frustrating. Getting help from doctors can't be a sin??!

Forgive me for my rant. No offense intended to anyone here regarding religious beliefs. I'm just so stressed right now. Thanks again for all your kind words.
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-04-08 09:20:00
CanadaNeed prayers
Another phone call. They did a test where they "numb" the heart, and apparently he still had pain. So now they're suspecting "possible" indigestion, but they will continue to do other tests. He's staying in the hospital overnight, and his son will call and keep me updated.

I must say I'm more relaxed now, but of course still very worried. I mean, this could have been much more serious than it is. I hate to think of the kind of phone call I COULD have had earlier. Just too unthinkable........sighhhhh.

Thanks again to everyone for their support.
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-04-07 23:26:00
CanadaNeed prayers
Thomas called about 20 minutes ago and said they're doing tests on Tim, and that he is talking and joking about how it's not a big deal. But it's a big deal though to everyone who loves him! And at least he's in a safe place right now and getting some care.

One thing that is kinda bothering me, but really shouldn't, is that Tim's ex wife is at the hospital as well. I guess in a way I'm glad she's there, because I know there's no animosity between them, and I certainly can't be there right now. The important thing is that people who care about him are with him right now. I just wish I was one of them. :(

Thanks everyone for your prayers. (F)

Keeping the phone by the bed tonight..........
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-04-07 22:53:00
CanadaNeed prayers
Tim is being rushed to hospital as I'm writing this, because he's having chest pains. He's 53 years old. His father died from a heart attack in his early 50's. Tim is in great shape...has a very physical job...but I know he pushes himself harder than he needs to as a way to prove himself I guess. I've chastised him so many times about it but eventually gave up. It's just his nature to work so physically hard. It makes him happy.

Tim's son Thomas first called and told me Tim had called him to say he had chest pains. Thomas called Tim's neighbor who called the local volunteer fire department. They all tried to convince Tim to go to hospital but he refused, because of his religious beliefs. I finally got to speak to Tim for a minute to ask if he'd do it for ME. He said he'd think about it, but said he was sure he'd be ok. Thomas told me he'd try to convince him. Fifteen minutes later he called back and said they had put Tim on a stretcher and he didn't he's on his way to hospital now.

I've never been so scared in my life. I'm panicking...I'm shaking...I can hardly breathe! I'm so tense right now that every muscle in my body hurts. He's so far away.....I can't get there NOW when I want to be there! There's nothing I can do but pray, and ask everyone here for their prayers as well. It's the only thing that will keep me half sane until Tim's son calls back.
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-04-07 21:49:00
CanadaAny Canadians here making a move to Oklahoma?

Hello! Me, me, I'm from OK. Been here 4 years now. I'm right in okc. Where abouts are you?

I'm not there yet. Just filed for the K-1 at the end of March. I'm on Ontario, Canada right now, but eventually I'll be living in a small town near Enid, OK.

How do you like living in OKC? I've only ever seen it when I've flown into the airport there, but never spent any time looking around in the city. I've lived in big cities and small towns in the past, but I'd take the small towns anytime.
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-04-15 16:30:00
CanadaAny Canadians here making a move to Oklahoma?
Well howdy. Thanks for replying. :) I was starting to feel lonely around here. Looks like there's nobody who's moving to OK. I'm going to ask again in another forum.
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-04-04 11:38:00
CanadaAny Canadians here making a move to Oklahoma?
Just wondering if any Canadians here on VJ have moved to, or are planning a move to Oklahoma. It'd be nice to connect with some of those people. :)
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-04-02 14:38:00
CanadaUpdate Interview Next Friday....
Hi Amanda. I'm sure you're more prepared than you think you are. :yes: The folks here on VJ are so helpful and encouraging.

Good luck on your interview. Let us know how it goes.
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-04-06 07:01:00
CanadaHow much notice is given for Montreal interview?
Just wondering what the average time is between receiving the interview letter from Montreal, and the date of the interview.
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-04-12 14:23:00
Congrats from me and Tim too! :thumbs: Hope you have a good POE.
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-04-16 20:52:00
CanadaWhat can I do to prepare for my interview while I'm visiting the U.S.?
Thanks, guys. You've been helpful, as always. :)

I am SOOOOOOOOO getting butterflies in my stomach right now, thinking about seeing Tim's smiling face again at the airport on Tuesday. :dance: He keeps threatening to "touch" me. Should I be afraid? :lol: Ahhhhh...It'll be so nice just to be close enough again to touch. I just hate this everyone else around here does.
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-04-17 11:13:00
CanadaWhat can I do to prepare for my interview while I'm visiting the U.S.?
HOPEFULLY...if the border officer allows it...I will be leaving Tuesday to visit Tim and will be returning early August. We already received the NOA1 a couple weeks ago.

What kind of things can I do to prepare for my interview (wayyyyyyy down the line, because after all it'll be in Montreal)? :P I know I need to have my vaccinations up to date, and have the police check done, and of course I realize that all has to be done from Canada. (I just hope I'm giving myself enough time to do that when I get back in August.) But basically I'm asking if there's anything I can do/research while I'm visiting Tim?

I would have been starting the police check thing soon, but with Tim's recent health setback I need to be down there with him right now. Besides, being "home" together will help to pass some time while we wait for processing.
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-04-16 22:28:00
CanadaVisa in Hand
Congratulations! You must be happy to be moving to your new home so soon. Good luck with your POE.
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-04-15 17:53:00
CanadaMontreal Interview Review
Congratulations on your success at the interview, and good luck for your future together!
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-04-16 20:45:00
CanadaVisa Delivered!!!!
Congrats from me and Tim! :thumbs:
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-04-19 20:17:00
CanadaOne more sleep!
Since Tim's heart attack two weeks ago, I am FINALLY going to see him tomorrow! :dance: I know he's going to be ok, but I just need to see him and touch him again. He's doing well but is terribly bored because he can't work or do anything else too strenuous until he speaks to his doctor at a followup visit. He says at least this visit we'll be able to spend more time together since he won't be back to work for awhile. So it'll be like a mini vacation for him too. I'll be there until the end of July.

My tummy is sure doing little flip flops tonight thinking about seeing his smiling face at the airport tomorrow! For sure I'll be blubbering all over the place. :P

Thanks again to everyone for their prayers. I'll be visiting here often to see what everyone's up to. :yes:
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-04-19 22:16:00
Congratulations! I agree with Joe and Robin...BUY A LOTTERY TICKET! Hope your POE goes just as smoothly.
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-04-16 20:40:00