CanadaAmerican in Canada....AUGHHHH!
QUOTE (Kathryn41 @ Dec 5 2009, 09:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
One other point - the OP can sponsor her partner to Canada as a conjugal or common-law spouse BUT - and this is a big but - her divorce has to be final. She cannot be married to someone else and claiming a partner relationship for the benefits of immigration. He is allowed to be in Canada as a visitor for 6 months maximum. He is allowed to apply for a Temporary Resident extension (do this now as it takes time to process). If Canadian authorities believe he is living in Canada without the proper visa he will be asked to leave and if he doesn't comply, he will be forced to leave and not allowed back in without the appropriate paperwork.

I think you are going to have to face the reality that there will probably be times of separation for the two of you. Most of those who are married and trying to have a partner immigrate either to Canada or to the US have had times of separation, although it is less likely for Canada than for the US - but the trick here is you have to be in a recognized partnership and to do that you have to be 'eligible' to be in that partnership. Being married to someone else doesn't make you eligible.

Good luck.

You can be common-law and your divorced not finalized. I went through this when my fiance and I were living together in Canada. Only problem for her is it has to be for at least one year.

"A person who is married to a third party may be considered as a common-law/conjugal partner providing that his/her marriage has been broken down and they have lived apart from the spouse for more than one year. The relationship with a common-law/conjugal partner cannot be considered to have started until a physical separation from the spouse has occurred. A common-law/conjugal partner relationship cannot be established if one or both parties continue their marital relationship."

"Common-law partner - A common-law partner is defined as a life partner in a committed relationship who has been continuously living together for at least one year. This person can be either opposite or same sex/gender. This is often referred as a domestic partner or civil partner in certain countries"

What we did because we did not want to file for permanant residence in Canada as we did not think we'd be staying there was get a temp work visa. Since he is in IT he was able to do this through NAFTA and although a pain it was faster then anything else. He had to drive to the border and re-enter Canada and its done at the border and up to the border guards whether its granted or not.
LiLMermaidFemaleCanada2009-12-05 21:54:00
CanadaWeird Things Americans Have Said To/Asked Me
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Oct 15 2009, 08:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (borderdriver @ Oct 15 2009, 03:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Why do i always feel like americans are always correcting my speech?

the other day, my coworker and I were talking about Veterans... and right after I said Veterans (just like how its spelled) she corrects me and says "Vetrans". mellow.gif ....

ok i am done with the speech correction thank you

That's happened to me several times and I wish I had an example off the top of my head but I don't.

It's more how they think their way is the only way and the right way.

A couple of weeks ago I spelled humor as "humour" by accident and my coworker pointed it out. I apologized and told her I grew up spelling it that way and she basically told me: "I think you're spelling it the stupid way"

That kind of stuff gets to me.

Ahhh yes....more then once I've been told to "learn how to spell" which really grates on my last nerve. Another one that is of mine the other day wanted me to repeat something to her daughter on the phone because apparently the way I said it with my 'accent' was hilarious. I had to inform her I wasn't a friggin sideshow. Sheesh.
LiLMermaidFemaleCanada2009-10-15 09:18:00
CanadaWeird Things Americans Have Said To/Asked Me
QUOTE (Udella&Wiz @ Oct 7 2009, 12:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Sc0tt28 @ Oct 7 2009, 11:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (trailmix @ Oct 6 2009, 02:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Sc0tt28 @ Oct 6 2009, 12:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So maybe it is you that has the "brain the size of a peanut" because you go to the states where you know that people say "zee" and not "zed" and yet you repeatedly use a word that is unfamiliar to Americans. I guess it would take a person with a brain bigger than a peanut to just start out saying "zee" when in the United States.

So I take it you use 'zee' when in the U.S. then Scott?

Ok that was a cheap shot - nah, what the hell, you deserved that laughing.gif

On another note, I wouldn't expect any American to identify the word zee.

Zee discussion is over children. laughing.gif Scott I sense some hostility, care to discuss?

Nah I just haven't been on VJ for a while and I got myself caught up on the old posts. It just ticks me off when people point a finger at someone else and say "this person must be stupid because they don't understand what I mean when I say 'zed'" when the person isn't stupid at all but rather the person speaking a language that is foreign to both -- Greek.

The point made a few times was that Canadians adjust if someone says 'zee' up in Canada, but sometimes you run into Americans who can't adjust and have hear what they're used to.

Wonder how many Americans start saying 'zed' when they move to Canada - shall we take a poll?

My fiance lived in Canada for 2 and a half years and spent the whole time telling us that pop was soda, zee was zed and even went so far as to help the kids with spelling....colour had no U according to him. I didn't let him help the kids with spelling homework after that. So I really don't get the "Canadians are supposed to change to accomadate the Americans thing when I know for a fact they wouldn't change for us". My neice married an American as well, they live in Canada...he hasn't changed either.
LiLMermaidFemaleCanada2009-10-13 07:59:00
CanadaCustody Agreements
QUOTE (Flames9_RN @ Dec 16 2009, 05:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
On the other hand---I belive others have it it written as sole custody, (whatever the terminology is) and the consulate still wanted a notarized letter from the other parents giving their permission!!

Exactly my point. Sole or doesn't matter. They want that letter.
LiLMermaidFemaleCanada2009-12-17 17:28:00
CanadaCustody Agreements
QUOTE (CdnMN @ Dec 14 2009, 02:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I spoke to someone at DOS regardingthe process for bringing my son here.

One of the questions I asked was "How does the wording of our custody agreement need to be done? Can it still state we have joint custody providing I have a letter from my son's mom stating she has given permission to move here with me?"

I was told that they didn't care about the custody agreement and all I needed was a notarized letter from my ex that she was allowing my son to come and live with me.

To me, this just doesn't sound right. I don't want to go into the interview in Montreal and have my son's visa denied because of this.

Does anybody have any info on what needs to be stated on a custody agreement. Will Montreal want to see this? I need to find out so that I can get this straight with my ex and arrange for the court to process a new custody ammendment to out divorce if necessary.



All you need is the notarized letter giving permission from the father. Joint custody is quite common nowadays. We have joint custody as well but it also states the children reside with their mother and the father has visitation. The only way a court document would make a difference is if your ex wouldn't give you permission and you had a judge overrule. You need your ex's permission or a judge's. I had it written into our final agreement but he is also going to give me a notarized letter because that is what they specifically ask for.
LiLMermaidFemaleCanada2009-12-16 17:09:00
CanadaFun with calls to NVC Etc Today
After months of them being understaffed you'd think they'd have hired more staff by now. many people just stop coming to work as a Consulate Officer...its not like its a teenager working at McD's or something. Its been months since they have been understaffed and except for that one scheduling frenzy in Oct for the the K1's it doesn't seem like much is happening. They now have a pile of K1's just on here alone waiting and still haven't caught up on all the CR1's and IR1's. All we can do is hope they have another scheduling frenzy in January and get all caught up but if they are still understaffed I can't see how that could happen.
LiLMermaidFemaleCanada2009-12-29 15:51:00
CanadaMedical Exam during pregnancy in Toronto
It says right on his site that "Pregnant women do NOT require chest x-ray. Please bring a note from your doctor indicating that you are pregnant and when the baby is due" .......more good news....its CHEAPER! $275 adults, $250 for pregnant woman.
LiLMermaidFemaleCanada2010-01-11 19:41:00
CanadaHappy Wedding Day Sam and Ben!!
Congratulations! :dance:
LiLMermaidFemaleCanada2010-01-10 12:28:00
CanadaGood News
A bunch of CR1's got scheduled yesterday...see the 'Ir1's and CR1's Montreal waiting for interview thread. I think you need your interview letter to be able to schedule your medical. The people in that thread would be better to advise you. Its different for K1's which is what I have applied for. Oh...and Congrats!

Edited by LiLMermaid, 12 January 2010 - 09:19 AM.

LiLMermaidFemaleCanada2010-01-12 09:15:00
CanadaMontreal February Scheduling...
WOW! Congrats guys and gals!
LiLMermaidFemaleCanada2010-01-12 08:40:00
CanadaIs this too much to ask?
QUOTE (missmissy @ Aug 18 2009, 05:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'll add my two cents worth as well - someone very wise told me a long time ago - when conflicts arise, you handle YOUR family and let him handle HIS family. Of course, I never took that advice, but I wish that I had. It would have saved me tons of heartache and hurt feelings.

If it were me, I'd tell him how it makes you feel, tell him you don't want him to be in the middle of this but his family has put him there so he will need to address it.

Both of you need to agree, either he goes and you stay with your mom, all of you go, including your mom, or none of you go and the three of you spend Christmas together, or everyone comes to you (your house, your rules!).

If you start pretending now, if you start making excuses now, this will grow into something unmanageable, very fast. Boundaries need to be established and maintained.

Good luck to you on this, I hope you get it worked out and everyone is happy. Maybe this is all a misunderstanding and miscommunication between all parties and it's not exactly what it appears.

Very good advice missy. What are you doing wandering on the Canada forum? wink.gif

Having been married before I totally agree on missy with this one. He needs to handle this and it needs to be handled now. I ended up spending every Christmas and holiday with my husbands family because I just did it the first year and then after that his family and him just 'expected it'. My ex actually told me one year that if I wanted to go visit my family to 'go ahead' but he was spending Christmas with his family and that was that. Things like this need to be addressed early in the relationship as to not cause hard feelings in the future. In my case though it was my ex was an idiot...his mother was more reasonable.
LiLMermaidFemaleCanada2009-09-03 08:04:00
CanadaQuestions for Packet 3
Part 2 is not needed for a K1 visa. You can get your medical before you have your interview date as well. You need the letter from your packet 3 with your Montreal case number. CR1 visa have to do things differently. You bring all the items on the checklist with you. Don't wait till your passport comes in, send it just need to have these things come interview day. As for your immunization record...I'm from Ontario so I don't know how it works there but if you can't get them from the health clinic etc out west then I suggest to get titre tests done ASAP. You do NOT want to go to your medical without proof of your immunizations.

Edited by LiLMermaid, 18 January 2010 - 09:59 PM.

LiLMermaidFemaleCanada2010-01-18 21:55:00
CanadaChanging of address online?

WE did a change of address online a couple weeks ago. We received an email confirming that our address had been updated a couple days later. Should we expect any kind of delay in the process of our case due to changing our address online? thanks

I suggest emailing the consulate after you have your NOA2 and you know its left NVC. I too changed my address before I received my NOA2 (I'm the beneficiary) and even though I received a letter stating that they had updated my file my packet 3 was sent to the wrong address. I contacted Montreal by email and gave them my new address after the NVC told me it was mailed out and apparently they couldn't change the address only Montreal could. So just make sure you ask NVC which address is on file when you call them to find out when your file has been sent to the consulate.
LiLMermaidFemaleCanada2010-01-18 10:56:00
CanadaReview: Dr. Seiden Toronto
UGH! Thats horrible that you had to go through all that. I am seriously not looking forward to the medical....especially with 3 kids. Its really quite ridiculous that we have to go through this anyways. They don't take the kids blood or do xrays...seems kinda pointless really for them to even be there. Oh..except the part where I have to pay them for the 'exam' I suppose! LOL
LiLMermaidFemaleCanada2010-01-20 18:38:00
CanadaOntario health and taxes for CR1
Heh...its kinda amusing that you're offended that she may have a small amount deducted still to pay for Canadian healthcare while she holds a Canadian job and enjoys the benefit of a Canadian extended maternity leave. Apparently to get those rewards she's gonna have to pay a percentage for it.

I've never seen one of my wifes paychecks, but say a person earns 500 a week, what would they be earning after taxes are deducted, ballpark, in Canada.

Be easier to ask your wife. Not just taxes are deducted but also IE, cpp etc.. Go to Revenue Canada website and they have a calculator there that will give you an idea.
LiLMermaidFemaleCanada2010-01-20 14:54:00
CanadaOntario health and taxes for CR1

WOW, something needs to be changed in the system. That's total bull. That ain't happening, ah well.

Not really...there isn't that many people who live in the states and then work in Canada so I can't see changing a system that works to accomadate a few that leave the country and still want to continue to work here. Ohip isn't deducted seperately from your paycheck anyways. Its part of the 'income tax deducted'.
LiLMermaidFemaleCanada2010-01-20 14:47:00
CanadaMontreal Interview Times?

Hello everyone

Does anyone know about the wait at Montreal? I just send in our packet 3 last Wednesday were waiting for packet 4 and Interview....we got our medical on Feb 1st....with the backlog at Montreal I read that interview wait times can be up to 42 days I think. Anyone waiting for theres and or got it and how long did you wait?

Did you get this 42 days from the US consulate Montreal website? I'm assuming you did cause no way would you find that info here. If you read it closely it says EXCEPT k1 visas. Thats the processing time for visitor visa's and other types. Montreal has only scheduled K1's up to almost the end of October. All those who sent their packet 3's in late October/November may get interviews in March.....hopefully. So 4-5 months till interview from sending in their packet 3's.
LiLMermaidFemaleCanada2010-01-21 18:15:00
CanadaGetting med records from Canadian retired family doctor
St Catherines is in the Niagara region so I would suggest trying the Niagara public health department there. I didn't have my childhood records and I contacted the health clinic in my region and they mailed me my childhood vaccination record in less then a week. It also shows all the childhood immunizations I had in school. If she has no record of or hasn't had a booster in the last 10 years then she'll need to get that.
LiLMermaidFemaleCanada2010-01-21 15:30:00
CanadaDate and place of termination of marriage on G-235A
I just put the town and province that is stated on the divorce degree.
LiLMermaidFemaleCanada2010-01-22 07:49:00
CanadaNeed Help Deciding on Visa Type
I know little about the DCF but I have been watching the timelines and read alot about the K3 vs the CR1. Your gonna want to do the CR1 for sure. The K3 visa used to be great because it was processed alot faster and you could be in the states with your spouse while finishing up the rest of the paperwork but now they are taking the same amount of time to process. The CR1 you are finished once you enter the states where the K3 there are more steps involved once you enter the US (read more money + not being able to work etc). Very few people at this point bother with the K3 and thats usually people that got advice from a lawyer. Montreal is slow no matter what visa you apply for.
LiLMermaidFemaleCanada2010-01-20 09:00:00
CanadaReasons for Optimism

Sooo...are we going to see scheduling tomorrow? :)

A K1 got scheduled for Feb 3 on friday too. Hopefully we see a BUNCH of interviews scheduled for February this week.
LiLMermaidFemaleCanada2010-01-10 12:45:00
CanadaKids switching to US schools
Depends on where in the US you are moving too. My sister moved to Chicago from southern ontario and her son had a bit of difficulty and she ended up having him redo the year. He was an A student in Canada. Another friend moved to Florida and her kids had no difficultly adjusting and were doing extremely well.
LiLMermaidFemaleCanada2010-01-23 13:51:00
CanadaMy Montreal Experience
I recall reading about someone before who's spouse was in prison. Maybe it was you? If not you may want to do a search of the boards and see how it worked out for them. I don't recall the details or even what country they were from but it is an usual circumstance and it may be possible that the Montreal consulate just hasn't dealt with situation before. I hope it works out for you. If there is no law written about may work out. I'm praying for you that it does. Take care and keep us updated.
LiLMermaidFemaleCanada2010-01-21 19:09:00
CanadaMy Montreal Experience
I am sorry this happened to you as well :( I agree with Krikit though....someone may have gone through a similar circumstance and may be able to offer some insight. There's alot of folk that have been around along time on here and they may at least be able to point you in the right direction.
LiLMermaidFemaleCanada2010-01-21 08:54:00
Canadamontreal back logged

I assume rules are different in the U.S. and Canada, but some of the situations are the same, so they have to modify what's necessary for proof based on the siuation, like in the person who's posted above case. I'm the USC and I also have a daughter. I've never been married and my daughters father is not part of her life. Never has been. He lives in the same ciy, but I wouldn't know where to find him. When I applied for her passport I was required to show up at the appointment with him or to obtian a notarized letter from him stating he gave permission for her to obtain a passport, which gives permission for her to leave the country. Well, I wouldn't know how to find him, and even if I could, we aren't exactly on good terms. So in lieu of him being present or signing a statement, I needed to attach and complete a Special Circumstances form. I ended up getting her passport 2 weeks later with no problems. My point is, there aren't any cookie cutter cases when children are involved. I agree there was a lack of information present to provide the best response possible, but I don't think posters should be treated like idiots for giving their opinions that may be based on their experiences.

I don't think anyone said the poster was an idiot. All people said was they had never heard of anyone in Canada needing a certificate of non marriage before from Canada and asked for more details on why this ONE case did need it. The reply will certainly help those with the same circumstance now that more details have been provided.
LiLMermaidFemaleCanada2010-01-22 10:42:00
Canadamontreal back logged

I got the impression the Certificate of Non-Marriage was only mentioned because the OP has children and needs to prove they can legally move to the U.S. If the OP was never married, that seems like one way to do it.

Doesn't matter whether she was married to the childrens father or not. Just showing she was never married would not give you permission to move the children without the father's permission.
LiLMermaidFemaleCanada2010-01-21 11:59:00
Canadamontreal back logged
I've never heard of a Canadian needing a certificate of non marriage.
LiLMermaidFemaleCanada2010-01-21 09:23:00
CanadaCongrats Danu on your wedding!
Congrats :)
LiLMermaidFemaleCanada2010-01-21 11:44:00
CanadaWelcome to America....
Congrats! :D
LiLMermaidFemaleCanada2010-01-27 08:33:00
CanadaI'm getting my Visa!
OMG! That is FABULOUS! Congrats!
LiLMermaidFemaleCanada2010-01-27 20:42:00
CanadaCanadian vaccine costs

I read through this page and was under the impression that the 2009 Technical Instructions for Vaccinations for Civil Surgeons needed to be followed. There was an update that happened on Dec. 13, 2009.

USCIS page about vaccinations

I still don't see Hep A listed on that page either. Hep B is and so is the flu vaccine but they only apply to certain age groups. Hep B for under 18 year olds and the flu for over 50.
LiLMermaidFemaleCanada2010-01-28 13:22:00
CanadaCanadian vaccine costs
They aren't listed on the immunization requirements page.
LiLMermaidFemaleCanada2010-01-28 12:44:00
CanadaMarriage between a Canadian and am American
It won't affect the paperwork. You'd be applying for a CR1 visa which is a spousal visa. The forms will ask her current name and married name. Only downside I can see is you'd have to wait until she has her identification in her married name before applying as you have to send in copies with her current name on them. Still easier in the long run to change her name first though then wait until after immigration.
LiLMermaidFemaleCanada2010-02-01 20:18:00
CanadaThanks guys...
I love facebook :D
LiLMermaidFemaleCanada2010-02-01 10:52:00
CanadaHow close/far away are/were you from your American/Canadian significant other?
2,278 km away
LiLMermaidFemaleCanada2010-02-02 19:07:00
CanadaMarriage Certificate Needed?
I'm taking mine.
LiLMermaidFemaleCanada2010-02-04 14:40:00
CanadaOntario Divorce Certificate

This is probably a good place to ask my question...did any of you have to submit your old marriage certificate along with the divorce certificate? I have seen different answers. I don't understand why NVC/UCSIS/whomever would need your old marriage certificate if you have a divorce certificate instead.

You need it because it shows your name change.
LiLMermaidFemaleCanada2010-02-13 19:10:00
Canadaextending wife's stay while she's here in the states
Last time the kids and I went across ours was stamped with a B2 as well. Kinda freaked me out honestly because our passports had never been stamped before. The border guard never said anything and I didn't even notice that they had been stamped until long after we came home.
LiLMermaidFemaleCanada2010-02-16 18:39:00
CanadaSwiss Chalet Closing Restaurants
I was at zehrs today and they have the Swiss chalet dipping sauce, gravy and marinade in packages. It was on sale so I stocked up. lol
LiLMermaidFemaleCanada2010-02-20 16:48:00
CanadaSwiss Chalet Closing Restaurants

OBX-Lol..I never knew Swiss Chalet existed in the USA either..
Until I drove by one in Buffalo, NY...And then had to wonder, "Am I on the right side of the border?" :lol:
Unfortunately, I realized it too late..As now the US Swiss Chalets are closing....
Oh yeah...Swiss Chalet is now a "must" when visiting Canada! Since there aren't any here in the USA.......
I love the Christmas/Thanksgiving chicken dinners that they used to have there....(free tolberone (sp) chocolate bar too...yum!)
I love the Sauce too (can't find anything equivalent to that here in the USA either...It's the best sauce ever!)...

P.S. Does anyone know if they sell Swiss Chalet sauce in any Canadian grocery stores? Wondering if I can stock up on such, the next time I'm over the border...Hmm...I wonder how Swiss Chalet sauce tastes with Buffalo Chicken Wings....Now that's what I call a Canadian/American treat!

Yup they sure do! They sell the powder package stuff but I think I seen the sauce in cans as well. I figure the little packets will stuff nicely into my luggage before I move. Its on my 'to do' list before leaving Canada! lol
LiLMermaidFemaleCanada2010-02-19 22:58:00