CanadaWhat's your song?/lyrics?
"Bless The Broken Road" by Rascal Flatts

I set out on a narrow way many years ago
Hoping I would find true love along the broken road
But I got lost a time or two
Wiped my brow and kept pushing through
I couldn't see how every sign pointed straight to you

Every long lost dream led me to where you are
Others who broke my heart they were like Northern stars
Pointing me on my way into your loving arms
This much I know is true
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you

I think about the years I spent just passing through
I'd like to have the time I lost and give it back to you
But you just smile and take my hand
You've been there you understand
It's all part of a grander plan that is coming true


Now I'm just rolling home
Into my lover's arms
This much I know is true
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you

That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you. (L)

My link
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-08-06 15:12:00
CanadaDS160 Questions....
I just did the DS-160 last night. It didn't have the option of "forever" or "permanently"...only days, months years....

Somewhere on here I read that if you just put 4 weeks or whatever you want, it'll be good enough, since the answer to the question becomes unimportant once you have your visa.

I also remember it asking for a date when you plan to enter. Alot of us haven't even planned that far ahead regarding booking flights or arranging a road trip. So I just put an estimated date. You have 6 months anyway to enter on a K-1.

...and I used Tim as my U.S. contact. :)
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-08-10 09:10:00
CanadaGot questioned at Ottawa airport while visiting
Thought I'd share my story about the Ottawa airport July 30...

So I get through security, and the next person (woman) takes my passport and asks the usual questions..."Where you going? for how long? why so soon after the last visit? (April-June)who are you staying with? when did you meet? how often have you visited each other? how will you support yourself during your lengthy visit? (told her "I have enough money.") got a job to go back to? return ticket?"...

I expected all those questions and was prepared (return ticket for October 23, letter from my place of employment giving me time off, had my bank book handy in case I was asked, had a copy of everything we've submitted for my visa application from day one). As she's looking through my passport she suddenly said "I don't know if I can let you stay any longer than..." and I'm thinking "NOOOOOOOOOOOO! PLEASE DON'T SAY ONLY ONE MONTH!" :crying: ...then she says "...October 17." I'm like :huh: ??? So calmly I said "My return flight is for October 23...why the difference of a few days?" She said "Well, you were already in the U.S. from April 20-June 17...(long pause as she continues looking at my passport)...then...."Ya know what? I'm just going to send you over here to talk to another officer." :whistle: .........

So I silently said a prayer as I waited about 10 minutes to talk to a carbon copy of a young Sylvester Stallone :D He was very polite and talked with a "New Yoke" accent :P He asked me a few of the same questions the woman had asked. I answered them as briefly as possible, and made sure I didn't elaborate on anything for fear of maybe talking TOO much and making myself look suspicious. There were agonizingly long pauses between questions as he navigated on his computer. He asked "How did you meet?" "Playing Yahoo pool." "You can play pool online? How does that work?" :huh: Who DOESN'T know about online games? lol I think he was trying to trip me up. Another long pause...another question..."What's your boyfriend's middle name?" Easy one of course because I've written it enough times on forms! ;)

Another long pause..."When's his birthdate?" Well I SCREWED UP BIG TIME! I said May 28 '55, but then I realized my mistake and said "Oh sorry, May 28th was my ex's birthdate" and I giggled nervously. :oops: "Easy mistake" he said, and he grinned. THEN I realized I had given him the wrong year too! "Oh and it's 1957, not 55." :bonk: He said "So they're the same zodiac sign then?" "More or less." "So do they have the same type of personality?" "Gosh NO!" and I giggled again. He said "I suppose that's why you divorced, huh?" "Uh huh." :yes:

I forget how we finally got to this point, but when I mentioned I was visiting Tim to kill some time while we waited for my visa, he said "Oh so you're married?" "Nope...this is a K-1 visa." "What's that?" At this point I realized what he was doing, and even though I KNEW that he knew what I was talking about, I launched into a brief description of the different types of visas ;) He asked "How did you learn all this stuff?" I told him that was a great website and has been very helpful..."Don't even need an immigration lawyer" I said. :) Would you believe he went online and found VJ?? I told him "My name on VJ is Erin G. in case you want to see some of the messages I've left." "No, that's not necessary" he said.

I told him we had recently received packet 3 from Montreal. He played dumb again and asked what that was. I offered to show him some stuff I'd brought with me, and he flipped through it. Then he finished the interview by saying "Well it looks like you know your stuff and you're not doing anything illegal...blah blah blah...Have a good trip." I could have hugged him! I have to admit that even though this gentleman was very thorough, he was always polite and never really intimidating like some officers are, and he smiled often during the questioning. But his long periods of silence drove me absolutely crazy! :wacko:

As I walked out I said to Mr. Stallone "Enjoy your day, and God bless you." as I tried not to dance my way out of there. :dance:
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-08-10 12:35:00
CanadaPOE Tomorrow!
Hope your POE goes smoothly. From what I've read they hardly ever ask to see a list of stuff you're bringing across. Congrats!...and make sure you post your POE story. :)
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-08-10 08:37:00
CanadaI was denied...
Tim and I congratulate you. Can't wait to be where you are today. :)
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-08-10 10:16:00
CanadaAlaba... APPROVED :-D
Good morning. And congratulations! I love reading new reviews. :thumbs:
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-08-12 06:11:00
CanadaFew questions before sending packet 3 docs to Montreal
Thankyou. Good advice. :thumbs:

Maybe I'll make a separate post to ask if others survived without submitting the actual DS-160, and just the confirmation receipt.

Edited by Erin G., 12 August 2010 - 11:08 AM.

Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-08-12 11:05:00
CanadaFew questions before sending packet 3 docs to Montreal
Thanks for the suggestions from all of you.

I still don't know how I'd go back and print out the entire form, since it's already submitted. I only saw the option of printing the confirmation receipt. Oh well, do you think it's gonna be a big deal? I mean after all, it DID say on the confirmation receipt that the form was submitted, so it's not like they don't have it there somewhere. lol

And I think I WILL send it in a brown envelope, with the consulate address and my case number on it, inside an expresspost envelope (or whatever they call it here in the States). Then I'll send it off to someone in Canada and have them put the brown envelope into an expresspost and address it and send it off. Seems like such a hassle, and adds time to our journey of course, but I don't want to mess things up by sending it directly from the U.S.

Or maybe I should email Montreal and ask them if I could mail from the U.S.? Anybody have that email address handy, by the way? I know I have it somewhere but I'm lazy this morning. :P
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-08-12 09:11:00
CanadaFew questions before sending packet 3 docs to Montreal
1. I got my confirmation printed out for the DS-160, but the instructions from Montreal say I also need to submit one copy of the DS-160. How do I do that? Did I miss the option somewhere when filling it out online to print out the entire application??

2. The confirmation page states I must bring with me "passport; evidence of approved
I-129." Would that be the NOA2?

3. Instructions from Montreal say to send back forms "using the enclosed envelope." There was NO envelope, so what is the best way to mail all that to them?

4. Regarding mailing to Montreal...I am presently visiting the U.S. Is it a problem to mail my stuff from here?

5. Do I put my case number on the outside of the envelope?

Thanks to all who answer. I'll be glad when this step is over with. :blink:
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-08-11 22:09:00
CanadaIs just confirmation for DS-160 ok? (Montreal)
Thanks guys! Huge sigh of relief. :)
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-08-12 15:12:00
CanadaIs just confirmation for DS-160 ok? (Montreal)
Instructions from Montreal ask for me to submit form DS-160, as well as confirmation receipt. I neglected to print the entire form when I was filling it out, and I doubt I could go back now and do it. Has anyone here gotten through ok with only the confirmation?
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-08-12 11:11:00
CanadaHas anyone sent packet 3 forms from States?
Yay! Hopefully I'll get that sent off tomorrow. Had a little trouble with a photocopier today, so I need to make copies in the morning somewhere else. :whistle: I don't send ANYTHING away without making copies just in case. :no:
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-08-12 21:29:00
CanadaHas anyone sent packet 3 forms from States?
I'm visiting the U.S. right now and almost ready to send in requested packet 3 forms. Just wondering if anyone here had sent their packet 3 forms from the States and if this was a problem.

Thanks to anyone who suggested otherwise, but I'd just like to know if anyone has done this successfully. :)
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-08-12 11:35:00
CanadaMontreal Interview Review
Congratulations on getting through the interview so easily! It should be pointed out that others' experiences might be much different from yours, so they should be prepared with all documents required for the interview. I'll bet you were nervous about not having the tax returns!

Good luck with your POE. When will that be?
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-08-12 15:10:00
CanadaHow did you meet?
For years my marriage was suffering because of an alcoholic and abusive spouse. We lived wayyyyy out in the boonies, and hundreds of miles from my family. I felt isolated from my family and friends, and it was difficult to make new friends in our area. My husband at the time would spend all of his "at home" time out in his workshop with his drinking buddies, or even just alone. The relationship was dead, but I felt trapped with no way out. I had no job and no money of my own. I didn't want to admit defeat to my family or ask for any help, because I saw that as a sign of weakness on my part.

We eventally bought a computer, and one day in Spring 2004 I decided to check out the Yahoo chat rooms. I have to admit I was disgusted at some of the stuff that went on in some of those chat rooms, but I kept visiting and hoped to find anyone to chat with who might be in a similar situation and could sympathize. I remember one day going from room to room watching some of the conversations going on, and finally I just typed something like "Is there anybody in here interested in having an intelligent conversation for a change??!"

Then Tim pm'd me and said "Howdy ma'am." :blush: I said "You must be from somewhere in the south." "Yes, ma'am." Well we talked for quite awhile about how difficult it was to find someone to talk to who wasn't focused on trashy talk within 2 minutes of saying hello, or someone who could even SPELL for that matter! :lol: Turned out he had been divorced for 7 years and had only had a few casual dates. I took a peek at his profile and saw how physically fit he was for his age. I commented on that, and he took the comment like "Gosh golly gee whiz shucks, not me." But he KNEW he had it goin on. :lol: We ended up adding each other to Yahoo Messenger that very day, and over the next few months spent almost every evening talking online. He talked me through some very tough times, and made me realize I deserved more in life, and to be treated decently by a man. Tim never once suggested anything romantic for us.

As I worked out a plan to end my marriage, Tim decided to date a woman and I didn't see him online for quite awhile. By the time we reconnected in 2005 I was out on my own, and things hadn't worked out for Tim and the woman. That's when our romance started. Tim is such a southern gentleman, and couldn't say sh** if his mouth was full of it. Our chats, emails and phone conversations continued until the first time we met in 2007 when he decided at the spur of the moment to come visit me for a few days while he was between jobs. And HOLY MACKEREL the sparks flew! lol And the spark is still there today. :yes:

Thanks for starting this thread, and to everyone who has shared their stories. I have an idea for my own thread, so keep your eyes open. ;)
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-08-06 14:55:00
CanadaApproved on Monday @ MTL!!!!
Congratulations to you! I can't wait until we're at the interview stage. Bring it on!
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-08-18 08:32:00
CanadaPOE Ambassador Bridge
Wow! Hope my POE goes as smoothly as that. Congratulations! :)
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-08-18 17:07:00
CanadaHow do I track packet 3?

Thankyou so much for posting this link! And thanks to Dodi who originally posted the info. Maybe it should be reposted somewhere for all to see? ;)
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-08-19 16:05:00
CanadaHow do I track packet 3?
I sent off packet 3 last week. I've got a tracking number from U.S. Postal Service where I mailed it from, but so far it's only showing that it was "accepted" here at the local outlet. How can I contact Montreal to see if they've received it?
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-08-19 14:20:00
CanadaWhat's the best time of day to call DOS?

I always called just after 8:30 when they just opened. Always got through to an operator right away.

You realize that now everyone who saw your post will be calling just after 8:30 and all the operators will be busy. :P
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-08-25 21:16:00
CanadaWhat's the best time of day to call DOS?
Just curious...I wonder if there are any dial around numbers anyone knows of that one could use when dialing from the States?
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-08-25 16:48:00
CanadaWhat's the best time of day to call DOS?

I used to call at around 3:30-4, and I would wait 5-10 minutes on average... I also would dial 10-10-710 before the 1-202, and this way the call was always 1.12$ even if I stayed on the line for 20 minutes...

I have used a dial around number to get a better long distance rate too, but I'm actually calling from the States right now, so that 10-10-710 number won't work.

By the way, another dial around number I've used in the past is 10-15-565, and I got basically the same deal on the call as with the 710 number.

Hey maybe someone should post those numbers as a sticky. :yes:

Thanks all for your suggestions. I'll give DOS another call tomorrow.
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-08-25 16:45:00
CanadaWhat's the best time of day to call DOS?
Just called for the first time, and listened to their phone ring for about 5 minutes then hung up. It's after lunch, so I'm assuming most operators are quite busy. I didn't want to run up my phone bill by listening to a phone ringing for hours. :whistle: I'm just wondering what time of day might be better to call, and normally how long would it take for someone to answer. I just want to know if I've been logged in at Montreal.

Thanks all. :)
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-08-25 14:01:00
CanadaMontreal K-1 interview review
Good detailed review. Congratulations to you both, and good luck with the POE and wedding! :thumbs:
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-05-04 16:17:00
CanadaQuestion about online scheduling for interview
Thanks! I didn't click on the FAQs because I was impatient and anxious to book my interview date. :P
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-09-17 10:05:00
CanadaQuestion about online scheduling for interview
I got to the part where it informs me of the next available date for an appointment (Nov. 1). But do I have to take that one? Does clicking "continue" lock that date in as my interview date, or will it give me the option of choosing another date? I just don't think I'll have time once I get back from the States on Oct. 23 to schedule a medical and make arrangements to get there, all before November 1. I guess I'm just curious as to what happens after clicking "continue." :unsure:
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-09-17 09:37:00
CanadaEnough notice for medical?
I want to schedule my medical appointment as soon as possible after I get back to Canada (Oct. 23). If I schedule my interview appointment for mid November, would that give the clinic enough notice so I can have my medical done a day or two before the interview?

Thanks guys! Getting pretty anxious about everything now that it's scheduling time. :P
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-09-17 17:29:00
CanadaWhat is this new Montreal online scheduling thing about?
Hour and a half trip for me to pick mine up in Ottawa. I don't have a car, so I not only have to inconvenience someone to drive me to Montreal, but now also to Ottawa...or inconvenience someone by borrowing their car. GRRR!

Ok so no expresspost envelope. Wow, that makes things simpler. Ya right. :angry:

Thanks for the tips folks.
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-09-16 22:07:00
CanadaWhat is this new Montreal online scheduling thing about?
Ok thanks. I won't see packet 4 until my mom sends it to me. She said it's too much to read to me over the phone. "Duh." :lol: I made sure she'll photocopy everything before sending it off...just in case. ;)

Are there any snags I might run into when scheduling online? I understand I need my passport number, date of birth, and case number. Anything else?

Thanks again for your help. :)
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-09-16 16:19:00
CanadaWhat is this new Montreal online scheduling thing about?
I've been visiting Tim (petitioner)for the past couple months. I sent off my packet 3 stuff and just today my mom called to say I had mail and it was something from Montreal (I'm assuming packet 4?). So she says I have to go to the website and schedule and appointment. How does that work? Do you have to pay the interview fee online? Also, I am visiting the States until end of October. There's no way I'll get an interview date before then, is there?? How far in advance can you book your interview?

Sorry if I missed all this info somehow, but if someone would direct me to a link where I could read up about it, I'd appreciate it.

Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-09-16 15:06:00
CanadaCan log into appointment scheduling system
I finally made it through the scheduling website and got a date! :thumbs: I just kept trying and trying. Prayers helped too I think. :) Thanks for all your replies, and good luck to everyone else who has encountered the same problems. Just keep trying.
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-09-22 14:03:00
CanadaCan log into appointment scheduling system
This has been very frustrating. Thankyou for all your suggestions. I'll try them all.

By the way, I'm in the States right now and wondering if I call that toll free number, will I be able to reach Montreal by doing so?
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-09-21 09:23:00
CanadaCan log into appointment scheduling system
I've already entered info about myself on previous visits to the site. I get to the page where I confirm that I'm authorized to DHL branch...submit...THEN..
there's a screen coming up saying "Visa Info Service" that has an American flag, and it's asking for username, password, and I can choose Live Service, Consulate, or CSC Admin. from a dropdown menu. THAT'S where I'm stuck. Been trying for a few days now.

Yes, I've emailed them, on Friday. No reply, but I didn't expect. Others must be able to schedule their appointments, since the next available date keeps getting farther and farther away. :crying:

A thought I had just now...Would packet 4 have had a username and password to use? I'm not home right now and my mom has mailed it out to me. She kept a copy though, so if you guys tell me there's a password in there somewhere, I'll certainly ask her to look for it on the copy.

Attached Files

Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-09-20 22:36:00
CanadaExplain how to pay interview fee at Scotiabank?
:dance: November 23 :dance:
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-09-23 10:41:00
CanadaExplain how to pay interview fee at Scotiabank?
Confusing, YES!...according to the variety of experiences people have had on the scheduling website. All I can tell you is this:

1. I sent an email to them yesterday saying:

"I will be making payment through Scotiabank. I cannot access the page where it asks me to select Scotiabank and print out the deposit slip to take to the bank."
Their reply today:
"As of September 1, 2010, the US Embassy and Consulates in Canada transitioned to a new program in the US Department of State.
Applicants will visit to either obtain information online or via telephone, at no additional charge, on how to apply for a U.S. visa at a Consular Section in Canada.
Beginning September 1, 2010, all visa applicants will be required to pay the MRV application fee prior to scheduling an appointment."
The Customer Support Desk Team

2. I finally received the letter from Montreal that I had my mother forward to me. It states as Kimbear had said:
If you have previously paid all fees due to the National Visa Center, there will be no additional fees to pay on the day of the interview. If you have not paid fees at the National Visa Center, please be prepared to pay the following fees on the day of your interview.

I-130 immigrant petitions filed in Canada: $404.00 US for each applicant
For each family member (spouse/children) added to a petition: $404.00 US for family based
applications and $794 US for Employment based.
SIV cases: $379 US.
K (fiancé/e) visas: $350.00 US cash only

All fees may be paid in US dollars or the Canadian dollar equivalent. We accept cash and credit cards only. Please note if a person is found ineligible to receive a visa, the application fee cannot be refunded."

3. When accessing their website today to scheule my interview, I chose Permanently Immigrate to the US (Ready to schedule). I was not asked at any point HOW I was going to pay, nor was I asked for DS-160 confirmation.

4. All I can think about right now is that I finally have an interview date. :dance:
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-09-22 14:30:00
CanadaExplain how to pay interview fee at Scotiabank?
Thanks. I'll give it a try. :whistle:
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-09-22 09:43:00
CanadaExplain how to pay interview fee at Scotiabank?
I'm still waiting to get the embassy letter that my mom has forwarded to me. That should clear up alot of the confusion on my part. :wacko: I'll do whatever the letter says regarding payment. I just hate waiting. :(
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-09-22 07:50:00
CanadaExplain how to pay interview fee at Scotiabank?
This is from an email I received today:

You may access our service via internet or telephone.
Internet service is available at 24 hours a day, seven days a week. A visa fee must be paid to access visa information and schedule an appointment online. General visa information is available online at no cost.

Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-09-21 23:30:00
CanadaExplain how to pay interview fee at Scotiabank?
Oops... :blush: I guess I found what I was looking for. Hope it can help somebody else too:

1.Please select Scotiabank.
2.Click on the "PDF" link next to the "MRV Fee Receipt Number" box.
3.Print the electronic generated deposit slip for each applicant.
4.Complete the relevant information.
5.Take the deposit slip(s) to the bank and pay.
6.The "MRV Fee Receipt Number" is located at the button of the Scotiabank deposit slip in the "serial number" field.
?Note: Each applicant requires a separate "serial number."
7.Return to this Web site and enter the "MRV Fee Receipt Number" when asked to provide it.
My link

Thanks anyway, Sweetcheeksss
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-09-21 16:04:00
CanadaExplain how to pay interview fee at Scotiabank?
I think I've figured out why I can't get any farther than I have on the Visa Info Service website. I feel stupid! :bonk: I guess now we have to pay BEFORE the interview, right? Up until now it was my understanding that we paid AT the interview. Don't know how I missed that one. :huh: But ANYWAY....................

Since I'm in the States right now, and I don't have a credit card, I'll need to have my mother go to Scotiabank and make the payment for me. How does that work? I'll need to give her explicit instructions.

Or has someone got another suggestion? I just hesitate to call Montreal for info and not be able to get through, or be put on hold for ages, only to find it's a very simple procedure.

Thanks to anyone who can enlighten me.
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-09-21 15:35:00