CanadaMontreal didn't give me a waybill number

Weird, that's what i used and it worked. When i went to pick up the visa's the lady at the office said the telephone inquire people are not really up to speed on things and may give you wrong information.

I think you will have them by Wednesday of next week. :thumbs:

Anybody here have the visa info line phone number handy?

The DHL guy told me this morning when I called, that the reference number I gave him was not a waybill number. I told him all I knew was that what I was given was called a reference number, and that it was a visa I needed to track. He said the number I gave him had nothing to do with a visa. ??? Oh and the guy sounded like I woke him from a deep sleep. GRRRR! (Find another job, buddy.)

I can understand if my reference number isn't registered yet with DHL (probably not in their system yet)...because I had my interview on Tuesday and was told paperwork had to be processed and entered into the database...and then of course there was the holiday on Thursday... "sighhhhhhhhhh"........

I just wanna go home. :cry:

The DHL location that is closest to me is just outside of Ottawa,about 2 hours drive from from Montreal.
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-11-26 10:39:00
CanadaMontreal didn't give me a waybill number
Ok, did that, and it has my ref. number under "shipment #" and "piece #" and under "status" it says "shipment/waybill not found." There is nothing in the other boxes. I need one of you guys to assure me that DHL does indeed HAVE my waybill number. I'm assuming that nothing would show up in any of those boxes if they didn't have it.
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-11-25 11:02:00
CanadaMontreal didn't give me a waybill number
Ok, I found my reference i.d. #. It's a 7 digit number. Do I enter it into the waybills, reference, or return authorization field?

I'm in such a panic right now. Too much stress these past few days. :( I appreciate your help.
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-11-25 10:49:00
CanadaMontreal didn't give me a waybill number
What can I do today to find out if my visa is ready to be picked up? I just realized that Montreal Embassy did not give me a waybill number so I can track my delivery. I called DHL and they said they can't do anything without that waybill number. Tim and I would love to head home to the States as soon as possible, especially since the weather is supposed to turn nasty the next couple days. :( AND the Embassy is closed today for the Thanksgiving holiday. :crying:
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-11-25 10:28:00
CanadaBest way to get last check

Another quick question for ppl who have already crossed, my last check from my current employer will be deposited into my account after I have crossed already, I bank with CIBC, any suggestions of what the best way to get it into US funds would be? I guess I could transfer it to my paypal account then into my fiances account but I'm pretty sure they have a high exchange rate. Any ideas?

I opened a U.S. checking account at my bank (TD) that I am gradually adding funds to it, plus I can transfer online from my cdn accounts. I can't access the U.S. funds with a bank card but I will be able to write checks and deposit into his bank. We will have our joint account as soon as I get there. No fees other than the usual service charges and no fluctuating exchange rate to deal with.

Just another idea for you to think about. :)
Shirley AnnFemaleCanada2011-06-11 07:13:00
CanadaCanuck Riots

So, how do you guys feel about this?

Posted Image

It's disgusting and an embarrassment to the whole Country! I've always been proud to be Canadian, however I am appalled at the childish behavior displayed in Vancouver last night. :o :unsure: :( :bonk:
Shirley AnnFemaleCanada2011-06-16 17:56:00
WooHooo!... Congrats! :dance:

Good luck with the interview! :thumbs:
Shirley AnnFemaleCanada2011-05-05 12:33:00
CanadaNOA2 arrived today!!!!!

Congrats! I have been thinking of you two :-)

Thanks Jeannie! You were instrumental in our process to date going as well as it has! Randy and I very much appreciate your kindness and advice. (F) :thumbs:
Shirley AnnFemaleCanada2011-06-26 07:36:00
CanadaNOA2 arrived today!!!!!
Thank you all so much!!! (F) (L) I know our journey to this point would have been much longer and more cumbersome without all the guidance and information available here on VJ!
Shirley AnnFemaleCanada2011-06-24 19:11:00
CanadaNOA2 arrived today!!!!!

Congratulations!! :D :D

Thank you!
I see your interview is coming up soon, good luck! I'm sure it will go smoothly. :yes:
Shirley AnnFemaleCanada2011-06-24 19:02:00
CanadaNOA2 arrived today!!!!!

Posted Image

Thanks! Good luck with the interview next week!!! :thumbs:
Shirley AnnFemaleCanada2011-06-24 18:49:00
CanadaNOA2 arrived today!!!!!

Cool - want to do Electronic Processing at NVC? Here's a Handy HowTo™ from Saylin -> http://www.visajourn...ew_Online_Forms

Thank you Saylin! The link is much appreciated too. :)

Good luck with your journey, I hope it goes smoothly for you!
Shirley AnnFemaleCanada2011-06-24 18:48:00
CanadaNOA2 arrived today!!!!!

Congratulations.. could you update your timeline...Thanks..

I didn't realize you were both a couple.. lol, 4 months.. Great !

Thanks! We both have an account because when we joined he had no idea about the how to or what was best. lol :rofl:

Randy updated the timeline on his. You can see it on his comment right below mine. :D
Shirley AnnFemaleCanada2011-06-24 18:28:00
CanadaNOA2 arrived today!!!!!
Yayyyyy!!! It was in the mail today...We are so excited!!!!!!!! :dance: :yes: :dance: :star: :dance:
Shirley AnnFemaleCanada2011-06-24 18:04:00
CanadaBeginning of the End
Have a safe trip! I'm told the interview is the easiest part of the process, the staff are easy to deal with and helpful.. and most of all to TRY not to stress about it! :thumbs:

We'll watch for your review with great anticipation. Every one I read gives me encouragement for my own when it comes up. :yes:
Shirley AnnFemaleCanada2011-06-27 09:03:00
CanadaOh Canada!

WHAT is the day about...?

It is Canada's 144th Birthday today :-)
Shirley AnnFemaleCanada2011-07-01 08:55:00
CanadaOh Canada!

Easier for me to just post a link for you to read.....

Happy Canada Day to you too Jeannie.. and to all Canadians everywhere! :)
Shirley AnnFemaleCanada2011-07-01 08:53:00
CanadaHappy Canada Day!!!!!

Spending it here in Ri, will have to go and get me some Cdn beer,lol I guess my big pressy is get to see my wife for the 1s time in 2 months,lol Have a great day all!! And give time to think about the men and women who lost/risked their lives for Canada and those that are serving now. Cheers

Cheers!!! Enjoy your visit with your wife.. What a great way to celebrate!!! :thumbs:
Shirley AnnFemaleCanada2011-07-01 08:58:00
CanadaRescheduling appointment

Thanks for the replies guys. I have done everything I can with Passport Canada and although I expect it back in time, I also know how my luck runs. I am in Texas so a quick jaunt across the border is not an option. Our trip to the interview will be a major excursion as the medical, interview and (hopefully) granting of the visa will all have to take place.

I did send a followup email to and got a notice of receipt for the email and an automated response stating that my email would be answered within three business days. This does make me feel a little better!

I'll keep you all posted.

I'm sorry you're having to deal with all this stress and uncertainty. I wish I could be more help. I'm not sure how it works for this type of interview but perhaps you may need the new passport with you at the interview? If not, hope Cdn Immigration services can offer some advice on traveling without it. Positive thinking helps too! .. it sure can't hurt!
Shirley AnnFemaleCanada2011-06-23 13:14:00
CanadaRescheduling appointment

I had posted this in another section and should have posted here. My apologies.

I entered the US 9 years ago on a K-1 visa. Five years ago my Canadian daughter moved with me and soon after we started the process of an I-130 application. Long story short, after years of paperwork and waiting, out of the blue on June 2nd we were granted an interview in Montreal for July 6th. As we were gathering the necessary materials I discovered that my daughters passport had recently expired (of all the stupid things I should have kept up with). Immediately we sent off to renew her Canadian passport but the turn around will make having it in time to travel for her interview a poor gamble at best. On January 3rd I emailed the consulate requesting another interview date. It has been three weeks and I have not gotten a reply from Montreal. The site http://travel.state..../info_3742.html is not working when you select US Embassy/Consulate specific information.

I have not received any word from Montreal concerning my rescheduling and we are getting close to the original interview date. Maybe I'm being paranoid but I really don't want to jeopardize my daughter's immigration chances by missing an appointment and an email getting lost in the shuffle.

Can anyone provide any advice in the matter?

Are you close enough to drive across the border? If so she can most likely cross back into Canada with her expired passport, along with the interview documentation. Or if she has a drivers license (enhanced type) that's all she needs. The passport is needed when flying though.

If you contact the passport office and explain the situation they may expedite her renewal and send it by courier in time for your interview. It's worth making some calls ...Canadian Immigration, Border Services and the passport office that is handling the renewal to find out what your options are if Montreal doesn't get back to you with a new date. A follow-up email to Montreal with a read receipt may be a good idea also.

Good Luck!!
Shirley AnnFemaleCanada2011-06-23 12:26:00
CanadaBackground checks!

PS, she is in Toronto area....

any specific agencies or web sites we can use to get this done by Friday at the latest?

I got mine in from Niagara Regional Police the same day. It is a Canada wide, "Canadian Police Information Centre (C.P.I.C.) Certificate. That is all she needs according to the Department of State website instructions... unless there is a criminal record. No finger prints are required. The cost was $40.00 and they did it while I waited. I'm sure she can do the same thing in the Toronto area.

I hope this helps... Good luck!!
Shirley AnnFemaleCanada2011-07-06 18:59:00
CanadaP3 items (Montreal)

Did you read the check list? marriage certificates is MOST DEFINITELY on the list.... http://montreal.usco...a_checklist.pdf

The only part that they do not make clear is that its females with prior marriages that need them because of name change due to marriage.

My mistake, my apologies to you OP! I read that to apply to CR1 filers. :bonk:
I appreciate you catching that before I inadvertently mislead anyone!!! :(
Shirley AnnFemaleCanada2011-07-30 14:09:00
CanadaP3 items (Montreal)

Whew, I'm sure glad I just got my birth cert in the mail. It certainly isn't clear from the checklist whose they want.

Don't send ANY originals with the I129f application! You will bring the originals of everything with you to your interview at the consulate. I didn't send a marriage certificate for a previous marriage however I will take it with me to the interview, just in case. They never asked for it and our application has passed the noa1 and noa2 stages, on it's way to the consulate now. In the information about what to bring to the interview there is no mention of marriage certificates at all but better safe than sorry.

The instructions about what to send with the 129f are pretty clear. Send what they ask for and remember it's Very important to send (copies of) certified copies of your certificates of divorce and sufficient proof of having met in person in the last two years.

It's the U.S. citizen who is the applicant at this stage. You become the applicant after the noa1 and noa2 are approved. He must provide a copy of his birth certificate and his passport. You need your long form BC for the interview not to send now. There is a ton of helpful information from other VJers so as you go through each step in this process you will have a lot of help and great information to guide you.

Good luck!

P.S. The pkt 3 and pkt 4 information comes later in the process and is sent to you from the consulate prior to your interview.

Edited by Shirley Ann, 30 July 2011 - 01:12 PM.

Shirley AnnFemaleCanada2011-07-30 13:08:00
CanadaChicago Tribune article : Usa should attack Canada
Thanks for sharing! :)
Shirley AnnFemaleCanada2011-08-03 10:37:00
CanadaChecklist for PK 3?

Do I mail in the checklist with PK 3? I have all the forms, two passport photos, photo copy of my passport bio page the confirmation page for DS-160 ready to be sent off to Montreal. But there are a few things on the checklist that I don't have at this time. (stuff like the medical, I-134 and the appointment letter) Do I check off what I have now and send it with PK3, or do I leave it blank?



Yes, check off all of the items that apply to you that you will bring with you to the interview. The instructions tell you to include the checklist with your forms when you send the package in. I sent mine via courier and had a very quick review. Packet 4 was sent to me 7 days later.
Shirley AnnFemaleCanada2011-08-24 22:58:00
CanadaWishing everyone is Safe on the EAST COAST
:dance: :thumbs:
Shirley AnnFemaleCanada2011-08-30 09:46:00
CanadaWishing everyone is Safe on the EAST COAST

That's great...apparently a neighbour set up a generator. Happy to have heard from her too...:)

:thumbs: :)
Shirley AnnFemaleCanada2011-08-29 12:45:00
CanadaWishing everyone is Safe on the EAST COAST

Sending prayers and well wishes to everyone on the EAST COAST - especially JeannieL who just went through an earthquake too, please lets pray together for their safety and all their loved ones.

I just heard from Jeannie via her phone email. She can't access VJ yet as they still have no power (3rd day). She asked me to let you all know she is okay. Her note reads in part..
"Not sure how long it will be off there are many trees on lines. Looks like a tornado touched down during the phone service just text and email"
Shirley AnnFemaleCanada2011-08-29 11:17:00
CanadaWishing everyone is Safe on the EAST COAST

Sending prayers and well wishes to everyone on the EAST COAST - especially JeannieL who just went through an earthquake too, please lets pray together for their safety and all their loved ones.

Absolutely! Our thoughts and prayers have been,and are still with everyone on the East Coast this weekend. We've been very concerned about Jeannie also and will be much relieved when we hear she is okay!
Shirley AnnFemaleCanada2011-08-29 09:33:00
CanadaVisa on hold waiting for childs
Immigration lawyers are idiots! The one my husband consulted insisted that I would interview in Toronto not Montreal and that I would have my visa by July 2009 (That was in April 2009). I told my husband that the lawyer was wrong and I was doing this myself.

Her situation is pretty complicated. I'm not sure if the child would be able to even AOS here. One thing to go the US get married and AOS but to visit your parent and AOS? I don't think I've ever heard of that. Sounds like she's going to have no other choice but to go back to Canada and refile for the child. I don't understand how the lawyer could be so stupid...the child would need to have the biological parents permission to move to the US, a medical etc so the US isn't going to just hand them a visa without all of that first.
LiLMermaidFemaleCanada2010-07-14 07:25:00
CanadaI-134: 2 small Questions!
So #1: Question 11 :

She does not intend to make specific contributions to you, she going to support you rather then let you go on welfare if you NEED it only, which is what they want. These applications are used for more then just K1 visa's so sometimes questions really don't apply. So leave the boxes empty and put what was in the Vj example.

She will put "None" to questions 8 (dependent persons) unless she has children living at home of course

9 None (previously submitted affidavit)again unless she has

10 (submitted visa petitions)none unless she has

" But where does she specifies that she is co-sponsoring me as the petitioner's mother? In question 11? Then does she still leave the boxes empty (see #1)?" It doesn't specify that she is the co-sponsor, question 2 relationship to sponsor..future daughter in law. You are handing these forms to them at the interview...they get that she's a co-sponsor.

Edited by LiLMermaid, 14 July 2010 - 11:34 AM.

LiLMermaidFemaleCanada2010-07-14 11:33:00
CanadaNewly Weds and looking for best approach
If she hadn't overstayed then yes, she could go back and file from there with no problem. The problem is she has overstayed. As a Canadian she is allowed to be here for only 6 months, anything after that is considered an overstay. She will automatically be banned upon leaving the country. The longer the overstay the worse the ban (10 years instead of 3).
LiLMermaidFemaleCanada2010-07-14 18:07:00
CanadaNewly Weds and looking for best approach
As has been stated already by a few others...If she leaves the USA she will automatically incur a 3 or 10 year BAN. So even if she applies for a CR1 they will NOT just let her back in if it is approved. She would have to file for a waiver AFTER she gets the CR1 visa, from Canada. That process would then take at least a YEAR, cost MORE money and they can and may DENY her.

So DO not let her leave unless you are prepared for her to be living in Canada for 2 or more years. File for AOS now and STAY until it is done.
LiLMermaidFemaleCanada2010-07-14 07:40:00
CanadaUhaul and other moving suggestions
We did the ABF u-pack and it cost us about 2 grand from Toronto, Ontario area to Tampa, Fl and we flew down, didn't bring a vehicle. I guess it depends on how much stuff you really need to bring. I managed to get rid of alot of stuff before we left but with 3 kids there is only so much stuff you can get rid of.
LiLMermaidFemaleCanada2010-07-14 14:33:00
CanadaCanada Abbreviations?
This thread reminded me of the first time my now husband was coming to meet me in Toronto, ON. He reserved his tickets and was reading them off to me on the phone...Ontario, CA. I said "what city dear....Ontario is a big place.." He was confused for a few and finally called the airline. Yup...he had booked his tickets to Ontario, California. :bonk: Luckily we caught the error because I was already pretty nervous about meeting someone I met online and he may not have gotten a second chance if he was a no show. :P
LiLMermaidFemaleCanada2010-07-15 22:03:00
CanadaAOS and vaccination record with k-1 visa
I found this post from someone who didn't have it transcribed and it was fine. It depends on who opens your file I guess. Personally I didn't get mine transcribed. I wasn't shelling out a bunch more money if I didn't have to. This process is a tad expensive as it is and since I have 3 kids....everything times 4. So watch my timeline...if you see an RFE in a few weeks...then go get it done. lol
LiLMermaidFemaleCanada2010-07-21 15:49:00
CanadaAOS and vaccination record with k-1 visa

I am confused..... I have read through several other threads but still confussed.
I had a medical done a few month ago in Vancouver and was issued a k1 visa. At the medical I was given a copy of my immunization records (I think this is my DS 3025?) which states: 'Vaccine history incomplete, Applicant may be eligible for blanket waiver(s) becuase vaccination(s) not medically appropriate'. I am know filing for AOS and do not understand if I need to get my vaccination records transcribed by a civil surgeon to form I-693.

Anyone know???

(I think I need to get my vaccination records transcribed but I don't really see the piont of this, maybe I am missing something??)

Thanks :)

Like Canadian wife said are fine. Yes, you are supposed to get them transcribed by a civil surgeon. Since you already had a medical within one year you do not need a full medical...just the immunizations transcribed. Apparently alot of civil surgeons don't get that and try to make you pay for a full medical anyways. Some have not bothered to get them transcribed and just sent in a copy of the immunizations that they received at their medical. Its a ####### shoot...some have had it slip through no problem and some have gotten RFE's and had to do it anyways.
LiLMermaidFemaleCanada2010-07-21 15:31:00
CanadaBirth Certificate

Like always with the government of Canada, I got a letter asking me to reconfirm my mothers maiden name because her parents had a divorce before she was born and her 'father' adopted her when he married her mom, so for some reason when I put her name at birth it always asks me to re-write it and send it back in. I don't know why they always make me say it twice... can't they just check? That was early June. I'll call them this week because I should have it by now.

... and I don't know why they need to make sure it's me because I have the wallet sized one already!

Ahh...they do mention in the fine print that if they require more info then of course the guarantee is void. lol Typical
LiLMermaidFemaleCanada2010-07-20 22:38:00
CanadaBirth Certificate

I have the short form and applied for the long form back in May and am still waiting for it... they must be behind schedule because last time I ordered my wallet sized one when my wallet was lost it only took 3 weeks.

... oops forgot to add, I'm speaking about Ontario.

Hmmm...thats a long time. I ordered mine online and they have a 15 business day guarantee. I had it in less time then that.
LiLMermaidFemaleCanada2010-07-20 21:48:00
CanadaBirth Certificate
As far as I'm concerned anybody willing to sign up to possibly die for their country deserves whatever special treatment we can give them. I think letting them marry and spend some time with the ones they love before being shipped off is the least their country can do for them.

I do believe that the poster you replied to was being sincere and just meant you congrats. This whole process is a PAIN in the A$$. It was two weeks short of a year between our file date and my POE. Montreal's slowness has tried all our patience I'm sure.
LiLMermaidFemaleCanada2010-07-19 11:46:00