CanadaPOE Question
I usually fly with a connection to the states out of Pearson International in Ontario. I usually end up in Washington Dulles, Charlotte, or Reagan.

What would my POE be? :unsure: Maybe a dumb question, but I want to be clear.

I always speak with American customs at Pearson (before dropping off my luggage, carry-on screening, etc).

So where would I be getting my stamps done at the very end of CR1? The way I interpreted POE was it's the point of entry in the U.S. - when I land in Jacksonville for example, it's straight from gate to waiting area to find my boyfriend - no customs. When I land in the U.S. do I have to go somewhere specific to get my stamps?

A little confused :wacko:
GervlFemaleCanada2010-11-29 16:18:00
CanadaMan Killed by Crossbow at Toronto Library
Crazy. I used to be in that area a lot. I've taken books out from there :wacko:

A lot of people have been killed the last couple weeks. A lot of hit and runs for some reason. Shootings as well. Really sad stuff :(

Edited by Gervl, 03 December 2010 - 12:52 AM.

GervlFemaleCanada2010-12-03 00:52:00
CanadaSo you think you know everything about Canada, eh?

Well, I got 17/20.

Sure glad I got the question about "Inuit" means...would have been pretty bad if after 4 years in Nunavut, I didn't even learn what that word meant! :wacko:

I feel the urge now to watch Rick Mercer's Talking to Americans.

Prime Minister Jean Poutine. :rofl:

I know I'd like to climb the Peter Mansbridge :lol:
GervlFemaleCanada2010-12-06 01:17:00
CanadaHolier then thou attitude
Funny anecdote actually:
Last summer I was in FL with the boyfriend, and he was selling his phone to a woman. We met at a sprint store, and being a military wife, she trusted my boyfriend enough to ask if I could every babysit her kids, to which I had to kindly decline because I was visiting. But to kill some time, I was chatting with her young daughter (maybe 3 or 4) who was reading some Sprint pamphlet upside down :lol: I asked her "Are you reading a good book?" and she told me yes, and so I followed up with "Oh really? What's it about?"

The mother giggled and asked, "So... how far north are you from?" :lol: When I told her I was Canadian we all had a good laugh :P

(ick, sorry for the double post but it wouldn't let me edit)

Edited by Gervl, 03 December 2010 - 01:12 AM.

GervlFemaleCanada2010-12-03 01:09:00
CanadaHolier then thou attitude
All I hear from when I'm in the states is, "you guys are allowed to smoke pot in front of cops - that's amazing"

Canadians are known for being a bunch of passive aggressive, queen worshiping, pot smoking hippies from what I've seen :lol:

A lot of the Americans I've met are in the military, so it's pretty risky for me to start with my liberal rants, talking about recession, America's massive debt, etc. I do have to keep my sense of decorum in mind, especially after people have had a few drinks :lol:

We're all pretty much the same species though. Like someone else said itt, there are idiots everywhere :yes:

Edited by Gervl, 03 December 2010 - 01:04 AM.

GervlFemaleCanada2010-12-03 01:03:00
CanadaClarification of dual citizenship
Yeah I just checked the naturalization guide, and normally I would need: 3 years of continuous residence with no trips outside the U.S. for longer than 6 months/physical presence 18 mos, plus the other standard requirements. Unless he was being deployed abroad for 1+ years, and I was able to join him.. then things would change. He'll likely be going to Japan in the next few years, but I have no clue if I'd be able to tag along.
GervlFemaleCanada2011-02-03 14:01:00
CanadaClarification of dual citizenship
Thanks for the insight guys. I'm definitely planning on keeping some of Canadian heritage alive :lol:

Can I apply for a U.S. passport once I have my green card, or do I wait for naturalization? Because my spouse is in the U.S. Military there's no amount of days I need to stay in the U.S. to qualify (from what I read off gov't websites - I forget which at the moment) so I would like the ability to travel asap once I'm there (grandparents getting old, and an aunt was recently diagnosed with cancer and lupus :( )
GervlFemaleCanada2011-02-03 13:52:00
CanadaClarification of dual citizenship

You do NOT have to have two passports. You MAY have two passports. When you go back to canada, you can use or CDN oR USA passport! BUT when you come back to the USA--you have to use the USA passport!

You are still a Canadian Citizen--your just NOT a Canadian Resident (until you decide to move back to Canada later down the road)

Quite simply--Canada sees you as a Canadian citizen and a USA citizen.......... BUT good old USA sees you ONLY as a USA citizen

Some do not bother renewing their Cdn passport because of the extra expense. I still have mine and will continue to do so.

As well--when you do naturalize to become a USA citizen, you get a certificate--this Certificate DOES NOT act as a passport and CAN NOT use it to gain entry into the USA.

To loose your CDN Citizenship--one actually has t file paperwork with ther govt of canada and it costs $$$--so even though when you naturalize and in the oath you say you denounce other citizenships, it truly doesn't mean anything! Best of luck

Perfect, thank you!

I think no matter what I would keep renewing my Canadian passport. Never know what could happen in the future... also, you know, sentiment :lol:
GervlFemaleCanada2011-02-03 13:10:00
CanadaClarification of dual citizenship
Once I get to the states via CR-1 and have my green card in hand, do ROC, naturalize... will I be carrying two passports?

It's my understanding that yes, I'll be a DC of Canada and the U.S., but what I've read is like: To get into Canada I use my American passport, and to get back to the U.S. I use my American one? It makes sense, but I'd just like to confirm/deny that.

Thanks :star:
GervlFemaleCanada2011-02-03 12:52:00
CanadaHow long to get your long form BC in Toronto?
Wondering if I should get it out of the way early or do it farther in the future. I'd request for it online, so I'm just wondering how long it takes to show up.

Thanks :)
GervlFemaleCanada2011-04-30 23:09:00
CanadaFiling my taxes !!
I called CRA later on and yeah, since they knew I had married and he was a U.S. citizen (from when I mailed in change of marital status) they just told me to do his basic info, and make sure it was checked off that he wasn't a resident of Canada in 2010. None of his documents or anything else needed. Super easy lol
GervlFemaleCanada2011-05-10 23:59:00
CanadaFiling my taxes !!

He(the USC) and I (Canadian) were married December 30, 2010. I've already notified CRA of my marriage and name change, so that's out of the way. However, I'm lost on how to file my taxes with him. I was planning on calling CRA in the morning (good luck) but if anyone could fill me in on their successful experiences, I could stop pulling my hair out :blush:

Arrgghh, I know this thread got made a zillion times, but this is my first time looking into it :bonk:

Thanks for any help :star:
GervlFemaleCanada2011-05-02 00:58:00
CanadaI-130, question 14 help D:
Beautiful :) Thanks so much guys
GervlFemaleCanada2011-05-12 11:57:00
CanadaI-130, question 14 help D:
okay so if I put:
Posted Image

how's that?

(assumed dates for my next trip on a mock up form)

oh would I put N/A for the last part, or just leave with the 6 month date. i'm assuming the 6 month.

Edited by Gervl, 11 May 2011 - 11:56 PM.

GervlFemaleCanada2011-05-11 23:55:00
CanadaI-130, question 14 help D:
I always come loaded with ties, but I've never been asked to show more than my itinerary (showing my return flight home). Usually the officers joke with me and it just makes me more freaked out.

Last time I went to the U.S. in April it went smoothly except the officer, a very dashing young man, got light hearted with me:
Him: "You're 21 and married? That's too young!"
Me: "aaahuheheuheuh ehe yeah true love, you know, hhstegahgojshgfsd"
Got the all clear, wiped my clammy palms and trundled out to my gate lol.

Anyway, this question about #14 on I-130 is really bumming me out, it's the ONE thing I can't figure out on my own :( I've never gotten an I-94 at customs before, only when coming back from the states... and on my way there to fill in before I go to customs. On my way to the States, they always take it after I get the thumbs up from the customs officer. And obviously on my way home, at Pearson you give it to officers after picking up your bags.

SO I'm totally lost.

Edited by Gervl, 11 May 2011 - 11:24 PM.

GervlFemaleCanada2011-05-11 23:22:00
CanadaI-130, question 14 help D:
I posted this earlier in CR-1 forum but didn't get a satisfactory answer :\

My husband (the USC/Petitioner) will be filing my I-130 (For CR-1) while I'm with him for a summer visit in Hawaii.

If he answers that I'm a visitor in the U.S. at the time of filing, how am I supposed to fill the form? I will be leaving to go back to Toronto after a 10 week visit.

The last two summers I've gone for long visits I got a B2 stamp in my passport (at Pearson customs) without issue, so I'm going to assume it will happen again.

So assuming I get that B2, what would we put in for question 14?

"If your relative is currently in the U.S., complete the following: He or she arrived as a: "B-2 Visitor" ??
"Arrival/Departure Record (I-94): | | | |-| | | | | | | | |" ---> What in high heaven would I put here?
"Date Arrived:" Would be the day I crossed the border with B2?
"Date authorized stay expired, or will expire, as shown on Form I-94 or I-95:" I would assume this would be the 6 month expiry date for B2, however it asks for I-94/95, so...?

Advice? Thanks anyone. I know a lot of people do this for their I-130, it just seems they haven't replied to my first cry for :help:

Edited by Gervl, 11 May 2011 - 10:55 PM.

GervlFemaleCanada2011-05-11 22:53:00
Canada2011 Hurricane Season starts June 1
In Jacksonville, FL it rains for weeks straight during that time of year. I guess it gets the tail ends of hurricanes. Glad I won't be there this summer D:
GervlFemaleCanada2011-05-24 01:05:00
CanadaCanadian Credit

You can set up payments to come out automatically from your Canadian bank account. Then I just make sure I send enough money to cover the payments every month, or just keep a good chunk of money in my account to handle the payments each month. I'd totally recommend setting up an account with once you have a US bank account.

TD Bank does not allow bank account transfers between Canadian and US accounts yet, to my knowledge.

Perfect, I'm with CIBC :) Keeping this thread for future reference :thumbs:
GervlFemaleCanada2011-05-24 14:24:00
CanadaCanadian Credit

Have you tried using I use it to transfer money for free each month to pay off my student loans. Once it's set up, it's pretty easy to use, you just need a bank account in Canada to receive the money. Then I just pay all my bills online. Sure, it takes 5 business days to transfer the money and it's not really convenient, but it is what it is.

OSAP? I'll need to do this as well. I called them some time ago to find out how I'd pay from the states. Do they let you pay online? I can't remember if they told me that or not. All I remember is them saying I can send cheques :rolleyes:

Edited by Gervl, 24 May 2011 - 01:03 AM.

GervlFemaleCanada2011-05-24 01:03:00
CanadaGot Denied at Border (Intended Imm)
I went through customs at Pearson on June 10th and for the first time, they gave me ######.

I was heading to Hawaii for 2 months (~70 days - I'm here now thankfully haha) and the guy started giving me misinformation about spousal visas, but I was prepared and had a couple documents that showed ties back to here, plus my return flight on my itinerary.

I also told him I'd been admitted on B-2s before, showed him the old stamps, and that I knew about overstay.

He VERY reluctantly then said "based on your evidence I can approve you at primary". He gave me a B-2 (meaning I have 6 months of allowed stay in the U.S.)

Moral of the story: Talk to others, do your own research and make sure your documents/any evidence are solid.
GervlFemaleCanada2011-06-19 02:56:00
CanadaDid you do your medical in Toronto?
oh, jeez lol. maybe i won't feel so bad with this breast exam if they don't wine and dine me first :lol:

i do have a heart murmur that's getting further testing soon. i'd like to at least bring all that info with me so i don't need to do a million stress tests and painful ECGs again :\

Edited by Gervl, 31 August 2011 - 03:25 PM.

GervlFemaleCanada2011-08-31 15:23:00
CanadaDid you do your medical in Toronto?
My GP is really amazing, and I've already talked to her about the immigration business. She had said she has another patient who went through the same thing, so she's somewhat familiar :lol: She's also going to get all my medical records with her photocopied for when I move. What a saint. I'll start collecting my vaccination records soon and going to her for whatever I need once I know what I'll need. Not worried about the rest of the physical really. I have "lumpy breasts" though. Tmi? haha. It runs in my mom's side of the family. I might want to get my GP to write up a little something about that. Super fun! lol
GervlFemaleCanada2011-08-31 14:52:00
CanadaDid you do your medical in Toronto?
I forgot Public Health had our records!! I might also call my pediatrician to see if I can get my old records in hand. I know my current doctor has given me a couple as well, not sure which though. I remember a lot of kids in high school getting suspended for not being up to date, and I wasn't one of them so I assume I'm all set.

I got the Hep B and Meningococcal vaccines in grade 7, and these are what were needed to stay in school some 7 years ago: diphtheria, tetanus, polio, measles, mumps, and rubella.... All I need is a damn flu shot. Never had one in my life. Go figure.
GervlFemaleCanada2011-08-31 12:16:00
CanadaDid you do your medical in Toronto?
Great, thanks for the heads up about the reviews - didn't even think to check that, durrr.

After reading them I don't think that it will be an issue if it's been 6+ months if I've smoked pot (and god knows how long it had been before then).

I also have a heart murmur though but my blood pressure is normal and healthy. My stress test was passed with flying colours too. Although I'm going to Toronto General in a few weeks to have a heart defect specialist run more tests and give me a final prognosis :wacko: I've been told it's a .6 cm hole but that it shouldn't be an issue but I need to get it checked every 2 years. I should probably get that all down in writing before I go as it is suggested on the Panel website. Also need to get my vaccination records and get anything I might be missing. Besides that I have no other issues and I'm not on any meds :thumbs:

I remember getting a shot in middle school around 13 years old. Maybe for Hep C? Anyway, it's a load off my mind.
GervlFemaleCanada2011-08-31 07:54:00
CanadaDid you do your medical in Toronto?
Happy to say I'm on the very light side then :lol: It's been at least 3 months since the last time, so I think I just might be alright :innocent:
GervlFemaleCanada2011-08-31 07:07:00
CanadaWhich phone number is the correct one?
I need to get ahold of the consulate so they can give me my waybills number to track my visa on DHL. I wasn't given a number at my interview on Tuesday. I've found these two phone numbers for the consulate, but I'm not sure if one of those is the one I should call, or perhaps there's another one? (514)398-9695 (514)400-2591
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-11-27 10:17:00
CanadaHas someone got a 1-900 number for Consular Affairs?
DOS gave me a wrong's out of service. I can't find it anywhere and I don't want to sit on hold for 20 minutes with DOS again. :whistle:
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-12-01 12:44:00
CanadaPOE Question

Not much - we roast ceremonial beavers weekly and drink icewine martini's and maple syrup - good party! :P

I almost choked on my poutine when I read that. :rofl:
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-11-29 18:17:00
CanadaXpress Envelope at Montreal Consulate
Wish I had done that. I was interviewed Nov. 23 and still nothing at DHL. The consular officer told us it would be 3-5 days. Someone else from VJ who interviewed the same day and right before us, got their visa already. :(

So happy for the both of you! Can't wait until it's my turn. We're praying for Monday or Tuesday to give us some good news.
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-12-04 16:41:00
CanadaWhat did DHL website show when visa was ready?
A question for those of you who have picked up a visa at a DHL location...

When I checked the website Friday, it showed that the status of my reference number was that my visa had been processed at the facility then LEFT the facility on Friday. Can someone please tell me if that's all I'll see, or will it eventually show that it has ARRIVED at the DHL location I had chosen when booking my interview? We don't want to head out to pick up the visa unless it's actually there. Oh and will someone at DHL toll free number be able to tell me if it's arrived?

Thanks for any answers.
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-12-05 21:59:00
CanadaVaccination Worksheet from Montreal Medisys
Thankyou. It's always good to check with someone who's been through it already, for peace of mind at least. :P
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2011-02-09 12:56:00
CanadaVaccination Worksheet from Montreal Medisys
The Vaccination Documentation Worksheet which I received at my medical exam in Montreal does not say DS-3025 anywhere on it. Otherwise, it looks official.
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2011-02-09 12:08:00
CanadaHow do I file income tax from Canada?

Spouses are never considered dependents in the US.

There are some other tax threads in the Canada forum, check those out for the answers to your other questions.

Thanks nickbits. I found some helpful threads. :thumbs:
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2011-02-09 18:22:00
CanadaHow do I file income tax from Canada?
I've been in the U.S. since the beginning of December. We were married mid January. Can anyone tell me what income tax for I will personally need to fill out? Or should I just go to H&R Block or somesuch place to have it done?

And I'm assuming Tim can't claim me as a dependent until the following year, correct?
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2011-02-09 15:28:00
CanadaGet a job before Green Card?
So I have to wait until I've adjusted status? Bummer. :(
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2011-02-09 22:03:00
CanadaGet a job before Green Card?
Wow...I don't know how I missed this information. I just checked my own passport (my POE was early December), and all I have is my visa pasted into my passport, and a card with my departure number stapled to one page. I don't have any I-551 stamp or notation in it. Now what? It sure would be nice to be able to work earlier than I expected to. :)
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2011-02-09 18:19:00
CanadaMedisys medical review
Two days ago I had my medical at Medisys in Montreal. The appointment was for 1 p.m. I recommend that nobody attempt to drive in that area during the lunch hour rush. :wacko: Traffic was horrible. I've lived in Toronto before, but I've never seen traffic so congested! So much honking and impatient drivers weaving in and out of tight spots. I wasn't driving, so I closed my eyes several times when I just couldn't bear to look. It was my 75 year old auntie driving! :help: God love her...she deserves a medal! :thumbs:

Anyway, after a 4 hour drive I got to my appointment with only 5 minutes to spare. I was in and out in exactly one hour. Most of the time was spent waiting to be called to various rooms for different parts of the examination. At reception I was asked for passport, photos, interview letter. I had brought the wrong letter...the confirmation email that had my interview date on it...instead of the one I got in the mail that had my case number on it. :bonk: LUCKILY the day before I had been clearing my desk of little scraps of note paper and happened to look at my case number...and I thought "gee, that's an easy number to memorize if one had to"...and subconsciously I did! Because I was able to write it down for the receptionist. She was kind enough to call the embassy to confirm my case number, then said "You have an excellent memory." I was just lucky that my case number has ALOT of zeros and sixes in it. :D

I sat down and filled out a form that asked basic health questions, handed it back to receptionist and waited to be called.

First the doctor...he asked a few basic questions...what kind of meds I was on and for what reason (I gave him a note from my doc about that)...I was told to put on a gown and leave socks and underwear on. He looked in my eyes, ears, throat...felt my glands...poked around on my abdomen...listened to my chest...did a breast examination (about 5 seconds for those who are wondering)...had me stand and felt all the way down my spine and asked if I had any back problems (no)...there was no examination or poking or prodding from the waist down (also for those who are wondering).

Next I think was vial...then onto the scale for weight and height measurement. Oh and as I was stepping on the scale they were bringing a gentleman in to have his bloodwork done. He was stepping on the scale as I stepped off, and ANOTHER person was herded in. They were processing people pretty quickly.

I had an eye exam as well...just reading a chart with and without my glasses. Also had two chest from the front, one from the left side.

All of the staff were friendly, professional, and gentle as well. Like I said, I was only in the building about an hour. I was also given a number to call in a few days and let them know when I would be picking up the results.

I'm so relieved that the medical is now behind me and I can concentrate on the final step to getting home. Good luck to anyone else here whose medical is coming up soon. :)
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-11-04 20:29:00
CanadaMontreal didn't give me a waybill number
I called DOS yesterday and they told me my visa in the "section" of the consulate where they're printed. They couldn't say how long it would be sitting there in the lineup, but I'll be calling several times a day from now on to check on the status of the visa. The minute I know it's been printed I'll be calling DHL several times a day too. As soon as it's available I'm outta here to pick it up, then we're heading home. :)
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-11-30 11:01:00
CanadaMontreal didn't give me a waybill number
Thankyou SO much for that info! Now...can you or anyone else here give me the phone number for Montreal consulate that will connect me to a real person? :P
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-11-26 20:58:00
CanadaMontreal didn't give me a waybill number

Weird, that's what i used and it worked. When i went to pick up the visa's the lady at the office said the telephone inquire people are not really up to speed on things and may give you wrong information.

I think you will have them by Wednesday of next week. :thumbs:

Anybody here have the visa info line phone number handy?

The DHL guy told me this morning when I called, that the reference number I gave him was not a waybill number. I told him all I knew was that what I was given was called a reference number, and that it was a visa I needed to track. He said the number I gave him had nothing to do with a visa. ??? Oh and the guy sounded like I woke him from a deep sleep. GRRRR! (Find another job, buddy.)

I can understand if my reference number isn't registered yet with DHL (probably not in their system yet)...because I had my interview on Tuesday and was told paperwork had to be processed and entered into the database...and then of course there was the holiday on Thursday... "sighhhhhhhhhh"........

I just wanna go home. :cry:

The DHL location that is closest to me is just outside of Ottawa,about 2 hours drive from from Montreal.
Tim and ErinFemaleCanada2010-11-26 10:39:00