CanadaDS 156 online.... part 2
I'm still problem solving and trouble shooting...with no luck...other than to go ahead and buy a new printer. (I know it's not a router problem as I got a new one last night.)
But before I do that.....

Can my friends verify that there IS OR ISN'T an option "to send barcode and completed DS 156 to an email address if a printer is not available" as a previous comment suggests. I don't recall seeing this option that one time I had the form completed but had no printer set up. Seems really silly to go purchase a printer just for this!!!

Lastly, I have double checked my browsers (firefox and explorer), java scripts and adobe downloads....and there is no problem there as I have the most up-to-date versions.. But believe this or not...I am able to complete the form on Firefox (but it won't process and barcode) and I am still totally unable to access DS 156 on keeps sending me to the NIV page where I register for the interview. Yes, I am using the correct posted in more recent posts. This is really is most confusing.

Could this problem be related to they have flagged my ip address? Not overly knowledgeable about 'cookies'....could I have something on my system that is blocking transmission?

Super thanks!!
toocoolFemaleCanada2012-02-22 09:24:00
CanadaDS 156 online.... part 2
Thanks so much everyone. I wish I saw the email option as that is the one I would have used.

My printer is not compatable with Windows 7....and I'm not comfortable downloading the Windows 7-running in XP mode compatable online that not all printer options can be accessible--so what is the point of having a scanner but no printer?....think its time to just update my circa 2003 printer, which I don't have a problem with as it has served its purpose. Any wireless printer recommendations?

I thought I did download the latest and greatest versions of Internet Explorer and Mozilla, but I will check again. I did run into some router problems last night and speaking to the techie at linksys, looks like my router is outdated which contributes to excessive low speeds....which might be why I wasn't having success with the form. But, its totally weird because I had no problem with DS 160 which is the form I worried about most! It worked just fine from Mozilla and on my pc which has Windows XP.

In the meantime, I will investigate my pc's versions of Internet Explorer and Mozilla to get DS 156 barcoded and printed. I want to get Packet #3 finished and sent!!! I will make some notes on date and time I got the barcode from the first one, just in case I'm questioned about this while in interview. Thanks for the tip!

I'll also be getting a new router and printer for the laptop as this is the computer I'll be bringing when I move to marry :yes: !

Thanks everyone!
toocoolFemaleCanada2012-02-21 09:43:00
CanadaDS 156 online.... part 2
Hi again everyone,

I took your suggestions and used my laptop....used internet explorer too and worked like a the barcode and was ready to print....then I realized that I had never used my new laptop with my printer .... and guess what? My older version printer is not compatible with windows 7...but that's another story....I can't print!!!!

So, I save the file to print it later....but you can't do this.... .asp files cannot be read as they are web-based or something like that.

So...what do I do....I have no bar code and of course I have no copy of my completed DS 156.

Do I start over?

Can I start over?

Does this kind of thing raise red flags to my visa process? if this living a million miles away from your beloved isn't stressful enough.....breathe....

In advance, thanks for your help!
toocoolFemaleCanada2012-02-20 23:46:00
CanadaI-134 or 1-864? Need info for packet 3
While researching forms, etc on the Montreal website I found this....and the website was updated Feb 10, 2012.....


then click on

Step 2: The U.S. Consulate General in Montreal will send you Packet 3 instructions letter (254KB PDF).

This is the most to up to date forms I have found. This is a two paged PDF document

FYI: The outdated site

is still up and running.

Hope this helps anyone new to VJ or is in the packet 3 process.
toocoolFemaleCanada2012-02-24 20:59:00
CanadaI-134 or 1-864? Need info for packet 3

There is a new link for packet 3 at Montreal. They no longer require the I-134 for K1 visa. It is the I-864 now. Here is the link for you to have a look at.

Okay...this is totally confusing!!!!

The original montreal website listed in the first post does not work.

And, there is no evidence on the site posted above, that states either form 1-134 OR I-864 are needed in packet 3.

And furthermore I am so confused about wording.

In an older Day of Interview Checklist I had printed out from Dec/11 it lists Affidavit of Support (I-134) and Evidence of Support (I-864) are needed for the interview.

Today, I found on another Montreal website (http://montreal.usco...-checklist.html) only Evidence of Support (I-864) is needed along with photocopy of the IRS transcripts or photocopy of the most recent tax return are needed.

But when I research form I-864 it is called 'Affidavit of Support' not 'Evidence of Support' as listed in the checklist. When researching this form it indicates this form is used for adjustment of status purposes.

I find I am getting so confused with terms and titles of documents/forms being referenced 'loosely' and procedures changing. I am not sure what to get prepared.

Advice appreciated!!
toocoolFemaleCanada2012-02-15 15:27:00
Canadapassport photos & do you attach any to forms in packet 3?
Triple thanks everyone!

Packet 3 went off!

This has been one interesting journey of the many yet to take with this visa process.

Keeping my fingers crossed I have no more pdf, computer or printer I understand the best is yet to come with the AOS process :D tee hee.
toocoolFemaleCanada2012-02-28 21:39:00
Canadapassport photos & do you attach any to forms in packet 3?

Never use staples in this process ...Paperclips it is :-) Get some colored ones at the dollar store, so when you are getting your documents ready for your interview you will have them. I put white paperclips on all the originals and colored on the copies. smooth! :thumbs:

a girl friend of mine was telling me I had to be better organized last night....and I'm thinking I am....but apparently not!

so any other tidbits or hints are greatly appreciated...:yes:
toocoolFemaleCanada2012-02-27 22:24:00
Canadapassport photos & do you attach any to forms in packet 3?

Put 2 passport photos in a plastic bag and paper clip them to the DS 156. You will need 3 passport photos for your medical in Toronto. It wouldn't hurt to take 2 extras to the interview just in case Montreal loses the ones you sent. They have been known to lose things. Make sure you make copies of everything. You don't need passport photos for your POE. You will need 6 photos for your AOS when it comes time for that but best to wait until you are ready to send that to have new photos taken.

Super thanks!

Good idea to wait on those photos for the AOS as those I have now could be outdated.

Ps can you staple things or do they prefer paper clips?
toocoolFemaleCanada2012-02-27 22:03:00
Canadapassport photos & do you attach any to forms in packet 3?
Hi everyone,

I want to put my packet 3 in the mail tomorrow but I am wondering about just how many to put into the packet?

Do any photos get attached to the forms ie DE 156 (x2)? And do I also include 2 additional photos? Or do I just enclose 2 in the packet and NOT attach 2 to the DS 156 forms?

Looking for a response so I can everything ready tonight.

Lastly, I recall reading somewhere that a total of 5 passport photos are needed.....assuming I get clarification back that I need 2 for packet many are needed for the medical in Toronto and then the interview in Montreal? Are any needed for the POE?

Thanks a million.....
toocoolFemaleCanada2012-02-27 21:33:00
CanadaBooking an interview at Montreal…
Congrats to everyone...I've been reading your posts and am anxiously awaiting too...however, in my case I can't rush into an interview yet...first need to fix up the house to get it ready for listing....then I can proceed with booking an interview and medical. Does anyone know if they've opened up more interview dates and what is the latest date available? I'm trying to stretch this to late May...maybe June. As much as I want to be with my man, there are still so many things I need to do here first..... I've waited 8 years for this, I can wait a bit longer.....well, maybe just a bit. Thanks a bundle!
toocoolFemaleCanada2012-03-15 22:18:00
CanadaInterview done. Approved in 2 window visits!
great news....looking forward to reading your review....:)
toocoolFemaleCanada2012-03-15 20:56:00
CanadaPrepping kids for interview

Oh man, I hope my kids will lie and say they're excited too. ;-)

Oh gosh....mine too. Not easy moving teens....anywhere!
toocoolFemaleCanada2012-03-26 22:09:00
CanadaTotal Cost for K1 and K2 Visas Canada
Yah, passport photos (cuz you need 5 each person for each k-1 app) and be sure you like the ones provided....if you doubt the quality I'd ask to have them redone on the spot rather than submit and get an rfe for poor quality. Once I had them done at costco (for passports), I questioned the quality (the girl taking them was evidently having a bad day) but used them the passport office the lady processing my app questioned them but accepted them after a long sigh....I seriously doubt they would have passed at Montreal.

You didn't mention this but each of you will also need a valid passport that don't expire within 6 months of POE date. Ours were due to expire in Oct of this year....and since I couldn't guarantee I'd be completed the process by then....I had to incur the expense sooner than later...

Also, courier fees should you not use DHL services (which are now Loomis). Express post can run costly when filing three apps!

If you've been previously'll need certified copies of marriage certificate, divorce decree and also custodial papers.....photocopies aren't acceptable (but bring photocopies with you along with the originals to the interview)....need to be originals/certified. And of course, if there is another parent in the picture, you'll need documentation that children are permitted to leave the country with you....which means some legal fees with notarization.

Parking....if your not using public transit. Hear its pretty costly in Montreal....if you can find it.

Hope this helps.
toocoolFemaleCanada2012-03-28 20:03:00
CanadaAnyone else looking for interview date?


Who else is looking for an interview appointment for May/June?
What if we keep posting here our experiences or tempts? Or we can let each other know when we see dates available?

I checked two days ago and it said appt available in 29 days.. Fingers crossed!


Preferably the mid to end of June.....don't want to rush it...still have to put the house up for sale....and sell it before I join my man!
toocoolFemaleCanada2012-03-28 19:24:00
CanadaAnyone else looking for interview date?
Hey everyone,

I'm looking to book too but not until late May and best yet, would be late June....but seeing as how interviews only open up every now and then I don't want to sit back and I don't want to miss the boat....and then be heading to the US in 2013. I understand dates open up every now and then....and no one seems to know when and for how far in advance. Another wrench to add to my case is I work from 8 to 4, M-F and do not have access to a computer (as I teach) to watch and refresh as people on VJ speak of, so I'm at the consulate's mercy. I would certainly like to be part of a support group to search and me a private message and I'll do what I can to help.

On another note, I did email the MTL consulate a few weeks ago about another matter and got a very quick and lengthy response from them....I think, perhaps, they are changing practice and becoming more informative and timely in their responses. That might be the route to go if you're in a situation where you need to know asap when the next batch of interviews will happen.

Fingers crossed it works out for all of us!
toocoolFemaleCanada2012-03-17 22:40:00
CanadaToronto Medical March 19th/12

Wow ! its way less expensive to go to medisys in montreal =(

So how much is it in Montreal?

Are there any benefits to booking the med in Montreal than in Toronto?

If I have to go to Montreal for the it not best to schedule the med there too? ....and save myself a trip to Toronto?

I believe I read somewhere that people have booked the medical the day before the interview....or am I dreaming this?
toocoolFemaleCanada2012-04-08 20:58:00
CanadaFrustrated with form DS-156
I had a ton of problems with DS 156! I used multiple computers and tried on both firefox and explorer. I also updated both internet browsers to the most current editions AND also updated Adobe...which are vital. Even though I did this I still had problems. I even tried at work...which I'm not supposed too and no luck. Also using Windows XP and Windows 7 formats. Since I had to complete mine and the kids I was really getting nervous, frustrated and feeling very overwhelmed. One of the problems I experienced was once I completed the form online and pressed the continue button...get a barcode, then I would be bumped out of the system and need to start over.

I did finally get to the barcode...then ran into printer problems. (thought my printer was hooked up to my new laptop but it wasn't) there I was left with a barcode but no printout! I was really frustrated. But I persevered.

Finally, after a million tries, posting to VJ, and updating, I got in, completed the form (which I could complete now with my eyes closed) and got the barcode and printed. Once you get to this can save it for printing later...which I highly recommend you do. If you don't have a printer hooked up to that computer, just save the file and send it to your fiance for him/her to print. Just hit the floppy disk in the pdf menu to save...then print or email it.

In the end, I think I must have had 4-5 barcoded DS 156 for myself and the kids....I was freaking about this. But, after some discussion with others here on VJ, that's not a problem as this form is not sent to the consulate electronically...hence the need for you to print out and send all pages including the barcode with your packet 3.

Hang in there....there is light at the end of this tunnel!!!! :yes:
toocoolFemaleCanada2012-04-12 11:48:00
CanadaVisiting my Fiance in the U.S. while immigration is in process
Yes Nexus can be used where ever there is a US-Canada border...flying or driving. Its a life saver if going by car and customs is seriously backed-up. Problem is, in order for you to use Nexus by everyone in the vehicle has to be a Nexus card holder. It is also a life saver in cutting lines at the airport too. Note: Nexus is the easiest when having nothing to declare...(which is why I love it) as the same rules apply for declaring goods as everyone else. I'd google it to be sure its right for you.
toocoolFemaleCanada2012-04-12 12:19:00
CanadaVisiting my Fiance in the U.S. while immigration is in process
Nexus is a life safer in more than one way! The best $50 I've ever spent. I've used mine countless of times while going state side (and back) and it has saved me mega in TiME! And did you in terminal 1 at YYZ not only does having a nexus card expedites customs but also security (personal screening and bag checking)! I'd recommend getting one and while your at it....your kids too if you plan on having them join you on your trips to the US.
toocoolFemaleCanada2012-04-08 21:30:00
CanadaToronto medical parking?
I'd rather not go back to pick up the forms and xray....can they mail these to you? What's the cost?

Thinking I don't want to take another day off of work...don't think I can risk taking 2 days off. Ideas appreciated!
toocoolFemaleCanada2012-04-12 12:02:00
CanadaDHL confirmation proof
Thanks ;)
UrsulaWizardMale02012-03-19 17:57:00
CanadaDHL confirmation proof
Ok so my interview is next week in Montreal. I know you need proof that you've signed up for DHL delivery.
The only place I see this written is in my appointment confirmation email it says simply ''DHL location:Kingston, ON' is that what they are looking for or is there some other separate confirmation form that I'm missing? Thanks!
UrsulaWizardMale02012-03-19 15:28:00
Canadamarriage liscence?
I actually called a county office today with pretty much the same question. As others have said, the person on the phone told me you need to both be present to obtain the license and you can bring a passport showing your visa instead of a SSN. You should call the office in the county you'll be married in just to double check though.
UrsulaWizardMale02012-03-19 19:11:00
CanadaAppointment Letter for Interview in Montreal
I also received my letter by email and was told I would NOT get one by regular post mail. Make sure you bring the entire letter not just the first page though as I've read that they check to make sure you have the DHL location picked out which is shown I think on the third page.
UrsulaWizardMale02012-03-19 15:25:00
CanadaCan I cross the border while waiting?
Thanks for all replies. Like I said, I live in border town and have been crossing regularly for 30+ yrs, so I know the in & outs of dealing with the officers. I guess I was more interested in if having a visa process somehow flags me at a border crossing. This site has been a great help with the I-130 which is currently under initial review.
MadRonMaleCanada2012-02-13 16:09:00
CanadaCan I cross the border while waiting?
Hi all. I'm a Canadian, my wife is US citizen (perm res in Can). We filed the I-130 last week & have received email confirmation. We plan on moving south for better weather. During this whole process is there any problem with me crossing the border on a regular basis as a visitor? We live in a border town and cross regularly for gas/groceries/entertainment/visit friends/etc. My in-laws are just across the border & I'm there a lot too. I read somewhere that immigration applicants are not allowed in, but the final decision lies with the border guard. I have a NEXUS pass - once my application is actually in process will I be flagged crossing into the US? Does anyone have any actual experience with this? Is there a simple way to prove I'm not trying to sneak into the country?
Thanks for any help.
MadRonMaleCanada2012-02-12 23:04:00

You're right, and I apologize. I usually hate cross-posting. My logic here was that I wanted to ask the question specifically of Canadians, but cross-posting is cross-posting and I apologize.


No problem...I just know the Canadians are a wandering bunch and would see your post no matter where you decided to put it.
LiLMermaidFemaleCanada2010-07-27 14:00:00

Oh, yes, my husband, of course. It is quite the adjustment to say that but I love to say HUSBAND anyway!

No, it was only sent back to us once and we found two errors on 2 different forms with regard to his birth date.

I will be interested to know if you get the same MSC numbers from the Chicago lockbox or not with your second submission. It will make it easier for tracking it "online".

I meant it would have been twice if you hadn't caught those silly DOB errors. I'll let you know about the numbers as soon as I get the NOA1's.

Hello, I have what I think is a simple question regarding AOS for Canadians.

I am a Canadian visiting my girlfriend in the U.S. While here, we decided to get married (ie. no prior intent of marriage or immigration, I came to simply visit her).

We're going to have a courthouse wedding this week (with a ceremonial wedding next year).

I plan on immigrating here. The question is, should I go through the CR-1 process or AOS process? The CR-1 process would require me going to Montreal which is less than ideal. Or I could stay here and go through the AOS process. The question I have is if this is valid for me, as I'm not here on a visa, just as a Canadian that's visiting. Does the AOS process still apply? And if so, can you think of any reason why I would still choose the CR-1 process?


No need to post the same question in multiple places. I answered you on the thread you made.
LiLMermaidFemaleCanada2010-07-27 12:51:00
LOL! are married now! Good thing you caught that error. Its bad enough having it sent back once...but twice? Sheesh....I'll be really happy when I get my NOA1 and know that this time they accepted it. Of course I overnighted this package to them twice it makes THAT much of a difference I had to shell out 18 bucks to get it there faster.
LiLMermaidFemaleCanada2010-07-26 21:13:00

Yikes, I hope my husband and I filed the right form. We mailed it off last Tuesday and they still haven't cashed the check but we won't be home until this Thursday. How long did it take for them to return it if it was an "outdated form"?

They received it on the 9th and I got it back on the 19th. If you downloaded the form from USCIS website recently then you're fine. I downloaded it probably a few months ago when I was still twiddling my thumbs up in Canada and started on the paperwork then. Being ahead of the game bit me in the a$$.
LiLMermaidFemaleCanada2010-07-20 21:42:00
We got kittens! lol Both of my girls got a kitten for their birthday in June. They eat. Sleep. Poop.....a LOT. Oh and try to tear up my house so I guess the part where I'm hollering NOOO! and running after them when they jump on my table or try to scratch at my leather couch keeps me busy!

Not quite busy enough though.
LiLMermaidFemaleCanada2010-07-20 14:42:00
Yeah apparently I wasn't the only one...another July filer did the same thing.

I so understand the stir crazy thing...I wish we could afford to get a second vehicle but after sending 2810 to USCIS plus all the other expenses of moving etc...there is just no way right now.
LiLMermaidFemaleCanada2010-07-20 11:04:00
Well I sent my AOS packet offon the 8th and today it was returned (feel free to have a pity party on my behalf). Of course all it says is Rejected because of an 'outdated' form. It took me awhile to figure that which one since they all expired 2011 or 2012. Well apparently the I-485 I used that wasn't to expire until 2011 was replaced by one that expires dec 2010. I guess I never looked at that one to see if there was a newer version before I printed off my STACK of papers (did I mention I have 3 kids so everything times 3). I just got it all refilled out and printed and put back together so we can overnight it tomorrow.

Blah...seriously not impressed with myself. :bonk: :bonk:
LiLMermaidFemaleCanada2010-07-19 20:09:00
My bad, I was half right....I was reading and in the guide it says " Your card, when you receive it, will be marked with the words "VALID FOR WORK ONLY WITH INS AUTHORIZATION" indicating to an employer that you must also have an unexpired EAD to be eligible to work."

so after you get your green card yes you would apply for an unrestricted SSN.
LiLMermaidFemaleCanada2010-07-14 15:47:00

Hey i have everything almost ready to send off my AOS package!! Still need 2-3 other things that my hubby will take care of this afternoon, so we can send it off tomorrow morning!!! woohooo!! :dance:

Do we need to re-apply for the SSN after receiving the green card? I thought once you apply when you have your K-1 visa you're good to go, no?

I've read that its a 'conditional' SSN. I think you have to remove the restrictions on it. They probably make it valid only until the date that your K1 would expire seeing as at the time of applying you aren't married yet. I recall someone saying that she had to go in and do that yet but she was putting it off for a bit...something about the SSN office being A-holes. lol
LiLMermaidFemaleCanada2010-07-14 15:34:00

I got my green card today Posted Image I'm off to SOS to get my driver's license tonight. I hope it works this time!

LiLMermaidFemaleCanada2010-07-14 14:49:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview

This is really funny.. I called NVC few minutes back.. and they told me that they are not scheduling for March or April as of now.. The lady told me that she does not know how everyone I am talking about got dates for march...

She told me to call after 15th Feburary. This is driving me crazy.

OMG! Thats nuts!
LiLMermaidFemaleCanada2010-01-25 13:15:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview

Hello everyone!

This is my first post here on VJ but I have been looking on here VERY often for my unanswered questions and concerns. I must say that it has been VERY helpful and I am so thankful for everyone's input and knowledge!!

To my surprise, I looked on here last night and saw all the interviews scheduled for March. How exciting!! Congrats to you all!! I am hoping for an April interview as this wait is becoming daunting.

I do have a couple of questions for anyone that may be able to help. My husband has a British passport but has been a permanent resident of Canada for the past 16 years. I have been reading on here about the Embassy mailing back the passport?? Im confused about this. Do they keep their passport and mail it back? Where does it get mailed to? Also, if (and when!!) he gets his interview approved, how long does he have to enter the US? Sorry for all the questions but I have tried to find the answers out hereon VJ, but havn't had much luck. Thanks so much for your help and once again CONGRATS to all you March interviews. GOOD LUCK!!! :thumbs:

They keep his passport after the interview so they can put the visa in it. They mail it back to his home address on file. I think that CR1's have the same time frame as K1's which is 6 months from being approved to enter the country. Others here can verify that or not. You also have to provide the expresspost mailer for them to ship it in.
LiLMermaidFemaleCanada2010-01-23 17:43:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview

tHANK YOU!!!This goes out to all of you guys for keeping your fingers and toes crossed for me!

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: Guess what! I called this morning like I do everymorning and the lady whom I spoke with said WE HAVE AN INTERVIEW!!!
YeeHawwww!!!! She even said the letter was mailed out yesturday. Our Interview is February 1, 2010. Now in Oct we got scheduled and then our date was removed and this morning the (lady who was very very nice.) explained to me that Montreal did that to a few people because they were so backlogged and this one should not change seeing as they have mailed out the letter.

Thank you Thank you Thank you

LiLMermaidFemaleCanada2010-01-08 11:03:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
QUOTE (lgg @ Nov 4 2009, 02:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well, not to be a debbie downer or anything...
But since this is the third or fourth month in a row now, I'm pretty sure that I can predict that they are done scheduling the CR1s already.

They've done this for 4 months now. Schedule between 4 and 6 (on this site) at the beginning of the month ( or at very end of the preceding) they tell the rest of us who call "oh wait until the second or third week and we'll be scheduling them then". They never end up scheduling any more. Because then they turn and start scheduling K1 interviews. Last month was awesome for the K1s, they got cleared right out which is freaking great. Doesn't look like they're doing that for the CR1s. There are still end of June, beginning of July cr1s waiting.

#######... this is so fvcking shitty. I know, tell me to wait blah, blah, blah but this is the fourth month that they've enacted like this. They're done. I bet you a dollar there won't be any more CR1s from this site scheduled. They tell us to call back mid month as they're preparing to schedule for the NEXT month even, you know? I've seen this happen for four months now. It's ridiculous.

I really don't want to be right but it's starting to be a real drag getting all excited and not just for me but what about Americana2009? And IHEARTNVC? GREENHAUS? They all finished in June/Mid July. IF they don't get one, we won't get one as we finished mid August.

These people at the Montreal consulate svck balls.
This is just my theory -- I would love to see it disproved.

And I wanna know, is there a reason that they're leaving all the CR1s to sit? WHy don't they clear us all out too? Is it because we can work right away? What? There has to be a reason that on this site alone they can schedule 22 K1 interviews compared to liek what 6 CR1s? C'mon...

Anway. it's just a real friggin downer to read back and see this pattern and know, pretty much, that we're done for another month.

Being a K1 I haven't really kept track of how they've been scheduling interviews till just lately but I do hope your wrong....I sure didn't like seeing the K1's wait from June/July and I hope that they do the same for you guys as they did for them. It sure isn't fair how this whole process works from start to finish. Its all just ####### and all you hear is BS all the way through..."Some cases take longer"... "Additional processing"..."Call back next week...we don't schedule till then". Worse part is there is nothing we can do and complaining only seems to work in a handful of cases. I really wish you the best of luck and hope this ends for you soon.
LiLMermaidFemaleCanada2009-11-04 19:52:00