CanadaMontreal Interviews
I just got mine for Oct. 21st! What a relief!!!! There were dates left open to the end of Oct and into Nov as well.

I hope everyone who has been waiting gets one. :thumbs:
Shirley AnnFemaleCanada2011-09-14 12:04:00
CanadaMontreal Interviews

I'm planning on letting you know if I get any luck, or if I happen to see a stack of appointments open up, just posting in here to save it...

Thanks.. we'll do the same. :yes:
Shirley AnnFemaleCanada2011-09-12 18:46:00
CanadaImmigration Fraud

"legitimate help" doesn't involve a $30,000 legal fee. You know the documents you sign are BS if you do not have a real position with a real company, and there would be no need to fabricate if your documents were in order or seek the services of an immigration "doctor" like this lawyer

Okay so pick on my wording. :bonk:
What I meant by that was that it makes sense that there had to be a lot of innocents who sought legal advise/help from a lawyer as many people do. Not knowing he was a scam artist they got caught in the mess simply by having a file that ended up investigated along with all the rest that were filled with phony documentation.
That was my opinion. This morning there is another news article you can read for yourself. This is a quote from a U.S. attorney ..
"When he fled to Canada to avoid prosecution, Earl Seth David left thousands of victims of his alleged fraud in his wake ? people who believed he was helping them secure legal status and paid him a lot of money to do so," said Manhattan U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara.

"Thanks to the co-operative efforts of our law enforcement partners here and in Canada, he was apprehended and extradited back to the United States, where he will now face justice."

Edited by Shirley Ann, 28 January 2012 - 10:01 AM.

Shirley AnnFemaleCanada2012-01-28 10:00:00
CanadaImmigration Fraud

Will all those people be deported?

Also, this:

O.M.G. Insanity.

I read that the investigation is ongoing and no doubt a lot will be deported. Of the 25,000 mentioned I'm sure there are many who went for legitimate legal help and were duped. Once the dust settles many will probably be allowed to stay if they meet all the legal requirements. What a mess though and it really creates a lot of extra work for USCIS that in the end hurts those who are doing everything the right way.
Shirley AnnFemaleCanada2012-01-27 12:32:00
CanadaImmigration Fraud

And people doing it legally can thank these jerks that add to the delays!!

Exactly!!! :(
Shirley AnnFemaleCanada2012-01-27 11:00:00
CanadaImmigration Fraud
Canada extradites phoney rabbi accused in ?massive immigration fraud mill?

Adrian Humphreys Jan 25, 2012 ? 7:28 PM ET | Last Updated: Jan 25, 2012 8:00 PM ET

A former New York lawyer who was posing as an orthodox rabbi in Toronto has been extradited to the United States, where he is accused of perpetrating a massive immigration fraud, raking in millions of dollars by processing up to 25,000 falsified immigration applications.

Earl Seth David, also known as Rabbi Avraham David, is a dual citizen of Canada and the United States, and fled to Canada when authorities uncovered what prosecutors called ?a massive immigration fraud mill.?

But to many in the Jewish community around Toronto, he was known as a Torah scholar and author of Code of the Heart, a 2005 book claiming to decode the Torah, the Hebrew Bible.

His book uses numerology and other techniques to find hidden meaning that influence and foreshadow world events, including the war in Iraq, the 9/11 terror attacks and even the rape allegations against basketball star Kobe Bryant.

The book?s promotional materials said the world would be hearing a lot more from Rabbi Avraham David. On Wednesday, it did.

?When he fled to Canada to avoid prosecution, Earl Seth David left thousands of victims of his alleged fraud in his wake ? people who believed he was helping them secure legal status and paid him a lot of money to do so,? said Manhattan U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara.

?Thanks to the co-operative efforts of our law enforcement partners here and in Canada, he was apprehended and extradited back to the United States, where he will now face justice.?

Mr. David, 47, was arrested in Toronto in October.

Starting about 1996, Mr. David ran a law office in New York. His specialty, prosecutors say, was filing fraudulent documents on behalf of immigrants to the United States portraying them as being wanted for employment by a U.S. company or otherwise sponsored to stay in the country.

His firm provided pay stubs, employer tax return information, letters of reference from prior employers and written offers of employment. The vast majority of the documents provided to the U.S. Department of Labor and U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services were falsified, authorities allege, who said the immigrants typically paid $30,000 each for the material.

Even after the New York bar suspended Mr. David, he continued with his scheme, authorities alleged, forwarding at least 25,000 immigration applications.

After his suspension he stopped putting his name on the documents, according to the indictment filed in U.S. court.

In 2006, when authorities applied for search warrants of his offices, he fled to Canada but continued to draw funds from his law firms through circuitous routes until 2009, the indictment says.

The payments were sometimes channelled through accounts held in the name of his book, prosecutors alleged, and the scheme required dozens of others willing to falsely present themselves as representatives of sponsor companies.

The sponsors, however, had no intention of hiring the aliens and often didn?t even exist other than as shell companies for the scheme, authorities said. Among the alleged conspirators was a corrupt Department of Labor employee who helped ensure official certificates were granted.

U.S. authorities granted legal status to thousands of aliens who, it is alleged, otherwise would not have been qualified for status. The government traced at least 25,000 immigration applications submitted by Mr. David?s law firms and found ?the vast majority? to contain ?false, fraudulent, and fictitious information.?

Mr. David is charged with conspiracy to commit immigration fraud, conspiracy to make false statements to immigration authorities, conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud, and conspiracy to commit money laundering.

Approved for extradition, Mr. David arrived in New York on Tuesday and arraigned in federal court. Mr. David pleaded not guilty. He and 11 other co-accused are scheduled to appear in court on Monday.

National Post

Edited by Shirley Ann, 27 January 2012 - 09:11 AM.

Shirley AnnFemaleCanada2012-01-27 09:09:00
Canadaupload photo ? ds160 HELP

It just keeps going back to photo exceeds 240jpeg
only options i see are cancel puts me back to photo page or upload selected photo...
i cant seem to bypass

That happened to me to the first time I tried to upload. I just edited the photo to the specs they ask for.
It took a couple of tries but it didn't take long.
Shirley AnnFemaleCanada2012-02-08 07:45:00
CanadaJust wanted to say so long & thanks!
Best of Luck with everything! I hope it's an easier process dealing with the Cdn Immigration process! :thumbs:
Shirley AnnFemaleCanada2012-02-15 10:54:00
CanadaMRV Fee payment problems with CSC

I am very frustrated with this site as well. I just called and asked about paying the fee now versus later and at first she said pay it before I can get an appointment and then she said pay it at the interview. I have also been told other conflicting information like, I don't book the interview, they book it for me. I just hope that we will see something change soon, they seem to need a review of this process.

No kidding!!! :whistle:
Shirley AnnFemaleCanada2011-08-26 18:54:00
CanadaMRV Fee payment problems with CSC

US_SL -- not sure what you mean to have my fiance pay at the embassy...I am the Canadian citizen, and from what I have been told, the payment must be paid to CSC either through telephone or online. Do you mean my US fiance can actually pay the fee for me in the US? Please explain...thanks!

Shirley Ann -- I too called CSC call centre and spoke with a lady. I was also told you won't be given an option to pay the MRV fee until appointments are available. Which didn't make sense to me since you can pay in advance on the telephone system if it was actually working :s The call centre lady also told me that with the new electronic way of booking interviews, payment does have to be received first, and that payment at the consulate on the day of the interview isn't an option anymore.....(even though pkt 4 says it is) I feel like CSC and the consulate just don't communicate with each other.

Anyways, I guess we just have to wait for appointments to open up. Good luck to you as well :)

Thanks! I agree the communication is poor at best. Each time you call and get a different person the response is different. I was also told that payment has to be made to book but with no way to pay it successfully in advance if you didn't pay at the time of registering for DHL the screen never comes back up to allow us too. So frustrating! If we can't pay in USD on the day of the interview as instructed and we can't pay in advance in order to book the appointment there what options are there open to us??? It seems to me that it's just another delay tactic so that office doesn't look so bad all in terms of long wait times to get in. Anything to keep the stats looking presentable it seems. Anyway, no point in venting my frustrations here. I'm sure it will turn around soon, it's almost month end so October should be opening up any day now.. lets hope! :wacko:
Have a great day!
Shirley AnnFemaleCanada2011-08-26 10:25:00
CanadaMRV Fee payment problems with CSC


I seem to be having the worst of luck with CSC. Anyone else find this website service completely non-user friendly?

I am trying to make my MRV fee payment for my K-1 Visa. When I called in to book an appointment, they said I need to make the payment of $350US before an appointment can be made.

1) I have tried making the payment over the telephone. I have attempted about 5 times now, using 2 different credit cards, and I am continued to be told my cards are invalid. I have contacted my credit card company, and they said the cards are fine, and no transactions were even attempted.
I emailed CSC for assistance, and they basically told me to try again, and to try making the payment online or through Scotiabank.
I attemped to make the payment over the phone again....same issue, I'm told my credit card is not valid. (I emailed CSC again to see what the problem is)

2) I tried to make the payment online through the website instead. Except, I can't seem to find the option to make the MRV fee payment. I have followed all instructions as outlined.
-Trip purpose selected (K1 Fiance) Permanently immigrate to the US
- Selected Montreal as my choice consulate
- Was sent to Visa information page - clicked on continue
- Taken to my applicant summary page, advises me that "no appointments are available at this time" ---- and no continue button to press to make an MRV payment, no option for payment at all.

I have emailed CSC again trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong. But the help on this forum is always much better! If anyone is having similar problems let me know, or if anyone knows what I'm doing wrong....PLEASE HELP!!!

PS. I thought I could pay the fee at the consulate on the day of the interview (my packet 4 letter says I can) So I'm so confused about why CSC says they need payment before appointment can be booked.


- T.

I've been having the exact same problem... can't pay online, tried the phone too and it just tells me the payment didn't go through. So frustrating!! When I called the Consulate number they give I was told that the payment option will show up when an interview date is available. She really sounded confused herself actually and told me to try the phone payment option again.. she really didn't seem to get it, and basically said there is nothing she can do for me other that say that the "no appointment situation can change very quickly. Said she can't take a payment or book the interview. At the end of the call she did ask if there was anything more she can do for me! :rofl:

Nothing we can do except keep trying to book the appointment online and hope they open them up again soon. You aren't alone, there are a lot of us waiting from what I understand.

We can pay the day of the interview in cash (USD) if we have to although I've heard that those who do pay in advance seem to have had success getting a date booked. If anyone has the answer as to how to pay when there is nowhere at the site to do so, please share with the rest of us.

Good luck to all who are waiting! :-)
Shirley AnnFemaleCanada2011-08-25 21:46:00
CanadaAre they trying to "weed us out?"

snagged an october date!

Way to go!! :thumbs:
Shirley AnnFemaleCanada2011-09-14 13:42:00
CanadaAre they trying to "weed us out?"
There are appointments available right now for October and into November!!! :dance:
Shirley AnnFemaleCanada2011-09-14 11:55:00
CanadaCanadian BC question
Wonderful! Thank you so much!
MatsiepanFemaleCanada2012-01-19 19:51:00
CanadaCanadian BC question
Do any Ontarians know where I should go or whom I should contact about getting my long-form birth certicate?

Edited by Matsiepan, 19 January 2012 - 06:50 PM.

MatsiepanFemaleCanada2012-01-19 18:45:00
Canadai-130 Canadian Question
Filling out the i-130 with my husband and when filling in the State/Country is writing in "ON, CANADA " or should we print it out and write in "ONTARIO, CANADA " in by hand?

Also, I have to renew my passport fairly soon but we want to get the i-130 out as soon as possible. If we put in my current passport information, will our application be impacted if I get a new passport number when I renew or are we able to adjust this at any point in time?

MatsiepanFemaleCanada2012-01-27 18:47:00
CanadaProbably a stupid question
I got married to my darling in husband in Tennessee a few weeks ago and I have come home so we can start the I-130. Do i need to file anything with the Ontario government in regards to my now married status?

Edited by Matsiepan, 29 January 2012 - 10:50 AM.

MatsiepanFemaleCanada2012-01-29 10:49:00
CanadaThinking ahead of time
No worries :)
MatsiepanFemaleCanada2012-01-30 23:01:00
CanadaThinking ahead of time
Cr-1 doesn't require AOS I thought. I was getting my MMR again since according the my vaccination record I have only had it once, 26 years ago.

I am a woman :)
MatsiepanFemaleCanada2012-01-30 22:20:00
CanadaThinking ahead of time
I just had my full record e-mailed to me from the local immunication records department, guess I should schedule an appointment and go get the boosters.

MatsiepanFemaleCanada2012-01-30 14:39:00
CanadaThinking ahead of time
I had chicken pox when I was one (on my first birthday no less) and vaccinations for Measles, mumps and rubella when I was one as well. According to my records I have none since. Do I need to go in for booster shots since it is 26 years later?
MatsiepanFemaleCanada2012-01-30 13:25:00
CanadaThinking ahead of time
I have the small vaccination card my mother was given when I was born which has maybe 2-3 vaccinations listed and I have changed family doctors more than once in my nearly 27 years. Where should I go to get a complete list of my vaccination history?

Edited by Matsiepan, 24 January 2012 - 09:56 PM.

MatsiepanFemaleCanada2012-01-24 21:53:00
CanadaThinking ahead of time
For Canadians in particular, is there anything I can do prior to the medical to speed things along (i.e. go to my GP and get certain vaccinations)?

Also, what does the medical itself consist of?
MatsiepanFemaleCanada2012-01-24 16:22:00
CanadaFor fellow Ontarians
Damn I got my normal ones done at Costco today... wish I had known :(
MatsiepanFemaleCanada2012-01-28 19:00:00
CanadaFor fellow Ontarians
Can anyone recommend a good place to get U.S. regulation visa photos taken? I just had my Canadian ones done for my passport renewal but Canadian passport photos are larger than 2x2.

MatsiepanFemaleCanada2012-01-28 17:05:00
Canadateen children and K-1 process
Me again...chances are I will be posting a lot now...

I have 3 teen children who may or may not be traveling with me once the K-1 process is over and visa in hand.

They are indecisive....problem is do I complete the visa process as if they were (I understand they have a year to activate the visa whereas I have 6 months) or do I begin the process of having them come once they know for sure?

I ask because I understand their fee is the same as mine...$350 US....that's a heck of a lot of money to toss if they're unsure. I also understand the process afterwards is a bit more challenging and to further complicate matters once they're 21 it gets even harder...hence is why I'd like to do it now....but what if they choose to stay and finish up their education here? What happens if they forgo using the visa that was processed and decide in 2-3 years they want to come? Does anyone know the repercussions of not using an issued visa and then trying to reapply?

And, on another child is studying in BC right now and would not be able to attend the interview (am I correct in saying children attend if they're part of my K-1 process?) as she won't be done school until May, 2012, I really don't want to delay this process until then as I have an entire house to pack up and sell. Will the consulate dismiss her from the interview knowing these conditions?

Lastly, do children also need to attend the medical?

toocoolFemaleCanada2011-12-08 22:53:00
Canadapassports expire soon and ready to start pkt3
VJ Friends,

Great information and ideas.

I will begin the applications for the passports and send them off asap in the new year. and while I wait....I will being completing the visa apps so once the passports arrive I can submit them without further delay :)

Thanks so much!!!
toocoolFemaleCanada2011-12-09 21:25:00
Canadapassports expire soon and ready to start pkt3
Hi Everyone,

I'm new posting but not new to VJ.

Got a letter from Montreal telling me I had to register online and choose a courier service location (which btw is no longer DHL but will be Loomis) and then to complete some forms and checklists (but none were listed) I'm assuming this is reference to what everyone is calling Packet 3. Is it ??? OR is packet 3 going to arrive after I register online and with the courier? ....this process is soooo confusing!

Problem is...all of our passports expire in Oct 2012 (myself and 3 teen/adult children). I don't want to wait to renew them late in 2012 as I will be so busy with moving, etc...and it highly suggested that you don't travel within 6 months of an expired passport. I do not want to complete the required forms with one passport number then have to verify or justify a number change later down the road. Since I will be traveling this holiday season to the US, I cannot surrender my passport until I get back (mid January) will take 4-6 weeks to process the new passports for us all which means I won't be able to submit packet 3 until late February. I'd rather not wait that long....does anyone know if I can complete the forms with a soon to expire date OR should I just wait til I get back and have the new passports in hand?

toocoolFemaleCanada2011-12-08 22:35:00
Canadalisting/selling your house
Thanks for your words of wisdom.

I am scared that my house won't move like all others here....unless I give it away....and that hurts as it is a very well made quality home (a custom home)...unlike those thrown together like 'shoe-makers'. It would be so nice to make some money on it.

The other part that scares me as the recent money I've put into it to sell it....would be nice to re-coop some back!

On another note....I hear your ideas about listing now, lessening those worries and living simply with the basics until the visa is in hand. This makes a lot of sense to me as I'm adaptable because it's ultimately my move....can't say my kids would be overly excited about it though.

There's enough stress with this entire process....keeping things to a minimal is my aim with the kids.

toocoolFemaleCanada2011-12-09 21:43:00
Canadalisting/selling your house
Since one never knows how long the K-1 process will take, I look to my new friends on VJ to give me some guidance.

When do you put your house up for sale????

With 3 kids and myself....I can't list or sell too early as we wont' have a place to live (sure we could rent for a couple of months but the thought of packing and unpacking only to repack and re-unpack numbs me) ....and if I wait too late...I don't want to be in the US with an unsold house.

If it was just me, no big deal but with the kids it makes it more challenging.

Any ideas? I'd really appreciate hearing from you.

toocoolFemaleCanada2011-12-08 23:04:00
Canadatrips to US on form DS 160

I just looked at my copy of the DS-160 (keep copies of everything, lol) and indeed I remember this form was particularly finicky to fill out with the fields. You can simply list the most recent ones, print it out, and then hand write in pen "see supplemental sheet" next to that particular question. Then, simply type up on your computer or handwrite very neatly some additional trips and then "Including numerous more trips, no longer than X amount of weeks, taken between the years of XXXX-XXXX." Include a header or title on this sheet that reads something like "DS-160 supplement for applicant <your name>, case number MTL20XXXXXXXX."

I typed up a few supplemental sheets for packet 3 using tables in Microsoft word and never had a problem. Just make sure it's very neat and includes the corresponding form and question number and your name and case number.

Superb idea, Pocheros!

I will do just that. Now another did you fill in the part where i asked you how long you intended on staying in the US after you married? The fields wanted a specific number and duration. Do you remember this question? I filled in 100 and scrolled to years....not knowing how to complete the question. Would have liked to typed in an answer.
toocoolFemaleCanada2012-01-31 20:11:00
Canadatrips to US on form DS 160
Thanks but I cannot add a supplemental page or write "numerous, visits but none lasting more than 3 weeks" as there are no fields for this...and this form you complete directly online, it is submitted directly to the US Embassy with you printing out a receipt as proof that you submitted it on line at your interview...

The form only allows you to record the date and duration of stay only....on the DS 160 for Montreal there are specific fields only which are not open ended. The question reads..."have ever been to the US? Yes box or No box...and if you wer yes, then a new field opens and it states add "all your trips to the US" then one there is only one field ...which gives you space only for the day, scroll down month, and year. The next field is duration of stay in which you type in a number then scroll over ear, month, week or day. To add another you must click on the + sign to add another date.

There are no guidelines posted to only record two or three a year, or only record those 5 days or longer.

Im still searching to find help on this topic but not finding much information.

I still welcome other comments/suggestions.
toocoolFemaleCanada2012-01-31 18:46:00
Canadatrips to US on form DS 160
Hi...just completed the DS 160 application on line (and saved it too for editing purposes) ...when it asked for previous trips to the US, I listed those taken up to Sept 2011 (as that was already 7 trips)...just how many more am I too list?

My fiance and I try to see each other every 5-6 weeks or so....that is a lot of trips to list (for myself, then there's border crossings to pick him up and drop him off at the airport).

The list could get I supposed to list them all???? ...potentially that's more than 80 visits (if I have them all recorded)....noting we've been doing this since 2004!

How far back in time do I list the trips to the USA?

toocoolFemaleCanada2012-01-30 23:58:00
CanadaDS 156 online

when you press continue it should generate a barcode containing the info you entered in to the form then return you to a screen with the completed form containing that barcode.... then you print the form off. it is so the embassy can scan the barcode and put the info straight on to the computer.

a lot of people have different problems with it though so your not alone lol. internet explorer 7 or 8 seem to work best but it sometimes takes a while for it to do what it is supposed to do. trying at different times of day can help and i know someone who got it to work using a different computer even though it had the same OS and browser installed as one that it wouldnt work on... so try a different computer if you have access to one

thx Dan & Jenni,

good to know I am not the only one....and its good to know that one day this process will be can be quite folks are my inspiration!!!
toocoolFemaleCanada2012-02-20 18:19:00
CanadaDS 156 online

Use explorer, the form really doesn't like firefox.


thx Shawn...i tried explorer first today and went to the montreal website, and could not even get into packet 3 forms...

going to try now from my laptop and see if that makes a difference....only problem is laptop not hooked up to a printer...

crossing my fingers!
toocoolFemaleCanada2012-02-20 18:16:00
CanadaDS 156 online
Hey friends,

This is the second day in a row where I have tried to complete DS 156 on line and I complete the form, press continue like it tells you and I get bumped back to yahoo saying site not available or something like that. What is going on? It tells you not to print this page but to press I do but nothing other than this error message screen appears. Yesterday when I completed the form I thought that it timed me out cuz i took too long to complete the form...then again today. Thinking it was mozilla firefox that was acting up I left it again for today....first i tried to access the form via internet explorer but it wouldn't load so I went back to mozilla firefox. The form came up, I completed in no time and vanishes into space.

Now, I since there is that message press continue and do not print this page...I am assuming that I will be connected to another page and that's where I print from. Then after printing, I go back and generate additional forms. Is this correct?

Has anyone else had this problem or is my computer on the fritz or is it just me???

toocoolFemaleCanada2012-02-20 17:59:00
CanadaDS 156 online.... part 2

It was completed in January, so my dates are alright. I definitely made sure of that (I am so very paranoid about this entire process). Expires in 2014.

As far as opening ASP files and that sort of thing, when I saved mine I saved it as a pdf file, so I could just open it right in my copy of adobe. I might have a different version of the program than you do, though I'm fairly certain I didn't pay for it, so I think it's just the good old fashioned downloadable version.

Yes, alright, I just refilled the form to find out how I saved it (Because I'm also a glutton for punishment)... I hit continue at the bottom of the page and a PDF file popped up with my completed DS156 ready to print...from this PDF page I simply it the little floppy disk and saved it in my documents as a PDF file.

I do have the most recent free adobe, but that shouldn't matter. It saves as an ASP file if you try to save it on the previous screen before you hit continue, just as you aren't supposed to print from that page you can't save it, either.

(Also, my computer geek is showing, I'll just stuff my bits, bobs and random lines of code into this bag over here...)


you are so correct and thanks for posting your comment....but I will tell you my computers are really playing strange games on me....or is this just stress kicking in?????

I had to redo ds 156 as I had to remove the names of my children who were not coming with me immediately on my copy of the ds I had to complete a new one...after printing it, I went to the floppy disk icon as you suggested to save it....and ta da it saved it as a pdf.....however the first time I did this (as in my previous post) it did not save as a .pdf file. I did nothing new this time when saving...totally weird...but I am very happy. I would have never tried to save the file again had you not posted your thank you.

Doing this journey is much easier with my friends at VJ!
toocoolFemaleCanada2012-02-27 00:36:00
CanadaDS 156 online.... part 2

I'm not sure if it was mentioned, either, but D-156 is a form that is possible to save onto your computer (unlike some of the other forms. I have mine saved so that I could print out some more copies when the time came (original barcode and everything) if you're running into an issue like this you could simply save it to a thumb drive and print it out at a later date. Perhaps even off of a printer that can take thumb drives/memory cards.


Hi jbel...

I did save it when I realized I had printer problems. And when I went to open the file I got "unable to read .asp files" would you like to open it.? When I asked windows to search for a compatible program another message came up stating ".asp are web based completed pdf files and unable to open or read". Totally I thought you could save pdf. Wonder if its because the form filled out is not the format in which data is saved on the barcoded copy???

Curious in knowing how long ago did you complete DS 156? The form was just updated.

Anyways....don't know what I would do without my friends at VJ....everyone has been so helpful.

Thanks millions everyone!
toocoolFemaleCanada2012-02-23 20:54:00
CanadaDS 156 online.... part 2

When you are on the barcode page, there should be an option there that allows you to email the page as a PDF to an email address. In fact right on the page it says,

"If you do not have access to a printer at this time, select the option to email your confirmation page to an email address."

Once you have emailed it to yourself, you can go to the other computer and print it out? I am sorry I can't be more help, I did this last summer and I do not remember how to exactly but I KNOW the option is there because that is what I chose to do (my computer wasn't hooked to a printer at the time either).

Hi Floella,

I just printed out the barcode from several completed DS 156....finally got a printer and sites to work...and there is no option "to send to an email address for printing at a later date". Perhaps, you are thinking of another form.

I double checked this option as I wanted others to know that this could be an option should they not have access to a printer....but no such thing exists.. It is a good idea though.

Just thought I;d post this as I would hate for others to think that they could do this.

On another note for newcomers reading this post...I'm still not sure why I was unable to access DS 156 from my pc....but I will confirm Internet Explorer worked like a charm on my laptop with Windows 7....wish I could say that Firefox was at par, but I can' I completed the form, pressed continue but got a "corrupted content error" mesage which routed me back to the montreal.usconsulate website.

Good luck to all in completed this part of packet 3....I'm glad I'm finised with DS 156!
toocoolFemaleCanada2012-02-22 23:36:00
CanadaDS 156 online.... part 2
I'm still problem solving and trouble shooting...with no luck...other than to go ahead and buy a new printer. (I know it's not a router problem as I got a new one last night.)
But before I do that.....

Can my friends verify that there IS OR ISN'T an option "to send barcode and completed DS 156 to an email address if a printer is not available" as a previous comment suggests. I don't recall seeing this option that one time I had the form completed but had no printer set up. Seems really silly to go purchase a printer just for this!!!

Lastly, I have double checked my browsers (firefox and explorer), java scripts and adobe downloads....and there is no problem there as I have the most up-to-date versions.. But believe this or not...I am able to complete the form on Firefox (but it won't process and barcode) and I am still totally unable to access DS 156 on keeps sending me to the NIV page where I register for the interview. Yes, I am using the correct posted in more recent posts. This is really is most confusing.

Could this problem be related to they have flagged my ip address? Not overly knowledgeable about 'cookies'....could I have something on my system that is blocking transmission?

Super thanks!!
toocoolFemaleCanada2012-02-22 09:24:00