US Citizenship General Discussiontax returns with unmarried name on it
Hi i am in the process of putting together my n400 application and
i just noticed that our first evern tax return that was done as married filing jointly,
shows my unmarried name, I forgot why that was, my husband filed it thru turbotax,
will that be an issue with my n400 application? I mean on the n400 form I put my married name as my legal name..
coz it's what I use now and my forms of identification for it are my mil ID and GC so I figured that would be my legal name already right?

newlywedsMale02010-07-05 20:09:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionIRS tax transcript last 3 years?

What the question is basically aimed at is people who were residents (legal or not legal) by being present for over 180 days a year in the USA, yet claimed to be NON residents on their tax returns in order to GAIN tax benefits.

that explains it better lol i did notice that part which asked if i've been in the US for more than 6 months in the yr 2009, which i didn't since i've set foot since october lol but thank you again for sharing your thoughts on the matter, it means a lot :) i so love visajourney lol it saves the stress, and most importantly the $$ haha everybody would always tell me to do it thru an imm. lawyer, i always tell them i have VJ lol
newlywedsMale02010-07-07 17:09:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionIRS tax transcript last 3 years?

It won't - they know by running your social security number what your status is. Also, no problem on the maiden name - you have areas in your N-400 to show your married and previous (maiden) name.

Newlyweds, you're all over the forum asking different questions that often do not even matter in the N-400 (I-94 is of no issue once you have your GC for example). Stick to the topic you opened up here and continue asking your case-related questions - answers will come.

I apologize for asking so much in the forums, I just really want answers coz I want to apply for this 319b asap before we run of time being overseas for more than a year.
Anyway,i was concerned with what happened to my I-94 and I thought this site was the best place to ask people. And I felt I would need to know coz if ever it should be there in my passport and it's missing, since I'm applying for the N400 319 b, if it goes thru without the problem, I would've to go travel back to the US using my passport. I couldn't risk losing any form of file that I should have, so I ask even though people probably raised their eyebrows on my query lol I'd rather ask and be called ignorant than to have immigration question me for discrepancies lol

In case you don't know: there is this KILLER question from USCIS that asks if you EVER have declared yourself as a non-immigrant on any tax return.

yup and that made me so concerned because when my husband did turbotax, there was a question to click, resident, nonresident, etc. I told him I can't call myself a resident yet since at that time I didn't get my card yet, I was unsure if I was approved yet or not. And I think we may have just clicked nonresident.. but i cannot recall though.. we did talk to the IRS, we asked for transcripts and the operator said the tax transcripts doesn't reflect anything regarding immigration. and i am stil trying to figure which part exactly on the tax returns it would say that
newlywedsMale02010-07-07 04:39:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionIRS tax transcript last 3 years?
hi, i have a question..where on the tax return would reflect that you are a resident of the US? and will it be a problem if the name on the MFJ tax return shows the unmarried name instead of the married one?
newlywedsMale02010-07-05 20:22:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionWho can apply for US citizenship?
yes it is true, after you get a greencard, you can apply for the naturalization as long as you meet the requirements.
it's under the article 319 b of immigration and nationality act.


you can read more on that thread

i am actually also trying to do that..

read the facts about it first, so you cn get an overview of it :)

Edited by newlyweds, 08 July 2010 - 04:31 AM.

newlywedsMale02010-07-08 04:30:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 319b application rejected 4 times, need help

It ended up not being that important to have it done in Fairfax, VA. I guess because the home address we used was in the Chicago area, they had him come for the immigration interview at the Chicago USCIS office downtown. Actually, on the rejection form (of our application-- the first few times)-- there was a specific address to where we were supposed to mail our application to-- I think in Texas, I'm not sure. But then due to the home address being in Chicago, that's where his application was processed and interview set.

Don't worry too much about the location, just make sure you have a photocopy of the law (if you're applying under 319b) to help educate the person who may be giving the interview.

Also-- though he wasn't sworn in on the same day, he did emphasize at the interview the need to return to Albania asap and so he was sworn in two days later (and was able to get his passport processed quickly).

I work for a Christian missionary organization Campus Crusade for Christ.

oh ok, the mailing address we'd probably put is the one from PA, to his grandma's home add.. since we have an APO AP address.. or do you think I would rather just put the PSC for mailing as well.. but we called the us embassy here in naha japan earlier and they had us call the naturalization office of the military, if i didn't have a conditional card, that lady who specializes in overseas naturalization said I could actually do the naturalization here.

Anyway, where did you send it? I am planning to send ours to vermont, but someone told me to send it to nebraska coz it's where it'll wind up.. so I am unsure
newlywedsMale02010-07-08 04:35:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 319b application rejected 4 times, need help
reading your thread gave me answers to my own questions too.. thank you :)
i was wondering though, how did he end up getting his interview at Chicago when in your previous posts you wanted it to be done at fairfax, virginia? did they not approve it? i wanna know coz I too am trying to reqauest fairfax, VA when we send in our application:)

congratulations on the citizenship :) what kind of missionary are you? i mean for which religion?
newlywedsMale02010-07-07 17:25:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionTime between email notice of interview and actual interview letter
did it say what the date of the interview letter was? :)
newlywedsMale02010-07-04 09:21:00
US Citizenship General Discussion319 b requirements, will a CO letter suffice to prove husband's assignment?for 319b
so I have been gathering all paperwork for naturalization thru 319b, but I noticed my husband's original DEROS is aug 2011. which is very close.. but since he is going to ETS mar 2012, he won't leave the island not until the ETS date. He said it's like an automatic thing since it's only gonna be 8 months so he's DEROS is extended. He talked to the S-1 and some other people and they said they really cannot change the DEROS date, it will be updated when the original date expires so it won't show the march 2012 until it goes past august 2011...

i have printed off the DD1278,so the CO will sign off on it, will that be enough to prove that we are still gonna be here until 2012? I also thought i'd include one of the requirements, the letter from the CO, I told my husband to ask his CO to also state why his DEROS is aug.2011 and why he has another 8 months added on to it.. and that i am legally to stay with my husband thru command sponsorship.

will that be enough though or will the IO grill me about his actual DEROS? and deny me the naturalization. I am gonna send a copy of his orders and the my papers showing i am on command sponsorship. any thoughts would really help thanks!
newlywedsMale02010-07-07 23:21:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 February 2010 Applicants

Thanks for clarifying, newlyweds--and thanks for the sacrifice you are making! :D I don't really have any experience with military naturalization, but I would try to gather any evidence you have of your bona fide marriage (just like you did for your green card) and submitting it with your packet. Since you have only been married less than a year, you obviously won't have three years' worth of joint tax returns. But it's probably a good idea to have your individual ones anyway for the interview, in case you get asked. I went ahead and called the IRS and ordered tax return transcripts for the last three years. Many people recommend that you do this, since USCIS seems to have a bit more confidence in these than photocopies of your returns.

I would presume you would get a bit more leniency on your documentary requirements, considering you are stationed overseas. There is actually a special phone number reserved for military servicemen and families... but you probably already know this! :)

thank you, you are so nice lol i have asked too many people on too many forums and it's annoying others I'm sure lol anyway, that's a nice advise, I was wondering if I should do that but yes, you make a good point ^_^ we also already have ordered for the tax transcripts, we only have one saying joint lol i just printed off the returns from turbotax so i will submit that with my application coz since we're in an APO address mail takes forever so the tax transcripts will prolly be there in a few weeks :)

yes, i do have the military hotline ^_^ i will call them again coz of the whole difference lol it's hard to get a hold of them.. but yes, thanks again for being patient with me and taking time to answer I really appreciate it ^_^ i just want to make sure anything I would sign and send won't get me into trouble
newlywedsMale02010-07-07 04:46:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 February 2010 Applicants

Hello, newlyweds! Quick question for you... Your signature indicates that your greencard was approved in February 2010. Are you applying for naturalization based on current military service? If not, you have to wait three years from the "Resident Since" date on your green card before you can apply for the N-400 if your spouse is a U.S. citizen. (If not, it's five years.) Actually, you can send in your packet 90 days before you meet the 3-year or 5-year requirement. There are also other requirements, mainly that you live continually in the U.S. during the three/five years (with no trips of more than 6 months) and that you do not commit any crimes. You can find a detailed description of these requirements here:

If you all are a military family, you can see what kinds of services are available here:

Hope this helps! :)

i am intending on applying for n400 based on the 319 b since we're staioned overseas :)
newlywedsMale02010-07-06 16:41:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 February 2010 Applicants
hi, i am in the process of gathering my n400 package, how many tax returns must i send? we only have one that shows of us filing it jointly.. will that do?
newlywedsMale02010-07-05 23:23:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 Applicant Filer Listing - Nebraska Lockbox?

The USCIS website says that the Nebraska address is for current and former members of the military. Are you saying that all 319b applications should go to the Nebraska Service Center, even for non-military? Where did you find this information?

I am just trying to make sure we send our app to the correct address. Thanks!

I am not sure where it is specifically for nonmilitary. I talked to the military hotline and nebraska is where I should send it. She also said it is where all military packets are sent to but if you are nonmilitary, I do not know exactly where.
newlywedsMale02010-08-22 06:39:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 Applicant Filer Listing - Nebraska Lockbox?

It's going to end up in Nebraska anyways, so you may as well save some time and send directly to Nebraska :)

oh ok lol, coz i read in a link from one of the threads here and it was a pdf saying if u want it in fairfax, VA send it on vermont lol so i got sort fo cunfused
newlywedsMale02010-07-06 18:26:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 Applicant Filer Listing - Nebraska Lockbox?

Nebraska is for 319(b) filers. Other service centers mentioned - Texas and Arizona are for regular N-400 applicants - it does happen that some field offices have same-day oaths.

is nebraska much more advisable to send 319b application or vermont? i am trying to do 319 b :)
newlywedsMale02010-07-06 17:03:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionMissing evidenc stated on NoA1?

This rings a bell. Someone else mentioned this type of NOA and then they received a yellow letter stating what should be brought on the interview day which they considered as missing. I wouldn't worry too much since your got your NOA and you will soon receive a letter with the missing information. If you do as others have suggested either look into the naturalization guide and see the checklist or just post what you submitted, then most probably you/we can pinpoint the missing item.


i will list it here what i had put in there, i know we put as much as we could, we followed the N400 guides here too ^_^

1) INA 31(b) , USCIS fact sheet
2) Form N400 application with 2 passport photos & check for $595 - in the same ziplock bag) ** no biometric fee since i'm overseas
** and 2 separate explanation sheets for my traffic offense and for the reason why I had put on the N400 I had been overseas to an AP add since february**
3) copy of Permanent residency card front/back
4) 2 fingerprint cards done by the military Police
5) Affidavit of Application( signed letter from me of letter of intent to reside in the US after my husband's assignment overseas)
6 copy of BC of applicant
7)copy of military dependent ID card of applicant with new married name
8)copy of SOFA stamp on applicant's foreign passport
9)Copy of BC of USC spouse
10) Copy of USC spouse's passport information page
11) Copy of marriage certificate
12)copy of USC spouse's military ID card
13)Copy of DD 1278 (signed by my husband's commander stating I can live here legally under command sponsorship and his DEROS (date we leave this island)
14)Copy of DD 1172 ( DEERS enrollment with me as a dependent)
15)Official letter from USC spouse's Commanding Officer stating he is my husband's CO, and I am to live with my husband overseas legally,that i'm his wife and the date we leave out of here)
16)copy of my command sponsorship
17) Form for request of interview for fairfax, VA

Evidence of Continued marriage:
1) copy of joint bank account
2)copy of MFJ Tax returns of year 2009 ( we only have one since we got married oct. '09)
3) copy of tax transcript from IRS for year 2009

and then evidence of my traffic offense issued by the AP military police
1)copy of traffic ticket
2) copy of citation letter

that is all that i sent, but my official cover letter is on the laptop which i cannot turn on because i have no more adapter.. but anyway that is all the paperwork i have on my list
newlywedsMale02010-09-08 16:41:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionMissing evidenc stated on NoA1?

Not sure what type of filer you are, but your signature seems to indicate you just recently received a green card?

What did you send in with your N400?

Oh, I am a filer under 319(b) so that's why i am filing citizenship sooner.
newlywedsMale02010-09-08 16:21:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionMissing evidenc stated on NoA1?
We just got the NOA1 for my N400 application and
it says :

The above application has been received by our office and is in process, but has been noted with one or more of the following exception(s):

Mussing evidence(s)-your application was missing evidence(s) that you need to provide at the time of your naturalization interview. You will be notified under separate notice of the necessary evidence(s) that you will be required to bring to your interview. Do not submit any evidence(s) by mail.

Now my question is has anyone ever gotten something like this? And can anyone tell what it could be they want?
I had all those written in the n400 guide on vj so i am so confused what we missed.

Please help! So we can finally get this one prepared before anything coz apparently our mail takes 2 wks ro get to us :(

I meant Missing evidence instead of mussing
newlywedsMale02010-09-08 04:57:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 application denied
I'm sorry to hear about what happened.. I am filing under 319(b) too but military. Hopefully someone here can help provide you with more information what you guys should do next
newlywedsMale02010-09-08 17:03:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionPassport came in six business days
wow congratulations
newlywedsMale02010-09-10 20:12:00
US Citizenship General Discussion319(b) Military Spouse
Hi i am doin my 319 b too i already sent in my application i would suggest to read up on all other threads here that best explains the 319(b) :)

yes u can have ur interview at fairfax,VA that is what i asked the military hotline
they are very helpful about this

Their number is on the uscis website

and ur last question yes u send it to nebraska lockbox
all i can say is it is best to call the military hotline :)
explai. Your situation and they can answer you too..
But read also the previous threads people had posted here coz they have the qualifications for 319 b

Me i applied for the reason we are stationed overseas and my husband will still be here for more than a year
i hope you get to find more answers take care! :)
newlywedsMale02010-09-10 05:06:00
US Citizenship General Discussionhas anyone have interview at Washington Field Office - fairfax, VA?
ok will check them out thank u so much ^_^
newlywedsMale02010-09-27 21:18:00
US Citizenship General Discussionhas anyone have interview at Washington Field Office - fairfax, VA?

Belive it is at 2675 Prosperity Avenue, Fairfax, VA 20598. I had my naturalization ceremony there! Right by the ORANGE metro line. When you walk out of the DUNN LORRING--MERRIFIELD--stop, the building is across the parking lot just to the right. Sort of at ur "2 o clock. OR u can park at the garage by the building, and a few yrs back it was $5 and make sure u have $5 as they didnt like to provide change!! Very easy to take the metro, like a 3 minute walk!!

aww that is amazing! I plan to go there by commute since we live overseas and i am planning to stay at a friend's at the bolling Air force base ^_^ so now, my thing would be how to get to the Dunn Loring from the AFB lol
and the thing is I have never been on that Dunn Loring
newlywedsMale02010-09-27 20:55:00
US Citizenship General Discussionhas anyone have interview at Washington Field Office - fairfax, VA?
the Supervisor Immigration Services Officer of DHS/USCIS from Washington Field Office - District 7

emailed me stating i will have my interview there which is awesome

but the thing is i am overseas, so i will have to fly back to the US for the whole thing

I would do commute to get there so if anyone has gone there or know specifically how to get there by commute with like really detailed info that would be awesome! thanks ^_^

newlywedsMale02010-09-27 19:22:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionQuestions about interview at fairfax,VA & passport application timeline

Interesting, DOS opened an on site passport facility in Minneapolis I didn't know about. has an article on this. Chicago was the closest one and for us, a two day trip. Can do Minneapolis in less than a day.

Never needed a passport while in the military, even offered me free transportation. Only problem is they sent us to places where we didn't want to go.

same goes for my husband lol he never needed a passport until traveling to see me in my home country lol

offered transportation like the Space A flights? i'm trying to look into that lol so we can actually save some $ lol
but then again those military flights are rather very very risky as you can easily get bumped lol
i dont even know if i can be eligible lol

Edited by newlyweds, 29 September 2010 - 10:41 AM.

newlywedsMale02010-09-29 10:41:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionQuestions about interview at fairfax,VA & passport application timeline


You can get a passport within a few hours at any passport agency if your travel is less then 14 days away. You need to make an appointment beforehand by telephone (see milimelo's post for the phone number) within a 14 day window before the day for which you want to make your appointment. Since time slots go quickly, you should make the appointment more or less exactly 14 days before that date. If you make an appointment for 8am, you usually can pick up the passport around noon or early afternoon. At the appointment you need to provide proof of your impending travel. And you need a photo ID, and your naturalization certificate, of course. You pay an extra fee for expedited service.

Good luck. thank you so much for the additional information ^_^
yes, i have read on other threads about making the appointment beforehand but thank u for letting me know it is best to do it 14 days before the actual appointment lol i was planning as soon as i get my interview date and all my itinerary squared away, i'll call them asap hahaha i even was planning on doing that this week hahaha but i bet they will probably think i'm too early lol
so do i just show them my naturalization certificate if i get my passport in hours? wow lol i, like many, have a fear of losing such document when i would get approved.. lol

i am still anxious about the interview thing lol coz i am filing under 319 b so to actually have that piece of paper would be a little piece of heaven lol

newlywedsMale02010-09-29 09:24:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionQuestions about interview at fairfax,VA & passport application timeline

You can make an appointment at the passport agency and pay for expedited passport - not sure on what basis you would qualify for a free one - everyone has to pay for a passport if they want to have one.

Rule for the agency is that you have to show proof of travel within next 14 days - passports are done depending how soon you travel - I traveled in 10 days received the passport in 2. Others got it in couple of hours.

Washington Passport Agency
1111 19th Street, N.W.
First Floor, Sidewalk Level
Washington, D.C. 20036 Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., local time, M-F, excluding Federal holidays<BR style="MARGIN-LEFT: 20px">Schedule An Appointment 24/7: 1 (877) 487-2778

wow just a couple of hours? lol well if i will email the supervisor and possibly try to have my interview set maybe oct. 26 and fly to washington by 24th then within that week, possibly the next day apply for my passport, but i am planning to have my international flight back to japan on nov. 21.. and just to make sure i am really planning on doing the expedited passport lol

well, the no-fee government passport is different i guess from the regular passport. I know my one friend,(she's born and raised in the US) came here with her husband on military orders with regular US pssports and still they were issued a no-fee government passport.. so i guess that latter only deals with the military.. i dont know if i can be eligible for that aside from the regular one.. coz if i can, (but i know it's sort of illegal to fly out of the US without a US passport) i will file for getting the US passport here, i know my husband flew here without a passport lol but his active duty military and has actual orders so he can just fly without a passport then.. me, well, i am afraid of flying without one lol

newlywedsMale02010-09-29 09:09:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionQuestions about interview at fairfax,VA & passport application timeline

Merrifield Post Office is the nearest place AFAIK for US-passport application.

The Certificate Of Naturalisation will be handed to you when you are sworn-in--and will be necessary as proof-of-citizenship for your fist US passport.

If your former country of citizenship allows multiple nationality, there is another (albeit technically illegal) approach providing you are taking a vacation exceeding 4 weeks there--use your non-US passport to go there, and then apply (obviously, you will need to carry the Cert of Natz with you there) at the US Consulate/Embassy (and sit through the class which they will give you for doing that instead of getting it ahead of time Stateside).

i am afraid of flying off with my foreign passport lol
we're stationed overseas that's why i need to travel back hehehe :D
and i'm just gonna be staying at a friend's
i am pretty much wondering though if i could be eligible for the no-fee government passport lol
who knows maybe if i can i'd do that and i can fly off with just that,otherwise i'll have to wait lol

newlywedsMale02010-09-29 08:51:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionQuestions about interview at fairfax,VA & passport application timeline

I believe that you will need your naturalization certificate in order to apply for a US passport.

yeah, i know that.. i plan to apply for the passport as soon as i get approved for my naturalization..
I 'm applying under 319 b so i'm eligible to file

You were married less than a year and talking about US citizenship and a US passport already!

Please share your secret., wife and I were married close to five years before we got to that stage and applied for everything the earliest possible date,

lol we are overseas and my husband is in the military so im filing under 319 b
we're here until 2012 lol
and i wont get hired as an RN because i'm not us citizen ..i cant even volunteer with red cross at the naval hospital lol
so i'm really praying this works smoothly lol
newlywedsMale02010-09-29 08:47:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionQuestions about interview at fairfax,VA & passport application timeline
just want to know kind of like reviews how the IOs are and get a feel of how it would be getting interviewed there.

The supervisor emailed me when I want the interview to be set, let me know if they also let you set your own interview date and when was the soonest you could set it. Can you set it as soon as 2 weeks out or a month or something? would be happy to hear someone else's experience from that local office ^_^

and also, are they strict with the requirements and what time do they usually have the oath taking? I know it is same day.

And where is the nearest best place to apply for the passport there? does the regular passport application process really take as long as 4 weeks or more?
I plan on having the expedited, is it as fast as 2 weeks or as late as 3 weeks?

would it be smarter to already have booked my flights to help out with the expedited passport process? And how long after the passport arrives does the naturalization certificate follow?

thanks so much ^_^
newlywedsMale02010-09-29 07:14:00
US Citizenship General Discussionhow to reschedule an interview date?

Lucky you! :) Congrats on having such a smooth experience.

I do believe they treat military personnel better than civilians. :)

lol thank you :)
i guess with the N400 it's the smoothest we've had lol
newlywedsMale02010-10-12 09:05:00
US Citizenship General Discussionhow to reschedule an interview date?
ok, just and update about my case.
I emailed the supervisor explained that I got into an accident, ended up with a cast and that i'm now walking on crutches.
She emailed back saying she's sorry to hear about what happened to me and descheduled my interview date.
She did say though to just email her what the new interview date I would want.
I didn't even have to send anything so I am so happy about it. I did plan on asking my doctor for a letter about the whole thing so now I won't need to do that.
Now, hopefully my foot heals fast so I can fly back to the US before the plane tickets get super expensive! lol
newlywedsMale02010-10-12 06:49:00
US Citizenship General Discussionhow to reschedule an interview date?

I remembered you called to get your appointment. I would advice you call/contact using the same method you scheduled/obtained your current interview date. Tell them what happen--and be able to back it up with a doctor's letter--and I'm sure they'll give you a new appointment date.

yes, i will talk to the doctor when they do a second xray,

i am still hoping to go on my original date; anyway, i emailed her and somehow when i call her she cannot hear me and would always just ask to email her but no response yet because my interview notice was sent to me thru email and somehow it wont print her signature .. I should be expecting her email back by monday hopefully she gets to get to me soon :)

thanks for the ideas guys!
newlywedsMale02010-10-10 02:43:00
US Citizenship General Discussionhow to reschedule an interview date?
I am supposed to haVE my interview date on october 28th, i just decided on my own 2-3 days ago, but yesterday i got into an accident, and ended up having a cast on my Left foot. I am overseas filing for the 319 B naturalization, so in order for me to do my interview i would have to travel from japan back to america, in washington DC

I am walking on crutches and I felt I would just let myself heal more before I leave the country, now my question is how can i reschedule my interview appointment? I haven't received the actual interview notice in the mail, maybe because the supervisor just emailed it to me, I am unsure if they will send me a physical one thru mail, I emailed her back but she has not answered me.

ANyone know how I can best reschedule my interview?
WOuld they be open to the rescheduling of my interview or should i just suck it up and travel even if I'm not 100% physically able to move around.
Plus I'm staying at a friend's there and do not want to hassle them having to care for me so much more..


newlywedsMale02010-10-08 19:43:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionRequesting an earlier Interview/Oath?
i don't know if the military hotline can provide you all the answers you need, but maybe you could also give them a call :)

newlywedsMale02010-10-04 06:45:00
US Citizenship General Discussionwhat to bring for the interview?

Papers that show that you are living with your spouse will do. The church can sent you a thousand cards... this doesn't prove you live together. Tax returns, bank statements, loans, kids, bills, etc...

i don't have paperwork to show we live together in the form of mortgage or bills because it's under the military, it's all just his name on it.
i have tax returns though and the paperwork for insurance having me as his primary beneficiary& his spouse, and investments, and banking we all have our names in there so those will be my best proof for it. I also do have paperwork for him enrolling me as his spouse for DEERS (military)
newlywedsMale02010-11-02 18:57:00
US Citizenship General Discussionwhat to bring for the interview?
thank you! i never got a copy of that so thank you for pointing that document to me :)
do you think i should still bring pictures of the wedding too? lol
do you think an anniversary card from our church will also help? i mean they sent us one we we celebrate it ^_^
but i have all other dcoumentation from the start, even from my K-1 journey lol.. thank you
newlywedsMale02010-11-02 00:05:00
US Citizenship General Discussionwhat to bring for the interview?
hello! I will be having my interview on november 9. I had rescheduled it and the supervisor gave me the 10 AM appointment. I will be interviewed at fairfax, VA.
Now, my question is what specific documents should i bring? I have to travel back to the US to do my interview and i really don't want to forget any bit of document coz well japan is pretty far lol
thank you! ^_^
newlywedsMale02010-11-01 06:12:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionInterview today
newlywedsMale02010-11-04 05:07:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionTks to VJ & VJ PPL!!!!!
newlywedsMale02010-11-05 21:05:00