QUOTE (Bob 4 Anna @ Nov 17 2009, 11:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The problem with shipping things via FedEx or UPS is that they use the same corrupt criminal local shipper Air21.

If you must use a courier to send from the US to the PH then use DHL. They actually have DHL employees in the PH and if there is a bogus tariff issue you can apply pressure from the US to the PH employees. They got a 12,000Php import fee reduced to 600Php on a laptop computer!

We've also used DHL to ship from PH to US and everything arrives in the package. They catalog the contents before sealing & shipping the boxes.

aww darn it! we were gonna use DHL but the closest one we saw was fedex! frggn air21!!! yeah they are a bunch of corrupts selfish A** es lol pardon my languaged but I am just so ticked off about it..
newlywedsMale02009-11-17 10:25:00
QUOTE (loveaboo @ Nov 17 2009, 09:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
What's funny was even though my fiance contacted FedEx and told them he will shoulder the bill, on the day of the delivery of the phone, FedEx/Air21 was still insisting on me paying for it. I asked the courier to contact the main office so they will know that all taxes and fees will be paid by the sender and informed them that if I won't get the phone that day, they can send it back to US since that day was the last day prior my departure. After 30 minutes the courier returned and gave me the item. It's been 2 weeks since the delivery, until now the bill hasn't posted to my fiance's account so we're still waiting...

wow.. good God these people put the shame in our nationality! there's no question why we get a lot of skepticism.. geez! my mom paid for the so-called tax... i am never ever gonna do that thru them.. as much as they can they wanna have a cut on everything.. like wow.. it is amazing how much desperate they get.. i asked my mom about the receipt and she showed it to me, it was a receipt from the branch not an official fedex receipt so there is really something wrong with that

QUOTE (frank-lyn @ Nov 17 2009, 10:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (tallcoolone @ Nov 17 2009, 06:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have experienced something similiar when shipping something to PI.

My rule now, is I try to just bring it with me on the plane and not have to mess with customs and duty

I think another way to get around it , is to send a Balikbayan box.

good.gif . Same thing I did with mine too. I usually just send a balikbayan box because it's more handy for me. My mom doesn't like to deal with those corrupt people in the post office or FEDEX branches because one time, they asked her to pay for what they call a "tax" but was worth more than the stuffs in the package.

i know right? i mean heck, our "tax" was more than 50% of what's inside! i was so furious when i found out about it.. i've never heard that before! i mean seriously, tax for what???

Edited by newlyweds, 17 November 2009 - 09:01 AM.

newlywedsMale02009-11-17 09:02:00
QUOTE (Nenita's Hubby @ Nov 17 2009, 08:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (newlyweds @ Nov 17 2009, 05:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
this is just so awful.. it's a shame our country is that corrupt

We could start an entire thread about this sort of corruption. It really is sad. Aquino, Estrada, Arroyo, all promised reform and an end to corruption. What's happened...?

QUOTE (newlyweds @ Nov 17 2009, 05:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i was like, was that a cue of the mentality that white people are always rich like they grow dollar bills in trees rich? it's so embarrassing...

At our wedding reception, some local cops crashed the party, came in and helped themselves to some food, then charged some drinks on my tab. They figure I'm not going to say anything because 1.) they're the cops, 2.) I'm a white guy so I must have so much money that the cost of the drinks is nothing to me, and 3.) because I know the wedding guests are all safe with a gaggle of cops at the reception. They're right on counts 1 & 3, but dead wrong on count 2. There's really nothing I could do about it, but it's really sad that officials there feel so entitled to do as they please and let the Filipino tax-payers, balakbayan, and foreign visitors pay the bill for their privilege.

wow that is the 1st ive heard about that.. i bet they knew someone in the party and that someone thoughtfully invited everyone! that happens a lot.. party crashers..i hate that!

when i had my farewell party before i left the country, i had a full list of invited people.. i prepared a party for only about 60 people and yeah guess what happened, my party ended up having about 40-50 crashers! i was so embarrassed to some of my real guests because it became too crowded in our house!

It was so hard when I planned the party coz everyone thought, oh hey, dollars, white fiance, millions! sheesh! we're young and saving up for the future, there no way in hell i am gonna let us spend so much just for 1 party for people i really didn't like being there!

i wanted a party with just my immediate family, but my entire clan, the neighbors, and other friends expected the party of the year! my mom kept telling me, we couldn't avoid that pressure either because my family is well-off accdng to philippine standard of living
newlywedsMale02009-11-17 06:46:00
QUOTE (tallcoolone @ Nov 17 2009, 08:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have experienced something similiar when shipping something to PI.

My rule now, is I try to just bring it with me on the plane and not have to mess with customs and duty

I think another way to get around it , is to send a Balikbayan box.

a friend of mine from michigan also told me about that, which courier can i do that though? and she said it takes 6 weeks but the weight is unlimited so sounds good enough smile.gif

there was a case with my old friend too regarding Phil. postal, he sent a big package from belgium and it somehow magically disappeared. i mean seriously, he said it was a really huge box, there is no reason it had magically evaporated in thin air...
newlywedsMale02009-11-17 06:12:00
yikes! but yeah, i was so mad when my mom called me to inform me.. she was upset too coz it was supposedly a nice thing to get something on the mail.. but yeah, i think it's they are trying to pocket that.. i just emailed my mom that she should ask them again about it.. i mean seriously, who on earth would charge more than 50% for taxes..

the fedex rep on the fedex toll # said that it is based off on the package, she said on the value or something like i just think it is just way too much to be charged something like that!

and if they dont give an official fedex receipt then there must be a greater issue there.. i know my mom refused the package first because she had never experienced that dad sends a bunch of packages from the middle east but we never had to pay tax..and when my then fiance sent me stuff from japan, i never did pay for anything too..

this is just so awful.. it's a shame our country is that corrupt
newlywedsMale02009-11-17 06:08:00
so my hubby and i went on a tour to chocolate world, we bought a bunch of chocolates to send home and drove to fedex to have it expressed since he doesnt trust the ever doubtful postal system in the country ( he sent me a package thru united postal service once and it arrived after more than a month or maybe 2)

so i was so shocked we paid $212 for 12 lbs but he was like ok, we'll just deal with it .. and then the package arrived in effin manila and my mom was called by the local fedex in the city that they wil collect 1900 pesos for the package i was like ####### the stuff in that package would only amount to $70 why the heck would they want about $42 for tax??

has anyone ever experienced something like this? or is this one of the hocus pocus shenanigans that they have under their sleeve? does anyone know the % hey usually ask for the tax?

i did call up the toll number for fedexand they said for international packages, the country of destination may ask for tax but she said it is up to the fedex there....

and the friggin fedex people were askin my mom if the sender was her fiance since i put my husband's name there instead of mine.. i was like, was that a cue of the mentality that white people are always rich like they grow dollar bills in trees rich? it's so embarrassing...

maybe they thought that since the sender was a white guy and my parents house looked like a mansion in their eyes (ahahahha) they thought money is of no issue
newlywedsMale02009-11-17 05:46:00
PhilippinesVisa recieved!thank's God!
that is definitely normal lol I had the same issue when I first got mine, I kept calling the USEM again and again just to make sure.. I have it in my photo archive and you can see I have the same one smile.gif
newlywedsMale02009-11-19 07:03:00
PhilippinesGUILT !
i think you should just tell him how it's affecting you; tell him you understand this whole thing but for the life of you, it is sucking out some of your energy as you can't help not think about it.
That's how I try to convince my fiance when he does something i dont like lol
but i always have a sweet way of doing stuff tho lol
tell him, you appreciate and admire his passion for doing that stuff, and it's great but you can see the effects of it on him. Let him know that it is still worrying you even though you trust him about what he is doing. He may understand you more and prioritize your words even more smile.gif

Don't hide it as that might only create problems in the future. If you get into any trouble, just explain to him that you did that because you love him that much that you dont want to see the effects of it taking its toll on him
newlywedsMale02009-09-16 05:11:00
PhilippinesGUILT !
QUOTE (rheanick @ Sep 16 2009, 07:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My 2 cents

If you are making a decision for him... you are indirectly telling us that he does not know how to decide.
You should trust your husband enough to make his own decision.
You could tell him your opinion and views, still, he should be the one to make the final decision.

If the information is for him, respect him enough to forward it to him.

Btw, regarding the money thing, if he is the one who earns that money, let him decide where to use it. If your money is involved. That's another story.

If he still can think let him think and make the decision.

whether he or both parties earn the money, once married.. i think the married couple should both decide how to spend the money. it's unfair if the husband is the only one deciding for the finances, marriage is also about sharing, from emotions to decisions about how money is spent

QUOTE (rheanick @ Sep 16 2009, 07:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My 2 cents

If you are making a decision for him... you are indirectly telling us that he does not know how to decide.
You should trust your husband enough to make his own decision.
You could tell him your opinion and views, still, he should be the one to make the final decision.

If the information is for him, respect him enough to forward it to him.

Btw, regarding the money thing, if he is the one who earns that money, let him decide where to use it. If your money is involved. That's another story.

If he still can think let him think and make the decision.

whether he or both parties earn the money, once married.. i think the married couple should both decide how to spend the money. it's unfair if the husband is the only one deciding for the finances, marriage is also about sharing, from emotions to decisions about how money is spent

newlywedsMale02009-09-16 05:06:00
PhilippinesWe Bought a Castle In Texas
QUOTE (tallcoolone @ Nov 12 2009, 08:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Flames9_RN @ Nov 12 2009, 05:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
very nice house. pay wise for RN's varies throughout the USA. As low as the high teens in some parts of the country. Dc area it starts out around $25 plus shift differential and believe me right now, there are a fair # of unemployed RN's in this area, so there is no dickering with salary, its take it or leave it, as they can get someone else. Enjoy the house

Yes, I used to be big time poster on All Nurses, but with a select few people on the International site that hate Philippines Nurses I stopped posting there.

Nursing is hurting in some areas of the USA, Mainly Northern or Western.

But Texas has felt very little of the recession, and they are letting my wife work about as many hours she wants per week, She was working five 12 hours shifts per week.

Nurse Shortage is still alive and well around Dallas / Ft. Worth Metroplex.....

wow seeing your house and knowing what your wife makes every hour as an RN got me all inspired happy.gif i can't wait to work as an RN too lol but I'll be starting in a military base hospital so I have yet to find out what my starting would be but oh well, at least we'd have a start for me and hubby's future.. as my parents would always say, save save save lol plus God's great blessings we'd definitely afford a great house too hehe
God only knows when we can get a house like that but wow it's absolutely encouraging to see other people's success smile.gif
congrats on the house again! it really is so pretty happy.gif
plus you live in a state that doesn't get way too cold lol

that's an awesome combination good.gif good.gif
newlywedsMale02009-11-18 11:30:00
Philippinescalls to philippines
oh yeah,they are evil! lol but calling within the us is good though so i cant complain lol
newlywedsMale02009-11-17 13:44:00
Philippinescalls to philippines
It's great there are cheaper ways to call to Phils now, we used rebtel back then.. but yeah, just a heads up.. never ever call thru AT&T..they're evil! lol they charge $3.51 per minute!!!! hubby ddnt know about that back then and ended up getting $1000 + phone bill!!!
and that amount would've looked good added to the savings account lol
newlywedsMale02009-11-17 13:32:00
QUOTE (philmae83 @ Nov 21 2009, 11:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (newlyweds @ Nov 21 2009, 10:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
yup. which brngy. did u live in?

tipanoy, how about you?

cool! my best friend's from there, do you know any APao's?
suarez here

Edited by newlyweds, 21 November 2009 - 09:43 AM.

newlywedsMale02009-11-21 09:42:00
yup. which brngy. did u live in?
newlywedsMale02009-11-21 09:30:00
QUOTE (philmae83 @ Nov 21 2009, 02:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
let's keep in touch!

let me start:

Philmae83 from iligan city , lanao del norte

hey, how about that we lived in the same city happy.gif
newlywedsMale02009-11-21 06:49:00
PhilippinesMy fiancee is having problems getting a Philippines passport
she can use the baptismal certificate..only costs 50 pesos i think, have her go to the chatholic church she was baptised and her NBI clearance
newlywedsMale02009-10-06 23:01:00
Philippinestransfering plane question imigration question also
i flew in thru detroit and it wasn't very crowded... it only took about a few minutes to get verything done, i had 2 hours from my connectig flight and I was already sitting there waiting o board an hour before we were to board.. it was a smooth process and other people who went through detroit had saidthe same thing.. they're fast
newlywedsMale02009-12-05 07:38:00
PhilippinesAge gap she is 18 turning 19 as I am 35
QUOTE (thongd4me @ Nov 18 2009, 12:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (sjr09 @ Nov 17 2009, 09:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We encourage all members to seek a qualified immigration attorney as this site is no substitute for the valuable help and advice a good attorney can provide!

I'd like to see the link to the above. The site allows lawyers to advertise here and sometimes one is necessary
in cases where there are serious "borderline" issues where fraud may be alleged or the case is too complicated.
I don't see either in the OP's case. Mostly lawyers just wear nice ties and are good at hand-holding.

The real work is done by the law clerks. Oh yes, they make mistakes too.

Here's what a lawyer will get you

when we did our K-1, we were so clueless at first, we ddn't know anyone who did something like this,plus we were far too focused on each other and being away from each other lol
i found this site but i ddnt know how to use it back and we hired an immigration specialist(he's married to a filipina too)..

I found out that immigration lawyers actually hired him to do their job..

but honestly, just as long as the situation isn't so complicated, no overstay of former visas or any other legal issues, i think it's best to do it yourself with the visajourney family smile.gif it could really save you lots of $$$$
newlywedsMale02009-11-18 12:42:00
Philippinesdoes your filipina wife shaves her legs?
QUOTE (mrsartis @ Sep 19 2009, 03:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
my shaving has story.. i did have a very nice BALBON in my legs and arms, but once, my friend in highschool told me she shaved her legs and she let me touched it, so i was like woooow so smooth.. biggrin.gif the next day, guess who shaved her legs??? dummie me..

so it will never go back to the same smooth hairs again.. its like touching a yucca leaf lol i have to shave, cant use hair removing cream cuz it irritates my skin.. i do have an appointment to my esthetician every month for my wax.. biggrin.gif

ha this reminds me of myself.. i learned that the hard way too lol the things we wished we ddnt do in high school! it makes me sad thinking about always need to have veet..i hate the part when the hair grows though it's atrocious and besides that it's itchy!

newlywedsMale02009-09-18 14:53:00
Philippinesdoes your filipina wife shaves her legs?
well im filipina, but mixed, we have spanish blood, and i think that's the contributing part as having the need to shave/wax.. but i just use veet
newlywedsMale02009-09-11 20:02:00
PhilippinesThe 25 Day Shuffle & Share

So with the 25 day shuffle becoming a 5 day shuffle, here's a quick update with where I'm at...

- All light bulbs that were previously out, have now been replaced with working ones
- I now own a lavender scented candle and have it lit to help freshen the condo
- The fridge/freezer have been cleaned out of any old foods past the expiration date
- My excessive beer glass collection has mostly been donated to my younger brother
- All old/worn out clothing has been donated
- Cabinets have been straightened and old medicines have been disposed of
- Old electronics have been eBayed, the money put aside in a clothes shopping fund
- The car has been fully cleaned out, vacuumed, etc
- The closet is as ready as it will ever be

I really think I'm just about as good as I'll ever be for the love of my life.. I can't wait to fetch her on Wednesday... :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

OMG you sound so cute, hahaha my husband did that too when I 1st arrived lol
cleaning, and the car!!! hahaha the car is very important lol
make sure you have a mirror, full-length if possible lol
for some reason, my husband was very concerned with it when i came coz he really only had the mirror in the bathroom which was too high for a filipina height lol and too small for a woman lol
newlywedsMale02010-07-07 22:03:00
PhilippinesThe 25 Day Shuffle & Share

1. buy some aroma candles for the bedroom, bathroom... the entire house.
2. buy some "energy" drink :whistle:
3. buy a "tabo" :lol:

hahaha i love the number #3 lol good advise
newlywedsMale02010-07-07 22:00:00
PhilippinesMy beautiful wife is very irresponsible
QUOTE (Jasman0717 @ Nov 18 2009, 01:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (rheanick @ Nov 17 2009, 12:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
[my 2 cents:

- use liquid sopa instead of bar soap - She can use a bottle of that in one shower
- do "light check" everynight before you both go to sleep... assign the task to her. she is not allowed to go to bed without ensuring that all lights are off - This morning while I was taking a shower she turned the closet light on because she was afraid of the dark wacko.gif
- give her a small plate. Though she would fill her plate full, she would be able to consume them. Anything I would do she would just take back to the kitchen and get a bigger plate
- tell her to find a job or limit her allowance. laughing.gif When she had a job she spent all her earnings on cheap jewelry and shoes (Charles knows about the shoes)
- dont spoil her. She is like the cat in Shrek, hard to resist that look tongue.gif

shoes are every woman's guilty pleasure lol.. take a woman to a shoe store and she'll become disoriented hahahaha
i know i would always find my way thru clothing, shoes, bags and all that stuff.. then hubby would pull me away, it's annoying not being able to mindlessly spend but at the same time, it reminds me of the bigger picture in the end lol i do want a house like my parents back hom in PI..
i think she lacks a little ambition, to become better, to be independent, and to reach a goal..
i think you spoil her too much.. A woman can easily be spoiled, and when that happens, it's not as cute as when she first tried to ask for something when you first got married, it's gonna be an ugly demanding debate...

and oh btw, how about for the rice you have a measuring cup right there next to the rice cooker? IF she's the only one who eats, im sure one cup is more than filling for the entire day.
OR how about you just nicely and as sweet as you can, ask her how many cups she'll need for a week and just have that much out. I mean have it in a container or something and let her budget that. Tell her the stores are running out or rice is gonna be 20% more expensive! lol

I think she needs to grow up and stop acting like a spoiled kid... But yeah, let her know about all the financial situation,maybe she'll slowly stop acting like a spoiled brat. SHe is serioulsy acting like your family is not gonna run out of all resources, and that's scary.

Tell her, if she wants to stay rich, she should learn to save, conserve and be mindful of the expenses because that's the only way you can hold on to your money. Tell her that if she keeps doing what she does, it's the electric company, the water company, the grocery stores that are gonna become richer and not you guys.. i bet she'll think twice
newlywedsMale02009-11-17 13:14:00
PhilippinesMy beautiful wife is very irresponsible
QUOTE (Jasman0717 @ Nov 18 2009, 01:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (rlogan @ Nov 17 2009, 01:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
She's sure proving how little respect she has for you.

The question is - how much respect do you have for yourself?

You know, a guy has to press for marriage counseling or some kind of probationary period before he fires a wife. You owe them that because it's a wife, not a girlfriend. But with behavior so childish and disrespectful you have to lay down the law and mean it.

Or else shut up and be a door mat. Not a great set of choices. So sorry about that.

Sorry, this is more a tongue in cheek post. I love my wife very much and have learned to live with her anoying habits. I was just wondering if others married to a Filipina have experienced similar habits.

I do appreciate everyone's comments. I might have to have her read them.

Ok, I am off for my morning walk.

don't worry you are not alone, i know some women (some of mom's friends) who are so proud about demanding so much money from their american boyfriends... They must think white men don't run out of money after they grow in trees.. And believe me, I have witnessed those that will just spend the money as if they were a one-day-millionaire.. usually it's those who didn't grow up to have a lot that do this..
The money is overwhelming so they enjoy it as much as they can, i know it's ironic they should be thinking of saving but sadly, they really don't. They enjoy the feeling of having the freedom to spend more than what they are used to and not a care if there will be enough for tomorrow...

Edited by newlyweds, 17 November 2009 - 11:26 AM.

newlywedsMale02009-11-17 11:25:00
PhilippinesMy beautiful wife is very irresponsible
hey, you know what would be a very good solution??
Make her aware of how much you earn, how much taxes are, the expenses, the bills, the groceries per week,
let her know how much money is going into the savings, fill her in on all these.. and believe me she'll have an eyeopener...
well it works with me lol.. hubby lets me know everything, i am a shopaholic but I do like looking at a bigger digit on the savings account so I don't go overboard with it.. I know that works with my parents too.

or you could also try just giving her a budget for an entire week, and let her know she must be able to spend that money for all the food you need, so that she'll be aware of the prices too..

Women from the philippines are supposed to be really good at budgeting, and our country is not full of kings and queens...
I think she is abusing the blessings your family has...

newlywedsMale02009-11-17 11:19:00
Philippineshotels near CFO manila
yikes! for real? i guess i will rethink my reservation lol nasty! thanks for the heads up though.. and i thought that hotel would have been great location-wise since it's right outside the mall
newlywedsMale02009-10-04 03:30:00
Philippineshotels near CFO manila
thanks for the input guys! I booked a reservation earlier for cherry blossoms since it's a few meters away from RObinsons,
Thanks ChuckandRhean , i actually looked it up 1st since I've stayed at citystate and lotus garden has no vacancy for a standard room.. they have the doubles or stuff like that..

Tito Jorge, I will still look them up..
I am wondering though if the flood had affected the PRISM office since it's in Taft avenue. I saw a photo of taft and it looks way flooded! Also i read a lot of bad reviews regarding PRISM, but at the same time the one in quezon is just too far!

fiance and I actually talked about the possibility of having me do the CFO seminar in cebu,.. but my concern is will I get the sticker from cebu or do I have to go to CFO quirino avenue for that?
newlywedsMale02009-10-02 23:17:00
Philippineshotels near CFO manila
hi, im looking for a hotel to stay at when i go in to have my cfo seminar in manila, and ur hotel reviews or the rates would be very much appreciated thanks happy.gif
newlywedsMale02009-10-02 17:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA1 not received
ours vvas mailed february they received it march 2 but vve dont have NOA1 yet, i dont even knovv if the cheque had been encashed yet ..
our cheque tho vvas from Philippine National Bank since he is in OKinavva he said he cant make out a cheque from his bank so he sent me the money and i had a bank draft made out to the uscis
newlywedsMale02009-05-22 09:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsletter of intent
my fiance and i hired an immigration specialist and we sent all our papers to them but i don't remember having written a letter of intent, should i be worried? they ddn't ask us to anyway... sad.gif
newlywedsMale02009-05-26 03:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsdocs for my interview
QUOTE (AmyStan @ Jun 17 2009, 04:59 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Jauque @ Jun 16 2009, 03:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
6th folder... evidence of genuine relationship ( chat logs, emails, cards, yahoo phone calls, western union receipts)

I've heard this said before (though I have no authority on the subject) that western union receipts or recipts of money orders of any kind wouldn't be considered evidence of a genuine relationship but rather that you paying or receiving payment for something... which doesn't look good.

I saw this discussed in some length on another thread. My take from that is that these receipts shouldn't be used as the main evidence, but that having them available to further support other evidence isn't a bad idea and not a negative. Many USCs send support to their SO while waiting for the visa.

i read that too somewhere and i've also been keeping our receipts; some of it still said boyfriend; only one said fiancee ('twas supposed to be just fiance too lol) something not necessarily negative

newlywedsMale02009-06-16 20:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVSC saying K-1's being done as of November 25th
QUOTE (Gary and Alla @ Jun 16 2009, 08:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (T0dd&Chr1ssy @ Jun 15 2009, 04:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The fact of issue is that VSC shouldn't need us to go to an infopass interview or follow up on cases. Would it be unreasonable for them do things correctly. Being a government service you would of thought so. But I guess they will carry on making people's lives full of frustration and misery...

Infopass will not help for visa processing times. You will probably get LESS information than the phone call.

Yes, it is totally unreasonable to expect a government held monopoly to do things correctly and efficiently. Such situation exists no where on earth. Most stress in life is caused by unreasonable expectations.

VSC is a government agency which, be definition, means they are NOT a service. They have no competition in the visa business and no interest or incentive to improve customer service. They are not, and never have been, set up to provide online or telephone progress reports in any meaningfull manner. They are NOT FedEx or UPS. The case number is NOT a "tracking number", you will NOT get real time (or even anything resembling accurate) information on your case progress. They don't care if your life is full of frustration and misery. They try to add to it when you call so you will give up and not call again. You cannot go to another visa service, they cannot lose your business (or your money) so they will do things at THEIR pace and you will deal with it. That's just the name of that tune. Hopefully, Obama will fix it so our health care is the same way...yes?

My wife has been here for 9 months and had her green card for 6 months and our I-129f petition is listed as "pending". When your NOA2 arrives in the mailbox, you will know you have your approval. Until then it is anyone's guess.

THEN you get to deal with the State Department! Wooo hoooo!

in our case, we ddnt get the NOA1 in the mail, and my fiance got the receipt number thru the military hotline; and our NOA2 is not yet here either; but i'm just really hoping they don't our NOA2 as well; when we called USCIS regarding our NOA1 they said it may have just gotten lost in the mail; i hope they won't say anything like that when we would ask about our NOA2!  mad.gif

anyways, is the hardcopy of NOA2 very important aswell? coz what if it gets "lost in the mail" as well, i know maybe we can ask for our case number thru the hotline again; can't help it if the mailing system in my boo's hometown is being crappy about it

newlywedsMale02009-06-16 18:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNO2 Rceived but no mention of NVC
QUOTE (reeses16 @ Jun 6 2009, 10:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Congrats on the NOA2. I did a K1 for my hubby. We never received a letter from NVC. Once approved my USCIS, your case goes to NVC. It is given a new case number and sent to the appropriate consulate. You can read up more about it on VJ. One thing, if you call NVC, call first thing when they open or just before closing otherwise, its gonna be a miserable wait. And if you're holding for too long the system will automatically kick you out.

my boo called, (to see maybe, just maybe it was already forwarded before we get any NOA2 hardcopy; our NOA1 was lost in the mail)

and i listened to it, the machine said they're open 24 hrs, what time do you think is the time they just opened? i mean US time

so whenever we would call again, we can be sure we wont wait too long  or be put on hold smile.gif

newlywedsMale02009-06-18 19:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportshow much money you spend on your wedding just curios
this thread is def. helpful and very interesting smile.gif

i definitely want an intimate wedding, gonna have it in a church ( not catholic tho as im an AOG goer) will have to inquire how much it i;
thinking of having my wedding gown made here; prolly spend about $400 on the dress and if i can have it done for less than $3oo would be awesome wink.gif

wedding rings, prolly have my dad buy them, as he is in saudi, where jewelry is a lot cheaper! but still have to keep up on that coz he's so busy with work and all;

my boo's hometown is in PA, so we'll just have teh reception at a nice restaurant and about 10 people then Holiday Inn for the wedding night

we'll prolly look at less than $2000 for everything
newlywedsMale02009-06-18 20:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCalling NVC is so worthwhile
QUOTE (Philosykos @ Jun 19 2009, 03:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Michey and Odessa @ Jun 19 2009, 12:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
we just called NVC and the woman said they dont have our case yet... it sucks ! huhuhu im just really praying hard tho we wont end up waiting for NVC to process our papers up to 90 days, well that's what the woman said; it takes usually 2-4 wks or up to 90 wow..

well, i just offer it to God; im tired of waiting sad.gif

If even the March filers start calling NVC now, they will probably soon outsource their phone service to a misinformation call center like USCIS has... I think this method should really be reserved for those cases where you can reasonably expect to be approved, but haven't heard anything yet.

lol i know, was being hopeful kicking.gif

and well, also was worried we wont get the NOA2 hardcopy we'd prolly just call em up ; i mean our NOA1 got lost in the mail coz my boo's mailing system in his system i guess as he said isnt that good
newlywedsMale02009-06-19 04:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCalling NVC is so worthwhile
we just called NVC and the woman said they dont have our case yet... it sucks ! huhuhu im just really praying hard tho we wont end up waiting for NVC to process our papers up to 90 days, well that's what the woman said; it takes usually 2-4 wks or up to 90 wow..

well, i just offer it to God; im tired of waiting sad.gif
newlywedsMale02009-06-18 17:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCalling NVC is so worthwhile
wow, i'll def tell my fiance about this smile.gif but hey, congratulations you guys! woohhooo.. you'll be together forever soon enough, eh? no more being away from each other..

to God be the glory for your blessing smile.gif
hope ours is coming up really soon..

it's always nice to know people getting approved wink.gif
newlywedsMale02009-06-17 10:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsigors list
moving up on igor's list can kind of give us hope heheh ClockWatch2.gif
newlywedsMale02009-06-18 19:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsbefore k1 interview can she be pregnet?
the MMR is one of the vaccines that pregnant women or those planning on pregnancy (within 3 months) cannot have; it causes a lot of complications during the pregnancy coz of the Rubella(german measles) so that's def. one vaccine ur fiancee will not have until she gives birth smile.gif

just thought i'd share that
newlywedsMale02009-06-19 07:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHELP on documents for K1 Interview
QUOTE (deomaya @ Jun 19 2009, 10:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Chaz n Ena @ Jun 18 2009, 09:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi everyone.. Been here for a while. Got a lot of tips and found all info really helpful, spared many from spending dollars for legal assistance. Anyway, my interview is coming,it will be next month. I just want to ask about what particular documents that need to be photocopied. We are applying for a K1 Visa.. Just a little confuse though.

Hope you can help me guys. Salamat smile.gif

just passed my interview yesterday... thanks God...

nweiz, il just give u the interview preparation site:


God bless US

i clicked on the link and that is very very helpful thanks for sharing wink.gif already bookmarked it biggrin.gif and will definitely print it out 

congrats on the interview smile.gif and on the big day wink.gif bet ur sooo excited smile.gif and do let us see wedding photos.. smile.gif

God bless ur marriage smile.gif
newlywedsMale02009-06-19 04:13:00