K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2009 k-1 people
why is the adjudication timeline moving the opposite direction? sad.gif at the moment it says we'd be adjudicated july 15-august sad.gif
newlywedsMale02009-07-11 11:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2009 k-1 people
QUOTE (faith0131 @ Jul 10 2009, 07:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
good morning everyone!
that email i wrote that took me 2 hours to write to tell her everrything ended up being great.
she sent me an email back that gave me so much hope.
its just now i need to give her alittle bit of time to think.
i slept for the first time since sunday!

come on VSC!
get rid of those damn december ones and get on MARCH

have a great day everyone, i will

rebeca and dave
kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif good.gif

aww that's very good news.. im so happy to hear that smile.gif see, it is all just the getting cold-feet part hehehe..i get that a lot lately =( i dunno why lol, i love my fiance and all iwanna do is get married to him and spend everyday with him, but at the same time i just get really scared that i kind of thought of going on a 1 month hiatus yesterday! lol ha, crazy ideas and wedding jitters i guess this happens when ur young lol

and yes, i do hope as well we get those NOA2s soon, i dont think i can wait much longer crying.gif still fighting this feeling of going on a hiatus 

oh well how's everyone doing? any news?

newlywedsMale02009-07-10 18:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2009 k-1 people
yes yes, we are very very much excited; i keep checking Michey's email maybe we got something from uscis but still nothing yet.. ClockWatch2.gif 0h well,, we'll be approved in God's time.. but but yes yes, i can't wait till we get it so i can start on my wedding gown blush.gif and most of all, i'd get to see him soonn yay! hopefully we get the visa around september and have the wedding around that time smile.gif
newlywedsMale02009-07-09 08:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2009 k-1 people
QUOTE (AmyStan @ Jul 9 2009, 08:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Missy - I too was thrilled about NPB. Long overdue and it felt like a milestone had been reached. So happy to know you'll see Lars soon. I imagine you're feeling those teenager feelings (the butterflies, etc) about now! I get that way vicariously when I think of it.

Richard - Great pictures! I know it must be a downer to see her leave. But that's probably the last time you'll have to say goodbye under these circumstances.

David - Nice going with the email. You already sound more hopeful. Amy and I seem to take turns being the one feeling down. It's amazing how that little lady can pick me up and put me back on my feet.

Michey and Odessa - As early March filers, you should be hearing something very soon! I bet you're excited.

For all of us - I hope we start seeing a lot of approvals soon!

newlywedsMale02009-07-09 07:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2009 k-1 people
well, hopefully she knows how serious you are about all this, coz sometimes women just need reassurance hehe... this is one of those trying times and you'll be able to look back and tell yourselves, you both really can't live without each other smile.gif

and all this waiting is gonna end and pretty soon you'll be in each other's arms smile.gif i do pray that everything will be alright

and you know what, im pretty sure how lucky she is to have someone so in love with her..
but just give her time and don't stop communicating with her; maybe she also just misses the honeymoon stage of the relationship, if you need to, court her again, send her flowers or something lol women love that lol
God bless..
newlywedsMale02009-07-09 03:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2009 k-1 people
QUOTE (faith0131 @ Jul 9 2009, 09:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i understand what all you are saying.
its just before me she was all about her family/friends/culture and counrty.
and we talked in the beginning and i went there and now that she has had to think about
what shes doing in her life she is getting scared.
we tried to get her a tourist visa but she couldnt get one because she was
in school and not working no house
basically no tie downs to want to go back.
she has to get married when she gets here...
she cant come and see if my parents like her
friends like her, if she likes boston,ma...
i COULD go there and see her parents/friends and everything.
i have talked to her older very respected sister in the last 2 days
and i have to give her space
she needs to feel what it would be like without me...
she needs space
its soo hard for me but i have to do it.
i know we will be together , this is just a bump in the road.

so enough about me!

wheres VSC!!! i wish i could work there to help speed the process for so many people that wait( like us)!!

Come On NOA2!

thanks again everyone...
i know we are both only 24 but this is by far the hardest thing we have had to do in our 24 years of being on this fine earth.
and to have people to help you get throguh this is much apperciated!

Rebeca(fortaleza,brasil) and 14 hour plane ride away David (Boston,Ma,usa)

wow ive been gone for a bit and everyone's back lol i agree with richard-joanna; this is worth fighting for an dyou know what; we are also a young couple, my fiance and i; we're still both 23 and yes, it is true the younger the couple is, the harder it is; and i too have sort of experienced soemthing like that; i too have behaved somewhat like your fiancee; in the sense that all throughout this wait since april, ive always been getting depressed and all coz it's so hard being away and all and you know what helped a lot is that my fiance is always being strong for both us. my advise to you is be the stronger person in the relationship and make her feel safe that even if she's getting "wedding jitters" which i think it is, it doesn't matter because all you want is her; tell her you can't live your life without her and that you need her most right now, ask her to be strong, tell her you need her so much because that's how much she means to you and how much you love her; She wants/needs stuff like this so she can be stronger, reassure her about your love and make her feel secure that no matter how far you both are from each other you can make it, and you will try your hardest to make everything work coz this is all you want;

my fiance, whenever i feel really bad and depressed coz of all this, he always reassures me, and i feel all better;and even too at times he feels so sad being so far away, we both cry and we talk and it makes everything feel alright; tomorrow will be another day you both have to endure being away from each other. don't try and give her "space" coz it will make her think you don't want her that bad, give her more attention actually because she is being needy rigth now, and you can help her through this, let her feel that in everythign and everytime she feels like this you are the one person in the world who can make her feel safe again; communicate communicate and communicate! communication is key, and dont just tell her you need to go to work, tell her you love her soo much; let her know that you can forget about work if it means she needs you at the moment and  that will help her; then when both of you feel sad and all, talk about your plans together for teh future; remind her of how your saving to buy that family car; that honestly, will help strengthen her and most of all; pray together coz that will giv eyou strength

i hoep it all works out and you get to talk and you can bear with all this stress right now; 

it's also been 6 months since i last saw my fiance and it sucks a lot but we communicate as much as possible and believe me it helps so much smile.gif

hope i was some help smile.gif God bless and i too will pray for both you and your fiancee

newlywedsMale02009-07-08 21:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2009 k-1 people
QUOTE (strega @ Jul 7 2009, 09:46 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
seraaaaaaaaaaaaaa, hows it going in here? anyone approved yet?? im getting antsy, hurry up vermont!!

none for us yet crying.gif crying.gif crying.gif crying.gif crying.gif crying.gif crying.gif crying.gif crying.gif blink.gif blink.gif blink.gif blink.gif crying.gif
newlywedsMale02009-07-06 22:50:00
PhilippinesST Luke medical to Manila Embassy Interview
i did my medical last sept. 3-4 (thursday&friday)then interview was on the 9th(wednesday), it would've also been good too if i did the monday after.. because they will just hand you the medical results then when you get to the US embassy, you will hand that in together with the DS-156, 156k, and 157 so no biggie smile.gif you can get the medical done then have the interview the day after, there wont be any problems

God bless!
newlywedsMale02009-09-18 05:00:00
QUOTE (Darnell @ Sep 19 2009, 03:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Wow - she's headed your way !!

Some things to do:

1. clean the house.
2. clean the house again.
3. remove all things/objects/letters/photos of prior girlfriends/wives. Destroy or put in storage with a friend.
4. remove all the porn on your computer.
5. clean the house again.
6. wash a set of linen for the bed - she'll probbaly want to rest as soon as she arrives.
7. cook a meal before you leave for the airport - have it ready for when she arrives.
8. clean the house again.

Congrats !

  rofl.gif really made me LOL at how you kept saying clean the house over and over again 

but that definitely sounds like a great advice, she would be more than happy though about that smile.gif 

congrats to the much awaited reunion smile.gif ours wont be until october 

newlywedsMale02009-09-18 14:44:00
PhilippinesI got pink slip today..yehey..Thank you Lord
congratulations smile.gif
newlywedsMale02009-09-18 04:49:00
Philippineswestern union receipts?
just show them about 5 not a lot of receipts as they might think something else about the relationship smile.gif when i had my interview, i just gave my emails and call records of skype as about 20 photos
newlywedsMale02009-09-16 04:37:00
PhilippinesShould I be concerned?
 300 dollars is a lot for 14 days..

how old is she?

my fiance sometimes sends me some money, and if i just keep spending, yes it can easily be spent in as little as 14 days ..but you have to let her know that you want to save up, be open with each other. Maybe she expects you to be just overly generous with her.

Tell her you want to save up since there are a lot of expenses to come, don't be afraid to tell her and tell her the money is for her not for everyone! but be gentle with that too though lol, and a boarding house? thats actually cheap and paid every month, if she rented an entire room it would probably run around $60-70 but if she has roomates... thats way too much.

i think you should be concerned with how she's spending. I think you sending her this much every 15 days, that's overwhelming she must seem like she's giving some people a lending hand at the expense of your pocket. Or she could be just shopping way too much for very expensive stuff and dining at expensive places. Let her know she's ypur princess but she doesnt have to live like it financially without thinking about you.

QUOTE (Confusedone @ Sep 16 2009, 02:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Haole @ Sep 16 2009, 02:11 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Confusedone @ Sep 15 2009, 07:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
This is not a bash anyone thread.. It is a genuine question if missing something in the culture. I am embarrassed to even ask this.

I give my fiancée 300 american dollars for support each month. It is never enough though. I realize 300 a month is not a great deal, but should be enough to live on or am I way off here? It is starting to really hurt our relationship at this point because within 15 days she has gone through the 300 this month, and asking for more even though have asked her to budget money since I am sadly not a rich man. Would someone please illuminate the situation? crying.gif crying.gif crying.gif crying.gif

Sorry but you have a scammer or VERY high priced pinay.
My wife made $148 US a month and supported her mom and dad and her daughter.
Have you met her?

I have met her. We spent almost three weeks together in the Philippines. To the others in the thread she is currently not working. So I am doing full support for her.

I have asked her to breakdown expenses, and have only received guesstimates on expenses. Then when have gone into it further. She told me had paid for a birthday party and gifts also. She has no children. This is really causing pain at this point because do love her, but the lack of responsibility with money pains me. 300 dollars seems excessive in 14 days. I fear she has given her mother money to get involved in a networking scam over there. As well as giving money to everyone in the family. I really do not know for positive though, and it pains me to ponder these questions. Would just rather address this now than 6 months down the road. We are to the point that just filed for 129f.

Edit: She is paying for a boarding room. She is leaving there this month, and it is provincial, and not Manila or Cebu.

I am looking to see if my concerns are just in my head, or if there is reason to be concerned. I am not trying to bash her or anything of the sort, or grab attention. Thank you for the replies.

newlywedsMale02009-09-16 04:17:00
PhilippinesFinally, Approved!!!!
wow God bless! smooth sailing then smile.gif it wont take that long til interview start gathering up those documents since it wont be that long of a wait now smile.gif
newlywedsMale02009-09-21 20:52:00
PhilippinesHow long for the Embassy to process packets??
give about 2 weeks to call who knows you might find out she will be good to have the interview scheduled already smile.gif
my packet arrived in the embassy aug.6 (i tracked it thru DHL) when i called around aug.18, i asked i f i can schedule an interview the lady said i can and that the soonest would be aug.27, then i received the letter from the embassy on aug.22
i suggest the beneficiary in the philippines call for the interview schedule it will save you money actually. it costs 55 pesos per minute and if she has everything ready then she will justhave to call once for a few minutes, so saves you the $$ smile.gif

she'll just call through a PLDT or smart landline other phone companies cannot get through
newlywedsMale02009-09-22 20:37:00
PhilippinesIs it better to be a man or a woman?
QUOTE (charles! @ Sep 19 2009, 01:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Mariel_Esteban @ Sep 18 2009, 11:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ErosandSally @ Sep 18 2009, 11:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (muñequita linda @ Sep 18 2009, 10:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Got a friend who is bisexual. She says she likes it as she can be titillated by either Joe or Mary! whistling.gif


She got the BEST of BOTH WORLDS....LMAO


is there any qualifications to be a "BI"? devil.gif

a taste for carpet.........

hahaha this really made me laugh.. fiance and i usually joke around about stuff like this.. i told him once if all the men in the world were a bunch of a$$hol3s, id start being interested in girls lol

and then goes my experience with this chick who was bi who kind of liked me..still makes me feel creepy lol 

so i doubt going carpet is a choice lol

but to the OP, oh yeah i hear you on the giving birth and pms.. no more worrying either about cramps, and having a really icky time of the month

newlywedsMale02009-09-18 15:05:00
PhilippinesPraise the Holy Name of Jesus Christ!
congratulations! God is indeed good all the time
newlywedsMale02009-09-24 05:09:00
PhilippinesInterview failed....Manila Embassy...
aww I am sorry to hear that; There really must be a reason for this and it could be to strengthen your relationship more or something.

aww I am sorry to hear that; There really must be a reason for this and it could be to strengthen your relationship more or something.
newlywedsMale02009-09-23 06:13:00
PhilippinesCFO questions.... again
hi! I thought i'd throw in my Qs. My fiance and I are both 23, still single, never been married, should we still provide any proof of singleness for him? oh yeah, he's in okinawa so i think that would be hard to get.

I was reading the cfo website, I ddnt know they would still require a NBI clearance
newlywedsMale02009-10-04 04:19:00
PhilippinesTravel Agency LMT (beware)
wow that is scary..i hope that xylide person will be able to help you too
I know of a person who got scammed with her plane ticket back then
She bought her ticket locally here in our city, and that place is actually well-known! What a shame, and the thing was my colleague bought her ticket so she can fly to Hongkong to take her nclex exam. She saved up for that money for a long time and she paid for her exam, sadly she ddnt get to fly out of the country, plus she wasnt able to take her nclex exam and was given the status:no show. so that means, the exam was already invalid she will retake it and have to pay the $300+ again Just for the exam and then another for all her expenses, airfare wise for the exam..

It really sickens me to hear about these kinds of people.. Money doesnt grow in trees, and these people just treat people like it. That Xylide person SHOULD say something at least she can help you solve that case. Who knows, maybe she was scammed too

I pray to God you will have some answers to this. God bless!
newlywedsMale02009-08-23 22:43:00
PhilippinesIntroducing Our Partners/SO
I think this is a fun thread happy.gif
I call my fiance Michey, which is pronounced as Mikey.. his sister even wondered why i spell it like that lol.. I just tell him because I want to be the only one to call him with that spelling lol
He is funny, very romantic, patient, and is so much fun to be with, although he enjoys giving me a hard time lol he has a big heart and is a gentleman, he knows how to make cookies(i dont) but I try to help him out with cooking meals lol
He enjoys football, I talk about shoes lol
a lot of people have said we are still too young to get married being 23, but I think there's really no age to being with your soulmate smile.gif and because I think God has given us both to each other happy.gif
newlywedsMale02009-09-23 23:00:00
PhilippinesMedical Exam - X-ray Result Problem
the only problem that would be a red flag for the medical exam is tuberculosis, as that is highly communicable(meaning easily transmitted) it would show on the X-ray and if there are probs on the X-ray that's the time they will ask the person to do a sputum exam(further diagnostic exam) this is to verify if you have TB.

You do need to consult your doctor about it, he can make a check-up, assess your lung fields, and he'd be able to tell if you have TB or even if he has speculations that you do, because when he uses the stethoscope, there are abnormal breath sounds heard on your lungs, but other than that, it might be pneumonia, or just the ordinary cough being passed around especially since it's been the rainy season, the wind brings in a lot of bacteria.

But as the previous post had said, have yourself checked, you can have an diagnosis if there IS a problem, thus early treatment.. if there are problems on the medical exam, like in the case of a TB case, it needs a total of 6 months treatment then you are checked again if you have been cured or not; so the earlier you have a check-up the earlier you can be sure that there's nothing wwrong smile.gif
anyway, these are the signs and symptoms of TB:

Night sweats
Loss of appetite
Persistent cough/ Coughing that lasts three or more weeks
Coughing up bloody sputum
Chest pain, or pain with breathing or coughing
Progressive shortness of breath
Breathing difficulty
Recurring bouts of fever
Weight loss

newlywedsMale02009-09-11 21:55:00
Philippinesname change
hi, we just got married yesterday and i was wondering how the name change is gonna be for me since im filipina. Will i fill out something for it since i want my name to be my first name middle name(maiden surname) then my new family name (husband's family name)

newlywedsMale02009-10-25 10:18:00
PhilippinesAirport taxes, or fees in U.S domestic flights
when flew in the country, i paid about 1,600 pesos at NAIA thAT's it smile.gif so dont bring too much philippine money coz your nt gonna have any use for it afterwards..i brought about 4000 pesos because i wasnt sure now i have the phil peso sitting in my wallet sad.gif
there was a money changer at my POe but i ddnt bother anymore coz my connecting was just an hour away so i hurried to do my check-in
newlywedsMale02009-11-08 07:28:00
Philippineshow do i make our marriage aknowledged in the phil government?
ok thanks for the input guys, already have saved the forms but i guess the whole passport change will wait after i get done with all my much needed travelling smile.gif

oh btw, can i just do all that while i would already be in japan?
newlywedsMale02009-11-10 21:24:00
Philippineshow do i make our marriage aknowledged in the phil government?
oh ok.but i checked the website for the phil embassy in san francisco and they would most likely process pperwork from specific states, im n pennylvania
newlywedsMale02009-11-08 08:35:00
Philippineshow do i make our marriage aknowledged in the phil government?
i have the same Q as tallcoolone ..i do need my passport lol since i will be doin some trAvelling after i get my travel document And command sponsorship since hubby's military and stationed in japan
newlywedsMale02009-11-08 08:13:00
Philippineshow do i make our marriage aknowledged in the phil government?
i want to have my marriage acknowledged in the phil gov't so when the time comes for me to renew my phil passport i can do that with my married name.
newlywedsMale02009-11-08 07:53:00
PhilippinesMail Service to the Philippines
how much does fedex usually cost?
newlywedsMale02009-11-08 07:13:00
PhilippinesWHO will be flying @ NW??
i flew thru the same airline and the same flight smile.gif God bless and may God protect your flight.
newlywedsMale02009-11-13 17:49:00
PhilippinesHow tall/how short the "petite women"?
QUOTE (Rocky_nBullwinkle @ Sep 23 2009, 11:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (* Bituin * @ Sep 23 2009, 08:23 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Rocky_nBullwinkle @ Sep 23 2009, 08:59 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ChuckandRhean @ Sep 23 2009, 12:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Rocky_nBullwinkle @ Sep 22 2009, 02:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yesterday, a friend of Bill came calling because he wanted to check his email in our computer. I was at the door when he arrived and he said, "Hi kiddo!" Since it was almost dinner time, we had pizza for dinner. Bill and Joe chatted for a while and when it was time for him to leave, he looked at me and said, "Bye Kiddo!" I told him, "OH no! Don't call me kiddo please!" He said, you're a kiddo. You have that child smile in your face. You're not a midget, are you?"

My question is, for short ladies like me, how short is short? I am 4 ft, 11 in tall. I know I am short. But we're not midgets, right? so entertained reading all the posts on this topic tongue.gif I have few personal foreign guy friends as well as friends of my cousins abroad who are attracted to filipino women. Obviously filipinos are well known for having an average height of 5 ft and above ( or lesser...mmm dangkalin na lang kya natin happy.gif ) And Id admit that filipina height seems sOoo appealing to them.Well, a blood mixture of a foreign husband and a filipina wife breeds sO Gorgeous,beautiful long- legged aspiring Beauty Queens and Mr.Manhunt!!!

And since my honey is a 6-footer guy, Im 5'2. He loves to toss me around crying.gif and tease of carrying me on his shoulder after our wedding ohmy.gif ...and says,"Oh ,ur my little brown f**cking machine" blush.gif ..hugs and kisses.

Ladies ,our towering height is an edge!!!!! good.gif prove it on ur everydayhoneymoon happy.gif

And oh, Rocky_nBullwinkle ,kindly give Joe a hard kick on his balls . Taz ,sabayan mo ng sidekick at upper cut Ouch!!! hahahahaha anglufet!

Aha! Mr. Bill loves to tease me and calling me his LBFM or sometimes his LBSM laughing.gif Uh-uh! Joe is not going back anymore. I am going to smack him in the face if he calls me "kiddo again".

What is LBFM or LBSM Rocky? unsure.gif I'm 5'6 and husband is 5'11. I think were fine... and I like to be in control by the way...ya know what I mean. whistling.gif

It's on top of my reply. Read ChuckandRhean's post. "My Little Brown _________ laughing.gif Can't say them. Fill in the blanks. laughing.gif Yeah, I knew what you were saying. Ride 'em cow girl style. I like to be in control too specially when you are short/petite cute Pinay! Aw! laughing.gif

my fiance calls me caramel lol.. and yes, it does seems appealing to them how we are built..cute, petite, light, the possiblities, (or should i say positions) are endless! lol

newlywedsMale02009-09-23 11:11:00
PhilippinesHow tall/how short the "petite women"?
I am 5' but high heels have been a big part of my life lol.. so it makes a lot of people think i am a lot taller than what i say i am haha biggrin.gif mom would always say tall girls have a tendency to look weird when aging hits lol so im glad i am petite happy.gif and my fiance's only about 5'7" so it's a good combo hehe biggrin.gif
newlywedsMale02009-09-22 20:59:00
PhilippinesMy wife... she is pregnant!
QUOTE (frank-lyn @ Nov 18 2009, 11:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
congratulations! babies are always great gifts until they grow up and talk back at ya! biggrin.gif

this post definitely made me laugh so hard hahahha

you know what moms would say after the children talk back??? it's the " do you know how painful it was to give birth? "
I assure you it definitely looks very painful.. and everything just gets soooo stretched out for the baby to come out ...
that's why childern must try not to dishonor/disobey/disrespect the parents esp. the moms...
but sadly we all can be rebels at one point hehehe

but congratulations to the OP you must be very excited smile.gif smile.gif
newlywedsMale02009-11-18 11:45:00
PhilippinesWhich Rice should I buy for her in the US?
QUOTE (anna L @ Nov 18 2009, 03:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
my husband is too worried yeah?

smile.gif thanks for the replies guys good.gif !

sigh! couldnt sleep! interview in about 4 and a half hour! wacko.gif

God bless.. don't worry God will help you thru it smile.gif and then hey you'll bring us the good news happy.gif
newlywedsMale02009-11-17 13:29:00
PhilippinesWhich Rice should I buy for her in the US?
I just read this off from another thread amazon jasmine rice

hope that helps!

japanese rice, which what they use for sushi is actually good too, sticky but not as sticky like the sticky rice they sell in the Philippines

Edited by newlyweds, 17 November 2009 - 01:19 PM.

newlywedsMale02009-11-17 13:17:00
PhilippinesWhich Rice should I buy for her in the US?
QUOTE (ellmvl @ Nov 18 2009, 02:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I don't know what kind of rice I buy from Aldi since they sell only one variety...doesn't matter as long as it is rice, it all taste the same anyway lol. Take her to the store and let her choose wink.gif

yeah that would be a good idea too, she will know which one she wants once she sees how it looks smile.gif
newlywedsMale02009-11-17 12:09:00
PhilippinesWhich Rice should I buy for her in the US?
you can also try the long-grained ones, they are available in grocery stores, or you can get them in asian stores smile.gif
newlywedsMale02009-11-17 11:55:00
PhilippinesXoom new coupon code
how does Xoom work? we've used WU for the longest time.. and that $12 for 2x a month back then was way too much lol.. (well, i don't know if some pinays do what i do lol.. i always convert it and think of the peso value..and that's way too much lol)
newlywedsMale02009-11-18 11:48:00
QUOTE (Hopp @ Nov 18 2009, 10:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (tallcoolone @ Nov 17 2009, 03:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have experienced something similiar when shipping something to PI.

My rule now, is I try to just bring it with me on the plane and not have to mess with customs and duty

I think another way to get around it , is to send a Balikbayan box.

TCO, I feel exactly the same way on this. BalikBox is the way to go: Send 85Lbs of ####### for about $60bucks, and never had a problem with it getting there (yes,it does take 6 weeks, so what), and never had these rip-off taxes and duties to pay. ANd how freekin' embarrassing is that to get a call from your girl saying that they told her to pay a tax on what you send her. For a lap top, iPod or Cell Phone or camera, just give Pinay the pesos for her to buy it there, or bring it with you on next rip. Less than romantic, yes, but she will soon forget that and just enjoy using these communication devices to talk to you with. Let's wise up people. In LDR's you gotta go with what works, and what is practical sometimes. Just keepin' it real!

i wonder though if there's somewhere here where I can do the balikbayan box.. what company is it under? tried googling it.. nothing came up for our town.. the closest is philly and that's 2 hrs away.. oh well

Edited by newlyweds, 19 November 2009 - 10:59 AM.

newlywedsMale02009-11-19 10:57:00
what happened to the package though? well, my mom felt she had no choice so she just paid for it.. it was embarrassing sending a package for my family and then having those corrupt companies demand a tax payment for whatever.
newlywedsMale02009-11-17 13:23:00
QUOTE (Bob 4 Anna @ Nov 17 2009, 11:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The problem with shipping things via FedEx or UPS is that they use the same corrupt criminal local shipper Air21.

If you must use a courier to send from the US to the PH then use DHL. They actually have DHL employees in the PH and if there is a bogus tariff issue you can apply pressure from the US to the PH employees. They got a 12,000Php import fee reduced to 600Php on a laptop computer!

We've also used DHL to ship from PH to US and everything arrives in the package. They catalog the contents before sealing & shipping the boxes.

aww darn it! we were gonna use DHL but the closest one we saw was fedex! frggn air21!!! yeah they are a bunch of corrupts selfish A** es lol pardon my languaged but I am just so ticked off about it..
newlywedsMale02009-11-17 10:25:00