Middle East and North Africadv lottery
QUOTE (venusfire503 @ Oct 7 2008, 05:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
But isn't going the K-1/K-3/CR1 way a high-chance-of-success way to do it? I don't think it's 100%, but I'm sure it's much higher than 10%... Although, I see the sense of applying for DVL while waiting for another kind of visa, as long as it's allowed. Even more logical for people who have run into problems/delays with getting their visas. I imagine I might've done that at the time had I thought of it. It makes sense to do whatever possible to increase your chances of having a life together, especially if it saves you time and/or money! Plus, if I heard correctly, it makes the 'green card' process much easier in many ways.

OP, if you're in the middle of a visa process (or wherever you are in the whole process), I wish you (and everyone else) the best of luck for a low stress, short wait!

as I stated in my opening
"Hello MENAzz,
I was just wondering if any of you guys had contemplated your SO applying for it.
If so, why are you doing it and if not, why have you not considered it.
Just wanted some aspects."

my vj ended well before it got off the ground.
time, money and emotions wasted on one who was not deserving, but yet felt betrayed by natural selection, misogynistic, and felt entitled to american citizenship at any and all costs headbonk.gif
God bless
UNO rose.gif
Simply_UnoFemale02008-10-07 18:34:00
Middle East and North Africadv lottery
QUOTE (Sylvia_n_Joseph @ Oct 6 2008, 08:00 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
There is no fraud about having someone in the US and applying for the lottery. You just have to honestly disclose things if you win. It is free and could be shorter than waiting out a k1 or cr1/k3 visa. Sueing the government can take a long time.

laughing.gif laughing.gif laughing.gif aahaaa, and a ####### shoot...LOL blink.gif
Simply_UnoFemale02008-10-06 08:02:00
Middle East and North Africadv lottery
QUOTE (Henia @ Oct 6 2008, 07:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
First off, applying for marriage visas are easier with more chance of approval then DV ...
Im not disputing your aforemetioned statement^^^^^
second, if you find out that SO has someone waiting in the US for them,
it's fraud (wrong)and they will be for sure blacklisted {wrong again}.
Third, they donnot just get DV then suddenly come to the US
{never said that or implied it}
... it takes a real long time! {ahh, this I know}


star_smile.gif star_smile.gif Yes, such persons may apply for the DV program star_smile.gif star_smile.gif

not my rules, the governments rules whistling.gif
google is your friend and so is the dv website instructions innocent.gif

and I thank you personally for informing me of why you never consider it.
Be Blessed
UNO rose.gif

Simply_UnoFemale02008-10-06 08:00:00
Middle East and North Africadv lottery
QUOTE (Aymsgirl @ Oct 5 2008, 03:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We contemplated it but didn't file because the winners I believe can't even come for another year or so. I'm not for certain though.

correction, it takes about a year for them to find out if they've won (give or take a few months).
but as soon as they go through processing and riggamaroll they are set to leave, lets not forget the money for the ticket.
moving on, I thank those of you that chose to respond.
take care and good night
UNO rose.gif
p.s. once again, beautiful babies. thanks for the eye candy biggrin.gif
Simply_UnoFemale02008-10-05 20:28:00
Middle East and North Africadv lottery
Hello MENAzz,
I was just wondering if any of you guys had contemplated your SO applying for it.
If so, why are you doing it and if not, why have you not considered it.
Just wanted some aspects.
Thank you for answering and God Bless.
UNO rose.gif
Simply_UnoFemale02008-10-05 13:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaIt's Caturday
good morning MENA subbies and subbettes star_smile.gif
UNO rose.gif
Simply_UnoFemale02008-10-18 08:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaThings rough for me too!
mellow.gif rose.gif
Simply_UnoFemale02008-10-20 19:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaAmerican women vs Arab women raising children
QUOTE (HisLittleMasriyah @ Oct 9 2008, 09:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (palilover @ Oct 9 2008, 02:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (UNO... @ Oct 9 2008, 02:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (HisLittleMasriyah @ Oct 8 2008, 11:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
UNO and Charles- thats my faith!! by no means u have to believe it nor believe in it loool good.gif

yep, whatchoosed laughing.gif laughing.gif laughing.gif
bwaahhaaaaa, I was waiting for that also...roflmao rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif
UNO rose.gif

never takes long for someone to bite!:)

The thing is .... i dont know whats funny! huh.gif but i get what kind of person she is!


I was laughing becuz I KNEW/anticipated that sort of response.
when it happened, I LAUGHED. no harm/no foul...geesh blush.gif

QUOTE (Aymsgirl @ Oct 9 2008, 09:23 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (HisLittleMasriyah @ Oct 9 2008, 10:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (palilover @ Oct 9 2008, 02:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (UNO... @ Oct 9 2008, 02:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (HisLittleMasriyah @ Oct 8 2008, 11:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
UNO and Charles- thats my faith!! by no means u have to believe it nor believe in it loool good.gif

yep, whatchoosed laughing.gif laughing.gif laughing.gif
bwaahhaaaaa, I was waiting for that also...roflmao rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif
UNO rose.gif

never takes long for someone to bite!:)

The thing is .... i dont know whats funny! huh.gif but i get what kind of person she is!


HLM....just ignore it....
its not worth it.

not worth what, YOU not understanding my humor????

Edited by UNO..., 09 October 2008 - 12:39 PM.

Simply_UnoFemale02008-10-09 12:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaAmerican women vs Arab women raising children
QUOTE (HisLittleMasriyah @ Oct 8 2008, 11:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
UNO and Charles- thats my faith!! by no means u have to believe it nor believe in it loool good.gif

yep, whatchoosed laughing.gif laughing.gif laughing.gif
bwaahhaaaaa, I was waiting for that also...roflmao rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif
UNO rose.gif
Simply_UnoFemale02008-10-09 01:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaAmerican women vs Arab women raising children
QUOTE (charles! @ Oct 8 2008, 09:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (HisLittleMasriyah @ Oct 8 2008, 03:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (charles! @ Oct 8 2008, 01:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (UNO... @ Oct 8 2008, 12:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (HisLittleMasriyah @ Oct 8 2008, 10:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ignoring all the arab bashing and what this topic has turned to- Hanging In There; U r allowed to moun cry n be sad all u want over ur baby. Whats not allowed is the screaming becoz it hurts the deceased!

huh.gif ... blink.gif blink.gif blink.gif ... ohmy.gif ....

i learn something new in mena every day. unsure.gif

Its a muslim belief. Its supported by a hadith by the Prophet; but unfortunately i dont have them in english.

maybe it's just me, but i don't think the dead can hear anything. unsure.gif

good.gif good.gif good.gif
(I was waiting for that to be said) whistling.gif
Simply_UnoFemale02008-10-08 23:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaAmerican women vs Arab women raising children
QUOTE (HisLittleMasriyah @ Oct 8 2008, 10:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ignoring all the arab bashing and what this topic has turned to- Hanging In There; U r allowed to moun cry n be sad all u want over ur baby. Whats not allowed is the screaming becoz it hurts the deceased!

huh.gif ... blink.gif blink.gif blink.gif ... ohmy.gif ....
Simply_UnoFemale02008-10-08 12:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaAmerican women vs Arab women raising children
QUOTE (ginny20 @ Oct 7 2008, 03:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Sorry, I think I posted this incorrectly. I was referring to the comments from yesterday, namely: "You dont see ANY imaginative discovery or inventions coming out of the arab world right now", "Its not like the ALL ABOUT ME arabic culture where people become slaves to THEIR INTERPRETAION OF RELIGION.", and "their lack of personailty, independence, their pettiness and materialism and lack of ANY KIND OF INTELLECTUAL capacity, we would all have a field day. I told my mom the only time I ever get along with my husband is if I talk to him like hes either 3 or mentally disabled. If I ever spoke with any kind of normal authoratative tone in my voice like American men, some of these guys get disturbed. I found alot of these women to be whiney, self centered, immature, selfish, materialistic and gossipy," which I found personally very offensive.

I'm sorry to change the tone, but I think this kind of language is very dangerous in any context for the reasons I stated above. Again, I think if this were directed towards other racial/ethnic groups people would be more horrified, but maybe I'm wrong. I haven't lived in the US for several years.

Oh, wehhellhellll, dat therrre is a horse of another color.
Respect is a 2 way street and no one likes to be demeaned, dehumanized or belittled no matter what your culture/nationality is.
And that, I can see your perspective on blush.gif .
Simply_UnoFemale02008-10-07 15:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaAmerican women vs Arab women raising children
wow, I see this has taken a turrrrnn (feel free to choose the direction).
I, personally, did not see the aforementioned comments as racist, which is why I, personallly, did not speak out. and maybe I am wrong, but I think the person that said they "cracked-up" was probably referring to the way the writer of said commemts "snapped-off!!" not that she was being racist at all. and again, I, personally, tend to keep things in perspective of context and not misconstrue the meaning or intent. just my .011111 cents worth.
just something worth considering wub.gif .
Simply_UnoFemale02008-10-07 14:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaAmerican women vs Arab women raising children
QUOTE (Ganja_Girl @ Oct 7 2008, 11:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Simply_UnoFemale02008-10-07 11:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaAmerican women vs Arab women raising children
QUOTE (Hanging in there @ Oct 6 2008, 08:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
First, Be very very very glad I wasnt there. wow.gif
Youd have more than a miffed Iraqi to deal with .
You would have an enraged mother with her hands around this arab womans neck. helpsmilie.gif
First, Americans raise their children to be givers and doers. You dont see ANY imaginative discovery or inventions coming out of the arab world right now. American women raise their children with IMAGINATION and to give to others. Its part of our ethic, the charitable American ethic. American children are raised from the time they can think to donate, to share, to give and be part of a wider community. Our children are tied to other children here like a big village. American children collect for unicef, give their hair to kids with cancer. They raise money for their schools. We have a group conscience. From the minute we are born here in the US, everyone rejoices along with us.. People donate money so kids can go on trips. Its not like the ALL ABOUT ME arabic culture where people become slaves to THEIR INTERPRETAION OF RELIGION.

If a woman follows all the rules in arabic culture, they still can end up divorced and children there are like a status symbol for the mom. Some of these women the only hold they have on having an identity is having a child.
Apologise to this bimbo? Oh hell no. good.gif Fly me up there so I can strangle her.
And dont think I wont. mad.gif mad.gif
I lost a child to heart failure/sids and I loved that baby. The things that arabs have said to me about his short life have made me want to strangle every last one of them. American women have to WORK.
ohmy.gif They cant sit around on their flabby asses pointing out the faults in others. rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif
We have to work and pay bills and our taxes so whores like that can immigrate here and criticise us. Yes you have a right to be enraged. No you dont have to be nice.

Word to the wise. I know your husband is Iraqi and you are trying to BLEND and hang out with these women. But please for the love of god, and you know me S and S, get some American girl friends. You need it to counter the dumb things that these wenches say.

Oh and every body , please forgive me. I am in grieving. Tell the Iraqi that when I am strangling her Syrian friend

wink.gif all is forgiven beloved innocent.gif , and eeeasssy killah rofl.gif rofl.gif
UNO rose.gif
Simply_UnoFemale02008-10-06 08:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaAmerican women vs Arab women raising children
QUOTE (Hanging in there @ Oct 6 2008, 08:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
First, Be very very very glad I wasnt there. wow.gif
Youd have more than a miffed Iraqi to deal with .
You would have an enraged mother with her hands around this arab womans neck. helpsmilie.gif
First, Americans raise their children to be givers and doers. You dont see ANY imaginative discovery or inventions coming out of the arab world right now. American women raise their children with IMAGINATION and to give to others. Its part of our ethic, the charitable American ethic. American children are raised from the time they can think to donate, to share, to give and be part of a wider community. Our children are tied to other children here like a big village. American children collect for unicef, give their hair to kids with cancer. They raise money for their schools. We have a group conscience. From the minute we are born here in the US, everyone rejoices along with us.. People donate money so kids can go on trips. Its not like the ALL ABOUT ME arabic culture where people become slaves to THEIR INTERPRETAION OF RELIGION.

If a woman follows all the rules in arabic culture, they still can end up divorced and children there are like a status symbol for the mom. Some of these women the only hold they have on having an identity is having a child.
Apologise to this bimbo? Oh hell no. good.gif Fly me up there so I can strangle her.
And dont think I wont. mad.gif mad.gif
I lost a child to heart failure/sids and I loved that baby. The things that arabs have said to me about his short life have made me want to strangle every last one of them. American women have to WORK.
ohmy.gif They cant sit around on their flabby asses pointing out the faults in others. rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif
We have to work and pay bills and our taxes so whores like that can immigrate here and criticise us. Yes you have a right to be enraged. No you dont have to be nice.

Word to the wise. I know your husband is Iraqi and you are trying to BLEND and hang out with these women. But please for the love of god, and you know me S and S, get some American girl friends. You need it to counter the dumb things that these wenches say.

Oh and every body , please forgive me. I am in grieving. Tell the Iraqi that when I am strangling her Syrian friend

wink.gif all is forgiven beloved innocent.gif , and eeeasssy killah rofl.gif rofl.gif
UNO rose.gif
Simply_UnoFemale02008-10-06 08:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaAmerican women vs Arab women raising children
QUOTE (S and S @ Oct 5 2008, 11:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
First, I was already annoyed at this woman because I mentioned my mother's family is Pentecostal. Now, I am not, but I respect the fact my mother's family is entitled to their beliefs. My mother was never really into it and usually we went to a Babtist church, lol. Anyway, this woman tells me that the Pentacostal religion is evil and against God, and goes on and on about how horrible it is.
OOOh, okay, lemme get my bearings. I am Pentecostal (UPCI to be exact) and these are our doctrines :
so have her to chew on that and get fat.
moving on.

Then she starts in on how she has seen American women ignore their babies when they are crying for hours at night. She goes on and on about how horrible these mothers are for doing that and how could they just ignore their babies and shut them up in rooms. I mean she is really insulting women who do this and making them sound horrible.
I'm not sure if this
parenting technique is what she is criticizing, but some proponents claim it works while others disagree. I do know of other parenting techniques that are similar which are in use for infants one of them is the "crying down" technique and the other is the "controlled crying" method. Both of these methods have negative reputations in the bleeding hearts community. It is not ABUSE or NEGLECT. They are methods to retrain your child. If that is what she is speaking of, then she needs to gain understanding of the society that she is currently living in and readjust her thinking.
I know, easier said than done. But if she is truly being an a$$, then leave her to her own vices.

Finally I blow up on her and tell her how dare she insult all Americans this way. good.gif
I tell her she knows nothing about American mothers and has no right to say such disrespectful things. good.gif
I stomped out of the room and refused to answer her calling my name. good.gif
I knew if I turned around I would have hit her. whistling.gif
I was told later she started crying and wailing about how rude I was to her and that no one ever talked to her like that before. {Too Damn Bad}
You don't insult all American women on purpose in front of an American woman and think you can get away with it. good.gif
There was an Iraqi woman in the room who talked to me later and tried to say this woman didn't mean it that way, blink.gif

QUOTE (S and S @ Oct 6 2008, 12:40 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (martiniolive @ Oct 6 2008, 12:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
well if she was talking about americans..she was talking about herself too cuz she is living in america. Unless she means "native" americans good.gif . Why do so many people hate on penticostals? Is it like what alot of people do against muslim's and other religons? Sounds like she was blowing off pent up emotions/anger and you were there so became the victim of it. I watched my son and daughter fighting once where, my daughter was PMSing and she went on a tangent about like 5 things in a row while my son just stood there in shock at the attack....when she said all she could she waited for his retaliation and he just said "wow" and no one knew what to say LOL it pretty much said everything...he did not agree and he did not defend, he just said "wow"

Oh no, you know what topped it all off? The Iraqi woman told me that since the Syrian woman is older than me (by like maybe 5 or 6 years) that it is my duty to apologize to her.
{Like hell it is, disrespect and respect is a two way street, age exclusive}
She said in middle eastern culture {when in rome... tongue.gif } the younger person always apologizes to the older one. I said, well guess what?
This is America and the person who is wrong is the one who should apologize. good.gif
They seriously didn't see what the problem was. They just said basically that all American women are bad mothers and I'm supposed to not get upset?

BTW, she doesn't have citizenship yet, but I did think about the fact her little daughter is an American now. She should think about that!

No idea why they trash on Pentacostals. I don't necessarily agree with the practices, but it is harmless and has the best of intentions.
{yes, we do, as with all religious practices and thank you for putting that out there} star_smile.gif
If you don't like someone trashing your religion then you shouldn't trash on others, you are totally right.

okay, I'm done
UNO rose.gif
Simply_UnoFemale02008-10-06 08:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaI lost my husband today
may God surround you in heavenly peace during your time of need.
heart.gif rose.gif heart.gif rose.gif heart.gif
Simply_UnoFemale02008-07-28 10:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureshelp needed,k1 visa approved,but fiance disapered
QUOTE (Lostin us @ Sep 20 2008, 05:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hi everybody,well after a long wait i decided to share my probleme with visa jounery users,and i hope i can find any help,well i just got my fiance visa,iam a male,and my fiance decided to leave for someone else,iam still in my country,and i already got a ticket to leave to the state,and the news came as a break,i dont know why,how or when,but she decided so like that,she is a nice person and i always have respect and love to her,my question is,is there anyway to leave to the state and stay there legaly,a friend of me who she is citizen proposed her help by a marriage certificatre,she do work with the gouvernement as a police officer,my wonders are,if i go to the state and without over straying my period,i marry my friend,can i apply to adjust statut?is there any other way to do it?and i heard that if i over stay my period,even by 180 days,and i get banned for 3 years or 10,i have the right to pay for it,and get the record earsed by money,i mean legaly because i have read it here somewhere,i hope i get some info from you and if you need any other info i can provide,thank you.

I am not going to dissect your post, but it is riddled with illegalities GALORE:
fraudulent intent/behavior
solicitation for co-conspirators huh.gif
federal deceptive practices ohmy.gif
moral bankruptcy
whistling.gif whistling.gif VISA FRAUD whistling.gif whistling.gif
unsure.gif but maybe someone can see a possible slant that I don't blink.gif
Simply_UnoFemale02008-09-20 20:58:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-Saharan Cyber Cafe #3
QUOTE (charles! @ Feb 20 2009, 01:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Zee Bee @ Feb 20 2009, 08:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good morning everyone.

Charles, I have no clue what it takes to install a door, but good luck biggrin.gif

a few tools, a lot of patience and a healthy vocabulary of swear words.

blink.gif ... rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif
Simply_UnoFemale02009-02-20 17:49:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-Saharan Cyber Cafe #3
I came across this and decided to post it. Maybe someone needs a reminder.... biggrin.gif

Love is a wonderful gift; trust in it, believe in it, give it, and it will be returned to you to give again and again. You can get advice from family, friends and strangers, but the best advice comes from your heart; it never lies - trust it. There may be many people that are trustworthy, but only a few are worth trusting with your heart; choose wisely. To be trusted is a greater compliment than to be loved. For you can love many, but without trust you have nothing. The heart already knows what the mind can only dream of. Trust your heart. Distance cannot, and will not hurt a bond between two people that is based on mutual respect, trust, commitment, and love. Jealousy is not a sign of true love; it's insecurities that comes in the way, 'cause love has just one important ingredient; Trust! Do you trust me? Love means never doubting anything. It means trusting and being honest with each other. Someone can be as beautiful on the outside as they are on the inside, but when he or she betrays your trust, they become the ugliest person in the world.
Love is patient.
Love is kind.
It does not envy.
It does not boast.
It is not proud.
It is not rude.
It is not self-seeking.
It is not easily angered.
It keeps no record of wrong doing.
It does not delight in evil, but rejoices in the truth.
It always protects, trusts, hopes, perseveres.
Love takes many things: trust, hope, wishes, dreams, and everything you've got, even when you know it's not going be enough. Love is not always fireworks and shooting stars; sometimes it's a simple understanding and trust between two people.

rose.gif heart.gif rose.gif heart.gif rose.gif

Simply_UnoFemale02009-02-20 11:25:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-Saharan Cyber Cafe #3
YVW Boaz heart.gif

star_smile.gif good friday morning subberzzzz star_smile.gif
Simply_UnoFemale02009-02-20 10:54:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-Saharan Cyber Cafe #3
QUOTE (charles! @ Feb 18 2009, 08:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

crying.gif crying.gif crying.gif crying.gif crying.gif charrrrrrllllessssssssssss sad.gif sad.gif sad.gif sad.gif sad.gif ..... crying.gif crying.gif crying.gif crying.gif
Simply_UnoFemale02009-02-19 08:44:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-Saharan Cyber Cafe #3
star_smile.gif Good morning subberzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz star_smile.gif
Boaz and Steviii, where ya at ladies????
I was thinking about y'all while watching this vid.
check out 8:53 {I think thats when her spirit started testifying}
heart.gif to everyone else, hope y'all enjoy it as well heart.gif

Edited by UNO..., 18 February 2009 - 10:02 AM.

Simply_UnoFemale02009-02-18 10:01:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-Saharan Cyber Cafe #3
hmmm unsure.gif lets see, congratulations to all who deserve them and I have not heard from Stevii, I will try to contact her and see whats up.
chales my man, keep up the hard work, it will pay off in the end.
take care everyone, back to ph34r.gif
Simply_UnoFemale02009-02-17 21:36:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-Saharan Cyber Cafe #3
Laaaadiiiiiiiiies, sing to the beat of "I will survive" by Gloria Gaynor
rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif

At first I was afraid, I was petrified.
When you said you had 10 inches, Lord I almost died!
But I'd spent so many years just waiting for a man that long, That I grew strong, and I knew that I could take you on...
But there you are, another lie,
I was ready for a Big Mac and you've brought me a French fry!
I should have known that it was bulls***t, just a sad pathetic dream
Should have known there was no Anaconda lurking in those Jeans!

Go on now-go! , Walk out the door,
Don't you promise me 10 inches, then turn up with only 4!
Weren't you a brat to think I wouldn't find you out!?
Don't you know we're only joking when we say size don't count??!!


I will survive! I will survive!
Cuz as long as I have batteries,
My sex life's gonna thrive!
I will always have good sex,
With a handful of latex!
I will survive! I will survive! Hey! Hey!

It took all my self control not to laugh out loud,
When I saw your little weiner standing tall and proud!
But to hell with your ego and to hell with all your needs,
Now I'm saving all my lovin' for a cordless multispeed!


I will survive! I will survive!
Cuz as long as I have batteries,
My sex life's gonna thrive!
I will always have good sex,
With a handful of latex!
I will survive! I will survive! Hey! Hey!

OMG... laughing.gif laughing.gif laughing.gif laughing.gif laughing.gif

Simply_UnoFemale02009-02-15 02:54:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-Saharan Cyber Cafe #3
I just had to post this one, and yes, it was in my "inbox" star_smile.gif

Written In Red

READ: 1 John 4:7-19
God has sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him. —1 John 4:9

My first Bible was printed mostly in black type, but some of its words were in red. It didn't take me long to discover that the ones in red had been spoken by Jesus.
More than 100 years ago, a man named Louis Klopsch published the first "red-letter" Bible.
As he thought about Jesus' words in Luke 22:20, "This cup is the new covenant in My blood, which is shed for you," he purposely used blood-red ink to call specific attention to His words.

The words of the Bible are priceless to us because they tell of the "love letter" God sent 2,000 years ago in the Person of His Son (1 John 4:10).

Jesus' purpose in coming to earth as a Man was to die, to be sacrificed, to give His life for ours. God's plan was written in red—written with "the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot" (1 Peter 1:19).

Those of us who have accepted God's gift of love are called to be "letters" to those who don't know Him. We are epistles of Christ "written not with ink but by the Spirit of the living God" (2 Cor. 3:3).
Long before a day in February was set aside to celebrate love, the world received a love letter—and that changed everything (John 3:16). —Cindy Hess Kasper

rose.gif heart.gif rose.gif
Simply_UnoFemale02009-02-14 04:28:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-Saharan Cyber Cafe #3
QUOTE (LovinLiberia @ Feb 13 2009, 07:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Btw, UNO I don't appreciate you calling me ugly today. ohmy.gif

blink.gif ...... rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif
smooches laughing.gif
Simply_UnoFemale02009-02-13 22:12:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-Saharan Cyber Cafe #3
innocent.gif on a serious note, this was in my "inbox" and I decided to share.
hope someone can learn or relearn what "love" is and how it behaves!

Enduring Love: true love has many stages during our journey through life.

READ: 1 Corinthians 13:1-8
[Love] bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. —1 Corinthians 13:7

Paul’s great essay in 1 Corinthians 13 celebrates the depth and tenacity of the love that carries us beyond self-interest and mere affection. “Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails” (vv.4-8).

Brian Wren has captured this reality in his moving hymn, “When Love Is Found”:
When love is tried as loved ones change,
Hold still to hope though all seems strange,
Till ease returns, and love grows wise
Through listening ears and opened eyes.
© Hope Publishing Co.

When our commitments are tested in the fires of life, no matter what difficulties we face, may God grant us a greater experience of His enduring love and the grace to demonstrate it each day. —David McCasland
God’s love is a fabric that never fades, no matter how often it is washed in the waters of adversity.

star_smile.gif happy friday to you all star_smile.gif

Simply_UnoFemale02009-02-13 13:38:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-Saharan Cyber Cafe #3
QUOTE (Sylvia_n_Joseph @ Feb 13 2009, 09:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Morning and belated birthday greetings. good.gif Last night I went to listen to 2 speakers from a charity I give to. One woman was the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the other was from Nigeria. It was great to hear how there groups do their work in each of the countries. The group is You get matched with a sister that will correspond with you during her year in the program. She gets skills training and a small amount of money.
Anyone that is looking for a good charity should check them UNO out.

Sylvia hate to mess with ya, but I am the best charity I know and anyone that wants to get matched with a sista that will correspond with them for a whole year, can contact my broke a$$ rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif
just to reinterate, plz give to "The republic of UNOz Kidz democratic relief fund for the advancement of her kidz college fund" laughing.gif laughing.gif
Simply_UnoFemale02009-02-13 13:30:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-Saharan Cyber Cafe #3
QUOTE (idocare @ Feb 12 2009, 12:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Happy Birthday Chipas and Won Ton.

I took my little shorty to the gym today (he's 3 1/2 years old) to shoot hoops. They interrupted his hoopfest for a scheduled kickboxing class so I decided to join in; I think I may of lasted 3-minutes.......LOL. usually that class would of barely made me sweat.

But hey that beats my usual of turning my cable T.V. on to the excercise channel and watching it as if I were looking at a movie......hehehehe. (The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak)

Meanwhile I barely able to fit into a size 12. Who's on board to committing to excercise at least 20-minutes a day (for starts ) you know we have to start somewhere.
Right now I'm so out of shape; is anyone interseted in starting a online excercise program for the Sub Saharan ?

good morning subberzzzz biggrin.gif

I'm with you in spirit Idocare. I do one sit up every morning...I sit my fluffy a$$ up to get outta bed rofl.gif rofl.gif

oh, and happy b-day heart.gif heart.gif heart.gif heart.gif Chispas heart.gif heart.gif heart.gif heart.gif
Simply_UnoFemale02009-02-12 09:02:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-Saharan Cyber Cafe #3
good morning sleepy.gif

news flash for men:
Viagra now available in eye drops, you don't get an erection but you look hard!


Simply_UnoFemale02009-02-11 09:28:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-Saharan Cyber Cafe #3
Simply_UnoFemale02009-02-06 08:39:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-Saharan Cyber Cafe #3
QUOTE (WhidbeyGirl @ Feb 5 2009, 08:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (charles! @ Feb 5 2009, 05:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (WhidbeyGirl @ Feb 5 2009, 06:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
How do y'all continue to do this???? I know I'm just in my emotional state this week but the seperation is killing me. I haven't even started this process yet, it's only 76 days since I've seen my beloved and I just can't handle it any longer. My ID just wants to pick up and leave next week when my tax refund comes, but my EGO knows that that's not realistic and my SUPEREGO reminds me how irresponsible I am for just thinking like that. Thow on top of that all these gall darn hormonal emotions that I have NEVER experienced until the last year or so and I'm just a basket case.

really don't have many choices other than be patient, do we?

I could give into my ID whistling.gif

the "id" will bring on remorse, but what do I know...bleh tongue_ss.gif
Simply_UnoFemale02009-02-05 23:37:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-Saharan Cyber Cafe #3
Simply_UnoFemale02009-02-04 08:44:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-Saharan Cyber Cafe #3

unsure.gif "charles!!!!"

Edited by UNO..., 03 February 2009 - 09:07 AM.

Simply_UnoFemale02009-02-03 09:05:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-Saharan Cyber Cafe #3
Happy Birthday LL, Smooches to ya biggrin.gif

huh.gif Ummm, WG, if there are strains of HIV that are undectable mellow.gif
how does one know that they are infected unsure.gif

to all else that were and I quote
" mad.gif headbonk.gif protest6wz.gif ranting33va.gif cray5ol.gif diablo.gif girlwerewolf2xn.gif "
let it go babies, stress will kill ya heart.gif

good nite and God bless you all sleepy.gif
Simply_UnoFemale02009-02-02 23:53:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-Saharan Cyber Cafe #3
QUOTE (idocare @ Feb 1 2009, 02:14 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

I was so elated when my mouthy teenager left to go and live at the University college he's now
Truly I think that's the worst age for parent/kid interaction. These teens
think they know so much.
I'm glad that mines can now practice his thought and mouth
thru his grades; away from me at the Univeristy he's now attending.


yes.gif Like, O-M-G!!! I am SO with you on this one good.gif
my son refuses to go the university {this semester}
{Him = "mom, why it got to be about me gettin outta da house all da time" blink.gif }
my reply is ohmy.gif "so you can practice your own pimpin philosophy, big pimpin!" devil.gif
needless to say, he's at the community college for now wacko.gif
ahhh, but next semester is a new dawning innocent.gif

good morning subberzzzzzz luv.gif
Simply_UnoFemale02009-02-01 09:36:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-Saharan Cyber Cafe #3
QUOTE (Perseverance @ Jan 31 2009, 06:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
UGH!!!! mad.gif MEN!!!!! headbonk.gif

I am having one of THOSE days! blink.gif The only male that is not irritating me is my teenage son! star_smile.gif How does that work?? huh.gif Shouldnt he be the MOST irritating?? laughing.gif

yes.gif , to some other mans daughter whistling.gif
Simply_UnoFemale02009-01-31 20:22:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-Saharan Cyber Cafe #3
girlwerewolf2xn.gif crrrrrrraaaaaaaammmpppssssss girlwerewolf2xn.gif
g'nite mad.gif
Simply_UnoFemale02009-01-30 23:46:00