Africa: Sub-SaharanOpening a business in your SO's country
QUOTE (Omoba @ Sep 26 2008, 09:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Poda Poda are the van sized vehicles to accommodate more passengers than just a car as taxie. We figured might as well fit as many people
in there as fit to increase the profit.
Thanks for checking reeses.

had to be difficult....just couldn't say a "van" nooooo, you had to say Poda poda whistling.gif
Simply_UnoFemale02008-09-26 12:15:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanJust received our AOS interview appt
QUOTE (ose_n_me @ Oct 19 2008, 02:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (UNO... @ Oct 19 2008, 07:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
p.s. maybe where you come from its the "short bus", but where I come from its the "shawt buss" rofl.gif rofl.gif

Well...I used to know it as the shawt bus...but then peeps started confusing it with the "shot" bus and depending which side of town u from, they either thought it was the party bus (with tequila shots flowin) or the bus that got hit wit a drive-by! hence the name "small" bus. LMAO
But for VJ purposes we will hereby call it the "shawt" bus!!! yes.gif

wow.gif that is hilarious laughing.gif
its all good good.gif good.gif good.gif
Simply_UnoFemale02008-10-19 17:23:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanJust received our AOS interview appt
QUOTE (ose_n_me @ Oct 19 2008, 03:15 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (UNO... @ Oct 18 2008, 09:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
you've come this far by faith, dont sweat it. use that same faith and determination and you'll be just fine. and besides you strike me as an alpha female (one who dont know the meaning defeat or retreat, a lady who always lands on her feet) you will handle this with ease.
UNO rose.gif

Uno...Just wanted to say that i know we have had our differences in the past...but as time has gone on i have begun to see another side to that has a lot of wonderful positive vibes emiting from your posts. I would like to move ahead of any negative stuff from the past...and say that i'd like u to be my sistah in faith. It dont mean we gotta agree on thangs all the time...but at lest we can respect and appreciate the strong confident woman we are!!!! So....will u be my friend..pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesse!!!!!!!!!!!! smile.gif

I wanna ride on the small bus with you!!!!!!!!! So we can act a fool up in there! laughing.gif hahahahaha

God Bless,

Its already done good.gif , I was just waiting for you to catch up star_smile.gif
Yes, we have had our disagreement/s, but there comes a time when adults must learn to agree to disagree based upon our realities and experiences are vastly different and so are our interpretations of those events. Moving on, to assist you in getting to know me, here are some things you should keep in mind whistling.gif ...are you ready of this....wait for it, wait for it, here you gooooooo.........
To know me is to respect me (or atleast fake it blush.gif ).
I wont steer anyone wrong and if I do, charge it to my head and not my heart.
I don't say anything once that I can't say twice.
What you see is what you get.
And for the most part, typically; Uno dont give a phuq devil.gif (about things she have no control over)
Those are mantras that I have adopted and they serve me pretty well...most of the time blink.gif
As far as being yo' sista in faith, already there good.gif
I am wise enough to know that even tho my "ball and chain" was yoking me to death, I can still get joy from others celebrations and triumphs and learn from their mistakes and accomplishments.
I may not like a lot of things/people, but I respect all of Gods creations. I have found that when I am at my lowest, thats when God is at his highest. So just know that you and many others are in my prayers and I am cheering on the sidelines (even though I don't post for most accomplishments, I do celebrate them with you all in the shadows).
So yes, all things accepted and respected innocent.gif
UNO rose.gif

p.s. maybe where you come from its the "short bus", but where I come from its the "shawt buss" rofl.gif rofl.gif
Simply_UnoFemale02008-10-19 09:20:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanJust received our AOS interview appt
QUOTE (ose_n_me @ Oct 18 2008, 04:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Got our AOS interview November we start the crazy process of compiling our evidence. We will have no problem getting it all together, its just the anxiety of dealing with yet another interview where we are required to prove things that are just natural to us. Its almost degrading and humiliating having to share our personal life with strangers. But we gotta do what we gotta do...right?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Any one had any off-the-wall experiences with questions, or what they asked for, that is different from what they say they will be needing. I have the list...but i thought i read a while back that someone posted they had been asked for different documentation, and some odd questions. Anyone remember that post? Just wanna start preparing for the inquisition as soon as possible..LOL

BTW...i dont post much on here, but i do read...and wish all the new peeps much luck and success with their Visajourneys. Many of us silently send prayers knowing inside we went thru the same ups and downs u are feeling. Good Luck to everyone and may Godspeed be with you every step of the way.

God Bless heart.gif

you've come this far by faith, dont sweat it. use that same faith and determination and you'll be just fine. and besides you strike me as an alpha female (one who dont know the meaning defeat or retreat, a lady who always lands on her feet) you will handle this with ease.
UNO rose.gif
Simply_UnoFemale02008-10-18 11:42:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanPlantain chips?
dunno if you're interested, but here anyways......



UNO rose.gif

Edited by UNO..., 26 September 2008 - 12:48 PM.

Simply_UnoFemale02008-09-26 12:46:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanRemoval of Conditions results
just cuz he got our nations "citizenship" dont mean he is a citizen.
his mind and heart conditioning is still bound to his home ties, rules and regulations.
it only looks like a success, its not.
Keep yo' head up Chis heart.gif
UNO rose.gif
Simply_UnoFemale02008-11-12 21:07:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanWhat are you THANKFUL for
I am thankful for being able to be thankful
I am thankful for the bad times, for if it were not for the bad times, how would I ever know to be greatful for the good times
I am thankful for the life experiences that have made me wiser
I am thankful to God for making my enemies my footstools
I thank God for turning this victim into a conquerer
I am thankful for everything I've got, for there is someone else who is worst off than me
I thank God for Jesus

Edited by UNO..., 25 November 2008 - 09:07 AM.

Simply_UnoFemale02008-11-25 09:06:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanUpdate
kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
Simply_UnoFemale02008-11-19 01:47:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanOur visa was approved
biggrin.gif congratulations to you and yours dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif good.gif kicking.gif .
may God reign in your marriage and may His blessings rain on your marriage.
Simply_UnoFemale02008-11-27 07:19:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanLet's Talk .....
QUOTE (Perseverance @ Nov 26 2008, 09:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ose_n_me @ Nov 25 2008, 07:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Perseverance @ Nov 24 2008, 07:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Wow sorry guys, I did not mean to bring up such a touchy subject in the touchy subject thread laughing.gif

Actually...not a touchy subject for me, just a personal one....and one I thought was on a more serious note. Not looking for sympathy, was just trying to be hopeful and supportive of the issue posted.

Yes you were being supportive, and it was serious, I should never have brought it up....I am the one who really does not want to talk about it, it is very hard for me to deal with, and touchy for me. cray5ol.gif

hey "O n Me" and "P"
theres no need to fear, Unoz ovaries are here good.gif
I am about as fertile as one can get yes.gif
I will gladly give the both of yous all the eggs you need to make all y'allz dreams come true biggrin.gif
p.s. when I lust after a man I have to run and take a pregnancy test blush.gif
Simply_UnoFemale02008-11-26 13:11:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanAll Quiet on the Western front
QUOTE (chispas @ Oct 29 2008, 04:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hola Amigos

After some well appreciated quiet time, I'm back with surprising news and a question. I've posted before that since I filled out the Adjustment of Status request for my husband I have not heard a single peep from immigration. Low and behold, the other day a letter showed up in my mail box with a date for an interview to remove conditions. Unfortunately I had not been to the PO box in weeks and the date for the appointment has gone by. The curious thing is that this is the first time I have ever been asked to come in for an interview and the second thing is that I didn't not file to remove conditions. Of course it asks me to bring in all the information to prove that we have a relationship ...yada yada but we are not together and don't live together. Anyone have this happen to them before?

((((((Hoooollllllaaaaaaaaaaaaa)))))) ((((((((chiiiiiiiiiissssssssssspppaaaaasssss))))))

star_smile.gif I've missed you star_smile.gif
you know I have no idea unsure.gif about your question
( mad.gif my flight never left the run way wacko.gif )
but, I have read of alot of similar stuff in the "major effects" forum.
maybe someone knows something there blush.gif
I'd bet "the mermaid or pshbrk" {sp}) may know something, possibly r-jo??
they're s-m-r-t!!!! good.gif
take care chica, dont be a stranger. wink.gif
UNO rose.gif
Simply_UnoFemale02008-10-29 21:50:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanHalt!
QUOTE (lovin_famo @ Aug 11 2008, 09:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ladybee @ Aug 11 2008, 06:13 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hello lov famo listen if your heart is telling you somethimg is wrong or not right then wait . Its no need rushing into anything. You said you left out information whatever it is it had to be bad. I dont know. But anyway I could tell you In Africa people are suffering I visited Burkina Faso and its not a good situation.He may be telling you the thruth. But dont rush into anything cause "LOVE IS BLIND" .

Thanks for your reply and your observation, no, the information i left out is not bad, just dont feel it is anybody's business, already divulged TMI. I guess i was just hoping someone had a different view on things pertaining to who does what and why, I guess not

Also, not referring to you but others, does love equate to how much you are willing to show that love by going against everything you believe? Does that mean i love him less because of the things i am not willing to do? No, but by not understanding and accepting my stance it shows his unwillingness to accept me.

Everyone says " I dont know how it is in Africa, how hard life is, maybe because i have never been there. I consider myself pretty intelligent, try to keep abreast of world events, i know the situation in Africa. I lnow some resort to all types of things in order to better themselves, but does that make it right? What about those who choose instead to work hard and to do whatever to make sure their families are cared for, what evr job that may be.

Maybe I am missing the point, if there is one. This is about two people not one. yes, i am sure that this is a good man, sure he would be a great father and husband, but when the smoke clears and as I am coming down from my, " oh , he is wonderful, the best" high, i must face reality my reality. That reality is he is really no different from any other man, just from a different part of the world, that alone does not exempt him from pain and struggle.


Simply_UnoFemale02008-08-11 09:12:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanHalt!
QUOTE (lovin_famo @ Aug 10 2008, 10:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Peace and Blessings to All,

As I write type these words i pray for clarity, and discernment in my life. I told myself that i would not post again, due to different reasons, but here goes.

Last year i met a man online. We chatted, talked on the phone, e-mailed, maintaining constant contact with one another. About two months after we met, he offered to fly me to meet him. At the time i declined because of my child, my job (nurse), and honestly because I didnt know him from Adam.

Fast forward to may 2008, after much thought, and prayer, i decided to take a chance. Mind you I have never been on an airplane, so i was more nervous being on the flight than actually meeting this man. it turned out to be a lovely trip; i needed the vacation.

Here is where things get complicated. After my return to the states, i began to gather all of the required information to file, we gathered all of his necessary documents, with signatures included, before my return home, so i had all of his info. Wasnt really worried about my things, so i thought, I'm set. Halt! My brain starts working in overdrive, dont know if it is God talkng to me after I had asked him for guidance or maybe it was cold feet, i am leaning towards the former.

If you guys remember from one of my posts, I explained who I am, my way of thinking, and how I was raised. I asked questions, that's what I do. I was explaining to him that once I file, if things go as planned, once he is here there would be more fees, figuring he would know this since he reads everything, and he was the one that introduced me to the site. Well, to make a long story short, he politely told me and i quote, "If you cant afford the fees, dont worry about it, I just want you to do what is best for you and your daughter, what makes you happy". So, my question was, "Oh, you expect me to pay for your fees?" Although my question was already answered, just wanted to hear his response, or clarify; he didnt. My response, "Okay, since you cant answer the question, I will tell you, NO, i am not paying your fees".

In the past he would tell me that it is hard living in nigeria, that there are no jobs available. I have never been to Nigeria, only know what he tells me, but, one thing i know for certain is no matter what situation you are in, if you believe and trust in The Lord, he will provide. No matter what job you have , how small, if it is selling goods on the side of the road, as long as it is honest and you do it in good faith.

I am purposely omitting some things, but the gist of it is, you knew my stance as far as the role of a man and the role of a woman in a relationship, so this should not have come up, he should not be surprised, angered whatever. Yes, he is angered, i have not spoken to him since this conversation which was 2 days ago, no IMs, phone calls, nothing. I guess he feels that if I loved him, enough, I would do anything to see that he gets here. well, i think if he loved me he would do whatever, to assist in HIS being here. I tried to explain to him that yes, i love him, I do, but i had a life before he entered, i have a daughter that depends on me to amke sure she is as comfortable as possible. These are my priorities.

I knew this would be a stressful journey, and I have yet to file! Is it not enough that once they are here you have to care for them, while praying that soon, they will be able to work to contribute? I knew this, but help me help you.

I know some of you are probably thinking, i am selfish ,bitchy, whatever, that this seems very petty, maybe, but before i spent MY money preparing to file, i had to be sure of some things, now i am not so sure, maybe it is his reaction, or lack thereof. I thought he understood my views obviously not.

I dont know what is going to happen, my mom told me if he really loves you he will work just as hard as expects you to work. I agree. I leave it in God's hands, because with all this said, I do love him.

Thanks for listening!


P.S. Please dont make assumptions, or judge, I am entitled to my own views and opinions.

ohmy.gif rose.gif heart.gif rose.gif
Simply_UnoFemale02008-08-11 02:29:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanAfrican male culture...
QUOTE (Omoba @ Jun 18 2008, 12:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
deja vu laughing.gif does that apply to age too ?

yes ma'am good.gif good.gif
Simply_UnoFemale02008-06-18 12:42:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanAfrican male culture...
just because its old, doesn't mean it aint relevent. rolleyes.gif
Simply_UnoFemale02008-06-18 12:33:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanWhat Did Santa Bring You For Christmas??
I, personally, was blessed with my mothers excellent cooking (pinto beans, cornbread, turkey dressing, and spiral brown sugar ham), my blessings continued with my grandmother being graced for yet another race, and my 2 older children being healthy and listening to their MP3 players while my youngest one shouted "oh, boy, oh boy, oh man, Santa is the bomb" while he opened his Vtech Nitro Vision. And of course my hubby called me yesterday and wished me "Merry Christmas" so all is well in UNO-Land.
Merry Christmas to all and May Gods angels lovingly and expeditiously see us through the remainder of our visa journey in the year 2008! kicking.gif
Simply_UnoFemale02007-12-25 20:02:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanMuslims in West Africa
QUOTE (Bassi and Zainab @ Aug 21 2008, 02:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
What kind of issues are you thinking of? My husband is a practicing muslim and I am a practicing christian. He comes to church with me and I go to mosque with him. (I don't fast though, I'm too greedy. Oh and a diabetic. blush.gif )

good.gif rofl.gif good.gif rofl.gif
Simply_UnoFemale02008-08-21 14:17:00
Africa: Sub-Saharan~My Journey To You~ (Naija Journey)
nuthing to add specifically, unsure.gif but umm good luck to you and everyone else wub.gif
as far as calling cards and such, check out their rates...
Simply_UnoFemale02008-12-03 08:46:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanEmbassy Closed
I have heard that it has happened before.
Maybe call or have Sig O to call to find out??
Simply_UnoFemale02008-12-08 08:42:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanBlack in america
QUOTE (Whippy @ Aug 14 2008, 12:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I will try and find a copy of this somewhere....perhaps the network will release it to DVD and it will be available at public libraries "soon."

My ex-wife used to work at a staffing agency and used to tell me some very sad stories about how employers found ways to get around hiring black people. I don't remember the details of these tricks but it used to anger and frustrate us both...and this was only one aspect of a much larger picture. Anyone who says that racism is no longer a problem in America is full of it.

good.gif good.gif good.gif good.gif good.gif
Simply_UnoFemale02008-08-14 22:58:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanBlack in america
QUOTE (idocare @ Jul 24 2008, 02:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I felt the show was very educational from beginning to the end. Solidad did a wonderful job. I was surprised at the percentage of single mothers, and was able to identify with educated single women, heck the whole show was imforming and worthy of watching again with my son ( 18 ) during family movie nite. ( We take turns choosing movies so he won't have a choice but to watch what I pick.......hehehe )

What was shocking to me was the percentage of Hiv/Aids. Whew, I just know tomorrow nite's show will be equally as good.

good.gif good.gif good.gif good.gif good.gif
Simply_UnoFemale02008-07-24 22:50:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanBlack in america
okay, now you have all watched "black in america."
I pose these questions to you:
did this show inform you of issues you were not aware of?
did this show reaffirm what you already knew, lived and overcame?
how has this show affected your foreign SO's view of america versus what they "thought" about being "black in america?"
and lastly, was this show worth your time and effort to watch and absorb its message?
all views and opinions are appreciated.
pls. no personal attacks, flaming, or trolling. and if a mod is modding, pls. advise if this thread is becoming offensive or violating TOS before shutting it down with out warning.
thank you.
UNO rose.gif
Simply_UnoFemale02008-07-23 22:05:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanBlack in america
whistling.gif ClockWatch2.gif ClockWatch2.gif ClockWatch2.gif good.gif eb0dfafc.gif eb0dfafc.gif diablo.gif girlwerewolf2xn.gif rofl.gif wow.gif I mean bump...
Simply_UnoFemale02008-07-23 13:45:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanBlack in america
rolleyes.gif whistling.gif
Simply_UnoFemale02008-07-21 15:37:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanBlack in america
QUOTE (Asante Maroon @ Jul 15 2008, 06:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
bump... more for me than for you....blame it on the poor memory wacko.gif

good.gif good.gif good.gif good.gif good.gif
Simply_UnoFemale02008-07-16 02:32:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanBlack in america
QUOTE (Truth be Told @ Jul 14 2008, 08:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

blink.gif ??????TBT???? tongue_ss.gif
Simply_UnoFemale02008-07-14 23:04:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanBlack in america
ahem...bump huh.gif
Simply_UnoFemale02008-07-14 16:46:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanBlack in america
QUOTE (Marlita @ Jul 10 2008, 04:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks for posting this UNO!

good.gif good.gif good.gif good.gif good.gif
Simply_UnoFemale02008-07-10 17:25:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanBlack in america
its getting close... tongue.gif
Simply_UnoFemale02008-07-08 16:32:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanBlack in america
QUOTE (Asante Maroon @ Jun 29 2008, 01:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Uno...Can I ask you a huge favor innocent.gif

Can you send out a reminder when it comes pretty close for the show to air? I can see myself missing it already because I'm kind of wacko.gif like that.

Hey lil mama, I will remind all that are interested by bumping the thread back to top after it his rock bottom.
Hey "BE" whats up cool.gif ??? gimme mo' info on that show you mentioned.
I think all of us can use some global enlightening on the ####### at home.
To all my sistaz, keep yo heads up star_smile.gif and do the one thing that the devil.gif hates and
God heart.gif heart.gif heart.gif heart.gif heart.gif heart.gif heart.gif heart.gif heart.gif 's....pray for everyone and anyone and thank him for all you got.
UNO rose.gif
Simply_UnoFemale02008-06-29 21:08:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanBlack in america
QUOTE (Perseverance @ Jun 28 2008, 07:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
OK so you can all have a good laugh at me....

I read this and then did NOT click on the link provided, but ran upstairs and turned the TV on and feverishly looked in the guide for the show... blink.gif wacko.gif u r a mess

Justice thinks I am loosing it. laughing.gif

rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif
Simply_UnoFemale02008-06-28 21:11:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanBlack in america
This is an excerpt of an email that was sent to me and well...,
I just had to pass it along whistling.gif
Simply_UnoFemale02008-06-28 16:11:00
Africa: Sub-Saharanjust saying hi to you all!
Welcome and God speed on your journey.
UNO rose.gif
Simply_UnoFemale02008-12-08 08:45:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanHow Long Have You Been Away From Your Spouse?
wow.gif and mad.gif and sad.gif sad.gif ..... crying.gif crying.gif crying.gif !!!
I'm crying for you guys huh.gif
as for myself... kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif ... whistling.gif
UNO rose.gif
Simply_UnoFemale02008-06-13 13:04:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanPlease Help!! Confused and Don't Know Where to Begin...
Wow, this thread has really become "in your face" informative ohmy.gif .
I love that type of honesty, the more brutal the bedda sleep.gif .
To the OP, I honestly don't think (and I could very well be wrong) anyone is purposefully harping on the "scam" issue wink.gif .
I do believe (and yet again, I could very well be wrong again) that all here on some level just want to assist you crossing each and everyone of your "i's" and dotting your "t's" dry.gif .
I think the scam issue keeps popping up due to its prevalence in these types of relationships and the fact that you initially brought up the "red" flags that you noticed and then you decided to move ahead mellow.gif .
Please don't take it personally, but take it wacko.gif .
Kinda like a yearly flu shot (you dont want it, but the dr. says you need it due to the prevalence of the you bend over) content.gif .
I, personally; don't adhere to the "scam" policy for each and every failed transatlantic relationship no0pb.gif .
Sometimes, people grow apart, were not meant to be, or the grass was not as green as one thought girlwerewolf2xn.gif .
I admire your forethought and your hindsight and my hats off to ya good.gif .
I subscribe to "what God has for me is for me, and I dare you to change his mind!" innocent.gif
So do ya thang girl and enjoy the ride, I did kicking.gif .
UNO rose.gif

p.s. I got off my ride 'cuz UNO don't like rollercoasters @ the carnival, the town fair or emotional star_smile.gif

Edited by unononehigher, 01 August 2008 - 02:19 AM.

Simply_UnoFemale02008-08-01 02:18:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanPlease Help!! Confused and Don't Know Where to Begin...
QUOTE (BESANGIN @ Jul 31 2008, 10:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Even though I personally think your situation got more red flags than all those that will fly in Bejing for the Olympics wow.gif , I gotta say, "Do yo' Thang, GIRLFRIEND!!!!!" Life is too short, and sometimes we do have to take a chance, but if you are a religious woman, is your decision led by God, or is your desire to be with the man at all costs? Oh I knew mine was from God, otherwise how did I meet the perfect man more than 8,000 miles away? What I have always said from the day I first posted my story is that we are all grown A$$ women, makin' grown A$$ decisions whether they are good or bad. The key is to make sure that you don't invest more than you can afford to invest financially or emotionally. Because if it works, you will get a return on your investment tenfold, and if it don't, you will have enough strength to survive and become an even better woman than you started, 'cause you stared Satan in the face and whooped his A$$!

Angelic, where in the HELL where you when I needed to hear YOUR story? Same script, different cast! That is another thing I have always said that brought on some struck nerves. If yo' man or wo MAN ain't investing anything in the relationship besides good ding ding or good meow, then you got a problem. It's sad for me to say, but the best and consistent thing about my marriage was the daily supply of BOOM SHAKA LAKA!!!!!!!A good man will be a good man in ALL seasons, and just because his A$$ gets transplanted in God's own country does not automatically make him a responsible man! So if he is on the internet and the phone with you during work hours EVERYDAY, don't think he's gonna come over here and work like the valliant young boys and men selling LaCasera and sausage rolls on the streets of Lagos to support their families! It AIN'T GON' HAPPEN!!!

Now another thing I found quite amusing was when I was going through my visa journey, I was everybody's DAMN WIFE!!!! I think it was OUR IYAWO? If I'm wrong my Yoruba bros and sis' correct me. But when his A$$ acted a fool, I was no longer Morenike Iyawo, but the ex wife in America!!! Now when my Nigerian friends here in the states and in Nigeria saw what went down between us they started singing like canaries!!!! " You should neva trust Nigerians!!!!! (their words to me, not mine, so don't get touchy). I said, " then why the hell you tell me this NOW and not THEN!!!!? " We just pray that God will be wit you and 'im". RIGHT!!!!

Now I call my visajourney period my Crack Period, 'cause when I put that crack pipe down, and my lasik eye surgery kicked in and I got 20/20 vision, I saw EVERYTHING crystal clearly! I can't tell you what made me take leave of my senses, and believe me, I am a strong, beautiful, intelligent and self sufficient young woman who became Dumb & Dumber when I met my ex..... Yes I can tell you what made me trip... it was the draw of the Candy Stick!!!! So anyway girl, go get yo' love on! Let your heart and inhibitions go, and drop it like it's hot AMERICAN STYLE, but don't let go of your common sense and your female intuition, because as women we like to ignore it when it's whispering something we don't want to hear. Now go get the Red Light Special, and work it like a champion, 'cause either you will walk away having the best DAMN Smack Down of your life, or you will have a good partner who will dish up Red Light Specials on a daily basis for life, AND without the aid of VIAGRA!!!!!! Peace!!! good.gif

and that vj'ers and vj'erettes was and is "BE" tellinit like it T-I-is rofl.gif
Simply_UnoFemale02008-08-01 00:18:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanPlease Help!! Confused and Don't Know Where to Begin...
QUOTE (Lois @ Jul 31 2008, 01:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Perseverance @ Jul 31 2008, 12:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Lois, I PMed you

I'm not too savvy on the computer, but I know what IM means. PM is what? Now I really appear dumb.

pm=private message
Simply_UnoFemale02008-07-31 14:00:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanPlease Help!! Confused and Don't Know Where to Begin...
QUOTE (Omoba @ Jul 28 2008, 08:59 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Emails would reflect this. smile.gif

The expression of switching from an initial friendship to falling in love to commitment all reflect in the emails.

By the way, careful what you do write in emails. ph34r.gif cool.gif

devil.gif nah, just careful which emails you submit whistling.gif whistling.gif
Simply_UnoFemale02008-07-28 09:58:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanPlease Help!! Confused and Don't Know Where to Begin...
I have to admit, you are right on the money wink.gif good.gif good.gif .

I also feel the need to explain what I meant by saying "who's to know if you had a lengthy LDR. idea9dv.gif "
I think that was taken negatively unsure.gif . ranting33va.gif protest6wz.gif
My intent was to express, how can one prove just how long a they have been in a relationship heart.gif .
You can start corresponding in january with so in so, but not become committed until november of said year sleep.gif. So how does one prove the length of the committed relationship???
That is all I was implying, not lying to the CO's!!! no0pb.gif
Now, as you all were Off-Topic2.gif
Simply_UnoFemale02008-07-28 00:24:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanPlease Help!! Confused and Don't Know Where to Begin...
I have a question, how would the CO know if you met and married during your first visit?
Who's to say that you did not have a lengthy, intense, and fulfilling LDR?
I think (jmo) that sometimes we anticipate entirely too many variables and obstacles to our own success. Personally (jmo) if you want to meet and marry, go for it; I did, but then again, my situation has been a fiasco girlwerewolf2xn.gif whistling.gif
Simply_UnoFemale02008-07-27 14:36:00