Russia, Ukraine and BelarusNeed some Assistance
I am writing a paper for college class about how gun control does not reduce violent crimes and I am needing some statistic to back up my arguments. So considering how all the topics in the RUB turns to guns (or pie) I thought I would ask our panel of experts for assistance to point me in the right directions.

I am looking for statistics of gun ownership from 1991 until 2010. Plus any other points of reference that may be handy (i.e. Gun Owners preventing crime).

Thanks in Advance,

P.S. As for the anti-gun crowd, any condemnation to the topic will not be welcome as this is for a grade and not a forum debate. If you wish to debate this topic, take it somewhere else.
Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2011-12-29 23:58:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusVodka
Another Ukraine vodka is Nemiroff and it is pretty good, but good luck in finding it here in the states. They are notorious for not being able to keep up with demand.
Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2012-01-18 17:49:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTransit Visa in Amsterdam?

It's not that they don't like Russians, they don't like mothers-in-law! :thumbs:

Who can blame them? Inviting the MIL is like inviting Stalin to visit. :yes:



It's a good thing that she doesn't speak english then. I can just smile and nod my head like an idiot.
Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2012-02-10 11:52:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTransit Visa in Amsterdam?

Do NOT try to make a connection in Copenhagen with only a Russian (? also Ukrainian) passport unless you also have the Schengen visa. You will not be allowed to transit through Copenhagen even if you don't plan on leaving the terminal. My BIL and his wife had to re-book their return flights on SAS because they were refused connecting in Copenhagen.

Thanks for the heads-up on Copenhagen. And to everyone else who answered my question.

My wife is excited about the prospect of bringing her mother into Minneapolis instead of JFK so we will be making the connection through Amsterdam. Now that that is decided, we just need to get the B2.
Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2012-02-10 10:45:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTransit Visa in Amsterdam?
In planning the future flight for my MIL from Kiev, one of the flights has a layover in Amsterdam. I was wondering if she will need a transit visa if she is not leaving the Internationl Terminal?

Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2012-02-09 11:41:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlying to Ira Tomorrow

No doubt, all she needs is wear a bow and my Christmas is complete.

I asked this of Oksana, and she told me "No! There are children in the house!" So I am working to getting the children new homes :D
Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2011-12-22 09:21:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusOh what a night!!!
What a night last night. The Red Army Choir and Dance Ensemble performed in Lincoln, NE last night and we went to the performance. All I can say is WOW!

I was thoroughly impressed with not only the choir, but the dancers as well. The ensemble performed some traditional Russian/Ukrainian songs with the dancers doing traditional dances and wearing traditional costumes. In one dance numbers, one of the female dancers was spun on her toes like a top. I got dizzy watching her.

After 2 encore's the choir finished the evening with "God Bless America" and had the audience join in.

The only thing I can say I was dissappointed in was that the women singers, that there were only 1 or 2 "Average" FSU women. And they all looked like they would rather be anywhere else but on that stage.

The last time they toured the US was in 2002, so if you get a chance to see them, do so.

Now if only I can get Kalinka out of my head.

Edited by Dave-n-Oksana, 18 March 2012 - 02:32 PM.

Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2012-03-18 14:32:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarus1 Year anniversary is fast approaching

Alla would bite the piranhas back! In Ukraine if you catch one of the three eyed fish you eat it. If you catch two of them, you eat one and take the other to the market to sell. Hoping to get enough money to eat something besides a three eyed fish. :blush:

Ukrainians will even eat CARP! :o

I have the perfect recipe for Carp.

1: Preheat oven to 350 degrees
2: Stuff the carp with pearl onions and 3 garlic cloves
3: Season with salt, pepper, and drizzle lemon juice on the skin
4: Place carp on a cedar plank and place plank on middle rack of oven.
5: Cook for 30 minutes or until flesh is flaky
6: Remove from oven and let set 10 minutes.
7: Throw carp away and eat the plank.
Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2012-03-18 14:48:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRound 3
Well we started round 3 off today with the submission of the I-751 for Oksana and Lera. Hopefully this will go as smooth as the others, but I am not holding my breath.

Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2012-05-11 17:50:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWhere is Gary?

Gary was an icon when i joined VJ. He seems to be missing in action. :o

He's currently doing "Honey-Doos" in Donetsk. I expect he will be back in a couple of weeks.
Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2012-07-19 08:31:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusOkay I am offically confused

One of the things that attracted me to my wife was the simple life she led in Russia. Of course she had no closet in her apartment and just a small wardrobe with a few pair of shoes and a few dresses, etc. Boy did I get fooled. I just did not understand the how and why of Russian life.

Our master bedroom has two separate closets, but now she wants to remodel and convert the bedroom next to the master into her private closet! I'm not kidding. These are NOT small rooms, it's a large house.

Oh, I'm in big trouble.

Tell me about it. We just bought a new home with a huge walk in closet in the master bedroom. After Oksana put her clothes away, I got 1/8th of the hanging space and 2 drawers total in the new dressers we bought. We haven't been in the house 1 month and she is already complaining that she has not place to put her clothes!!! :blink:

Edited by Dave-n-Oksana, 07 September 2012 - 08:11 AM.

Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2012-09-07 08:11:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusOkay I am offically confused

Wearing a bra around the house sucks. Bras aren't comfortable, and many women's tops, especially "loungewear", is very sheer or thin.

It means she's comfortable around you, or better yet she trusts you. It's a good thing, let it go.

Oksana and I talked about this last night (after I regained my bearings). I explained how most American women would have been outraged that I admitted to seeing their daughter's breast, and I asked her why she was not upset and her reply made a lot of sense.

She said "You are a man, and a man is going to look at a pretty girl no matter what and it is normal. I trust you completely and if I thought there was a danger, I would never leave you alone with her. It is also a sign that my daughter trusts you."

Got to love a FSU woman's no-nonsense approach.

Edited by Dave-n-Oksana, 02 September 2012 - 10:01 PM.

Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2012-09-02 22:00:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusOkay I am offically confused

No matter how you go about this, you're going to be wrong. So just shut up, enjoy the show, and try not to be too much of a perv. My wife's friends are sometimes "informal" (no pants, no shirts) around us and it's no big deal. That's just how they do it and if they're comfortable, then why should I be uncomfortable?

While I realize the family dynamic is somewhat different, in all actuality, there really is no family dynamic between you and the adult step-daughter. She's just some hot chick that lives with you. Enjoy it... but don't get in trouble!

Yeah but the situation does feed the Mother + Daughter fantasy :)
Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2012-08-31 23:13:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusOkay I am offically confused

This is diff then, I know several girls like this, although its not that common with Step fathers as it is with bio-family.

It does sound like a trust thing.

I guess the source of my confusion is that I have only known my step-daughter as a grown woman. There is no 'Little girl" image that I see with my own daughter. And to be honest if she wasn't my step-daughter I wouldn't be complaining at all.
Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2012-08-31 10:40:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusOkay I am offically confused

Tell her to put a brawr on. You're in America and it's inappropriate. And even in Russia I know a girl who has big boobs and loves to flit around in white tshirts without a bra and everyone talks $#1+ about her. For your stepdaughter's own sake, she should wear a bra.

I should clarify, that when she does go out, she does wear a bra, but she never wears one when at home around family.
Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2012-08-31 10:20:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusOkay I am offically confused
A strange situation occured last night. Oksana's lovely 22 year old daughter was showing us some new clothes she had bought, and one top was so sheer, that she might as well as not be wearing anything. I mean I could definately tell a family resemblence ;)

Anywho when I told Oksana about it, she just smiled at me and said "Good for you". So now I don't know if this is a culture thing and that I should just play the part of asexual father and pretend not to be interested, or be the prude and tell my step-daughter to put a bra on??

Edited by Dave-n-Oksana, 31 August 2012 - 10:06 AM.

Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2012-08-31 10:06:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMIL Visa
Oksana's Mother got her B2 today and says it was very easy. She took a lot of papers showing ties as well as the invitation letter from us and the CO didn't even look at it. All they cared about was the application and the passport.
Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2012-07-06 08:55:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMIL Visa
We just submitted my MIL application and she has an interview the first week of July.

Brad, did your MIL walk out with her visa or was it delivered to her?

Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2012-06-14 10:53:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMultiple visa denials

Hi guys, My mother applied for visitor visa 5 times and was denied. I am a green card holder,my husband and children are citizens. We do not plan to apply for a immigrant visa after I get citizenship. We just want her to come and visit us for 2 weeks. Her application was denied because of the lack of ties to her home country. The government published new rules that ease the obtaining of immigrant visa. But what about non-immigrant visas for our parents? I created a petition about this issue on If some of you could sign it I would really appreciate it. https://petitions.wh...arents/vz75gjHm

Thank you

Welcome to VJ Maryna.

We just went through this process for my Mother-in-law from Berdyansk, and did not have any problems, but one of the first things we did was have her visit a friend in the Czech Republic and get a Schengen Visa.

When it came time for the interview, things went very smoothly. As was suggested earlier, send you mother on a nice vacation to a Schengen country.

Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2013-02-18 16:26:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRUBbette Wives & Housework, si man

For mom & dad I hope! :lol:

Of course :whistle:
Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2012-02-07 17:02:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRUBbette Wives & Housework, si man

'Tude is everything, see man. Mrs. T-B. does some of this stuff, but she chiefly cares for little Mini-Bone, who is as cute as can be but becomes more challenging every day. He awoke 4.5 hours ago (courtesy of some noise that I inadvertently made), and has been crying almost nonstop, and she's been shepherding him tonight with minimal aid from me. I'll be a zombie again at work tomorrow, and she's a zombie the whole time. "Sleep when the baby sleeps" is great advice, except when does one get necessary stuff DONE? She hasn't slept since Mini-B. was born.

It doesn't help that we're trying to get Mini-B. to sleep in his crib by himself -- three completely sleepless nights for us, so far, zzz man.

Here is an old family cure for this problem.....a shot of Bourbon
Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2012-02-07 16:26:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBelarus and the Ukrain Russia Conflict

Though Oksana and Valeriia have been here for over 4 years, we are still worried as Oksana's Mother and Sister live only an hour away from Mariupal.  We're not too worried about her sister as her husband is a Turkish citizen so they have a bolt hole there, but in the long term we are looking at options to get her Mother here permanently or at least until the tensions die down.


This entire stupidity is hitting us too close to home as Valeriia learned that a friend of her's was killed last week in Donetsk when he went to the market, so this has definately cranked the tension high at home.


Our thoughts are definately with everyone affected by these events.  Hopefully sanity will get a foothold soon.

Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2014-07-28 12:30:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Time for NVC to receive NOA2
Our NOA 2 was approved on the 25th, but I did not receive the notice until the 31st. I thought that our case would also be in the system but it was not.

So I called this morning and spoke with an operator who told me that they had the notice, but were in the process of entering it into the system.

You might try that route.

Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2009-09-02 08:16:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134 Question
QUOTE (Karin und Otto @ May 21 2009, 12:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ex-wife (alimony or not) is not (necessarily) a dependent - presumably you do not count her as a dependent on you tax returns.

Thankfully no. I just want to make sure that I avoid any pitfalls. I want to get my Fiancee and her daughter here as quickly and as smoothly as possible so we can start our life together.

Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2009-05-21 12:30:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134 Question
Okay, I am taking the advice of a lot of people and filling my waiting time with preparing for the interview while waiting for the NOA2 (still waiting on the NOA1 for that matter smile.gif ).

On the I-134 question 8, do I record my ex-wife as a dependent for support? I still have 8 yrs + required for paying alimony, which is her only main source of income at this time??

Thanks in advance,
Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2009-05-21 12:20:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134 Line 10 for K-1/2
QUOTE (payxibka @ Aug 31 2009, 08:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Gary and Alla @ Aug 31 2009, 08:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Dave-n-Oksana @ Aug 31 2009, 08:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I was looking in the guides and maybe I missed the answer to my question, but on Line 10 of the I-134, do I need to enter the K-1 and K-2 Recipients on both I-134s or only the name of the petitioner that the I-134 is for?



I have sample I-134s for a fiancee with child, exactly as I presented to Kiev. If you want I can email you a copy of them. My email is listed in my profile.

I have one too... however now that Dave has his clarification, it is not that difficult

I think I got a good handle on this I'll take all the information that I can get and compare for accuracy.

I think it would be very helpful if the sample forms here included derivatives to help those of us with pre-made families and those who follow in our footsteps.

I'm at


Edited by Dave-n-Oksana, 31 August 2009 - 09:25 PM.

Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2009-08-31 21:24:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134 Line 10 for K-1/2
QUOTE (payxibka @ Aug 31 2009, 08:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Dave-n-Oksana @ Aug 31 2009, 07:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I was looking in the guides and maybe I missed the answer to my question, but on Line 10 of the I-134, do I need to enter the K-1 and K-2 Recipients on both I-134s or only the name of the petitioner that the I-134 is for?


You are the petitioner so do NOT put your name there... you the petitioner submitted a petition on behalf of? The beneficiary (K-1).

The K-2 is not a named beneficiary to the petition but simply derives a "benefit" as a child of ....

DOH!!! Too much vodka (or maybe not enough)....I meant the benificiaries. So if I am understanding correctly I do not need to name her daughter in this section on either document.

Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2009-08-31 20:17:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134 Line 10 for K-1/2
I was looking in the guides and maybe I missed the answer to my question, but on Line 10 of the I-134, do I need to enter the K-1 and K-2 Recipients on both I-134s or only the name of the petitioner that the I-134 is for?

Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2009-08-31 19:59:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionWhat happens if I do not want to remove conditions?
One option that is open to you that I have not seen yet is this. If you are afraid for your life or well being from you wife, call the police and have her removed from your home, and then press charges. Followed by filing for a restraining order. This will help create a foundation for divorce and getting her safely out of your life. If nothing else, the next time she goes on one of these fits, remain calm and dial 911.

Abuse is abuse no matter if it is verbal or physical and today's police are supposed to be trained to recognize this. And do not feel that just because you are the man, that none will believe you.

P.S. Maybe a pysche exam is needed for your wife. Depending on state laws, you can have her committed if you feel she is a danger to herself or others.

Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2009-11-12 13:11:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionROC for Step-Daughter
Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2011-07-27 18:24:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionROC for Step-Daughter
My soon-to-be 22 step-daughter arrived with her mother on a K-2 visa. When it came time for AOS interview she was out of the country visiting her family so she invterviewed and received her GC about 2 months after her mother. In the FAQs it says that since she arrived on a K-2 Visa I can include her on my wife's ROC when my wife becomes eligible. But when we had our AOS interview, the IO alluded that we would need to file seperately.

So what are my options here?
1) Include my step-daughter on my wife's 90 day benchmark?
2) Wait until my step-daughter's 90 day benchmark and file for both?
3) File seperately?

Constructive answers only please.

Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2011-07-27 10:13:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 Section 5
This may seem a stupid question but in Section 5 of the I-751 where it ask for address of Children. If the child is living with us, can I enter "Same as Mother" or do I need to enter the address? The reason I ask is because the address is so long, there is no room for the immigration status.

Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2012-05-05 13:04:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionLossed in the Move
Talked to USCIS this evening and they are sending a replacement letter, but because of the time delay in receiving the letter we will be going to the Local office in the morning to get her passport stamped.
Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2012-09-17 19:59:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionLossed in the Move

From what I've heard they won't send replacement letters. She'll probably need to make in Infopass appointment to get her passport stamped with the extension.

Wouldn't saying that we never received her NOA-1 work and have them regenerate the letter?
Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2012-09-17 12:33:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionLossed in the Move

I am hoping that this is an easy fix and not a big concern, but during our recent move into our new home, my step-daughter's NOA-1 Extension letter was misplaced. Normally I wouldn't be to worried about this, but the company she works for is being inspected by USCIS, and the only thing they have on record for her is her EAD and her current GC expired the 24th of August.

Is it possible to get a new extension letter or will an Infopass appointment be required?

Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2012-09-16 19:59:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionROC of wife and wife's daughter

Okay so you are definitely not eligible for #1. #2 does NOT address the arrival which indicates that it is related to #1.

SO, for example. Lets say your child arrived within the 90 days BUT their GC was delayed for whatever reason and it was more than 90 days between AOS of parents then they would file separately. If it was before 90 days then they file ROC together.

If the child arrived outside the 90 days they apply separately, no matter when their GC was approved. The second qualifier doesn't apply.

So if I am understanding correctly,

My Wife and Step-daughter arrived together, but my (now 22 yr old) Step-daughter received her green card 2 months after my wife. We could include my step-daughter even if it is prior to 90 days of my step-daughter's expiration date?

Edited by Dave-n-Oksana, 30 April 2012 - 11:06 AM.

Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2012-04-30 11:02:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 May 2012 Filers
We received our cards on Friday Feb 1. So we are done for now....To those still waiting, hang in there. Remember all good things come to those who wait.

Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2013-02-04 13:41:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 May 2012 Filers
Just got an email saying that production of your card was ordered on Jan 25. WooHoo!!!!!!!!

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2013-01-25 14:20:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 May 2012 Filers

Well sent off our RFE package last night....And the waiting games resumes.

Well our RFE package was received yesterday afternoon, but this brought up a question. Do we not pickup exactly where we were, or do we get shuffled to the bottom of the pile again? I mean will the AO start working on our case again immediately or will we have to wait for his discretion?
Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2013-01-15 11:15:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 May 2012 Filers

When you get an RFE, do they ask for specific stuff or do you send more recent documents along with the previously sent ones?

What we received had a general list of evidence required to prove a relationship, but they also stated what we sent that needed additional documentation on. For example, I was uncomfortable about sending my entire bank statements for our account so I only sent the first page which has our names, and the account information. USCIS requested that we send the complete statement so they could see it was an active account and they wanted generally one statement per quarter we were married.
Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2013-01-11 13:18:00