K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures1st post former NSC adjudicator now petitioner
Pardon the typos' in advance

Thats a tough question and things might have changed since I was there almost 4 years ago now. But Nebraska was lagging behind at that point also. Management really was pushing a numbers game as far as adjudicators cranking out as many as they can. I also see that the NSC has a new Director (who used to be the Omaha District Manager). He's a good man.

An Adjudicators job performance is based on several factors. 1) how many files (petitions) you process everyday 2) number of applications "kicked back" because you made a mistake and they shouldn't have been approved and 3) attention to details and how many errors you make. Management gets a report on each Adjudicator (we all have a individual ID #) showing the total # of petitions processed, number kicked back and how many errors we made. They can call this up anytime and we wree required to keep a daily tally of the work we did. When performance appraisel time came around, you would discuss your individual performance with your supervisor.

Thats one of the reasons why you might see that your application was "touched" several times ona given day but no change in status. The adjudicator began working it (touch), went to lunch (touch), came back from lunch (touch) and finished reviewing it and sent it off to be processed (touch). Its touched when it goes back into the que and etc...

Keep in mind everytime a file changes hands whether its signed out to an Adjudicator or some satff person, its gets "wanded" ino the system so they can track who specifically has the file. Each file has a scannable bar code. Sometimes you'd be working a file that has someone else working another compnent of the file or one of the family members. We would alwaystry to keep family members together and approve them at the same time.

getting back to the way it works,

If at any time you weren't processing enough petitions you would usually be talked to by your supervisor. Generally, this was only if there appeared to be a "trend" in your productivity. Everyone has days when they could process a lot vs. other "slower" days. A lot depends on the complexity of the petition you were working and some other "bean counting" tricks you could use to keep your #'s up. Everyone is trained on certain petitions first and progresses to the more complicated ones. This way they have the more experienced Adjudicators working the more difficult petitions like the 485's etc...

Hi HuskerKiev,

Welcome. Part of the frustration you might hear about is that what happens at USCIS is completely invisible. From our perspective, petitions go into a black hole and come out at an indeterminate time. My solution is to over-analyze the data :P to come up with what feel like reasonable expectations.

Perhaps you could provide an overview of the types of processing that happens and where delays are introduced into the system. Also, I'm sure that people would be interested in understanding the common mistakes to avoid when filing a petition. I understand that part of the purpose for the petition process is to prevent immigration fraud so I'm not asking you to divulge any of those red flags.

Two specific questions I have are:

  • What are the key metrics the service centers are measured on?
  • Why is Vermont so much faster than the other centers (especially California)?
Thanks for your insights and good luck with your Jouney from this side of the fence :)


Welcome to VJ :) Good to hear from you and your story

I can't imagine how many applications for various things must come in everyday. It's incredible they get it all done :)

Do "touches" really mean an NOA2 or RFE is coming soon do you know

RE: RFE's and touches, see my last post about scanning in files to work them. D.
HUSKERKIEVMaleUkraine2007-02-21 19:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures1st post former NSC adjudicator now petitioner

Welcome to VJ!!! I hope you don't get offended about some of the remarks you may read about about uscis :D

No problem. I'm thick skinned. One thing I might add is that from an employee standpoint, the NSC can be a very frustrating place to work also. I will say that as a current DHS employee (different agency) that there are good people who work in government and people who really give a hoot about the work they do. I'd like to think I was one and also a very good friend of mine (who got so frustrated he left NSC also). Maginfy that across the range of DHS/BCIS, and you have some very dedicated people trying to do good.

Then again, you also have a small minority who do the least amount of work they can get by with everyday just like in any organization. They usually don't last long but they are there.

But by in large, it's a monumental task to process the volme of stuff that would come through on a daily basis.

I remember seeing all the boxes of case files and they never stopped coming. As soon as one box of files was completed there wee several others to take its place. People used to refer to it as "job security", which it was, but until you are inside system and see the volume they handle daily, its really hard to fathom. I know I was impressed.

I wish I could remember some of the stats they told us in training of how much they processed but the numbers escape me now.

I don't mean to sound like a cheerleader for the NSC, but just to let VJ'ers know that there are good people working there who try hard everyday to do a good job for the petitioners. But sometimes "the system" can play havoc with otherwise good intentions.
HUSKERKIEVMaleUkraine2007-02-21 19:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures1st post former NSC adjudicator now petitioner
Hello everyone,
This is my first post so don't flame me for protocol or if I say something out of place.

I joined VJ because of two reasons. First, I just sent off my initial I-129F packet to NSC for processing and 2) I used to be an Applications Adjudicator (Immigration Officer) at the NSC (2003) so I thought perhaps I could help out someone with any questions they have on how the NSC operates. Or at least the part that I worked in. Some of the processes are the same regardless of departments. I'd be happy to give you as much info as I can as there aren't any real secrets and since I don't work there any longer I can speak about it.

As for my K-1 journey, to make a long story short, I travelled last summer to Kiev and met a wonderful woman (and her daughter) quite by accident. We spent a lot of time together during my trip, fell in love and the rest as they say is "history".

We finally got around to compiling all the docs and as I said, I sent them off to NSC yesterady so I guess I fall into the February Filers category. I hope to have her and her daughter here by August (hopefully)!

So, I make myself available to anyone who has questions about the Nebraska Service Center and its quirks or the BCIS as it were in general.

Finally, to answer a question that some of you might be thinking - "no, I can't do anything to help you specifically with your petition. Just like I have to wait in line with everyone else on mine also. Yes, i still have friends who work there, but its againstthe rules to do favors and can get a person fired. And I would never put my friends in that position." But I'd be happy to answer other non-specific questions as I can. I don't know everything but I will try to help where I can.

HUSKERKIEVMaleUkraine2007-02-21 19:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F Petition question, filing papers today!

I (beneficiary) was in the U.S. when we filed and we wrote in the box something like "travelled on VWP, expires 1st june, leaving 1st april. Please see attached." and then attached a page with the scan of the passport stamp I got at POE. We left the number part blank. 


Our petition hasn't been accepted yet so I don't know for sure that we won't get an RFE, but it seems like the logical thing to do.

soapfaceFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-26 12:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFilling out Biographical information-Addresses.

I had a similar problem, where I lived at one address, then travelled for 2 months, and then returned to a different address. For the time i was travelling I put 'Travelling in (countries), no fixed address during this time' and then the dates I was away. I haven't received our NOA2 yet so I don't know for certain that this is the correct thing to put, but I was only in each place for 2-5 days so it didn't seem to make sense to put each individual hostel/hotel address.

soapfaceFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-12 11:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDS-260 for K-1 Visa?

We can't do the ds260 because we aren't given an invoice number from NVC. Try it. I just sent all the old forms and am hoping for the best.

soapfaceFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-09 13:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!

Well I arrived in the US yesterday, my POE was Chicago O'Hare. It was really easy, these are the questions I got asked:

"Are you here for business or vacation?" Answered vacation

"How many days is your trip?"  6 weeks

"Who are you visiting at this address? (points at address on customs form)" My boyfriend

"Where is he from?" He is a U.S. citizen

"How did you meet?" He used to live in the UK


That's it. Didn't get asked to show anything. I really don't think they know that you have applied for the K1. And I don't see any problem with saying you're visiting your boyfriend/girlfriend instead of fiancé(e). It was definitely no more difficult than the other times I've visited.

soapfaceFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-02 10:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!

I'm flying to visit my boyfriend on Monday (POE will be Chicago O'Hare). I have visited him about 8 times before, but this is the first time since we started the K1 process. In the past I've been taken for a secondary interview twice, once by an immigration officer and once by customs. Each time was not too bad, and I don't recall having to show any actual proof of anything, just answered their questions. I'm a bit nervous about this trip though because this time I have no job and am currently living at my mum's house, so don't have any proof of employment/rent/mortgage.


I am going to take:


Return flight info

Travel insurance documents

Hotel booking for a wedding we are going to in a different state

Bank statements

Emails from USCIS (I don't have the actual NOA1)

Confirmation email for a film studies course I am starting at home in October

Emails regarding a voluntary work placement I have starting the week after I get back

Tickets for a show I am going to the week I get back.


I'm hoping I'll be alright because I've visited so many times before and never overstayed. Can anyone think of anything else I might be able to take to show ties to the U.K.?


I'll let you know how it goes anyway.

soapfaceFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-27 15:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresletter of intent (merged)

Do your fiance also put his address in English or in his native language? My fiance is Costa Rican and I'm just worried about if papers are sent to him, since no one speaks english in his town. 

lafezNot TellingCosta Rica2013-07-06 19:55:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 (Services Centers applications status)
UserName............Serv. Ctr.....Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date.......Biometrics......Approved
tumbin..............TSC...........04/22/06..........05/04/06........--/--/--........12/20/07 (intvw/sec. chk.)
onur ...............NSC.......... 06/26/06..........03/15/07........04/13/07........--/--/--
drawbridgep.........NSC...........01/11/07..........02/02/07........02/15/07........--/--/-- I-551 stamp (1yr)
Peter T.............NSC...........01/27/07..........02/01/07........03/09/07........--/--/-- I-551 stamp (1yr)
shahkr..............VSC...........01/29/07..........02/--/07........03/01/07........--/--/-- (RFE)
> CSC.....02/06/07..........02/12/07........03/09/07........--/--/-- (>CSC 03/28/08)
Dr. ZoSo............TSC...........02/09/07..........--/--/07........03/15/07........--/--/--
A_C.................TSC > VSC.....02/18/07..........02/21/07........03/19/07........--/--/-- (>VSC 01/31/08)
I-551 stamp (1yr)
lovedolphins........TSC...........02/21/07..........02/28/07........01/23/08........--/--/-- (RFE 01/23/08)
moben...............TSC > VSC.....02/26/07..........03/20/07........03/28/07........--/--/-- (>VSC 01/31/08)
kn687...............TSC > VSC.....02/27/07..........03/21/07........03/29/07........--/--/-- (>VSC 01/31/08)
tweety..............TSC > VSC.....03/06/07..........03/09/07........04/06/07........--/--/-- (>VSC 01/31/08)
westy77.............TSC > VSC.....03/10/07..........03/14/07........04/06/07........--/--/-- (>VSC 01/31/08)
burs................TSC > VSC.....03/15/07..........03/19/07........04/12/07........--/--/-- (>VSC 01/31/08)
us1415..............TSC > VSC.....04/09/07..........04/18/07........05/12/07........--/--/-- (>VSC 01/31/08)
James...............TSC > VSC.....04/18/07..........04/20/07........05/31/07........--/--/-- (>VSC 01/31/08)
Angel7422...........TSC > VSC.....04/20/07..........04/25/07........05/24/07........--/--/-- (>VSC 01/31/08)
gatorlink...........TSC > VSC.....04/2?/07..........04/26/07........05/29/07........03/25/08 (>VSC 01/31/08)
charlie & yeng......NSC...........04/27/07..........05/01/07........06/02/07........--/--/--
Big Papi............VSC...........04/30/07..........06/08/07........07/03/07........11/28/07
aussie girl.........VSC...........05/02/07..........06/14/07........06/27/07........12/14/07
smartie.............TSC > VSC.....05/03/07..........06/09/07........06/01/07........--/--/-- (>VSC 01/31/08)
Cassie..............TSC > VSC.....05/08/07..........05/09/07........06/04/07........--/--/-- (>VSC 01/31/08)
baunzerbrudi........TSC > VSC.....05/11/07..........05/19/07........06/14/07........--/--/-- (>VSC 01/31/08)
rhenryv.............TSC > VSC.....05/17/07..........05/30/07........06/18/07........--/--/-- (>VSC 01/31/08)
imailin.............TSC > VSC.....06/01/07..........06/07/07........08/01/07........--/--/-- (>VSC 01/31/08)
Mr. Bigdog..........TSC...........06/06/07..........06/19/07........08/30/07........--/--/--
Silvanski...........TSC > CSC.....06/27/07..........07/12/07........08/17/07........10/02/07 (RFE 08/29/07)
Proud Mommy.........NSC...........06/18/07..........07/02/07........07/19/07........--/--/--
Sweet Melissa.......TSC > CSC.....06/28/07..........07/10/07........10/10/07........11/10/07
wifiman.............NSC > CSC.....06/29/07..........08/05/07........08/15/07........08/25/07
aussie girl (son)...VSC...........07/16/07..........07/30/07........09/07/07........--/--/--
Stefanie............NSC > CSC.....07/16/07..........07/25/07........military........--/--/--
ForYou..............VSC...........07/20/07..........08/06/07....... 09/08/07........03/05/08
Sami................NSC > CSC.....07/20/07..........08/04/07........08/15/07........09/15/07
stina&suj...........TSC > CSC.....07/23/07..........07/26/07........11/01/07........01/09/08 (RFE 12/18/07)
Bree................TSC > CSC.....07/24/07..........07/27/07........09/13/07........09/25/07
6901................TSC > CSC.....07/24/07..........08/04/07........09/12/07........09/20/07
gadgetfreak.........VSC...........07/25/07..........08/07/07....... 09/30/07........02/10/08
smushtaq............NSC > CSC.....07/26/07..........08/09/07........09/07/07........10/29/07
mahal...............TSC > CSC.....07/27/07..........07/27/07........09/28/07........11/22/07
Jo1973..............TSC > CSC.....07/27/07..........08/20/07........09/21/07........11/01/07
Widge...............NSC > CSC.....07/27/07..........08/22/07........09/12/07........09/24/07
Smoothsailing.......NSC > CSC.....07/28/07..........08/17/07........09/10/07........09/15/07
dcl766..............NSC > CSC.....07/28/07..........08/24/07........09/13/07........09/19/07
Lugn ...............NSC > CSC.....07/28/07..........08/24/07........09/11/07........09/13/07
Gene&Maria..........NSC > CSC.....07/28/07..........08/20/07........09/10/07........09/18/07
bsokny12............NSC > CSC.....07/30/07..........08/20/07........09/08/07........09/12/07
metta...............TSC > CSC.....08/04/07..........08/30/07........09/28/07........11/28/07
moe_lisa............NSC > CSC.....08/09/07..........09/06/07........09/28/07........11/16/07
Alie................TSC > CSC.....08/11/07..........09/12/07........10/12/07........11/16/07
beggartl............NSC > CSC.....08/11/07..........08/13/07........10/09/07........--/--/--
pj1959us(K1)........NSC > CSC.....08/13/07..........08/15/07........09/29/07........11/17/07
pj1959us(K2)........NSC > CSC.....08/13/07..........08/15/07........09/29/07........--/--/-- (RFE recd 3-3-08)
guapitoyguapita77...TSC > CSC.....08/14/07..........08/30/07........10/12/07........--/--/--
annelizabeth........NSC > CSC.....08/15/07..........08/17/07........09/28/07........01/26/08
eau_xplain..........TSC > CSC.....08/18/07..........08/21/07........10/11/07........11/14/07
nutmarg.............TSC > CSC.....08/20/07..........08/20/07........11/20/07........12/08/07
maguilart...........NSC > CSC.....08/29/07..........08/30/07........10/26/07........11/30/07
kitty0657...........NSC > CSC.....08/31/07..........09/04/07........10/26/07........12/01/07
Inlove_tx...........TSC > CSC.....09/01/07..........09/05/07........10/25/07........12/05/07
hopeful_laura.......NSC > CSC.....09/07/07..........09/10/07........11/01/07........--/--/--
FVA.................NSC > CSC.....09/10/07..........10/02/07........11/01/07........12/03/07
pedroh..............TSC > CSC.....09/10/07..........10/04/07........11/14/07........12/27/07
Nina C..............VSC...........09/13/07..........10/04/07........11/01/07........--/--/--
Canuck 78...........TSC > CSC.....09/13/07..........10/18/07........03/12/08........--/--/--
Moldovandish........TSC > CSC.....09/14/07..........09/18/07........12/15/07........01/25/08
KTAN................NSC > CSC.....09/14/07..........09/17/07........11/21/07........12/18/07
statman78...........NSC > CSC.....09/17/07..........10/15/07........11/08/07........12/27/07
BigPhil65...........TSC > CSC.....09/17/07..........11/09/07........01/22/08........
Spiderette..........NSC > CSC.....09/18/07..........09/18/07........11/08/07........03/07/08
steve_n_carolyn.....NSC > CSC.....09/19/07..........09/19/07........11/02/07........12/19/07
Wild Wind...........CSC...........09/20/07..........09/24/07........11/15/07........12/11/07
Zephod..............TSC > CSC.....09/20/07..........09/20/07........12/19/07........01/15/08
Germerican..........NSC > CSC.....09/22/07..........09/24/07........11/17/07........12/07/07
Serenity............NSC > CSC.....09/25/07..........09/25/07........11/23/07........12/07/07
Buckeye6976.........NSC > CSC.....09/27/07..........10/01/07........11/23/07........12/13/07
AfricanQueen........TSC > CSC.....10/05/07..........10/10/07........12/18/07........--/--/--
wife_of_mahmoud.....TSC > CSC.....10/15/07..........10/17/07........01/24/08........03/20/08
Christephanie.......NSC > CSC.....10/16/07..........10/18/07........12/22/07........01/07/08
dmaddox74...........TSC > CSC.....10/17/07..........10/20/07........12/20/07........--/--/--
michaelp............NSC > CSC.....10/09/07..........10/11/07........--/--/--........12/11/07
Sheryll.............NSC > CSC.....10/31/07..........11/19/07........12/12/07........12/18/07
RichardS............TSC > CSC.....11/05/07..........11/08/07........01/08/08........--/--/--
jsnearline..........NSC > CSC.....11/03/07..........11/05/07........12/14/07........01/15/08
Debra&John..........NSC > CSC.....11/05/07..........11/07/07........12/20/07........01/10/08
myfellah............NSC > CSC.....11/05/07..........11/07/07........12/21/07........--/--/--
bristolsweetie......NSC > CSC.....11/06/07..........11/08/07........12/19/07........01/04/08
Ephesia............ NSC > CSC.....11/12/07..........11/13/07........01/15/08........03/18/08
MichelleandCraig....NSC > CSC.....11/--/07..........11/23/07........01/07/08........--/--/--
haiti...............TSC > CSC.....11/28/07..........11/29/07........01/25/08........02/08/08
Anmar.........NSC > CSC.....12/04/07..........12/05/07........01/09/08........03/28/08
luv2teach77.........NSC > CSC.....12/06/07..........12/21/07........01/09/08........03/27/08
tnh9479.............TSC > VSC.....12/10/07..........12/26/07........02/14/08........--/--/--
minha_raposa........TSC > VSC.....12/13/07..........01/03/08........02/13/08........--/--/--
Bootylicious........TSC > VSC.....12/14/07..........12/27/07........02/08/08........--/--/--
lzxx4x..............NSC > CSC.....12/21/07..........01/07/08........01/29/08........--/--/--
Modano..............NSC > CSC.....01/04/08..........01/15/08........02/12/08........03/13/08
chankanaku..........NSC > CSC.....01/06/08..........01/11/08........02/14/08........03/19/08
CarolineM...........TSC > VSC.....01/08/08..........01/31/08........02/22/08........--/--/--
Babsi...............NSC > CSC.....01/10/08..........01/18/08........02/12/08........03/07/08
> VSC.....01/25/08..........02/06/08........--/--/--........--/--/--
radacos.............NSC > CSC ....01/28/08..........01/28/08........02/25/08........--/--/--
Ashish..............NSC > CSC.....02/25/08..........02/27/08........--/--/--........--/--/--
> CSC.....03/01/08..........03/10/08........03/28/08........--/--/--
Perfect (K2)........CSC...........03/14/08..........03/17/08........--/--/--........--/--/--


IMPORTANT! Before you edit this list, please make sure that your VJ Text Editor setting is set
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Edited by LindsC, 29 March 2008 - 06:55 PM.

Mum2LGandCFemaleCanada2008-03-29 18:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApproved today!!
Hi Everyone!,

Maryna and I just got our NOA2 in the mail today (effective 6/28/07). Online shows no status change since 6/21 at which time we had touches about three days in a row prior to 6/21. I figured we had been caught up in the security backlog.

So, hang in there if you don't see a online status change because you just never know what surprises CSC is going to send to all you good boys and girls!
Woo HOO!!!! :dance:
HUSKERKIEVMaleUkraine2007-07-09 14:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProblem with "Ongoing Relationship" Supporting Evidence for fiance's interview

Because I hate rambling posts I will try to state mine as clearly as possible.
For my initial K1 application, I used a frequent flyer printout to prove meeting my fiance,along with pictures.

Since filing the application and receiving the NOA2, I traveled to see my fiance again and planned on bringing another FF mile printout to him for his interview,along with the new pictures taken on the second trip.

My problem
Anyway, it seems that after flying on an alleged partner airline,of my main FF account,the "main airline" has refused to honor the flight,because they said it was bought at the lowest rate :whistle: ... hence ,no printout!

My thought process

So what do I do now????? I do have the itinerary,but after reading the guides on here, it seems like maybe that in itself is not enough. Now I do have the new set of pictures to go with the itinerary,but I don't have any boarding passes,because I swiped my FF card on all legs of the flight and assumed that it would be credited! I didn't use my ATM card there because he paid for everything.

Can anyone suggest what would be something good to do?

I promise I really,really,really did read the guides.

You will have your passport entrance and exit stamps and these bumped against the itinerary should help to validate the trip. The fact that you will have made a second trip always helps more than anything else. A second trip (and subsequent ones) carry a lot of weight to lebnd credibility to the 'developing or "ongoing" relationship.
HUSKERKIEVMaleUkraine2007-02-22 22:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures8 CFR Immigration Regulatory Guidance Link

Thank you! Now, is it possible to have this pinned?

I would recommend to the board adminstrators to pin 8 CFR as a reference for people. Maybe not this thread, but a workable hyperlink to 8 CFR. for what its worth.
HUSKERKIEVMaleUkraine2007-02-24 10:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures8 CFR Immigration Regulatory Guidance Link
You all might want to look at Sec. 103 as this pertains to your petitions and RFE's, Denials and appeals things that a lot of people have asked about. Especially RFE's.

Also keep in mind you need to keep your G-28 form (Entry as Atty or Lawyer) current if there have been any changes in this. Some of you have said you stopped using a certain atty, so you need to update this with CIS.
HUSKERKIEVMaleUkraine2007-02-23 20:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures8 CFR Immigration Regulatory Guidance Link
Spouses, Finacee's and Fiances

Spouses, Finacee's and Fiances

My bad, try this one.

Spouses, Finacee's and Fiances

Spouses, Finacee's and Fiances

My bad, try this one.

Sorry but the hyper link won't take but you all fall into Sec.214.2.k
HUSKERKIEVMaleUkraine2007-02-23 19:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures8 CFR Immigration Regulatory Guidance Link
Bad link. Try this one.
HUSKERKIEVMaleUkraine2007-02-23 19:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures8 CFR Immigration Regulatory Guidance Link
Evereyone, here is a link to the 8 CFR whihc governs immigration. Hopefully it can answer some of the more detailed questions you might have.
HUSKERKIEVMaleUkraine2007-02-23 19:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresnov filers w/o noa2. last touch was?

It is incredibly insightful but also a bit frustrating. If you suspect an error how do you correct it or inquire upon it if they won't talk to you about it because they are posting CYA processing times....

A couple things that be helpful to know. First having been a "Contact Representative (CR)" (official job title of the people who work the phone lines) before I moved on to adjudicating, I have had experience in fielding calls from folks. The first thing I would say is that when you are finally put in touch with a CR, be polite.

They get all kinds of disrespect and worse thrown at them throughout the day from inconsiderate folks, so when you finally get connected be a nice person or someone with a sense of humor, its very refreshing and basic human nature is to want to help this person rather than just give them the basic info and end the call. I personally used to hate answering calls from the paralegals. They were the worst. They would always try to ask about more than one case (limit 1 case per call) or throw their atty name as weight around. Let me tell you, as a contact rep we really don't care who your atty is. It has no bearing on anything and it only alienates you from the person on the other end of the phone in most cases.

Another note, We were given permission to end a call if the person became verbally abusive. So keep that in mind also.

When I was there they were transitioning to the national call center insetad of each service center having its own CR's. As a CR, you only have limited access to information (ie # of computer screens that you can access). You do not have the same level of access that the officers have. So, the amount of information they can provide is "finite" or limited. So, keep that in mind. They are not officers and have limited authority to do things. We used to be able to internally email an officer who had the case file if the situation warranted, request a file and research the case (but not approve/deny). But I am sure that this has changed because the CR's are in a remote location (ie not colocated within the service center where the case files are).

To sum up. CR's are real people who again are just trying to do thier job, continually dodging verbal bullets thrown by inconsiderate applicants while trying to provide outstanding cutomer service to CIS customers. They have limited authority and can can access limited information (Processing times) and make limited changes such as an address change. Language can also be a problem. If you can't speak English clearly then have someone who can make the call. The CR will ask for your permission to discuss the call with the english speaker. Not a problem, just get on the line and tell the CR you give your permission. It wil make it much easier.

Now about errors and correcting them. The majority of information IS entered into the system correctly and verifed throughout an applicants journey through the system. If an error is found it could raise an RFE if its not someting simple like a juxtaposed letter/numeral etc. Something like a discrepancy of an address, SSN etc...

As a CR, I used to get a lot of calls saying that "I never received X& Such notice or the RFE etc" Our first question as a CR was - have you moved. Usually the answer was "yes". Then it was like "Ok, here's your sign..." No actually, we would like to say that in many cases (you wouldn't believe some the callers) but since we were professionals we never resorted to putdowns like that. What we do is we would update the address in the database and request that the information be resent to the new address on file. Remember, Ultimately it's the customers responsibility to keep an accurate address and acurate G-28 on file with CIS. If you move, its not our responsibility to find you.

As a side note, CIS mailed documents have instructions to the postmaster not to forward to a new address because of the black market for green cards and other information. Mail will be returned to the CIS service center as undeliverable. So KEEP YOUR ADDRESS CURRENT.

So, unless there is a glaring error you discover (oops i left out my SSN or something) then don't sweat it. The system will correct minor things. I asume that you kept a copy of everythingyou sent in and you can check to make sure you did evrything on your part to make it as correct and complete an application as you could. Internal errors there is very little you can do anything about, but trust that they will find and fix anythingthat might hold up your petition.
HUSKERKIEVMaleUkraine2007-02-24 12:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresnov filers w/o noa2. last touch was?

That is why this touch concept is such an unknown.... The USCIS online status system is so inconsistent.... I am waiting for the USPS... I wont believe until I have the physical document in my hands...

Oh, BTW... my last touch was 02.21

Touches can mean a lot of things. Usually they mean a change in status or something is being changed in the file.

It can be an "approval" or it can something as simple as a typo error being caught and corrected (ie name or birthdate originally incorrectly keyed/fat fingered wrong into the system and officer catches it and makes the correction), it could mean an RFE was sent or RFE response recieved. It could mean its being transferred to a different section internally (with the center). It can mean a lot of things.

as a sidebar I'll add that little errors can cause big problems so when an officer catches one, its best to correct it right then. This is very common with foreign names where the names are not the same as western names and you (the officer) have to figure out what is the first, middle name and surname. Sometimes these names get juxtaposed in the system which causes a hiccup so to speak. I hate to point the finger at data entry people, but if they don't enter correct information into the system when the petition comes in then it will stay incorrect in the system until its brought to someones attention and corrected (ie a change of address being filed or called in or a case being worked).

We all know how easy it is to fatfinger our keys when entering data or typing a post here. Imagine entering foreign names and data all day everyday into a database as your job. After awhile you just get tired, all the names/letters start to run together and pretty soon you can drop a letter or two or transpose a correct date or something. Its just part of being human.

Another thing is you may have an inexperienced/newly hired officer adjudicating your petition and he makes a mistake (as we all do when we are in training for any job/part of learning). The mistake might not be caught until a supervisor reviews the case or its caught somewhere down the line. Inthe mean time it can potentially cause problems.

But touches are basically a change of information or staus pertaining to the actual case.

So, I hope that gives some additional insight into touches.
HUSKERKIEVMaleUkraine2007-02-24 10:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI 129f ALIEN's birth certificate

It wont hurt to include it i you have it

True. :yes:

I agree.
HUSKERKIEVMaleUkraine2007-02-25 00:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI 129f ALIEN's birth certificate

I was told to include it by a friend that has her own immigration business. She does hundreds of filings each year. However, now that we are waiting for our interview to be scheduled I've gone ahead and told my fiancee to get another one since it's required and we're not sure where the first one is. I emailed the Embassy yesterday, no response as yet.
Anybody know where added docs might go to??

Everything you submit stays with the file. Left side.
HUSKERKIEVMaleUkraine2007-02-23 20:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFirst Come First Served
[quote name='Jim&Gemz' post='743456' date='Feb 24 2007, 11:53 AM'][quote name='HUSKERKIEV' post='743446' date='Feb 24 2007, 12:46 PM'][quote name='TracyTN' post='743423' date='Feb 24 2007, 11:21 AM']
Wow - are there still October filers left?

I think the 'first come first served' is a load of bollocks. I suppose it is true if you don't get the slowest adjudicator on God's green earth, but if you happen to get in the box of someone who either doesn't do family/marriage related visas, or a noob, then you're screwed.

No, thats simply not true. All cases are processed in a first in first out date order. Petitions may lag behind because they get siphoned off for security screening, awaiting Responses to RFE's and other reasons.

Also Adjudicators only work/adjudicate one type of petition at a time. Meaning an officer adjudicating I129F's won't be adjudciating I-131's or 485's or something else at the same time. You work in a section, meaning you are assigned to a section who is processing I129F's and you stay there processing only 129F's everyday unless you are cross trained in something else, request a transfer or are tapped to work in another section for a short assignment. But CIS will never "Mix n' Match".[/quote]

Husk, if they decide to do security checks can that add a significant delay? Do they ever run local police checks and have to wait on paper replies?

YEs, Security screening can add significant delays depending upon what issues need to be cleared before further processing. And chance are in Post 911 there are a lot of people in line ahead of you in the security screening que. As for local police checks, everything is via database access, no paper.
HUSKERKIEVMaleUkraine2007-02-24 12:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFirst Come First Served
[quote name='TracyTN' date='Feb 24 2007, 11:21 AM' post='743423']
Wow - are there still October filers left?

I think the 'first come first served' is a load of bollocks. I suppose it is true if you don't get the slowest adjudicator on God's green earth, but if you happen to get in the box of someone who either doesn't do family/marriage related visas, or a noob, then you're screwed.

No, thats simply not true. All cases are processed in a first in first out date order. Petitions may lag behind because they get siphoned off for security screening, awaiting Responses to RFE's and other reasons.

Also Adjudicators only work/adjudicate one type of petition at a time. Meaning an officer adjudicating I129F's won't be adjudciating I-131's or 485's or something else at the same time. You work in a section, meaning you are assigned to a section who is processing I129F's and you stay there processing only 129F's everyday unless you are cross trained in something else, request a transfer or are tapped to work in another section for a short assignment. But CIS will never "Mix n' Match".
HUSKERKIEVMaleUkraine2007-02-24 12:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat time of day does USCIS update case status?

Just consider yourself lucky you are VSC! I just got my NOA2 yesterday and I've been waiting *somewhat* patiently for the past 2.5 months with no activity on my account!!

As for when they update, it appears to be somewhat sporadic. I know it can happen whenever they open your file, etc...but what kind of hours do these people hold! We got our NOA2 email at 4 AM (UK time), so 8PM California time. I know that is not THAT late...but who works at 8PM at night! I also know that some people have received touches and notifications on Sundays. So apparently it can happen 24/7.

Good Luck!

Just thought I'd chime in here about the wierd times and work hours. Keep in mind that when I worked there the "work from home" option was available for adjudicators. So, what you may have is someone who is working from home, dialing into the server and working thier cases for whatever reason on the weekends, strange hours etc... They may be trying to catch up, get ahead or getting ready to go on leave and want to get all thier work done. You also have people that work 4/10's meaning they work 4 10 hr days and have 3 days off.

Thats one explanation. Another would be that the contractor personnel work 24/7 and they may be moving your file around, staging it, routing it etc... and also card production I believe (don't quote me on this) worked 24/7 actualy turning out green cards and travel documents etc..

Hope that takes som eof the mystery out of it. Probably an adjudicator with insomnia ;)
HUSKERKIEVMaleUkraine2007-03-02 07:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureshuskerkiev

Not only that but he was a USCIS employee, not a CO in charge of approving visas at the embassy. :wacko:

Hi Everyone.
I just wanted to chime in and let you know that I was still here albeit very busy in my personal life in preparation for my gal's arrival this summer and work.

Also, in discussing (with other members) the answering of these intricate questions, the consensus was that everything should be in the public forum and not via PM. This was for the benefit of the larger community of VJ members and that the resident expertise and experienece that makes up these various forums could be brought to bear on your specific question. I also recommend using the CFR's as they are the most current guidelines.

So, yes I have kinda backed off on answering most of the questions posed to me. Its nothing personal and I will chime in where and when I can in an attempt to be helpful, but if I don't think I can contribute, then I probably won't say anything. A lot of the procedural and borderline legal type questions I don't feel comfortable answering because 1) I worked there some time ago and things probably have changed in the interim and 2) I don't give legal advice because of the serious ramifications of being worng. The last thing I would want to do is advise someone of something only to have it slow down thier personal journey. So, I hope you all understand.

BTW the fellow who signed for your packet (Hienauer) is the director of the NSC - probably a generic rubber stamp type of thing. When he was the Omaha District office manager, I used to coach his kid in soccer
HUSKERKIEVMaleUkraine2007-04-15 07:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE question

I had to send in more evidence, I send that in, how long before they will get back to me....
RFE on 2/12/07 and I send the evidence on the 4/6/07...

You should see some movement in your status any day now. I expect you'll experience a couple touches as the RFE info is input and recvd, and the case is worked once again. Hang in there!
HUSKERKIEVMaleUkraine2007-04-23 23:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa issued today!
Hey Everyone, just wanted to let you know that Maryna had her interview today and passed with flying colors. The only thing Kiev wanted to look at was our personal correspondence, otherwise no questions of substance.

Visa issued and she leaves in a week or so.

Thanks for all your help and support.
HUSKERKIEVMaleUkraine2007-09-26 15:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 visa
QUOTE (CherryXS @ Oct 2 2007, 09:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Pras came from Hyderabad (India) to Detroit on a one-way--enough said!

Just went through this very thing. After the k1 was approved I fedex'd a 1 way ticket to Kiev for her trip this sunday.

The reason I had to FEDEX it was the website that I got my great fare on only issued paper tickets, otherwise I'm sure I would have gotten e-tickets for her, had they been an option.

Basically, RT tickets are not a requirement and the consulate is not interested in your travel arrangements. I am not aware of any requirement by the Ukrainian government and why should they care since she has a US Visa anyway.

FYI- my fare with less than a weeks notice before purchasing was $650 from Kiev to Chicago (1 way). I found fares for as low as $525 but they needed a 2 week advance. If you want the name of the website for cheap airfares PM me.
HUSKERKIEVMaleUkraine2007-10-03 09:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance Visa denial
Just to clarify what I said regarding sending my fiancee our email traffic - I printed off a representative sampling for her to show at the interview, not the for the initial petition.

Hope that helps.
HUSKERKIEVMaleUkraine2007-10-22 18:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance Visa denial
Hang in there buddy. Regarding the email etc.... Maryna and I saw each other once thus meeting the requirement. We would have met again (and planed to) but schedules wouldn't permit.

So, I too was concerned because all we had was email traffic between the two of us, cards and letters. No telephone records and only pictures from our initial visit together. As she told me, the Kiev embassy did not spend much time looking at any of the evidence and they had to be prompted by Maryna to look at our emails. He was impressed that I wrote lengthy emails in Russian (I use a online translator). That seemed to have been important to him for whatever reason.

The key is that you show that you communicate on a regular basis. I think I outwrote Maryna probably on a 4-1 basis simply because I had easy access vs here using the more difficult internet cafe method. I also sent cards every week to both her and her daughter and vice versa. Exchanging pictures of family and holidays also is important. As would be expected of two people who plan on merging their families. It is important for them to save everything that you send them and vice versa. On the bigger packages, have her cut off the postage to prove she got packages from you.

Then when its time for your interview send her everything that she has sent to you and print off all your emails too. They can connect the dots from there.

Good luck.
HUSKERKIEVMaleUkraine2007-10-22 13:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures1st post former NSC adjudicator now petitioner
Wei Wei,
Disregard the PMing me.
After thinking about it, I think it might be best if you maybe started a sepaarte thread on the topic, that way you can get some more input into your unqiue situation from fellow VJer's.
Why don't you try that first and see what answers you can come up with. D.
HUSKERKIEVMaleUkraine2007-03-04 09:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures1st post former NSC adjudicator now petitioner

I have a question...

I have filed a K-1 in 2000. That marriage ended in divorce in 2003.
I filed a I-130 in 2004, but that ended in divorce 2006.

I just flat made some bad choices in women.

I wrote an explanation to both marriages, and divorces with my I-130 I just filed.Under IMBRA, I dont need a wavier based on I did not file 2 K visas in the 2 year period. I hope that is correct anyway.

What I am really curious about is what a adjudicator thinks about someone that files more than 2 visa petitions.

thanks for all the insight you have given to the visa process also in this thread.


Wei Wei,
First, thank you for your kudo's about helpful insight. I try.

Next - Boy, you sure throw the hard questions out there don't you... Look, I'm not going to answer this as a former adjudicator but a a person who has been to the otherside (divorce) and back gain. You may not like what I have to say, but you asked my opinion.

My situation was that I was the recipient of an unwanted surprise divorce back in '04 after 13 years of marriage (my 1st). I speak/know from personal experience that I was not emotionally capable of giving my heart away to someone else for quite a long time afterwards, as is usually the case. Devastated, I used that time for "me" time, meaning that I took a very long, hard and sometimes painful look at myself and embarked on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth for which I am very glad I did. It allowed me to heal from a very deep wound that I had received and become an even better and more self-enlightened person than I was at the time. So, in that regard I am glad I had to endure the divorce because I came out better on the otherside, even though I would never wish anything like that upon my worst enemies.

That having been said, I would say to you that maybe instead of wondering what an adjudicator would say to you regarding having just filed for yet another bride, my thoughts to you would be I think you need to take a hard look at yourself and the choices you are making in life and why you are making them. From what you tell me, you are engaged in some sort of a behaviour pattern here. The reasons why are known only to you and it's none of my business as to the "why" part of the question. But you even admitted that you made some "bad choices in women". Why? Why did you make bad choices? What made them bad choices? What have you learned from your bad choices and how are you going to keep from making bad choices in the future? This is all about you my friend. You don't know yourself. And until you take the time that is neccessary to "know" yourself and why you do things, you'll continue to make "bad choices". and whats to say that in 2009 or 2010 you'll be posting again about the next unfortunate event in your life.

So, I know I am being blunt and it is not my intention to pass judgement on you. Bad things happen to good people sometimes. But, I feel that until you sort things out in yourself, you may continue this pattern of unsuccesful relationships be it with a USC or a foreigner. I would encourage you that in order to be fair to any woman that you decide to get close to, that you need to get to the bottom of why you are doing these behaviours. Do this is to avoid hurting not only yourself more, but worse - the woman you love.

As we say here in Nebraska, "There is a time to get back up on the horse and ride after being bucked off and then there is a time to learn how to become a better rider before even getting back on a horse". Take the time to become a better rider, your new bride will thank you for it and you'll be happier in the long run.

That's my answer to your question. D.

That is a fair assessment for what little I wrote and told.

I know several people that are their 3rd petitions. I know this looks bad myself. I would think the same thing you just wrote. Falling off that horse must have damaged my head the first time, cause why am I on the 3rd petition now.

Let me tell you I wrote my reasons with my I-129F K-3 petition because I feared the adjudicator would think I am crazy that I can pick a 3rd woman and succeed.

My case of K-1 that ended in divorce, the girl developed a medical condition and wanted to return to china. At that point she then requested I file for divorce from her. Nothing I can do about it really, she is in Beijing, and I am in the USA, and she plainly tells me that she is not coming back the USA to be with me.

2nd case was a Chinese girl that was already in the USA, but only on a F-1 visa ( student visa ). She had a F-1 visa that was good to 2007 for a PHD program. So it is not like she married me to stay in the USA, and her sister is a USC also anyway. The girl was just to much to put up with in my life of simple, and she was extremely difficult to put up with. I also would not have a child with her, and that was my fault for the age difference.

So, I am not frugal in marriage, but made a bad decision to marry the PHD girl.

Just to let you know. The girl I have married now is just the best person I have ever met in my life. She is not only my wife today, but finally my best friend. I have went to china 3 times before I even filed the I-130. I have stayed 72 days total in China with her.

I documented all this with the I-130, and the K-3 petitions I filed in the last 4 weeks.

Thanks again, I know you based the previous answer on very little info.


Wei Wei,
Obviously you have extentuating circumstances given that more about the situation is known. As I said in my earlier post - "sometimes bad things happen to good people" and you obviously fall into that category and not the former (need to work on your judgement). So, obviously my comments did not apply in your particular case and thanks for taking what I said in stride.

That being said, why don't you PM me and lets take this offline. I'll see what I can come up with for you. Cheers mate. D.
HUSKERKIEVMaleUkraine2007-03-04 09:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures1st post former NSC adjudicator now petitioner

I have a question...

I have filed a K-1 in 2000. That marriage ended in divorce in 2003.
I filed a I-130 in 2004, but that ended in divorce 2006.

I just flat made some bad choices in women.

I wrote an explanation to both marriages, and divorces with my I-130 I just filed.Under IMBRA, I dont need a wavier based on I did not file 2 K visas in the 2 year period. I hope that is correct anyway.

What I am really curious about is what a adjudicator thinks about someone that files more than 2 visa petitions.

thanks for all the insight you have given to the visa process also in this thread.


Wei Wei,
First, thank you for your kudo's about helpful insight. I try.

Next - Boy, you sure throw the hard questions out there don't you... Look, I'm not going to answer this as a former adjudicator but a a person who has been to the otherside (divorce) and back gain. You may not like what I have to say, but you asked my opinion.

My situation was that I was the recipient of an unwanted surprise divorce back in '04 after 13 years of marriage (my 1st). I speak/know from personal experience that I was not emotionally capable of giving my heart away to someone else for quite a long time afterwards, as is usually the case. Devastated, I used that time for "me" time, meaning that I took a very long, hard and sometimes painful look at myself and embarked on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth for which I am very glad I did. It allowed me to heal from a very deep wound that I had received and become an even better and more self-enlightened person than I was at the time. So, in that regard I am glad I had to endure the divorce because I came out better on the otherside, even though I would never wish anything like that upon my worst enemies.

That having been said, I would say to you that maybe instead of wondering what an adjudicator would say to you regarding having just filed for yet another bride, my thoughts to you would be I think you need to take a hard look at yourself and the choices you are making in life and why you are making them. From what you tell me, you are engaged in some sort of a behaviour pattern here. The reasons why are known only to you and it's none of my business as to the "why" part of the question. But you even admitted that you made some "bad choices in women". Why? Why did you make bad choices? What made them bad choices? What have you learned from your bad choices and how are you going to keep from making bad choices in the future? This is all about you my friend. You don't know yourself. And until you take the time that is neccessary to "know" yourself and why you do things, you'll continue to make "bad choices". and whats to say that in 2009 or 2010 you'll be posting again about the next unfortunate event in your life.

So, I know I am being blunt and it is not my intention to pass judgement on you. Bad things happen to good people sometimes. But, I feel that until you sort things out in yourself, you may continue this pattern of unsuccesful relationships be it with a USC or a foreigner. I would encourage you that in order to be fair to any woman that you decide to get close to, that you need to get to the bottom of why you are doing these behaviours. Do this is to avoid hurting not only yourself more, but worse - the woman you love.

As we say here in Nebraska, "There is a time to get back up on the horse and ride after being bucked off and then there is a time to learn how to become a better rider before even getting back on a horse". Take the time to become a better rider, your new bride will thank you for it and you'll be happier in the long run.

That's my answer to your question. D.
HUSKERKIEVMaleUkraine2007-03-04 01:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures1st post former NSC adjudicator now petitioner

HI huskerkiev:)
Welcome here!
I see u help a lot with your knowledge about how things are done...
I have quite a specific question for u - I was in The States for two summers on J1 visa and I worked there bothe years (of course everything legally), but the matter is I have not filed my taxes for 2005 and 2006 yet. I think I owe some taxes for the year 2005 but I should get some amount back for 2006 ( i prob. owe 300 for 2005 and i should get back like 500 for 2006).So my question is - would that affect our K1 petition?
I really cannot find the answer to that anywhere. I would greatly appreciate if u could help us...Thank you.

To be honest with you I do not know the answer to your question. My personal advice would be to take care of the tax issues as they will only get worse before they get better, if you do not get them taken care of.

I would clear up the 2005 tax issue as soon as possible. You still have until April 15th to file your 2006 taxes. Good luck.
HUSKERKIEVMaleUkraine2007-03-02 18:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI'm going home! <3

Congrats! Glad everything worked out for you.

soapfaceFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-27 04:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPRIL I129F APPROVAL!!! :)

Woah that's great news! Congrats! We have the same NOA1 date and service centre so maybe I'll be right behind you.

soapfaceFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-09 18:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCSC March & April K-1 Filers

There were a good amount of approvals yesterday! Today is 3 months since our NOA1 and I'm feeling positive.

soapfaceFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-11 10:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCSC March & April K-1 Filers

April 6 filer (NOA1 April 11th). My estimation is given as July 27-31 at the moment, but unless things pick up again soon I can't see it happening. I'm in the states at the moment, it would be so good to get our NOA2 before I leave on 12th of August! I'm trying to lower my expectations though, and I'll be happy if it comes within the 5 month timeframe.

soapfaceFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-04 09:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NOA2 Wait is Over - 105 Days

Congrats! My NOA1 is 3 days after yours so I have my fingers crossed for this week too. Good luck with the next stage of the process!

soapfaceFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-23 11:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsi129f APPROVED! :D CSC April Filer


soapfaceFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-24 08:35:00