Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian wisdom from Natasha
QUOTE (seanconneryii @ Apr 21 2008, 11:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Speaking about fans, I don't have a ceiling fan but I have a room air cleaner that's got like 5 speeds and is fairly loud at the higher speeds. I actually like the noise to sleep as it's like white noise.

I'm hoping my wife is not one of those folks who can't sleep with any noise like fans. I've really gotten to like that white noise.

I have a fan that I use for white noise to help me sleep, but Natasha likes it quiet (not to mention the evils of air movement) so they're now both in the closet. Perhaps I can sell the idea of an air 'purifier' though.......
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-04-21 12:08:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian wisdom from Natasha
QUOTE (LvivLovers @ Apr 21 2008, 11:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
As far as pizzas go....I had a few while I was in Lviv...I'm sort of a picky eater so whenever I thought I could get away with I would request pizza. Believe it or not, I liked most of these better than I do American pizzas from the big pizza chains. My wife kept getting corn as one of the pizza toppings...she said I don't eat enough vegetables. It wasn't bad though. I don't know if it's just me but when I was younger I used to think our pizza chain pizzas tasted a whole lot better than they seem to now. I suspect that they have cheapened up the ingredients over time. My experience with Lviv pizzas made me feel like maybe this really is what happened, but of course I can't prove it.

Vika's favorite pizza in Volgodonsk also featured corn, and though I was skeptical I agree with you - not bad at all!
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-04-21 12:05:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian wisdom from Natasha
QUOTE (NavarreMan @ Apr 21 2008, 09:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Had a new experience yesterday. The best way to describe it is that if you get an invite to try "Russian Pizza", run!!!!! We have a trip to Domino's, Pizza Hut or any other pizza joint in the area in our very near future. A Boboli wheat crust, paste, tomatoes and onions just don't do it for the die hard American palate.

From what I could gather, pizza was not on her repertoire of dishes she has made. I think she tried to imitate what she had seen in restaurant. I give her high marks for efforts but to use her own word, it was a "??????".

Unfortunatley we do not have the greatest pizza in our area but I think I can find something we will all enjoy. It gives me a new mission.

She has started inquiring about additional stores besides Wal-Mart and the beach shop. I was hoping that major shopping would not be necessary because I have 4 older sisters and have done all the shopping with women I ever want to do. It looks like I will have to break down and take her to the mall and other shops in Pensacola. Pray for me! innocent.gif

Pizza here has been hit and miss so far, though generally they like the pizza we've tried (Pizza Hut, Papa Murphy's, Little Cesear's). In Russia (Volgodonsk), we ate at the local pizzeria several times and although the pizza was FAR DIFFERENT than what you and I would call pizza, it was good in a different sort of way. As for shopping, we've hit Walmart, Target, ShopKo, 2 different malls, and several smaller stores too. Natasha loves to shop, and as Vika says, now that Natasha has me, Vika doesn't need to go shopping with her any more - that's my job!
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-04-21 09:59:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian wisdom from Natasha
QUOTE (Neonred @ Apr 20 2008, 07:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (jsouthwick @ Apr 19 2008, 07:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (seanconneryii @ Apr 18 2008, 06:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (KGSodie @ Apr 18 2008, 03:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (seanconneryii @ Apr 18 2008, 12:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>'s my funny story about hot versus cold drinks for Russians.

When my wife talks to me on the phone, I stopped having a coke or ice tea while we talk to avoid getting a lecture on how bad it is for me to drink something with ice in it. If she hears the jiggle of ice in my glass, I'm really in for it. At least a 5 minute scolding that cold drinks will harm me and why will I not listen to her sound Russian advice.

I guess I'll have to disconnect my automatic ice maker when she arrives in the USA. smile.gif

When Natasha was in Russia and we would talk on webcam and voice chat, I would get the same lecture as you, SCII, if I was drinking a pop. But, oddly enough, now that she's here she has dropped this particular objection, though she of course doesn't follow this practice herself. I only occasionally get the fact mentioned that it's not good for me, and even then only if I've already got a sniffle.

Luckily, my ice-maker doesn't work. :-)

I'm a ice drinking I'm hoping she'll "Americanize" on this one. smile.gif Otherwise the summer's are going to be VERY long.

You can tell Natasha maybe she's not so far off about me being crazy! These Russian women are psychic, I swear! My wife knows stuff about me and I don't know where she gets it...but she's often right on the money.
My wife gave up trying to wean me off of cold drinks. Love those fountain cokes especially the ice which I like to crunch much to my wife's displeasure and my dentst's delight. It seems every time I go to the dentist he is rubbing his hands in anticipation of a new crown, and I swear I can see dollar signs in his eyes. When you are without huevos you will bend over for anyone, in the dentist's case it is to pick my pocket.

My wife keeps telling me I will catch a cold from using ice in my drinks, but then she wants to sleep with the windows open on cold nights and keep the ceiling fan running on high the whole time. I wake up in the morning with a scratchy throat and she immediately blames that drink with ice from a few days ago and scolds me for not listening to her about avoiding drinks with ice.

We have a ceiling fan in our room, but it hasn't gotten hot enough yet for Natasha to want to use it. I'm not certain she'll ever want to use it, since she doesn't seem to think that having air blowing directly on you is good for you in any way!
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-04-21 09:54:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian wisdom from Natasha
QUOTE (seanconneryii @ Apr 20 2008, 03:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My wife is already stockpiling medicines to bring over...both the true medical variety and the herbal variety which Russians seem into...especially teas. I'm hoping the customs people are having a lazy day when she arrives.

Guess i better brace for the "Russian doctors are better than US doctors" comments. Only I have an ace up my sleeve...I've been to a Russian hospital and seen a Russian doctor...and I was not fact I was shocked! In fairness, this was an emergency room setting but it was pretty bad.

I have to say you can certainly get a lot stronger stuff over the counter in Russia. I took some pills for joint aches for a trip home from Russia. I took them just before we took off and about 15 minutes later I had zero pain (couldn't feel my body in fact!) and a very comfortable flight considering i was riding those coach seats that seem designed for dwarfs.

As an aside, on my last trip over and back I got a free upgrade to United Air's "coach plus" seats. What a difference! Good leg room and bigger seat. I was shocked how comfortable they were (or maybe I was just remembering the "cozy" local flight on Aeroflot's antiques. I swear they keep those things flying with duck tape and bailing twine. Anyway, for coach plus seats, I don't think you pay much more for them and if you complain about almost anything they'll give you the upgrade for free.

Never been to a Russian hospital, but I agree that the OTC stuff there seems to be pretty good stuff. We visited many pharmacies in Russia, with the women with the little white hats dispensing medicinal (i.e. "flower") advice. Good times!
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-04-21 09:47:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian wisdom from Natasha
QUOTE (peejay @ Apr 19 2008, 12:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I pretty much skimmed through the whole thread and found that my wife has a lot of similar traits that others described.

My wife often uses the "foo" word to show her dislike of something. I didn't realize it was a Russian idiom. I never heard my stepdaughter use it though. I have heard many Belarusian women use the term "oi, oi, oi" while shaking their head to convey their disapproval of something. Jews are famous for using the same idiom, but the Belarusian women I know that use it aren't Jewish. Large portions of Belarus were a part of the old Tsarist era Pale of Settlement where Jews were required to live, so that may explain that regionalism. My wife was born and raised in Russia, so that probablty explains why she uses "foo" instead of "oi, oi, oi".

My wife also distains colas, but her daughter loves them. Neither of them likes kvas, but I have a taste for it. My wife and many of the Russian / Belarusian women I know love their tea. My wife can't live without it and drinks it with milk or cream. She also likes her juice and it is drunk at room temperature. It sits on the counter unrefridgerated.

We are fortunate to live in an area of Houston close to our house that has two Russian stores that stock foods, medicines, books, movies, etc. from Eastern Europe and many of the former Soviet republics. I lived there even before I met my wife, so it has turned out to be a plus. She has discovered American brands that are acceptable to her, but has the Russian stores to fall back on for certain things. Most notably unrefined sunflower oil, halva, various sweets, church wine (Kagor), and buckwheat (gretchka) comes to mind.

Russians / Belarusians tend to prefer pork over beef. My wife seldom cooks beef. Pork, chicken, and fish is prefered in that order. I'm not a huge fan of pork, but have learned to live with it.

My wife also does not like the American health care system (insurance), doctors, dentists, or medicines. I had a real fun time trying to convince her that our American thyroxine was the same as the thyroxine she got in Belarus. While our system has a lot not to like, I think most of the distain comes from having to pay and pay and pay. My wife is also a huge believer in natural cures and old wives cures from the village. Some of it is OK for minor ailments, but it can also be detrimental if someone refuses competent medical care for serious medical conditions. We often butt heads when she nags me about my decision to go to "my" American doctors rather than letting her cure me.

My wife is also superstitious, but so are some Americans. My wife is probably one of the most superstitious people I ever met though. Most of the time I play along with it to indulge her, but I only go so far with it. There is a limit.

I could probably write a book on my many observations, but I'll stop here for now. One observation that I would like to make is that people are not entirely the same even when they come from the same country. People might have similar beliefs, attitudes, etc. they aquire from their upbringing and culture, but they are still individuals and are different in their own way. Russians are not monolithic. They are not all exactly the same.

Good stuff, peejay, and many thanks for sharing. Natasha eats beef here, even though back in Russia they ate it very infrequently (she also says she likes it). Natasha and Vika both do the 'oi oi oi' thing too. Sadly, Omaha has one 2 Russian stores that I have been able to find. One is down in the fru-fru section of town and is very expensive, and very selective in what they stock (It's called "Red Square"). The other is a gas station named "Terror-free Oil" and though very small, stocked every day stuff that made Natasha feel like home.
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-04-21 09:42:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian wisdom from Natasha
QUOTE (Bobalouie @ Apr 18 2008, 09:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (eekee @ Apr 18 2008, 08:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Not that i would have voted for McCain anyway (though I am not thrilled with either Hillary or Obama), but to me it seems like he controls his temper only slightly better than Zhirinovsky does. That kind of lack of control is not something I personally want to see in a head of state.

Obama gets the young folks excited, but it all seems like empty rhetoric to me. I want to see real plans, not an inspiring speech. I think it's good that we're seeing record voter registration and turnout though.

QUOTE (seanconneryii @ Apr 18 2008, 08:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Loathing. Wow...quite a Freudian slip, eh? I see you got I meant loafing. smile.gif
I'm numbing out on the politics thing. The whole process just takes to long. Not thrilled with any of them deep down in my heart. McCain's a brother Nam vet and I feel connected to him for that, but he's getting old. I actually liked a lot of what Ron Paul had to say but he always looked bad during the debates. Like Obama, Paul got the young folks excited.

My feelings on the whole election is that this will be the third presidential election where none of the candidates are electable in my opinion. It is a very sad state of affairs within American politics when we cant even find a single worthwhile standout candidate in either party.

And the fact that Paul got no press time really infuriates me. All candidates should be afforded the same privledges. In this election we will be making the choice for president from the candidtates that BIG MEDIA wants us to choose from. Paul actually did well in a few states in the primaries but it often went unreported. I dont think Paul would have been a winner, but he would have done much better if he was treated equally. Huckabee was another that was often overlooked by the media.

When 'they' went to a 2-party system, that eliminated the realistic chance that any independent (non-Republican and non-Democrat) could ever be elected. Then the media came into play, and now the candidates seem to get more bland with each passing year. No one wants to "look bad" on TV, so they all go with safe, canned platforms. Very sad. The election (and especially electoral college) system is badly in need of an overhaul, as are the tax laws/system (and social security, etc). But the lobbyists keep on pouring in the money, and it's doubtful any meaningful change will ever come to be.
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-04-21 09:33:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian wisdom from Natasha
QUOTE (seanconneryii @ Apr 18 2008, 06:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (KGSodie @ Apr 18 2008, 03:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (seanconneryii @ Apr 18 2008, 12:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>'s my funny story about hot versus cold drinks for Russians.

When my wife talks to me on the phone, I stopped having a coke or ice tea while we talk to avoid getting a lecture on how bad it is for me to drink something with ice in it. If she hears the jiggle of ice in my glass, I'm really in for it. At least a 5 minute scolding that cold drinks will harm me and why will I not listen to her sound Russian advice.

I guess I'll have to disconnect my automatic ice maker when she arrives in the USA. smile.gif

When Natasha was in Russia and we would talk on webcam and voice chat, I would get the same lecture as you, SCII, if I was drinking a pop. But, oddly enough, now that she's here she has dropped this particular objection, though she of course doesn't follow this practice herself. I only occasionally get the fact mentioned that it's not good for me, and even then only if I've already got a sniffle.

Luckily, my ice-maker doesn't work. :-)

I'm a ice drinking I'm hoping she'll "Americanize" on this one. smile.gif Otherwise the summer's are going to be VERY long.

You can tell Natasha maybe she's not so far off about me being crazy! These Russian women are psychic, I swear! My wife knows stuff about me and I don't know where she gets it...but she's often right on the money.

lol scii, I hear you on that one. It's kinda spooky, isn't it? For me, it's on the same level as how they can just pose for a photo. When I try and 'pose', I wind up looking constipated or something, but Natasha always looks fabulous. I have no idea how they do it.
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-04-21 09:19:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian wisdom from Natasha
QUOTE (seanconneryii @ Apr 18 2008, 12:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>'s my funny story about hot versus cold drinks for Russians.

When my wife talks to me on the phone, I stopped having a coke or ice tea while we talk to avoid getting a lecture on how bad it is for me to drink something with ice in it. If she hears the jiggle of ice in my glass, I'm really in for it. At least a 5 minute scolding that cold drinks will harm me and why will I not listen to her sound Russian advice.

I guess I'll have to disconnect my automatic ice maker when she arrives in the USA. smile.gif

When Natasha was in Russia and we would talk on webcam and voice chat, I would get the same lecture as you, SCII, if I was drinking a pop. But, oddly enough, now that she's here she has dropped this particular objection, though she of course doesn't follow this practice herself. I only occasionally get the fact mentioned that it's not good for me, and even then only if I've already got a sniffle.

Luckily, my ice-maker doesn't work. :-)
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-04-18 14:52:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian wisdom from Natasha
QUOTE (NavarreMan @ Apr 18 2008, 07:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Work is keeping me busy when I'm not at home completing the "honey-do" list. Not much time to post these days. Guess I must have volunteered to give my jewels away laughing.gif I have not had any manhood issues nor has Tanya expressed any concern in that area. I must be doing something right. Good thing I came to this thread so I could learn how to be a real manly man, American style. rofl.gif

Bought Tanya and Victor bicycles. Tanya taught herself how to ride while I was at work. I was more than a little impressed. She can now get around our sleepy little town on her own until I get the drivers permits. She thanked me last night for trying to be a good Father to Victor. She said I am a good man in spite of the fact that I have no balls. jest.gif

Tanya has been able to make several wonderful dishes and I have had a ton of new "experiences" but can't remember one of them at this very moment. I should probably buy stock in Morton salt and Post-Its!

Your great thread of amusing stories has unfortunately brought out the best and worst of VJ. This is sad because as I read through the thread, the humor is countered by ignorance and hostility and that just takes a lot of the fun out of it. Reminds me of the "believe in what I believe in or you will go to hell" routine so prevalent here in the South.

I will try to keep notes on the funny things that happen on a daily basis. Many are good enough to share though I might just PM them to avoid a good thread being trashed by morons.

I will leave you with a story about Tanya v. Washer & Dryer:

I bought Tanya an LG washer/dryer set (the red pair) and have them stacked in the laundry room. I showed her how to operate them and thought she had it down pat. Once you set the mode (heavy, med. or light, hot or cold etc.) you press the power button then the start button and walk away. Both units are the same. She did a load of clothes then put them in the dryer. I was doing some Krewe business on the computer when I heard that flood of Russian slang I am always glad is not directed at me. She came and dragged me into the laundry room and said that the dryer was bad (she actually used the “foo” word). I reached up and hit the power button then the start button and miracles of miracles, it started going round and round. Deer in headlights does not quite describe the look on her face but it comes close. Then another round of Russian cussing as I went back to work. Re-reading this I see that it just doesn’t capture the humor of the moment but I am sure you have several similar stories.

Hang in there and remember to keep your kids around or else you become the foreigner in the house!!!


Hey Bill! I heard about the bicycles, but was informed that YOU don't have one! What's up with that! You guys are all going to ride together, yes? I pulled out my oldest daughter's old bike and did a minimal amount of maintenance on it for Vika last weekend, and she had a lot of fun tooling up and down the street. Natasha gave it a short whirl too, and soon I'll need to head to the store for another bike for her (plus some parts for Vika's).

LOVE the W&D story! Believe me, you don't need to capture it perfectly it words for me to feel it. We all go through stuff like that! I have showed Natasha how to operate our W&D, but she hasn't gotten up the courage to try it on her own yet. That, or maybe it's because the laundry room still has all my junk in it from the house remodel, and she definitely does NOT like to go in there!

Natasha and I are so happy for you and Tanya, and are looking forward to our first outing together (some day)! Good luck with Victor, I know it's a challenge. I think in some ways it it easier when they are older, and in many ways more difficult.
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-04-18 09:35:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian wisdom from Natasha
QUOTE (jsouthwick @ Apr 18 2008, 12:35 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (KGSodie @ Apr 17 2008, 05:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm reminded of a math riddle: If a chicken and a half can lay an egg and a half in a day and a half, then how long will it take a frog with a wooden leg to kick all of the seeds out of a dill pickle? Irrelevant, you say? Nonsensical, you say? Right at home in this thread now, I say!

Let's get back on track, everyone, and I vote we just ignore scii if he elects to post any more off-topic bilge water here. Anyone else have any amusing stories from life with their Russian significant other?

Natasha did explain to me 'foo', though I don't think I've heard either her or Vika use it around me to date. Vika has completed viewing every animated DVD I have and is now poking around looking for tapes. Come to think of it, though, I have a few more DVDs she probably hasn't stumbled over yet - the old Peanuts specials and the Christmas specials (Rudolf, Frosty, etc). I'll have to point them out to her.

Vika has taken a real shine to Pineapple-Orange juice (Schwan's variety), and seems to prefer it now over apple and grape-peach. I make a 2 quart pitcher (plus a 2-quart bottle of something store-bought) and we all go through them both in about 2 days (though I only get a glass or two usually). They love their juice, my two girls!

My wife isn't much of a juice girl, but I see that the Russians in her hometwon love their juice and disdain my koka. Her dad drinks kvas, that really didn't trip my trigger. Glad you have been introduced to "foo", it is fun and we might see it added to Webster's in a few years. I ran some of the Mat stuff, my wife says too low class and respectable folks don't use such language. I remind her of some of the English words she has used not the same. OK for her to do the bad but me oh no. Well I have already spilled the beans where my nads are, and happy for that, now I don't have to worry where to tuck em, torsion, or getting kicked where it will hurt. Now I can skip along like a little wood fairy and not be bothered when someone ask me if I am "Blue", nope just the eunuch of the house along with the male cats. Seems misery loves company. When I advised my wife of the deviations from this thread, well I guess you can probably figure out where she landed. Sorry there rustic Scotsman from yankeeland. She chastised me for living vicariously on VJ, i advised she needed to see that man's magazine that I just bought with the Russian hotties in it. When I told her it was the first time I bought one in the last 35 years, she got a kick out of my porna deprived state. And no we don't whistle in the house "throwing away money" don't drive down a road when a black cat crosses, she knocks on my head (something wooden) when recounting a good event, can't snap my fingers to get the cat's attention, too much like ordering a servant around. I tell her that us nutless ones have to have some way to communicate, and I don't meow (too high pitched now that I have joined the cats) or purr very well, and the cats seem to respond to the finger snap. Too bad, pitch your meows to their level and try to be more slothful like them, you are too active. To this I say, Honey punching buttons on the remote and popping a top ain't all that active. Loves to drive, didn't drive in Russia at all, yet had a driver's license. Tells lots of jokes on New Russians" and the road police. Every day is a new adventure. So many more in my aged and decrepit state I can't remember. Now what was this thread about? Oh yeah, love respect and admiration for our fellow man or woman. I hope I don't get in trouble with my wife for not writing "Fellow woman" first.

I like the way your train runs, or derails, or whatever it is. I'll have to look up some more of your posts! Good stuff.
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-04-18 09:27:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian wisdom from Natasha
QUOTE (Chris & Olya @ Apr 17 2008, 09:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
This is unbelievable ! I agree that everyone is entitled to there own opinion and what works for one may not work for the other. But I must say I think Kevin's story is priceless and I am looking forward to similiar situations with Olya and her Stas. As for the American way, Is there really an American way ? Are we not the melting pot? My hope is that we take the best aspects of both of our cultures and combine the best and go forward. Thats not to say that is right for all but it is for me ! Sometimes this Russian men versus American Men and Russian women versus American women is a little overblown. I love my Olya not because she is Russian but because of who she is. Actually, I wished she was from here and I could have skipped this process smile.gif Keep the good stories coming Kevin !

Heya Chris, very well stated. If I could have skipped my earlier marriage as well as Natasha skipping hers, and we could have met 10 years ago, life would have been ideal a long time ago! And after your Olya is with you, be sure to share your stories too!
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-04-18 09:23:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian wisdom from Natasha
QUOTE (seanconneryii @ Apr 17 2008, 08:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (KGSodie @ Apr 17 2008, 07:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
"I'd especially think someone who's fiancee just arrived in the USA would have a lot better things to do they write a book on the evils of SeanconneryII. Not a good sign...but to each his own."

I just LOVE this guy! If you take exception to something I've said about you, as you do so often with eekee, you should quote me on it and we can discuss it. Instead, you make general slams (which you say you hate when others do) against me and IGNORE all that I've said. I guess you know when logic isn't on your side, huh? Wise choice. I'm a bit out of your league when it comes to being able to put forth logically constructed arguments.

Natasha is sitting here next to me, as she has been all day, and has given up on you as the crazy man who is a lost cause. She did the translations of your idiocy independently, without my help, so try not and accuse me of that again.

It's always your way or the wrong way, huh? People who like to tweak noses and stir the pot, as you imply you like to do - yeah, these guys are who I want to emulate. I have nothing 'better' to do than share my personal experiences in, hopefully, a humorous way? It's a bit more productive that 'tweaking noses', which is what I assume you do for fun.

As for writing voluminously - thanks! I just wanted to be complete in catching as many of your logic errors and hypocrisies as I could muster the energy for. You like to stir people's emotions in a negative way, and I like to call idiots idiots, and then prove it. You make that ridiculously easy.

As for the time I must spend writing all this - it's not all that much. I'm a good typist and I write a little whenever I have to wait for a background computer task to complete.

I'm sure you'll search for a way to flame me, since I have questioned your ability to reason logically. I really have lost all interest in your opinions. When they are about me, though, I will respond in kind. Otherwise, why don't you start playing World Of Warcraft, where you can grief an entirely NEW generation and class of people, and leave us intelligent, thoughtful, caring, considerate folk (or as you've called us, silly PC boys) alone.

Kevin, my only question for you is why are you are not out celebrating your successful fiancee visa and showing your lady around town? I am envious not of your logical mind, but your success with the visa and sitting beside your girl.

I am flattered that I am so important to you that you spend long posts dissecting me and building my psychological profile. Thank you for the in depth attention. Unfortunately, your conversation by overwhelm is just too much for me. We'd do better on the telephone...I don't keyboard well enough to keep up with you're encyclopedia pace.

I have really only engaged Eekee in a direct one-on-one, ongoing exchange with a few drive-by comments here and there by others. Eekee and i will either work it out or avoid each other.

I don't mean to be dismissive, but you don't seem like someone I can gain anything from talking with, nor do you seem particularly brotherly in your posture or I'll pass.

I hope you have an good wedding and live long and prosper...Mr. Spock.

I show my angel the town every weekend, but between two jobs (during the school year, anyway) there isn't a lot of time during the week. My (paying) job is flexible enough that Natasha can sit with me all day if she wants, and she does, as she is now as I write this. Believe it or not, I only wish the best for you too. We are all on a very difficult road, and a road less traveled (though becoming more foot-worn as the world shrinks), and can benefit from all the encouragement and positive energy we can get. I'm not a big believer in negativism, and when you made your negatively charged comments (as I interpreted them) I responded. I'm perfectly able, and willing, to be reasonable.
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-04-18 09:21:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian wisdom from Natasha
"I'd especially think someone who's fiancee just arrived in the USA would have a lot better things to do they write a book on the evils of SeanconneryII. Not a good sign...but to each his own."

I just LOVE this guy! If you take exception to something I've said about you, as you do so often with eekee, you should quote me on it and we can discuss it. Instead, you make general slams (which you say you hate when others do) against me and IGNORE all that I've said. I guess you know when logic isn't on your side, huh? Wise choice. I'm a bit out of your league when it comes to being able to put forth logically constructed arguments.

Natasha is sitting here next to me, as she has been all day, and has given up on you as the crazy man who is a lost cause. She did the translations of your idiocy independently, without my help, so try not and accuse me of that again.

It's always your way or the wrong way, huh? People who like to tweak noses and stir the pot, as you imply you like to do - yeah, these guys are who I want to emulate. I have nothing 'better' to do than share my personal experiences in, hopefully, a humorous way? It's a bit more productive that 'tweaking noses', which is what I assume you do for fun.

As for writing voluminously - thanks! I just wanted to be complete in catching as many of your logic errors and hypocrisies as I could muster the energy for. You like to stir people's emotions in a negative way, and I like to call idiots idiots, and then prove it. You make that ridiculously easy.

As for the time I must spend writing all this - it's not all that much. I'm a good typist and I write a little whenever I have to wait for a background computer task to complete.

I'm sure you'll search for a way to flame me, since I have questioned your ability to reason logically. I really have lost all interest in your opinions. When they are about me, though, I will respond in kind. Otherwise, why don't you start playing World Of Warcraft, where you can grief an entirely NEW generation and class of people, and leave us intelligent, thoughtful, caring, considerate folk (or as you've called us, silly PC boys) alone.
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-04-17 18:57:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian wisdom from Natasha
I'm reminded of a math riddle: If a chicken and a half can lay an egg and a half in a day and a half, then how long will it take a frog with a wooden leg to kick all of the seeds out of a dill pickle? Irrelevant, you say? Nonsensical, you say? Right at home in this thread now, I say!

Let's get back on track, everyone, and I vote we just ignore scii if he elects to post any more off-topic bilge water here. Anyone else have any amusing stories from life with their Russian significant other?

Natasha did explain to me 'foo', though I don't think I've heard either her or Vika use it around me to date. Vika has completed viewing every animated DVD I have and is now poking around looking for tapes. Come to think of it, though, I have a few more DVDs she probably hasn't stumbled over yet - the old Peanuts specials and the Christmas specials (Rudolf, Frosty, etc). I'll have to point them out to her.

Vika has taken a real shine to Pineapple-Orange juice (Schwan's variety), and seems to prefer it now over apple and grape-peach. I make a 2 quart pitcher (plus a 2-quart bottle of something store-bought) and we all go through them both in about 2 days (though I only get a glass or two usually). They love their juice, my two girls!
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-04-17 17:37:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWe have our interview date!
QUOTE (Jason-Sasha @ Jan 11 2008, 04:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Cool!!! Congratulations and good luck. You're only a few days behind us.

Ya, just 4 days. Natasha was freaking out a little because the 26th is a Tuesday, and the 25th is a holiday, so she'll have to travel to Moscow the Thursday prior (21st) in order to have her medical exam. I guess you'll be at the embassy that Friday! I'm flying in to Moscow on Thursday (leaving here on the 20th), so we'll all be in Moscow at the same time. Very cool!
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-01-12 10:11:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWe have our interview date!
Natasha and I have learned our interview date, and it is February 26. Now the final countdown begins! HURRAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-01-11 08:54:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusDS-230
I agree, it's on the NOA2 just above her name at the top right of the paper.

Good luck!

KGSodieMaleRussia2008-01-14 08:59:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusDeparture Preparations
Hey, you'll have to talk to KazanTiger about that!
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-01-26 08:43:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusDeparture Preparations
Good thoughts, all. Shall we open the bidding?
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-01-25 16:35:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusDeparture Preparations
QUOTE (Kazan @ Jan 25 2008, 11:40 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
With all those plans. I think you two will be 100% ready with little to fear! Smooth sailing Comrade Kevin! good.gif

Thanks, I appreciate it! I've been debating if I should bring an empty suitcase along, in case Natasha's are too heavy. I've obviously switched to the other posts here about overweight luggage. That way, some of her stuff can be relocated to my empty suitcase. I plan on traveling light - my computer backpack with a few essentials (including all the interview documents) and a small pull along suitcase, so I'd easily be able to pack my bag inside another empty one.
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-01-25 15:01:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusDeparture Preparations
We definitely plan on some fun while in Moscow, though it will be of the family oriented, calm variety. Vika (Natasha's 10 [soon to be 11] year old daughter) has never been to Moscow. Or on a train or plane for that matter, so she's getting a lot of life experience in a short amount of time. We have a visit planned to Red Square for her, of course, and whatever else we decide to do (Moscow February weather permitting).
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-01-25 14:52:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusDeparture Preparations
QUOTE (slim @ Jan 25 2008, 01:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good luck, Kevin. And don't forget to have fun!!!

I'm interested in reading your blog too, so let us know when it's up and running.

It's been up and running since I returned from Russia last year. It's mostly just personal life update stuff, with some mushy romantic posts thrown in too. There's a link in my profile, but I'll post one here too:

Kevin & Natasha DOT net

The blog is linked from the main page as 'Notes From Us'.
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-01-25 14:48:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusDeparture Preparations
QUOTE (mox @ Jan 25 2008, 12:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Not much to add here except to say that I'm vicariously excited through you! Hard to believe that six weeks from now the three of you will be together at last and embarking on all the "interesting" stuff that means.

I'm very interested in reading about your accommodations in Moscow. If the good lawd's willing and the creek don't rise I'll be in your situation a few months or so from now and it'll be handy to benefit from your experience. Unfortunately Nadya's only acquaintance she feels comfortable enough about asking to stay with in Moscow just recently got married and moved to St. Pete. Pretty selfish if you ask me. smile.gif

I'll definitely be sure to post back here with all of the particulars about the apartment we stay in, and I'm sure I'll take tons of photos too.
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-01-25 13:07:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusDeparture Preparations
With about 3.5 weeks left before I leave for Moscow and awaiting the interview results, Natasha and I have at last agreed upon a return date so I have purchased our plane tickets. The interview is February 26, and we have decided that March 5 should give us time to receive the visa (directly at the DHL office). I know all of the advice: you really shouldn't purchase your tickets until the visa is in hand, just in case there is a problem. If I have to change the tickets, it will cost me another $200 per ticket ($600 total) but that's a risk I'm willing to run.

The only remaining arrangements to make for Moscow is to locate an apartment. Natasha has many feelers out from friends and relatives that live in Moscow or who have friends that do, and I have also contacted Moscow Rick and Russian Girl Friday so that they may check their sources and see what is available.

When we return, and possibly while we await the visa if the apartment we locate has internet access, I'll do a write-up of the interview, per Natasha's recounting of it. After I have time after we get back to the USA, I'll do a write-up of the POE experience as well. I'll be blogging about all of our new experiences together too, particularly about Vika's experiences adjusting to school here. I'll try and post relevant entries back to VJ too, but everyone is welcome to read the blog directly if they like.

I'm so excited I'm exhausted. Those of you who have been through this already probably know what I'm talking about, and those of you who will follow after me will probably come to know what I'm talking about!

Good luck to everyone and a hearty thanks to everyone here who has helped with advice and counsel. I will of course still be on VJ throughout the AOS process and beyond.

KGSodieMaleRussia2008-01-25 12:33:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusInterview - AT LAST
Yeah! Awesomeness! Congrats!
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-01-26 08:45:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTo Bio Or Not To Bio
As long as the new interview date doesn't take forever to get, and isn't months and months in the future so as to interfere with her planned summer arrival, then I agree with Mox - no sense it risking anything unnecessarily. With everything leaning in the high-tech direction, that would seem like the right way to go. More 'future proof' in the event of further changes in policy down the road.
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-01-29 20:54:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusReceived Visa!
I certainly hope Natasha's interview goes as smoothly! She has all of her ducks, she just has to put them in a row at the interview. CONGRATULATIONS!
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-02-07 10:16:00
QUOTE (CARY @ Feb 8 2008, 12:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (slim @ Jan 28 2008, 10:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (spauldingjeffrey @ Jan 25 2008, 09:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We used a law firm in Moscow to get our police certificate cost 500$ + 25$ for an English translation

they do 98% of the work for her,

$#!T, for $525 they better do 100% of the work and throw in a free steak and BJ. Since they're in Russia, they probably should throw in 2 free steaks and BJs. Actually, if we did the math on this one, they could throw in about 12 steaks and BJs and still have money left over from that $500. My goodness. Highway robbery!

Well I am bit torn here and will call the embassy to get a final answer. She went to the Rostov Information Center for IA and requested a certificate. My sweetie claims it covers all of Russia, but I just want to make sure....

$525 although is expensive it might be our only option. She would need to get on a train or plane, travel to Moscow which quite a distance away just to request the certificate. At least here she just needs to get the POA and submit the documents through mail.....

My ears perked up at 'Rostov'. That's about 5 hours from Natasha's city of Volgodonsk!
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-02-08 15:50:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMedical Appointment
Good point, Satellite. When my son changed school, the new school thought he needed a tetanus booster (he did not, as it turned out) so I trotted him down to the health department. Not only could they take him the same day, but when I went to pay the $10 (or maybe it was $15, I don't remember) I pulled out my debit card and they said "uh, cash only", then some admin person who was listening nearby came over and just waved the fee outright. Compassion still exists (sometimes) in the public sector!
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-02-12 18:14:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMedical Appointment
I don't know where Natasha and Vika are having their medicals done, but she discussed immunizations with them and ensured that everything will be documented and taken care of. If you like, I can ask her where they're going. Their appointments are for the Thursday before the interview (which is on a Tuesday), and we'll pick the results up the next day (Friday).
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-02-12 09:39:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBack From Siberia
Thanks for the report, much appreciated. I completely get what you mean about living as a Russian (or as close as possible). It's very - real, authentic, soothing? One or more of those words.
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-02-15 14:13:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusStill unclear about something
I understand your feelings Jason. 14 days for us. I really need to find some time to go over all the documents I'm taking with me to hand over to Natasha for her interview. Been so busy getting things ready around the house that I haven't even opened the binder for 2 weeks! Being busy though definitely helps the time go by faster, and as unnoticed as possible.
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-02-12 18:08:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusStill unclear about something
QUOTE (slim @ Feb 9 2008, 05:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (KGSodie @ Feb 8 2008, 05:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
as far as she is concerned, if

Sounds like you've already figured out the secret to a good marriage.

"You're wrong but I'll do it anyway."

LOL slim, excellent that you understood me there! The way I figure it, if it's something I don't really care about, her way is just as good as my way!
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-02-09 22:02:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusStill unclear about something
Slim - I tried patiently explaining to Natasha about the difference between needed and unneeded documents, but as far as she is concerned, if it's listed in the instructions it is NEEDED. They were free to get, so I sent for them. They'll make the round trip to Moscow with me, and probably never see the light of day, but I don't care. If it gives Natasha peace of mind, then I'm all for it!
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-02-08 16:06:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusStill unclear about something
I'm Johnny-come-lately to this thread, but I thought I'd add my thoughts anyway.

For the last 4 years I've used It's question-driven and your answers lead you to all of the relevant filing data that's needed. At the end of the session, your answers are analyzed and you are given tips to review (usually, tax-saving ideas implied by your answers). You get a summary of your return, and it will also give you a PDF of your entire return, with schedules (if any), that you can print. It is a pay service, however. I think my federal and state this year was something like $45. You don't have to fill out everything in one go either. Each set of related questions is presented on one page, and each page has a box you check for 'This page is now complete'. The menu has a summary of all pages not yet marked as complete so you can jump around however you need to. It's all very well done.

Our interview is after yours, but here is what I am bringing to Natasha:

copies of 1040 forms for tax years 2004-2007
W-2 (originals and copies) for tax years 2004-2007
Tax transcripts for tax years 2004-2006 (originals and copies) (2007 not available yet)

You can order the tax transcripts on the IRS web site, and for me they arrived very quickly (maybe 5 days from the day I ordered them). If you need a link and can't find one, I'll look it up again.
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-02-04 09:02:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusA few various Pics from Sochi
I think I've figured out why these Russian threads get hi-jacked. We all know the rules, but we just choose to ignore them. A little like life in Russia.....
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-02-08 15:53:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusA few various Pics from Sochi
I've caught myself doing that once or twice. Natasha holds the record though: after she received her renewed passport, she panicked because she thought they had misspelled her name. Turns out, she was 'reading' it in English!
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-02-08 15:36:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusA few various Pics from Sochi
Loved the photos, and welcome to not only VJ, but the Russian community here on VJ too!
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-02-08 14:28:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusExchanging Money In Moscow
My army days were in the mid to late 80s, so other than the tail of the cold war, and just missing the middle-east nonsense, all of my duty was during peace times. So I haven't had to face a Kalashnikov, though during training they were fired often for us so that we could recognize their sound.
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-02-17 11:52:00