Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHotel in Moscow
Definitely agree with you, Sat. We stayed out in the 'burbs (Doobrovka station) and just took the metro everywhere we wanted to go. I just checked and her website doesn't seem to be up any more (a bad sign). I'll root through my documents tonight (since I never throw anything away) and see if I can't find her number. She only speaks Russian, however.
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-07-31 14:27:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHotel in Moscow
If you'd be interested in renting an Apartment, I can recommend the woman we rented an apartment from in Moscow. She has several she manages, and is an honest to goodness nice person.
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-07-30 10:34:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusInterview Problems
I feel as though I'm in a maze of twisty passages, all alike. No, all different! I may be eaten by a grue!
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-07-31 14:29:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusInterview Problems
I think this is the most relevant part of the quoted reply:

"must ensure that photocopies of documents … are compared with original documents at the time of [the] immigrant visa (IV) application."

Now, I do like how they later admit that in some cases originals are not available and therefore certified copies are ok, but since when is a CERTIFIED copy exactly equivalent to a PHOTOCOPY (as stated in their reply). It's like my mama always told me - stupid is as stupid does!
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-07-30 16:18:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusInterview Problems
That's LUDICROUS. Most states, like the one I live in, will not EVER under ANY circumstances issue the 'original' marriage certificate - it is kept privately and securely by the government. The most you can get is a certified copy. You'd think the IO would know that. But, like most bureaucrats, they HATE to admit to errors. Just stupid.

Sounds like you did the 'right' thing, though - send them what the state office will issue to you, and then complain like heck over the stupidity on display.
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-07-30 10:21:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFriend Gets Goodbye Email from Fiance
QUOTE (mox @ Jul 30 2008, 12:45 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (slim @ Jul 29 2008, 10:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So you were actually referencing that particular movie?

Yep, for some reason the "cake" post just sort of triggered the line in my head. smile.gif

Mox, you're not doing lines again, are you? Wait, I mean thinking of lines, I think....
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-07-30 10:37:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusK2 SSN?
There's also tax filing to consider, though it is possible to get a taxpayer ID for him instead of an SSN. But when you apply for AOS, you have to pay for EAD and AP anyway, so why not just fill out the paperwork and send it in with AOS? Then he'll have his EAD and can get his SSN right away. Just my opinion, of course (and is what I'm doing for Natasha's 11 year old daughter).
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-08-19 09:14:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWhat's for dinner today in your Russian-American kitchen?
QUOTE (mox @ Aug 21 2008, 10:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (PJB @ Aug 20 2008, 10:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ooops! Speaking Russian has made me forget that English word order is not as flexible tongue_ss.gif But it is true that I have been too lazy to cook the stuff. I'd rather sleep by the pool with a cold beer..........

Oh I just meant that pelmeni has got to be the easiest dish in the world to make...assuming you've already assembled and frozen it of course. Remove from freezer, boil, eat. Heck, it's easier than Mac&Cheese! smile.gif

These cooking instructions are remarkably similar to those for an American classic - the hot dog! (Or 'sausage' as we call them now at my house)
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-08-21 15:29:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWhat's for dinner today in your Russian-American kitchen?
Let me think - I know Natasha made some jelly-filled sweet bread today but lamented that it didn't come out right, so we might be making more of that (it's for school on Friday, where Natasha volunteers in the library). Yesterday Natasha made chicken and rice, Russian style, which is one of her (and my!) favorites. We've got a hundred or so pelmini in the freezer from our pelmini making efforts 10 days or so ago, and that ALWAYS gets my vote if we're undecided as to menu on any particular night.
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-08-20 16:24:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHappy Birthday Kevin!!!
Natasha made a cake, the construction of which I'll summarize: take a deep cookie sheet and make a basic, thin white sheet cake. Using a form (in this case, a place) cut from the sheet cake 2 circles. Stack one circle cake on top of the other, with banana creme pudding in between the layers. Frost the top and sides with vanilla icing, and then crumble the left over sheet cake into a fine powder and sprinkle over the frosting until completely covered. Decorate with colored icing that says "Happy Birthday", and enjoy! No 7-layer dip necessary!
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-08-28 09:44:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHappy Birthday Kevin!!!
lol, thanks guys. As luck would have it, the company I work for had their family picnic on my birthday this year, and I have a few hundred photos posted on my site. I'm too lazy to link to it. Lots of dupe photos since I believe in taking tons of photos and letting God sort em out. I'm also a lousy photographer so if I take a lot of photos there's bound to be a good one or two in the batch.

Oh, the picnic was at a local, small water/ride park and we all had a BLAST!
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-08-25 13:46:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRIP Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
QUOTE (mox @ Aug 4 2008, 01:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (slim @ Aug 4 2008, 11:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
AP English?

Mox, you've been overachieving since back in the day? I thought it was just a VJ thing!

Guilty as charged, although there are some VJ'ers (if you can call someone who creates an account(s) solely to troll, a "VJ'er") who bring it out in me more than others. smile.gif

Hey, don't talk about me like that, I'm right here.
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-08-04 16:23:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFreebies
And (wait for it) PIE!
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-09-03 10:06:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFreebies
Natasha is sort of in the middle when it comes to ironing. Clothes, yes; towels and sheets, no. She doesn't iron my things, she just 'reminds' me if something needs to be ironed before being worn. Having a (distant) military background, it's all familiar to me anyway and I just iron the things that need ironing (so far, only shorts and pants).
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-09-02 14:46:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFreebies
QUOTE (Ana&D @ Jul 24 2008, 10:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (KGSodie @ Jul 24 2008, 11:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I already have a timeshare, so hopefully we can avoid future presentations!!

They really don't try and sell u more? My first internship in US was with Westgate Resorts and after working there for two summers I vowed to never ever buy one smile.gif. Their sales ppl are visious. They bring you in, even when u re an owner, for a pretend "maintenance survey" and than try and upgrade you or sell you a room in a different part of country...

Oh, I see what you mean. They tried that years ago but apparently gave up since I haven't heard anything from them for a long time.
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-07-24 11:08:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFreebies
I already have a timeshare, so hopefully we can avoid future presentations!!
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-07-24 10:43:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFreebies
QUOTE (slim @ Jul 24 2008, 10:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Or you could just replace your dog with one of the robot dogs. They shouldn't have a problem with the Roomba, being from the same lineage and all. Don't know if they still do the butt-sniffing thing to determine that or not. Maybe they can just tell.

You got me wondering now, Slim - who snuffs whose butt, in this scenario? Also, does the roomba actually have a butt?

QUOTE (mox @ Jul 24 2008, 10:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (KGSodie @ Jul 24 2008, 08:14 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Natasha's latest discovery (via the girls on the Russian fiancee forums) is the room cleaning robot vacuum cleaner! She now wants one in the worst way. "Kevin, you just put it in a room and close the door and later, the room is clean!"

It's SO good that she is accepting Western technology!

Ahhh...a Roomba. Yeah I want one of those things too. They're not badly priced either, you can get them for just under $200. If you have a dog, be careful, they've been known to attack Roomba's. Roomba's even has a FAQ for this...apparantly you are supposed to scold the Roomba in front of the dog, and also praise the dog, so that the dog understands that the Roomba is lower on the "pack" scale. Too funny but I've got a friend that says it worked perfectly.

Kevin, do you have the link for the Russian fiancee forums? You posted it here once and I can't find it. and you'll have to navigate from there. There's an English (almost dead) forum and the very lively Russian language forum.
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-07-24 10:35:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFreebies
Natasha's latest discovery (via the girls on the Russian fiancee forums) is the room cleaning robot vacuum cleaner! She now wants one in the worst way. "Kevin, you just put it in a room and close the door and later, the room is clean!"

It's SO good that she is accepting Western technology!
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-07-24 10:14:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFreebies
Good stuff guys, thanks for sharing.

Slim: 'male model'. At my house we have begun the "Kevin 2.0" project (as I call it). Clothes are unimportant to me, so I've always worn what was 1) cheap and 2) I already had. Needless to say, I have an extensive collection of old shorts and T-shirts. For Natasha, being Russian, clothes are very important! So we've started shopping in order to upgrade my wardrobe for work (my job is so flexible I have always worn clothes from my old shorts and T-shirt collection). Around the house I can, of course, wear whatever I like. I actually enjoy this new thing, since it reminds me of being in Russia with all the clothes changing every time you headed out someplace and returned home.
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-07-17 14:46:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFreebies
So Natasha has developed a new 'hobby': obtaining as many freebies as she can. She's on russian-fiancee a lot and the girls there link to all sorts of trial size products you can sign up for. She was thrilled to receive her first sample the other day (calcium-rich vitamins). A nice side effect of this is that she has finally learned our address. whistling.gif

I'm curious - anyone else experience this? What interesting 'hobbies' does YOUR SO have?
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-07-16 13:52:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSo easy to predict
Good grief. What is wrong with the world today (and I very much include the US in that!)?
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-09-03 10:05:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAP received today
Good information, thanks!
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-09-02 15:50:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAP received today
Today Natasha was very excited to receive a letter from the USCIS, then a little disappointed to see that it was 'only' the AP document. On Sunday, she had spoken with Tanya on the phone (Tanya of 'Bill and Tanya', aka NavarreMan) and learned that she had received her EAD the day before. Since Bill put his docs in about a week before we did, I'm hopeful we'll receive EAD this week. This will make Natasha VERY happy!
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-09-02 14:49:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGeorgia/Russia Conflict
Wowsers, BlueFairy, never thought about it like that before and I must admit it has a certain ring of credibility.
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-08-21 15:24:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGeorgia/Russia Conflict
Natasha and her entire extended family all think Putin is the best thing since caviar and mayonnaise. When she tries to explain it to me, it gets a little jumbled, but my interpretation is in agreement with what others here have said: he's trying to move Russia forward. Not that I agree, necessarily, but I can understand the sentiment.
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-08-20 16:20:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGeorgia/Russia Conflict
I truly hate to enter the fray here, but I'd be interested in hearing more of your thoughts on China, Kirk. You use the phrase 'respect and engagement', but there's a fine line between that and appeasement, and with the wrong type of leader/government/madman, this can be exactly the wrong approach. My mind isn't made up on China yet.
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-08-19 09:21:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGeorgia/Russia Conflict
Having been in the military in the past, if they were to attempt to call up old, out of shape guys I think I'd invoke the 'conscientious objector' defense. If being married to a Russian doesn't give one solid ground to object to fighting against them, I sure don't know what it would take.

It really is sad, though, as all wars (or any other word you want to use to describe armed conflict) inevitably are. People suffer and die, be they guilty, innocent, military, civilian. I'm not a peace-monger, but I certainly haven't read or heard anything (from any news outlet, or here on VJ) that makes me believe any of this was necessary.

My thoughts and prayers are with everyone suffering unimaginable pain and losses there, be they Ossetian , Georgian, Russian, or whatever.
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-08-13 17:20:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusEAD today
I can always count on Slim for some practical advice...
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-09-09 16:43:00
USCIS Service CentersNOA2 to NVC
Luckily, we pay more now for the new slower service. What, that doesn't sound right.....
KGSodieMaleRussia2007-11-04 12:50:00
USCIS Service CentersNOA2 to NVC
Man, I'd hope something like this wasn't true, but it sounds like something the government would do.
KGSodieMaleRussia2007-11-04 11:37:00
United KingdomDublin POE while going through K-1
Yeah, Aly! Arrived safely in California, home of sunshine and silicone (I mean the beaches!)!
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-02-08 16:32:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusImportant Locations In Moscow
What an incredibly useful set of information! Thanks so much.
KGSodieMaleRussia2007-07-25 09:17:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAge difference survey
I am 45, and my Natasha is 30.
KGSodieMaleRussia2007-07-25 09:25:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGreetings to all!
I may be slow, but I also wanted to add my well wishes for a speedy journey!
KGSodieMaleRussia2007-08-31 08:25:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusVisa Approved :)
Heart-felt congrats to you both!
KGSodieMaleRussia2007-08-29 12:31:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusCultural Differences
Soup has always been a favorite of mine, and now that I've tried borscht I love it too!

As far as temperature goes, I'm always hot. I was in Russian in February, and in the home I wore my customary shorts and T-shirt. Natasha's Mama kept checking my hands, convinced I simply MUST be freezing!

QUOTE (Sid and Nancy @ Aug 29 2007, 06:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (John & Alla @ Aug 29 2007, 02:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
"Soup", before I lived in Russia I think I tried soup two or three times, in Russia-it's a "main dish", almost every meal

I hate soup. Always have.

I'm really concerned that when someone says something like "It is this or that way in Russia", other people who have no idea will think that it's indeed true, and that it's true for every single person in my country. I know people share their experiences in this thread, and they have good intentions, but generalizations somewhat bother me.

Soup = dead.gif


I agree - all generalizations are false! wink.gif

I do very much enjoy everyone sharing their experiences, and think that is the proper way to view this thread - they are a collection of individual experiences, and your results may vary.

KGSodieMaleRussia2007-08-30 08:48:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusCultural Differences

Also wanted to add that I do agree with Jewel about the water in California, I don't drink the tap water. We always bought bottled water.

One small warning as well, watch out for Russian ice cream! I have gotten sick at least 3 different times from it, and once I had to go to the hospital for 2 weeks (something I would NEVER want to do again in Russia) not sure if it's just bad, or I have bad luck, but Seryozha never choose Russian brands...and since that time I haven't either!

Sorry if that's off topic...

Interesting! When I was in Volgodonsk, we ate ice cream at local restaurants regularly and it never seemed to bother me. Natasha told me it was made locally, and it was delicious!
KGSodieMaleRussia2007-06-18 09:35:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusCultural Differences
One thing that I do without thinking is to whistle whenever a tune enters my head. When I was with Natasha in Russia, whenever I would whistle EVERYONE would shush me! It will be a very difficult habit to break. I was told that it prevents good financial fortune from entering a house......

Edited by KGSodie, 15 June 2007 - 03:35 PM.

KGSodieMaleRussia2007-06-15 15:34:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSee Ya after a week
Excellent! I'd wish you a good trip, but as you're on your way back to Alla how could it be a bad trip? Instead, I'll wish you a safe and speedy trip.
KGSodieMaleRussia2007-09-26 15:25:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPrenups
What a topic and thread for discussion. It's good, and enlightening, to read everyone's thoughts on both sides of this argument. Natasha and I have discussed this and come to the decision that neither of us believe a prenup is desirable for or wanted by either of us. Although I'm firmly in the 'Kazan school of thought' on prenups, I can certainly understand the logic behind those who desire them. I agree with those here who have said it's a personal decision. Deciding who to marry, or to marry at all, or how best to go about finding the love of your life are all personal decisions too, so of course something like a prenup would also be a personal decision.

Slim- you're a riot! I may not always agree with you, but I usually enjoy hearing what you have to say!

Everyone - be well and best of luck to all.
KGSodieMaleRussia2007-09-25 18:15:00