Russia, Ukraine and BelarusExchanging Money In Moscow
My army days were in the mid to late 80s, so other than the tail of the cold war, and just missing the middle-east nonsense, all of my duty was during peace times. So I haven't had to face a Kalashnikov, though during training they were fired often for us so that we could recognize their sound.
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-02-17 11:52:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusExchanging Money In Moscow
QUOTE (slim @ Feb 17 2008, 05:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (eekee @ Feb 16 2008, 01:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
well, we eventually did get paper, so i'm assuming this guy was caught, and uh, dealt with, although we never heard what happened exactly. i just know that one day we went to school and there was paper and free wifi.

"Igor, we know you take money for construct. You must now give to me 10 million Euros and then buy for school paper and make works this wi-fi systema. You can keep money not used. If you don't do this, we must take Kalashnikov to your house."

This Kalashnikov guy must be pretty popular - I keeping hearing about him! ;-)
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-02-17 10:41:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusExchanging Money In Moscow
Slim, you just kill me! I can't tell you how many times Natasha would look at me, shrug her shoulders, and say "It is Russia!"
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-02-15 11:12:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusExchanging Money In Moscow
I realize I read some of the first posts incorrectly. I've never had to get between SVO1 and SVO2. My only cab rides (other than between Solnechniy and Volgodonsk) have been between SVO2 and the train station (to Rostov), and from SVO2 and Hotel Kosmos.
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-02-15 08:23:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusExchanging Money In Moscow
QUOTE (mox @ Feb 14 2008, 04:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (KGSodie @ Feb 14 2008, 02:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I went from SVO to a hotel that was a LONG way away - almost an hour by taxi. For 15 rubles????

LOL, it took me an hour to get from SVO1 to SVO2 on my return flight from Kazan because of some rain. Had the only taxi driver in Russia that refused to drive on the shoulder.

Sounds like he must also have insisted on keeping all 4 tires in contact with the ground at all times too. You sure he was Russian???
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-02-14 17:19:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusExchanging Money In Moscow
QUOTE (Satellite @ Feb 14 2008, 03:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (seanconneryii @ Feb 14 2008, 10:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just got back from Russia. The cab fare between SVO 2 and SVO 1 was $60 (wanted to get $80 but i refused)! I paid $40 back in October. I think the cab mafia is getting very greedy. And, of course, Americans pay higher fares. I was in Siberia for almost a month. The costs are going through the roof.
You guys are just suckers, that's my conclusion after reading this over and over again. Last time I was going between SVO1 and SVO2 I paid 15 rubles to ride in a shared taxi with other Russians! Nobody would have charged me more even if I spoke English only.
Read before you travel:
If you can't read have your fiancee read it to you!

I went from SVO to a hotel that was a LONG way away - almost an hour by taxi. For 15 rubles????
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-02-14 17:09:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusExchanging Money In Moscow
QUOTE (mox @ Feb 14 2008, 12:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (seanconneryii @ Feb 14 2008, 10:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Kazan @ Feb 10 2008, 01:47 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Our rent, only, when we lived in Kazan' (on local rates not tourist) was 12000 rubles for a three room flat. 5000 can get you by in a month IF you own a flat. We managed to easily get by on 5000 for the rest of our expenses for a month.

Just got back from Russia. The cab fare between SVO 2 and SVO 1 was $60 (wanted to get $80 but i refused)! I paid $40 back in October. I think the cab mafia is getting very greedy. And, of course, Americans pay higher fares. I was in Siberia for almost a month. The costs are going through the roof.

$60 is what I paid too in August. In rubles it was going to be almost $80 going by his exchange rate. I was late for my flight (which I wound up missing anyway) so I didn't haggle. (I hear it's pointless to haggle anyway.)

Having said that, I certainly got my money's worth. When we went outside, the traffic was gridlocked inside the airport. So he told me he would take me in his personal car, parked just outside the airport. Despite all kinds of alarm bells going off in my head, we dragged my luggage through an active construction area, dodging cranes and back hoes and weird pneumatic thumping machines, jumping over trenches, I even tripped on some kind of mine cart track. Finally we crawled through a hole in a chain link fence and got in his car. I couldn't have gotten that kind of fear-for-your-life excitement spending $60 at Disneyland. smile.gif

In February of last year, it cost me about $40. I had only just met Natasha in person at the airport, and no sooner did we embrace than the hawker for the cabs interrupted us. He and Natasha spoke briefly, and then we walked through the terminal to find a place to sit. The hawker followed us the entire why, animatedly speaking with Natasha who kept telling him no. We found a bench and sat down and she sent him away. After 20 minutes or so, he returned, and we got up to leave the terminal. As we had literally one foot out of the door, he must have lowered the price because Natasha then turned to me and said "we will take a taxi"! So maybe haggling does work, though it is true I really didn't understand enough Russian to follow the conversation.
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-02-14 15:15:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusExchanging Money In Moscow
QUOTE (eekee @ Feb 14 2008, 12:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (seanconneryii @ Feb 14 2008, 01:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Kazan @ Feb 10 2008, 01:47 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Our rent, only, when we lived in Kazan' (on local rates not tourist) was 12000 rubles for a three room flat. 5000 can get you by in a month IF you own a flat. We managed to easily get by on 5000 for the rest of our expenses for a month.

Just got back from Russia. The cab fare between SVO 2 and SVO 1 was $60 (wanted to get $80 but i refused)! I paid $40 back in October. I think the cab mafia is getting very greedy. And, of course, Americans pay higher fares. I was in Siberia for almost a month. The costs are going through the roof.

that's why my policy in many situations is to not say anything and let my guy do the talking. this way no one knows there's an american in their car or trying to rent their apartment or etc.

When I was in Russia, that's precisely what Natasha would say me: "Kevin, keep your mouth closed!"
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-02-14 15:06:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusExchanging Money In Moscow
You know how it is, Satellite. I didn't throw my money around, but I wanted the experience to be memorable, and when we were out and about in town we'd stop for a milkshake, or a pizza, or to get treats (or whatever was needed) at the grocery story. I knew this wasn't anything anywhere near normal for Natasha and Vika, but I also know they enjoyed being treated to these things. It was a holiday not only for me, but for them too!
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-02-09 22:00:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusExchanging Money In Moscow
I don't know why, but it never occurred to me that Natasha would have fewer problems exchanging bills that I would. Thanks for the suggestion! Taking cash is definitely the least expensive way to go, provided they exchange the majority of the bills. I suppose I can always use any rejected bills to pay for the visas ($131 each).

On my trip, 5000 rubles would easily last a week! Of course, we're very small spenders. Trips to the grocery store for food, maybe a trip to the pizzeria, a small gift for Vika, the ever present bus fares. This next trip I hope to experience Russian cinema, since I'm a big movie fan and didn't get the chance last trip.

Thanks for all the thoughts guys, I appreciate it!
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-02-09 21:41:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusExchanging Money In Moscow
I have also located this service:


Their fees seem to be the lowest (3% if the transfer originates outside the FSU). It's not as convenient, necessarily, as Western Union, since I must specify the actual bank (from their list - MANY in Moscow and even one here in Omaha), but it seems like it would work.

Anyone use this service?

KGSodieMaleRussia2008-02-08 16:18:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusExchanging Money In Moscow
I hear ya, slim. I've been scraping and saving since I filed the petition, just for this trip. With all of the variables, it's amazing that I apparently will have just about exactly what I need (variances in apartment prices notwithstanding)!
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-02-08 15:33:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusExchanging Money In Moscow
Natasha still weighs her suitcases with each repacking. She knows how many suitcases she has, and what they are allowed to weight, and I'm sure this means some things will have to be left behind. No shoes though, I doubt.....

LOL Jeffery, your comments made my day!
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-02-08 15:29:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusExchanging Money In Moscow
Not my Natasha. She makes the frugality of 'Scrooge' seem like downright spend·thriftery (I love making up new words!). We're still looking for an apartment - she simply refuses to accept that an apartment that will meet our needs should cost more than 2600 rubles per day. I say hey, 3000 rubles isn't so bad, and she quickly begins to instruct the math teacher on the calculations: "But Kevin - 400 rubles x 14 days = 5600 rubles!" wacko.gif
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-02-08 13:57:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusExchanging Money In Moscow
QUOTE (Satellite @ Feb 8 2008, 11:36 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (KGSodie @ Feb 8 2008, 09:15 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
One thought is to western union the money to myself or Natasha, for pickup in Moscow. Another suggestion I got was to open an account at a bank in Moscow remotely and wire the money that way.
Western Union will charge 10% which is huge in comparison to ATM charges and wiring money can be as high as $50 and you need a bank account in Russia. If you wire to your fiancée you need to trust her she won't dump you and take the money.

Trusting my fiancee isn't an issue, at all. Call me gullible, if you like. I know her very well. I'll have to check my past transfers with Western Union, but Natasha has never needed a bank account - just a passport. I'm also pretty sure the fee was less than 10% - again, as long as the amount is over a threshold (just checked my last transaction online - $600 cost $50 to send). So western union has it's advantages, and it's costs, as does just about anything else. Cash is the best option - provided they take all my bills.
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-02-08 12:44:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusExchanging Money In Moscow
I hear ya, Kazan. Because I HAD to get money while in Moscow, we went to an exchange bank (read: Natasha took me by the hand and led me there) and they were rude and unsympathetic. You know, typical customer service there! I exchanged $900, and the rejected 4 of the bills (all new $100). In Volgodonsk, they only rejected one. The exchange rate was always pretty good (in the 26-1 or 27-1 range, last February/March) and the fee seemed pretty low (2% as I recall).

Kirk: I'm almost convinced to just use western union. They only send in dollars, so I'll get the bank exchange rate when I pick it up (I think - I'll have to check with Natasha). I'll pay a fee, but it'll be known and up front, and past experience tells me the more I send, the 'less' this fee is (the rate goes down).

Satellite: Cash always worked for me, too, but I had such horrible luck with rejected bills in Moscow. Come to think of it, the problem was only with $100. The $20s they all took. But I'd hate to bring $3000 in $20s!
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-02-08 12:39:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusExchanging Money In Moscow
I'm flying Omaha->Atlanta->JFK->Moscow. I've heard that you get hosed on the exchange rate at the airport. One thought is to western union the money to myself or Natasha, for pickup in Moscow. Another suggestion I got was to open an account at a bank in Moscow remotely and wire the money that way.

I'm still researching.
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-02-08 12:15:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusExchanging Money In Moscow
On my last trip, I took a few hundred dollars and exchanged them for rubles at the bank, for a small fee. Several bills were rejected. I also used my ATM/debit card to withdraw small sums, again at a bank, no more than $300 at a time. On this trip, I'll likely need about $3000 an I don't want to carry the cash with me. Searching VJ, the general consensus seems to be to just use an ATM card and ATMs to get local currency, but I'm worried about the amount that I need. My bank has a daily ATM limit, coincidentally enough exactly $3000, but ATMs here limit individual transactions to usually just $300 or so.

So I'm looking for advice. Do ATMs in Moscow also limit the withdrawal amount? Am I better to just go to the bank and use my ATM/debit card there?

Thanks in advance, all.
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-02-08 11:23:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusInterview date set!!
I get this at a very visceral level! I leave for Moscow in 5 days for Natasha's interview in 12 days! I hope you/Sasha posts about the interview/visa experience, even though I probably won't be able to read it until I get back! GOOD LUCK YOU TWO!!!!!
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-02-15 12:10:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusVisa Approved
Thanks everyone for the well wishes, and apologies for my slow response. We are using wifi from the apartment, and it's pretty slow and drops out from time to time, so every little internet thing can take forever! I also think all is well, but Natasha is freaked out like you wouldn't believe, since it was her error in not handing it in to the woman at the window that asked for all the documents I had provided. We check the DHL website more often than we used to check the USCIS website, but nothing yet. I've always thought that Friday (tomorrow) was the most realistically optimistic projection for DHL picking up the visa. We will be picking up the visa directly from the DHL office too, and if all goes well we'll be in Omaha late on March 5.

Buck: I hang out in the 'Moving to the USA' forum in the July filers thread, and our thing there was to select a comfy beanbag for our avatar, so you are correct - it's a beanbag! Green is Natasha's favorite color, so there you go.

I've been writing every day about what we do here, even though most of it is dry, mundane stuff everyone is welcome to read about our time here on our website, in the "Notes From Us" section. This assumes I can actually get a post there to save to the DB, it seems super slow and refuses to complete my posting.

Kevin & Natasha DOT net
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-02-28 05:00:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusVisa Approved
Natasha and Vika's visa was approved today, and the consul gave the usual "you'll receive the visa in 1 week" speech, but after arriving back at the apartment Natasha noticed she did not submit the I-134 document. We went back this afternoon and turned it in to the 221G area (where we were instructed to go by the guards), but we're a little nervous now. It's difficult to believe that the woman at the window that took the documents, and the consul himself, neglected to notice that this document wasn't submitted, but we remain hopeful since the consul told Natasha the visa was approved. I'll check back the next chance I get, maybe tomorrow.

Good luck to all!

KGSodieMaleRussia2008-02-26 06:57:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBuying airfare RU to USA
QUOTE (Chris Parker @ Jan 29 2008, 04:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Danno @ Jan 26 2008, 10:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Not long ago, I found out how hard it is to find a reasonable airfare when your origination point is Russia instead of USA.

Travel agents with access to unpublished fares or who sell bulk tickets can get you better rates than the published rates you'll find on Expedia, etc., even for flights originating in Russia (which can be sold as e-Tickets now too). Since we're giving out agent referrals, I recommend Complete Travel & Visa Center (CTVC) (212)233-3332 for all Russia/USA travel tickets (or even otherwise!), as they often have unpublished fares on both Aeroflot and Delta. In fact, I bet this is how all the online travel companies are making such big money!

A warning, however, child fares must be issued on paper tickets. Do not assume you can buy the child fare in Russia later for a % of the adult ticket that it is attached to; the child fare (even infant under 2 with no seat) is based on the best adult fare available at the time and place of issue, not the ticket or e-ticket it is attached to.

In my recent experience, ticket agents in Russia are all marking up the published fares you see here to make extra money for themselves (this should not surprise you), so don't get your expectations too high if trying that advice.

Interesting. When I bought the tickets for Natasha and Vika, Vika's fare (to my surprise) was some percentage of an adult fare. For the record, I did purchase them on Expedia.
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-02-01 10:27:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusLooking for he Lowdown on interview timeframes
199 days from NOA2???? I hope that's not right!
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-02-17 11:41:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusIra's Medical Exam
Sounds like pretty much the same thing Natasha reported to me for her medical a couple of weeks ago, at the same facility. Everyone did seem very nice and polite there, and it was overall a pleasant experience! Good to know that Natsaha's experience wasn't isolated and that your bride's experience was a good one too. Good luck at the interview!
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-03-06 10:34:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusStill Waiting To Receive The Visas
Thanks, Mox. It looks like Satellite, that ever-reliant font of information, has supplied all the data I'll need should I need to extend my visa. Thanks Satellite! Your information is greatly appreciated.

Slim - My boss suggested a bribe as well, strangely enough, but I think I'll save that for a last resort. I'd hate to attempt to bribe the one non-corrupt official in Moscow!

Kazan - we hope they get here soon too! Like, TODAY!

Chris - Thanks, I know I've living everyone's worst dream, but it is a dream that we know will (eventually) have a happy ending.

Thanks everyone! Hopefully I'll have good news in 2 hours or so.

KGSodieMaleRussia2008-03-11 01:14:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusStill Waiting To Receive The Visas
Just another quick update. Still no visas, though the consulate still insists they were approved on February 26 and we just need to keep waiting, for no reason they will explain to me. Natasha tried to see the consul again to ask about why the visas seem to be delayed, but was turned away by the guards (after waiting nearly 2 hours). I then went to the US Citizen's gate and spoke with a woman there, but she could only give me the phone number and email address I've already tried so many times. Since our flights are set for Wednesday March 12, we'll see if we get them tomorrow, the 14th day following the interview. If we don't get them, I'll change our flights again for the 19th, but that's the day my visa expires. I've asked the consulate if there is any way of extending my visa in the event that the visas are not received prior to the 19th, but of course there has been no response. If I do have the change the tickets again and I don't get a reply email by the end of Tuesday, I suppose I'll have to call the visa support 'service' again and see if the consul will answer my question that way.

Congrats to all the approvals I've seen in my absence! Good luck to all!
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-03-10 08:55:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusStill Waiting To Receive The Visas
The consul said it was approved at the interview, and when I called the visa support desk on Monday and Wednesday of this week, they also told me they visas were approved and 'being printed'. I've asked for an explanation as to the delay, but have not received a reply yet. We have flights next Wednesday, and with Monday being a holiday here we have only tomorrow and Tuesday to receive them now. We are indeed picking them up directly from the DHL office. If they don't arrive tomorrow, I'll call the support desk one more time but don't expect to get anywhere with my request to see the consul directly. So I plan on going to the US Citizen's gate at the embassy and see if there is anything that can be done.

Thanks for the well wishes! We're hanging in there, because we're together and that's the important thing.
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-03-06 10:26:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusStill Waiting To Receive The Visas
It's Thursday, March 6th now, and although our visas were approved at the interview back on February 26, we're still waiting to receive them. So, we've extended our stay here in Moscow by another week and we now plan on flying out on March 12. Just wanted to let everyone know that we're still alive and well here in Moscow. Frustrated perhaps, but we're together and that's the important thing. Natasha and Vika have tried to convince me to just fly back to the USA and they'll return to Volgodonsk to await the visa (in an effort to conserve money), but I refuse to leave here without them!

Congrats to all the approvals since I've been away. I have a lot of reading to catch up on after we get back!
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-03-06 02:30:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWE HAVE THE VISAS!
Or more properly, DHL has them and we'll leave to pick them up shortly. We had to change apartments today and our wifi doesn't work at the new apartment, so we didn't get to check the DHL website until we found this hotspot, in of all places a food court in a mall. I'll likely not get to make too many more updates, since we don't have internet at the new apartment, but we're all flying high now! It's difficult to believe, but Grumpy the guard was actually correct!

Thanks to all the good thoughts and prayers everyone has been sending our way, they sure worked!

Kevin, Natasha & Vika
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-03-13 09:36:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusVisa Approved!
Seeing recent responses in this thread (and having internet again), I just had to see what was what. And I laughed my hiney off! No one morphs a thread like us Russian forum folk.

Now, on to serious business: I used to say apple was my favorite, and no offense slim but the bigger the chunks the better, but these days I'd have to go with cherry. I, too, have always had a soft spot for chocolate creme pie, as well as banana creme pie, but haven't tasted either in many years.

Tell me, though - since I'm here in Russia and Vika likes to watch TV, every 3 minutes I see another 'choco-pie' commercial. Do those count as 'pie'? I hope so, because I've eaten and loved them since I was just knee high!
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-03-15 14:23:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusVisa Approved!
Thanks for all the support and ideas, everyone. I would have thought the USCIS would have objected to the previous K-1 if someone wanted to object, rather than having the consul object to it, and I also agree that it smells like something post-interview since for 2 weeks after the interview every call we made received a reply of "visas approved, being printed".

My brother and his wife are both the politically active types, and have contacted one of my congressmen. I emailed Kent the entire story complete with dates and events and the consul case number so that he would be prepared to hand this information over in the event someone wanted to listen. The congressman indicated that he would be happy to make some inquiries, but wanted our full names and passport numbers, which I have sent this morning.

I really don't expect anything to happen quickly, since this is the government we're talking about, but at least a government official is 'investigating'.
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-03-13 00:45:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusVisa Approved!
Kazan - no reason we can think of, or they will tell us. Frustrating as hell to be told for two weeks "visas approved, you'll have it soon" only to have the rug yanked out from under you.

WWW - we'll eventually get to a full review of the interview, but we were hoping to do that in Omaha. We're not much in the mood now. I will say it was a very short interview, perhaps 5 minutes, and they asked no questions about me at all. Natasha had a previous K-1 visa 2 years ago, and only stayed a few days because the guy proved to be a real jerk, and most of the questions were about this visa and why it didn't work out. The consul also asked Natasha's 11 year old daughter if she wanted to live in the USA.
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-03-12 10:56:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusVisa Approved!
My subject is meant to be sarcastic. At the interview, the consul said "Visa approved". The Monday after the interview we called the support desk, and the next day received an answer from the consul: "Visa approved, you'll have it in 1 week". Yesterday we called for another status update, and today were told "Administrative review. If your visa is approved, it will take 1 or 2 weeks before it is printed, but quite often it can take much longer. If you don't receive your passport back in a month, call us again".

So, they've been lying to us for the past 2 weeks. Now Natasha and Vika will return to Volgodonsk and I'll return to Omaha, the future uncertain once more. I haven't decided yet whether I should change their tickets to a month or two from now, and try to be hopeful, or if I should just cancel them. There's no way to tell IF the visas will be approved now, since they have apparently changed their minds. I've spent all the money I had to bring Natasha and Vika back to the USA, so even if the visas get approved eventually, I don't know what to do.

Assuming I hear anything, ever, from the consulate, I'll let everyone know.
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-03-12 05:24:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusVISA APPROVED
Yeah Buck! You two must be ecstatic! When are they planning on coming to the USA?
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-03-06 02:26:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPoll - Russian filers - Any delays with receipt of visa?
Natasha's interview was February 26, and we received the visa directly from the DHL office on March 13. No official explanation for the 'delay' has ever been given, though given the nature of the questions asked during the interview, we believe it was probably caused by her previous K-1 (Natasha and this man did not get married, and she was with him for less than 1 week, though she stayed in the USA for 6 weeks). It's just a guess, but it seems like a reasonable one.
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-04-11 14:10:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusVISA APPROVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Many happy (though belated) CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-05-12 17:14:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusJust Checking In
I made this post over in the 'moving to the USA' section, and thought I'd cross-link it here for anyone who might be interested.

I have a lot of reading to catch up on, I see!
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-05-12 17:10:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPassed the California Bar Exam!
Belated congrats, Sat! Something tells me you'll be successful.

For whatever reason (my affection for movies notwithstanding), I'm reminded of the following movie quote:

"That is such a dumb idea. Sometimes it amazes me you ever passed the bar.
I'm sure it does, you've never passed a bar in you life.
You are so much less attractive when I'm sober.
Thank goodness it's not that often."

Congrats again, and good luck!
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-06-02 09:22:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusToilet seat covers
QUOTE (slim @ Jun 1 2008, 05:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You guys have his and hers toilets and showers?

Now that is genius! I usually knock one of her 6lb. bottles of soap or shampoo or whatever (there are like 12 bottles of stuff in there) onto my toes when I shower. It would be nice to shower without that kind of hazard present. I doubt I'd knock over my lone bottle of shower gel.

And to have a throne of my own..... priceless!

Natasha has already stated we need some sort of corner shelving stand in the shower, so that she has someplace to keep her shower necessities. I feel your pain, Slim!
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-06-02 14:38:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusfinal checking before the interview - please need advise
I'm with Jomo's girl on this one. I brought copies (and originals/certified copies) for every document sent in the petition or for which I thought the CO might want to see. Two 3-inch binders, which Natasha dutifully carried in to the interview. The CO looked at only a very small set of documents, though. It's tough to say what you need and what you don't, since every CO is different and every case/situation is different. But I believe you can never be too fully prepared, and it's better to lug in a lot of documents that don't get looked at than to bring a minimalist set and then not have ready something the CO wants to see.
KGSodieMaleRussia2008-06-02 14:23:00