IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers
Congrats again Chris&Cecil!!!! How did you share the news? Screaming over the phone? Online typing so fast that your fingers failed you? If everything is in order, you could possibly have a September interview! How awesome!!!! You are one step closer to being done....yay!!!!

Tom, I put those lines because they popped in to my silly little head. Everyone needs a little pick me up from Queen. We should all gather together at the end of our interviews and sing "We are the Champions" loudly :). My good news is just news until I can confirm it as being good. I will call my husband tomorrow and see if he answers.

Ok, c'mon more good news!!!! Who will I assault next with my swinging around in circles/happy dance and congrats on here?
BigSighFemalePeru2010-06-22 21:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers
I think that the time line has been proven time and time again to be a thing to look at while bored but not to be trusted since it is always going back and forth between "jubilation" and "suicide". I would just count on getting your NOA2 on the 6 month date for your NOA1 and if it comes sooner then awesome!!!! If not, then you will be calling up the USCIS and your congress people and lighting fires under their behinds to hurry up!!!!!! I was prepared to wait until August 1st until they pushed the time line to 6 months and then I set Spet 1st as a goal. I was pleasently surprised to receive my NOA2 before then.
BigSighFemalePeru2010-06-22 17:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers
triaxxx, I'm sorry to hear that. So was your family here on a tourist visa? Hopefully USCIS will pick up soon and make everyone's life easier and happier. Do you have all of your paperwork for NVC? That will make the NVC part go by fast. There is little comfort while waiting for the NOA2. Hopefully your family is all safe and healthy (which counts for something). This whole process is just a heartbreak from beginning to end. May USCIS end everyone's sorrows quickly.
BigSighFemalePeru2010-06-22 16:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers
If I were allowed to hand out the USCIS NOA2's, I would've handed them out to all of you on here already.
BigSighFemalePeru2010-06-22 11:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers
Good luck JinyAndJony. At least you aren't sitting on a raft in the middle of nowhere. You are still on the shore looking to drift off and prepared. I left the shore without the required 2 paddles (I have one paddle and am spinning in circles) and life vest while it was a big storm out. :P.
BigSighFemalePeru2010-06-22 11:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers
Sweetcheeks, the NOA1 is sent out from the CSC, so no problem there with waiting. Do you have your sons's NOA1 now?

JinyAndJony....good luck with the PCC's and the AOSer, any news?
BigSighFemalePeru2010-06-22 10:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers
Yes it is possible to be optimistic while pessimistic. Life is easier to not have on hold when you don't have a child. If I was childless I'd be working a lot more and doing other things. Life is never truly on hold anyway. I just refuse to acknowledge that time has passed since I last saw him. :).

On the AOS front, I am possibly closer to getting that solved. As well as the papers front. Hopefully I will know more today about the AOS.

Another round of thunderstorms (thunder bolts) and lightning (very very frightening) here today.

Edited by TeyaValentina, 22 June 2010 - 09:56 AM.

BigSighFemalePeru2010-06-22 09:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers
FLPilot's approval was from last week. Who will be the lucky winner(s) this week?
BigSighFemalePeru2010-06-22 08:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers
Yay FLPilot!!!! Woo hoo!!! What a nice way to end a vacation. You might get a case number from NVC before next week! I hope you are all set for the NVC and to coast right on through!!!

March2010, do you have a case number yet? How are things going for you?

Another NOA2, that is a good sign. Slowly but surely. Who will be next?!?!?!? C'mon more good news USCIS!!!!
BigSighFemalePeru2010-06-22 08:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers
Wow. I haven't been on here all day and look at what I missed. Indigo, I asked people the same question like 2 months ago and got little response. Good luck! You sure are full of ideas and stories. Please remember that there are females on here as well. We aren't (at least I am not) particuallarly interested in hearing about hot lady behinds glued to chairs. As for your question about if it gets easier or not...that all just depends on the type of person you are. If you are super needy than it sucks even more than for the rest of us. If you have ever been away from that person then it becomes easier and easier each time. Sure it sucks you either can be sad every single second until you see them again or learn to adjust and think about something else. Don't get me wrong, I miss my husband terribly but if I actually stopped to think about it, I would be in pieces emotionally. Especially since he hasn't seen our daughter since she was 3 1/2 months old and she is 15 months old today. I just block out all of my emotions to not feel anything. Except for anger. That one doesn't seem to be blockable :P.

I'm hoping that this week will be a good one for everyone on here. Please USCIS, stop messing with people's emotions!!!!!

Tom, don't feel too bad, I always forget how it feels to even kiss my husband after I leave. I won't tell if you don't. Time sort of just stayed suspended until I see him again. A year feels like nothing but I know that I will be suppppppppppeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrr happy and all emotional whenever I see him again. *Sigh.
BigSighFemalePeru2010-06-21 18:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers
On July 6th, it will be a year since I last saw my husband in person. :crying:

Any good news this summer solstice morning?
BigSighFemalePeru2010-06-21 08:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers
Welcome! Sorry to hear that. Separation is terrible! I hope this next week brings even more approvals for our Marchers and Marchettes.
BigSighFemalePeru2010-06-20 10:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers
I keep going to the online payment portal to see if there is something I can do but the fees are paid. I thought that the wait for the payment to process was supposed to suck. It didn't at all really. That was pretty easy.
I think I will call my husband again tonight and see what is up. Waiting sucks! I hope he called the AOSer like he was supposed to... :wacko:. Otherwise, I will be on your team Tom of impatient spouses of procrastinators. I procrastinate as well so I guess it is fair. Just don't seem fair when the shoe is on the other foot. :lol: Those who live in glass houses, right? *Sigh.
BigSighFemalePeru2010-06-19 18:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers
Another early Marcher got approved. they don't have a profile but since their filing date is Feb 22nd, their NOA1 would be in early March.
BigSighFemalePeru2010-06-19 18:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers
The time line changed all the time. Back in the first days of March, my time line said May. then it kept going between early June, mid June, late June, July, then back to mid June. Oh, don't forget the ever so crummy, "Not enough recent approvals to make an estimate." When I got the approval, my time line showed that I was to be waiting 10 more days for an approval. The time line is maddening. I would go more off of people before you getting approved and then adding a few weeks to that for a good estimate for when you will get your approval.

I also remember that any time I would get within 2 weeks of the time line, the time line would jump further down in the month.
BigSighFemalePeru2010-06-19 16:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers
JinyAndJony, I don't know what to say (I mean, I don't know if this is correct or not, just a best guess). I would put it in the DS230 and maybe write that it was omitted by accident on the I-130. They will probably ask you about it if you don't claim that you were somewhere for 10 months in 2007. I don't think they will deny you a visa for it if you are honest about it being a mistake. You could always send in copies of the visa stamps from your passport showing that trip, along with your biographical page of your passport. That way they can't send you an RFE about it. Best of luck! Maybe someone else will help you out!
BigSighFemalePeru2010-06-19 12:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers
Tom, it is hot over here too. Have a safe trip kayaking! Have a good weekend everyone. I'll be waiting for some good news on Monday from you all!
BigSighFemalePeru2010-06-18 21:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers
Thanks bud! It would take everything short of a "miracle" in order to be that way. At least we will be in the same NVC groups right? :P.
BigSighFemalePeru2010-06-18 15:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers
I see people refer to NVC as "hell" as well as AP being "hell". The latter I imagine is truly awful. Like waiting for the NOA2 all over again :P. I think waiting to see whether I'm moving to Peru or not is "hell." I don't think NVC is that bad unless you think that you are going to make a certain month for interviews and then it gets pushed back a month or two. That must surely suck. Looks like I'm no where near close to being able to send off either set of papers. When I say no where near, I mean at least the end of July is not August for one set of papers. :bonk: :bonk: - wish I could do that to my husband right now! Anyway, good luck to the rest of those still waiting for their NOA2's!!!!
BigSighFemalePeru2010-06-18 15:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers
You don't want an RFE!!!! That would just delay you further. Maybe the officer thinks you are good lookin' and decided to look at your case again. :). I keep feeling like today is Saturday but it isn't. We still have some time today to hear some good news!
BigSighFemalePeru2010-06-18 12:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers are so lucky!!!!!!! You will be ready to zip through NVC when you get there.
BigSighFemalePeru2010-06-18 09:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers
Any good news today? C'mon more approvals!!!!
BigSighFemalePeru2010-06-18 09:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers
Should I send one in? B-)
BigSighFemalePeru2010-06-17 22:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers
Maybe some one will have some good news tonight. Or Monday!!!!

John-It is about my husband's papers. He also didn't call the AOSer like he was supposed to. :blink:
BigSighFemalePeru2010-06-17 21:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers
Biscuits!!! Not the news I had hoped for. :(. Hopefully it will change. C'mon more good news from Marchers and Marchettes.
BigSighFemalePeru2010-06-17 20:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers
Ok approvals train...who is the next passenger? :whistle: :whistle:
BigSighFemalePeru2010-06-17 20:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers
I knew that inshalla was "God willing" and know alham...and some other things because I had some Saudi friends :) who taught me some words.
BigSighFemalePeru2010-06-17 18:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers
That is the best junk e-mail ever!!!!! No prob for the insdie tip. Now you can come join us all the way in the NVC June group (I have seen you posting a few things). So, that means that next week you will have your case number and then be able to give them the e-mails for you and your wife. Then the last week of June you will be getting the AOS/DS3032 e-mails and be able to pay that first fee. Yippeeeeeeeee!

*Note to everyone: I will be getting this excited about all of your approvals!!!

Your wife must be sooooo happy right now. Yay!

I saw that you posted "inshalla" some where so to you I say, "alhamdullilah (sorry for the crazy missssssspelling" know what I mean though. At least I hope that is the one that means "to God be the glory".
BigSighFemalePeru2010-06-17 18:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!! March2010, I'm so happy for you that I could hug you and spin around in circles!!!!!!!!!!! How frickin awesome is that? Wow!!!!!!!!! Was it e-mailed to you? How do you feel? Did you freak out? Did your wife freak out? I NEED DETAILS!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P. Woo hoo!!!!! Yay!!!!!!!!!
BigSighFemalePeru2010-06-17 17:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers
Seems as though harmony has been restored. YAY! Glad to hear that you didn't lose anything in the shake, rattle, n rolling in So Cali Anthony. It is HOT and sunny out here today with chances of tornado...yippee!!!! What is up with Omaha and Thursday=ing tornadoes? There isn't even any rain here....silly weather people....I hope to get some good news tonight about my husband's papers. If not, I will be sending you all my hideout location in Peru and hoping for some visits!!!! :).
BigSighFemalePeru2010-06-17 17:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers
Thanks March2010 :). I'm glad that you will be able to go to the interview with your wife (even if they won't let you in). That way you can celebrate in person :). I know that my husband would love to have some company but I won't be able to swing it :(. He will be ok though, I hope. He forgets date all the time, so we will have to practice extra on the dates of things.
BigSighFemalePeru2010-06-17 16:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers
I hope we are all done with assumptions and mockery on here. this started out as a nice thread. No need to throw in comments that belittle others for their ideas of how to reunite with their spouses as soon as possible. This is a very trying process for everyone. At least it is almost the weekend. Hopefully everyone has some plans to be able to take their minds off of the stress for a few days.
BigSighFemalePeru2010-06-17 15:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers
Poor Tom. At least you tried to calm the stressed out peeps. All we can do is wait. I will hopefully have some answers about whether my AOSer is going to be my AOSer or not and possibly about my husband's papers. That will be nice if both happen today. I hope everyone is having good weather where they are. I'd hate to be in a rainy place during this whole process (unless you love the rain, then more power to ya). Luckily no one has had to wait 6 months yet (and *crossed fingers* won't have to). As long as those who are waiting have everything ready that they need to/can get ready at this point, the rest will be so much nicer (minus the waiting for SIF/CC and interview depending on when you get done with NVC).

Who gets to go be with their loved one for an interview?
BigSighFemalePeru2010-06-17 13:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers
I didn't get any touches right before my NOA2.
BigSighFemalePeru2010-06-17 10:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers
There is a new NOA2 on Igor's list but it is from January. So perhaps they are going backward a bit then they will move forward.
BigSighFemalePeru2010-06-17 10:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers
Thanks JinyAndJony and buddy John for the anniversary wishes. I might have an answer tomorrow about his papers. I hope so. Maybe March2010 or some other lucky person will have good news!!!!
BigSighFemalePeru2010-06-16 22:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers
I love those bank shoots. I always thought those were sooooooo cool when I was little! Maybe tomorrow someone will have some super awesome and exciting news...please!!!! Not like any of you choose to not have super awesome news. :P.
BigSighFemalePeru2010-06-16 19:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers
Good luck! Keep us updated!
BigSighFemalePeru2010-06-16 17:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaBizarre foods of MENA

Very true Raspberry ... I find those stickers sooo annoying :lol: Ye having one of them does not automatically make you PC!

Off topic, but ... Asuman huh? Interesting name... what is orginally? Sounds Turkis for some reason.

Back to topic: Has anyone ever heard of Pismaniye (floss halwa) ?

Yeah, it's Turkish (Old Persian name, I think). My parents were immigrants from Turkey and moved to Belgium when they were younger. I was born there.

I LOVE Pismaniye!!! OMG can't believe you mentioned it. That stuff is so sweet though but I miss it.
Mom used to run her own little deli/grocery shops with all sorts of Middle Eastern food stuffs.
I miss her cooking. /cry
RaspberrySwirlFemaleBelgium2007-06-23 20:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaBizarre foods of MENA

Waooow oooooooooook... does anyone have chill pills to pass around?

Well, you gotta admit, they are making a good point.
I also kinda cringed when the other poster made mention of their Coexist sticker.

But back to MENA foods!!!!

My favourite dish ever, is tabouleh. YUM. With all sortsa lettuce and that garlicy yogurt stuff with cucumbers in it.
RaspberrySwirlFemaleBelgium2007-06-23 17:19:00