USCIS Service CentersAfter 3 weeks... Is CSC slowing down again?

For what is is worth, VJ was founded on bringing awareness of issues like this to the (then) INS and peacefully pushing to create change.  Note these two links showing peaceful protests by members of this site at the Texas USCIS Service Center.  The VJ Community was able to get their attention and break the log jam within 3 weeks using this peaceful method since it raised the public awareness to TV and Radio by making this a "personal" issue.  Regular members on VJ discussed this on the site, coordinated and all met in Dallas to raise awareness and force USCIS to know US citizens were upset and not going to do nothing when they were apart from their loved ones.


Thanks Captain Ewok.  May I PM you with my website that allows manipulation of the data to get your opinion of whether I may post a link to it here on VJ?  I will be working on it this weekend so should have something by Monday. 


I do not want to act against the wishes of VJ, but I still believe that this information is potentially useful to those of us still waiting (as well as interesting to those who are simply curious to see what this data might be able to tell them).  


Let me know here on this thread or PM'ed to me directly.  Thanks.

pachacutiMalePeru2013-05-10 11:25:00
USCIS Service CentersAfter 3 weeks... Is CSC slowing down again?

Sorry for the double post.

pachacutiMalePeru2013-05-10 10:48:00
USCIS Service CentersAfter 3 weeks... Is CSC slowing down again?


it means do not post it period.


you have been given moderation direction.  do not post it in any way, shape, form, or fashion. 


If this is the case, moderation is being completely unreasonable.  A sad day for VJ.

pachacutiMalePeru2013-05-10 10:45:00
USCIS Service CentersAfter 3 weeks... Is CSC slowing down again?


it means do not post it period.


you have been given moderation direction.  do not post it in any way, shape, form, or fashion. 


If this is the case, moderation is being completely unreasonable.  A sad day for VJ.

pachacutiMalePeru2013-05-10 10:45:00
USCIS Service CentersAfter 3 weeks... Is CSC slowing down again?

several posts removed.

1 - do not post contents of messages between moderation and members anywhere in the forums.
2 - do not repost or offer to share with anyone on this site the files that TylerDurden earlier posted.  the files were removed amid privacy concerns.  do not circumvent earlier moderation action.



Am I to understand that you also take issue with me making the data available for manipulation, after having scrubbed ALL potentially confidential information.  There will only be dates, actions and case types.  Individual cases will be represented by a number that is only meaningful to my database and nothing more.  I cannot see how this is an issue in any way.  Feel free to express your opinion if you see it otherwise, but please point out what specific harm you feel may be done.

pachacutiMalePeru2013-05-10 09:58:00
USCIS Service CentersAfter 3 weeks... Is CSC slowing down again?

My opinion of Anonymous has always been that I supported the spirit, although I have not always supported the individual actions.  This particular action is above reproach.  It is a simple manipulation of publicly accessible data.

pachacutiMalePeru2013-05-10 03:27:00
USCIS Service CentersAfter 3 weeks... Is CSC slowing down again?

Having spent most of my life working for "the government", I am truly not afraid.  I am aware of what my actions really mean to the agency and know that they would not be considered harmful.  Even with my case pending at USCIS, I do not truly believe that they would expose themselves to professional scrutiny to go after someone like me.  Any other thoughts would have to be considered paranoid.


Look, I am a big proponent of government.  I believe the government is a force for good.  But to be that force for good, it must be transparent, it must be accountable, it must be responsive.  This is the type of government worker I ALWAYS was.  I was transparent, I was accountable and I was responsive.  I always made sure that the customer received the service they expected.


To detail this, I will lay out my career a bit.  I started out as a bilingual (Spanish-English) financial worker determining eligibility for welfare programs.  I was made a lead worker after 3 years.  Mere months after that I worked at headquarters as the ombudsman.  Having a bent for technical skills, I taught myself web programming and got a job as an IT worker with the agency that administers child support in my state (a little googling and all y'all can figure out who I am now).  Even in this position as a web dev, I had constant contact with clients and employers.  I even still had contact with people wanting to know about welfare benefits. One thing I ALWAYS did is to make sure that they were put in contact with the right person to address their concerns.  The last thing I told each and every client I served: "Consider me your last point of contact.  I will try to have someone who can help you contact you, but if you do not hear anything, you call me.  I am the person responsible for you until you get what you need."  Seldom did they have to contact me again, but let me tell you that each and every person was enriched by that type of contact.  That is what government should be.  That is the service we should expect.  I know because I provided that service.

It is not possible to open a website where to post all this data? I believe that many will join. 


I plan to make the data available (albeit without receipt numbers) for you to play with. Stay tuned.

pachacutiMalePeru2013-05-10 02:50:00
USCIS Service CentersAfter 3 weeks... Is CSC slowing down again?

This is an unfortunate turn of events for such an effective and creative use of publicly accessible data.  I, for one, appreciate the effort you have made to make this data available to us. I still plan to create a web app to make this data available and manipulable to more people.  Hopefully these efforts will empower others against such an opaque and unresponsive agency.


FWIW, yes I am a little concerned that I am not anonymous.  However, I was raised to believe in the freedom of speech afforded by my native land.  I still believe in the American dream and will continue to comport myself along those lines. I will face any adversity in a fighting stance and will employ all my connections and ability.  I encourage everyone to maintain the same attitude.


May we all have the best of luck on our journeys and be reunited with our loved ones in the shortest time possible.


pachacutiMalePeru2013-05-10 02:09:00
USCIS Service CentersAfter 3 weeks... Is CSC slowing down again?


We need the advice of you the VJ membership and the forum moderators and administration.
We will have completed our data collection in about another 2 days.
Currently we have identified and collected 12974 I-129F petitions and expect to discover approximately another 1996 files.
Perhaps those of you who have dealt with officials or the forum moderators can advise us.
The first question. There is an internal debate about how to release the data. Do we release data with or without the Receipt Numbers?
There are two schools of thought.
One view is that Receipt Numbers should be included in the data because it allows officials to verify that the data is real and accurate. Without a means to show the veracity of the data USCIS can continue to dismiss complaints and obfuscate the information that they provide. Congressional representatives and other officials may be reluctant to do anything more than a minor inquiry without rock solid evidence. A smoking gun.
The other view is that the filers themselves may not want every Receipt Number and be under the perception that this number is private information even though it contains no relevant individual information.
Second question. We plan to create a thread to post where members can download the data as well as provide periodic updates to the data. We also plan on providing some reports and graphs based on the data. Where would be the best place to start such a thread?




On the receipt numbers, the question needs to be: is this information confidential?  Or rather, can this information reasonably be used by a third party to obtain otherwise protected confidential information?


Personally, if I were USCIS, I believe I would treat the receipt number with more care than they do, worrying that this information could be used to compromise other systems.  However, having said that, the mere fact that I can go to the online case page and enter any old receipt number I want, USCIS themselves have made the decision, perhaps inadvertently, to treat this information as not being sensitive.  While they take this viewpoint, I believe we are safe in continue to allow this information to be public.

pachacutiMalePeru2013-05-07 11:31:00
USCIS Service CentersAfter 3 weeks... Is CSC slowing down again?



ranting33va.gif  Well maybe we should sent the timelines and Igor's list, and make them aware that we know what they are and are not doing. Yes it is just a small sample size however it has proven to be representative of what CSC is doing...



Edit -> just realized I am at 6 months today... sigh... sad.png


No one should really doubt Igor's List as a representative sample of what is going on.  It's size (roughly 5% of the total) is very in line with representative samples.  Igor's List's greatest downfall is that it is not being collected in a rigorous scientific manner.  So, while from a statistician's point of view, it may be argued against, it is clearly indicative of the problem at large.  Further, it is FAR better than purely anecdotal examples.


Eventually, when we are prepared to lose access to the data, we should make known the dataset that is being compiled.  Let 'em chew on that one for a while.  I think, however, that it is still premature for this particular step.  As more people become aware of the dataset, its general public knowledge will become unavoidable.  I just hope that it gets to a particular critical mass so that its impact can truly be felt and perhaps some more long-lived institutional change might take place; USCIS is in dire need of such change.

pachacutiMalePeru2013-05-07 10:25:00
USCIS Service CentersAfter 3 weeks... Is CSC slowing down again?

Yes, that?s similar to what we were considering. Perhaps the use of a GUID so that people can later apply updates to the correct records without needing the original WAC recipe number.


We have not decided on the exact method yet.




Before anyone asks, GUID is a Globally Unique Identifier.  http://www.pctools.c...s/article/id/4/

pachacutiMalePeru2013-05-06 19:43:00
USCIS Service CentersAfter 3 weeks... Is CSC slowing down again?


We have considered posting the data but are not sure if to include the WAC receipt numbers. We have already been removing references to shipping tracking numbers etc. so that we can post it.


Collecting for VAC is not something we are considering. We have already doubled our project scope by expending the date range.


Remove the WACs and just assign some database specific unique identifier to each case.  That should be sufficient for data analysis.

pachacutiMalePeru2013-05-06 19:23:00
USCIS Service CentersAfter 3 weeks... Is CSC slowing down again?



We will reiterate, it is useless from a predictive stand point.
We are already have collected the majority of data filed prior to from 06/28/12 until the establishment of DACA. The reviews are primarily random, a predictive model cannot be established. 
The review of applications prior to November 1st, specifically those from July through September do not provide a significant data pattern.
The ONLY thing the data from July through September can realistically expose is the volume of outstanding petitions for those months. But that data can already be extrapolated from the existing data on Igor?s list.
Perhaps, if you clarify a question for the data to answer we could better target our analysis.
Our intention was to provide useful data to CSC filers of I129F petitions.
We do not intend to collect every possible iteration of data. This is an expensive and time consuming process and we receive nothing from providing this data. Nor can we meet the expectations or desires of every petitioner.
If our efforts are only going to result in criticism or demands perhaps we were mistaken in sharing this data.
The data is what it is.




Perhaps providing the raw harvested data and allowing others to query and manipulate this data might yield other beneficial uses, aside from the purely predictive ones you mention (i.e. workload productivity and case pending status viewed on different scales).  How possible do you think this would be?  Perhaps including VSC data in the data set would also be useful as a point of contrast and/or comparison (or simply for VSC folks who are equally concerned about case processing times).

pachacutiMalePeru2013-05-06 19:01:00
USCIS Service CentersAfter 3 weeks... Is CSC slowing down again?


Once you include July - September cases your number would be considerably higher. I think this will more accurately show how bad CSC was from the month of Oct through March and also their capability to approve cases in April. Therefore illustrating a systematic problem with CSC, which is exactly what the Ombudsman office is there to correct. This is also good info for representative's staff when they make inquiries on a petitioner's behalf.



While I agree with this statement and plan on using the information in this manner, I do wish to point out that making the data widely known may eventually cause USCIS to alter how you are able to access information online.  Just keep that in mind, my friends (as someone who works in IT, mostly for government agencies, I believe my statements to be accurate).  So, I think we need to make the best use of this data we can, while we have access to it.

pachacutiMalePeru2013-05-06 16:54:00
USCIS Service CentersAfter 3 weeks... Is CSC slowing down again?


Keep in mind that the average RFE for that period is 8 days old. It will be interesting to see how long it will take petitioners to respond to these RFEs and how long CSC will take to review those RFEs. The question is, if the volume of RFEs will result in a slowdown in processing of unviewed I129F petitions.


I have sent you a PM offering to help.  I mention it here, only if you overlook the notification from your PMs.

pachacutiMalePeru2013-05-05 11:33:00
USCIS Service CentersDo NOA 2's arrive by e-mail only at night/early morning?

It seems like most people get their noa 2's at night, or early morning like around 3-6am. Do people ever get them during the day 12pm-9pm? Just wondering, because when I wake up and don't see it I assume it won't be that day.


I got mine at 6:50 PM :)

pachacutiMalePeru2013-05-23 00:57:00
USCIS Service CentersVSC or CSC

So they open TSC for I-129f visa? As far as I know there are only CSC and VSC.

No, last week they sent some of the CSC workload (it was 3 other application types, K1 was not among them) to TSC. Theoretically, that should free CSC up to get back to work on our petitions. Theoretically.
pachacutiMalePeru2013-03-18 19:55:00
USCIS Service CentersVSC or CSC

how long are you waiting ?

Me? Not long, comparatively. 109 days so far. But it is frustrating to not see anybody move at all. All those folks from July and August still waiting for approval. It does not, so far, bode well. And it doesn't look like the recent transfer of caseload to TSC did anything to loosen up the log jam. I keep hoping that that was just because they were busy packing up boxes of paperwork.
pachacutiMalePeru2013-03-18 19:50:00
USCIS Service CentersVSC or CSC

Last year CSC was very fast and VSC was slow. Now CSC has gotten slower.

That is not quite right. CSC has, for all intents and purposes, stopped.
pachacutiMalePeru2013-03-18 19:40:00
USCIS Service CentersA Guide to Writing Your Elected Representative(s) About the I-129F Slowdown at the CSC
Things to keep in mind:

1. The K-1 Visa type was designed to AVOID delay. Even the 5 month processing time was lengthy. But, okay, most of us can accept that.
2. This time has now been extending to some arbitrary, undefined amount (I see 5.5 months, 6.6 months, 10.2 months, 1 year, nothing July 18 and after). It really depends on who you talk to and there is no firmly established guidelines on what the processing time should be and what criteria would cause it to be lengthened. There is no transparency in this process.
3. The processing time change at the whim of CSC. When I started it was 5, now it is July 18, 2012 (which it has been for months now). What will it be tomorrow. If I sit around like an idiot waiting for this processing time to pass, it might never pass based on what appears to be going on.
4. A letter of general complaint to shed light on this issue can and should be sent by any and everyone who cares, whether they started the K1 journey yesterday or have absolutely nothing to do with K1 visas whatsoever. Injustice is injustice no matter how you slice it.
5. The person who is most interested in your case is you. It is your responsibility to stay on top of it.
6. There should be more citizen access to what is going on with our cases.
7. Respectfully inquiring about your case should not negatively affect your case. I have never worked in a government agency where such action was taken, much less tolerated. At worst you will be ignored. At best you will get action to shut you up.

That's all I can think of right now.
pachacutiMalePeru2013-03-30 11:41:00
USCIS Service CentersA Guide to Writing Your Elected Representative(s) About the I-129F Slowdown at the CSC

Who is making "apologies" for CSC? Couldn't even find the word using a text search here.

I really don't see any point in one group of USCIS applicants complaining about another group of USCIS applicants getting petitions approved quicker than one group over another. If that were the case, everyone would be unhappy. Someone in a position of authority is obviously making decisions about priority based on caseload, national security, politics, tax revenue etc just to name a few. Go look at the USCIS processing page, it's endless with all the different applications.

A person who argues in defense or justification of something, such as a doctrine, policy, or institution.

I disagree with you completely. I think if the institution is shifting priorities for whatever reason to the detriment of one class of applicants, it is an injustice. Not to put to fine a point on it, but this is doubly compounded by the fact that in our case it is to the detriment of CITIZENS who have always FOLLOWED THE LAW. I am 100% behind DACA or DreamAct or what have you, but they should not be given precedence over family-based visa types, in my (not so) humble opinion. And as I have pointed out in several places, this has a lot to do with gross mismanagement at USCIS. They are now flush with available resources that could be brought to bear on ALL VISA TYPES, but they were too busy establishing their priorities, instead of utilizing the resources that we applicants (K1, K3, CR1, DACA, AOS, et al) are paying to them.

Edited by pachacuti, 30 March 2013 - 01:02 AM.

pachacutiMalePeru2013-03-30 01:02:00
USCIS Service CentersA Guide to Writing Your Elected Representative(s) About the I-129F Slowdown at the CSC
And if anybody thinks that the DACA's aren't going fast, just check out this forum.

I expect to see July and August folks explode when they read the timelines that many have in their footers.

Inexcusable. And yet there are still apologists here saying that we should just be patient and wait our turn.
pachacutiMalePeru2013-03-30 00:39:00
USCIS Service CentersA Guide to Writing Your Elected Representative(s) About the I-129F Slowdown at the CSC

I'm of a divided opinion on that. Yes, if you are only a couple of months in, it wouldn't be proper to complain about your own application, but I don't think there is anything wrong with addressing your concerns of the backlog, and that it will likely delay your application beyond the posted wait time.

That's not a divided opinion. That is a reasonable opinion and one I share with you.
pachacutiMalePeru2013-03-29 18:05:00
USCIS Service CentersA Guide to Writing Your Elected Representative(s) About the I-129F Slowdown at the CSC
This thread brings tears to my eyes, tears of joy. I want to express my extreme gratitude to each and every one of my fellow travelers who are pushing and prodding to get some change. Thank all of you and keep up the good fight.
pachacutiMalePeru2013-03-28 12:24:00
USCIS Service CentersA Guide to Writing Your Elected Representative(s) About the I-129F Slowdown at the CSC

For what is worth: When we were in the waiting game (we are past that now), and our case hit the service time given by service center at the time, I contacted TX representative Cornyn. His web site has the info on the disclosure so I sent all together. I followed up a couple of days letter by phone, 3 days letter our petition is approved. Coincidence maybe, but a call placed to USCIS just the day before I sent the letter informed me that I should wait 'at least 90 days and then call back'
This OP post (the one with the charts and analysis) provides very good data and possible evidence that could be used.
You lose nothing, except a 45c stamp and maybe a few minutes on a phone call.....

I strongly agree. Take action. You lose very little in taking action. The accumulated effect of all of us taking action will be much greater than any single action. Think about it. Only through concerted mass effort will we have any chance of seeing any change happen.
pachacutiMalePeru2013-03-28 00:42:00
USCIS Service CentersA Guide to Writing Your Elected Representative(s) About the I-129F Slowdown at the CSC
You should try to get this added as a resource here on VJ. Great job!!
pachacutiMalePeru2013-03-27 12:27:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaMarriage in Peru

Well hope FedEx is good because I just paid to have it overnighted to Peru and it should be there by Monday.  


I ended up just having all the documents, except the certified ones with the raised seals, notarized.  I had all of the documents legalized. I gave power of attorney to her mom which will have time to go and get everything translated and legalized again.  


So what is the process after her mom gets the docs?  


I let her know she should go to the municipality and ask them where and what she should do with all of them.  


Do you guys have any ideas on where to go first?  Legalize, translate, then legalize?  Which offices should she go to?  She is going to Lima.  Thanks. 


Going CR1 route because i have 3 marijuana convictions from a while ago and I dont want to supply docs or take a risk of denial.  I know as long as its not AWA I should be fine, but I dont want to risk it.  




On docs from the US, you pretty much follow this path:


1. Get document from official source (go for the version with the most authentication possible. They often have choices for "use for paperwork abroad" or something similar")

2. Do one of the following:

    A. Get an apostille from the Secretary of State in the state where the office source is.

    - or -

    B. Send the document to the Consulate that has jurisdiction over the location of the official source

    * to know which path to follow, contact both the consulate with jurisdiction and the Secretary of State in the state in question.  In my situation getting a document from Thurston County, Washington State, got an Apostille from the Secretary of State's office.  The Peruvian consulate in San Francisco was never involved.

3. Get an approved translator from Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores.

4. Have document translated.

5. Have document authorized by the Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores

6. Present the document to the authority in question (in your case, the municipality)


As I mentioned before, each municipality does things differently, so you have to check with the municipality in question.  Usually it is something like:

1. Pay for a folder to open a marriage case

2. Follow the instructions in the folder, gathering each piece of documentation and carrying out each action indicated.

3. Once completed, take the folder with everything done, back to the municipality for approval.

4. Once approved, schedule the actual ceremony.

5. Once the ceremony is complete the marriage will be put on file.

6. Depending on the municipality, the marriage may be automatically entered into RENIEC.  If not, you will need to obtain an official copy of the marriage certificate and take it to RENIEC to have it entered.  The embassy will either want to see the marriage certificate of a RENIEC-affiliated municipality or they will want to see the registration of your marriage with RENIEC.  Find out from the municipality in question which one it is.

pachacutiMalePeru2013-05-23 16:45:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaMarriage in Peru


You need to have to documents translated in Peru.  First you will get them translated and then they need to be taken to Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores to be authenticated (I believe the ministry has a list of approved translators posted).


Good Luck


Also, check with the municipality on whether you can sign contracts.  Lots of that stuff is different from municipality to municipality.  This goes for the other requirements for the marriage.  Each municipality has different rules.  


Also, FedEx is iffy in Peru.  DHL I think is more reliable.  No UPS.  I always just mail stuff down.  Does take about 2 weeks, though.

Edited by pachacuti, 23 May 2013 - 04:05 PM.

pachacutiMalePeru2013-05-23 16:04:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaMarriage in Peru

Thank you for your reply.  Does anyone know if I can have the documents translated here at the local Peru Consulate in Chicago or if they must be done in Lima?  I am going to have the documents all legalized here at least.  


You need to have to documents translated in Peru.  First you will get them translated and then they need to be taken to Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores to be authenticated (I believe the ministry has a list of approved translators posted).


Good Luck

pachacutiMalePeru2013-05-23 16:00:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaInternational Prenuptial Agreement Peru

The prenup would or would be not enforceable depending on the jurisdiction (country) where a divorce occurs. Additionally, I'd think it depends on where the marriage occured, to begin with. Thus, if a marriage occurs in a country that does not recognize it, I'd think you have a piece of paper that enforces nothing.


I'd say to get advice from an international family law attorney with the specifics.


I would agree. Consult attorneys both here in the US and in Peru.  PM me and I might be able to refer you to an attorney friend of mine in Peru you could start that side of the discussion (if he doesn't know, he will be able to refer you to someone who does).  You will need to check this (the US ... your particular jurisdiction) end, too, before you get yourself too far into attorney's fees only to discover you have an instrument that is not worth much at the end of the day.



pachacutiMalePeru2013-06-01 18:08:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCosponsors - Peru


Hi Guys, sorry I just saw these posts, but my fiance and I just had our interview in Lima so I can shed a little more light on the topic now. I ended up starting a full time job in April that put me well above the sponsor income requirement but I did bring the co-sponsor documents because I was worried that the embassy would have a problem with the fact that my previous tax returns didn't reflect my current income, in addition since my job is relatively new I was worried they wouldn't see it as stable enough. It's a good thing I did because she specifically asked for my previous two years tax returns (I had brought them but didn't present them initially because i was hoping they wouldn't need them since I had a lot my last 3 months pay stubs, a letter from my employer and bank statements). I gave them to her and explained that it didn't reflect my current income since I was a student in 2011 and was living in Peru on a Fulbright grant in 2012, but I said that I did have a co-sponsor if the income on my tax returns presented a problem. She said that they would need the co-sponsor documents. In the end we were approved with no problem! I would recommend though that you don't provide any of the original documents to the embassy, make photocopies because they keep everything you give them... good luck! Feel free to message me if you need any more advice! The interview was really much more low key than I expected, so try not to worry too much!


Also, don't worry about it if you can't be there... the CO actually looked surprised when I walked into the interview room with him... she was like, oh.. you're both here, that's great! haha but it's definitely not a necessity!


As for sending the affidavit, it's not necessary to send it to VSC... I sent it down via DHL to my fiance because at the time I wasn't sure if I would be able to attend the interview with him, it cost a lot but it was worth the peace of mind to know that it would arrive safely and not get lost in the black hole that is Serpost.


I sent mine Serpost with no problems. Just sayin :)

pachacutiMalePeru2013-08-17 23:10:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaK-1 Interview in Lima process

Some of the older threads also mention that you can request to pick up the visa (once approved) at the Lima DHL office (Callao) rather than having it sent to your Peruvian fiance(e)'s home address, which can save a few days. Good luck!


No home delivery.  It is only delivered to a selection of DHL branches throughout Lima.  Part of the preparation for the interview includes creating an online account and selecting the branch you want your visa sent to.  The reiterate this STRONGLY at the conclusion of the interview for you to do so right away.

pachacutiMalePeru2013-08-17 23:06:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaK-1 Interview in Lima process

Can anyone tell me if Im allowed to attend the interview in Lima, Peru with my fiance? Seems like Ive read a few post where the petitioner has attended with his fiance but some sites Ive looked at say no. Also does anyone know how long it takes to get your visa once you have passed the interview with the consulate in Lima? This would be helpful to know so I can start thinking about when I will travel from US to Lima to bring my fiance back with me and if it can all be done in one trip (interview and travel). Thanks and good luck to all.


We just did our K-1 interview in Lima.  I was allowed at the "final" interview.  It went down like this:


1. There is a huge line outside.  Ignore that line, it is for the tourist visas.  Walk up and ask someone up front.  Tell them you are a "visa citada".  Someone will come and get you and take you back.

2. Once you get back, you will be called up to hand in the completed forms, in duplicate (I forgot the duplicate, but the nice lady made copies, so no harm no foul).  Then you will go pay.

3. You will go over to another window to pay.  If no one is there, don't just stand there joking about not pushing the green button like we did, push the button :)

4. Soon, another lady will call your fiance(e) over.  She made me take a seat.  This "interview" was sort of an intake. She took all the evidence, the affidavit of financial support, etc.  Then your fiance(e) will be told to have a seat.

5. Wait

6. Wait

7. Wait some more

8. Your fiance(e) will be called to a window or a little room for the interview.  You can be with him/her at that time.  I let me fiancee answer most of the questions, but one or two were thrown my way.  In our case, I believe it definitely helped (or at least definitely did not hurt).  


Good luck to you.

Can anyone tell me if Im allowed to attend the interview in Lima, Peru with my fiance? Seems like Ive read a few post where the petitioner has attended with his fiance but some sites Ive looked at say no. Also does anyone know how long it takes to get your visa once you have passed the interview with the consulate in Lima? This would be helpful to know so I can start thinking about when I will travel from US to Lima to bring my fiance back with me and if it can all be done in one trip (interview and travel). Thanks and good luck to all.


Oh. We got the visa about a week later.

pachacutiMalePeru2013-08-17 23:03:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaI-134 Question 11, Peru.

Hello I am looking for people who interviewed in Peru, and what they places for question 11. 


Intend , or do not intend. 


I seen the example form here on the VJ site, but I am curious to see what everyone else actually put. 


I am going to be submitting a i-134 form, and my co sponsor is as well. So the two of us will put the same, but unsure which to select! 


I am thinking intend, and putting ( K-1 Fiance Visa Process for Permanent Residence.) Just curious. 


What did you all do? 


FWIW I put "do not intend"... Then I underlined the word "specific".


In the comment section, I wrote: "Contributions not specific as we will be sharing a marital household."

pachacutiMalePeru2013-08-26 23:37:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBecause I don't know any better....Peru forum?

Good afternoon,

I am very new to this board and have a fiancee in Peru that I'm trying to bring to the U.S.  My question, specifically, is is there a Peru forum?  I keep seeing topics get moved to what "looks like" a specific forum for Peru, but I'm not seeing it anywhere on the website.


If there isn't, and this is the main resource for Peruvian information, that's fine.  But if there is something more specific for just that country, could someone please point me in the right direction?


Thank you!


This is the right place :)


Good to see another Peruvian couple from Washington.  Also cool to see another same sex couple (assuming this from your photo).


I am in Olympia; where are you guys going to be?

pachacutiMalePeru2013-08-27 19:55:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaLong wait for medical exam in Peru; make your appointment now!

This is scary.  The ceac website says our case is "in transit" so does that mean my fiance should schedule an appointment?  Do we need anything to schedule? 


I would go ahead and schedule.  Not too close in though.  I would probably make the appointment for 4 weeks or so out.  


You don't need anything to make the appointment, but you need your embassy appointment letter when you show up for the medical (hence the waiting a while, since you need to allow for the case to get to Lima and for Lima to enter it).

pachacutiMalePeru2013-08-27 13:56:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaLong wait for medical exam in Peru; make your appointment now!

I second this. There are only 2 doctors.  As soon as you can, make your appointment.  I would suggest starting to make an appt when your case is leaving NVC.

pachacutiMalePeru2013-08-27 01:54:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Approved petition located after 2.5 Months of waiting for NVC Receipt

I have an update for everyone my case was recieved yesterday and a case number has been assigned finally.


About dang time.  Congrats.

pachacutiMalePeru2013-06-12 20:45:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Nothing on NVC yet its been 35 days!!!

Just arrived at NVC today, got my GUZ number! dancin5hr.gif 

It's been a long 2 months!ClockWatch2.gif


Oh yeah!!!  Congrats man.  This is some good news :)

pachacutiMalePeru2013-06-20 15:40:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Nothing on NVC yet its been 35 days!!!

Isn't that is the truth,  I can not wait to be over with this part of it and i hope that no one has to go through what i have.


I am glad to see your case is on its way to your consulate.  Kudos :)

pachacutiMalePeru2013-06-16 18:42:00