USCIS Service CentersWhat happened to CSC new approvals have come in :(

I ( the beneficiary ) recieved the email at 3.46am, my fiance recieved at 2.46pm. So, that would be 1.46pm in California?.

Liddy, I missed you getting your approval. Woohoo!! I am happy for you. Good luck the rest of the way :)
pachacutiMalePeru2013-04-19 13:12:00
USCIS Service CentersCSC is moving, slowly but is moving
From Igor's List it looks like July is mostly done. Either they have been processed or are pending an RFE. Whatever is left over looks like normal Igor's List dregs. No offense meant to any actual couples still waiting in Initial Review.... I didn't mean to call you "dregs" :)
pachacutiMalePeru2013-04-23 08:18:00
USCIS Service CentersSad day today

Seriously, this is unnecessary and becoming ridiculous.

What Bayareaguy said. That and, well, nerves are still just a bit raw. We are all still in shock that the long nightmare appears to have ended. Can it really be true? Keep the faith y'all! It will all be over soon. Woo hooooo :)
pachacutiMalePeru2013-04-23 13:15:00
USCIS Service CentersSlow day

tell me about it...sometimes i get so frustrated i wanna call it quits with my fiance... :crying:

Well, I hear voices, but I never think of calling it quits. I do think about coming up with a way to relocate to Peru....
pachacutiMalePeru2013-04-24 22:38:00
USCIS Service CentersSlow day

Are we going to have one of these posts every day now? CSC approving 14 is still VERY fast (and they approved more than that, btw). Let's just try to be relieved that they are finally moving at all and hope that VSC hasn't entered the dangerous slowdown that the CSC did.

For a while at least. Folks are still gun shy. Just deal with it for now.
pachacutiMalePeru2013-04-24 16:25:00
USCIS Service CentersSlow day

serioja, you are only 6 weeks into the waiting game. It's a long road. Try to practice some patience because staring at Igor's list all day every day can drive a person completely crazy.

Oh! So that explains the voices I keep hearing :)
pachacutiMalePeru2013-04-24 11:15:00
USCIS Service CentersPossible cause of service center slowdown?

Sadly... looks like they took all the workers off K1 and moved them to H2B ranting33va.gif


No way this timing is just coincidence.. I wish we had premium processing. protest6wz.gif  I would seriously pay double or even triple what corporations pay to get my petition approved in 15 days of filing


I would also pay double or whatever to get me out of this line.  No offense to the rest of y'all, but spending time with my love and seeing my kid after several months and seeing how much he has grown up without me.  Hearing about how the little guy already misses me, it breaks my effing heart and I just want to be done with this.  I don't need to test my relationship. I don't feel like being patient anymore. I just want it to be over.

pachacutiMalePeru2013-05-02 10:43:00
USCIS Service CentersPossible cause of service center slowdown?

no CSC aprovals today yet mad.gif , What is going on again? sad.png


Personally, I won't freak about today until tomorrow morning ;)

pachacutiMalePeru2013-05-01 19:58:00
USCIS Service CentersPossible cause of service center slowdown?

So I hope I am not correct but looks like H2B visa were delayed because of a court order, and now they are allowed to approve. They will also allow premium processing starting today.


I can't help and think this is why CSC is slowing down in the last 2 days. The timing seems right.


Again I really hope I am wrong, and someone can prove me wrong but for now.. sad.png


USCIS Link -> H2B visa news release (click me)


Why are other visa classes given the opportunity to pay for premium processing, but mention the same for K1 visas (or I suppose any other family-based visa type) and the masses come out with torches and pitchforks?  Corporations and businesses continue to receive benefits denied to citizens.  Hmmmm.

pachacutiMalePeru2013-05-01 08:56:00
USCIS Service CentersCan no longer login to USCIS

I had to create a new account.  I used a new email address.  Well I used a little-known gmail trick:


Let's say your email account is:


Then you can start making up your own email addresses, like so:


(i.e. just put a '+' after your user name and then any old stuff you want after it, but before the '@')


This is useful when you need "new" addresses.  It also lets you filter messages in gmail or track who is doing evil things with your email, etc.


Some services will tag this as an invalid email address.  USCIS does not. 




Mark smile.png

Edited by pachacuti, 02 May 2013 - 10:38 AM.

pachacutiMalePeru2013-05-02 10:36:00
USCIS Service Centers8 Approvals Yesterday

Already up to 10 from yesterday :)

pachacutiMalePeru2013-05-09 22:01:00
USCIS Service CentersWhat are all the data points in the Tyler Durden set?

What version? I have seen 3 versions floating around. The first with everything from CSC. The second with just K1, and a third with K1 but updated Friday.



Got my answer offline :)  I am using the unfiltered data.

pachacutiMalePeru2013-05-12 09:34:00
USCIS Service CentersWhat are all the data points in the Tyler Durden set?

Anyone else who has looked at the Tyler Durden data and has a better feel for all the data points, please PM me as I have questions....

pachacutiMalePeru2013-05-11 23:38:00
USCIS Service CentersI send a letter to my Congressman about CSC

I would just follow through with what you started. There is no harm in starting a dialog earlier than later. If they tell you they can't take action now, you can always follow up later when the time is more appropriate. But if you decide to just drop it, any future requests might not be taken seriously when you really need the help.

I agree. The worst thing that will happen is that they will tell you to wait some amount of time. You will have had your say and can judge what portion of that wait time you want to put up with before pushing again...
pachacutiMalePeru2013-03-30 01:05:00
USCIS Service CentersWebSite to Manipulate Tyler Durden Data

I'm gonna start sending those letters for the 150 or so K1 petition numbers I found with a small script I made last month. rofl.gif


I gotta say, it's been fun checking for those every day and seeing the change in status.


And pachacuti, I'm studying to help you out! Sorry I'm an ASP.NET noob! cray5ol.gif


No worries.  The problem I actually have to solve (when I get a chance to work on it again), is configuring the site to use Entity Framework.  It works locally just fine, but I was having issues Sunday getting it configured.


The good news is that once I get over that hurdle, then I should be at a point that other .Net folks could help.  I can get the code into a github repo that others could clone and away we could go.  I am 95% certain that this Entity Framework issue is the only other hang up I will have.  I am more in control of the other aspects of this project.


Sorry for the delay. (And the fact that I am working like 3 jobs, one of which I blew off a little this weekend to get the site started... I was not anticipating the configuration issues (and the database massaging... I got hung up with unique ID collisions that I had to backtrack and do a different way) to trip me up for such a long time... both database massage and site configuration should have been matters of a couple of hours... They ended up sucking most of my time :(

pachacutiMalePeru2013-05-14 23:47:00
USCIS Service CentersWebSite to Manipulate Tyler Durden Data


I hope they don't censor criticism towards those rules also =(


Anyway, that's why there is another private owned website being developed for Tyler's data.


Yeah.  If the dang developer can again free himself from his paying work, that is :)

pachacutiMalePeru2013-05-14 22:47:00
USCIS Service CentersWebSite to Manipulate Tyler Durden Data

I've understood very little of any of this thread lol. All I can tell is that you have been working hard and it will be very helpful whatever it is you come up with. So I thank you and look forward to seeing it.


Working on my real job now, so I hope to get back to the website soon. 

pachacutiMalePeru2013-05-13 18:20:00
USCIS Service CentersWebSite to Manipulate Tyler Durden Data






I'll have to give it some thought tomorrow or another day, feeling pretty wiped out tonight


Hee Hee Hee.


That requires the POST verb buddy.  My data is read only ;)

pachacutiMalePeru2013-05-12 22:21:00
USCIS Service CentersWebSite to Manipulate Tyler Durden Data

And if you didn't understand my last post, that was by design.  GEEKS RULE!! :)

pachacutiMalePeru2013-05-12 22:17:00
USCIS Service CentersWebSite to Manipulate Tyler Durden Data


Thanks for your hard work Pachacuti.  These will be REST GET web services, correct?


Yep. REST-ful services.   Return JSON by default...  If it is not too big a deal I will return XML too, but not a high priority.


GET is the only verb that will be available as this data is read only.


I am taking requests for API methods that people want, so let me know...

pachacutiMalePeru2013-05-12 22:13:00
USCIS Service CentersWebSite to Manipulate Tyler Durden Data

Just an update...  I am currently fighting with my hosting service.  The two of us don't agree on how my app should be configured :)   Once I get over the config hurdle, I should be home free on implementation.


What I do I have done:

- stubbed out site without data access implemented

- data from durden massaged and changed to protect the innocent

- data imported into the appropriate database for my app

- database configured and populated on server


This is where I am right now....   Not always as easy as you want it to be....


pachacutiMalePeru2013-05-12 21:53:00
USCIS Service CentersWebSite to Manipulate Tyler Durden Data


Would be amazing to have a timeline that's based on all the data, TD's data smile.png


Well, that would be an interesting mash up.  I will try to keep the APIs flexible to do this kind of analysis.  VJ needs APIs.  Hey VJ mods/admins, let me at your codes and I will make some APIs for creative folks to mess with your data.  New and improved Igor's List would be on its way :)

pachacutiMalePeru2013-05-12 19:34:00
USCIS Service CentersWebSite to Manipulate Tyler Durden Data

Thanks blush.png


Next would be the status like http://somesite/visa/petitions/i129/20130101/20130331/pda for Post Decision Activity and 


rfe - Request for Evidence

rferr - Request for Evidence Response Review

ir - Initial Review

dec - Decision

acc - Acceptance


What's the format of the data returned? XML? Can you give an example?


If there will be updates to the dataset it would be nice to have something like




returning the petitions who had an RFE and got an update. And





returning the petitions who had an RFE and now are on the response review step.


I think 50 is so little... I counted by hand 100 between October 24th-26th.





I was thinking returning JSON, but I can return either... let's let that be the last param, and it will default to JSON


As far as updates... if we get updates I will think about this..  Right now I think we are only looking at a snapshot of data.


pachacutiMalePeru2013-05-12 16:15:00
USCIS Service CentersWebSite to Manipulate Tyler Durden Data

Oh.  And you should be able to change the set size.  Default 50, but you can change that:




But thinking about it, maybe set size should be before start date and end date.... what do you guys think?

pachacutiMalePeru2013-05-12 15:49:00
USCIS Service CentersWebSite to Manipulate Tyler Durden Data


You mean other then having a method to return petitions given a time frame, the status of the petitions and the type of petitions? 


You tell me.  Being a dev (and I know you are, and that's hot having an attractive Brazilian dev <wink> <wink>... having said that, I have to state categorically that my fiancee is an attractive Peruvian dev, so I know what I am talking about), you have some ideas about how you want to interact with the data.  As an example, let's think of some stuff:


1. Petitions in a given time frame:



Would return all petitions (with some limiting factor, I was thinking 50 records where that is customizable... more later)  Let's assume that default we sort be petition date and return the last 50.


Now we want to change stuff.  I think petition type is first, before date.  So...




Would return the last K1s... If you just call petitions, it is everything.  But you can specifity form type as nex param


Now we can talk dates.  Let's say star date first:




Would return the next 50 K1 who have a start date of 01-01-2013 and beyond



Next an end date




So that returns the top 50 betweeen 1/1 and 3/31



So, given that I am thinking this way, how do you want to interact with the data?  You, the users, are what matter.  That is how we can see if this data is useful or not....

pachacutiMalePeru2013-05-12 15:46:00
USCIS Service CentersWebSite to Manipulate Tyler Durden Data

This isn't quite true. Entering WAC numbers into the USCIS website gives you only the last update on a case, it's current status. His data includes more information that the last USCIS update.


Umm.  That data is extrapolated from the data on hand.  So, he has some logic that tries to determine based on the WAC numbers what the other dates should be.


So, for example, if there is a last update date of 05/11/2013 and the last activity is Approval, then the WAC numbers around this particular entry are examined looking for an activity of Initial Review.  I am not entirely sure of the heuristics involved, but if the algorithm is satisfied that that Initial Review data can be used for our case under analysis, then that Initial Review date is surmised as applying.  


So, what I am basically saying is that it is using very refined guesswork.  Something you yourself could do.  So, I would assert that it is quite true that this is essentially the same dataset as that exposed by USCIS.


TylerDurden mentioned this as the way the data was being processed.  That thread has likely long been censored, further increasing the FUD factor here.


PS. FUD ==> Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt

pachacutiMalePeru2013-05-12 11:16:00
USCIS Service CentersWebSite to Manipulate Tyler Durden Data

  Why don't I just take the data and start sending in random letters to withdrawl the petitions numbers involved.  That would clear the backlog. 


There is not enough information in the dataset for this type of manipulation.  But go ahead if that will make you feel better...


As I have insinuated in other responses to you, this is information you yourself could get from USCIS website.  If you can get it there and start sending random letters, then there are more serious flaws with this process that the staff at USCIS have not considered.


In any event.  All potentially personal data has been removed for the website I am developing, so that strawman, at least, has been eliminated.

pachacutiMalePeru2013-05-12 09:32:00
USCIS Service CentersWebSite to Manipulate Tyler Durden Data

Its just WAC numbers, its the same if I went and typed in 300,000 WAC numbers I would have all the "private" data. I vote start a facebook or google group where we can discuss everything freely. Or.. Pachacuti can you add a mini-forum or just blog type comments on your website.




hahaha.  Yeah I will look at doing this.  Let me get the first part done :P

pachacutiMalePeru2013-05-12 09:21:00
USCIS Service CentersWebSite to Manipulate Tyler Durden Data

***** No links to the data should be posted on VJ. ******


No links to the data will be posted...  Now, if you are going to censor the link to the site I put up (which, given the censorship of the video, seems likely), then you guys should be ashamed of yourselves.  But before we get all hot and bothered, let's see what you think...

****  I didn't say this member cannot talk about the website; but we do not wish the data posted on VJ as it violates our TOS and we cannot verify the methods used to gather the data, whether it was legal/ some of it is private etc. ****


I don't agree with this interpretation of the TOS, but I will comply because it is admin's interpretation.  Again. stay tuned.

pachacutiMalePeru2013-05-12 09:20:00
USCIS Service CentersWebSite to Manipulate Tyler Durden Data

I think I am working with a snapshot.


He is in contact with me in private... so if he does make an updated dataset, I will make sure to ask for it.

pachacutiMalePeru2013-05-11 23:36:00
USCIS Service CentersWebSite to Manipulate Tyler Durden Data

BTW, mods and admins, I would love for VJ to have an API.  I volunteer my services.  I believe many among us would appreciate the direction that would provide VJ.  Folks would be making their own mobile apps and widgets and stuff.  It would be cool. PM me :)

pachacutiMalePeru2013-05-11 23:02:00
USCIS Service CentersWebSite to Manipulate Tyler Durden Data

Hi all,


So I am hard at work at getting a website up.  One of the decisions I have made is to consume APIs for everything.  So, I will be exposing an API.


This means other devs can make groovy stuff using my app.  So, devs among you, let me know what specific desires you have that you would like me to expose via API.  I will happily comply.


Mark :)

pachacutiMalePeru2013-05-11 22:49:00
USCIS Service CentersAfter 3 weeks... Is CSC slowing down again?

We have VSC data coming soon!!


We are programmed to receive :)

pachacutiMalePeru2013-05-15 00:21:00
USCIS Service CentersAfter 3 weeks... Is CSC slowing down again?

It does not matter. We are getting clear guidelines and talking with Capt. Ewok as we speak.


If he allows us to post the information elsewhere and member are allowed to refer to or use those results, then we will go our merry way and focus providing the information on other sites in a easy to digest manner for members to use.


I am also in communication with admin about the site I plan to develop this weekend.

#######... Double post again....

pachacutiMalePeru2013-05-11 01:32:00
USCIS Service CentersAfter 3 weeks... Is CSC slowing down again?

It does not matter. We are getting clear guidelines and talking with Capt. Ewok as we speak.


If he allows us to post the information elsewhere and member are allowed to refer to or use those results, then we will go our merry way and focus providing the information on other sites in a easy to digest manner for members to use.


I am also in communication with admin about the site I plan to develop this weekend.

pachacutiMalePeru2013-05-11 01:31:00
USCIS Service CentersAfter 3 weeks... Is CSC slowing down again?

 No unfounded fears  ,  the number was issued to me, the data is mine.   As the owner i have the right to ask that it be respected.  You have no clue about respect. because you never took off those superman jamies. 


You continue to miss the point that USCIS has ALREADY made your receipt number publicly accessible.  No further harm was caused you in this case.  Why do you continue to ignore this fact?

pachacutiMalePeru2013-05-11 01:06:00
USCIS Service CentersAfter 3 weeks... Is CSC slowing down again?

Just for clarification.


It is currently our understanding that:


  • We cannot link to external sources of USCIS data, in our signatures or posts.
  • We cannot use external sources of USCIS data in the creation of reports, graphs or charts.
  • We cannot communicate privately via PM with other members to exchange external sources of USCIS data.
  • We cannot link to videos protesting USCIS in our signatures or posts.
  • We cannot forward messages to the membership that explain the reasoning of post removal or thread closure.

Is this correct? Does this apply to all members?




You can't post the video??  The VIDEO???  Really??  Mods and admins: FOR SHAME!!!  I can get why you may wish to avoid allow links to the data to be published, but the VIDEO????  I am now disgusted.  This goes beyond a simple difference of opinion about the terms of use.

pachacutiMalePeru2013-05-10 18:30:00
USCIS Service CentersAfter 3 weeks... Is CSC slowing down again?

I respect VJ decision, this is their website, I suggest that we can open a blog page using Blogger, and post all the videos and TylerDurden's and his group data there, they did a very good job and we all will  benefit from it. 



While I respect their decision (and admins can attest that I am trying to act in accordance with their wishes), I reserve the right to disagree and express that disagreement.  I have reviewed the terms of service and personally do not see which of these terms was violated.  I assume that the mods and I differ on our interpretation of one or more of these terms.  I humbly admit that I am not a lawyer, but a mere web dev :)

pachacutiMalePeru2013-05-10 12:00:00
USCIS Service CentersAfter 3 weeks... Is CSC slowing down again?

A sign complaining about 100 days?  That's so quaint...


Yeah.  I am 162 today and that is nothing compared to what I have seen most of my buddies here on VJ go through.

pachacutiMalePeru2013-05-10 11:27:00
USCIS Service CentersAfter 3 weeks... Is CSC slowing down again?

For what is is worth, VJ was founded on bringing awareness of issues like this to the (then) INS and peacefully pushing to create change.  Note these two links showing peaceful protests by members of this site at the Texas USCIS Service Center.  The VJ Community was able to get their attention and break the log jam within 3 weeks using this peaceful method since it raised the public awareness to TV and Radio by making this a "personal" issue.  Regular members on VJ discussed this on the site, coordinated and all met in Dallas to raise awareness and force USCIS to know US citizens were upset and not going to do nothing when they were apart from their loved ones.


Thanks Captain Ewok.  May I PM you with my website that allows manipulation of the data to get your opinion of whether I may post a link to it here on VJ?  I will be working on it this weekend so should have something by Monday. 


I do not want to act against the wishes of VJ, but I still believe that this information is potentially useful to those of us still waiting (as well as interesting to those who are simply curious to see what this data might be able to tell them).  


Let me know here on this thread or PM'ed to me directly.  Thanks.

pachacutiMalePeru2013-05-10 11:25:00