K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCSC

He said that he was 'directly involved'. Maybe he's helping others with theirs.

Don't think so. He said " It's my 3rd K-1 in my lifetime."
pachacutiMalePeru2013-03-09 16:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCSC
I think we have shown ad nauseam that this does NOT appear to be some seasonal or cyclical shift. Something much more significant is happening. Let me add some personal anecdotal evidence that goes along with the graphs BayAreaGuy posted. My NOA1 date is 11/30. Today marks day number 100 for me. In those 100 days, the graphs on Igor's list for CSC K1 processing are essentially the same as they were the day I got my NOA1. There has been no apparent progress in the 100 days that I have been sitting here. And there doesn't seem to be any indication that this will change any time soon.

The K1 visa was designed to unite families without having to undergo a long wait period. USCIS was mandated by law to fulfill that mission. They are failing at that mission. They provide no information about their processes nor about our specific cases. They are acting as if they are unaccountable. As if they are somehow above the law. This is why I will be writing my congress critters and the DHS ombudsman this weekend and I encourage everyone else to do the same. This is inexcusable.
pachacutiMalePeru2013-03-09 11:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCSC your a disgrace!

I can not say I have seen many financial hardship waivers. Let us know how it goes.

And I don't think I would want to get to the embassy on a hardship waiver. How will you escape the public charge issue??
pachacutiMalePeru2013-03-12 19:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCalled USCIS CSC

I know exactly what you mean.
We have a 1 year old son together and its so stressful having him apart from his dad. And its terrible for my fiancee, being apart from his son and i. I know he is terribly depressed. Just hope the wait is over soon.

Yep, this is my situation as well.
pachacutiMalePeru2013-03-12 11:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFrustrated with the wait....
In the week since they shipped some of their workload off to Texas, CSC processes a whopping 3 cases. Way to go!!

(I hope my sarcasm comes through)
pachacutiMalePeru2013-03-15 19:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFrustrated with the wait....

How can you tell, we here are just a portion of what USCIS have for K1 petitions. They could have approve 20 cases just none of those folks came to VJ forum site to be a member. Remember, things go alot faster if you believe the glass to be half full or just don't stare at it all day long.

But here is to wishing the process to speed up for all us.

God Bless

Bayareaguy has already shown that we are about 7% of the total. That is statistically significant. The downside is that the data here is not be collected in any scientific manner, but that the numbers are not reflective of the total is not true. So, you can get a fairly decent idea of CSC movement by watching Igor's List. But you tell yourself whatever you need to to get through the day.
pachacutiMalePeru2013-03-15 12:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFrustrated with the wait....

Yep, hang in there, you aren't out of the norm. But a glimmer of hope, perhaps, is that they finally transferred DACA cases to TSC which was more than likely the reason for the extreme slowdown. So hopefully things will begin moving once again. I'd advise preparing for a 7-8 month wait, and if they get you approved faster than that, be pleasantly surprised :)

Of course that was a week ago, and yet the continue to apparently do nothing....
pachacutiMalePeru2013-03-15 01:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reports400 Club

I have a lawyer and she is waiting to see is the approval comes after 60 days because she said the mandamus action is a last resort.

Cool beans. I hope they resolve your case soon.
pachacutiMalePeru2013-03-14 12:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reports400 Club

Yes i have already been through the congressman's office and ombudsman which were both useless. Yes it has not been 45 days but the fact of the matter is i should not be waiting this long in the first place.

Attorney and mandamus?? I think it is time.
pachacutiMalePeru2013-03-14 12:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsTHIS IS WHAT I GET AFTER SERVICE REQUEST

"under our resource constraints"? Hire more freaking resources!! Heck, if they want, send some for me to do at night from home after work! This is getting beyond the ridiculous.

Any resource constraints are self-inflicted. CSC is raking in about $500,000.00 a month on K1 fees alone. How much more for the other K's, CR1, other petition types. Hello the AOS fee is more than $1000.00... if half the K1s get to that stage (which is overly conservative) then realistically there are about 750 AOS apps per month, for another $750,000.00 a month. The DACAs were something like $450.00 and they took in, what, 250,000 or 300,000 of those... more than 100 million dollars on DACA fees. What resource constraints?

Edited by pachacuti, 22 March 2013 - 06:13 PM.

pachacutiMalePeru2013-03-22 18:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsthis k1 journey seems so frustrating and depressing

That's funny because if you really had worked for the government you would know that staying on top of it won't matter. What USA are you living in? Maybe when you go to the DMV you say listen I had a bad day and lost my license, I don't have any info with me can you just give me a new one? They could care less about your case. You can whine and moan about things or you can look at the bright side. You must be one of those complain about your meal send it back types, I'd rather not eat my meal than eat whatever they do to my food after complaining about it. You can "stay on top of it" all you want if it makes you feel better. Good luck, because that is all that will make a difference in processing times. Even uscis has acknowledged that.

Well, if I go to the DMV (actually DOL in my state, but whatever) and my case is being processed abnormally, then it is my responsibility to stay on top of it to get it corrected. The scenario you paint has nothing whatsoever to do with what I am talking about; in no way am I looking for special treatment or having someone overlook some failure of mine. Look, USCIS has a congressional mandate to process the K series quickly to avoid family separation (the entire reason for the existence of the K series) and they are failing and need to be held accountable. I am hoping that I don't have to whine and moan, but July and August (and increasingly September) folks have every right to make noise. In 2 or 3 months if I am still sitting here, I will take whatever action I can.

Good day to you sir.
pachacutiMalePeru2013-03-18 15:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsthis k1 journey seems so frustrating and depressing

That is a great way to make someone go out of their way to look through your case with a fine tooth comb... The squeaky wheel gets the grease, but sometimes when you go down to inspect it for grease inserts you realize it's a bad wheel and toss the thing. If you really want to do something attend some political dinners(donation dinners) and rub elbows with the few people that could actually get something done if it was in their best interest. Otherwise the USC can live with the fiance until the process is finished.

I don't have anything to hide. Having worked in the government, the type of greasy wheel I am talking about will not "suffer" as you seem to indicate. I am not sure what USA you live in.

What is with everyone telling us to leave the US and go wait it out somewhere else? What is wrong with you people? You sound like those freaking "love it or leave it" people. If you have the luxury to leave your job (or maybe you don't have one) then rock on, but stop telling the rest of us to do that. The way you get things done is by staying on top of your case.
pachacutiMalePeru2013-03-18 15:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsthis k1 journey seems so frustrating and depressing

And in your opinion we didn't reach that point yet?

I think that poster was making a dig at me for being impatient. I think it is misplaced but okay.

I am only 109 days in, so I can't really start trying to get movement on my case. But once I am past the 5 or 6 month mark, I will be a greasier wheel. I would use my best judgement on the "validity" of the processing date on their site. I will complain and rattle cages, because I don't feel that they can just put some date on there an leave it. I am not in some Kafka novel and refuse to act as if I am. Everyone else is free to act as they wish with regard to the processing of their cases.
pachacutiMalePeru2013-03-18 12:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsthis k1 journey seems so frustrating and depressing

Yeah you'll have to wait until your date passes. Until then, you're within normal processing times. :(

Except that they theoretically could just leave the date at July 18 and your date would never pass. I wouldn't wait in that instance, but to each his own.
pachacutiMalePeru2013-03-18 00:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reports2nd Senator Contact

Lol it hasn't been 22 months that we've been apart. It has been 9 months (a little before we started the k1 process). Our son is almost 22 months. But anyway i should have my NOA2 in less than 30 days now thanks to my congressman.
I just find it crazy and stupid that USCIS prefers to expedite militaries than people who have a child together...

I am not going to begrudge the military their expedites; they are providing a public service to our country that more often than not requires great sacrifice to them. I also think there should be expedites for children, but I can also see the other side of the coin, that this may become a loophole that people use to get their cases processed faster. However, I am also on record thinking that we should be allowed to pay a premium for expedited processing (which is quite unpopular on these forums). I really would just settle for efficient processing of the applications. None of us would be as outraged as we are if we could just see CSC actually approving petitions, something on par with the way VSC is currently processing them. Further, we would all be a lot more forgiving if you could really communicate with USCIS and get real information about status and prognosis. It is those failings that push normal people over the edge.
pachacutiMalePeru2013-03-23 12:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reports2nd Senator Contact

Also some people are probably feeling more stressed out because they have outside conditions that make them in a hurry and have more to lose. Personally, i have a 22 months old son that has seen his father 3 times for a few weeks since we have started this process (we were living together in the US before), he is growing up fast and this mess with CSC is making me angry as well.

I totally empathize here. My little guy will be 1 in couple of weeks. I feel really lucky that I can at least go down every 3 or 4 months and spend a little time, but that doesn't mitigate the fact that I am missing out on so much. That you guys have had to go 22 months... ouch! Dios nos ampare!
pachacutiMalePeru2013-03-23 12:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reports2nd Senator Contact

Wow. What a weird thing for you to take so personally for some reason. You don't have to marry him. And he's not trying to jump in line; he's trying to make the line move faster, something everyone around these parts should be doing. It sounds like it'd be healthy for you to constructively vent like Ronn did.

I totally agree with this sentiment. While on an individual basis it may "seem" selfish, it is not. Each of us is responsible for our own cases. We need to make sure they are adjudicated in fair and swift manner. We are the only people who really care about our cases. The effort required to do this is monumental, and often appears futile. But, don't focus on the individual here, focus on the composite. If all of us are complaining and pushing and making this inequity and injustice known, this is the only real shot we have to make a difference. Complacency is getting us nowhere.
pachacutiMalePeru2013-03-23 12:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reports2nd Senator Contact

Seriously? You sent that? :unsure:

May I remind you that a congressional inquiry is just inquiry. Their liaisons can get the latest status of your case. They cannot force USCIS to make a decision.
IMHO, you should be more patient during this process. You're not the first person who has waited ~ 6 months for an approved petition.

Good luck! :thumbs:

Well, the letter was a bit informal, but the style is fine for email contact. That statement is a decent rhetorical device, obviously intended to relate to the reader and inspire empathy, if not outrage.

I think congressional inquiries are crucial and they are a bit more than how you describe them. When someone from an elected official is contacting an agency, the agency definitely gives attention to this contact. If this happens enough, and if the congress critter gets outraged, this could prove quite effective. I worked two years as the ombudsman for the agency that handles Title IV-A programs in my state (TANF, Medicaid, Food Stamps -- though the latter is not Title IV-A). We had a good working relationship with all of the elected officials, state reps, state senators, governor, congressmen, senators, but they were also given careful attention and caused us to do more work... we were expected to give them thorough and correct responses. Maybe USCIS gets away with too much right now. They need to be reeled in. They are failing in their mandate.

I do not believe that someone is considered impatient after having waited 6 months. Especially given the black hole that all of our cases have fallen into. I also plan to start rattling cages at 6 months. I applaud each and every person who is involved enough with their own cases to try and get something done. It is through action and not complacency that we will see change. Those who continue to advocate complacency are encouraging the continuance of the status quo.

Rock on Ron and good luck :)
pachacutiMalePeru2013-03-22 18:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reports2nd Senator Contact

Ok...2nd senator contacted.

Senator Portman,

I wish to write to you regarding an urgent, (to me,) subject. I spent time in the Philippines last year, and met a lovely young lady. I have applied for an I129F, (fiancé visa,) in order to bring her here to the US. I have every intention of marrying this beautiful woman. I have contacted your peer, Sharrod Brown, but he has not seen fit to respond to me.

My petition has been sitting in the California Service Center of the USCIS since October 4th, 2012. I am past their 'goal' they have set by almost 2 weeks, but it would appear that I am still several months down in the queue. This does not fly with me. The USCIS is a self funded entity, and should have little or no problem keeping up with these requests. In one of their newsletters, they spoke of sending some of their overload to the Texas Service Center, particularly the DACA cases. While I know it is important to move the DACA cases forward, at least these children are already in the US.

This mess is causing severe financial strain on me. The money I spend to support my 'future' family overseas is money I am not spending here. It is also placing unnecessary strain on our relationship. I have not seen her since early November, 2012. When was the last time you saw your wife?

I ask that you please use any resources you have to help me, and, in turn, help all of those that are waiting to be reunited with their loved ones. Please note that the purpose of the I129F was to shorten the time couples will be apart. We are quickly being passed by all of our married friends.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,

Ron Irving

My 2 pennies? I don't think I will ever let a senator or congressman know I am talking to another senator or congressman. I want each contact to be focused on my case. Based on what I have read on these forums and based on my understanding of my congressman, I hope to only be dealing with him. I don't plan on moving to senators unless my congressman's offices proves to be an utter failure.

But I hope you have good luck. I will be keeping on eye on you here to see how you fare. Good luck, fellow traveler :)
pachacutiMalePeru2013-03-22 18:43:00
PhilippinesHow many times have you been to the Philippines?

strong wind hold on guys lol

Virgogirl518Not TellingPhilippines2013-08-30 19:28:00
PhilippinesCurt and Dahlia Finally Married !!!!!

WOW nice picture Congrats to both of you and God Bless!

Virgogirl518Not TellingPhilippines2013-09-30 04:26:00
PhilippinesInterview today!! Oct. 18!

Hi Congrats God is good all the time. We're still waiting ours.

Virgogirl518Not TellingPhilippines2013-10-19 19:53:00
Philippinesplease help. BiG problem ahead

I totally agree with others here, tell them that you have your own life to taking care of, you didn't meant it to break your contract but it happen all of the sudden if they will give a bad reference for job purposes then its time for you to explain yourself when you cross that bridge. goodluck and God Bless.

Virgogirl518Not TellingPhilippines2013-12-31 20:34:00
PhilippinesDecember 2013 NOA-2 for CR-1/IR-1

Yay! I just got some update from an fb friend who got their NOA 2 last Dec. 6 and they got an e-mail from NVC! dancin5hr.gif 


Here's the content:


"The NVC recently received this petition. The appropriate agent (applicant, petitioner, or attorney) will receive instructions for the further processing of this petition within 6 to 8 weeks."


I am so glad that we finally see some progress here. All the best for us. Happy New Year to all and God bless goofy.gif 

If you have some updates, I would be glad to hear from you. Thank you.



Hi I envy you, until now we didn't received our NAO2 hard copy atty eric try to find out why but...hmmmm. Anyway Congrats God Bless You...I hope I could hear some good news this week.


Virgogirl518Not TellingPhilippines2013-12-31 07:09:00
PhilippinesDecember 2013 NOA-2 for CR-1/IR-1

Thanks Ems, I will ask to our friend in America if they received my NOA2 hard copy acording to the USCIS they mailed us Dec. 3, 2013....let see. God Bless Us ALL.

Virgogirl518Not TellingPhilippines2013-12-18 05:49:00
PhilippinesDecember 2013 NOA-2 for CR-1/IR-1

Hi Congratulation to ALL of Us. I got approved Dec.3, 2013 but no hard copy yet, I wonder if they deliver to the petitioner address? or beneficiary address? I think I just have to wait let see...anyway I'm August filer. Goodluck to Us at NVC stage. God Bless All.

Virgogirl518Not TellingPhilippines2013-12-18 02:07:00
Philippinesmedical exam in the philippines

medical is no need for B-2 visa all you need is bank statement with at least $10,000 in there or more or less it depends how long she would stay in the states and proof of coming back home...I got my B-2 visa 3years ago...goodluck and God Bless.

Virgogirl518Not TellingPhilippines2014-01-17 03:23:00
PhilippinesDecember 2013 interviews! Let's update each other RE: visa issuance / delivery / pick-up.

Hi everyone Congrats to still waiting my case #...I hope it will come so soon:)God Bless Us ALL!

Virgogirl518Not TellingPhilippines2013-12-08 23:22:00
PhilippinesJanuary 2014 Interviews Thread!

Congratulations Everyone...I still waiting mine hopefully soon. God Bless Us.

Edited by Virgogirl518, 17 January 2014 - 12:40 AM.

Virgogirl518Not TellingPhilippines2014-01-17 00:39:00
Philippinesgetting new passport after you get case #

Thanks and goodluck to you both.

Virgogirl518Not TellingPhilippines2014-05-26 00:22:00
Philippinesgetting new passport after you get case #

Hi just go to DFA (Department of Foreign Affair) bring MC,BC,CFO plus supporting documents give ALL those things to the DFA officers then after one month she can get her new passport with married name in there, as simple as that. June 2, 2014 is my big day at US Embassy wish me luck guys:) God Bless Us ALL.

Virgogirl518Not TellingPhilippines2014-05-25 17:51:00
PhilippinesWhere's your hometown?

Hi I'am from Hilongos Leyte and my husband is from Seattle WA...God Bless Us ALL.

Virgogirl518Not TellingPhilippines2014-03-09 05:51:00
PhilippinesSeattle Area VJ'ers?
I live in Olympia. she is not home yet but it would be nice to have friends when she comes home

Edited by Luthias&Lee, 03 February 2014 - 02:57 PM.

Luthias&LeeMalePhilippines2014-02-03 14:55:00
PhilippinesNew house in the Philippines
Thanks hank. I am just waiting for my passport so I want to get thing's ready for when I go home because I will stay 30 days that way we have time to plan our wedding
Luthias&LeeMalePhilippines2014-03-21 21:50:00
PhilippinesNew house in the Philippines
We are buying a lot and going to build a new house so my question is does anyone know anything about Waffle Box Homes. Thanks
Luthias&LeeMalePhilippines2014-03-21 20:30:00
PhilippinesOh Wow....
Congratulations. I am sure you will get the visa soon. You waited this long what a few more day's
Luthias&LeeMalePhilippines2014-03-21 20:18:00
Philippineslets have some fun

True Story = Met Chester @ Caluwayan. Chester was on an extended vacation. Chester spent his days drunk and eating whatever he saw. Chester confided that he had already suffered E-Coli from eating "street food" & was still recovering. (but) That didn't stop him from eating it.
Chester's fiancée called our house 1 day to ask me "please hurry to the hospital". My wife and I were not home and the Bunso did not tell us until we returned. Too late. Not that I could do anything but I suppose he hoped I could or maybe give me stateside family contact info.
Anyway - last I heard...Chester was riding a block of Ice in the local Morgue. People at the resort told us he got E-coli again & due to his drunkard state = did not get on it before it got him.
Best be careful with the "street food". helpsmilie.gif
When you hit Manila - make your way to Shangri - La,  Edsa. Some pretty good restaurant's in the plaza (inside and out). The Sushi joint - SumoSam (level 6) was one of our Fav's.
Other than that - anything and everything my wife cooks is masarap. (except I don't much like the Sinigang...not my wife's fault...just too sour for me)
I suggest you eat any and all seafood dishes put in front of you (except street food dishes). Fresh from the Ocean to your plate = no muddy flavor - the way it's supposed to taste! I'm hungry...

it's a good thing I'm not a drunk besides my woman will be taking me to the places likes. Thanks for the advice
Luthias&LeeMalePhilippines2014-03-24 21:12:00
Philippineslets have some fun

Its funny I never went to Jollibee the entire time I was there in phil.  I love adobo, and siopao.  I tried something when I was in Coron that was served on a sizzling hotplate, I'm thinking it was call sisig?  I'm not good at remembering the names of food there lol.  And balut?  Yuk!  The thought of eating that just makes me sick.
So when are you going to phil?

I have made adobo so I would like to see how close mine is to the real thing lol. I should get my passport sometime next month. Maybe June or July and yes I know its going to be so hot. I will bring shorts and lots and lots of sunscreen :)
Luthias&LeeMalePhilippines2014-03-24 09:48:00
Philippineslets have some fun

What food did I like?  I like Jollibee.  Yeah, I said it.
What can I not stand?  Dried fish.  Don't even let it in the house.

Jollibee is the first place we are going to eat
Luthias&LeeMalePhilippines2014-03-24 08:47:00
Philippineslets have some fun

The good:
Fresh fruit juice or fruit
Blue marlin
Pancit molo
Steamed clams
Chicken inasal
Pork BBQ
And much more

The bad:
Banana ketchup
Filipino beer

The ugly:

thanks for the list. Looking forward to the new experience and some R&R
Luthias&LeeMalePhilippines2014-03-22 21:24:00