K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsContacted my representative's office about late NOA2

A quick review? Like 15 minutes? That's how long it takes to review and approve a clean file.

See post #49

Wow! I was being way too generous giving them half a day to work cases :)

This further underscores that there is no reason for them to be so behind. So, updating my hypothetical funding of CSC worker. 340 dollars for an average of let's say 1 hour per case (assuming some drag by complicated cases). That's easily 8 cases a day @ 20 days a month = 160 cases a month. so 12 months @ 160 gives us 1920 cases that a worker should be able to process a year. @ 340 a pop, that one worker brings in $652,800 . One dude can easily fund a dozen of himself plus pay for any overhead (as well as any hardship waivers, etc), just on those cases alone.... CSC should have more than enough resources to process cases in a timely fashion.

I gotta stop beating that particular horse. He is probably more than dead now. It just irks me that this squandering of resources is apparently taking place.
pachacutiMalePeru2013-03-04 19:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsContacted my representative's office about late NOA2

That was my congressman reply 3 weeks ago...

"Thank you for contacting our office regarding your I-129F filed on behalf of your fiancée. We have contacted the California Service Center on your behalf. They confirmed that your case appears to be running behind schedule. Fortunately, the Congressional Liaison agreed to pull your file to determine if it can be adjudicated immediately. If your file is complete, and if the Agency does not need any additional evidence in order to reach a decision, you should receive a decision shortly. We will provide you with updated information as soon as it is received."

Nothing since then. Our case was not even touched.

"if the agency does not need any additional evidence"??? That is the thing that galls me the most... so you sit around for months and months to be told you need something?? If a quick review could reveal you need something, you should be informed of that as soon as possible, not 8 months down the road...
pachacutiMalePeru2013-03-04 18:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsContacted my representative's office about late NOA2
Well, I have started saving PDF versions of the CSC processing times page. So, when my time comes, if they are still trying to pull some frozen in the past date, I will be ready to provide documentation that shows that this is unreasonable. Better than having nothing.
pachacutiMalePeru2013-03-04 13:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsContacted my representative's office about late NOA2

And the other thing...when you look at the few NOA2's that are trickling through, most are NOA1 after 7/18/12. So USCIS are #&&% despicable liars as well.

And yet there are still loads of unprocessed 07/2012 cases, according to Igor's List.
pachacutiMalePeru2013-02-27 18:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsContacted my representative's office about late NOA2
I think all of you need to keep making noise and putting pressure on everyone. This whole process is unacceptable and it is only out of powerlessness that we put up with it. I am still waaaaayyyy too premature to pile on, but you could definitely lay the groundwork for when my time comes. IMHO family visas are where reform needs to start.
pachacutiMalePeru2013-02-18 18:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCheck me out!!!

Thank you dude!! Yours is coming...I can feel it!!!

I keep telling my fiancee that we will have it before I go home on Saturday. I hope I am not a liar :)
pachacutiMalePeru2013-04-24 20:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCheck me out!!!

On April 24, 2013, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E).

Just got it!! I'm dancing on air over here!! One step closer to seeing my baby girl!!

Hoo Rahhhh. I am happy for you man :) Good luck the rest of the way!!!
pachacutiMalePeru2013-04-24 20:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWell, well, well

Have you been checking other wac#s from your noa1 day to see if there is movement there?

Yep. My "group" is batting about .500.

BTW, I think I smell blood in the water :)
pachacutiMalePeru2013-04-20 13:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWell, well, well

My fiance just got the message. We've been approved!!! I can't believe it! At 1:30 am YAY!!!!!!

Felicitaciones, peruchitosssss. :) Now, I want mine...
pachacutiMalePeru2013-04-20 13:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWell, well, well

There was at least one approval.

Going to bed now, it's late.

Woo Hoooooo. Way to go, brother. I hope not to be too far behind you. Good luck the rest of the way :)
pachacutiMalePeru2013-04-20 10:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsrecent approvals

With the slew of recent approvals, has there been anyone who has received their NVC case number yet?  I was approved about a week ago.  Should I start calling them, maybe this Friday or so? 


I'm excited beyond belief!!


Bayareaguy got his already.

pachacutiMalePeru2013-04-30 11:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsALMOST IN TEARS

It is getting close to 8 months now since the NOA1 and I just don't know what to do. I am not in the states, so I can't easily contact with the CSC by phone and I hate being helpless in this situation.
It is also frustrating to see people who, from the same country and service center, have applied after me have received their NOA2 and I still have had no word.
Any suggestions on how to pass the time or to speed up this process???!?!!!!
Thanks in advance


Just a thought.  I was in Lima recently and had to still call in for my morning meetings.  Phoning on Skype was great and since I was calling in to a 1-800 number it was completely free.  I don't know if that is an option for you in China, but I suggest it just in case.  At least then you can call in to USCIS and that proactive stance might make you feel a little better.

pachacutiMalePeru2013-05-07 20:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSupport thread for parents & children waiting for k-1

As a Navy vet I'm all for expidite active duty about to deploy, the rest in most cases can wait. And I know how hard it is to wait... 235 days so far.

there are exceptions for every rule and should be looked at case by case, I'm not here to say who should be at the front of the line.

I feel as entilted as anyone to get my case handled quickly, to me everyone should be expdited. No one should have to wait a year to see there wife.



As much as I want this to be over (and my whining is testament to this), you still get my vote for preferential treatment, my friend. Thank you for your service. But I agree, active duty about to deploy, immediately to the head of the line, each and every time.
pachacutiMalePeru2013-03-23 21:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSupport thread for parents & children waiting for k-1

oops sorry .. knew i forgot to write that in my previous post.. totally agree with the open border thing.. i mean if we can ship out water, hydro and oil down to the us with no immigration visas needed, why couldn't the residents also be allowed the same courtesy. We share enough of the economy and resources etc. And when children become involved in all this, though i agree everyone should be treated equally and each have their turn, kids shouldn't have to suffer because the government needs a piece of paper. Our NOA1 went in on august 10 2012, and last time anyone touched that file was august 14 2012 (last time it got scanned) i know the FBI came to see me (not very subtle the way they were parked in front of the school in big black vans, laptops, no plates etc i mean come on.. My fiances job probably required that, but still.. doesnt take 8 months for a background check right?

My fiancee is from Peru so I totally agree with you that the K1 process should be way stream-lined. My Canada stuff is a separate track. You guys are a very special case in my opinion. The relationship that Canada and the US has is far deeper, both historically and culturally. In this day and age, you guys should not have to go through what I have to with my fiancee. And there is no way I could just some special relationship between US and Peru... I just have to do what I have to do. Plus, if we could get you Canadians out of the line, maybe my case would get processed a little faster :)
pachacutiMalePeru2013-03-23 18:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSupport thread for parents & children waiting for k-1

i agree, i have the majority of my familly in the us, boston area, about 14 aunts/uncles and around 20 cousins etc, all citizens. i used to visit twice a year since the age of about 8 until i was around 19, i remember being able to cross the border, board a plane with just id and a passport if i take the plane. after it became mandatory for passports, and a travel visa to boot. i still go to the us pretty regularly, NY state is 45 minutes from here. In my case, it's not like i've never been to the us or have no family there etc. I dont understand the way they work sometimes, my fiance just spoke with his congressman hoping it would help, but people shouldnt have to go that far to get an answer.
Sorry for the weird english, these french keyboards are strange at times.

I actually mean more than just crossing the border. I think US and Canada should have a relationship like the EU. I should be able to completely relocate and work and live in Canada if I want to. The same right should be extended to Canadians in my country. We are way too similar and close not to have entered into such a bilateral agreement, in my opinion.
pachacutiMalePeru2013-03-23 17:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSupport thread for parents & children waiting for k-1

Totally agree! :thumbs:

BTW, to clarify my position. I am very for expedite for active duty military, especially on the verge of deployment. I am also for preferential treatment for vets and other honorably discharged military personnel. I am not opposed to Haiti expedites; those folks are the most down-trodden in our hemisphere. I am not sure how I feel about financial hardship expedites... how will you escape the public charge denial? Health issues? Yeah, I can see expediting that. Other endangerment issues, yep, all for it.

I am not ex-military (although I am an army brat and have many, many friends and relatives in service). I am to the far left of most everyone I know. I still feel very strongly about awarding the service of people who have so put their lives at risk for our nation, whether actively right now or at some time in the past... and whether they were actually called to lay their lives on the line or got lucky to serve when there was no current conflict afoot.
pachacutiMalePeru2013-03-23 16:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSupport thread for parents & children waiting for k-1

don't mean to intrude, just felt like posting here too..

i have a 8 year old daughter currently in elementary school, yesterday when i picked her up she started bursting into tears asking when daddy was going to bring us home with him ( he is a us citizen , works for air and space defense for the us gov. and luckily for us is able to come every couple of months or so for about a week). Not many are that lucky though. Even though she is not biologically his, but i do have all the custody and papers for her, soemtimes i start stressing and panicking wondering if that wont make it longer, harder, more complicated to get the papers to go to the us. He and i have been together for about 7 years now, reason we applied only last august is because it took a long time findig lawyer to get a court date for her papers. I'm hoping to be getting an answer before the end of the school year, dont know if i should sign her up for summer stuff , hire baby sitter etc, some of which has to be payed in advance, and i still have to schedule my vacation time too. Not knowing when we will get an answer makes it almost impossible to plan anything and we are all starting to suffer from it.

you would think being from canada, i would worry less.. at least we are lucky that our consulates, embassies etc seem to be aware of the southern neighbour...

i don't know.. i don't think i've ever been this stressed out in my life before.

prayers and best wishes to all those waiting!
hopefully csc hurries up soon

I, for one, will never understand why the US and Canada have never entered into an agreement that allows completely free movement between our two countries. I don't even think Canadians should be standing in this line. And before anyone chimes in with "what about country X", Canada is different. And I am talking about a diplomatic arrangement between two sovereign nations. Besides, it probably will never happen, but I bet it would have pretty broad public support in both countries.
pachacutiMalePeru2013-03-23 15:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSupport thread for parents & children waiting for k-1

there should be a fair time frame in which we can request to expedite our case.
If they were not able to cash our cheques until approval decision, then we would be getting approved much quicker!
Thats a lot of cash from all the petitions they receive!

I am not completely sure I agree. I am kind of torn. On the one hand I see my little boy growing up without me, but on the other hand I see the potential for abuse if couples with children are expedited... Also, how do you handle situations like Oregon Bound's? They are not kids in common. Grounds for expedite?? Or is it the fact that you and I have citizen kids and the weight of that citizenship is the basis for the expedite. As you can see, there are all kinds of issues raised by discussing expedites based on children. Now, having gotten all my philosophical ideas off my chest, on a personal level I am 100% behind having my case expedited because of my son. I guess it is kind of like my take on the death penalty. I am philosophically 100% against the death penalty, yet I know that were something like that to happen to me, I would be first in line to carry out the execution. Before I am labeled a hypocrite (which may be justified), I think it really boils down to a difference between rationality and emotionalism.
pachacutiMalePeru2013-03-23 15:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSupport thread for parents & children waiting for k-1

If you have any children, feel free to post on this topic thread.
I have a 1 year old, and we are waiting to be with his daddy in the U.S. Its hard on our kids and stressful.. and sometimes we need to vent!

Hey rascalcat,

I'm in. I also have a 1 year who is waiting to be with me here.
pachacutiMalePeru2013-03-23 13:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2!!!!

We got our NOA2 on May 9th smile.png


This feeling is amazing.... I called my fiancee and just yelled we are f****** approved into the phone.... smile.png




On to the next stage.... kicking.gifkicking.gifkicking.gifkicking.gifkicking.gifkicking.gifkicking.gifkicking.gif



Yayyyyy.  Another one of my faves gets theirs :)


Ich freue mich unheimlich sehr.  Viel Glueck bei der "Reise".  

pachacutiMalePeru2013-05-10 02:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsYAY! NOA2!!!!!!!!!

It's 4.35a.m in England and while on Skype with Greg we just got a text message.  Checked on USCIS website and we finally have an RFE.


Yelled so loud woke one of my kids!  oops! lol


So excited I feel sick, dizzy, trembling......WOW!!!!!!!!!!!


All Right, Oregon!!!  Man, I am pumped to see people who seem almost like family getting what must be the most wonderful news of their lives :) 


When you get here and when my family is here we'll have to meet up, like in Portland or something :)


Good luck the rest of the way

pachacutiMalePeru2013-05-10 10:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSo, wager a guess as to what date CSC is going to claim they are working on?

It is, but I'm going to sic them with everyone, from congressmen to senators to lawyers, until those lazy degenerate government workers get off their asses and start doing something. If that's how they wanna play, then fine.

I am with you. I have sent a letter to my congress critters and the ombudsman. It was a general complaint. Don't know if it will do much.

It would be good if we could come up with some coordinated efforts to address this problem.
pachacutiMalePeru2013-03-22 17:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSo, wager a guess as to what date CSC is going to claim they are working on?

So, I received a document the other day in response to a service request I made and it said that the wait now could be up till 1 year from when I filed, so till July 19...

That is seriously messed up.
pachacutiMalePeru2013-03-22 17:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSo, wager a guess as to what date CSC is going to claim they are working on?

I contacted my senator a month ago and they were supposed to look into. So far no response. On Tuesday I contacted my respresentative's office and they are supposed to be looking into it. They said CSC usually responds to them with something (even if it is just the BS standard lines) within a few days. So far nothing.

The most distressing part about the wait is that USCIS doesn't even give accurate information and blatanly lies to get us off the phone. Waiting is frustrating, but at the 5 months mark when I first started calling, had they said that I was looking at 3-4 more months of waiting, I would have handled it better. Not tell me that I should hear within two weeks and then two weeks later tell me the same thing, leading me on to falsely believe that the end is near when they know that it is clearly not, and lead me on an emotional rollercoaster for months. I think most of us, if we were given an accurate timeframe/information updates, even if it meant knowing it is a very long wait, would be disappointed but we wouldn't be so upset about the situation and would prefer that to being lied to.

When I start calling, I am going to document each and every call with extensive notes. As my little file grows, I will include it every time I complain to someone, so they will be able to see exactly what I am going through. Might help. Might not. I will do what I can.
pachacutiMalePeru2013-03-22 15:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSo, wager a guess as to what date CSC is going to claim they are working on?

VSC used to have the same July 18 date as CSC and then in mid February they transferred some of the workload (DACA) to another service center and have since then been churning out NOA2s. CSC just transferred some of its workload to another center earlier this month, so perhaps we will soon see the effect.

For the sake of my sanity I sure hope so. I'm hitting 8 months in 4 days and feel I'm about to have a mental breakdown, literally.

Hang in there.

Have you contacted your congress critters yet? If I were you, I would be getting ready to get on the horn. If I get to June with nothing (which seems pretty freaking likely), I will start making noise. That will be just past 6 months. I hope I don't have to, but I am ready when the time comes.
pachacutiMalePeru2013-03-22 15:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSo, wager a guess as to what date CSC is going to claim they are working on?
And the winner is:

No change. They updated the page today and left the date at July 18.
pachacutiMalePeru2013-03-22 13:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSo, wager a guess as to what date CSC is going to claim they are working on?

Actually, they had done it. The maintenance was scheduled for 10AM to 2PM EST. They're done, and nothing was updated. Our tax dollars at work.

I hate to defend USCIS, but....

I am a web dev. If you are talking about them not updating the time frames, that probably isn't an IT/WebDev issue. That probably falls on whatever unit handles publications or public outreach or whatever. It is just content. The update notice I received from USCIS made it sound like they had to do some type of backend maintenance or updating or whatever. So this would affect stuff like checking your account, accessing infopass, etc, but would likely have nothing to do with content updates.

Just trying to keep our rage focused on the right parts of USCIS :)
pachacutiMalePeru2013-03-17 14:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSo, wager a guess as to what date CSC is going to claim they are working on?

I hate to say this but calling immigration and asking them what day they are working on is absolute waste because they are most time lying. My interviewing agent used to be an operator and she said that everything they tell you is what they are told to tell you. Most times it is what ever gets you off the phone the fastest. I gave up calling them long ago because they can never tell me anything so I hired a lawyer that was able to get more information then what even a tier 2 agent would tell me.

I hope your lawyer is sorting out whatever it is that is complicating your case. If you are just sitting around twiddling your thumbs like the rest of us after starting this in Feb of last year, I would say you are paying too much for your lawyer, even if he is pro bono.
pachacutiMalePeru2013-03-09 18:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDenied!!!


Ok... To be honest, I didn't know what jingoism is until you mentioned it. But if you think that my statement was based on it or the pseudo-patriotism of the "recently arrived", you are wrong.  It's funny how simple words can elicit such a lengthy and charged response, but you have put too much meaning to it because of your own beliefs.  Otherwise, you seem like a decent person.


Good Luck on your journey...


I apologize if I read too much into your statement.  In my defense, I don't think I was alone in my assessment.  Others have had the same reaction to your comment.  But forums are obviously well-known for causing misunderstandings of this nature.  


I also wish you the best of luck on your journey.  May we both be together with our families sooner rather than later.


Jingoism is not "pseudo-patriotism of the recently arrived", btw:


jin·go·ism  (jibreve.gifngprime.gifgomacr.gif-ibreve.gifzlprime.gifschwa.gifm)

Extreme nationalism characterized especially by a belligerent foreign policy; chauvinistic patriotism.

pachacutiMalePeru2013-05-01 08:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDenied!!!


What's really sad is that those of us who actually care about Our Country have to wait in the same queue as those who could care less.  People like that really should get out of line and just move to another country already - preferably where the beneficiary resides. That would be a true testament of their Love as Soulmates...


I know you were just using my post as a jumping off point, but as one of the few American socialists in existence, I am hyper-sensitive to such jingoistic rhetoric.  I am proud to be an American, but not necessarily for what America or Americans do.  I am proud of what we represent when we are at our best.  I am proud for our constant struggle and debate.  I love my country with all my heart, but because of my politics, I am always looked at with suspicion by the chest-thumpers among us.  That saddens me more than what I pointed out in my previous post.  


I come from a long line of Americans.  I am not recently arrived.  My family can trace its lineage back to colonial times.  Not always proudly.  We have Tories who sided with the British.  We have slave owners and KKK members (my family has been in the south for centuries).  But my family marches on. We struggle. I like to believe that the arching of our history bends towards justice. I am not proud of everything in my family history, but still I am proud of the potential that my family represents.  My feelings for my family are a microcosm of my feelings for my nation.


Almost everyone in my immediate family has served this nation in some capacity: Army, Air Force, Navy, Coast Guard, federal, state and local government.  I, myself,  just recently ended a long career with state government.  My family has moved and relocated and disbursed ourselves all across this country, but the core is still in the south.  I still feel like a proud Southerner, regardless of the stain.  The stain cannot be undone, but the lessons we learn are what are important. (And there is nothing better than Southern food and there never will be :)


Look at how our country fought over slavery, as one example.  During the times they were forming the nation, it was already a hot-button issue.  Then rabble-rousers like John Quincy Adams kept the debate alive throughout his lifetime.  We almost destroyed ourselves fighting over it in the 1860s.  And it didn't end there.  We had Jim Crow. We had lynchings. We had the 50s and the 60s, where people laid their lives on the line to end the injustice.  Brave men like MLK and LBJ finally laid the groundwork to begin the healing, healing that has not even today been fully brought to fruition.


It is THAT beauty that makes me proud.  That we soldier on.  We fight for justice and equal rights.  We do indeed represent something.  The American Dream is real.  We don't always represent it well.  We often corrupt it for our own purposes.  But it is there.  That makes me proud.


Having said that, I have spent a large part of my life abroad.  I have strong connections to South America.  I would live in Peru (or many other places) gladly.  But trust me that when I am there, I see myself as an ambassador for the USA.  Not once have I been criticized when I explain why I am proud.  Because it is not jingoism.  My pride is based on deep self-reflection.  And when I see the warts, I don't deny them.  I don't excuse them.  I admit that they are wrong.  


Now, the big problem with your statement, to which I alluded towards the beginning of my rant, is that you cannot judge what others think or feel about their country.  You can't judge the needs and desires that people have while they are planning their lives.  Do yourself a favor and keep your jingoism to yourself.  I believe you will be better for it in the long run.

pachacutiMalePeru2013-04-30 02:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDenied!!!

move to a country with a more friendly immigration policy


Does this statement make anyone else really sad like it does me?  Maybe it was the time I grew up in, but... what happened to "give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses..."??  Probably was only ever really just a pipe dream anyway.  Sigh.

pachacutiMalePeru2013-04-29 12:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe differences between CSC and VSC NOA 2's

Jesus, I am green with envy! Our son is the big ONE in April too.. Unfortunately my fiance and I just don't have the funds to deal with a wedding, visa fees, house stuff AND a plane ticket back to Aus for his son's birthday. It's heartbreaking! We were sure I would be in the US by mid April but it doesn't look like that will be happening at all. Make the most of your visit, cherish it. I am sure you will anyway, but I just wanted to say it :) lucky lucky!

Sorry to cause envy. I wish everyone could be with their loved ones :) Keep the faith.
pachacutiMalePeru2013-03-24 12:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe differences between CSC and VSC NOA 2's
There does NOT appear to be any restriction of use that would prevent this type of activity. If it is not abusive, then it is probably an okay use of this service. I will have to think about whether I want to go down that path or not...
pachacutiMalePeru2013-02-23 15:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe differences between CSC and VSC NOA 2's

Wow, I didn't realize that about the receipt numbers. I just checked a bunch before my number, and none had NOA2s.

Haha, a script is quite a bit beyond my capabilities, I just cut and paste columns on excel. I like the idea about populating a database. Then you would have a sample of the actual data instead of the self reported VJ data (which I still think is fine for seing the basic trends occurring).

I could make a script to do this, but I think it would be in violation of federal law. I haven't gone to the site in a while, but doesn't it ask you if you have rights to get information on the case in question. Even if it doesn't, I wouldn't want to hack them off.

Let me know what y'all think...
pachacutiMalePeru2013-02-23 15:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe differences between CSC and VSC NOA 2's
Sorry man. I was just down from 12/24 to 01/12. Plan is to go back in time for my son's first birthday in April :) It's not easy. I am just lucky that I work for a tech company that allows me to do a lot of remote work. Otherwise there is no way I could accumulate enough leave to keep going.
pachacutiMalePeru2013-02-22 00:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe differences between CSC and VSC NOA 2's
I fully agree with you Bayareaguy. Not only am I sitting here waiting to be reunited with my love, but our son (another citizen BTW) is growing up without me. I am just glad that I am professionally and financially stable enough that I get to go visit them every 3 or 4 months. I feel really bad for those folks who don't have that luxury.
pachacutiMalePeru2013-02-21 23:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe differences between CSC and VSC NOA 2's
I want to be part of a politically significant voting bloc :(
pachacutiMalePeru2013-02-21 11:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCSC! NOA2! THIS A BLESSING!

Gracias!!!!! Yes he is coming here! but for max 3 days i suppose... it would be awesome to meet that same day!


Not unlikely, now that we are synchronized.  Let's see how the rest of this goes.  Good luck the rest of the way.

pachacutiMalePeru2013-05-22 21:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCSC! NOA2! THIS A BLESSING!

Finally! After failing filing our package the first time last year... we got approved after waiting almost one year! We are so excited!!!! We didn't expect it today! God bless everyone here!


Felicitaciones!!!  Is your fiance going down for the interview.  I am planning on it if I can swing it.

pachacutiMalePeru2013-05-22 21:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOne Step Closer to Having My Family With Me :)

I was looking for where to post star_smile.gif CONGRATS star_smile.gif to you!

Thanks so much for your work thus far to get CSC moving !!!!!!!


I haven't much more than rabble-rouse here on VJ.  So I have only had an indirect influence.  I would look to others like TylerDurden, Bayareaguy and Zipline.  I believe they were much more influential than I.

pachacutiMalePeru2013-05-25 00:04:00