K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHow to Pass the Time

I guess 6-12 months isn't too bad. Being military I'm sure I'll be deployed a few times being gone anywhere from 90 days to a year can be a common thing. Guess I REALLY need to learn to live with it, as it will be something new for me, but really nice to have loving arms to come home to. :thumbs:

Have you (can you) request a military expedite? I would if I were you.

Knowing you will be apart for X amount of time is one thing. Being forced into this Schrodinger's separation is excruciating.
pachacutiMalePeru2013-03-22 15:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHow to Pass the Time

I meant that planning bit for the OP since that was the question asked, but should have specified.

Of course it's understandable to be stressed and depressed being away from one's children. I get that totally. But why should the government care about anyone's family planning? Or lack thereof? You and your significant other chose to be in an international relationship and chose to have a child, am I right? You are not going to change the arbitrary bureaucratic BS. Sitting around exasperated and complaining will only make time go by SLOWER. I am not judging anyone on an individual level. But I often try to see things the way adjudicators at USCIS and DOH see things to make sense of all this. Nobody who is reviewing your case at USCIS cares that you are far away from your infant child. That's the way it is.

If that is the way they view the cases, then that is wrong. I worked for 20 years in the state agency that administers federal Title IV-A and Title IV-D programs. I know workers like the ones you describe. They are the ones who don't get their job done. Those who actually care and can see the lives behind the paperwork are the ones who are really effective. So, your point actually goes a long way to supporting my point of view.

I believe that rabble-rousing has a chance of actually changing the bureaucratic BS. It will need to achieve a critical mass before it can have an effect, but it can achieve that critical mass if enough of us complaining about it. It certainly won't change if we sit on our hands and do nothing.

Oh, and the problem isn't the person reviewing my case... The problem is that no one is reviewing my case... My case has been sitting on some batch table under a big stack of other cases that came in with mine. I would love for someone to review my case, even if they were to do so apathetically.

I do apologize for snapping at your comment to the OP... I took it personally, and it appears I should not have done so.

Finally, yes you are right that my fiancee and I chose to have a child and an international relationship, although I could do without your accusatory undertone (if I inferred this undertone, I apologize, but I don't think I am wrong in hearing you saying under your breath that it is our own fault). We are quite happy with our growing family and are quite looking forward to a long and happy life together. Now, if we could just get USCIS out of our way, then we can be about our business...

You know, the problem isn't the waiting really. When we started out, we were perfectly fine with waiting 6 months and then another 2 at the embassy (or thereabouts). I think we would even be okay with accepting a certain amount of slippage. What is galling is that there is no movement, for anyone. There does not seem to be any relief in sight. USCIS has no customer service whatsoever. There is no transparency. There is no accountability. It is these aspects that gets people foaming at the mouth. Patience is one thing, but the attitude we are given by USCIS is the real problem here.

Edit: Rather, USCIS doesn't care about anyone's individual circumstances unless it's cause for expedite. Whether any of you believe it or not they are overloaded with cases and not enough staff. Do you really think they are all just sitting around twiddling their thumbs?

No. I do not believe they are just sitting around. I believe they are overworked. However, I also believe that with all the filing fees they have the resources to address staffing issues. That they choose not to is the problem.
pachacutiMalePeru2013-03-22 14:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHow to Pass the Time

Relax, that was a poor attempt on that guy's part at being facetious. But people who hop up and down and foam at the mouth about waiting for a year [tops] being away from their loved one makes me wonder how strong that love is. Seriously in the grand scheme of things it is NOT a big deal. Complaining isn't going to get a faster approval. All it does is up one's blood pressure.

Gary has great advice. Plan for your SO's arrival. It's not an easy transition for anyone and your support can make or break it.

Hahahahaha. Follow Bayarea and my history on these forums. I was well aware that he was kidding. So was I.

However, stop with this being some kind of test by fire of my relationship. It's not. This is arbitrary bureaucratic BS. I have said it on other threads, I have a bigger reason to want this wrapped up as my little infant son is growing up without me. Or is that just some other test I must pass.

If you want your relationship tested, then great. Otherwise, I really wish people with condescending comments like that would just keep them to themselves.

Finally, I HAVE planned for my family's arrival. I don't need a year to do that, thank you very much. Again, keep the condescension to yourself, please.
pachacutiMalePeru2013-03-22 14:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHow to Pass the Time


I'm sorry, man. You're right. If I can't be patient and be separated from my family for a year or more, we were just not meant to be together. I'll pipe down now.
pachacutiMalePeru2013-03-22 13:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHow to Pass the Time

It's great to hear from other Peruvians couples! :)

How nice that you will be able to be there for your sons birthday!
I would love to hear how things advance for you

I plan on trying to work a lot when I do get back to the US in August, as well as visit with some friends and family that I haven't seen in two years. Thanks for the advice and good luck!!

Just read the forums :) I will be here whining, moaning, carping and just generally carrying on ;)
pachacutiMalePeru2013-03-22 13:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHow to Pass the Time

Hey Everyone!

I am fairly new to this forum. I recently submitted my I-129F with my Peruvian Fiancé and received my NOA1 in Feb 21, 2013 and from what I have read, will not be expecting anything else from the VSC for about 6 months. I was wondering if there are any veterans out there who might have suggestions or ideas on how they best passed their time while playing the waiting game :whistle:

I have been trying to read up on the forums about all of the RFEs and stories from other applicants to stay informed, but in a way this also makes me nervous and I feel as though I may be stressing myself out over details that I cannot control. :blink:

I am a big planner and would love to just plan out everything that Wilmer and I will do when we get back to the States together, but I am almost afraid to be planing too much assuming that he will be back home with me for the holidays, as I already had a disappointment hoping we would be back in August for my family reunion. I don't want to build myself up for disappointment.

I guess basically, I think it would be nice to hear back from someone who has been through the process and what did they do to try not to drive themselves crazy.

Is there anything important that we should do with our case while we are waiting for a possible RFE/ NOA2?
What are other suggestions that you might have done to pass the time without building up the expectations for specific dates and events.

Thanks for your thoughts :yes:

Sabrina and Wilmer

Welcome fellow "Perucho". :)

I work... a lot... I always joke that I have the luxury to work looooong hours because I have no life. I am like the other obsessives checking Igor's List regularly. I don't really check my case status that much though... I try rouse as much rabble as I can here on the forums, hoping that proactive July, August and September folks will make my future whining more effective :)

I skype every day with my fiancee. Luckily I get to go down the second half of April for a couple of weeks (our son is turning a year old and I want to be at his first birthday party).
pachacutiMalePeru2013-03-21 23:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCongressman's Office Emails :BOINK:


They didn't look into your case at all. They confuse DHS with DOS. They confuse the petition wait with AP. They didn't bother to even understand what the process, and therefore the problem, is.

I would call the congressman's office and ask to speak to someone. I would not let this stay where they tried to leave it. Keep it civil. Keep it polite. But don't let your rights be trampled on in this way.

FWIW, this is why I said in another post that I would never let on to a senator or congressman's office that I was talking to another one. They will just pass the buck.
pachacutiMalePeru2013-03-27 12:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI just wrote a letter to the LA TImes

I just wrote a letter to the LA Times to have them investigate and write about the massive delays currently occurring at the CSC with I-129F petitions. I will continue to write to the various papers and media outlets around the country every day until the CSC starts spitting out approvals. When I see they are still working on July and it is almost April and many people are still waiting for a response after receiving their NOA1 in July and August, it does not exactly fill me with hope that my fiance will be here this year. If you would like to help, I propose that you do the same, contact your congress person, contact media outlets by phone or write to them and let them know about this intolerable situation that is going on with fiance approvals at the CSC.

Very cool. Thank you man :)
pachacutiMalePeru2013-03-26 22:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCsc August filler latest update

Oh yeah, I have a plan of action for each situation (whether the date is before my NOA1 date, or after) :bonk:

I had faith in you, my good man.
pachacutiMalePeru2013-03-15 20:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCsc August filler latest update


I'm patiently waiting for the updated CSC I-129F processing time data to come out, so I can contact my congressman's office with both barrels blazing.

Dude. Do it even if it still says the 18th. Point out that it has been the 18th since December (but knowing you, you are already planning that :)
pachacutiMalePeru2013-03-15 19:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOne year and 2 months and approved FINALLY.

I have waited a very long time for this and my day has finally come, APPROVED. Finally I can move forward and be with my fiance again.

Of course you have now screwed up our estimated processing times :P
pachacutiMalePeru2013-04-01 15:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOne year and 2 months and approved FINALLY.

I have waited a very long time for this and my day has finally come, APPROVED. Finally I can move forward and be with my fiance again.

About freaking time. I am happy for you :)
pachacutiMalePeru2013-04-01 15:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI just want to RANT!!!!! - Don't mind me....

How do you know I am not? :goofy:

Well, I don't. But then I never claim to be clairvoyant. Heck, I am barely observant :)
pachacutiMalePeru2013-04-02 12:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI just want to RANT!!!!! - Don't mind me....

I think it has happened before. Last year when we filed our petition, it was Vermont that was way behind and I was happy mine was at California. If you look on Igor's list at the petitions approved for each month for the I-130's you will see that CSC is streets ahead of vermont. Looking at the USCIS charts, there are high's and low's but where there is a low for I-129's there seems to be a high for I-130's. They obviously receive far more of these petitions than K1's which is why it takes so long to catch up on them when they have been left to fall behind.

I don't know why but I actually feel confident that this is a temporary situation and things are about to change. I would like to say I think we will see an improvement within the next two to three weeks, just past the middle of the month probably. I would love to be right for a change! lol

Please, please, be a clairvoyant :)
pachacutiMalePeru2013-04-02 12:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reports4 approvals at CSC for the week

Eh, I'm just being cynical.

The workers are doing what they are told to do. Someone has instructed them to not process I-129Fs.

But for sure, it certainly applies to some government employees, without a doubt.

Certainly. There are always some in every bunch. And for all I know, CSC may be rife with them, but I can only extrapolate from my experience, which says that it is unlikely.

I do wish you well on your trip to see your family.

However ... I do question your right to whine afterwards. If you see your family, those rights are revoked, at least temporarily.Posted Image

Have a great trip!

Thanks buddy :)
pachacutiMalePeru2013-04-06 22:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reports4 approvals at CSC for the week

Government job = welfare for the middle class.

Dude. I worked in government for 18 years. I am now a contractor, mostly contracting with government agencies. We are not all that bad. It is even possible that CSC workers are doing the best they can and are being micromanaged or forced to comply to some management-driven goals that have little to do with what correct caseload management would entail. So, please don't use such a broad brush when painting this problem.
pachacutiMalePeru2013-04-06 18:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reports4 approvals at CSC for the week

You'll be at 4.5 months by mid-April. Are you planning to take some action soon? (if you haven't already)

Maybe you'll be one of the first in an ongoing trend of 5-5.5 month processing times. :)

I'm going down to Peru to be with my fiancee and my son for a couple of weeks, so I won't be taking any action until May or so. But soon it will be my turn to whine :)

pachacutiMalePeru2013-04-05 22:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reports4 approvals at CSC for the week
Don't be fooled. There has been no significant change at CSC. They appear to have gone backwards this week. Grrrrr.

PS. Yes, I know this is from Igor's List...
pachacutiMalePeru2013-04-05 20:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAttn November and December filers with NOA2s

I am a dec filer of 130 for my mom . Twice I requested for expedite processing based on the hardship I am going thru till date USCIS has not responded and I don't expect then to.
My case is with NBC and when I spoke to level 2 they gave me the information that your case is transferred to local service center and u should not be going with the dates mentioned for Texas service center.
NBC nor local service give processing time for 130 I really don't understand what's wrong with this system

Pucha! I am so absorbed thinking about my little dude growing up far away from me that I totally forget about folks petitioning for their parents. I so wish you a speedy journey, buddy. God! This freaking USCIS thing is really starting to piss me off (as I weren't already).
pachacutiMalePeru2013-04-12 08:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAttn November and December filers with NOA2s

I called in to USCIS today and got a Tier 2 representative after I told Tier 1 not to bother quoting me info on their website and just transfer me to Tier 2. I am a September filer (Sep 4 NOA1) with petition at CSC. He initially tried to tell me that the processing date was July 18th and to call back when the date moved, and I proceeded to tell him "Listen, that date means nothing, I personally know of people who filed in November and December who just recently got approved, so don't tell me they're only processing apps before July 18th, because I happen to know for a fact you're full of it." He quickly backed off and said since I know of people who've been approved that far after me that he would get a service inquiry going to find out what's going on. Now I don't know if it will actually help in the end, probably not, or if I will even get any concrete info, again probably not, but one thing for sure, it got them to stop quoting the July 18th date as soon as I said that. So my question is, November and December NOA2ers, do you care if we (meaning black hole filers of late July, Aug, Sep and Oct) personally reference you guys when we call BS to USCIS on the July 18th date? It would be one way that you could help a ton of people that you say you're praying for. Thanks!

If it will get me an NOA2, you can reference me all you want. Heck, I will call for you :)
pachacutiMalePeru2013-04-12 00:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAugust Filer CSC NOA2 Approved!!!!!!

I'm not young either but if you have a son, you're younger than me... And I don't take into account the ones who have children.

My point was actually a larger one and my son is just a crystal clear example. Every person here has every right to want to have this over with as soon as possible. You can't really judge anyone's situation. Just saying that people need to be patient and that this is some test of whether your relationship really passes muster, or whatever, is wrong in my opinion. Have a little empathy, for crying out loud. This is not easy on any of us. Honestly, the wait is probably easier for those who are using K1 just to get a visa (i.e. those committing fraud); they have zero emotional stake in the process. All the rest of us, this is taking a toll, even if you happen to be Romeo and Juliet reincarnated.

Oh. And I can tell the difference between folks saying to be patient and saying it in a manner meant to console and those who say it in a manner indicating we should just keep our whining to ourselves.
pachacutiMalePeru2013-03-22 14:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAugust Filer CSC NOA2 Approved!!!!!!

Well, first come first served, not really. There is a pile of a range of cases the centers work on. Even at VSC where they are processing them like mad, they are not in order. about a +/- month range.

And, heck, I don't have time for this $h!t, but I will make time for it.

Here! Here! If it is important to you, you will make the time. For me, there is nothing more important right now. I want to be together with my fiancee and my son, so I can get on with the real important stuff. Unfortunately I have this barrier to deal with.

One of the other posters talked about being young and not able to wait. I am not young, so youth has nothing to do with my impatience. My son turns 1 year old in a couple of weeks. So, sitting around and watching him grow up, learn to walk, learn to talk, when he is thousands of miles away? I believe I have sufficient motivation to be impatient. Everyone on these forums has motivation to be impatient. It is not natural or healthy to have to endure a lengthy, uncertain separation. This is not some test to see if we are worthy. This is unnecessary suffering caused by an agency that is not fulfilling its mandated mission. Each and every one of us should be responsible for pushing and prodding to get our cases looked at and acted upon.

Andreea&Kevin, I, for one, am happy for you and applaud your efforts and your success. You are a model that everyone here should try to emulate.
pachacutiMalePeru2013-03-22 13:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAugust Filer CSC NOA2 Approved!!!!!!

Not sure congressmans office was pretty much toeing the USCIS line about the "July 18th" date cut off when I contacted them.

My congressmans political party is also different than Andrea&Kevins, so there could be some political bent on what is important for them to act on.

My congressman is Denny Heck who supposedly went to congress to "Give 'em Heck". We'll see how much he and his staff stand by that when my time comes... Well, hopefully I won't actually have to find out, truth be told.
pachacutiMalePeru2013-03-18 15:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAugust Filer CSC NOA2 Approved!!!!!!

On March 18, 2013, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E). Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at 1-800-375-5283

:dance: :dance:

Why did I get approved and many from July and August are still waiting? I contacted my congressman and they were willing to keep contacting them over the past few weeks including talking to supervisors there. Without their help I'm sure I'd still be waiting. So, go do whatever you can to get the process moving for you, it CAN help.

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Congrats man and godspeed :)
pachacutiMalePeru2013-03-18 12:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAugust 2012 filers!

Yep, waiting and venting.

Hahahaha. I call what I do venting, too. However, it should be called obsessing. :)
pachacutiMalePeru2013-02-12 23:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAugust 2012 filers!

Yep, sobering facts. Those deniers who state "it happens every year, bla bla bla" don't really make me feel any better. I'd like to see where the NOA2's have been this low before.

I'll wait right here.

What choice do we have, my friend.
pachacutiMalePeru2013-02-12 23:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAugust 2012 filers!
I'll play.

CSC Igor's List breakdown:

07/2012 - 9
08/2012 - 4
12/2012 - 1
01/2013 - 1

Only 12 08/2012 petitions have been processed at CSC. 4 RFEs

But the most telling thing in my humbly envious CSC opinion is the time frame for the 15.

CSC has a time span of 25 days to process 15 cases (01/17 - 02/11)
VSC has a time span of only 7 days to process 15 cases (02/07 - 02/14)

That is what is distressing the frak out of me.

Edited by pachacuti, 12 February 2013 - 11:02 PM.

pachacutiMalePeru2013-02-12 22:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWTF CSC????

I won't congrats you if you get it first than me , lol... I'm just kidding. :D
You are one of the group of ppl I'm praying to get NOA2 very soon.

I feel the same about you liddy. There a bunch of folks here that I am sure I will break down in tears of joy when they get their approvals. I can literally feel the frustration of each July, August, September and now October filer here. This empathy just makes my wait harder.... But I wouldn't have it any other way. Being here on these forums, sharing the frustration. Hashing out ideas of what we might be able to do, has really helped keep me sane.
pachacutiMalePeru2013-04-10 08:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWTF CSC????
The selfish side of me is hoping they will do me too (November 30). The fair-minded side of me is asking the very same question... Forgive me for being selfish.
pachacutiMalePeru2013-04-10 08:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCalifornia Service center
You can also check receipt numbers around yours to get a feel for what is going on for people who filed when you did....
pachacutiMalePeru2013-04-19 13:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2 CSC approved after 276 days

I'm so happy. Can';t realize yet. I am SO GLAD I found VJ and so many nice people here.

I do hope everyone from the CSC blackhole get approved very soon.

Yayyyy! Another one of the folks I have been hoping hard for. Congratulations! I hope you have a speedy rest of the way and are reunited quickly with your love :)
pachacutiMalePeru2013-04-19 13:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI129F Filed 1 year ago, still waiting

This is so depressing. To see people wait for over a year just to START their lives with their significant other. Imagining the ones with infants whom lost a vital year without one parent. I thought this was supposed to reunite families and lovers quicker for our American citizens. What's going on? I hope you guys get your approval soon, I wouldn't mind waiting longer if they did yours before mine. Good luck

While I am one of the ones watching from afar as my little guy grows up (1 year in April), I too would much rather see these ridiculously long cases resolved. I have said it before, but I will say it again: it is inexcusable.
pachacutiMalePeru2013-03-11 22:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsContacted my representative's office about late NOA2

My Congresswoman did not say anything about USCIS agreeing to pull the file (like others with Congressional/Senatorial inquiries) - just that USCIS said my case was in the cue to be adjudicated within the next 2 weeks. At this point, I do not know if the Congressional inquiry was helpful, or if they are just starting to pick back up from transferring the DACAs to Texas....our NOA1 was July 17th which is before the posted processing state so I'd like to believe they are starting to move and ours was at the top of the pile.

Congratulations man. I just saw you got your NOA2. Bayareaguy is not far behind. :) Then I will feel like I am all alone waiting :( I still have a ways to go yet.
pachacutiMalePeru2013-03-19 09:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsContacted my representative's office about late NOA2

I will give a full report.

Here is what I want...that they will take my information, have me submit a release to them, and they will make an inquiry to the USCIS about my case on my behalf.

Anything short of this, then I am prepared to read them the riot act.

Looking forward to hearing how you do. Looking more forward to the day I get to tell you congratulations, quite frankly.
pachacutiMalePeru2013-03-18 15:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsContacted my representative's office about late NOA2

Well, I called my congressman's office again. I originally wanted to wait for the USCIS time data to come out, but I'm tired of waiting on such incompetence.

So she again started to talk about "countries with a lot of applicants..." BS, so I cut her off right then and told her I know that USCIS does not differentiate in the processing of applications based on country, other than automatic expedite for Hati. So, seeing that she was dealing with a somewhat aware individual, she completely dropped the talk about my fiance's country having anything to do with it.

Then she brought up the old "July 18" line, and said that "they cant do anything if they are not processing applications after that date," again. So then I mentioned that not only is USCIS processing applications after July 18 (which is really only as of Dec 31) at a very slow pace, I know of a few applicants after July 18, and even after my NOA1 date, that have been helped by their congressman's office, by inquiring about their specific case to the USCIS on their behalf.

So, she said she will try to find out what she can do and will call me back.

So, waiting for the call, and getting my blood pressure down from the earlier call.

Good luck to you. I am sure we will find out here how you fare.
pachacutiMalePeru2013-03-18 15:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsContacted my representative's office about late NOA2

Why does everyone think that USCIS keeps all your processing fees and therefore has the money to hire employees and process the applications? Its a government department, wont the money go to the government first? If the government is short of money why would they give money back to an unessential department? Why not run it at a minimum and keep the money to pay for other essential things like politicians wages?

I obviously don't think they keep all the money. I think I have shown that if they did, there would be ample resources for USCIS to take care of our petitions. However, many folks here on VJ talk about them being a self-funded agency.

But you are right about politician's wages. The congress critters carefully exempted their salary and benefits from sequestration. Wonderful.
pachacutiMalePeru2013-03-07 10:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsContacted my representative's office about late NOA2

If you feel there is a problem, try to do something about it. Don't whine.


11/30 NOA1. A little premature for me. I rely on July/August folks for now. I will pile on when it is my turn.
pachacutiMalePeru2013-03-05 23:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsContacted my representative's office about late NOA2

I'm sure everyone else with other applications is saying the same thing. I just think there's more productive things to be doing than doing scenario math to make yourself angry about how slow you think their services are. If anything, they are understaffed. I do trust though, that the adjudicators are working as hard as they can with the work that they are given.

Why do you presume that I am not being productive?? It takes me all of 5 minutes to do "scenario math". I believe in transparent government (18 year veteran of public service, so I know what I am talking about). USCIS is all but transparent. The agencies I have worked for could not get away the type of behavior they display. I simply have a little fun running numbers based on filing fees. Based on those fees and number of applications, there are ample resources. Now, if the agency has chosen to understaff, given those ample resources, all the more reason to whine about it. USCIS needs to be more transparent. End of story.
pachacutiMalePeru2013-03-05 20:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsContacted my representative's office about late NOA2

I think you are forgetting the managers of the people processing the cases. I'm sure those managers have managers. Those higher up people probably have their own staff to help them manage the managers. And I'm sure it continues even farther than that. :bonk:

It still works out. Look let's say there is a lead worker who makes double what a worker makes. So, my hypothetical worker is bringing in 300 to 600K. The lead is in charge of, oh let's say 6 workers. So he has a team bringing in 1.8 to 3.6 M... more than enough to cover him. Let's further say that that team has a supervisor (when I processed welfare benefits, our teams were about 12 with 1 lead and 1 supe. The entire office had 2 teams and we had an office administrator... there were also social workers and clerical staff, but let's leave them out for now, doubling the salaries is already more than what reality would say), who makes double the lead... still enough. Now let's say there are 10 teams and an office admin who makes double what the supe does. he still oversees incoming revenue of 18 to 36 M. And here I am only talking about K1s. Think of allllll the other visa types and other transactions (AOS is bringing in a grand a pop). There simply has to be ample revenue any way you slice it.
pachacutiMalePeru2013-03-05 17:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsContacted my representative's office about late NOA2

A quick review? Like 15 minutes? That's how long it takes to review and approve a clean file.

See post #49

Wow! I was being way too generous giving them half a day to work cases :)

This further underscores that there is no reason for them to be so behind. So, updating my hypothetical funding of CSC worker. 340 dollars for an average of let's say 1 hour per case (assuming some drag by complicated cases). That's easily 8 cases a day @ 20 days a month = 160 cases a month. so 12 months @ 160 gives us 1920 cases that a worker should be able to process a year. @ 340 a pop, that one worker brings in $652,800 . One dude can easily fund a dozen of himself plus pay for any overhead (as well as any hardship waivers, etc), just on those cases alone.... CSC should have more than enough resources to process cases in a timely fashion.

I gotta stop beating that particular horse. He is probably more than dead now. It just irks me that this squandering of resources is apparently taking place.
pachacutiMalePeru2013-03-04 19:02:00