K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalling USCIS and NVC...

same here!!!! been wondering the exact same thing. wonder if there's another #...i also emailed them, but no reply (emailed them last thursday)...

I am getting through with the NVC 603 334 0700... just talked to them this mornin... it is a headache.. the line is busy for the first 5 mins that I tried to call them, but I just kept hangin up and pressing redial... after about 5 min it went through :D
Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2010-02-22 11:18:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI130 APPROVED!!!
Congrats on your approval!!
Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2010-02-25 11:22:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresImportant notice about k3 visa

I'm just pointing out the difference between filing a petition and applying for a visa. It is always helpful to use the correct terminology. There are numerous examples of confusion that occur as a result of referring to a petition as a visa application.

Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2010-02-08 12:01:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresImportant notice about k3 visa

In a nutshell.... CAN you apply for a K3.... YES ..... Should you ??? ..... My suggestion ..... NO

:thumbs: Amen brother!!

Actually, no, he can't, because he's a US Citizen. Only foreigners apply for visas. He can file an I-129F petition for his spouse but it's a bad idea.

:blink: are we even talking about the same thing push?

Yes, we are. I'm telling you that he can file a petition but he cannot apply for a K3 visa. Only a foreigner applies for a visa. We agree that to file the I-129F petition for a spouse in this case is a bad idea. For him to apply for a K3 visa is not an option.

Hint: Don't confuse a petition with a visa application. They are separate things.

Hint: If you are confused on what I am saying then please verify before jumping to conclusions, I thought I was clear but evidently I needed to spell it out for others.......

In my opinion, should you apply for a K3 visa? No... can you still apply for a K3? yes, but they are unlikely to do anything with you I-129f petition

I thought when you cut and highlight a quote, that you could just reference to that statement, didnt know I had to reply to the WHOLE context of the post... my bad..
Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2010-02-08 07:28:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresImportant notice about k3 visa

Actually, no, he can't, because he's a US Citizen. Only foreigners apply for visas. He can file an I-129F petition for his spouse but it's a bad idea.

:blink: are we even talking about the same thing push?
Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2010-02-08 00:19:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresImportant notice about k3 visa

In a nutshell.... CAN you apply for a K3.... YES ..... Should you ??? ..... My suggestion ..... NO

:thumbs: Amen brother!!
Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2010-02-07 20:01:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresImportant notice about k3 visa
@myra adding your timeline is simple. click on the above link that says My Controls, then choose edit my signature. You will type out you timeline there and then everytime you post it will be included
Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2010-02-06 21:27:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresImportant notice about k3 visa
Say Whhhhhaaat? Well, I am anxious to see how this actually plays out. Normally with anything it takes a little time to iron out all the kinks and implement something. How this effects us... well... all I have to say is I am happy that I have studied up on the CR-1 process :P But a little discouraged to think that even more time will have to be spent away from my Hubby. I agree with some of the other post, I am sure that they knew this was comming and you would of thought that they would of stopped taking applications. At the very least they could honor the petitions that were already filed. Then starting Feb 1 would be when this new policy would take place. Who knows, not saying that they are really thinking correctly, probably some man running it :P hehehehe JK

Sorry I am a little bit late posting... Grooming 17 dogs today making some $$$
Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2010-02-06 21:24:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Even BAD things come to an END

Years months days anyway you say it or write it we had a very long timely journey but I am happy to report that on August 30 my husbands visa was issued and he received it today. Im still in shock. So to all that are experiencing problems hang in there it might take time but hopefully the wait will not be in vain. Thanks to all for your support

So happy for yall both!! COngrats Congrats!!!!
Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2010-10-12 10:55:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Mandatory AP in New Delhi Consulate in India
This sucks!!!!! :crying:
Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2010-06-07 23:36:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)221(G) Letter

My fiance got the same letter. When he called they told him that the case is complete and they will contact him once the processing is done. So, I am waiting as well and added myself to the AP tracker. We are in internal processing. The consulate just recently stopped emailing me. My fiance usually calls them and they tell him that we are still in AP.


Hey Star, which consulate were yall at? How long have you been in AP?
Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2010-06-21 09:47:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP @ New Delhi 2010

Thanks "Amit-N-Melody"
You rocks with all the information... you knew that we are in AR- Administrative Review" We were told to submit documents to VFS offices... We are in process of making those documents, all are complete except for one that is expected to complete in couple of days.
To me, it only make sense to call embassy after we submit the documents...(losing it) Am I correct? :star:

You will loose it alot during this stage... But calling the embassy will be the only sain thing that I can give you advice on doing :D So the answer would be "Yes" call the embassy... Good Luck :thumbs: Will be prayin for you


HUBBY has landed at JFK airport... he is on AMerican soil... WOOT WOOT will post about everything soon!!!
Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2010-09-01 23:12:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP @ New Delhi 2010
ooo on an after thought... when you are calling the embassy from the US you should dial 911124198062... I use Amantel as a calling service <love them> and normally when you call india you will have to dial 011 then 91 then number... I am not sure why... but you dont have to dial the 011 and you have to add a few more 111's
Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2010-08-01 20:02:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP @ New Delhi 2010
To anyone reading this that is going through AP at the New Delhi Consulate:

On Monday the 26th my Husband called the Embassy to let them know that he was out of town on buisness and would not be returning for a few months. He wanted to confirm with them how they were going to contact him about this visa... I dont know if you have read my whole thread but they told him that they would call him or email in in a few days to a few months... well... they did neither... I called the embassy <I woke up at the witchin hour> and they told me that the visa was issued on the 29th.... to this day they have not called him/or emailed him... and when we call DOS they still have that we are pending AP...

IMO, I think that you should call the embassy twice a week, on Tuesday and Friday... Forget about calling DOS they are just d!c&s and do not give you any useful information. My Husband was told by the embassy that they try to do everything in their power to complete the AP within 90 days... so the other websites that say this are pretty right on!!

I am sorry in advance for anyone going through this... but honestly now that it is over... it didnt take that long... the months tick by and your crazy kicks in and before you know it you have had tantrums with everyone in congress including your own parents... my best friend at this time was a bottle of jack... and of course VJ... I honestly could not have gone through this process without YOU... VJ... I love you!!!!!
Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2010-08-01 19:58:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP @ New Delhi 2010

Let us know when he is able to get here so we ( I, haha) can have a celebratory drink!
Your struggle have been on my mind alot!

Awww dear you know I could never let you drink alone :devil: Bring out the Bubbly I think he will be here in about 1 week... 2 weeks at the max!!! You know I believe that it was through all the collective thoughts around me that kept me a little sain during this whole thing... thank you for thinking about me <<huugggs>>
Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2010-07-31 06:33:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP @ New Delhi 2010
Thanks everyone... AMit called VFS and they had his passport, they mail it out with Blue Dot and it is scheduled to be sent tomorrow!! How exciting... and from what i have gathered he will be here in just a few weeks :thumbs:
Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2010-07-30 16:04:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP @ New Delhi 2010
Hubby is on the phone seeing when/where he can pick it up!!
Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2010-07-30 05:24:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP @ New Delhi 2010
Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2010-07-30 05:16:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP @ New Delhi 2010

I don't think smoking will do you any good hun! :)
I'm keeping you in my thought and I hope you get out of this soon so you can reunite you family again!

yeah.. I would have to agree with you about the smoking... :thumbs:
Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2010-07-29 14:40:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP @ New Delhi 2010
still nothing... i am thinking about taking up smoking for my nerves... lets see...
Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2010-07-29 00:12:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP @ New Delhi 2010
Hubby called the embassy yesturday... He said that he talked to a really nice tempered girl.. <I'm not thinking this is the same cranky Lady> And, of course she said that we are still under AP. He then wanted to verify how the embassy was going to contact him because he was out of town on buisness... So she said that they would call him or email him in a few more days???? I was like 'say whhaaaat??' but after the 4th time of him repeating it too me I have come to the conclusion what this girl meant was that when the visa is ready they will call him :D and as we all know this can take a few days to a couple of years....

Sometimes I wish he would record his conversations with them so I wouldnt have to read inbetween the lines :rofl:
Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2010-07-27 11:21:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP @ New Delhi 2010

you and muslinqueen are always in my u girls..keep it strong..

thank you!!!
Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2010-07-27 11:12:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP @ New Delhi 2010
I got a suprise this week... A Great Dane Puppy that my Parents sold was returned to us... they said that she was to "hyper" ... well I took her... She is such a joy right now!!!

Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2010-07-26 01:30:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP @ New Delhi 2010
This is what I have been working on the last few days instead of being on here :D

Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2010-07-23 21:17:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP @ New Delhi 2010

Melody my heart really goes out to you (as it does to everyone in this AP mess) I really wish I had some words to say that could make you feel better but I don't. I'm sure you have your good and bad days, but try to keep yourself busy and stay strong, and remember this too shall pass. I agree with the other post that you should take pics of your dishes. My fiance is from Egypt and I am practicing on my kids as well hehe. And thanks for sharing the video from your wedding, it looked like a very beautiful wedding. You are in my prayers!! :)

OOo Thank you soo much.. it is nice to know that I am not alone :( But it sucks that we are having to go through this. I am planning on starting to take pics of the food that I am cooking.. :D Our poor kids <LOL> but I can say they have been lovin what I have been cooking the last few days.

You looked GORGEOUS! Thanks for sharing part of your wedding video. :)

This waiting is really killing me too. Poor FI's heart jumps every time his phone rings thinking it might be the Embassy.
It is so hard to explain this whole process to people. They just don't understand why he can't just come here. :(

I know the feeling very well, I am constantly checking my Husbands email and mine... My Hubby keeps his cell on him at all times and mine is on my pillow every night just in the hopes that me might call me with some good news. It sucks.. you know I agree and the ppl that it hurts most to explain why he isnt here is my children... they just dont understand and they want him here right now :(
Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2010-07-19 14:17:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP @ New Delhi 2010
And of course I recieved an email this morning... but it is the same generic bullsh!t that they emailed to me last week :

Dear Petitioner:

Thank you for your e-mail inquiry.

His application is pending under Section 221(g) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) for mandatory administrative processing. Please note that there is no definite time period for administrative processing. When administrative processing is required, the timing will vary depending on circumstances of each case. Be assured that we will contact the applicant if the administrative processing is complete or if we require additional information.

We hope this information is useful to you.


Consular Information Unit

Consular Section

U. S. Embassy

New Delhi, India

so sad :(
Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2010-07-19 06:55:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP @ New Delhi 2010

The food high didnt last all night :( I started crying again.. I am really going to have to pull myself together.. In my crying stupor I managed to email the embassy... I am sure I will have an auto response in the morning... I will post it here first thing...

A little piece of our Wedding Video... goshh.. my heart is aching tonight :crying:

Hindi Lyrics Translation
Thoda Sa Pyar Hua Hai
Here is the song 'Thoda Sa Pyar Hua Hai' from movie 'Maine Dil Tujhko Diya'.
THis is the song playing in my video :hehe:

Hm hm hm, hm hm hm hm, hm hm, mm mm hm hm hm

Thoda sa pyaar hua hai, thoda hai baaqi - 2

A little love has happened, a little is left

Thoda sa pyaar hua hai, thoda hai baaqi - 2

A little love has happened, a little is left

Hum to dil de hi chuke, oh

I have given my heart

Hum to dil de hi chuke, bas teri haan hai baaqi

I have given my heart, only your "yes" is left

Thoda sa pyaar hua hai, thoda hai baaqi - 2

A little love has happened, a little is left

Mm, mm mm mm mm mm

Mm hm, hm mm hm hm hm

Kaunsa mod aaya zindagi ke safar mein

What kind of turn has come in life's journey

Bas gaya tu hi tu ab to meri nazar mein

You, only you have become fixed in my sight

Dil ki har ek dhadkan tujhko pehchaanti hai

Every single beat of my heart recognizes you

Meri chaahat hai ab kya, tu nahin jaanti hai

What my desire is now, you don't know

Main tujhe jaan gayi, oh

I have gotten to know you

Tujhko pehchaan gayi, phir bhi teri haan hai baaqi

I have gotten to know you, even still your "yes" is left

Thoda sa pyaar hua hai, thoda hai baaqi - 2

A little love has happened, a little is left

Aaj yeh kya hua hai, dil nahin mera bas mein

Today what has happened, my heart is not in my control

Is liye sochti hoon tod doon saari rasmein

Because of this I'm thinking of breaking all traditions

Umr bhar ke liye tu aa mera saath de de

For all of life, come give me companionship

Tera ho jaaoonga main, haathon mein haath de de

I will become yours, in my hands give me your hand

Haathon mein haath sahi, ho

My hand is in your hands, really

Tu mere saath sahi, phir bhi teri haan hai baaqi

My hand is in your hands, really, even still your "yes" is left

Thoda sa pyaar hua hai, thoda hai baaqi - 2

A little love has happened, a little is left

Thoda sa pyaar hua hai, thoda hai baaqi

A little love has happened, a little is left
Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2010-07-18 23:01:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP @ New Delhi 2010
The food high didnt last all night :( I started crying again.. I am really going to have to pull myself together.. In my crying stupor I managed to email the embassy... I am sure I will have an auto response in the morning... I will post it here first thing...

A little piece of our Wedding Video... goshh.. my heart is aching tonight :crying:

Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2010-07-18 22:58:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP @ New Delhi 2010

That sounds awesome, where are the food-porn pics?

you know what... I didnt take any... but now that you suggested it.. I believe I will have to start taking pics.. I am just not sure how to upload a pic that I took here in the thread
Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2010-07-18 22:53:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP @ New Delhi 2010
I know that I was talking about making an Indian dish today... well.. that didnt happen... I made an Turkey Mock Lasagna Casserole today that was sooo scrumptous everyone asked me to make it a permanent staple to our recipe collect... to follow I have used some of my fresh blueberries that we picked last week to make an Blueberry Pudding Cake with Blueberry Syrup and Whipp Cream... ooooooo yum yum.. good bye depression Hello Sugar rush!!!! lol
Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2010-07-18 16:37:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP @ New Delhi 2010
please bear with me over the next week... I am subject to hysterical outburst out of my control... More than likely this thread is going to NOT have any useful information contributed to it in this time.... The reason one might ask... My anniversary is 1 week from today... In my head I had always thought that we wouldnt spend it so far apart... This is what happens when you assume something.

SInce this is basically MY thread... I am not going to feel guilty in spamming it with a bunch of sappy love songs...
Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2010-07-18 09:07:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP @ New Delhi 2010
Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2010-07-18 08:56:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP @ New Delhi 2010

Oh, my love
my darling
I've hungered for your touch
a long lonely time
and time goes by so slowly
and time can do so much
are you still mine?
I need your love
I need your love
Godspeed your love to me

Lonely rivers flow to the sea,
to the sea
to the open arms of the sea
lonely rivers sigh 'wait for me, wait for me'
I'll be coming home wait for me

Oh, my love
my darling
I've hungered for your touch
a long lonely time
and time goes by so slowly
and time can do so much
are you still mine?
I need your love
I need your love
Godspeed your love to me
Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2010-07-18 01:26:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP @ New Delhi 2010
Oh, my love
my darling
I've hungered for your touch
a long lonely time
and time goes by so slowly
and time can do so much
are you still mine?
I need your love
I need your love
Godspeed your love to me

Lonely rivers flow to the sea,
to the sea
to the open arms of the sea
lonely rivers sigh 'wait for me, wait for me'
I'll be coming home wait for me

Oh, my love
my darling
I've hungered for your touch
a long lonely time
and time goes by so slowly
and time can do so much
are you still mine?
I need your love
I need your love
Godspeed your love to me

Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2010-07-18 01:12:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP @ New Delhi 2010
Inspired by the Julie/Julia Project... I bought a book... '660 Curries' by Raghavan Iyer.. As Julia Child learned to cook at age 37 for her Husband, I am going to attempt to learn how to cook some edible Indian food for my beloved Hubby. I will assume that I have some more time before my Hubby is here with me... so.. this will be my little hobby until he comes... who am I kidding...This will have to be added to my list of hobbies :D But I can happily say that this one is just for my love. So far looking at this book it seems to be extremely over whelming.. I keep thinking to myself why didnt I get the book that had alot of pictures and only 100 recipies... I was reading this Modern Womans Guide on keeping your Indian Husband happy in the U.S. This guide says that if you ask your Hubby what his favorite dishes are that he will not have over (5). Were they serious?? I asked my Husband tonight... and he couldnt even tell me 1!! LOL.. he said that he likes Rajma...<sigh> So... I flip in my handy 660 Curries book... and there is like 20 Rajma recipies... geeez. :D He was trying to be helpful and sweet and told me that he will love anything that I cook for him.. As sweet and kissable as he is... helpful isnt on the list... sooo I will have to torture my children over the next couple of months... heheheh they might want to disown me when this is all over... Tomorrow starts Day One and we will be having Butter Chicken and Rice... yumm yummm

My Rosetta Stone Hindi is intimidating me... it seems that it jumps drastically from level 1 to level 2... I havent given up... just it is going to take alot longer then I thought.
Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2010-07-17 21:58:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP @ New Delhi 2010
thank you everyone!! <<huggs>>
Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2010-07-17 07:27:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP @ New Delhi 2010
Called DOS this morning, talked with Katie... same response 'Your case is still undergoing AP'... SO, it looks like Hubby wont be here for our anniversary :crying: we still have 9 days.. anything can happen in 9 days... right?
Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2010-07-16 08:28:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP @ New Delhi 2010

Hi, you right I am skipping the whole month...I can't keep track of time no more because my mind just keeps counting all day since last 5 months...well, so like someone else mentioned here it's really no sure day/date...just expect ANYDAY now!:-) Really I pray for you Melody and I can personally feel you how difficult time this is.

I can totaly feel ya.. this process puts you into some type of time warp..At times I am sure most of us are wishing our time away, but in reality it is going on as slow as molasses.
Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2010-07-15 07:10:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP @ New Delhi 2010
I think I need some type of spiritual retreat to center myself... this whole process is really straining on me :wacko:
Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2010-07-14 19:14:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP @ New Delhi 2010
Daya Mataji's private guidelines thoughout the years

1.) Think one thought at a time.
2.) Don't interupt when others are talking.
3.) Read books that require your concentration, that inspire and uplift you.
4.) Don't eat so fast (Rajarsi even chewed his water..<joke>)
5.) Exercise regularly
6.) Relax; dont get bogged down in the little things
7.) Learn to appreciate whatever you do; you are as important to God as any other child that has reached him
8.) Set aside time for seclusion to be alone with God
9.) Keep your mind at the Christ Center all the time
10.) Try always to follow in Master's Footsteps; Let his will be done with the work.

Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2010-07-14 19:05:00