Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER

I think that one of the reasons being in AP is terrible is becasue we are all required to put our lives on hold in one way or another. It's so frustrating. Like you Melody I am also living with my parents until my husband gets here so I know what thats like. I hope we all getout out of this AP like this week, miracles happen we'll just have to wait and :D see.

Well I am praying for a big Ol miracle.... Today when I was driving to my Grandma's House, my youngest daughter pointed to the sky at an airplane and said "Look Momma, Amit's on that plane lets go pick him up" It was 2 year ago today that I met my Hubby... :( Holidays suck the worst... cuz ya have all the family wanting to know when your spouse is going to be here and the 1001 questions of why is it taking sooo long :angry: enough is enough I just wish noone would talk to me...except yall of course... hehehehehe.. just dont go and ask my why my Husband isnt here
Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2010-07-04 19:07:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER

What just a pet stylist???? I love my pet stylist! I trust her with my little Zoe(4lb yorkie) Your profession makes alot of people and pets very happy. Trust me I do know what kind of limbo you are in I feel like im on a merry go round that never stops just reverses direction. Im glad you have your parents to help you it got to be hard I know, but I hope your hubby will be there soon. I'm old and so is my husband our kids are grown so we dont have alot if issues which does make it easier.

I didnt mean it like that :whistle: I just meant I am not some DR or Lawyer or someone that makes alot of money. I work hard at what I do and love every minute of it, The owners of the shop I work for appreciate me also and gave me $100 bonus for working this weekend..<woot woot>

I am so happy to have my parents to help me, actually I moved out of my parents house when I was 16 and never looked back.. until my divorce a several years ago... and it wasnt that I couldnt do it on my own but my children were suffering from my workaholic personality, so to make it easier on my parents,the kids and I moved in... but... enough is enough.. I am sooo ready to have my own place my own things.... I pray that my Husband comes off this AP soon..
Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2010-07-03 15:34:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER

Wow--I used to live in New Delhi. It takes a long time to adjust when you come back. I got back from Kenya 5/1 and it took through half of June to adjust back into my routin and being back. You must have a really nice job to be able to travel that often.

I'm just a pet stylist :whistle: aka a groomer... I live with my parents and I have 3 kids..... but working 2 jobs 7 days a week would make anyone have a little extra money :innocent: ugggh see, my Hubby was suppose to be here by now so when school started for the girls I wouldnt have to put them in this little private school, I was planning on moving closer to my work and enrolling them in a public school... Now that he isnt here I will have to go ahead and enroll them in this little school out here in the country near my parents house... the only thing about this is that it will lock us into an contract for 1 year <freaking sucks> Also I was planning on quiting one of my jobs after my Hubbies interview... but now... it seems to distract my mind off of my Hubby not being here with me
Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2010-07-03 07:33:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER
Yall must listen to this.... love it!!! I just wanna know today know today know today just know something today

Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2010-07-02 18:48:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER

A visit to India sounds amazing! I miss India sooo much!! What part of India is he from?

he lives on the outside of New Delhi... You know I dont have any fear that they will deny his visa.. its just this waiting of not know when he will be here that is driving me totally crazy.. via the reason I think if I were to plan a trip to see him then I might be able to supress some of my craziness... <probably not :devil: > It isnt like it has been that long since I have been with him.. only 3 weeks... I remember last time when I had to leave him it was easier after the second month... come on time... since this is all we have
Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2010-07-02 12:08:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER

Melody---hang in there! It's tough and sucks!! How is your hindi coming along?

It is comming along well.. I have been practicing it with my Hubby. I was told about this website called LiveMocha... I love it.. so between Rosetta Stone, LiveMocha and Pensluer I think eventually I will ge the hang of it. I am going to plan another trip to India... lets see.. Maybe in October.. atleast that would give me something to look forward to.
Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2010-07-02 10:58:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER
I called my Hubby this morning.. uuuuugh... I dont think I am going to be able to handle this much longer... :crying:
Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2010-07-02 08:00:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER
I called DOS this morning and spoke to a young guy???<this was a first> Not that he was helpful... but he was very pleasant to speak with, I asked him to update me on whats going on... well of course we are still under review... I asked where Washington... he said NO the case is being reviewed at the consulate... I was like #######.. then I asked him why on Monday did they say that we were being reviewed at Washington... sooo confusing... I am going to call back this afternoon and see what they say... how come some ppl can see things and others cant.. it is like they are looking at different computer screens... or maybe they dont know what all the abbreviations mean. Last week when we called the embassy I was told that we are under an internal review but that they do share files with Washington... what is the difference?
Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2010-07-01 09:24:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER

there is a lady with a heavy accent Im not sure of her name I usually hang up if I hear a young voice I dont want to waste my call LOL

OMG... she was the first one that I talked with... that hefer actually told me to pray... was soooo creepy.. :rofl:

Hubby is calling the embassy on Friday :D
Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2010-06-30 23:36:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER

The consulates sometimes do thier own investigations... in VN they are documented to take as long as 10 months... they have 1 year from the interview to make a decision as the application is only good for 1 year... in our consulate they often send out people to the village to ask questions of neighbors or the villiage snoop.. they also call people posing as someone else and asking questions.. when asked if they are from the consulate.. they lie and say no... only to call back a short while later saying they are from the consulate and want to ask more questions...

they have 7 months left before they must decide one way or the other...

I was told that it could take longer than a year in some cases... that the petition was valid as long as it was still under AP.. this is what some robot from DOS told me... I had asked if while under AP that a petition could ever expire.. and if so was there a way that I could extend it... If one year had passed wouldnt they just call you in to turn in a new DS-230?

uuuuuuugh I f'ing hate this process... who the hell knows anything? becuase just when you think that you have cracked this jacked up secret code then it all changes.. and we are no more wiser than we were before this all began... I dont understand why it has to be sooo secret... Why can't they tell me the facts instead of telling me to "pray" The operators are only good to feed us this generic bull sh!t....
Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2010-06-28 16:50:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER

I called a short while ago for my weekly update - when I asked her if the agency checks were finished she got angry and put the phone down! It's been 18 weeks since my interview :(

uuuugh... I cant believe that she hung up on you... well... good news is she didnt tell you to pray before she did the dirty :rofl: 18 weeks sucks!! all this waiting reminds me of a song..

Subsitute the word Swimming for Waiting and you will have a little insight in my brain :wacko:

no seriously come on and watch it :P

Edited by Amit-N-Melody, 28 June 2010 - 11:49 AM.

Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2010-06-28 11:48:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER
We are not calling DOS or the embassy this week... lets see which one of us breaks first :P I think I have more will power than Hubby..

So my Husband consulted an astrologer and they told him that he will get his visa and be with me the last week of July first week of August... so I was like what the hell I consulted my astrologer here in the states and she said that he will be comming in November.... Soo just jaking around yesturday with my mom and got her to read my Taro cards... and they said that we will have an illusion of success but I would have a delay before a positive outcome.... < My question was when was my Hubby going to be here with me> So, DOS cant tell me Sh!t the embassy refuses to tell me Sh!t and the stars and moon changes with everyone that we talk to :rofl: There is this little place down the street off the highway... its this run down singlewide trailor with a big neon sign that says physic readings... think I might pop in there to cover all my bases... maybe she will have some crystal ball or something that she can look into <knowing my luck she will charge me $100 to tell me that I am in so grave delay.... wwwwoooooo... and I see great pain in your future... ooooo..> and then she will want another $100 to continue to tell me something that I already know.. ok ok I talked myself out of seeing her.. ooor have I :whistle:
Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2010-06-28 06:57:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER

Hey everyone, I'm new here but unfortunately not new to the AP thing. I have been tracking everyones progress and its truly the only thing that keeps me going. Well my husband and I got married in July 2008 and I started his I-130 in Sept 2008. He than had his interview in July 2009. It seemed everything went well, however they just asked for the newest taxes at that time and said you can just mail it which he did. It took them until October to reply saying your case is complete however there is administrative processing. Well, we assumed like ok one month or two month, but unfortunately here we are almost July of 2010 and nothing. I contacted the embassy they say its in AP, i contacted DOS, they say pending. When i asked like if it already went to washington shes like yea but its being reviewed. I have no idea wat that means or by who. Its been almost a year since his interview and 9 months in AP. I contacted my senator and they said to give them 30- 60 days which i have no idea wat they can do for me. I am so annoyed and scared. To add to my concern, I'm pregnant and expecting in October of 2010. I dont want to bea single mom.... What can I do now? :(

awwww... i feel for you.. I am not sure what you can do if anything except to continue to wait... Hopefully someone will come along with some more knowledge and give out some good advice... <<hugs>>
Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2010-06-27 15:10:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER
ok it is 3:34am, I have managed to disturb my sleep enough to call the embassy... Found out that we are STILL under AP :dance: :dance: :dance: freaking awesome...I asked her if we were under internal processing or was our case being reviewed in Washington and she said we were under internal processing that the visa officers are reviewing my Husbands case right now it will just take some more time... I mean no big deal on that one right all we have is some more time... Sooo the million dollar question was... How much more time??? She said this process should take 4 to 8 weeks.... ding ding ding... ummm I told her we have already been waiting over 4 weeks <dont you think she could see that and would of changed her generic answer to something more believable> so then she says ok well then about 4 more weeks <wow I am really impressed that she can do math!!!> SO... this means the time has changed, because 4 weeks ago they told me that it would take 4 - 6 weeks and now... it is 4 - 8 weeks.... I guess in a couple of weeks when I get my crazy urge to call them back they will extend this date also... Ok.. thats my update... :bonk:
Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2010-06-25 03:44:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER
<keeping fingers crossed> I am going to take a little nap right now so I can wake up at 3am to call the Embassy... I had read somewhere that they update on Tues and Fri... I am not sure if this is correct but I figure what the heck... I am learning Hindi so atleast I will be able to practice on someone fresh tonight < :rofl: > unless they hang up on me, I am not going to get off the phone until I know if we are under internal processing or if it is being reviewed in Washington... :thumbs: I dont know why it is driving me crazy to know... but it is... when Hubby called them Monday and she told him that she could see his case infront of her and that "they" are reviewing it... Which makes me think that this is in a internal process... is there even such thing as an internal processing when you are talking about AP? I mean where you arent stuck in limbo for months doing the 3 checks... and if there is such a thing... then... uuuuuugh... I am feeling so frustrated right now... I know I might whine alot but... damn.. I almost wish they wouldnt tell me everytime I talk to them to call back next week, because it is giving me this false high that I could have have my Hubby's visa in a week and then every week that I call I have a crash.... some say.. well then dont call... :devil: and then I want to stab those ppl with my grooming shears... <JK> but seriously... how when this whole process has consumed me for the last 9 months can I just sit idely by and not call them... espeacialy when they so polietly ask me to call them back the next week :whistle:
Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2010-06-24 19:27:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER
Good Morning everyone!!!
Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2010-06-24 07:08:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER

Melody that's naughty!! The London embassy says we'll let you know when it's done, so if they told me to call/email next week I'd be verrrry pleased :lol:

Whenever I called DoS in the past and asked whether the case was in the US or London they wouldn't say. Actually, they'd say the case is still physically in London. However, the very first time I called DoS the lady said that they were still waiting for various agencies to respond, soooooo on one of my more recent calls I just asked whether it was still in Washington and whether the background checks were done - she said it still was, and ever since then they always confirm it's sill there.

Don't forget that I too, like your husband, was approved, given a pink slip, ie all done and dusted, and then found out I was in AP when my passport never arrived. I don't know if they do namechecks on the petitioner as well, does anyone know?

:devil: I promise I wont play with yalls emotions anymore <atleast for awhile> It does get aggervating and gives us a little hope.. till the next week when I call and they tell me to call back next week!

Hey what was the pink slip for? My Hubby didnt get any kind of slip at the interview... they gave him a Welcome to America pamplet...
Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2010-06-23 06:27:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER

That's excellent news, Melody :D

Congrats Melody!!! Did you call the State Dept. to see what it shows on their system?

Thats great...Im glad someone is getting good news today....congrats..

ummmmm..... yall didnt scroll to the bottom of my mass hysteria... they told him to call back next week... just like they told him last week and the week before and the week before that :D I apologize if my humor wasnt funny... it was early in the morning for me

I am really curious about something though... when he called they could see the case is currently being reviewed<--this is what they told him... ('they' meaning the embassy)... When I call DoS and ask them about my case they tell me it is being reviewed, I ask where Washington and they say they cant tell me... I wonder why they can tell other ppl but they cant tell me... makes me think that our case is at the embassy still. Can one go on AP and not have all the typical "security checks"? After one is approved at the interview ( I was told so by the Lady that interviewed him) and no 221g or additonal relationship evidence needed... then... uuuuugh I think I have answered my own question... this is sooo freaking depressing
Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2010-06-22 19:44:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER
Woot!! Woot!! Hubby called the embassy :dance: :dance: aaaaaaannnnnnddddddd they said :

our case is infront of them and to call back next week :devil:
Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2010-06-22 08:11:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER
I talked with a "nice" english speaking DOS operator this morning... was still a waste of time.. Same story different day, they cant tell me when my case has been touched if they are looking at it where it is how long it will take and even at this point she couldnt give me a general estimate on when the visa could get issued... she said best case scenario would be tomorrow and worst case she said could be years... She did tell me that my I-130 wouldnt expire and that as long as they dont deny him then there is nothing that I have to worry about doing, just wait for it to be completed and GOod Luck! :thumbs: Arent they just freaking chiper first thing in the morning
Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2010-06-21 09:11:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER

Agreed on the rep. telling you to pray. And, very sweet/thoughtful idea on learning the lang. Good luck!! I used to be fluent in Hindi--forgot it when we moved to the U.S. I've been considering buying the Rosetta Stone in Hindi as well to surprise my fiance. He speaks Urdu which is similiar to Hindi. Let me know how you like the Rosetta Stone. : )

well, so far I have spent 3 hours playing with it tonight... I am having more fun than playing super mario on the wii... even the kids wanted to use it... but it is my new toy they can play when I get bored :devil: I will let you know in a few weeks cuz I think it is too early to tell right now :thumbs:
Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2010-06-14 21:34:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER
Called DOS today... was a total waste of time... not to mention I feel even more horrible.. the foreign Lady that I could barely understand due to her thick accent told me that we are under AP bla bla bla and that I needed to pray.. :blink: that in most cases it is 3 months up to a year before you come off of AP... uuuuuuugh what a f'ing wonderful MOnday... can you believe that she told me to pray... isnt that like against some type of government law... like I know down here in the south they wont let the kids pray in school and they have taken the 10 commandments out of the court houses... so .... uuuugh... I am just aggervated... I will and do pray... just dont need some government offical to mock me and tell me to pray...

I dont think that I will call DOS again.. not to mention they are a day behind the embassy anyways.. So... I will just continue my weekly call to the embassy... I have asked my Husband to make a monthly trip to the embassy just to inquire... he will be starting this next month.. I mean really what else can we do... I bought the Rosetta Stone Hindi version.. I havent told my Husband... figure I can bide my time and suprise him with some Hindi.. The only Hindi he teaches me is words that are only funny for him to hear me say :whistle:
Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2010-06-14 13:54:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER
congrats Sugar!! I always love good news!
Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2010-06-13 20:36:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER

yup, same here :( I don't mean to be a wet blanket, but when I found out I was in AP after calling the DoS, the lady said that she thought my case would be finished in the very near future - it's been exactly 15 weeks and I'm still waiting. What I'm trying to say is don't get your hopes up about the 4-6 weeks - it could be sooner, it could be longer :( Good luck, and welcome to detention :P

Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2010-06-07 16:12:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER
User Name: AMit & Melody
Visa Type: CR-1
Embassy: New Delhi
Date of Interview: May 27th, 2010
Reason: Beats the hell out of me, Hubby was approved at the interview, nothing was said or mentioned about AP <no slips or papers were issued, passport was kept> she actually told us that we would recieve the visa in 1 week or we could pick it up earlier at VFS. Called the embassy on June 2nd and was informed that Hubby had been put on AP and that it would take 4-6 weeks. I called again June 7th and the same Lady from the embassy told me that we are under Mandatory Administrative Processing, our case is currently being under review and to call back Friday or the begining of next week.

Sooo... I guess you can put me on your list... :( I would like to add that I never wanted to be part of yalls club.. I want to go back with the cool kids that dont have to sit in detention :devil:
Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2010-06-07 15:41:00
United KingdomAPPROVED!!!!!
Congrats!!! :thumbs:
Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2010-02-04 13:43:00
United KingdomRound-up of yesterday - Visa in Administrative Processing!
I totally feel for you.. I married my Hubby in India and his whole family got to attend but my family had to watch via web cam... so I had planned this huge reception type party for our Wedding anniversary on July 25th, so my family could meet him <really just a good excuse to through a party>...I even put a deposit down on this old victorian mansion and everything....well ehh hem... doesnt look like that will happen... sucks when you cant control the situation, I borrowed my AUnts lace komono and was having a cream dress made to wear under it... We bought the girls the most adorable Indian Dresses to also wear... ohh well... Happy Monday
Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2010-06-28 07:15:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusI'm getting scammed

QUOTE (meod @ Nov 11 2009, 08:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If i was you i would get bypass surgery as soon as possible smile.gif

Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2009-11-28 20:56:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusnoa 2 @!!!!
Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2010-03-08 16:49:00
Asia: SouthWhat do I do now?
yes, Amit will be interviewing at the Delhi Embassy... I have made my mind up to be there for his interview.. I was wanting to go before the interview due to his sister is requesting me to stay with her bcs she is expecting her first baby in May. If I wasnt worried about the paperwork that I needed to do here for his visa, I would just go back to India and stay until his interview... Does anyone have any experience with this?
Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia1/28/2010 12:46
Asia: SouthWhat do I do now?
Awww I am soo sorry :( and also extremely nervous now... I am also divorced with 3 kids.. My husband when the time comes will also have his interview at the Delhi embassy.... I have often wondered if it would help our case if I actually went to the interview.

You are in my thoughts and prayers
Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia1/28/2010 7:26
Asia: SouthVisitor visa
I know that you are inquiring about a tourist visa... not a medical or buisness... just thought the list of required docs might help ya
Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia1/30/2010 10:36
Asia: SouthVisitor visa
From what I have read, he is going to have to show some ties or he will be denied. I know one way of doing this is with an employment letter, house in his name, cars/bikes.... I dont know about $50,000 USD but I know atleast a bank account in his name... anything to show ties to the communtity etc... But I dont know how wise it is for him to try to come see you in the current situation... Can you not go there instead and just have him pay for everything? I dont know how true this is... but I have been told that if you ever get denied for a visa it makes it really difficult for you to get a different one....

I found this information that might be helpful to you: http://www.mapsofwor...from-india.html

There are various forms of Visas to immigrate to the US (permanent and temporary). The Visitor Visa (B category Visa) enables people from around the world to immigrate (non –permanent) on grounds of business purpose (B1 Visa) or for simple traveling or medical treatment purposes (B 2 Visa). Regarding the Visitor Visa to USA from India, the application for such Visa requires the following documents:

1. Documents required (mandatory for both B1 and B2 Visas) :
*A valid passport
*Nonimmigrant Visa Application ( DS-156 Form )
*Supplemental Nonimmigrant Visa Application ( DS-157 Form ) only in case the applicant is 15-55 years of age
*One photo
*HDFC Bank Visa Fee Receipt with two bar code stickers
*Interview appointment letter
*Demand draft for the Visa Issuance Fee (unless the applicant is a Bhutanese citizen, holding a yellow Identity Certificate or applying for a A, C, C-
1/D, D, F, G, J, K, M, T, V or Blanket L-1 visa)

2. Supporting Documents (for B1 Visa) :
*Invitation letter from the U.S. counterpart/company with which the applicant plans to conduct business
*Recent bills or other documentary evidence of recent imports and exports of purchases
*Evidence of arrangements for lodging and appointments already made in the US in preparation for the trip
*Incorporation documents and business license
*Tax statements for the last 2 years
*Bank transaction statements for the last six months.
*Copies (if any) of recent advertising brochures or publications

3. Supporting Documents (for B1 Visa) :
*Employment and salary details
*Income Tax and bank statements and documents
*A No Objection Letter or Certificate and leave sanctioned letter (in case the applicant works in Government Service or with any of the Armed Forces)
*In case the applicant has a sponsor for the trip or medical treatment, then the following documents are needed:
*I-134 Form from the sponsor (a close relative), and also his/her bank statements and employment letter
*A copy of the passport of the sponsor in the US (Preferably a copy of the Indian passport)
*Documents to show the sponsor's legal status in the US
*In case of medical treatment in the US, documents should also include (besides the regular B 2 visa application documents):
*A letter from the applicant's doctor in India stating the diagnosis of the former's health condition and the necessary treatment(s)
*A letter from a licensed US medical facility stating its acceptability of the applicant as a patient and having an appointment with him/her. The letter should also state the duration and total cost of treatment
*Evidence that the applicant has the funds to pay for all anticipated expenses

I hope this helps.... goodluck!

Edited by Amit-N-Melody, 30 January 2010 - 10:32 AM.

Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia1/30/2010 10:28
Asia: SouthA glimmer of hope
I was having a freak out for 1 second.... I went and looked at the I-130 and the I-129f that I have filed out and mailed in, and no where on there did it ask about my children... on the I-130 it asks about his children.. but not mine..... so... ..... gosh... I hate panic attacks.... :help:
Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2/2/2010 17:26
Asia: SouthA glimmer of hope

Then she told me the consulate had entered information in there as his reason for denial that was information that I had included in the original petition to USCIS. Specifically he typed in there that I was married with three children as part of the visa denial.

I am curious what information did you send in with the original petition that told the USCIS about your children? I have 3 children, and I dont recall where I could of included this information. I did send in divorce papers and the kids are in there... also when it is time for me to do the AOS I am going to have to earn enough for 5... so they will be included there. I am just wondering if you sent in any additional information... Or am I missing out on something?

It is part of the Indian culture to suspect why a man would want to marry a women who already has children from a previous marriage. It is definitely true that the CO is not supposed to deny a case based on facts already known by the USCIS but again, cultural discrimination pays a big part and even with very very determined people

Wow... you know I havent even considered this until this case, that our petition could be denied because of my kids... any advice for the rest of us that has yet to have an interview? I have 3 kids... and regularly they draw pictures etc... and I mail these to Amit and his family. Amit has mailed the girls some jewlery. When it comes time for his interview I am going to fly to Delhi with my Mom, and go along with him. I am open to suggestions on what else I might need to prepare for that I can get together and start collecting or doing...

Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2/2/2010 17:21
Asia: SouthA glimmer of hope
I am keeping you in my prayers.... Keep us informed with whats goin on
Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2/2/2010 17:04

You should try a group called Married to India..... They have ppl from all around...
Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia2/3/2010 22:22
Asia: SouthHow was your day today?
My day was a typical Sunday.. I woke up spent a few hours on the phone with my hubby, my oldest daughter brought me coffee in bed biggrin.gif Then house work sad.gif Since I work all week including Sat, Sun is my only day to clean, grocery shop etc... It was sooo beautiful outside that we did manage to rake up a few piles of leaves and then run through them ..... kicking.gif Now that I think about it... I had a pretty awesome day
Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia11/15/2009 21:46
Asia: SouthDoes US spouse of Indian passport holder need visa?
intersting subject... :thumbs:
Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia7/7/2010 12:16
Asia: SouthJust an update

Well, without trying to air all my struggles this year.....
I absolutely think it's worth it if you can have your spouse with you. But how can I get him here? As it stands my income is down to $800 a month to raise my 3 kids on and I can't get public assistance because on paper they think I make significantly more.
I understand your struggles, I was trying to tell you that I was also a mother of three... Not that it really matters but the job that I had when I married my husband.. well they fired me about 3 months after that, because I was married to an indian... So, I know how terrifing it is to have to start over at square one.
As for my job they only allow personal leave for 30 days at a time and after that you have to resign and reapply. The company contracts for clients where information and the job change daily so they even tell you that they don't expect you to be capable of doing your job if gone longer than that and they send you back to square one (training) when and if they rehire you. I'm not making excuses, this is unfortunately my reality. I have no money, I have nothing left to sell because I've already sold it all. That's also why I've said that I'm tempted to just say screw all of this and move to India with him and just be done.

I'm definitely going to check into the getting married then registering that you mentioned because I had been previously advised here and he had a lawyer there tell him that I needed to be in the country with an address to provide the registrar there for 31 days while our information was posted on a board for anyone to be able to dispute. Maybe I read it wrong when it was written on here to me by an Indian citizen, which I'm gladly hoping I did because maybe then I can find a way through this.Yea check into it, I am telling you that I flew to India last July 12 and we were married on July 25th and we had our marriage registered with our local marriage registar and the certificate was picked up on the July 29th... I used this marriage certificate at USCIS, NVC and at the interview and I did NOT have any issues with it. And the only reason it even took that long was because we were preoccuppied in other things :blush:

This is not an issue of his worth at all - it's about trying to balance life with funds I don't have. I've invested quite a bit of money into this relationship already, it's just that the money has run, out. I have no problem sacrificing. But facing all this and trying to think about starting over with $1200 plane tickets, $700 for a wedding, $500 for filing fees (or more with the new fee schedule coming out) and not knowing when I will even be able to start all of that is worse than holding onto the shred of hope that this may still go through.I totally agree with you, it seems unreasonable.. this is why I pointed out to you that I used my income tax return, I know that with 3 kids I recieved a little over $8,000... and even if yours was half that amount then there you go, what you would have to do is start planning now, Maybe for March... get everything arranged verbally, plan on going then... your job should of rolled over to a new year then, plan to stay for 2 weeks, Marry him come home, file again <you can do this because you would alotted the money from the income tax return> and then vola You can spend Christmas 2011 together :thumbs:

Please don't judge me and my intentions without knowing what I'm going through. I'm just trying not to post all my personal information here for the world to slam me harder than I'm already getting slammed. I am considering all the options and I just can't find a way to make any of them work.I am sorry if you feel I was not being conscious of your feelings, but you have asked for help and ppl are trying to help you with solutions. It seems you can knock every solution that is thrown your way.My intention was not to slam you... but maybe to wake you up... which might of been more harsh than intended, We have all gone threw #######.. hell I can make enough lemonade to last me a life time... I have worked two jobs for the last 6 months so that I would have enough money to attend my Husbands interview with him.. All I am saying to you is this... If there is a will ther is a way...

Amit-N-MelodyFemaleIndia7/11/2010 23:45