United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven
Tracy - water down some fennel tea in a bottle for her. It'll calm her down and she'll sleep. Then you drink a cup and have a nap too! ;)

My pediatrician's nurse gave me that remedy for Josie when she was newborn. She was my fussy one.

I think it works out easy pregnancy = fussy baby. Difficult pregnancy = easier baby. With Jaden I couldn't keep anything down, and he was a 4 lb. preemie, but he was happy and smiley. Slept a lot. Very easy most of the time. With Josie, I got sick ONE time, she was healthy and full term, but was fussy as all get out, and allergic to 9 kinds of formula before we found one that worked for her (and cost $23/can!)
DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-09-16 22:13:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven
That's normal. You're fine. :) No need to worry yet.

Just remember.... you'll never love anything as much as that beautiful bundle of joy.... except the epidural.

Please try not to grope the anesthesiologist. :P
DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-09-07 19:47:00
United KingdomDocuments for Interview
The originals at the interview should only pertain to the UK citizen, but I sent originals and certified copies JUST IN CASE. Never hurts to be overly prepaired!!
DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-29 12:25:00
United KingdomACPO: Police Certificates .... Help!
A postal order is basically like a US Money Order or Cashier's check if I'm not mistaken. They send it to the recipient and it's available to be cashed like a cheque. If you pay the premium processing fee it should be back to you within 3 business days. I suggest requesting a 2nd copy for an additional £5 if you can, so you'll have an additional original should you need it later.

I'm sorry you're going through this, but at least you know it's just one thing and you'll be approved shortly!! Good luck!! :thumbs:
DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-29 16:49:00
United KingdomMedical Friday, and i'm looking forward to it!
You might not be excited about the medical itself... but about having one more step crossed off on the checklist. You'll be one step closer to your interview.... to your visa... and to the rest of your life with the one you love!!

Peter's is on August 11th - he just scheduled it today, sent back the P3 documents yesterday. Hopefully we'll have an interview date soon too.

Good luck! :thumbs:
DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-29 16:53:00
United Kingdomnon-immigration related

But don't buy chocolate. America doesn't DO chocolate. :no: Just sayin'.

I'm the USC fiance, and after tasting Galaxy chocolate, I have to completely agree. Hershey's is like acid in your mouth once you've had the good stuff!!

My fiance took back collectables for his family. They were small and easy to pack, so it worked out well. Something from your home area is always a plus, because it will remind them of you.
DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-30 11:15:00
United KingdomHow long is it currently taking UK people to get their P3?
Taking a note from Marlea's post and ignoring the rest of the thread (but laughing along with Jill and her STFU stick!). :rofl:


The NVC sent our case to London on July 13th. It arrived there on July 16th according to DHL, but was not logged in until July 21st, and P3 was sent out on the same day (about a 4 business day lag). He received it in the post one week later on July 28th, and sent it back with delivery confirmation 2 hours later. We have confirmation it was received in London on Thursday the 29th, but it has yet to be logged into their system according to the DOS. (202-663-1225, press 1 then 0)

Ted1234 said he had an interview date 4 days after returning his P3 forms, so I keep calling every morning to see if the DOS has any new information. Hopefully soon!!

Good luck! :thumbs:
DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-04 13:56:00
United KingdomPossibly "helpful" info re: London Embassy
It's ridiculous how much we have to prove in order to get married, just because we happened to be born on different sides of a rather large pond. It's ENGLAND for crying out loud! Not Bosnia!! This is the country who sent the majority of our "founding fathers" over on a boat. They speak our language and gave us our system of measurement, along with the names of many of our early cities/states, just to name a few things.

What's the problem people? We want to marry our SO's and bring them to live with us. What ever happened to this being a FREE country? Free my a**.

Edited by Dodi, 23 July 2010 - 10:34 AM.

DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-23 10:34:00
United KingdomDid your Packet 4 require signature at delivery?
Thanks guys.
DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-15 12:10:00
United KingdomDid your Packet 4 require signature at delivery?
Did any of you have a signature required for your P4 delivery from London?
DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-15 01:19:00
United KingdomSherlock
I actually loved the show. I'm a big fan of the Moffat man, and think this adaptation is excellent. Can't wait for more!
DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-15 12:11:00
United KingdomCan American visit UK without problems?
Justine, were you saying you were traveling from Manchester to Inverness?

You wouldn't have to go through immigration to get from England to Scotland and back. Only when you first entered the UK. They're considered one entity to immigration. While I was visiting we flew from Bristol to Edinburgh to visit Peter's brother and his family. No immigration stamps their either. Your entry stamp when you entered the UK was good for the time allotted and you didn't need another stamp for Scotland (or Wales, or Northern Ireland).

Hope that helps!
DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-13 09:58:00
United KingdomCan American visit UK without problems?
It's weird that everyone else seems to be having trouble with Manchester. I got rerouted to Manchester instead of Bristol due to heavy storms in Atlanta on the way out. Manchester was a breeze! I told them I was meeting my fiance's family for the first time, just spending a week, huge grin on my face the whole time. The guy there said, "Congratulations," stamped my passport good for 6 months, and I went on my merry way to my connection flight to Heathrow. :blush:
DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-12 16:49:00
United KingdomLondon is scheduling the last half of Sept!

English bacon sucks!!! I hate it! :angry: it's gross tasting.

I do like yorkshire pudding though and the Indian food (L)


She must be burned at the stake!! :angry: :dead: :protest: :ranting:
DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-18 20:28:00
United KingdomLondon is scheduling the last half of Sept!

I shall probably get the meat and pastry sweats afterwards, but it's a small price to pay!

Meat and pastry sweats??? What an atrocity!!! :o
DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-18 20:11:00
United KingdomLondon is scheduling the last half of Sept!
I think she's talking about her shopping cart on that site.
DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-18 19:46:00
United KingdomLondon is scheduling the last half of Sept!
I emailed William. "There's this place called VisaJourney..... and we all want bacon." Or something to that effect. Here's hoping for a smaller minimum order requirement. I'll keep you posted! :D
DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-18 17:02:00
United KingdomLondon is scheduling the last half of Sept!

Edit: "To checkout you have to purchase at least:$89.00" :crying:

Group order?? I'll email William and see what we can do.

Edited by Dodi, 18 August 2010 - 04:50 PM.

DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-18 16:50:00
United KingdomLondon is scheduling the last half of Sept!

Ladies and gentlemen, Bacon Ice Cream.

We've got a place here in OKC called Kaiser's Ice Cream. It's a historic site, but they still sell homemade ice cream in so many flavors I've lost count, but only 5 on any given day.

I went in one day and they had Avacado, another day they had pickle, and yes, they make bacon. :)
DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-18 16:49:00
United KingdomLondon is scheduling the last half of Sept!

You b1tch.

ETA: This is a joke, please don't remove/close/invisibilize/wipe-out-VJ over that.

:rofl: ROFL

Duly noted.

That's his site. He emailed Peter yesterday saying he's expanding his product line and upgrading to a new shopping cart feature. They ship nationwide!

And yes, Jill - they have EXCELLENT bacon. Ok.... now I'm getting hungry just thinking about it.... and I don't have any. :crying:
DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-18 16:43:00
United KingdomLondon is scheduling the last half of Sept!

haha! Haggis is preferable to black pudding, marginally.

I actually had black pudding at our hotel in Weymouth on my trip over. ####### IS IN THAT??? BLECH
DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-18 16:25:00
United KingdomLondon is scheduling the last half of Sept!
Oh you poor, poor girl. :no: :(

On our trip to Scotland he took me into a meat market that SOLD Haggis.... that was close enough. I just bought some cheese. (I love me some good cheese.)


We talked to the guy who owns William's Pork Products and has British bangers and bacon and pork pies processed here in the US. He's talking to Peter about helping do some marketing and broadening his market here!! We might be able to bring more of the British meat products to the midwest. William is aiming mostly at the HUGE British Expat markets in Dallas and Houston, but we've got contacts (through my family) with producers here in Oklahoma that would allow us to get stuff rolling here too if we can get enough of a market for it!

DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-18 16:24:00
United KingdomLondon is scheduling the last half of Sept!
I've not even begun the closet tackling yet!! I don't have a big closet as it is, so half of my stuff is going to have to go into an underbed storage bin. Not relishing that fact. He's bringing his 3000+ DVD collection (all in PAL, so we had to get a specialty dvd player, but Sam's sells them for under $200, that will also play NTSC blu-rays!) but I talked him into getting lockable dj-style train cases for them. He's got them all organized, and it'll keep the kids out of them so they don't get ruined. (Kids + DVD's = scratches :wacko: )

Then we've got his cooking. Don't get me wrong, he's an amazing cook, and loves to do it. But sometimes he gets INVENTIVE... all I'm sayin is.. if I can't identify it by sight, smell or touch.... I'm not tasting it. :blink: If it requires a blow torch to remove it from the pan... the pan goes too. :P
DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-18 16:10:00
United KingdomLondon is scheduling the last half of Sept!
I know the first year is definitely going to be a big bumpy ride. We're both very independent, and we're going to have to merge our likes/dislikes and personalities and compromise on SO MUCH, along with his culture shock. He's from Dorchester, which isn't a TINY village, but it's not a city either. I live in Oklahoma City, which isn't Los Angeles or NYC, but it's still pretty big compared to his town. I know the AOS will be a headache too, because I'm a planner, I like having things done days or weeks ahead of time so that if we discover we need something else we have time to get it. He would sit back and do nothing if I didn't tell him we HAD to have it done. In the end, we love each other, so we'll get through it.
DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-18 16:02:00
United KingdomLondon is scheduling the last half of Sept!

Nobody is trying to downplay the struggle you've had. Your case has been very hard, and I wish there were something we could do to help you here, but unfortunately we can't. But having hope for our cases doesn't belittle your grief in any way.

Just because our cases haven't taken as long as yours doesn't mean we don't still miss our fiances and doesn't mean that it's not hard being without each other. I've seen Peter for ONE week in the past year. That's it. I miss him terribly, and it's nearly over. I'm hopeful about that. I also hope that all of you in AP find some answers quickly, but as I said, there's nothing that the rest of us can do to help you.

It doesn't mean we can't be hopeful for our own situations.
DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-18 15:20:00
United KingdomLondon is scheduling the last half of Sept!
I never said you were nasty. I said you were starting a catty argument. BIG difference. I don't care if this thread disappears from view, that's not the point of it. I just wanted to bring some people hope today. I'm not the one who jumped down anyone's throat. Will you PLEASE just stop it?
DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-18 14:30:00
United KingdomLondon is scheduling the last half of Sept!
I know the ordeal is far from over. This is just the first step in the long process. And yes, I'm also well aware of how lucky we've been, I've never denied that. We've had so much bad luck in other things (2 lay offs, car problems, in-laws with a trip, bad attorney, children's school issues) that for us to finally catch a break with the K1 process is amazing.I am also well aware that the AOS could be a whole different ballgame. I'll cross that bridge when we get to it. No point borrowing trouble now.

However, there are other people in the same stage of the K1 process as I am, waiting for a spot to open up, who have been waiting much longer, and have felt recently like there's nothing going on. Giving them a little hope doesn't hurt. Does it mean they'll have their date as quickly? Maybe, maybe not. For all I know, Marlea's letter could be on its way out to say they got scheduled for two days before us. All I was trying to do was give someone a chance to say, "YAY!!! Maybe us too!!" It never hurts.

I will add my info to the interview thread, so others can see it if they want. But the purpose of THIS particular thread was to let people know London is scheduling the next block. Why does this have to be such a big deal?

Edited by Dodi, 18 August 2010 - 01:07 PM.

DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-18 13:05:00
United KingdomLondon is scheduling the last half of Sept!
Juelz, I get that you don't care about the rest of us who are waiting for the end of our journey. You see it from the other side. You've been through it and you're done. Ok... fine.

The rest of us want more that just hope that it WILL come... eventually.... someday. Some of us want to know that things are happening, and things are moving forward. There are several people who were in the same spot as Peter and I, waiting for a date to open up. I wanted to give them hope that they're scheduling again, so they can keep an eye out for their letter or make their calls if they were going to. End of story. Sheesh.
DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-18 12:01:00
United KingdomLondon is scheduling the last half of Sept!
Yes, I am aware. I was also posting this thread to let other people who are waiting know that they're scheduling for the last half of September now, so that they might have a little hope.
DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-18 08:26:00
United KingdomLondon is scheduling the last half of Sept!
I wasn't saying it did, Muffin. That's precisely what I meant. I found out when it was. I know calling the DOS doesn't influence my case in any way. It just kept me informed, which was my intention.
DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-18 06:59:00
United KingdomLondon is scheduling the last half of Sept!
Well, he wasn't planning to come till mid October, so that will still give us a ~month travel time after the visa is approved to buy the ticket. If we have to push it back till late October to get a cheaper rate, then we will. We don't have wedding plans anymore to worry about. I just want him here before it gets too cold.

And Bunny - I'm not trying to restart the argument here, but what I took offense to the other day was that you guys were telling me I was obssessing when I wasn't. I was calling, getting my daily update, and then being done with it. It's not like I was on pins and needles, biting my nails down to the nubs if I didn't get the answer I wanted. I just wanted to know first-thing if something was happening. I felt like the comments I was getting were OTT for what was going on. I had just asked a question, but everyone jumped on the fact that I was calling daily (and I'm by far not the only one) when that had nothing to do with the question I had asked. It was unnecessary drama.

In the end, calling today got me the interview date, so I'm happy. :dance: :D
DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-17 21:54:00
United KingdomLondon is scheduling the last half of Sept!
The DOS told me. They said the letter was sent out today.
DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-17 13:34:00
United KingdomLondon is scheduling the last half of Sept!
If you're waiting for an interview at London, they're scheduling interviews for the last half of September as of today. We're all set for September 17th at 9am!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:
DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-17 12:06:00
United KingdomIrritating BS your SO does

Obviously, mistakes will be made in the kitchen, I'm not awake at that time!

Please tell me you own a fire extinguisher? :blink:
DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-17 13:43:00
United KingdomIf I go to my GP prior to the PME, what shots do I need?
My mother has a Master's degree in Nursing, and we were discussing flu shots this weekend, because most of the pharmacies are starting to advertise that they offer them here. She said you shouldn't get a flu shot before October because then they will actually kick in for November, and last approximately three months, through January, the worst three months of the flu season.

Not everyone will agree, but it makes sense to me.
DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-09-06 19:34:00
United KingdomIf I go to my GP prior to the PME, what shots do I need?
Flu shots aren't required, just recommended. You can get them here at any Walgreens drugstore for $20.

If your GP doesn't want to take your word for it, there is a Varicella teter (titer?) test you can have done. It's a blood test usually given to pregnant women, but it can show that you've got the antibody in your system, and therefore don't need the vaccine. Peter had this done because he had chicken pox when he was in college in Wales and had a different doctor at the time, and no access to the records. I think he paid £20 for the test.

That, along with the MMR and Tdap are all you should need.
DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-09-02 20:24:00
United KingdomMake up and cosmetics - help needed
Ulta is a lot like Sephora, but they have lower-end products as well as the pricier brands. They also have a Redken salon in the stores here in OKC. They have people who will help you try out different color palettes and find what works for you. You can ALWAYS find coupons online for them, and their sale flyer has great discounts every month.

I shop at both, but for little stuff like my scrubs, I go to Ulta. It's more convenient. I'd say it's closer to Boots than Sephora.
DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-09-07 14:25:00
United KingdomExperience so far
And today I learned how to make Yorkshire puddings..... Mmmmmmm. Foodgasm if I've ever had one. :blush:
DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-09-06 19:25:00
United KingdomHave mercy
I've never heard of anyone using notarized copies for the London embassy. Where did you read this?

All we've got are the original I-134 and employer letters, and then copies of everything else.

The only things you need notarized copies of are things like birth certificate, marriage certificate, court papers, divorce decree, etc., which need to be certified, not notarized.
DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-09-08 10:31:00
United KingdomEXCITED!!!
8 days for us!!! :dance: :dance:

I'm ready for it to be over, to buy his plane ticket, and get the show on the road!! I keep checking the flight prices every day just to see if they change. Why are round-trip flights less expensive than one-way? I've never understood that. You'd think it'd be more because you're taking up seats on TWO different flights!!! Not that travel has ever been logical. :hehe:
DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-09-09 15:37:00