United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!
Sorry, CoffeeMuse. Yes, I'm on LinkedIn. Use the email address I replied to you with to search for me.
DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-11-24 11:57:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!
I have a new b!tch, but it's almost resolved.

After my last b!tch where they'd lost his K1 file, and the POE guys put him into the database wrong (but we got someone to fix finally) we went back in on Thursday to reapply for his SSN (3rd time's the charm, right?). WRONG.

ONE SMALL TYPO: When they put him in the system, they put his first and middle names in the field for FIRST NAME, and nothing in the middle name field. When it prints, his name shows up as Peter Frederick Allen, however, how the h*** are we supposed to know they have it in the wrong fields? So the guy at the SS office told us they couldn't issue the number like that since he said under oath that Frederick was his middle name and not part of his first name before they showed him the error.

We called the DOS, the USCIS, the CBP, and the SSA offices, trying to get everyone to work together to get this straightened out. They all blamed each other, and then blamed my husband because they said he was told to inform them immediately if something was incorrect on his visa. His visa says last name: ALLEN, Given name: PETER FREDERICK. This is EXACTLY as his passport has it printed. How is he supposed to know it's not in the right field? They don't SHOW the fields on there!

We got a call on Saturday. I guess after we griped to enough supervisors at the SSA office, they finally told the guy we'd applied to that he needed to get something sorted, because he called us Saturday morning just before noon and told us they'd approved his application and his number will be generated on Tuesday night at midnight. We can go in on Wednesday to get a print out with the number on it that will serve as proof until his card comes in.

WHY does it take so much frustration just to get these governmental agencies to work together???

On a good note, we got our NOA1 for our AOS via text on Thursday, and the check cashed Friday. So we're on the way to our next step! Here's hoping it goes smoothly.

Edited by Dodi, 22 November 2010 - 10:33 AM.

DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-11-22 10:32:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!

I did sent my resume to a contact at ExxonMobile but nothing came of it. My background has primarily been in environmental consulting any the last major client I worked with was Shell Oil Products US (SOPUS) as division of Royal Dutch Shell. They were based in Houston but all of my work was in northwest Pennsylvania and southwest New York state. I helped them close out old liablities, mainly properties which had abandoned oil wells on them so I had to go to courthouses to verify the lease history, go out with a GPS and locate the old abandoned wells, arrange for cable tool drill rigs to come clean out and plug the wells, and then have a PADEP Dept of Oil and Gas inspector inspect the lease and then provide a no further action letter to our client. That job was winding down and I was laid off nearly 2 years ago. Since I also have an MCSE certificate and there is more work in that field, thats what I've been getting back into. Also looking for govt work as a geologist but its tough getting an interview.

You'd find a job quite easily here. Oklahoma has a major task force working toward cleaning up old, abandoned well sites. I work in oil and gas, so I've got lots of contacts in the industry if you're interested. Send me a PM if you like.
DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-11-22 10:21:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!
My b!tch for the day:

The CBP @$$hole at my husband's POE LOST his K1 visa packet, AFTER entering him in the computer as a B2 instead of a K1!!

We were able to get the local CBP deferred inspection office to fix the computer part of it, but the packet is nowhere in the system to be found, and the guy here did everything he could to try and track it. He told us that calling Chicago would be no use, because they have so many people in there daily that they'd just laugh at him if he called to ask for one file, and he's not even a supervisor. So he was nice enough to call the local USCIS office for us and spoke to a supervisor there who told him they might (hopefully) be able to reconstruct the packet based on copies I have and what's in the computer. *Fingers Crossed*

Infopass #2 tomorrow, and I hope this will get the ball rolling on reconstruction. We need them to be able to process his AOS and EAD. After all of the hoops we have to jump through, forms we have to fill out, requirements we have to meet, and fees we have to pay to get a visa, why can't these moron gubmint employees do their jobs????

And... I HATE MARY FALLIN. Our new Gubner-elect of Oklahoma!!

Edited by Dodi, 03 November 2010 - 04:46 PM.

DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-11-03 16:42:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!
Ah, a fellow Pastafarian. Nice to know we're among friends! :lol:
DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-10-01 10:48:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!
Can we just shorten that statement to "I hate Walmart"? :blush:
DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-09-27 13:09:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!
You don't get out much, do you Krikit? (What am I saying... neither do I.)
DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-09-25 00:07:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!
Pork extravaganza? Tell me more! :blink:

Or is this a euphamysm for something I'd rather not know about? :blush:
DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-09-24 12:58:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!

I had a huge talk with her, and she *thinks* she did this because she's convinced she's going to jail over some financial issues that she had repressed. She said everything has been coming back to her, all of the things she did with credit cards, taxes, etc - that she "blocked out".


This might not mean much, but I used to work in Consumer Advocacy law (Debtor/creditor). We don't have a debtor's prison in the US. Debt collectors can't put her in jail, regardless of how much she owes. If one tries to tell her they will (and trust me, they often try, illegally) she needs to sue them under the FDCPA in federal court. There are pauper's affidavits that will keep her from having to pay the filing fees. If she's being harrassed by debt collectors, there are ways to handle it legally to get them off her back, even if she doesn't have the money to pay the bills.

The IRS can put someone in jail for tax evasion, but so long as they have filed their taxes, even if they haven't paid them, they won't be taken to jail. There are always Offers in Compromise that would allow them to pay back a portion of the debt - over time - and be forgiven the rest due to financial hardship.

Please PM me if you want some info on this type of stuff. I worked with lots of clients who were in that sort of situation. It sounds like she's dealing with some hard core collectors on her back if she's to that point over something like finances.

In the mean time, your VJ family is all here to support you, whenever you need a place to vent. (L)

Edited by Dodi, 17 September 2010 - 02:29 PM.

DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-09-17 14:27:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!
Gemmie, I'm so sorry you're having to go through this. Sending positive thoughts your way. I hope your family finds some peace soon.
DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-09-16 11:50:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!
Muppet = not quite a puppet, not quite a mop.

Peter and I say that all the time. Just joking usually, lol. :devil: My friends/fam are getting used to it.
DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-09-10 09:44:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!
I'm the same way. If the juice from my veggies runs into something else and makes it mushy or makes it taste like the veggies I don't like it at all. I will tilt my plate to make it run back before it reaches anything else. I'd rather have 3 small bowls than one big plate any day. (I even have square bowls that neatly fit into my square dinner plates, each one taking up 1/4. THANK YOU PAMPERED CHEF!! I know... OCD.) :wacko:

Edited by Dodi, 09 September 2010 - 01:39 PM.

DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-09-09 13:38:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!
I've got an orange-tabby dollface Persian cat. He's adorable!! Really fluffy, and everyone says he looks just like Puss in Boots from Shrek. But everytime I empty the Dyson lately it seems like I'm throwing out half a cat. :blink:

I hope Pete will get used to him eventually. He calls him Evil Cat, because when he was here last fall, Chuck (fuzzball extrordinaire) was still tiny, and couldn't climb up on our bed without jumping up, sinking claws into the mattress, and working his way up like a mountain climber. One night.... he jumped up and sank his claws into Peter's @ss instead! It was like a cartoon, he slid down, leaving a huge scratch sideways right down his cheek. It would have been funny except that Peter was dead-asleep at the time, it was about 3am, so he screamed bloody murder!! :devil:

I still can't stop laughing just thinking about it!! :rofl:

Then again... the cat's name IS Chuck Norris.... maybe it was an omen.

Edited by Dodi, 09 September 2010 - 09:56 AM.

DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-09-09 09:55:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!

Upstairs neighbour has very enthusiastic sex. It's just great.Posted Image I have spent quite a few nights over at the boyfriend's recently so I have escaped much of the worst of the moaning and groaning and eeka-eeka-eeka of the bed.Posted Image

We're upstairs, but my downstairs neighbor is that way. At 3am. :angry: You'd think they were practicing to be p0rn stars or something by the way she moans. OMFG! :wow:
DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-09-08 20:16:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!

british cooking is just lovely - roasts, pies, roasted potatoes, yorkshire puds, what's the hit or miss nature of british restaurants that give the country a bad culinary reputation

Peter is half Chilean, and very inventive in the kitchen. I'll put it this way.... when it's good it's VERY good... and when it's bad.... there's McD's on the corner. :P

He made some Yorkshire Puds last night and his dad offered to NOT go to Chile for their 3 month trip (his parents leave tomorrow) if Peter would stay and cook for them. LOL (Funny thing is, I found the video tutorial online to show him a better way to make them!)

@Maven: I'm sorry you're having to move. It really sucks. My lease is up the end of this month but we just can't afford to move right now, and by the time we can it'll be Feb/March, so we're going to be stuck here for the rest of the school year for the kids, in a ghetto apt. "It's JUST firecrackers you hear, kids. Honest!" :angry:
DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-09-08 19:56:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!

I can see why he's your "ex" husband. lol. Good for you, though!

Actually, the reason he's my "ex" husband is that when I was 8 months pregnant with our daughter, he got busted at work for having P0RN in his work laptop, threw away a $22/hr union job with FULLY PAID family benefits, and lost everything we had, including our home. I'd put up with a lot, but that was the final straw. That was over 7 years ago... and yeah... I'm still a little bitter. Oh well... I've found much better. I've found a man who treats me like a queen, and won't even let me in the kitchen (which is fine by me, I work too much to cook!). With a sexy brit accent to boot! ;)

Edited by Dodi, 08 September 2010 - 01:32 PM.

DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-09-08 13:32:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!
I find it bizarre that most countries require incoming immigrants to know more about their country's history to attain citizenship than most of the actual native citizens know! Most of the USC's I know couldn't pass HALF the questions on the naturalization test. I probably couldn't either, I'm awful at history.
DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-09-03 11:51:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!
That's cos people in KY, like peopel in OK, don't know how to drive! :P
DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-09-02 13:45:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!
Seriously? They make you re-test when coming from the UK in MA? Here they don't. They figure people in the UK know how to drive better than people here - just on the wrong side of the road. The UK road tests are some of the hardest in the world because of all of the road safety stuff you have to know. Here, I didn't even have to parallel park to pass mine!!

You might see if the rules are as strict in a neighboring state and just make a road trip out of it, and once you have a valid license in another state you can transfer it to MA. You can still drive with your valid UK license for a while after you get here as well. Honestly, I don't understand that at all!!!
DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-09-02 12:47:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!

Don't feel bad at all. I was just venting because I was completely drained by the whole ordeal. I'm sure you felt the same way about your MIL. I don't think for a minute that my b!tch was anymore important than yours. Feel free to vent away! That's what this thread is here for. We can be b!tchy all we want!
DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-09-02 11:23:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!
I'm sorry, Gemmie!

I remember being in Germany, barely speaking a word of the language, with a 6 month old baby boy, when my ex-husband volunteered to leave me there for nearly a year and go to Kosovo on deployment with the Army. I felt like I was stuck in my apartment except for infrequent forays out for groceries and diapers and requisite doctor visits, but I finally got fed up.

I stuck my son in a stroller, jumped on a bus and went downtown. I didn't speak much German, but I could fake it a little and point and shrug and look helpless till someone finally told me where I was and what I needed. It took a while, but I learned enough German to get around and made new friends. I found that the public transport there was MUCH better than Oklahoma (where it's practically non-existant) and was able to buy a weekend train pass for DM20 at the time (roughly $10) that would last from Friday morning till Sunday evening and go all over the country. It was so much fun, and I learned a lot about where I was.

By the time the ex came back from Kosovo I was travelling and shopping and cooking like a native! I had tons of friends, and could get around anywhere with or without a car! I probably couldn't speak enough German now to tell you more than my phone number or read you a menu for dinner and explain what things are, but it's been 10 years, so that's ok. I took charge of my life at that moment, and refused to be cooped up because I thought I had no way out.

What kind of public transport do they have in Boston? Buses, subways and trains are a great way to just ride around and get to know the area better in your spare time. Take plenty of pepper spray and your cell phone for emergencies, but have fun and don't be afraid to explore! :)
DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-09-01 22:30:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!
Thank you, guys. They haven't tried to contact my mother or I since the funeral yesterday - not that they spoke to her there either. I'm not expecting much until she tells the younger leech that she'll have 30 days to come up with money to buy the truck or hand over the keys so it can be sold. She drove their last vehicle for 8 years without paying a dime - including getting into a wreck with it still in my mom's name and under my mom's insurance, making my mom clean up the mess - and he still wouldn't cut her off.

My mom was going to give her 6 months to come up with the cash. I told her 30 days was more than sufficient, and if she gave her any grief, to tell her she can go sell b1owjobs for $20 a piece to raise the cash. Might improve her sex life at the same time. :devil:

Today was a little easier for her. She went back to work (she's the Assistant Director of the Nursing Ed program at a local college). Hopefully each day will get a little easier.

Thank you again for your kind messages. I just needed someone to vent to, and everyone else is busy at the moment. (L)
DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-31 21:35:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!
I'm not officially one of the UK Bitches, still being somewhat a Noob, but I've got a severe non-immigration related b!tch I need to let out. Do you guys mind?

My mother's husband died on Wednesday. I'll say up front that the man was a ####### to me and used my mother for 22 years. He was 15 years her senior, saw potential in her to be a meal ticket, and rode that for 22 years. He had already raised his children when I came along (I was 9 when they married) and got rid of me (shipped off to a boarding school) as soon as he could con my mother into doing it. (Trust me, I know she had her part in it too, but without his involvement, it never would have happened.)

Ok... all that aside. His two grown daughters, one is 44 and one is 48. They have treated my mother like ####### for years. My mother has cared for that worthless sack of sh!t for 12 years when the doctors would give him exercises to do to rehabilitate himself and increase of lung function but he'd refuse to do them and just expect her to wait on him hand and foot. The oldest daughter hasn't come around in the past 12 years except when he's been in the hospital close to his deathbed, and then only to ask, 'What do I get when you die, daddy?' The younger one came around, but also stole from them (my mother paid for everything except his meds, which is all his SSD would cover) so in the end, my mom had to foot the bill when he refused to cut her off. (Let me interject here that she's 44, has 2 pre-teen daughters, has been divorced for 12 years and STILL lives with her mother, but can't pay her own bills without having to pay rent and utilities.)

Since he died on Wednesday night these girls have been nothing but selfish b!tches to my mother, they wanted THEIR mom, the EX wife who has treated my mother worse than pond scum for 22 years, to come to the funeral. If I were in my mother's place, I don't know how I'd feel. My mother didn't want her there, and I respect that. The girls threw a hissy fit, claimed they weren't coming till this morning, and didn't show up when the other family car came for them, but came to the funeral home anyway. They didn't offer to help pay for any of the funeral services, but pitched a fit that my mom didn't pay for flowers with a "Daddy" or "Papa" ribbon on them for their side.

I'm completely drained today from taking care of my mom for the past 5 days. I would do it again in a heartbeat because she's my mother and I'd do anything for her. But these girls are as selfish as they come. The younger of the 2 has things that belonged to my mom and their dad, and is driving a small pickup that's still in their names. She thinks she's just going to be able to keep her mouth shut and my mom won't take it away from her. He tried to make it clear to them that they get nothing when he dies, it's all in a living trust to go to my mother, because it's all hers anyway since she paid for it all. I know they're still going to expect things and it's enfuriating to me that they are THAT selfish. My mother has done everything for that man and he's been such a ba$tard to her in return, and now she's having to put up with his spawn for NOTHING. She's done NOTHING to deserve this. I just wish they'd join their dad.

Sorry. Just needed a vent for a bit. This weekend has been awful. I'll bow out of the b!tch session now.

Edited by Dodi, 30 August 2010 - 07:17 PM.

DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-30 19:16:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!


Please tell me that what you've written above is not true! :help:

That's, like, beer sacrilege!

I live in one of the "beer sacrilege" states. Oklahoma. 3.2 is the limit here. Everyone drives to Texas and bootlegs it back.

Real pron is also illegal here. Nothing more than a strong R rating is allowed (in other words, no actual penetration can be shown on film).

Tattoos were just legalized here about 2 1/2 years ago. Before then, you had to go out of state to get one. We only got a lottery 3 years ago.

Welcome to Oklahoma, one of the most backwards states. And it's always windy here because Kansas blows and Texas sucks!
DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-30 18:58:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC line always busy!!!!
I FINALLY got through. Try now if you can!!
DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-08 16:02:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC line always busy!!!!
Melgar, try calling the DOS instead. They can help you. 202-633-1225 (Option 4 for immigrant visas, then press 0 for an operator so you can skip most of the recorded stuff).

Hope that helps!
DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-08 14:11:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Frustration with the NVC

You might also try calling the DOS line at 202-633-1225.

I seem to have better luck reaching an actual person there and they are usually nicer and more helpful. You have to wait through a bunch of recorded junk before getting to the prompts you need, but write down each option as you select it so you'll know what to punch next time to bypass it.

I'm doing a K1, so it's 1-4-2-3-2-0 to get to an operator. LOL :blink:
DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-10 20:45:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)FOR EVERYONE SOME INFORMATION
ROFL, I crack up at least once a day reading Darnell's posts. :rofl:

Darnell, you are made of awesome. Like pancakes. B-)
DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-23 14:55:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Shortcuts when checking for updates from the NVC and DOS
NVC = National Visa Center
DOS = Dept. of State (alternatively: Death of Sanity)

Edited by Dodi, 10 August 2010 - 03:15 PM.

DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-10 15:15:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Shortcuts when checking for updates from the NVC and DOS
I tried that and it said "Your entry was not recognized by the system. Please try again." And repeated the same recordings all over again. When I did that too many times on too many menus trying to skip all the recordings it said I had exceeded the number of incorrect entries and disconnected me.
DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-13 22:08:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Shortcuts when checking for updates from the NVC and DOS
I guess maybe I should have titled this "K1 Shortcuts for calling the NVC and DOS" so people would realize this is a K1 only post. Hopefully it won't get moved anyway.
DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-13 20:22:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Shortcuts when checking for updates from the NVC and DOS

Once your NOA2 has been processed at the USCIS level, the NVC and DOS are the only way to really find out when/where your case was accepted until you (maybe) get a letter from the NVC or Packet 3 arrives. As one of my favorite vjer's likes to say "HumansTM" are hard to reach at the NVC and DOS helplines. ESPECIALLY at the DOS. I clocked half an hour of waiting through recorded messages and being disconnected for pressing the wrong option or trying to surf my way through it before I finally wrote down all of the RIGHT options and made myself a road map.

Someone just pm'ed me about calling for a case update at the NVC, so I thought I'd share my "road map" with the rest of you, in case you're tired of getting lost as well.

For the NVC:

K1's are not tracked through the AVR, EVER. They are processed like an immigrant visa, but they are NOT immigrant visas, so they fall into a completely different class of their own. Therefore you need an operator. To get there:


Press 2 for Non-Haiti-Related issue (Please note that this will probably change after some time)
Press 1 for English
Press 5 for an operator

For DOS:

This is where you will be able to find out if your case was received at the Embassy/Consulate. They will not see your case in their system until the NVC has logged it in and applied a case number to it.


Press 1 then 0 for a live operator.

I hope this helps everyone else who has to wade through the red tape to get to someone (hopefully) with answers. Please be aware that not all of them have the correct information, and you can call back and ask for someone else or request a supervisor if you feel you're being given misinformation (SOMETIMES this helps, sometimes not).

Edited by Kathryn41, 16 October 2013 - 09:59 PM.
to update DOS phone number

DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-13 11:25:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPACKET 3 - London!! Please Help
I've not done this step YET, but from what I've read, you DO sign the 156, and you will need 3 passport-style photos at the interview total. (I don't think this includes the photos required at the medical.)

As far as tick boxes, it's always best to fill in everything, even if your answer is N/A. The government employees handling our forms tend to see anything not answered as an omission. Write in N/A if it doesn't apply, and in the travel plans blank, put exactly that - will arrange travel when visa is issued. Most people do it the same way, since we can't count on a time frame.
DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-23 15:51:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNew I-134 (Exp. 05/31/2011)
I didn't put anything in that space. It honestly looks like a space to initial the statement, but your signature goes directly below, and with no other instructions I don't think you're really supposed to put anything else there. Sorry if that doesn't help.
DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-23 16:16:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134 Income Requirements
I've got 2 children, so I'd need $27k+, unfortunately. I'm hoping my new info will be enough. She's still willing, just in case.
DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-27 15:19:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134 Income Requirements
She's already filled one out, but my attorney (who's looking more and more like an idiot everytime I find a mistake) sent our I-134's in with the I-129F. I've got copies of all of her documentation, and the form itself, so I'm just printing another one for her to sign and send over. I'll include her birth certificate when we send it over. Thank you for your help.
DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-27 11:14:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134 Income Requirements
I'm still waiting on my NOA2, but trying to get everything together for my fiance to take to the embassy for when the time comes. My question is this: I've got a co-sponsor, BUT, I'm wondering if I need her. On my tax return for 2009 I only made $19k because I didn't work for part of the year due to being laid off. I started a new job this March and am making $32k per year now, I have a letter from my employer and copies of pay stubs (I'm scanning/copying every pay stub I get between now and then to include). Would this be acceptable to them, and allow me to sponsor him myself, or would I need to include the co-sponsor because of last year's tax return?

Second, It doesn't say it anywhere in the instructions on the I-134 that I've seen, but everyone is saying I'll need proof of citizenship for my co-sponsor (mother) if we include her. Is this true? My mother has never had a passport in her life, so her birth certificate would be the best I could do. Would I need to send an original or a copy? I don't know if she'd give me the original, as she still has the original from 1957, and it takes forever to get another one issued from the OK Dept of Vital Statistics.

DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-27 10:45:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDuplication required when submitting I-134??
She'll want originals of the form, copy of the tax return, original of employer letter, and copies of pay stubs and bank statements, as well as a letter from your bank (my bank faxed me my letter, they didn't mail those, so hopefully that's fine too).
DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-13 16:21:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDS 230 question #14
@Utha: The DS-230 is used fore more visas than the K1. Put NONE in the answers to the spousal questions. This would be for people bringing a spouse.

@Ronald&Elvira: The DS-230 is part of Packet 3 for most embassy/consulate checklists.

DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-13 21:10:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134
List your MAIN job in the "I am employed as a _______ with _____" line. In the Income part list your TOTAL income, but include the pay stubs and employer letter for both. If your fiance is questioned about this at the interview, he can explain to the CO about the second job. There are many of us with more than one job or source of income, so I'm sure it's common.

Good luck!!
DodiFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-13 20:58:00