Asia: East and PacificPINK After Lawyers Help!!!!!!!!
Congrats !I am glad the lawyer helped you good.gif good.gif good.gif good.gif good.gif good.gif good.gif
family741FemaleVietnam2008-01-09 00:44:00
Asia: East and PacificWhen should I file the application?
I think that you should get engaged first that is the way of Vietnam Custom I sent in many photos of our engagement thats just my thoughts
family741FemaleVietnam2008-01-08 05:37:00
Asia: East and PacificOf course it would happen like this...... Email from Consulate
Congrates on the interview date that is great news email us if you have any questions best of Luck. good.gif good.gif good.gif good.gif good.gif
family741FemaleVietnam2008-01-24 11:04:00
Asia: East and PacificI-134 questions.....
Peter, There is no need to show all of the assets just show that you have enough to support her and show it on your Tax returns have all that other stuff Bonds ,Mutal Funds in a folder in case they ask but they will not if you are over the 17000 mark. I did not even list my home on the I -134 I wrote in the amount on my Bonds and Mutual Funds on the Line and wrote what was on line 22 of my 2006 tax return that was enough. Eric
family741FemaleVietnam2008-02-13 02:22:00
Asia: East and PacificApproval at last!
Congrates to you both
family741FemaleVietnam2008-02-12 01:51:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I-94 Question
Ok. My fiance was denied entry to U.S. for visiting too often. When he tried to enter they also told him they didn't have a record of him turning in his last I-94, which he did turn in. They had at that time drop boxes and he dropped it in on time. They have no date of when he entered back in to his country all they could tell him was that they didn't show his I-94 being returned in the system. So basically since he didn't overstay, we are going to answer honestly that he didn't. And we are taking proof of utility bills and bank statements and work statements to show that he was in his country from March when the I-94 was due back until his POE denial (when he was made aware of the missing I-94) which was September. But, if the consulate sticks with believing he did overstay, then how on earth will gauge how long he overstayed. I mean the original I-94 was issued in September 03 and due back March 04 and he was denied entry in Sept 04. So obviously he returned his I-94 during the year and we have proof of him being in his country for at least 6 months of the year. So our plan is to answer no to the overstay question and produce proof of his stay in Mexico. And if they are determined to claim he did overstay then I have heard we don't need a waiver since it is less than 6 months. Also, how successful are I-601 waivers in Juarez..... Hope this isn't too confusing!!
luvinmbFemaleMexico2006-05-31 12:39:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Do we need a waiver?
My fiance was denied entry 2 years ago and his Border Crossing Card/B-1 visa taken. They charged him with misrepresentation. But, they allowed him to withdraw his application and did not place any ban on him. in fact they advised him he could reapply for a visa in one year if he wanted (we didn't). We are getting ready to apply for our K-1 visa. He has never been illegal in US and has no criminal record. This single encounter is what will be on his record. I have heard to honestly put in our I-129F all info. relating to this day and to be prepared to answer questions at our interview about it. However, I have heard that we may or may not need a waiver. They did question at the border that day if he had returned his previous I-94, because they did not show in their system he had. Since he did return it, we don't have the actual I-94, but we have paystubs and utility bills to show that he was definately present in Mexico. My question again is his visa was taken, denied entry to U.S., questioned about his I-94 and charged with misrepresentation all two years ago, almost three. Will we most likely need a waiver and if so, I-601 or I-212? I am thinking that I should prepare a I-601 just in case they tell us we need to file a waiver. Just so we already have it ready to go. Please advise. thanks!
luvinmbFemaleMexico2006-06-03 13:40:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Ban question... Please advise.....
I think my fiance may have got lucky. Upon examination of all his records there are no forms that talk about anything to do with expedited removal, he had zero court appearances. In fact, she told him he could reapply for a tourist visa in one year. His forms simply state that he opted to withdraw his application for admission in lieu of expedited removal. And she let him leave.... So I called the consulate and spoke with them. They said it sounded like my fiance got a punishment of one year. It just seems like to me that if they had given him a ban of 5 years he would have been told and surely somewhere in the report it would have said it as well.
luvinmbFemaleMexico2006-04-27 09:47:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Ban question... Please advise.....
I am not sure if this is the right forum, but I have a question?

If you have been denied entry at POE and your visa was taken away, how do you know if you have a 5 yr. ban on yourself or not?

My fiance was denied entry two years ago and his tourist visa taken for visiting too often and wrongfully working with the tourist visa. He never overstayed, but he did honestly admit when questioned that he had worked. Anyways, when his visa was taken, they did a complete report and sent it to the consulate who had issued his tourist visa and on the report listed the reasons for the denial, but they told him that he could apply for a visa again in 1 yr. No where on the report does it say he is denied entry for any amount of time. I imagine that the forms are standard procedure when an individual is turned away at the border. Please advise me on this. Thanks!
luvinmbFemaleMexico2006-04-26 13:36:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Interesting Advice (to me anyways)

Alisa, did you talk to Laurel Scott?

No I talked to two immigration attorneys here in my city. They specialize in these areas. One of them actually represents a couple I know going through the process. They said that there is a chance we won't need the waiver. Just to be prepared in case, because you never know what those consulates will do....
luvinmbFemaleMexico2006-09-08 10:51:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Interesting Advice (to me anyways)
Okay. So now I am really confused. I have spoke with 2 different immigration attorneys who have told me the same thing.

My fiance was denied entry, tourist visa cancelled 2 years ago. The border agent was kind and let him withdraw his application for admission and told him to wait at least a year before reapplying for a tourist visa or any other visa. He was not banned.

If you look carefully on the 8 pages of the report they provided him, you do find that they had to code the reason for the denied entry, tourist visa cancellation.... they put misrepresentation. They questioned his intent for visiting and the paystubs he showed for proof of ties to his country..... Also, he admitted to working in the U.S. That aside, they never adviced him on anything other than he need to wait a year. They did the standard procedure of photographing, fingerprinting, etc.... to ensure he had no prior offenses. Maybe because he was honest with them they allowed him to withdraw rather remove.....

So I have since contacted 2 seperate immigration attorneys here in my state to find out about us needing a waiver or anything. And both have said that since he was allowed to withdraw his application, that even though they put the misrepresentation code down that it does not mean he was charged with that. Their legal advice to me was to of course answer all questions honestlyat the interview, but don't provide lengthy answers to their questions (to only provide a simple "yes/no" answer.) They also told me that we should go ahead and prepare a hardship letter just in case. But, they said that there was a chance we would not need a waiver or anything...... So I just wanted to share this information with everyone and I guess I will just prepare the letter in case, but hopefully they are correct and we won't need the waiver.
luvinmbFemaleMexico2006-09-08 10:08:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Long question.....

Yes.....I have a letter from my grandmother's doctor, proof his dad got shot and robbed(police report and they never did anything about it), my full coverage health insurance papers, proof of no employment because he can't even find a job there and I don't know what else I could use. Did my letter help you at all?

Yes. It did. I have downloaded some materials about forming a hardship letter. It shows a format of how to do the letters. I would be happy to send you the information. I am really having trouble dealing with the worry surrounding this. I think I should be positive though, considering our situations are dealt with everyday.....
luvinmbFemaleMexico2006-09-06 15:48:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Long question.....

My Hardship Letter Draft
I hope this is helpful!! :blush:

To Whon It May Concern:

I am writing this letter in regard's to my fiance, Oliverio Sanchez, I-601 waiver. It would be greatly appreciated if my fiance was forgiven for his illegal presence in the United States. If he is denied his Visa, it would cause extreme hardship on me if I would have to relocate to Mexico.
My fiance crossed the Mexican-American border and was here for aproximately a year and three months. He was never in trouble with the law and really loves the United States. He is a wonderful person; never drinks and is against drugs, very respectful towards me, my family, friends and the people around him. When we decided to get married, I knew it would be in his best interest to return to Mexico and have everything done legally.
I have been to his town, Chilpancingo, Mexico, to visit with him and his family. the town was severly over-populated and there's doubtfully any place that we could get for our own. Where he lives is basically an open space between to worn down buildings. He lives with his parents, siblings, aunt, uncle, nephews and cousins. There is hardly enough room for him and his family, and definately not enough room if I had to move there too.
My job is something that would be difficult for me to leave behind. I work with mentally and physically challenged people. I love my job and the people I take care of! I recieve great benifits and am paid reasonably. If I moved to Mexico, with Oliverio and me working, I doubt we'd make the amount of money that I'm making right now. I think we would be lucky if we even found jobs.
I have just begun my first year of college, majoring in Psychology. If I had to move to Chilpancingo, I would no longer be able to attend college. Also, I had to take out students loans to pay for the classes I am attending now and that wouls go to waste if I had to withdrawl from school to move. It would be another expense I would not be able to afford living in Mexico. Going to college is something I have been looking forward to for a long time. This is going to provide me with the opportunity to make something of myself and be able to support me and Oliverio if needed; I would no longer be able to in Mexico.
Another reason would be my Grandmother. She is beginning to show signs of Alzheimer's and soon will need care that I have promised to provide. My parents are the only other people that would be able to care for her, but they are planning to move out of state within a year or two and my grandmother will be left to care for herself. If I had to move, she will be put into a Nursing Home and I would not be able to live with myself if that happened.
If I moved to Mexico, I would be in constant fear of my life. Since I have been with Oliverio, his father was robbed, shot, and almost lost his life. Also, the day I left Acapulco, Oliverio was robbed. When I was there, I refused to go out when the sun began to set. I was seriously afraid! I did not see any othe Americans the whole time I was there and I recieved hundreds of dirty looks and glares. Police there don't really seem to care about the things that go on. So, if something were to happen to me, criminal wise, more then likely nothing would be done about it.
We are planning to start a family soon after we marry. I have full coverage where I work now and Mexico does not provide any insurance plans. What would I do if I have comlications during pregnancy? If Oliverio's dad almsot died from being shot, how would the doctors be able to care for me and my unborn child? Also, if my children are born in Mexico, I will have to go through the Visa process for each of them with the money that I will not have, just so they could have a relationship with my side of the family.
I love Oliverio very much and I can't see my life without him. It has been extremely hard not having him here with me now, but we knew this is what we had to do in order to have him here legally. Everyone makes mistakes in their lives and he knows coming here illegally was one of them. The only thing you can do about mistakes is to learn from them and not let it happen again. He knows this and he knows what he did was very wrong and he's sorry. Please forgive him so he can come back and we can get married and start the beginning of the rest of our lives together! Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Are you planning to submit documentation to back your reasons up?
luvinmbFemaleMexico2006-09-06 14:50:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Long question.....

I don't think you'll have to do the 601 waiver, but it's better to be ready for it if you do. You almost have the same time line as me but I know I will have to submit the 601 only because my fiance was here illegally for more then 180 days. I have a draft of the hardship letter I am going to send and as soon as I find the disc it's on I'll post it for you. :)

Are you going to the interview with your fiance? I plan to attend the interview with him and then if needed we will have the hardship letter and I-601 filled out the same day.....
luvinmbFemaleMexico2006-09-06 14:02:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Long question.....
My fiance and I have applied for our K-1 visa. We have already received our NOA1. He has had only one problem ever at the border. 2 years ago he was denied entry and his tourist visa cancelled, because they thought he was visiting for reasons other than just visiting. They allowed him to withdraw his application for admission and as a result he has no ban on being issued another visa. However, they did put on the report papers the "misrepresentation code" 212 (a) (6) © (i).... He was never given anything else other than a copy of the report of the incident and he went back home. We have been told different things 1. we will not need a waiver since he was not "removed or banned" 2. That even though he has no ban, that we will still need a waiver since he had that code on his papers. I will say that I found the code in his papers, this was not something that was pointed out to him. Anyways, since there is a chance we may need to do the 601 waiver, could someone point me in the direction of a draft form of a hardship letter. I have several hardship circumstances that I will be backing with proofs, but would like to see a actual draft letter. I think that I should go ahead and be prepared with this letter just in case we need to do the waiver. Also, I wanted to state that the code they put on his papers was NOT the one linked to a person claiming false citizenship or anything like that. They simply questioned his intents for visiting and if he ever performed work over here, etc...... Thanks for your help and suggestions.
luvinmbFemaleMexico2006-09-06 12:42:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)waiver

Sounds pretty good. With what all you've mentioned, I don't think you'll have any problem at all getting approved. Just don't spend any more time talking about the psychological issue than the bare minimum-unless it is something that has been ongoing since before your immigration issues. In a chat session with Warren Janssen, the adjudicator for Waivers in Ciudad Juarez, he indicated that he does not consider immigration-related depression a hardship, as everyone experiences it and it's normal. Other than that, you're perfectly fine-a lot of your hardships are the same as mine, actually. Just write it yourself-you won't have any problem doing it and just make sure all your backup documents are clearly referenced, and that the letter is organized. :thumbs:

Thanks for your advice. We have a good chance that we will not need a waiver, but just in case...... I want to have something ready.
luvinmbFemaleMexico2006-09-21 11:53:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)waiver
Just in case I may need a hardship letter, I have been brainstorming. Would you suggest preparing the Hardship letter yourself using others letters as a template or hire attorney and pay a lot? Here are the hardships I would use if I need the letter. I have letters from all sources and supporting research. I have up to now prepared everything myself.

Medical on Myself:
Letter from Psychologist
Letter from Gynecologist- Personal issue that requires 6 month checkups and future childbearing issues.

Medical on Immediate Family:
Letter adult brother- Major Mental Disabilities, requires daily checks on him (counseling, medications taken, etc.) I am only sibling so ultimately I am main caregiver outside of parents.
Letter father- suffers from Severe arthritic condition, daily meds., requires occasional help with daily duties, retired, condition will continue to worsen
Letter mother- not retired yet, but in last year alone has had 2 knee replacements, 2 wrist surgeries and requires my help during all of her recoveries. She relies on my help with brother/father while she is at work and during recoveries from surgeries.
My parents are in their 60's and I am the ultimate caregiver for them. I already maintain major support of brother and will be the only caregiver when parents pass someday.
** I have letters from all of their doctors supporting these claims. Medical records also.

I have letter from Sallie Mae (student loans responsibility for receiving my MBA & Bachelors)
I have letter from Wells Fargo Mortgage (home loan responsibility)
I have letter from Credit Union (2 vehicle loans responsibility)

I have letter from Employer, I work for a major Non-Profit and help immensely with the needy in a major city.
I have letter from Co-Worker supporting Employer letter

MBA, Bachelor's specialized in Non-Profit work and would be extremely difficult to gain position with my pay range in Mexico. Especially when Non-Profit work in Mexico is a volunteer choice.

Family Ties:
Letters friends, family

Give me your thoughts.
luvinmbFemaleMexico2006-09-21 10:58:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)First Interview questions at CDJ

Hi, I'm new here but I have a first interview coming up on 31 Oct at CDJ. I'm trying to get my husband prepared, and I'm making a list of questions that other people have been asked at their interviews... if you have any, please contribute!

Hi! If you look under the "guides" tab at the top of the page, you will find at the bottom of that page an area that says "other things to know (i think that is what it is called) and then you will see a place to click for example interview questions. To help my fiance get ready, I copied the questions into a word document and then typed in our personal answers..... Good luck with your interview! :)
luvinmbFemaleMexico2006-09-26 21:58:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Filed Our Waiver
Hey Everyone!

Well the waiting begins...... We filed our waiver today at the Juarez embassy. We were informed we needed the waiver at our interview for a denied entry 2 years ago.

I had worked on our HSL for over 2 months prior to our interview just in case, so I feel confident that we have a well prepared and documented letter. In fact, I probably went overboard (letter is 7 pages and I have 27 exhibits/documents) hahahaahahah! :) We are very hopeful with Juarez's high approval rate and the recent changes in their staffing that this will be a quick approval.........

I hope that everyone has a quick and speedy approval. I think the key to remember is that they want to see rules followed, so in you HSL's document and prepare.

Good luck and god bless!
luvinmbFemaleMexico2007-01-10 10:03:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Are waivers needed for K1 applicant who was denied entry and later denied a tourist visa?

The bottom of his document said "you will be removed from the united states on the next flight" - i don't believe he was ever offered the opportunity to "withdraw" his application for admission. the document also states however that to return he must apply for and obtain a visa - ie: it does NOT say he is banned for 5 years or whatever.

do you still think there's no waiver requirement because of the reason?

Technically the moment your fiance touched ground in the U.S. and turned in his I-94 requesting entrance, he was "applying for admission" I am confident that the document he received is the same thing my fiance received which was a withdrawal of his request for admission. Which backs up my opinion that he would NOT need that waiver. He was not removed which applies the 5 year ban and his violation was not one that usually requires a waiver. He should be fine. I would not worry about this. Just answer all the questions honestly and you will be fine. I will tell you that they will already know all about this incident and the denied tourist visa incident in its entirety. We answered all the questions honestly (of course) and when my fiance went to his interview, they had a complete record of his one time denied entry. They knew everything about it and asked all about it. So just be prepared with the facts and ready to respond.
luvinmbFemaleMexico2007-01-25 17:32:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Are waivers needed for K1 applicant who was denied entry and later denied a tourist visa?

when you talk about code in passport.
What does a code 8 cri .... means?

You have nothing to worry about. The code your fiance was given was a very common reason for a POE denial. He will be asked about this denied entry and probably the denied tourist visa, but as long as he answers honestly, he should have no problem. My fiance and your fiance were given the most common reasons for denied entries. Unfortunately, mine required the waiver and your situation should not.

Just be prepared to answer questions surrounding the incident.

Sweetie, when you are denied entry at a POE they have to stamp the reason for the denied entry in your passport additionally they most commonly give you an option of withdrawing application for admission or actually giving you a removing (similar to deporting) order. The reason they stamp in your passport (code) is what violation you have that made you inadmissible to visit. My fiance was questioned for his intents to visit and they obviously were not satisfied with his answers and therefore chose to say he misrepresented himself. That code was stamped in his passport and that caused us to need the waiver. Sad, because he literally has never even had a speeding ticket in his life or anything outside of this incident, but laws have to be followed and a waiver was required. The code 212 a 7....does not usually require a waiver.

If you are given a removal order at the border you are automatically given a 5 year ban and require a waiver. If you are given the option to withdraw application for admission, then you have no ban and only have to handle the code given.....

I hope this helps! Again, don't worry you should not need the waiver. But, I would like to add, people that require a waiver should not think it is the end of the world. In most cases, if you are prepared properly, you should have no problems. Waivers are approved everyday for those who properly prepare their information. The only real downside is more waiting....:)
luvinmbFemaleMexico2007-01-25 10:09:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Are waivers needed for K1 applicant who was denied entry and later denied a tourist visa?

Thanks - I was pretty sure that was the case for the tourist visa since the burdens for tourist and fiancee visas are completely different (ie, in the first, you prove you'll leave, in the second, the whole point is you're going to stay). Still curious about the other - if anyone out there has any insight?! I'd *think* somewhat of the same rationale applies since the presumptions applied to my fiance at the border when he was denied should not be applied when he uses his K1 visa - but that doesn't mean the government doesn't still have some random requirement.

It would help to know what charge code they put in your passport at the border. 212 (a) (7) or 212 (a) (6), etc......Also, it would help to know if you withdrew your application for admission or were given a expedited removal.....Please let us know this information. My fiance and I had to do the waiver because of a POE denial, he withdrew his application for admission and was given the code 212 a 6 c i.....(misrepresentation) they didn't believe his reason for visiting....The denied tourist visa should not matter, but it is possible the tourist visa was denied because of your previous POE denial....Again give us the code in your passport and any other forms given at the border that day....
luvinmbFemaleMexico2007-01-24 17:56:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Approved

sweeties - CONGRATS!!!!!!!! :dance:

(didn't I tell ya you had nothing to worry about . . . :)

Yes you did Kitkat.
It's such a relief that we finally can plan everything with no doubt at all.
Before it was if and if.


luvinmbFemaleMexico2007-01-29 09:57:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)If the waiver needed on a B1/B2 visa
There is no waiver available when you are applying for a tourist visa. My opinion is she will be denied a tourist visa because on her last tourist visa she overstayed. I agree with Boiler that her USC son should apply to sponsor her to come to the U.S. permanently. In that situation, she would most likely not need the waiver due to the fact that she overstayed less than 180 days. However, if she did overstay more than 180 days then she would need a waiver approved. They can go ahead and apply for a tourist visa again and anything is possible, they could forget the fact that she overstayed on her last tourist visa and give her the new one.
luvinmbFemaleMexico2007-02-09 16:29:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)APPROVED

Got a bit smile on my face because I know how you feel. :yes:

So very happy for you both.


luvinmbFemaleMexico2007-01-29 10:03:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Timeline for processing of approved waviers
Congratulation on your approval. In the process with a waiver approval, you should be receiving 2 letters.....

1) The approval notification letter - which you already received
2) The interview date/time notification letter- which you are waiting on.........

The interview date/time notification letter can take up to a month to receive after getting your approval letter. Additionally, the actual interview date/time may be set for a full month after receiving your interview date/time notification letter.

These things will vary depending on the consulate that you are going through. My fiance and I are going through Mexico's consulate and the above times are what we are currently expecting.........But, I think they are probably close to other consulates....Good Luck and don't worry! You are almost there! :yes:
luvinmbFemaleMexico2007-02-26 11:01:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)CDJ I-601 waiver filing appt. through InfoPass PLEASE HELP!!
I would have emailed CDJ prior to cancelling my appointment. Since you already have cancelled your appointment, I would still email them and find out about rescheduling. I would think that you would have a window of time from your interview to either make another appointment to file the waiver in person or mail it in to their offices. I personally did not want to miss my original interview and wanted to file in person, which we did back in January.

I think the waiver pilot program sounds good, but I wouldn't bank on something that "might" happen, over a system that is already in place. I know the current system takes a long time, but the wait should start to come down......Just don't mess yourself up waiting on the unknown to happen......Good Luck!

P.S. CDJ is known for giving bad advice and mixed messages. So you might also consult an attorney that knows consulate facts..... :wacko:
luvinmbFemaleMexico2007-03-05 17:53:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I-601 waiver status

good luck I have been waiting sice 08/06 and I have contacted my senator my governer and the office of ethnic affairs and they all say the same thing they can't help me and I just need to wait it out just be patient and be strong that is what I tell myself everyday also just remember once this is over you can be together for the rest of your life and you don't have to fear your spouse getting deported it is all going to be worth it in the end

do you have children?

No children. Thankfully, I would hate to have children while waiting for this to be done. Good luck and I hope you hear something soon. I really feel confident that this pilot program will eventually over the next few months decrease everyone's wait times. Hang in there approvals are going to be coming our way sometime and this will be over! :thumbs: ~

good luck I have been waiting sice 08/06 and I have contacted my senator my governer and the office of ethnic affairs and they all say the same thing they can't help me and I just need to wait it out just be patient and be strong that is what I tell myself everyday also just remember once this is over you can be together for the rest of your life and you don't have to fear your spouse getting deported it is all going to be worth it in the end

do you have children?

No children. Thankfully, I would hate to have children while waiting for this to be done. Good luck and I hope you hear something soon. I really feel confident that this pilot program will eventually over the next few months decrease everyone's wait times. Hang in there approvals are going to be coming our way sometime and this will be over! :thumbs: ~

good luck I have been waiting sice 08/06 and I have contacted my senator my governer and the office of ethnic affairs and they all say the same thing they can't help me and I just need to wait it out just be patient and be strong that is what I tell myself everyday also just remember once this is over you can be together for the rest of your life and you don't have to fear your spouse getting deported it is all going to be worth it in the end

do you have children?

No children. Thankfully, I would hate to have children while waiting for this to be done. Good luck and I hope you hear something soon. I really feel confident that this pilot program will eventually over the next few months decrease everyone's wait times. Hang in there approvals are going to be coming our way sometime and this will be over! :thumbs: ~
luvinmbFemaleMexico2007-03-17 23:08:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I-601 waiver status

My fiancee had her appointment for her I-601 waiver on Jan 10, 2007,
in Ciudad Juarez Mexico.

How can you get a status on a I-601 waiver?


We turned ours in on the same day at CDJ. You cannot find out a status. You just have to be patient and wait. Hopefully timelines will drop from 10 months with this new pilot program stopping the growth on the backlog in Juarez. We have set a hopeful approval month of August....... If it has been more than 10 months, then you should think about contacting your senator....But unfortunately, at this time CDJ does not have any tracking system in place and if you email or call, they will give you a standard response of the timeline is 10 months.....Heck, they might tell you some crazy answer that will just leave you worrying unnecessarily! hahaahha Good luck and hang in there!
luvinmbFemaleMexico2007-03-15 12:56:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)News from Vermont

He says its because I was charged for lack of documentation the day I was deported, but since they reviewed the case due to the waivers, it is now purposefully and willfully lying and misrepresentation.

OMG. I can't believe that. I've come across quite a number of rejected waiver cases lately, both here, IRL, and in other forums, and I am continually amazed at what people have been put through just to be told, after years of waiting, hoping, and worrying, that they are not allowed to step foot on US soil.

I've lost any faith I had in US Immigration. Back before I started this process, I was sure the system was fair, that if you did everything by the book and weren't an immoral person, you would be allowed into the US eventually. I knew it might take time, trouble, effort, and separation from loved ones to accomplish it. But I didn't know it might involve having our entire lives, both private and public, raked over the coals, scrutinized and judged. I didn't know that one stupid mistake could ruin your prospects for good, and that all of your time, effort, and money would end up being wasted. I realize that being granted admission to the US is a privilege, not a right, but it seems they treat everyone as guilty until proven innocent.

We may or may not need to file a waiver. We'll find out soon enough, as my husband's interview is coming up soon. Before, I was determined to go through with the waiver process, but now I've become so angry, depressed, and disillusioned with the whole thing that we may decide to give up if he's deemed inadmissible without a waiver.

Sorry for sidetracking this thread with my own personal rant.

Absolutely do not give up. Every situation is different and there are tons of people approved every day. Check out and there are tons of approved posted waivers and people that can help you write a great letter and give you guidance on the process. Waivers are not the end of the road, they are just an extra step to getting approved....:)

luvinmbFemaleMexico2007-04-04 21:56:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)News from Vermont
I agree Boiler. The fact that this situation involves a claim to misrepresenting US Citizen status definitely at this time is a life-time ban and not waiverable. Other forms of misrepresentation also carry a lifetime ban, BUT ARE WAIVERABLE. Deportation carries a ban, as does an overstay/illegal presence, however the US Citizen part of this situation is the biggest problem, as there is really nothing that can be done at this point.

Again referencing my personal situation. When my fiance was denied entry and charged with misrep. for lack documentation, etc. They did not deport him or expeditely remove him. The border agent allowed him to withdraw his application for admission and he was simply refused entry. He was given a copy of his report and it clearly showed that he was only refused entry. When we went to our interview we already knew that he would be inadmissible for the misrep. at the border that dayand that his section of misrep. was completely waiverable. The consulate who interviewed us was right on target when she told us that we were in need of the waiver and clearly marked the reason on his form as the same section of the law stamped on his passport from the day he was denied.

Someone is lying to them about their situation. I don't know if it is the consulate, the attorney or what, but I really feel bad for them.........Best wishes~

saying you're an American if you're not *technically* is fraudulent

Technically? Are you saying that a Canadian is American as Canada is in North America?

I do not understand the lack of documentation, if they consider somebody has immigrant intent usually you will be refused entry, not deported.

Seems that:

There was a prior overstay, that overstay would have made the OP ineligible to enter the US without a Visa and a Waiver.

Sought entry anyway as a Visitor without a Visa and Waiver.

Compounded by claiming to be a US Citizen, a big no no.

So perhaps with that situation they decided withdrawal was inappropriate and went to the trouble of deporting?.

I am fairly sure that claiming to be a US Citizen carries with it a life time ban.

Something does not add up.

luvinmbFemaleMexico2007-04-04 16:09:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)News from Vermont
My fiance and myself are waiting for our waiver to be approved and we had to file a waiver for misrep. My fiance was denied entry and they basically didn't believe his intent for visiting and the border agent cancelled his tourist visa.......Our particular section of the law is completely waiverable. Our consulate knew the exact details and part of the law that pertained to his denied entry and we also knew from the beginning the section of the law that we would be inadmissible and were completely prepared with our waiver. There are two major sections under misrep. (1) Is the most general and is waiverable (which we fell under) (2) False claim to citizenship, not waiverable. Misrepresentation, along with overstays & illegal presence are all quite common inadmissibilities and are the most common reasons for waivers. Unfortunately, there are many sections of the INA law that are not waiverable. :(

As I said before, I think immigration laws need to be changed.

The biggest and saddest part of this situation is that they were led to believe they had a chance, when in fact, they never had a chance due to the particular misrep. charge against them.

I wish them the best of luck and hopefully someday the laws will change and they can join each other here in the U.S., but again Canada is a beautiful place and they have each other. :star:
luvinmbFemaleMexico2007-04-04 08:50:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)News from Vermont
Sadly, because of that one answer, "yes, that you were both Americans" that put you under the category of making a false claim to U.S. citizenship, 212(a)(6)©(i)(i)....which is the area of misrepresention/fraud that no waiver is available for at this time.... It was such a minor mistake and crazy that there is no waiver available for that......I hope that things in the immigration laws change soon. But, Canada is a beautiful place and I wouldn't worry about anything~
luvinmbFemaleMexico2007-04-03 17:02:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)interview for I-601?
Yes, fiancé(e)s can file an I-601. See 9 FAM 41.81 N9.3(a) and 8 CFR 212.7(a)(1)(i).

Married or not, you have to show the hardships to yourself if your fiance is not allowed to enter and you are seperated. And the hardship you would face if forced to relocate to your fiances country......
luvinmbFemaleMexico2007-04-30 10:33:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Website Down?
Is it just me or is everyone unable to go to now? It says the site doesn't even exist anymore.....
luvinmbFemaleMexico2007-06-14 09:42:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Where to Stay in Ciudad Juarez

My fiance will need to go to Ciudad Juarez (hopefully in the next 2 months), and I just want to check where are good and safe places to stay while submitting the I-601 waiver packet.

We stayed at the Holiday Inn Lincoln which is like 1.5 blocks away. Very clean and safe. We plan to definitely stay there again when it is time to pick up our visa. The rate is like $79.00/night.
luvinmbFemaleMexico2007-06-27 13:19:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Previous refusal

My fiance applied for a B1 Visa and was denied last August. The consulate let him know several times that he was not being "refused", just not approved bc there wasn't enough evidence that he was planning to return to Ireland. When we receive our NOA2, and he fills out the D60, when asked if he was ever refused entry to the U.S., should he say yes or no? He was not allowed entry, but not technically "refused" according to immigration lingo.

I know the embassy will have all his info on the B1, and do not want to hide anything. I also do not want to raise any more red flags than necessary by answering "yes" if we don't need to. Are they looking for official refusals, or all denials? Does this question make sense? I appreciate any input...

Thanks & Good Luck!

In my opinion you were not denied or refused entry to the U.S. so the answer would be No.... This questions is pertaining to people that are denied entry at the airport or a land border or when their boat has docked......Not for people who have been denied a visa.....There will be a question on the DS-156 which you will fill out that asks "Have you ever been denied a visa" and you will have to put yes and the explain. But, lots of people are denied tourist visa's and you should have no problem with receiving your fiance visa because of this incident.
luvinmbFemaleMexico2007-07-30 09:13:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)sec 212a7A(i)(I)..............allowed to withdrawl application
My fiance was denied entry to the US from mexico when he was attempting to enter with his tourist visa. Basically they suspected that he was working during his visits and not just visiting. He openly admitted in secondary questioning that they were correct and he did perform work while visiting. They cancelled his tourist visa and denied him entry. They allowed him to withdraw his application for admission. They also told him that he had (1) no ban on his record because of this denial (2) he was free to apply again for a visa in one year.......Luckily I didn't take the legal advice of the border agent 100% and we spent the few months leading up to our initial interview preparing a waiver and hardship letter just in case. At his interview we were informed that he did have a ban and he would need the waiver. That the border agent made notations in my fiances file that he had "misrepresented" himself by working on his tourist visa.....So to make a long story short, we needed the waiver and are now ending our process of waiting, but at least we were prepared with a HSL and everything when told we were in need of one and eligible to file it. I suggest you do the same, because you never know what they actually put on your record in these incidents. But, also know that by preparing early and giving yourself plenty of time to gather documentation and evidence, you are making your approval chances much higher. The key to a successful waiver is good preparation, organization, documentation and honesty.......
luvinmbFemaleMexico2007-07-27 12:59:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Open Appt Info
QUOTE (Anticipating @ Sep 12 2007, 12:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Does anyone know what happens at the Open Appt in Juarez? Do I get my green card then?

Okay. First off, I am assuming you have an open appointment to pick up your visa, correct?

If you just had your waiver approved and now have an open appointment, then you are ONLY going to this appointment to pick up the visa necessary to enter the United States. You will NOT receive your green card at any appointment in Mexico. If you are receiving your fiance visa or spousal visa (K-1 or K-3) visa, you will apply for your green card (also known as AOS, adjustment of status) in the United States after marrying or if you are already married, after you enter and apply.

At the open appointment in Juarez to pick up your visa, you will need to take updated forms, proof of financial support, proof of relationship with spouse or fiance, proof of continued presence in Mexico, medical exam results, mexican passport with at least 5 years left on it, approval notice for waiver, open appointment letter, etc.......

For the green card or AOS process....You will need to fill out all forms necessary for AOS and go to a biometric appt. (fingerprint) and a final interview at the nearest immigration office in your state. You will be told of all locations and dates to go to the immigration office after you apply. This is AFTER you pick up your visa in Juarez and enter the United States.

Hope this helps! Good luck and read up on everything so you understand the processes better. The worse thing to be is uninformed and going through this
luvinmbFemaleMexico2007-09-17 14:40:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Approved 601 Waiver!
Hello everyone!

I already posted this on immigrate2us, but forgot to post it on here! Lo siento amigo

Our waiver was approved on August 26th (my fiance's fathers birthday) and we receive the approval notice on September 4th (my fiances birthday!) It was the best birthday present EVER!

We are now just waiting for our open appointment letter to come in the mail and then he will be off to Juarez to get his visa!

The wedding is set for December 15th and all plans are full steam ahead!

I pray that all waiting will also be approved soon. smile.gif
luvinmbFemaleMexico2007-09-09 18:54:00