US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate

Man girl you are quick!! I love it though, everytime I post one of my silly questions, you answer within 5 minutes. :yes:

He can't even find it anymore, it was a while ago. I'll tell him to look for anything. What does a visitor's visa say on it? Maybe if he actually finds something he can read it to me, and then I can figure out if it's a visitors visa.

My fiance was issued a visa that they used to call "familia visa" when he was a small child. He updated that in 2001 to a BCC/Tourist visa.......

On the question about have you ever been issued a visa. We are putting "Yes" and when/what type: 1989- Familia Visa, 2001- Update to BCC/Tourist Visa

On the question about how and when visited U.S., we are putting: Misc. Visits to United States with Family from 1989-2001, Dec. 2001, Dec. 2002, Sept 2003......... Unfortunately, we do not have any way to find exact dates so that is what we are putting.

Oh, by the way group, we are heading to Juarez for our interview on December 27TH!!!!! Wish us luck.....
luvinmbFemaleMexico2006-12-18 12:20:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate

I was shooting for medical on the 26th and interview on 27th....... I emailed and called both the medical exam offices and consulate about these dates and they assured me they are open. But, as we know Juarez has many different answers. So I guess we have no choice but to go by faith on that.......

I have not booked our flight and hotel yet, as i am waiting on the packet. How confident do you feel on the whole information window thing???

I just worry that they will tell me that my packet has been sent and everything. And then I book expensive flights and hotel only to find out that the information window people will not give me the letter.....

I really want this to be over. I am going crazy with worry and stress............I tell my fiance that I will be happy once the interview is over, regardless of if we are required to do a waiver. At least then we will know and I already have a very good Hardship letter ready to file in case.

No we have no illegal presence, no overstay.... He was denied entry and his tourist visa cancelled 2 years ago. They let him withdraw his application for admission and told him to wait at least a year to apply for a new visa.......
But, they questioned if he had turned in his last I-94, so they may think he overstayed which led to his denied entry. We have tons of proof to show he didn't overstay........Anyways, because he was allowed to withdraw his application for admission and not "removed, deported or anything" we are in that 50% chance of not needing a waiver or needing a waiver!!!!! AGGHHH!!! :blink:

But, again if needed, we are prepared and ready to get the show on the road. I just want the interview to be over and to know the outcome. :wacko:

luvinmb, I am in the exact situation as your fiance: I was denied entry at the border and my BCC was cancelled many years ago, but I was able to get a laser visa and a student visa only a month after that, so I'm hoping I don't need a waiver for my K1 either. I know what you mean about the I-94, I have that worry too, I'm hoping that the fact that they have not denied me entry since the BCC incident is a sign that there's nothing in my record indicating that... but you never know. I'm pretty sure a lot of people have that I-94 problem, I'm not sure if you know but I was told once by an Immigration officer at the Hidalgo bridge that the people who collect the tolls when you leave the US sometimes do not turn in the I-94's given to them, they work for a different government agency so technically they are not responsible to do this. Since they told me this I've been giving my about-to-expire I-94's to the Immigration officers at the bridge offices or when I cross to go to McAllen, but not so many people know this.

Would you be flying from Tampico to CDJ? I haven't made any reservations either, but I'm thinking I might fly out of there on the 25th or 26th since I'll be spending Christmas and New Year's eve with my family in the Veracruz-Tampico area and AVIACSA has decent fares from Tampico to CDJ. My fiance would be flying to El Paso and we would meet at the hotel in CDJ. It would be great if we could fly together or meet before the interview :)

The difference is that we never applied for a visa again after he was denied entry and his visa was cancelled. They gave him the copy of his paperwork from the incident and it clearly states at the top "Application for Admission Withdrawn in Lieu Of Deportation/Consular Notification" Then a box is checked that says: Application for Admission Withdrawn and another box that says: BCC/Cancelled.
That is it....... I think they are required to put a charge code on the form and they put the misrep. code.....But, my fiance said that the Border Agent told him to wait a year and then he would be okay for a visa again. I think she was scaring him with the year wait thing. And it worked!!! hahhaahaah We haven't applied for anything in 2 years......... Anyways, several attorneys say that since he was allowed to Withdraw his Application that he should not have to do a waiver because he was not charged with anything... Only one said that since they thought he lied he needs one. But, seems to me if they really thought he was lying, they would have "expedited removed" him not let him Withdraw Application......Anyways, hopefully no waiver! We will see!

Yes, we are flying from Tampico to Juarez on the 25th and returning on the 28th......We are doing medical on the 26th and interview on the 27th.....This is all of course if we get the packet. I have found roundtrip airfare for 1 w/Aviasca $382.00...... I think that is pretty good. What do you think?
luvinmbFemaleMexico2006-12-12 14:15:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate

Good luck Waiting! :thumbs: I hope Oliverio gets his passport on time!

Jessraul, congratulations on getting the packet! :dance:

luvinmb, I hope you get the packet before you leave on the 21st :thumbs:

Danielle, we are planning to go to CDJ right after Christmas, maybe we'll be there at the same time :)

I hope to receive my packet prior to the 21st also. They sent me an email on the 30th telling me that I should receive my packet within two weeks. That means I should receive it by Friday. But, who knows with Juarez.......

I had a preplanned trip to Mexico leaving December 21st and returning January 9th. We were hoping with the quick approval to have our interview during this visit. I was shooting for medical on the 26th and interview on 27th....... I emailed and called both the medical exam offices and consulate about these dates and they assured me they are open. But, as we know Juarez has many different answers. So I guess we have no choice but to go by faith on that.......

I have not booked our flight and hotel yet, as i am waiting on the packet. How confident do you feel on the whole information window thing???

I just worry that they will tell me that my packet has been sent and everything. And then I book expensive flights and hotel only to find out that the information window people will not give me the letter.....

I really want this to be over. I am going crazy with worry and stress............I tell my fiance that I will be happy once the interview is over, regardless of if we are required to do a waiver. At least then we will know and I already have a very good Hardship letter ready to file in case.

No we have no illegal presence, no overstay.... He was denied entry and his tourist visa cancelled 2 years ago. They let him withdraw his application for admission and told him to wait at least a year to apply for a new visa.......
But, they questioned if he had turned in his last I-94, so they may think he overstayed which led to his denied entry. We have tons of proof to show he didn't overstay........Anyways, because he was allowed to withdraw his application for admission and not "removed, deported or anything" we are in that 50% chance of not needing a waiver or needing a waiver!!!!! AGGHHH!!! :blink:

But, again if needed, we are prepared and ready to get the show on the road. I just want the interview to be over and to know the outcome. :wacko:
luvinmbFemaleMexico2006-12-12 11:54:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate

I have a fiance still has not gotten his Passport. If we are in Juarez two days before he goes to his interview, will that be enough time for him to get his passport there? He also wants me to pick him up from the airport because he's timido hehe Does anyone know the directions to the Holiday Inn and to the airport? I've looked on the internet for directions but none of them have them

I can't believe I'm leaving Tuesday! It feels like the time has gone by soooo fast! I'm sooo excited but extremely nervous about the whole passport ordeal!

Waiting..... I am as confused as you are on your fiances passport dilemma. My fiance literally applied and got his passport in like a week. And did not have to provide any of the documents your fiance is being asked for. Sounds ridiculous. I too am completely stressed out.....We are completely prepared and ready for our interview, but are waiting on the packet. I leave on December 21st and need the PACKET!!!!!!!!!!!AGGHH!!!!!! I have completely given up on talking to anyone by phone in Juarez. They give you no help....The emails are much better. They claimed on November 30th that they mailed my packet to me. But in true Juarez fashion, I got another email stating something slightly different. But, hopefully I receive it by December 21st. GOOD LUCK on your interview!!! Have you submitted your DS-156 online yet or are you waiting until you get to Juarez. Or is your fiance doing it solo?
luvinmbFemaleMexico2006-12-11 10:17:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
NVC Received our case on November 16th and have assigned us our case number. They will send it to Juarez now!!!! YEAH!
luvinmbFemaleMexico2006-11-17 13:45:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
Okay, so after my last post I called NVC and they told me the same answer again, that they had not received my petition yet......

But, then I got a response to my email today. I sent them an email on asking if they had my case yet and my email says:

Dear Sir/Madam:

The National Visa Center (NVC) recently received this petition. We are in the process of entering the petition information into the computer system and assigning a case number. Upon completion of this process, the appropriate agent (applicant, petitioner, or attorney) will receive instructions for the further processing of this petition.

National Visa Center

So go figure!!!! I am going to accept the email response and forget about the silly person I talked to on the phone. :wacko:
luvinmbFemaleMexico2006-11-16 16:12:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
Oh, by the way, still waiting for NVC to receive my case!!!!!! UGH!!! :P

Okay, I feel better now. :lol:
luvinmbFemaleMexico2006-11-16 14:47:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate

Wow, luvinmb! I have a lot of relatives in Tampico!!!
I went to school there for 2 years, and I was there visiting just 2 weeks ago!

We had our engagement party last July at the "Club Regatas Corona" :) My fiance loves "las gorditas de la corona", have you tried them? :D

Very cool. I was in Tampico for 3 weeks in July/Aug.... I go again in December for 2.5 weeks......
He also went to school in Tampico, Universidad de Tamaulipas. I have had gorditas and coronas, but I am not sure if that is what you are asking.... My personal favorite is Tacos Orientales and Tortas de la Barda, tacos de sena (spelling ;)????

We plan on marrying here in U.S., undecided on a traditional chapel wedding or getting married at the Valley of Fire in Las Vegas (beautiful cliff top wedding)....... But, plan to have a wedding reception in Mexico as soon as possible after wedding. That will depend on when we get the papers to visit........:)
luvinmbFemaleMexico2006-10-27 15:08:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
I just wanted to post that I have finally been touched..... YEAH! :dance:

It was a long wait, but looks like someone is messing with my case!

Hopefully I will be approved soon. :whistle:

By the way, I forgot to respond: My fiance is from Tampico, Tamaulipas. It is a big city right on the gulf of Mexico. Beautiful and non-touristy.......:)
luvinmbFemaleMexico2006-10-26 09:54:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
This sucks! I am the only one in the timeline with no touch and no NOA2!!!!!!!! :crying:

Okay i am over my dramatic moment and back to just waiting! :whistle:
luvinmbFemaleMexico2006-10-24 12:40:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate

So both my fiance and myself will be mailed a copy of the packet from CDJ? If so, I am confident that I will receive mine much faster. Once I receive the packet, then because me fiance will have everything ready, we can head to juarez?

Both the USC and Mexican Fiance are *supposed* to receive a copy of the complete fiance packet forms and letter. But history here shows that the Mexican pretty much never receives it . . . that's why I've been stalking the mailman since September 28!!! As soon as you get it, and have all the forms ready, you can go.

Hope you don't need the waiver - sounds like a real mess in CDJ these days and I am not looking forward to it!

Kitkat, you are almost there..... I know it is really hard, but hang in there. Remember that everything will turn out the way it should in the end. :)
luvinmbFemaleMexico2006-10-20 14:49:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate

I will probably get killed for saying this, but what the heck, I think that Laurel Scott is informative.... absolutely informative. However, she makes money (alot of money) off preparing waivers, etc. I think that everyone should remember that all cases are different, some waivers are approved within a matter of 4 months at Juarez and some are approved much longer. I truly believe nobody knows what will happen when anyone goes to their interview. I have seen attorneys give one answer to an immigration question one way and turn around and give a different answer to the same question just worded slightly different. Again, I think attorneys are helpful, but most of the visa journey process, including waiver prep. can be handled by yourself, if you have the time and determination to do so.

Now on another note, I would really love to get a touch.....Its been a little over two months and not a single update or touch. Nothing, Nada, Zilch!!!!!! Okay I know be patient....:)

I agree with you 100%. But apparently the information regarding CDJ's new and inefficient waiver process and processing times came directly from the consulate. I hope and pray it is incorrect but the average waiver wait on I2us has been around 9 months of late.

In any event, that's out of anyone's control. The thing about the appointment letter, however, is accurate in regard to getting into the medical and consulate. Here's hoping for a touch for you!

So both my fiance and myself will be mailed a copy of the packet from CDJ? If so, I am confident that I will receive mine much faster. Once I receive the packet, then because me fiance will have everything ready, we can head to juarez?

We are in the group of people that may or may not need the waiver, but I have my HSL complete with documentation and everything. According to I2us, it is a really good letter. It is 7 pages and I have like 28 supporting documents. YIKES! It took me a full month to complete mine. I used an attorney prepared approved letter off of I2us as my template. Anyways, hopefully I will not need the waiver, but if so, then we will do it and wait this out. Someday, I know we will look back on this and think "yeah, it was a long wait, but it was all worth it."
luvinmbFemaleMexico2006-10-20 14:23:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate

I thought all the fiance forms (DS-156, etc.) were now to be completed online and that you do not have to wait for the packet. I mean you do have to wait for the official NOA2 and forms from NVC. But, the packet from Juarez you don't have to wait for. Once they have the information and you have your stuff together, you can go to Juarez.

You can download all of the forms online - and you're right that the DS-156K needs to be done online with the barcode generated. But you need to wait until you receive the packet because the official "we have received your file" letter is in the packet and this is necessary for the medical and the interview. If they have not completed processing of your file and sent the official letter, then it's not ok to go. You may be confused by the fact that CDJ doesn't require appointments for fiances - but that doesn't mean you can go when you are ready - they still have to be ready. Also, there are no forms from the NVC - everything comes directly from CDJ.

In the past people have gone without it and waited in line at the information booth to get a copy, but I feel like that is risky. (One poster said he waited for 5 hours).

An update from Laurel Scott, an attorney who deals with CDJ and waivers, regarding their new policy on waivers (very very irritating):

Update on Juarez:
Processing times have increased from 6-9 months to 10+ months. OIC (officer-in-charge) has requested that all I-601ers not file ANY inquiries until it has been 11+ months since you filed your waiver. The consulate is no longer accepting the I-601 waiver application on the day of the K visa or immigrant visa interview. They are now requiring everyone to come back for a second interview to file. While I have not yet gotten any denials through USCIS-Juarez, other attorneys have reported to me that their approval rates have plummeted and that they've had a marked increase of clients approaching them following a denial of their pro se filings (note: a "pro se" filing is something a person files without using an attorney). When the OIC saw that I was telling everyone that Juarez was the easiest office to get an I-601 approval abroad, he asked me to be careful not to give anyone the impression that the I-601 process in Juarez is a 'formality'; i.e. you have to PROVE your case.

I will probably get killed for saying this, but what the heck, I think that Laurel Scott is informative.... absolutely informative. However, she makes money (alot of money) off preparing waivers, etc. I think that everyone should remember that all cases are different, some waivers are approved within a matter of 4 months at Juarez and some are approved much longer. I truly believe nobody knows what will happen when anyone goes to their interview. I have seen attorneys give one answer to an immigration question one way and turn around and give a different answer to the same question just worded slightly different. Again, I think attorneys are helpful, but most of the visa journey process, including waiver prep. can be handled by yourself, if you have the time and determination to do so.

Now on another note, I would really love to get a touch.....Its been a little over two months and not a single update or touch. Nothing, Nada, Zilch!!!!!! Okay I know be patient....:)
luvinmbFemaleMexico2006-10-20 14:09:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
I thought all the fiance forms (DS-156, etc.) were now to be completed online and that you do not have to wait for the packet. I mean you do have to wait for the official NOA2 and forms from NVC. But, the packet from Juarez you don't have to wait for. Once they have the information and you have your stuff together, you can go to Juarez.
luvinmbFemaleMexico2006-10-20 11:05:00
VietnamMight change our mind

Hmm interesting, but thank you for your reply. Well my family isn't going to like that my mom is to old to be making that trip, and I wanted Hanh to at least be able to visit USA. I guess my family will have a member they might never get to meet, alot of friends and family will be disappointed. And you got me wondering about giving up my US citizenship, don't see any reason to pay taxes somewhere we can't go to and living here seems kinda nice really, but hate to do that because in a few years we might want to move to america. Think I might have to get some legal help to answer some questions.
What happens if we get approved for the fiancee visa, then just don't get married and we come back here before the 90 days, will that kill any chances for a spousal visa in a few years.

NEVER EVER give up your US citizenship, trust me you will regret if you give it up.
family741FemaleVietnam2012-09-19 23:54:00
VietnamTh? t?c ly d? ?

Chào các b?n,
Tôi b?o l?nh v? qua M? ???c 1 n?m nay b?ng di?n hôn thê (fiancee) và ?ã có 1 bé gái 6 tháng tu?i. v? tôi gi? v?n ch?a có th? xanh (green card) vì tôi ch?a apply. Cu?c s?ng thì không nh? mong mu?n và không th? s?ng chung n?a. Gi? tôi mu?n ly d? và n?u ly d? thì she có còn ???c s?ng ? M? n?a hay she ph?i v? l?i Vi?t Nam và ??a bé s? theo ai? nói chung là tôi mu?n g?i she v? l?i VN

Cám ?n các b?n

Why do you want to "force" your wife back to Vietnam? I hope your wife will get the GC and stay here with her child. You need to leave your wife alone and be a good father to your child by keeping his mother in US for him.
family741FemaleVietnam2012-12-13 18:20:00
VietnamJobs after arriving US

I said it MIGHT not require for US resident depending on schools.

I totally agree with you and I have no question with your comment. I am just discussing my school. I quote your comment as a way to agree with you because I was considered an international student a month before my green card came in the mail. 

family741FemaleVietnam2014-06-22 00:54:00
VietnamJobs after arriving US

Some schools will require TOEFL and some dont. It is usuallly required for international students but it might not require for US resident ( Green Card ) depending on school


My school requires TOEFL for anyone who primary language is not English regardless of their residence status. The TOEFL was only a part of the admission requirements. I had to take the English and Math placement exams. I did really well on the Math exam, but I did terrible on the English exam. During the first semester, the school required me to enroll into a Reading Skill course. The professor said my English comprehension level was considered equivalent to that of an 11th grade student in the US. I still remember clearly the anxious feeling of going to school in a foreign country. I was only in the US for less than 9 months when I started to go to school. It was not an easy road, but any immigrant could do it. 

family741FemaleVietnam2014-06-21 23:34:00
VietnamJobs after arriving US

what's TOEFL test for? 


nice story!

Thank you!


TOEFL = Test of English as a Foreign Language

I had to achieve the required TOEFL test score to apply to the university. 



Edited by family741, 20 June 2014 - 08:53 PM.

family741FemaleVietnam2014-06-20 20:49:00
VietnamJobs after arriving US

Hi Vietnamese people who are going to gather your family in US and who are living in US!

Attending a college in America will take a long time to earn good money and it is not easy to go to school again while you need to concern about your family. So can you share with us your experience? We'd like to know which jobs Vietnamese can get in as soon as arriving US?




It was hard when I first came to the US in 2008. The language, lifestyle, culture, and everything were new to me. I tried to find a job, but not very many options was available for a new immigrant with limited English. The situation seemed hopeless. I did part-time cleaning job on the weekend for a short period of time. That job gave me a strong motivation to obtain an education. With the assistance from my in laws, I was able to find a new summer job at a private school. After the summer was over, I found another job at a Vietnamese-owned store. I took ESL classes and passed the TOEFL test. I was accepted into a local university. I enrolled in 3 classes each semester for the first 2 years and became a full-time student after that. I studied at work whenever I could. It took me 5 years to get a Bachelor's degree, but it's worth it. 

family741FemaleVietnam2014-06-17 23:50:00
USCIS Service CentersService Center Wage Cuts
That would not be a fun day to come to work and find out that you are not worth as much as before.
family741FemaleVietnam2007-12-16 07:31:00
Asia: SouthInterview next week!
good luck to you good.gif good.gif good.gif
family741FemaleVietnam12/16/2007 8:01
so happy for you good.gif good.gif good.gif
family741FemaleVietnam12/20/2007 13:16
Asia: East and Pacific11 Days until interview day!!!
Good luck too you get that pink slip
family741FemaleVietnam2007-11-16 18:02:00
Asia: East and Pacific? About going to HCMC with Wife
I stayed with my Fiance at her family house her father took me to the local police and did the paper work we had no problems.

Edited by Eric and An Thuy, 19 November 2007 - 02:51 AM.

family741FemaleVietnam2007-11-19 02:49:00
Asia: East and PacificEverything is a success for us.
Thanks for the review Congrates on the Visa
family741FemaleVietnam2007-11-29 04:10:00
Asia: East and PacificThe List
I think you made a good choice Ken is great I think he is the perfect man for the job. I want to thank you for all that you did .
family741FemaleVietnam2007-11-29 04:15:00
Asia: East and PacificBeing there for the interview
QUOTE (Melrose Plant @ Dec 1 2007, 05:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I see many posts that say it is a plus for the sponsor to be there for the interview, especially for Vietnam, the marriage fraud capital of the world (whatever), but how are you supposed to do that? I would more or less have to quit my job (willing to do that, done it before to go to Vietnam), but I don't see anywhere how much notice you get before the interview.

How does that work practically? Should I just get a 6 month visa when it's getting a little closer, and hope I can get a decent air fare? I make a decent living, but I'm sure not made of money, and I do have a son I need to worry about. Thanks for listening.

I am going back for the interview because i want to support An and i have only been there once this year to see her Its not required to go back but it would be nice if you could . I understand about the work thing I too am missing allot of time from work. Its also nice if you arte there so if the consulte has any questions or she is missing something you can get it back to them fast. Since she lives on the North side its quite a trip for her. You will get about a months notice about the interview I am seeing.
family741FemaleVietnam2007-12-01 17:31:00
Asia: East and PacificNervous and excited. Oh man....
QUOTE (Dave_Thao @ Dec 4 2007, 02:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good Luck!

Good luck we all are praying for you good luck get that pink
family741FemaleVietnam2007-12-04 14:37:00
Asia: East and PacificBring on the butterflies!
QUOTE (NeverSeen @ Dec 3 2007, 03:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
1 week and counting until I-day. I think I'm more nervous about the interview than Tram is. She did her doctor thing today. Everything else is ready to go.


We've been over everything they could possibly deny us for and beefed up the ammo for it. I have this feeling of helplessness because I can't be there doing this for her. It's just her and the CO now.

The worst is knowing that in 2 weeks she could be flying into the States, or we will begin he difficult process of fighting for the pink. This makes me so uneasy not knowing what the future holds for us only 1 week from now.

I'll just keep praying and knowing that she will get the pink.

hey buddy you got it I know you and her will be together
family741FemaleVietnam2007-12-03 04:14:00
Asia: East and PacificInterview details
awesome way to go Tim such great news awesome congrats to both of you thanks for the post tonight good.gif good.gif good.gif good.gif

Edited by Eric and An Thuy, 10 December 2007 - 01:46 AM.

family741FemaleVietnam2007-12-10 01:43:00
Asia: East and PacificBetter to mail or return packet 3 in person?
This is what we did we had to go pick it up but they only gave her DS230 part 1 when she picked it up in person. So make sure they give you everything or find it and print it online then mail it with DHL . You should receive a email from them. That will tell you they have received Ds230.
family741FemaleVietnam2007-12-11 23:14:00
Asia: East and PacificInterview -- passed
Congrates on the visa good.gif good.gif good.gif good.gif
family741FemaleVietnam2007-12-17 04:46:00
Asia: East and PacificFinally some activity
sorry to hear that try out the k3 I would if I was in your shoes
family741FemaleVietnam2007-12-20 14:05:00
Asia: East and PacificThi called HCMC Consulate about Packet 3
An and I have called several times to the Consulte we always pick english at the prompt we then are transfered right away to the information desk. The girl at the desk is allways polite to us. One thing I would tell you as for our case we never received packet 3 we went and found out what to send and express mailed it to them then called back 4 days later they said they have received it. As far as Packet 4 goes swe still have not received that as well. An called and talked after 3 weeks and onthe 8 of December they told her that we would not need to call back until January FYI. I called the 16th she gave me the interview date after An called to verify and it was set. She told me to please hold on and then explained to me that packet 4 was sent out and they will be closed Christmas day if we have not received Packet 4 by Christmas Day to please come to the window and pick it up after 3 pm on the 26th . I am having trouble getting the police cert they say it will take 26 days so fyi I would get that soon An took her Ds230 to the province and then they made a copy told her it would be ready in 3 to 4 weeks they said 26 days . As far as going to Vietnam I am going on the 28 th of this month will arrive Vietnam time the 30th of this month to be with her when she goes to the interview even though I will be out side. Plane tickets were hard to get . I wanted to stay as long as it took but my travel agent which is Viet told me I was only allowed to stay 1 month. I have never heard of this she said only Viet people were givin 3 month Visas have you heard of this . I would call and talk to them allot things change very fast our packet 4 was sent out 3 weeks after packet 3 was excepted. Eric
family741FemaleVietnam2007-12-20 14:29:00
Asia: East and PacificInterview was a disaster!!
I am sorry to here about your case you might talk to 3ad I think he had a simliar problem his lawyer helped him out.
family741FemaleVietnam2007-12-04 23:13:00
Asia: East and PacificPINK!
Great News for you I understand are they still saying two weeks for visas whats the reason Congrates best of luck too you two kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif good.gif good.gif good.gif good.gif
family741FemaleVietnam2007-12-20 19:00:00
Asia: East and Pacifichappy surprise: packet 4!
That is great news I very happy for you 2 weeks after ours very close it seems they are doing things faster in HCMC
family741FemaleVietnam2008-01-05 00:35:00
Asia: East and PacificInterview: PINK!
Wow Wow Wow Wow Wow That is Awesome News I so Happy For You That is wonderful news I new you would get the Pink Buddy Congrates on that Wow she will come home with you at the end of this Month kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
family741FemaleVietnam2008-01-09 05:06:00
Asia: East and PacificPINK After Lawyers Help!!!!!!!!
Congrats !I am glad the lawyer helped you good.gif good.gif good.gif good.gif good.gif good.gif good.gif
family741FemaleVietnam2008-01-09 00:44:00