K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNow this is upsetting.

You seem to be of the mindset that everyone is out to get you. Whether it be border patrol officers or posters on a forum that are just trying to help you, you feel attacked. You cannot scream discrimination the second anyone says something that you don't like.

Think whatever you want. :) And say whatever you want but keep it on topic. Dont tell me how you feel or dont feel about me. That irrelevant. Thank you.

ANY person can be denied entry at ANY time. Even when you have a VISA you can be denied entry.

To visit you need to be able to show proof you will return to Canada. And just to clarify, when you get your visa you will NOT have to show proof you will return.

You can call 1 million people and the answer is the same. NO ONE has a guarantee they we will be allowed entry. So what? Canada is the same way. We are planning a trip to Montreal for the day Friday but we MIGHT get refused entry to Canada. I am not losing sleep over it.

If you want to visit, put together some documentation and visit.

Thank you. I appreciate your advice and thanks for staying on topic :)
UndefinedFemaleCanada2010-07-28 13:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNow this is upsetting.

Yep I've read the posts. Everyone has been helpful and giving you the correct information. It is up to you to decide how you're going to read it and/or take it and you must be always on the defense or something because most of the time you are calling people rude. Stating facts is not rude and it is not discriminatory. Say what you want. Everything we say is falling on deaf ears anyway.

I sincerely wish you good luck at your interview. If you continue to act the way that you are acting right now then you're going to need every bit of good luck you can find. You need to have patience and the ability to be calm, cool, and collected in situations where most people would not. From what I've seen, you don't have it.

Well you say I read things the way I want to. Well then you are doing the same. And wow you've been following me so far? I guess for someone you dislike so much I must be relevant enough tho ;) I know what I read. And yes people have been rude and discriminatory. You dont see it. That fine. And dont tell me what I have and dont have. You can think whatever you want. Listen if you have nothing nice to say then dont responds to my topics no more. You are only wasting my time and yours. Thank you.
UndefinedFemaleCanada2010-07-28 11:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNow this is upsetting.

Oh my gosh, no one here is discriminating against you! All we are doing is trying to help you.

My husband is from Rouyn-Noranda but he lived in Montreal for 6 years. His English is awesome. No one here thinks that because you're from Montreal that your English sucks. No one is being rude. You're the one being rude most of the time. Keep it up and pretty soon NO ONE will want to help you. Keep this attitude at your interview and I guarantee that you'll be denied. They are going to ask you some questions that will test your ability to handle stress and they're going to ask if you've ever been denied at the border. If you go in there and start screaming discrimination when they ask you that question it's not going to be an easy road for you.

No one discriminates here. This website is full of people from ALL countries, and some of them can barely speak any English. Is that a problem? Heck no it's not. As long as we can decipher what they are trying to say it's all good.

Excuse me? Have you read his/her posts? and Im the one being rude? yeah because you are being rude to me. And you know what if you dont like it then dont waste your time reading it and replying my god!
UndefinedFemaleCanada2010-07-28 11:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNow this is upsetting.

Sadly its a recurring theme :(

Also likely tazer probes lodged in her back!

Diana, I suspect it is likely some of your miscommunication is a result of a slight language barrier, its obvious your English is not as fluent as your French likely is. Knowing how difficult communication when only using text is, then adding difficulties from language diffrences, I think you may be perceiving people to be more arrogant or offensive to you than they really are.
No one here is telling you that you cant have an opinion about how much the process sucks, or how craptastic it can be to deal with a CBP officer who seems to want nothing to do but hassle you (or multiple officers?). However, when posters here tell you that you have NO rights at the border when attempting to cross and dealing with a CBP officer, that is not an opinion, it is fact. When someone tells you that you can be denied for any reason whatsoever, it is not opinion, it is fact.
No one here is lying to you, or trying to trick you, and if you actually take the time to read the FAQ's, the How To's and the Wiki's available here on the site, you would see that what you have been told is very much corroborated there.
We are all here to help one another with the process of getting to our loved ones, and being forewarned is forearmed, but acting hostile to the other posters isnt going to earn you any friends, and soon you may find yourself with a lot less allies to help answer questions on your journey.

Good luck with your visa, I hope the process is smooth for you.

Excuse me? My english is better then most Americans. Im being hostile? Sure because you assuming my english sucks because Im from Montreal aint? That discriminatory. And I know the difference between facts and opinions. And some people in here have been rude before I have. If they would answer my questions without a sarcastic tone there woudnt be any problems. I know and understand where everyone is coming from but there is no need for unnecessary sarcasm or senseless sense of humour.

Edited by D&JDianaM, 28 July 2010 - 11:09 AM.

UndefinedFemaleCanada2010-07-28 11:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNow this is upsetting.

I was offering some friendly advice on how to deal with authorities in the US, and you responded by biting my head off. You've done the same with a few other posters here. I think your problem is obvious. Law enforcement officers in the US are not the same as they are in Canada, and that isn't likely to change regardless how big a tantrum you throw. If you are flippant or rude with a law enforcement officer in the US, as you have been with people in this thread, then you will find yourself face down on the concrete with your hands cuffed behind your back. They hold all the cards, and they can make your life as uncomfortable as they want.

It's true that no matter how nice you are you will sometimes be singled out for "special" attention. As I said, don't take it personally. Remain calm and answer their questions, no matter how much pressure they apply. Entering the US is entirely at the discretion of the CBP officer. They can turn you away for any reason whatever. Insisting that they owe you respect or courtesy or even an explanation will only ensure that you get "special" treatment the next time, and possibly every time you attempt to cross the border.

I could say much more, but sadly I fear it will fall on deaf ears. Good luck living in the US. :blush:

True. You are right. Still sucks lol. Yeah I wish Canada woudnt be so nice sometimes. I find my country is too nice sometimes but anyways lol. Please I am all ears(promise I wont bite this time lol). Im just very opiniated, stubborn and get defensive too much sometimes I guess. (Im working on that) I know I got to be calm. That no matter what, they have the power and I cant do nothing about it. Still sucks lol. I bet you they have no power outside their jobs but also they should leave their personal matter at home. Anyways im gonna shut up about this matter. We all have different opinions. I respect yours, you respect mine. That final. Anyways what else should I know? :P lol Thanks once again.
UndefinedFemaleCanada2010-07-28 11:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNow this is upsetting.

Would you feel any better if I told you that sometimes they even grill and give the 3rd degree to returning US CITIZENS? While it's true they can't send a USC back to where they came from, they can certainly slow down their return and make it generally unpleasant.

It's THEIR game. YOU have to play it...

yeah so just because you are ''American'' you think you have all the privileges in this planet? That the problem that most of you think your God gift. NOT! Chill you make other people look bad. lol. P.S Not all Americans are bad my Fiancee is amazing hehe :)
UndefinedFemaleCanada2010-07-27 21:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNow this is upsetting.

Would you feel any better if I told you that sometimes they even grill and give the 3rd degree to returning US CITIZENS? While it's true they can't send a USC back to where they came from, they can certainly slow down their return and make it generally unpleasant.

It's THEIR game. YOU have to play it...

True but no less frustrating. And CHILL! No need to be damn rude.


This is pretty funny. :lol:

LMAO! funny because being so rude is unecessary.
UndefinedFemaleCanada2010-07-27 21:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNow this is upsetting.
I get where you are coming from JimVaPhuong but I dont agree with you. And its not true they are just doing their ''jobs'' and trying to keep the ''bad'' ones out. They let more bad in then good. And Im sorry they are the ones who take things for granted and think they have every right in this world. I get where you are coming from and I do understand but im sorry I dont care who you are and what you do. I get I need to be calm and cool but they sometimes make it hard and im the one being arrogant? Excuse me some of them pounce on you even before you approach them or even before they see you or you talk to them. You can be the nicest person alive if they woke up from the wrong side of the bed it dont matter. So all of you saying they are just doing their jobs blah blah is delusional and full of #######. But its your opinion and I respect that. So respect mine. If not stop responding. Im tired of people getting repetetive and not respecting my opinion. We all had different experiences so deal with it. Thank you.

I went in late May- took with reciept for june, phone bill, and a letter from my employer stating when i was due back at work.
they never asked for anything...just the usual questions. I knew what to take becuase i did my homework here. We all know how you feel...long distant r/s arent easy...but we're on your side remember? Best advice...go expecting the happy if you they let you in. Above all don't have attitude.

Thanks. :) I'll keep that in mind. I like your answer short and to the point :P not like many in here they babble on and I still didnt get an answer to my question. Like most CBP they just babble on and you're like huh? lol
UndefinedFemaleCanada2010-07-27 21:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNow this is upsetting.

Mathew and I both visited multiple times during our visa process. Never had a bit of trouble.

I am curious, though. If you can't stand Americans so much why are you moving here? In both of your threads you've spoken about how awful Americans are and how we take things for granted. If you don't like us so much, why doesn't he move to you???

And always, ALWAYS remember that your attitude can have A LOT to do with getting through at the border. If you act towards them the way you act on these boards sometimes that may be part of the reason why they've been reluctant to let you through. That may not be the case, and I'm sure that you're going to say that no one understands what you've been through but I assure you others have been through the same exact thing as you. Many people have not been let through to other countries. Many people have been treated worse. And not just at the American borders. Many Americans have been treated like ####### at other country borders, just as many other citizens of different countries have been treated badly. There is no fair in this fight. CBP officers have all of the power and we have NONE. All we can do is hope that they're having a nice day, that our evidence of return is sufficient, and that we get let through. There is never a guarantee.

True. And I dont hate Americans or U.S. Or I woudnt have got engaged to one and been battling to be with him. Its just sometimes the whole Canada/U.S. things after a while gets to you. But you're right. It sucks that they have so much power. When probably out of their field they have none. And yes I know I gotta be calm and collected but man that dont help when they already decided to not let someone in and boom its my turn lol. But I get what you're saying. Im trying my hardest. But I know I gotta try harder. Thanks for your support and advice :) good luck to u too. :)
UndefinedFemaleCanada2010-07-27 15:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNow this is upsetting.

You can PM me by clicking on my VJ name and the choosing to send a message.

Yes you should try and cross but don't expect to get in. Go prepared to get denied (sort of plan for the worst but hope for the best). You'll need to be polite "yes sir" and "no ma'am" no matter how upset you are or how riled they try and get you. When they finally let me in, the woman said "I'll charge you with fraud right now, tell me the truth" so which I replied "yes ma'am, I am telling the truth, here is my proof".

It is heaps harder to get in once you have been deined. Again, did you sign anything or have anything written in your passport?

Good luck

No I have nothing in my passport and I didnt sign anything. Sorry I didnt answer you right away yesterday. They suspended me :P lol
How you doing? :)

We all know how difficult it is to have to wait to be with our loved one so I'm not trying to sound harsh, either, but why doesn't he just visit you during the wait?

It's the ONLY option available to the majority of us. Remember, at least you have a chance of being allowed a visit before receiving your visa. From what I understand, being turned around at the border (for reasons of possible immigrant intent) won't affect your K-1 visa, so you can always try. And, if you don't get in now but have ever had the opportunity to visit him in the U.S. before the K-1 petition was filed, you're already more fortunate than most.

He came visit me last month :). I know thanks for your opinion and advice :).

D&JDianaM - a quick question. You got these same answers from people in the Cdn forum (including the folks who are Cdn and responded to you in this threadtoo) and we have all said that yes you can visit and there are some worst case scenarios where people have been denied and then successful at other attempts (ie: canadian _wife).

Nno one can give you the 100% "YES" answer that you're looking for, that you won't be denied or pulled into secondary first. Get you evidence together and plan a trip - if they deny you again then I guess somebody peed in the border guard's cornflakes that day or YOU didn't have the evidence they thought proved ties. It's as siumple as that. Folks here have told you everything they know that would be helpful.

You can rant as much as you like here about the injustice of it all, but eventually it won't do much good. Get prepared and give it another shot. or ask your Fiancé to come visit instead and avoid the hassle entirely.

They throw people out for way worse things then not having the right ties....and you can yell discrimination as loud as you like, but I suggest you get over it.

Sorry to be harsh...but your ranting is not helping you get to where you want to be - which is visiting your Fiancé...right?

Yeah. True. Thanks.

Agreed - we Cdn's take what we are allowed to do for is so much harder from other countries.

Actually we dont. Maybe some do. But Americans are the ones that take things for granted more. Of course not all of them.

Just got back yesterday... been over 7 times in the last month and a half. It all depends on the officer when you enter the US and if they believe you are entering with good intentions (assuming you are).

Aren't you a lucky one? eh? ;) good for you.
UndefinedFemaleCanada2010-07-27 15:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNow this is upsetting.

Trust me, I know how you feel. I was denied entry, not once...but twice! So I get your pain. I also successfully crossed about 3 weeks after my last denial so I know what they are expecting and what you should plan on doing.

Was anything written in your passport? Did you sign anything when you were denied?

Sadly, crossing into a new country is a privledge and no, we dont' have any rights. It's not fiar how they treat us but honestly, they have the power. Suck it up and move forward, if you plan on crossing then PM me and I'll get you well armed!

Good luck

omfg thank you. :) umm what ur pm? hehe :P yes should I try and cross? some says it depends on the P.O.E. so should I try and go? please all the advice you can give me thanks :) my email is i have yahoo messenger too
UndefinedFemaleCanada2010-07-26 14:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNow this is upsetting.

Entrance and duration of stay is up to the border agent. Have you been denied entry before? That makes it more difficult but not impossible to visit. Make sure you cross with a copy I-129F and ties to Canada to help your crossing

Good luck

Yes I was denied entry with no explanation and I filed a complaint against discrimination. I know everyone in here says we have no rights, and they are doing their jobs and they are entitled to everything and can treat you however they want. But that not true. if you havent been thru what I have been thru u cant understand. im not trying to be a victim or whatsoever. is just some of this people in here act like some of the cbp officers ect. they think they own the world and are God gifts and can treat anyone however they want bc they can or think they can. abuse of power has no mercy. its sad. i know it is how it is and i get it but that dont mean i cant vent. :( thanks you been so nice to me :) and helpful i dont want pity or simpathy i just want answers and the cbp officers ect are obliged to such commands. they are paid for it. its their jobs. thanks once again :)
UndefinedFemaleCanada2010-07-26 13:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNow this is upsetting.

yes, you can visit - but only if the customs officer allows you. what can help you gain entry is evidence that you will be returning to canada, for example a lease or letter from your employer. the reason you're getting both answers, yes and no, is because anytime you attempt to cross a border there is a possibility of being denied.

and what in the world are you talking about, you called 10,000 people? it really isn't that complicated. plan a trip, and take some evidence of your intended return.

Im sorry I didnt mean to be rude. It just im so confused. I dont know what to do. Ive got so many different replies and all and some people are so rude. :(
UndefinedFemaleCanada2010-07-26 13:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNow this is upsetting.

yes, you can visit - but only if the customs officer allows you. what can help you gain entry is evidence that you will be returning to canada, for example a lease or letter from your employer. the reason you're getting both answers, yes and no, is because anytime you attempt to cross a border there is a possibility of being denied.

and what in the world are you talking about, you called 10,000 people? it really isn't that complicated. plan a trip, and take some evidence of your intended return.

lmao no I didnt call 10 000 people its just an expression and I think to whom said you can visit they just risked it and got away with it.
UndefinedFemaleCanada2010-07-26 13:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNow this is upsetting.
Ok now you all gotta explain. Why you kept on saying a person could go visit their fiancee during the visa process. when i went and called 10000 people without telling them who I was and my situation and some yes and they all said no you cant go! Why you all said this? Did the rules change? did all of you went like long time ago and you could and now you cant? because ive heard and been told so many rules changed lord you cant keep up. they keep on changing and they keep on getting ruder and ruder. Anyways if you aint the one determined and push for answers and info no one aint gonna give it to you neither the ones who are paid to do so and are obliged. like the gov, cbp officers, poe officers ect. anwyays let me all know ur opinions on this and all. guess i gotta wait for my visa to be approved. :( thanks
UndefinedFemaleCanada2010-07-26 13:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDenied at us border!
Dont be afraid. Never give up. I feel your pain. Ive been there. And yes they might have the power. But dont let that get to you or bring you down. Because you would be giving them the satisfaction and whom believes in them. Be strong and never give up. And dont be hesitant on venting. If you want you can vent to me. im a good listener. not much of a talker it seems it gets me in trouble lol (I gotta learn to deal with my emotions better) :blush: good luck and be prepared and calm and collected as many said in here even tho its very hard to do believe me.
UndefinedFemaleCanada2010-07-28 15:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProxy wedding and k-1 form

The way this reads to me, and I could be completely wrong in this, is that through the entire immigration process you are not seen as married, and neither is she. But if, and this is a big IF, your petition was approved and she was granted a visa, then once she arrived in the USA you wouldn't need to get married because as soon as she enters the country and marriage is consummated, it is fully legal.

Yes that is how it works. As soon as we are together and consummate the marriage, we are legal married for immigration rules. So I can not see her in person until she has entered the USA. If we do meet before, it voids the k-1 paper work and we start over on the process. Currently we can file joint tax returns, she is legally my wife for my retirement funds, and everything else. It is only immigration that does not see her as my wife. It appears only immigration papers should not list us as married. It will work out. Her interview is September. We checked out the legal stuff ahead a time. We did not check on the correct way to answer this on the forms.

By the way the Moscow Embassy was very nice to her. Last spring she had to visit there. She needed to sign the POA. We had to have the signature notarized at the Moscow Embassy. I hope they are as nice for the interview.
hobbitofohioMaleRussia2010-08-13 18:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProxy wedding and k-1 form

A K1 beneficiary/applicant or petitioner would not have a spouse.

Thank you
hobbitofohioMaleRussia2010-08-13 18:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProxy wedding and k-1 form
U.S. Department of State Foreign Affairs Manual Volume 9 - Visas states:

9 FAM 40.1 N1.3-2 Unconsummated
(CT:VISA-1165; 03-06-2009)
A proxy marriage, that has not been subsequently consummated, does not
create or confer the status of “spouse” for immigration purposes pursuant to
INA 101(a)(35). A party to an unconsummated proxy marriage may be
processed as a nonimmigrant fiancé(e). A proxy marriage celebrated in a
jurisdiction recognizing such marriage is generally considered to be valid,
thus, an actual marriage in the United States is not necessary if such alien is
admitted to the United States under INA provisions other than as a spouse.
(See 9 FAM 41.81 N1.1.)

She is not confered by Immigration the status of spouse. So she is correctly being processed as a nonimmigrant fiancee (K-1). So this means we do not fill in forms listing me husband?
hobbitofohioMaleRussia2010-08-13 13:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProxy wedding and k-1 form

Push, maybe you're the best to answer this

What if they file for a K-1 and THEN visit, and thus consumating the marriage. They would no longer qualify for the K-1 correct?

That is correct.

I asked because the form ask if we are married. Texas and Ohio say yes, IRS say yes, but immigration says no. So it is confussing how to correctly answer the forms. We do not want to create a problem when we adjust her visa. They will see a June marriage date on Texas marriage license, but later dated immigation papers say we are not married.
hobbitofohioMaleRussia2010-08-13 11:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProxy wedding and k-1 form
Natasha and I married in a Texas proxy wedding June 8th, 2010. We have not seen each other since December 2008. US Immigration law does not view us as married. (It will after we are together.) We are married legally for all other parts of the government. So on DS 156 and DS 230, Natalia should list us as married. Is this correct?

Should I make a statement noterized statement that we will not see each other until she arrives in US?

Thank you for your help
hobbitofohioMaleRussia2010-08-13 11:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow many photos to include?
We gave them 5 photographs of our two meetings. Each photograph was labeled with place and date. We could have sent one photograph. Five was our version of over kill.

At the interview Natasha brought the five photographs with. The officer did not want to see them. One woman had an album of over 200 photographs! Natasha and a friend, who was also being interviewed the same day, hoped the officer did not want to see that many photographs. It would have made the interview much longer and the wait was 2+ hours without the large number of photographs.
hobbitofohioMaleRussia2010-09-21 12:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy Fiancee is a Political Refugee
Thanks so much!!!!...that makes me feel a little better that his status shouldn't be an issue.... but naturally I am still super stressed about the whole process but any relief is a good thing...and hopefully the translations will come in the mail in the next few days and we can get this thing mailed in!!!!!
Tamara and MehdiFemaleIran2010-02-01 21:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy Fiancee is a Political Refugee
Hi everyone!!

My fiancee and I are getting ready to file for the k-1 visa and I just was wondering if anyone could answer my question. See my Fiancee Mehdi is a politcal refugee. He is Iranian but is currently living in Turkey (where him and I met). We meet all the requirements for the visa ...we have seen eachother in person in the past 2 years, we have tons and tons of proof of relationship so thats not a problem but because he is a refugee Im alittle concerned that there could be some problems because of it. He has legal refugee status in Turkey and he is registered with the UNHCR. Ive asked a few people their opinions on this but no one has a clue, even my father who actually works for the US State Dept and Homeland Security cant give me an answer maybe some on here has been in this situation and can give me some insight. Thanks sooo much in advance for any opinions or advice you all may have!!!!


Tamara and MehdiFemaleIran2010-02-01 01:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConcerns about pictures and question about letter from family
ok i could be stating something completely redundant lol but I just read in the RFE thread that the primary evidence is boarding passes, receipts, emails and hard copy type things....we do talk on the phone more than we email but we do have probably 100+ emails talking about everything from day to day life, to our wedding and arguing over the wedding dress color, to fights about comments other people have made on pictures, to simple but sweet emails simply saying i love and miss you....should we include many many of these right off the bat to prove an ongoing relationship? Thanks so much Alan!!!
Tamara and MehdiFemaleIran2010-02-02 22:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConcerns about pictures and question about letter from family
I am hoping that I will be able to attend his interview, it all depends on my job..Im an athletic trainer so it may be difficult depending on when in the year his interview takes place...good to know that I dont really need a letter so thats one less thing I need to worry about. Yes you are right my father hasnt met him but my mother has...I am now very worried about the visitation because we have only seen each other face to face one time and that was when I met him and it was a love at first sight thing ( cheesy I know) but we have ....I was on a trip with my mother when I met him and Im sure she has all the receipts and I have the stamps in my passport...i have a ring....hes spoken with my parents about our marriage...we have emails about wedding Im very worried that even with all we know about each other and all the plans we have discussed about our future may not be enough proof...he is the love and light of my life and I will be destroyed if we are denied because of this....but thank you Alan for the reality check it will prepare us to be ready for the worst ...I realize that we may have been unrealistic in thinking that "our love would get us through" and now I guess we may pay for that unfortunately
Tamara and MehdiFemaleIran2010-02-02 21:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConcerns about pictures and question about letter from family
I keep reading on here about how important it is to have a lot of pictures for your proof of relationship and how for many people they only looked at their pictures and did not look at other evidence....this is starting to freak me out because we do not have a lot of pics together...we have 2 with just us and 1 with me, him, my mom and one of my moms this going to hurt us in the end but we weren't dating when I saw him so we didnt take a lot of pictures....we have a lot of emails and some instant message conversations but we mostly talk on the phone (usually multiple times a day)..Im just beginning to freak out that because we dont have a lot of pics and a lot of instant messages this is going to hurt us later down the road

my other question is about family members writing a letter on our behalf. My mother has met my fiance in person and they get along very well and speak periodically, my father has not met him in person but they talk often and are very close...Many of my friends are suggesting that my father should write a letter on our behalf....Why my father and not my mother who has met him some have asked..My father works for the US Dept of State and Homeland Security and they feel that it will be benificial to our evidence if he approves of the marriage...My question is...are letters even necessary or do they see them as something not needed and if my father writes a letter will they feel as if we are trying to use him to push our application along or maybe they will treat us more harshly just to prove a point that it doesnt matter who you are we can deny you too type i just over analyzing this and should I just make sure he does not include his job position...or does it even matter with backround checks and what not is that something they will find out anyway....Although I want my fiance here more than anything I want this to be something we accomplished on our own and I dont want to feel like "daddy had to take care of things" if that makes sense.

Thanks in advance for any advice
Tamara and MehdiFemaleIran2010-02-02 20:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI have a K1 paperwork question, but also need advice - My fiance is giving up hope that we will ever be together :'(
I know how you are feeling...My fiance is also terrified about being denied for the k-1 visa...but you just need to keep reminding him that in the end it will be worth all the work and waiting and stress....if he doesnt come around then you may need to re-evaluate things. As for the police reports not all countries require Fiance is from Iran and we do not have to submit a police report for him....I know somewhere on here there is a list of countries that dont require reports....I wish I could be more help about that and if I come across where I saw it I will let you know....Just keep your head up and stay positive because that will help him to be more positive as well....Best of luck!!!!
Tamara and MehdiFemaleIran2010-02-01 22:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurescertified translation?
thanks everyone!!! I emailed the consulate and they said I needed to have a professional do them.....sooo now I have to find one ....anyone have any ideas?? lol
Tamara and MehdiFemaleIran2010-02-06 08:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurescertified translation?

You can find the answer by emailing the consular in the embassy the interview will be in.

My wife and I emailed Moscow and they said copies of documents and translations do not need to be notarized. Now we are confused on if she should translate her own documents, or if we should still have a professional do it.

I am still waiting for my NOA1, so until then we are in the same boat.

I think I am going to resend my email to Moscow asking more specifically if we can translate our own documents and if we need proof of authenticity.

Thanks so much...and good luck with your process I hope its speedy!!!!....Im just starting to get overwhelmed and Im terrified that I will do something wrong and things will be delayed because of something I did or did not do..and I have so many questions and I get so confused and second guess myself sometimes...wheew I need to relax lol..hopefully I will be able to find all my answers and everything will work out!!! Thanks again!!
Tamara and MehdiFemaleIran2010-02-03 19:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurescertified translation?
could someone please tell me if translations of documents have to done by someone certified to translate or if they can be done by anyone who speaks and reads both languages fluently...thanks so much!!
Tamara and MehdiFemaleIran2010-02-03 18:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1: Civil ceremony, then a later, bigger ceremony?
My fiance and I plan on doing what Magpie did....I like the whole renewal of vows a year or two to the date that we will be married in a civil ceremony. All our family and friends know about this plan and also think its a great idea....they only asked that we have some kind of party after the civil ceremony to celebrate ( which we plan on doing)...i think whichever way you go all that matters is that it was special for you guys!!!
Tamara and MehdiFemaleIran2010-02-10 17:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPakistani Fiance and I Are Meeting in A 3rd Location Soon...
the signed letter of intent to marry
Tamara and MehdiFemaleIran2010-02-28 23:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A Form Question.
Could somebody please tell what “File Number” field is for? It is located in the top right corner of the G-325A Biographic Information form. There is A filled in this field like for Alien number but they would usually say Alien Number. “File Number” makes no sense to me. Please help! Thanks!
dxg68MaleUkraine2009-09-30 07:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTwo questions. Please help.
The current G-325A form is NOT two-page document. It has only one page that needs to be filled out. Second page is instructions unless I see it wrong. It looks like I need to submit one page for me and one for my fiancé unless I misunderstood instructions for I-129F.
dxg68MaleUkraine2009-10-07 11:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTwo questions. Please help.
Thank you very much for the responses! As always I had all of my questions answered. Who needs immigration lawyer with such great support!!! good.gif
dxg68MaleUkraine2009-10-07 07:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTwo questions. Please help.
I was carefully reading “Step-by-Step Guide on How to File for a K-1 Visa for your Foreign Fiance(e)” which is a great source of information and answers many questions.

Under ”Assembling the I-129F Package: Checklist” it says:
“Be sure to make four copies of the completed "Biographic Information" page (G-325A form) to submit with the package”

My question is where does the requirement to submit four copies of each G-325 form come from? This is first time I hear about it. Is it a true requirement?

And I have another question. My certificate of citizenship was obtained through naturalization and has no information on the back side. It is a requirement to submit the copies of both sides of the certificate. In my case the back side will just be the blank page. Should I just write on this page that it is back side of my certificate? Or what would you do?

Thank you very much for your responses and great help!!!

dxg68MaleUkraine2009-10-07 06:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of being never married???
Thank you all for your help!!!
dxg68MaleUkraine2009-10-13 08:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of being never married???
I am divorced and I will send the copy of my divorce decree to prove that my marriage ended. My fiancé was never married. Do we need any proof to show that she was never married? It looks like you have to prove everything. But I did not see this in the required documents. Did you guys send any proof that somebody was never married? If yes then what was it? Thanks for your help!!!
dxg68MaleUkraine2009-10-13 07:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMiddle Name Question.
Gary, Thank you for the explanation!
dxg68MaleUkraine2009-10-25 08:15:00