IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCASE COMPLETE!!!

I have never been superticious, but our case was completed on a Tuesday 13th. I´m a now a believer. Exactly six months after sending I-130.
It was strange how I find out on my case from the NVC. I´ve been calling them every other day for about two weeks to check on our status, and I´ve spent ( as many of you already know) about 10 minutes on average to be assisted by an operator. Well, today it was different. It was 8 am EDT when I called, but instead of being prompted by the recorded voice message, I got a live voice... very rare indeed. And that´s the way my phone crusade with NVC came to a close. Ten more days for the case to arrive at Managua. I inmediately called my wife and woke her up to share the news.
My next update will be after my wife receives Instruction Packet.


01-28-06 - Wedding
I- 130
09-13-06 - Mailed I-130
09-18-06 - CSC received
09-25-06 - NOA1 mailed
09-28-06 - NOA1 received
12-11-06 - RFE mailed
12-13-06 - RFE received
12-14-06 - Mailed RFE (Birth Certificate)
12-21-06 - RFE received
12-27-06 - Petition approved!!!
12-28-06 - NOA2 mailed / E-mail notified
01-04-06 - NOA2 received

01-05-07 - Assigned case number
01-15-07 - DS-2032(Choice of Agent Generated)/AOS I-864 bill generated
01-17-07 - E-mailed Choice of Agent
01-20-07 - Mailed AOS I-864 payment
01-29-07 - AOS application and IV Bill generated
02-05-07 - AOS (I-864EZ) application sent
02-05-07 - IV Bill received
02-07-07 - IV Bill sent (Overnight)
02-07-07 - AOS (I-864EZ) received at NVC
02-08-07 - IV Bill received at the Saint Louis Center (12:32pm)
02-12-07 - IV Bill entered into NVC system
02-19-07 - DS-230 package generated
02-20-07 - DS-230 sent
02-23-07 - DS-230 received at NVC (8:17am)
02-26-07 - DS-230 package entered into NVC system
03-13-07 - CASE COMPLETE

Great news and congrats!
Pam&MbayeFemaleKenya2007-03-18 07:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCASE COMPLETE!!!!
I called the NVC yesterday and the AVS said the case was completed on 23 March 07. Does anyone know what happens from this point since the NVC will be the one scheduling our interview for the country that my husband will interview in? Also is there a link I can go to, to read about the process?

I am happy but calm I don't want to get too excited just in case there is a hiccup :dance:

Thanks! (F) (F) (F)
Pam&MbayeFemaleKenya2007-03-25 06:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedures!!!!!!!!! 2 YEAR PERMANENT RESIDENCY CARD!!!!!!!!!

:dance: :dance: Just recieved my(2 YEAR) Permanent Resident Card in the Post today!!!!!! :dance: :dance:


Getting ready for my Interview @ Home Depot B) at 5pm Massachusetts Time (TODAY)Friday :D

I Hope everyone is feeling as good as I am AT THIS PARTICULAR POINT IN TIME !!!


PAUL :star:

A BIGGGGGGG Congrats to you and all the best on your interview :dance: :dance: :thumbs:
Pam&MbayeFemaleKenya2007-06-03 14:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMy Visa Story is Becoming A Nightmare

sounds like a real mess! I am sorry for the trouble you are going through. We kind of encountered an unfortunate situation ourselves. My husband was approved for visa and was told he would receive it within a few weeks. Well two weeks no visa, after calls and emails to embassy, they assured us that it was mailed out. Still no visa. My husband just went to the embassy to speak to somebody and he did talk to a worker there and after 2 hours of waiting in the embassy, they found his passport sitting under a pile of paperwork! Hopefully, your husband can make a trip to the embassy and speak to someone face to face. I hope that you both are reunited very soon!

You are right this is a HUGE MESS!! My husband is planning on making a trip down to the Embassy to talk with someone about this. It's a shame that this process is not transparent and everything seems to be such a big freakin mystery. I don't know how in the world a government entity like this one can survive. If the whole of USCIS, NVC, and the Embassies were ran by the private sector and not the government, their would have been a shake up in management and restructuring of the companies. So much for government efficiency!

Thanks for your kind words Mary (F)
Pam&MbayeFemaleKenya2007-06-02 18:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMy Visa Story is Becoming A Nightmare


I was sorry to read about your experience and the feelings of helplessness you are going through now.  You are not the only couple that has been told the visa would be ready in such and such time frame and have it come and go and no visa in hand.  It sounds like your husband is in Administrative Processing since he coming on a CR1.  All checks have to be done prior to the issuance of this visa since the AOS processing is done before he enters the USA.  A congressman or senator cannot expedite the checks and all I can suggest is that you take the journey one day at a time.  The embassy/consulate keeping the passport keeps him from traveling and his security checks from being void if he is moving around after they have cleared his status.

Take care and hopefully they can get the checks done soon and issue his visa.


Hi Mary,
Thanks for the support and I would agree with you about Administrative processing except for the fact that they have my husband listed in the system as a no show for the interview when in fact he was given an interview, and the fact that he was not issued a 221g and given a purple card which is what is given when you are coming back to the embassy to collect your visa. Also, the person he spoke with over the phone said if he was in administrative processing he would have gotten a 221g and the purple card means that his passport was taken for visa issuance. I guess time will tell and if in fact he is in Administrative processing then they should let him know that as well.

Pam&MbayeFemaleKenya2007-06-02 18:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMy Visa Story is Becoming A Nightmare
My visa journey is getting worse by the minute. I wrote a little while ago that my husband had not been contacted to pick up his visa after being told he would be contacted in two weeks and given a purple card to collect his visa once it was ready. It has now been a month on Friday since they told us it would take two weeks. My husband is a foreign national working in Saudi who now has had his salary witheld because he has not returned his passport due to the embassy having his passport to issue him a visa. Both my husband and myself have been calling the embassy like crazy starting the second week of waiting and could not reach anyone. Finally my husband spoke to someone in the office this past Wednesday and he told them about the situation of the timetable he was given to pick up his visa and was given the general reply of be patient and then he told the person he spoke with on the phone that his salary was being witheld and his contract was ending soon with the company he works for and he would have to leave the country immediately. The person that he spoke with on the phone was surprised about this developement (even though my husband told the officer who interviewed him that he they could not keep his passport for a long period of time because he had to return it to the company, he was assured by the CO it would be two weeks and everything would be okay). The person he spoke with on the phone said she would put a note on the file explaining the situation and to contact them back in another 10 days. In the meantime I called the US State Department in Washington DC and was asked did my husband have his interview and my response was yes and she said are you sure? I said yes I am sure and that he was told his visa would be ready in two weeks and given a purple card, she then informed me that in the system they had him listed as a.....get this....NO SHOW!!!!! OH MY GOD I hit the roof, I was livid to say the least. She said that the officer hadn't even put the notes in the system and that they must be very busy in Riyadh. Well, I call it incompetence! She told me to send the US Embassy in Riyadh an email and told me exactly what I should say, and if by the 9th of June nothing is done to call and ask for her and then she can begin an investigation concerning our visa.

I don't know why I am amazed that people don't give a rat's behind ( and I am being nice) about the games people are playing with your life. It's one thing to receive a 221g and have to play the waiting game which I know has got to be a hell in itself, it's another thing to be told you will receive your visa and given the card to pick it up and play the waiting game again. I have surgery I have been putting on hold because I am waiting for my husband to arrive to help me since I will need care once I am out of surgery. I have no family here in the state I am in. I will have to go ahead and schedule the surgery and hope that someone in my family (I live in Ohio and my family live in California) can take leave from their job to help me once I come out of surgery, If not I will have to go into a nursing home to recuperate. I can't put the surgery off any longer and here I am still playing the waiting game.

I thought about contacting my congressman, but then my husband told me to hold off on that because it might make things worse for us since they have us over a barrel. I think we have a lot of incompetence at the Embassy. How freakin long does it take to stamp a visa in the passport after you have been approved for a visa? This nightmare is dragging on and on, so pray for me because I sometimes feel like I am going to lose my mind with all of this waiting around and having people lie to you constantly, tell you one thing and do another, and I believe purposely try to break up marriages because of all the stress they put on your marriage. This is what happens when you do the right thing and file your paperwork and pay your fees and follow the rules you get screwed, if you do the wrong thing and walk, crawl, dig, lie to get across the border somehow you are welcomed with open arms, to hell with the people who have been waiting years for a visa to join family members, too bad for those who file fiance visas with all your evidence of a bonified relationship that will lead to marriage and especially to bad for all those who marry and file your I130, too bad you followed the law, now isn't that freakin amazing??

Thanks for allowing me to vent and any suggestions or words of encouragement would be appreciated.
:ranting: :ranting: one livid woman in Ohio!
Pam&MbayeFemaleKenya2007-06-02 16:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresEmail from the Embassy

CR-1 cases have to have all the clearances done since their visa does not have an AOS processing once in the states. I feel for you and know of one person that went thru another embassy and had the same problem with them holding his passport. I know you cannot rush AP and the emails are canned responses. Nothing I can say but I will be thinking of you both during this time. Take care.

A lightbulb just went off in my head, you gave me a different way of looking at this. I really hadn't thought about the AOS, and the fact that he will have his GC when he gets here, I seem to overlook that fact! Thanks for the reminder I needed it and thanks for your thoughts. Sometimes all it takes is a reminder and to hear the words from someone else. It would make things easier if he were here with me.

Thanks again!

You are not the only one who has experienced this. Please stay strong, you will hear the good news soon. Mary experienced it first hand, so her advices would be the best one you can get here. We are here for you as friends.

Simple, thanks for the encouragement and it's really nice knowing that there are people like yourself and others who are there to listen and give advice, I really do appreciate it. Thanks again (F)
Pam&MbayeFemaleKenya2007-06-15 19:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresEmail from the Embassy

CR-1 cases have to have all the clearances done since their visa does not have an AOS processing once in the states. I feel for you and know of one person that went thru another embassy and had the same problem with them holding his passport. I know you cannot rush AP and the emails are canned responses. Nothing I can say but I will be thinking of you both during this time. Take care.

A lightbulb just went off in my head, you gave me a different way of looking at this. I really hadn't thought about the AOS, and the fact that he will have his GC when he gets here, I seem to overlook that fact! Thanks for the reminder I needed it and thanks for your thoughts. Sometimes all it takes is a reminder and to hear the words from someone else. It would make things easier if he were here with me.

Thanks again!
Pam&MbayeFemaleKenya2007-06-14 19:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresEmail from the Embassy

Administrative Processing does not have a time frame. I know in Islamabad most cases are 6 -9 months unless they have a common name, name hit or other reasons for them to check further. Almost all cases are given either one or two form letters that states they are in AP after their interview but a few persons have reported no papers were issued at the time. I would personally contact his company and give them a copy of your email from the embassy/consulate and tell the company that his passport is still with them for processing.

Embassies/consulates usually keep the passports to keep a person from traveling while in AR/AP since the movement will void the checks in process since it would require new security checks for the new travels. Good luck.


Thanks Mary but I have already told the embassy about the situation about his passport and I was told that they are here to serve me the American citizen and there is nothing they can do about his situation other then put a note on his file. The thing is before they took his passport my husband stated to them that there would be a problem if it was kept for a long period of time and he was assured it shouldn't take longer then two weeks to get his visa, they had approved him. He did explain the situation to his employer and gave them documentation from the embassy and they did not care , so you see it seems to me the embassy isn't worried about it and his employer doesn't care. I find it odd he was told he was approved for his visa and not given a 221g if they were putting him in administrative processing and this is where my confusion lies.
Pam&MbayeFemaleKenya2007-06-14 19:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresEmail from the Embassy
As most of you know my husband is from Kenya and interviewed in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia where he works. Long story short he interviewed, they kept his passport and was told he could collect his visa in two weeks, he was never given a 221g or issued anything that stated he was under administrative processing. He was given a card which would allow him to collect his visa at the embassy once he was contacted. I sent the embassy an email after one month had passed and this was the reply I received:

Thanks for your inquiry, regarding your husband's immigrant visa case. Your husband's case is still under administrative processing and I have no idea how long will take to complete. As soon as his case is approve for processing immigrant visa, I will notify him. Regards,

Sorry to sound ignorant of the facts but is this administrative processing that could take months even years to process? Oh and by the way the embassy can't tell me what administrative processing is because I asked the question and was told administrative processing is "administrative processing". I do know his passport is still at the embassy and haven't gone anywhere. Oh yeah and by the way to make this story even more interesting, his employer has frozen his salary until he returns his passport back to the company, so next month they will freeze it again if he doesn't present his passport to his company.

Has anyone had anything like this happen before? It would be a great help if I can get some responses to my email because at this point I don't understand how administrative processing work when you don't have a 221g issued. I thought they at least had to give you a 221g.

Pam&MbayeFemaleKenya2007-06-14 19:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresGoing Into Deep DEPERSION
Kjan I am waiting right along with you. It gets to be a bit much and very frustrating and even overwhelming. All, I can do is take it a day at a time and try not to look ahead other then saying eventually this to will pass. Hang in there and if the depression is getting to you definitely go talk to your physician and let him know what you are going through. It may not be depression it may be stress which by the way can make you sick.

Take care!
Pam&MbayeFemaleKenya2007-06-14 19:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresStill no visa

I can understand how frustrated you must be.

I would definitely call and find out what's happening, being as they have your husband's passport and they've had it for 8 weeks.

Good luck.

I've called and my husband has called the embassy and they have told us both that they will contact us when they are ready to issue the visa, until then they said they don't know how long it will take. This is so frustrating to me because they still have his passport and he is a foreign national in SA...and get this...because he has not returned his passport to his employer they have frozen his salary and will continueto do so until he returns the passport. Should he return his passport to his employer they will not give it back to him, and also keep in mind that if he goes to the embassy to get his visa they will want it back as soon as possible. One other thing I forgot to mention, the embassy is fully aware that his salary has been frozen. So as you can see this is a HUGE mess. He can't continue to do without a salary indefinitely and should they not call him in shortly to pick up his visa he will have no other choice but to ask for his visa and then everything will stop prematurely. I've contacted my congressman and he is looking into the matter but I don't know if that will help or not.
Pam&MbayeFemaleKenya2007-06-26 13:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresStill no visa
Still no Visa and I am tired of this whole process. I guess I still haven't been able to make sense of how the Embassy can keep my husband's passport and tell him his visa should be ready in two weeks and now we are going on the eighth week and still no visa and the embassy says it is still going through administrative processing with no 221g issued, and to make matters worse US state department has him listed as a "no show" for his interview with no notes listed in the database by the embassy in Saudi. Absolutely amazing how this is acceptable treatment.

Just me venting I suppose.
Pam&MbayeFemaleKenya2007-06-26 11:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFor those in AP/AR
While waiting out this AP looooooooong moment in time, I was up on the web trying to find out just why this process is taking so long and I found a website that explained it very well and I wanted to share it with all those in this proces:


Cut and paste and enjoy the read. The last statement on the website I found to be very interesting:

Every USCIS District Office performs regular reviews of the pending caseload to determine when cases have cleared and are ready to be decided. USCIS does not share information about the records match or the nature or status of any investigation with applicants or their representatives.

From what I gather it does no good to ask questions really because they do not share information on the nature or status of any investigation with applicants or their representatives. Meaning sit back relax continue on with life as usual and some day you just might get that call saying the visa is readyif all checks out well.

Have a nice day all (F)

Created: 03 May 2006 Updated: 03 May 2006
Pam&MbayeFemaleKenya2007-08-01 13:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresEvidence that bona fides your marriage
Thanks for the quick reply. Oh yeah, I have the affidavits also. I have 6 of them from friends and family most containing a good deal of candor and sincerity. Sounds like that may be sufficient and not pose a likely delay.
dagobert2MaleRussia2007-02-26 11:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresEvidence that bona fides your marriage
Hello to those whose wisdom regarding this process is greater than mine,
I am almost finished compiling the I-130 submission for my wife and step-son and would like to pose this question to someone with experience. The majority of requirements for this form seem rather straightforward. However the question of "documentation that may evidence the bona fides of your marriage" is a bit open ended. Particularly, item 6) "Any other documentation to establish that there is an ongoing maritial union". My question is what is generally considered sufficient versus gone completely overboard? At this point, I was planning to submit a copy of my trust certificate showing my wife is my trustee, photos showing our wedding day, meeting my family, etc., receipt for Valentine flowers, receipts for wedding expenses. I have read some threads that indicate that e-mails are not good evidence (easy to fake I suppose). What, if anything should I consider adding to my pile of evidence? Does the evidence for the consular interview need to be more substantial than what gets submitted via forms (I130 and I129F)?
Thanks for you help and guidance,
dagobert2MaleRussia2007-02-26 11:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresReturning to Country of Origin for IR-1/CR-1

If the I130 and I129F got approved at the same time. The USCIS will send your I130 to the National Record Center (NRC) to be held. If you stated on your I130, line 22 that the I130 should be processed at your consular post, then you should not have to fill out the I824 and pay the $200 fee. This happened to me, so I called CSC to point this out, and they are in the process of retrieving the I130 from NRC and will forward it to National Visa Center (NVC) for me without extra forms or fees.

How did you know they sent it to the NRC? Did they notify you somehow? It would be good not to have to pay the additional fees and file additional forms. Also, the USCIS system only shows one I130 approved and not the other so I doubt I will get all of the paper NOA2's necessary to file the I864's. How did you go about contacting the CSC directly? That is a tricky business.

Edited by dagobert2, 11 July 2007 - 03:45 PM.

dagobert2MaleRussia2007-07-11 15:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresReturning to Country of Origin for IR-1/CR-1


In some cases the immigrant visa can be faster than AOS now that the USCIS SCs are processing I-130 as fast or faster than I-129f, and providing that the USCIS doesn't hold the I-130 because the I-129f has already been approved. Will depend on the backlog at the USCIS District or Sub office v. the backlog at the consulate.

Can also be less expensive than AOS, expecially if the person wants to make a visit back home anyway.


My wife and I are currently processing through our K-3 petition and should be entering the NVC phase. My wife read somewhere that there are some advantages to returning to her country of origin to complete processing of our I130s (heres and my step-son's age 4) after they enter on the K-3. Is there anything to this? What are the advantages/disadvantages over US AOS processing? Is anyone familiar enough with the process to outline a timeline for country of origin processing?

Thanks Yodrak. It seems that USCIS has approved I130s simultaneously with the I129F. Would there still be some advantage to filing the I824 and paying the $200 fee? Would it interfere with the K3 process at all? In other words does the option to enter on K3 and file AOS still exist after an I824 is filed?
dagobert2MaleRussia2007-07-11 09:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresReturning to Country of Origin for IR-1/CR-1
My wife and I are currently processing through our K-3 petition and should be entering the NVC phase. My wife read somewhere that there are some advantages to returning to her country of origin to complete processing of our I130s (heres and my step-son's age 4) after they enter on the K-3. Is there anything to this? What are the advantages/disadvantages over US AOS processing? Is anyone familiar enough with the process to outline a timeline for country of origin processing?
dagobert2MaleRussia2007-07-10 22:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresShould I file for K3 visa
my husband came on k-3 and was in immistrative review. so yes it happens with k-3's also.
Donna AFemaleSyria2006-09-10 10:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC's "PENDING" bill. WIll not get June Interview:(
ugh, i'd trade places with you anytime.
we're just starting our NVC case number.
You're almost done.... hang in there.
lots of people here would really trade places with you.
chinese_muttFemalePhilippines2009-05-13 06:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresJust called to get an interview!
yeah, hang in there.. lots of people would trade places with you given the chance.
keep calling.. you know they give out standard answers anyway.
i'm sure once they assign an interview date to you.. they will inform you when you call.

good luck!!
chinese_muttFemalePhilippines2009-05-12 09:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresGot myself an interview!
chinese_muttFemalePhilippines2009-05-13 06:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVISA APPROVED!!!!!!!!!!!!
chinese_muttFemalePhilippines2009-05-13 06:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresa nightmare - need input
the record helps... but usually, the interviewee must answer the questions proficiently and must have all details of your life in order.
maybe someone here can refer you to a good immigration lawyer who can help you withdraw and refile a new petition.

I don't know for sure, but i read somewhere where it says when there's a misrepresentation in a petition, the beneficiary might get a ban or something like that.. NOT SURE.
chinese_muttFemalePhilippines2009-05-13 00:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMEDICAL EXAMINATION PROBLEM?????
I did some googling ...
here are some good suggestions...

COCOA BUTTER 100% (not cream)
ask your pharmasist to give you an OTC ointment or cream
chinese_muttFemalePhilippines2009-05-13 23:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMEDICAL EXAMINATION PROBLEM?????
QUOTE (married1989 @ May 14 2009, 11:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

hi!! honestly.. i don't know. if it is still really visibly it might raise some questions.
if not anymore.. then it won't be a problem.
as i suggested, send him some cream.. lots of them are available in US for sure.
or ask him to see a dermatologist about it.
here in the Philippines, the dermatologist have anti-scar treatments for deep pimple scars.
i would think that it works the same way for any other scars.
this is the best way to handle this. do not wait til the med exam...
try to heal the scar up long before the med exam.

don't worry too much.. just try to be pro-active in getting it patched up and lose it's red color.
if it turns like white lines and less visible by the time he takes the med exam.. then it won't be too much of a problem.

good luck! and let us know if you have more questions.
chinese_muttFemalePhilippines2009-05-13 22:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMEDICAL EXAMINATION PROBLEM?????
QUOTE (married1989 @ May 14 2009, 11:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
yeah it just looks like he wrote i miss you in a red pen now, thats what he told me, i dont think they have ant-scar scream in jerusalem, itll still show. im just worried theyll think something bad of him. it just says i miss you. am i being paranoid with all this, gosh i just wanna relax. he has no history problems whatsoever.

ugh.. try a dermatologist. usually, they would have certain mixtures to remove pimple scars.
if it is not too deep... that will work... in time it will go away.
some skin peeling ointments/toners would work too... just make sure that the wound is already healed up.
maybe you can ask your dermatologist to prescribe one... and send it to him in Jerusalem.

i'm sorry to hear this causes you stress.. believe me.. i've had quite a few worries about the medical exam too.
good thing everything is cleared up now. so I know how you feel.

Good luck and make sure no more writing of I MISS YOU in blood. Tell him a good hallmark card is the best way to do it. good.gif
chinese_muttFemalePhilippines2009-05-13 22:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMEDICAL EXAMINATION PROBLEM?????
QUOTE (married1989 @ May 14 2009, 10:36 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

uhmm.. not sure. sorry about this.
did it scar? When's his interview?
If it is still weeks away, get an anti-scar cream to treat it asap.
hope for the best.

chinese_muttFemalePhilippines2009-05-13 22:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDOES ANYBODY THINK THIS WILL BE A PROBLEM??
QUOTE (married1989 @ May 14 2009, 09:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
so does this mean his visa could be refused because he has I MISS YOU on his arm??????? what can happen?? everything else is in perfect order, we have everything we need, he just has this on his arm...

clear it up with a scar treatment ointment
or go for a Diamond Peel (go to dermatologist for this) or go for scar treatment.
if the interview and medical is still far off, you may still have a chance to cure the arm.
if not, still go to a dermatologist.

BUT I would say if it is really deep.. since this is subjective...
the health professional may want to subject him to mental disorder test.
as already said by lots of people, cutting is not an ordinary behavior...
even if it is a first time. we're not labelling your husband or anything, we're just saying
from the point of view of an outsider, even if this is the first time.. it may signal some sort of
depression or self-esteem problem.
After all that is said and done, there are quite a few 'immigrants' who did go 'mental' while staying in the US
shooting out number of people. And I'm sure the panel of doctors would note certain irregularities in the behavior of a person.

Talk to your husband, ask him what is up with him... this is not normal, really.. even if done only for the first time.

Good luck!

Edited by tngirl21809, 13 May 2009 - 10:36 PM.

chinese_muttFemalePhilippines2009-05-13 22:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIR-1 Visa Approved
chinese_muttFemalePhilippines2009-05-12 02:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswrong RFE demanded by NVC
Call NVC don't wait for them to tell you it is a false RFE.
I assume.. you can't just say you've submitted it already. They might have lost it or the copy looks like a photocopy or it has smudges, either way.. you may have to submitted new sets of documents.

Keep in mind you are talking to the goverment here, and you're the one who need them more. If you sit on this, you'll be the one to suffer anyways.

PS: Don't use ALL capital letters here. Feels like you are shouting on us.
chinese_muttFemalePhilippines2009-05-12 02:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI thought my case was complete!
maybe a false RFE??? I've heard some here are getting them
call nvc to confirm,
good luck!
chinese_muttFemalePhilippines2009-05-12 09:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresReplacing Sponsor after CR-1 is approved?
Jersey Girl:

Very interesting scenario, which also gave background detail for Meauxna's reply. Sounds like you have a well thought out plan. I was thinking I would go directly for the CR-1, not seeing any advantages with the K-3, but your scenario presents a viewpoint worth considering.

I also got quite a chuckle from your comment about not having "both USCIS and the IRS in my life at the same time" :lol:


I knew you would chime in sooner with some gems of wisdom... since your story was very helpful when I discussed my tax issues before. I also picked up on the thing about verifying how many tax returns I need, from your comment and Yodrak's.


Good point about the tax returns.

I think my question has been answered for now... back to working on my taxes! Thanks, again everyone! :thumbs:
Looking4WifeMaleColombia2006-05-25 17:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresReplacing Sponsor after CR-1 is approved?
[b]Thanks for all the responses, I appreciate it.[/b]

So again, what you need to provide is some context. Where are you in 'the process' and where do you expect to be at the "later time" when you wish to get rid of the joint sponsor?


The question was posed as a "scenario", with the intention for the reader to presume that I am "nowhere" in the process, because I have not yet started any application process.

Hence the point of me "considering discussing the possibility of (co-)sponsorship with my parents".

I stated that I was self-employed, and had some tax issues to sort out... as you may know, I would need to provide 3 years tax returns. In the archives I have previously posted more detail concerning my tax issues, but I didn't want to get people misdirected on other tangents that weren't pertinent to this specific question.

I thought my question was fairly straightforward... but maybe I am (admittedly) too ignorant on the "process" in order for you to give me a more useful answer. I'm sorry if I didn't meet your expectations. I'll try harder next time :yes:
Looking4WifeMaleColombia2006-05-24 15:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresReplacing Sponsor after CR-1 is approved?
So maybe I should rephrase my question...

Is it possible to get rid of co-sponsors, and remove them at a later time?
Looking4WifeMaleColombia2006-05-23 09:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresReplacing Sponsor after CR-1 is approved?
I'm sure this has been asked before, but I did make an honest attempt to find it in the archives...

This scenario invovles me as a USA citizen bringing a Colombian wife here in the near future.

Being self-employed, and having some complex tax issues to sort out, I am considering discussing the possibility of sponsorship with my parents. However, I would much rather be able to "relieve" them of sponsorship liabilities after I get my tax issues sorted out.

I dread the thought of getting my parents involved, but I am starting to think it may save me some time, especially if I can relieve them of the liability later.

If my parents financially sponsor a wife for me, i.e. Affidavit of Support, can I later relieve them of legal liability when I am in a better position to clear the immigration process without a sponsor?
Looking4WifeMaleColombia2006-05-22 13:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresGreen Card
Congratulations! :D
Looking4WifeMaleColombia2006-05-26 11:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR1 Divorce in Future - Help Needed

Sorry to hear about your situation. My prayers are with you.

It may be that it looks hopeless now, but your situation my be easily correctable. It really may be that you guys need to learn about each other "now" since you didn't spend enough time doing it "before". It may be that the adjustment was a bit much for her, and she doesn't cope with (drastic) change very well. Or it may be that she's a visa scammer, but either way you owe it to yourself to find out what's really going on before you just throw in the towel.

Unfortunately, living with your mother probably isn't doing "wonders" for your marriage either... even if your wife was expecting it, it just isn't the ideal scenario for bonding between husband and wife.

Check out, and look at the section on "Most Important Emotional Needs". After you check it out, then print out the Emotional Needs Questionnaire and go over it with your wife.

This way, you will find out INSTANTANEOUSLY what it will take for you to please her (if anything), and she will know what she needs to do to please you.

This simple exercise should reveal whether or not your wife is really in love with you or not.

If you think you and/or your wife may have been in love with each other at SOME point, then your marriage is likely salvageable. Check out the "Counseling" link at the same website. Don't be shocked, it is expensive ($185/hr.), but I GUARANTEE you that your divorce, and subsequently supporting a woman who is no longer your wife, or that you are separated from is FAR MORE EXPENSIVE.

The ironic thing about divorce is that you actually end up paying for TWO divorce attorneys... so if your attorney is $150/hr. (which is cheap) and hers is $150/hr., now you're up to $300/hr...

A friend of mine who is divorcing an AW had to pay for his attorney ($300/hr.), his wife's attorney, and a psychiatrist for his wife, and a psychiatrist for his children while his divorce was going on... can you say OUCH!
Looking4WifeMaleColombia2006-05-22 12:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSufficient Un-Adjusted Income With HUGE Tax Deductions?

As you indicated, line 22 on the 1040 is the magic number. I stumbled upon this today while doing a search on the USCIS site, and found the following on the AOS fact sheet:

"18. Which income line from the federal tax return is used for income determination?

The line for gross (total) income on IRS Forms 1040 (line 22 in 1996) and 1040A (line 14 in 1996) is used to determine income. The line for adjusted gross income is used for persons filing IRS Form 1040 EZ (line 4 in 1996)."

Looking4WifeMaleColombia2006-06-01 12:53:00