United KingdomFor everyone between NOA2 and interview in London

how are your wedding plans coming on?

Wedding plans... a mess :) We're just doing a super minimal thing with parents etc., but it still gets complicated, especially doing it alone! I can't imagine trying to plan anything with all those variables and time constraints, so I'm glad he and I both feel this way. I guess you do have 90 days, but that's not long to plan something like that if you want what has become the "typical american wedding."

So yeah, everything has it's complications with our relationship, but after this process, I'll have the patience of a saint :lol: I just cannot wait to be with him and I don't care how it happens. As for the planning, I think we've both put more effort into planning the honeymoon than the wedding, and I'm certainly looking forward to that!! :P

Haha I was trying to see your timeline there and I see you got your medical the same time my fiance did- smack in the middle of the riots. I was really worried about him as he lived in one of the impacted areas, but he still went of course. Then we tried to send the packet 3 and all the post offices were closed! Good grief!! Anyway, you haven't had any news? If so, that is awful!! And, bonus, monday is a holiday. I hope something happens for you because I know how it feels to wait. I am so grateful for my date, and I hope you get yours next week!
Jilli & AlesFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-09-02 22:33:00
United KingdomFor everyone between NOA2 and interview in London

It just seems that this nvc/embassy phase is taking much longer than all estimates that I had seen. I took so long to get the police check and medical out of the way that we lost any progress we had made by getting our NOA2 by june.

You're spot on there. I got my NOA2 on June 24. I was ecstatic!!!! But then it took 1 month at NVC (much longer than VJ suggests due to who knows what), and then three weeks to get logged here (the embassy suggests two).

What you are hearing is likely... okay it takes two weeks from when you get your medical to get your packet 4 (not really) and then they schedule the interview about a month out (not really). They add a few days here, a few there. You know. I thought I'd be done about a week from now going on the "standards" (we were going to get a ticket for October 1), but there will never be absolutes in this process.

I'm sorry you are stuck. It must not be long now!!
Jilli & AlesFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-09-02 07:23:00
United KingdomFor everyone between NOA2 and interview in London

Sorry for my vanishing act! Things got really dramatic and Brendan got kicked out of his house, invited back, then told he better book his flight fast because they no longer wanted to look at him, SO we booked his flight for September 3. He got his visa in the mail a couple days ago. He said the packet was HUGE! He said the visa was really shiny and pretty so I'm looking forward to seeing it. I love shiny stuff! But yeah, day after tomorrow I will finally be with him. It's been a very long wait since we began dating in 05 but we're finally getting to be together.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention... when he came home from work two days ago, all his stuff was packed for him. Sheesh!

Wow! I don't like to hear about this from anyone, how sad :( Luckily he's on to bigger and better things with you!!
Jilli & AlesFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-09-01 15:16:00
United KingdomFor everyone between NOA2 and interview in London

Well I called and the lady said "Do you know you have an interview scheduled?" :dance:
Oct 7th!!!! They sent the letter out today :star:

Um... WHAT!! Haha dang you are seriously some lucky kids to get this news so fast!! It's great!

How is your interview so late? I was told the other day that it was about a 6 week wait? Is your wedding scheduled later?

Well that is six weeks.. is this what you mean? It's September 1 now, so yeah, 41 days. Apparently it could be sooner, but probably only a week like Mike/Rach, and perhaps they were scheduled before us. September is booked solid (I've heard), so there's not much earlier it could get, right?

And yes, we wrote our true wedding date on the ds-2001 cover letter: 11/29/11.
Jilli & AlesFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-09-01 07:16:00
United KingdomFor everyone between NOA2 and interview in London

:) When's your interview?

i don't know whether to call and see if they have logged my packet 3 or leave it till next week, they have only had it 2 weeks today.

October 12! Fine with me! I can't wait, and he's dreading it :P

You can call of course.. but I don't think they will have it logged yet :( It used to be in the twoish week mark but the current trend is more like three. As for the packet, I don't totally understand the procedure, but I think they are sort in limbo until you medical is logged. I'm not sure they bother messing about with your forms until they know you've passed. So when you call, ask about your medical too!
Jilli & AlesFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-08-31 14:35:00
United KingdomFor everyone between NOA2 and interview in London

Nothing for you yet? I had my medical a few days before yours, and sent the packet after yours, but based on what I've heard, the medical is king in scheduling.

I got an interview date!!! ALL RIGHT!!!

21 days since submission of packet 3
23 days since submission of medical
Jilli & AlesFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-08-31 12:34:00
United KingdomFor everyone between NOA2 and interview in London

How long did it take london to process your ds forms?

No idea for me. I called on 8/26 and they said it was "pending." Idk if that means it was processed yet, and if so, it could have been before that (I just made myself wait two and a half weeks after submission). And then that response yesterday I guess confirms the have processed them. I suppose 2 - 3 for me, but it seems to vary on this forum.

Nothing for you yet? I had my medical a few days before yours, and sent the packet after yours, but based on what I've heard, the medical is king in scheduling.
Jilli & AlesFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-08-31 09:57:00
United KingdomFor everyone between NOA2 and interview in London
Called DOS again today and I was on the phone with a nicer guy this time! I asked if they had received packet three, said "yes they received the DS-230 that you sent." Uhh okay.. he likely means the entire packet because it was all together ( I hope so!!). They also had the medical results. He said "they're waiting on an interview date to become available." Yeah.. whatever that means. They're just sitting there, all those dates. Nothing will change. Give me October, I don't care! Just something, yeah? Someone mentioned that perhaps they don't schedule that far in advance, so they have to wait? I don't know. I'll just keep calling. Jeez.
Jilli & AlesFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-08-30 11:16:00
United KingdomFor everyone between NOA2 and interview in London

Red Rover, Red Rover, send Karen on over!

I can hardly wait 27 more days!!!!

Awww :)
Jilli & AlesFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-08-29 22:21:00
United KingdomFor everyone between NOA2 and interview in London

good luck jingo, let us know how it goes.
im still waiting to hear if im "interview ready". i know they have my packet 3 (2nd time of sending it), just hope that they schedule something soon

Bank Holiday #######!! I demand service! :lol:
Jilli & AlesFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-08-29 10:51:00
United KingdomFor everyone between NOA2 and interview in London

Waiting for my fiance's packet 4 to arrive and our interview date. We're not getting married for months because he is so worried about the system failing us (thank you 1 month delay at NVC), but I want some certainty! I'll give them a call next Friday.

Damn. No interview. They said it was "pending," I hope that means they have my files. I asked her specifically and she sort of repeated that it was pending haha. So hopefully it's okay :(
Jilli & AlesFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-08-26 12:29:00
United KingdomFor everyone between NOA2 and interview in London

I had my interview on a wednesday also my packet 4 was trackable at 4pm'ish next day and got my packet at 8 am on the friday morning, hope you get it soon


Do you mean your visa packet? I don't think you can track your packet 4, but if there's a way, I MUST KNOW. :lol:
Jilli & AlesFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-08-26 07:15:00
United KingdomFor everyone between NOA2 and interview in London

We were approved yesterday. Things got really bad for him at home because of it. We were given a code to track his visa courier thing but it's not working. How soon does that usually start to work?

I'm sorry you can't just enjoy this great news! CONGRATS!! :joy: We're in a similar situation here, no good news without a backlash from home :(
Jilli & AlesFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-08-25 07:17:00
United KingdomFor everyone between NOA2 and interview in London

just found out london never received our packet 3 so just had to mail another out. lovely

Ugh I'm so sorry!! This seems to happen a lot with London. Excuses, excuses....
Jilli & AlesFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-08-24 15:14:00
United KingdomFor everyone between NOA2 and interview in London

were currently waiting our packet 4. as bad as the wait was for the NOA2 this is easiest the most frustrating period. knowing were that close to the finish and yet not knowing whats going on is a real stress.

Amen to that... ugh. I remember on some board being told "are you ready to hurry up and wait?" So true, every. single. step.

Edited by Jilli & Ales, 23 August 2011 - 02:14 PM.

Jilli & AlesFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-08-23 14:14:00
United KingdomFor everyone between NOA2 and interview in London
Waiting for my fiance's packet 4 to arrive and our interview date. We're not getting married for months because he is so worried about the system failing us (thank you 1 month delay at NVC), but I want some certainty! I'll give them a call next Friday.
Jilli & AlesFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-08-16 09:09:00
United KingdomAnyone wish they were back in the UK

I can't believe I forgot to mention what is probably my second biggest gripe - vacation policies!

My fiance literally could not believe I was only going to get one week off after my first year of working. Hm..... :)
Jilli & AlesFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-09-13 15:07:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHijo de beneficiaria de visa K1
El 797 para mi novia no tiene el nombre de sus hijas. Cuando la familia va a la embajada para la entrevista, el niño tendrá que ir a la entrevista también. Si el niño se incluyó en la original I-129, que verán su nombre en la embajada. Cuando la visa se ??paga en la embajada, el niño tendrá que pagar una visa también. Pero yo no creo que el I-797 se lista el nombre del niño, así que no te preocupes.
Charles CMaleHonduras2011-08-17 16:41:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHijo de beneficiaria de visa K1
Esposo o novio? El K1 es sólo para personas que aún no han casado. Por favor, díganos si están legalmente casados??.

(Husband or boyfriend? The K1 is only for people who have not yet married. Please tell us if they are legally married.)
Charles CMaleHonduras2011-08-17 16:37:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaK1 Honduras

When we interviewed with the embassy in Teguc, we never received anything in the mail (not that there is really any mail in Honduras). We used the information packet on the web site and took everything with us. I don't think you want to "stalk" the embassy, but definitely call until you know you have the interview date. (I am not able to remember what the MNL# is for... can you remind me?) I think the K-1 paperwork will have an A# for her - use that as a reference. 



Disculpe! I see you are the woman. Good luck with everything!



Charles CMaleHonduras2013-07-06 17:44:00