ChinaHow long for Visa to be delivered after interview

Both of your interview dates were over a week after mine and your status changed already.  I don't understand the logic behind anything at this at CGIS.  So frustrated right now!!!!!!ranting33va.gif

Darnell, I contacted the Consulate last night through the webform, not holding my breath but worth a shot.  Hopefully as you said someone will see it and do something about it.

I also contacted my friendly Congresswoman's office this morning and gave them all the Gorey details.  I hope that has a better chance of working.

Edited by Daveykins, 19 August 2013 - 03:48 PM.

DaveykinsMaleChina2013-08-19 15:44:00
ChinaHow long for Visa to be delivered after interview

I'll be fine, it's my lady that I'm worried about!

DaveykinsMaleChina2013-08-18 21:53:00
ChinaHow long for Visa to be delivered after interview

6th actually.  But might as well be 2 weeks as I'm sure it won't be back tomorrow.

Status never changed, still says "Administrative Processing" last updated on the 16th.

Yes, with the CGIS site it still says "with post." 

I'll post if anything changes.  Thanks for the reply.

DaveykinsMaleChina2013-08-18 21:46:00
ChinaHow long for Visa to be delivered after interview

2 weeks after interview here and still waiting for CGI Stanley to get off their butt and send the the visa in passport back!

DaveykinsMaleChina2013-08-18 20:58:00
ChinaCase status changed from "Ready" to "Administrative Processing"

Thanks Rob.  Ours seems to be going quite a bit slower, but hopefully she'll have her passport back sometime next week.

DaveykinsMaleChina2013-08-30 09:56:00
ChinaCase status changed from "Ready" to "Administrative Processing"

I know Darnell!  I'm as shocked as you are!  She just might make her flight afterall!

DaveykinsMaleChina2013-08-29 01:01:00
ChinaCase status changed from "Ready" to "Administrative Processing"

Passport status changed to "received passport from consulate and is processing" thursday morning China time.

Rob, do you remember how long after the status changes to that before Lili got her's back?

DaveykinsMaleChina2013-08-28 21:56:00
ChinaCase status changed from "Ready" to "Administrative Processing"

Thanks Rob.  Looks like she'll miss her flight but at least I can reschedule it for in a few weeks.

DaveykinsMaleChina2013-08-28 12:22:00
ChinaCase status changed from "Ready" to "Administrative Processing"

Case status just went from AP to Issued.  About DAMM TIME!  Still don't think she's going to make her flight here on 9/1 but at least it's a step in the right direction.

I never would of thought a flight booked almost a month in advance wouldn't be long enough.

DaveykinsMaleChina2013-08-27 22:24:00
ChinaCase status changed from "Ready" to "Administrative Processing"

Our case went from "Ready" last Thursday (china time) back to AP today (monday China time).  She had the interview 3 weeks ago.  Not sure what is going on anymore at all.  Sigh.

DaveykinsMaleChina2013-08-26 12:29:00
ChinaConsulate in Guangzhou relocating

It says the old address for August 8th interview, but since there hasn't been any update for IV unit moving, I'm going to assume that it's the new address!

DaveykinsMaleChina2013-07-02 10:43:00
ChinaConsulate in Guangzhou relocating

My interview date says the old address, but I'm going to assume it's the new address.

This is the new one, correct?

43 Hua Jiu Road
Zhujiang New Town
Tianhe District, Guangzhou

DaveykinsMaleChina2013-07-01 11:15:00
ChinaGuangzhou Medical Reminder

It's like 100 yards away from it, super close.  Also a good western restaurant a few doors down from the medical place too if you need somewhere to wait.

DaveykinsMaleChina2013-09-03 13:04:00
ChinaGuangzhou Medical Reminder

Darnell is right.  XJ did her medical the Monday before the interview, and came back later that day after 3pm and was able to pickup the medical.



i know it can be done in 1 day for a woman over age 40 - ie

go in early in the morning, come back in the afternoon for the results, close to closing time.


we're planning for 2 days, though, as we're busy doing stuff.



DaveykinsMaleChina2013-09-02 13:53:00
ChinaGuangzhou Medical Reminder

The 2 weeks before isn't required.  We did ours 2 days before the interview with no problems at all.  We did have to come back at 3pm the next day and wait over 2 hours for the results to be completed, though.

DaveykinsMaleChina2013-08-09 12:06:00
ChinaGuangzhou Medical Reminder

Yep, from the other couple I've been talking to here, both our ladies had to get the Td, MMR and Chickenpox vaccines.  Both of them are complaining about their sore arms today.  Been there, done that many many years ago.

The Guangzhou Travel Hospital had probably about 50 people waiting in various stages yesterday around 9:30am when we arrived.  Probably half of them were adoptions.  Poor kids getting like 10 vaccines at one time!  The family adopting a physically disabled kid was very heartwarming to see.

Darnell, I'll let you know how the 3 folder/binder method that I'm using goes:  One of all the paperwork to submit, one of copies of everything submitted and the other of originals.  So far, so good!

DaveykinsMaleChina2013-08-04 05:25:00
ChinaGuangzhou Medical Reminder

Hi All,

Xue Jiao and I just returned from going to her medical exam in Guangzhou and wanted to throw up a tip so hopefully nobody else will waste time like we did today.

So they ask for the "Appointment Letter" when they called her number to register.  To me, this means the email that was sent from CGI Stanley saying when your appointment is.

Obviously I was wrong.

What they want is the P4 email that we received.  Thankfully there was a "travel agency" nearby that we could print out P4 for 30 RMB, way too expensive but at least it's over with now.

They say appointment letter, but there's no appointment date on the P4, just instructions to book the appointment!  Very frustrating day to say the least!

Excited for the 6th!

DaveykinsMaleChina2013-08-03 01:30:00
ChinaMy new rule of thumb: You never know

Indeed.  Well said.

Expect more delays in getting the passport back.  Even if they say "congratulations you've passed" you're not out of the woods yet!

It took us 4 weeks to get her passport returned to her!

DaveykinsMaleChina2013-09-08 22:24:00
ChinaQuestion about packet 4

It used to be around 2 week turn around time, but with CGIS supposedly or maybe not doing the processing of p3 anymore I'm not sure how long it takes anymore.  I heard that the consulate stopped having CGIS process p3 since it was taking them a month+ to process.  I'm not sure if CGIS can do anything right....

DaveykinsMaleChina2013-09-10 21:52:00
Chinaguangzhou interview dates, HELP!!!

Your Fiancee needs to get in contact with a qq group that will help eachother in the group get a time slot together. Search on here and there's some posts that list qq group #'s.  It obviously is still a complete lottery system if you get lucky and see slots available when you check the website. 

DaveykinsMaleChina2013-09-10 21:50:00
Chinaguangzhou interview dates, HELP!!!

You need to check from 8am to 1pm China time on a Monday.  They released the entire month of August in June on a Monday.

DaveykinsMaleChina2013-09-10 13:37:00
ChinaVisa ready for pickup....

I saw your timeline, so yes about time you caught a break! dancin5hr.gif

DaveykinsMaleChina2013-09-12 20:38:00
ChinaVisa ready for pickup....

You got lucky.  Took us over 4 weeks.

DaveykinsMaleChina2013-09-12 16:11:00
ChinaPlease help someone totally new and clueless about DCF in China

Welcome to the start of the Journey!  I'm finishing up the journey myself on a k-1 for my Fiancee, but the processes are similar.

The DCF guide is here:

That should be a good starting point.

With regards to your questions now.

The ACS branch of the consulate is a completely different animal than the IV unit.  The ACS branch I found to be very kind and helpful in Guz like you have.  The IV unit has been nothing but a nightmare, so glad it's over for us.

When you email them, about 33% of the time they'll actually take the time to reply to you from the web form on the IV unit site.  66% of the time they won't even reply to you!   I've sent about 6 emails to them over the course of the last 2 months and I've only ever gotten 2 replies.  From those 2 replies, they were both very "stop bothering us!  We will get to it when we do!" attitude.  It's not like anyone actually holds them responsible for delaying my Fiancee's passport return by almost a month, anyways.  They used to list a phone number for the consulate at the old location, but the new location the number completely disappeared.  There is a number for the USCIS office, but they won't transfer you and not very helpful either since it's not the state department.

If you're both in mainland china like it sounds like you are, then you'll want to apply at Guz, not in HK.  Just be sure to have a certified copy of the marriage certificate to submit from HK.

Good luck!


Hello everyone! 


I consider myself at least decently intelligent, educated and literate yet browsing through this website is making my head spin. My Chinese wife and I married on July 4, 2013 and we are now beginning the process of getting the two of us to America together. Ideally we want to arrive in the USA in July, 2014, right after my current contract with my Chinese university expires. What is the very first thing I have to do? I've downloaded the I-130 form and filled it out. Do the 2 of us now need to go to Guangzhou and drop it off in person? We're about 4.5 hours from there by bus. What other forms would we need the very first time we go? I'm very confused about all of this. Sorry if I sound like an idiot. 


Another few questions: Is the Guangzhou consulate staff actually helpful when you call or email or do they behave like you're bothering them and just wish to be left alone? I visited the consulate a little while back to get a new passport and I was impressed with the level of courtesy and professionalism I observed there. Is this also true with visa issues? Is there a separate number and email address for American citizens to contact the consulate or is the same one Chinese use? more question: For reasons that aren't necessary to get into right now my wife and I were married in Hong Kong. Does this matter? Should I apply for my wife's visa in Hong Kong? 


Thanks in advance.




DaveykinsMaleChina2013-09-13 14:25:00
ChinaInterview Successful at GUZ Consulate for CR-1

So happy to hear that they fixed the interview appointments nightmare.  It only took them 2+ months!



Finally got the P4 email this morning (53 days).  And scheduled the interview on CGI Stanley website. It seems the interview problems have been fixed. There were a couple hundred slots available.  But we still have no payment invoice. Will chase that down so we don't end up having to go to Guangzhou twice !



DaveykinsMaleChina2013-09-16 09:32:00
ChinaIs the interview just one day?

Uhh, our interview was about a month ago.  They fingerprinted her and did the interview all in the same morning.  That information seems out of date.  You do need 2 days though, one to do medical and return to pick it up the following afternoon and another day for the interview.

DaveykinsMaleChina2013-09-15 21:27:00
ChinaLooking for new Guangzhou Consulate information

Looks correct to me :)

DaveykinsMaleChina2013-09-23 22:17:00
ChinaLooking for new Guangzhou Consulate information

Can't edit my post anymore, but I mean the IV entrance is on the left side of the building, and the NIV is right side.

DaveykinsMaleChina2013-09-04 16:57:00
ChinaLooking for new Guangzhou Consulate information

What Randy posted is correct for the IV unit entrance.  Non Immigrant entrance is on the left side of that building.

IV and NIV is in the same building, left side if IV and right side if NIV.

We had to book an appointment for ACS and show our passports and appointment confirmation email to into the building.


By "entrance", are you referring to the spot marked "A" on Darnell's map, or do you mean the entrance to one of the buildings inside the compound?


When you say "consulate" - is everybody in the same building, or are there separate IV and NIV buildings? I believe you're referring to the "Great Hall" building - yes?


Thanks a LOT for responding - anything you or others can help with would be (and is) appreciated.

As an aside, though, American citizens should be allowed access at all times simply by showing their passport - but of course you can't do that if you given it to your other as proof of your presence.


DaveykinsMaleChina2013-09-04 16:44:00
ChinaLooking for new Guangzhou Consulate information

There's no real protection from "sun or rain" like they make you believe.  The building that they claim provides this cover is post-security.

I can't decipher that bing image since it's from before it's completed as you said, but from my experience 4 weeks ago I can help.

The consulate is broken into 2 areas, the right side if for non-immigrant and was swamped even at 6am when we got there.  Easily a couple hundred people lined up already.

The left side is for immigrant visas, and people were already lined up at 6am when we arrived for the 7:30am time slot.  They lined up under a bit of an awning, but didn't help much since the back wall is glass looking into the consulate compound.  Since we have an 8:30am time slot, we lined up immediately to the right of the security entrance waiting for the 7:30 people to go in.

When it was our turn to go in, my Fiancee had to give me all of her electronic devices for me to hold since there's no lockers or anything to rent like I heard was the case at the old consulate.

She went through a magnetometer and they checked the plastic bag of all the originals.
Once she was through security, she went into the building immediately past security on the left side is the entrance for immigrant visas.


Per Darnell's tip, I went in during the ACS hours to get my EoR notorized the afternoon before her interview and got a peek at the inside of the building so I can provide some more insight on that.  ACS is upstairs from IV unit, so we entered on the left side of the building, and followed the signs to go upstairs.


During my exit, I loitered around the IV unit to take a closer look since you walk right past it on the way to the exit.  There's maybe 15 windows for the interviews, you take a number and wait for your number to be called, and you have about a 12"x2" gap under the bullet resistant glass to slide any paperwork to the VO.


Sorry I can't be any help on where the USCIS office is, though I did see a sign that said it was around the corner to the left when looking at consulate in front.

Hope this helps!

DaveykinsMaleChina2013-09-03 15:08:00
ChinaGot my I-134 forms and copy of Petition files ready to send to China, whats the fastest, safest way possible? Who should I use? Local USPS? FedEX?

Took USPS about 6 days to send 5 lbs of my paperwork to my Fiancee in Liaoning Province from California a few months ago.  Easy!

DaveykinsMaleChina2013-09-27 18:48:00
ChinaHow long for appointment times to open?

Have your Fiancee check QQ groups, search for K1 groups.  They were extremely helpful as they worked together to check times differently every night California time which is morning in China when they release more times.  Usually on a Monday-Wednesday is when they release more times for the following month or two.  There's other posts on here that have the QQ group #'s, do a search and you'll find lots of resources.  This has been discussed before in the last 3-4 months.

It's a pain in the ### but it pays off in the end! :)  Until UStraveldocs actually makes their site more user friendly it's a necessary pain in the ### step...

Edited by Daveykins, 07 October 2013 - 05:32 PM.

DaveykinsMaleChina2013-10-07 17:31:00
ChinaBuying plane tickets for Chinese immigrant.

Interesting.  Thanks for the info!  Will keep this in mind in the future.

DaveykinsMaleChina2013-09-23 22:22:00
ChinaBuying plane tickets for Chinese immigrant.

I went to the airport near me in California.  Any airport that Korean air has a ticket counter at will work.

DaveykinsMaleChina2013-09-18 20:46:00
ChinaBuying plane tickets for Chinese immigrant.

With Korean Air for my Fiancee, I had to go to the airport before the flight left China and show them the email receipt and my credit card with ID for them to confirm the purchase and lift a "hold" on her ticket.  Other than that it was pretty easy to book her flight in her name with my card.

DaveykinsMaleChina2013-09-17 15:19:00
ChinaMy NVC Electronic Processing Road

Our case said "Ready for Interview" before even P4 was sent.  Not sure if I would believe what it says there until you get P4.

DaveykinsMaleChina2013-09-10 13:40:00
ChinaMy NVC Electronic Processing Road

Looks like SooYoung from Girls Generation. :)

nah - that's just some avatar gif thingie that I found amusing.   We're trying for twins, made the natural way with a bit of help. 


if you like animated gifs - here's another cute one: 



DaveykinsMaleChina2013-08-28 16:50:00
ChinaInterview approved, Visa process should not be affected by the shut down right?

hey!!!, my wife got...although she went directly to the CTIC bank and found out that her package was already there. However on the USTravelDoc site still says process for delivery.....Also when she found out that ctic bank was trying to my my US cell phone number this whole time when they really should call my wife's cell number which was on the registration... Anyway, we are happy now, Chicago here we come! Good luck on yours, hopefully you hear something soon, but may make sense to call the bank if it make sense....


Same thing happened to my Fiancee after they had her passport for 4 weeks almost.  Status changed AFTER she picked it up, lol.

DaveykinsMaleChina2013-10-10 16:17:00
ChinaExpedited Passport return?

Interesting Darnell.  Never knew you could do that.  Good to know!

DaveykinsMaleChina2013-10-10 16:15:00
ChinaExpedited Passport return?

Doubtful.  The only way to get it any faster would be to select the Guangzhou or other city's same day pickup once it's delivered location.  It took us over 2 weeks to get the passport back even though we selected the same day pickup location in my Fiancee's hometown. It lists these same day pickup locations on the ustraveldocs site when you select a pickup location.

DaveykinsMaleChina2013-10-10 12:53:00