US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPacket 4 from CDJ not received
CDJ doesn't accept the visa application that they mail to you. In fact, you need to go to the Dept. of State or the CDJ website, fill it out online, then print 2 copies.
PMRSFemaleMexico2007-04-10 12:07:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK3 interview in Juarez
Our petition was approved in Feb. and left the NVC in just a couple of days. I got the packet in March. My husband got the packet in April. We were surprised he actually got it. His interview was May 4th. Once you get the packet you can snail mail it or scan and email it. The visa application needs to be filled out online and printed. The only thing you need from the packet is the appointment letter. All the other information is on the CDJ website under K-3 visas.
PMRSFemaleMexico2007-06-01 09:23:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK3 interview in Juarez
Guillermo had his interview earlier this month. I didn't go because of work and school obligations. I wrote a letter affirming my support and reasons why I couldn't attend, since it was STAR testing time at school. Memo said this was helpful. He said there were a lot of people, and most people on the street were haggling him to help him with his paperwork. He said it was very creepy. He paid the interview at Banamex in his hometown. He went for the medical exam the day before and picked up the results in the afternoon. There was a lot of waiting in line and once again waiting in the different buildings. They don't allow any metal or cell phones in the consulate, so be prepared. Only your spouse is allowed in, but they'll call the US citizen if they want to ask more questions. You are not required to be there. They consular official asked him in Spanish about how we met, my visits to Mexico, our families, and our wedding. We had pictures, emails, phone calls, joint tax returns. However, the most important piece of evidence were the photos. After showing the photo album and telling stories about each page, the consular official told Guillermo, "Su visa esta aprobada!". He left around 1 pm and crossed the Cordova bridge around 4 pm. There they looked at his paperwork and gave him the I-94 arrival/departure record. He said the officials in the consulate and at the border were very nice, the only problem were the people on the streets of Juarez. Good luck during your interview and hopefully you'll be reunited very soon!
PMRSFemaleMexico2007-06-01 00:03:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
Welcome and congrats! We also got a K-3 visa from Juarez. Our I-129F was approved in February. I got the packet in March for Guillermo's interview on May 4th and he actually did get it in the mail, but not until April. Guillermo was asked a lot of the same questions that K-1's are asked. If you read this thread you'll find out more. We also had additional proof of our marital relationship. We also had a joint tax return and letter from owner of our apartment stating she'll add him to the lease. However, the photos were the most important piece of evidence. Guillermo was muy sonriente when he showed the consular official our photos and told him about our experiences together....after seeing the photo album he said the most magical words in the world....."Su visa esta aprobada!" We'll have another interview for his greencard though. Then we'll be prepared to show a joint life now that we're actually living together (eg. bank accounts, leases, insurance, etc.). It was a hard process but definitely worth it! This weekend I took him down the Pacific Coast Highway through Monterey and Big Sur. He finally met my family and everything turned out to be wonderful!

Let me know if you have more questions about K-3 visas.
PMRSFemaleMexico2007-05-28 23:06:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
We didn't translate his birth certificate for the interview. We are translating it for AOS. I'm doing it myself and adding the following:

I certify that I am competent to translate from the Spanish to English and that the above Marriage Certificate/Birth Certificate is a correct and true translation to the best of my knowledge and belief.

I signed and dated it and added my contact information.

I also translated our marriage certificate myself and so far haven't had any problems.

Buena suerte y felicidades!
PMRSFemaleMexico2007-05-12 13:34:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
PMRSFemaleMexico2007-04-21 17:36:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
Thanks bdesj!

I know it's hard to wait!!!!! I think the past few days and the next 2 weeks will be the hardest and longest wait. Memo's interview will be in 2 weeks. I just sent the last packet of docs to him today, and there's nothing else to do but wait and set good intentions for the best to come our way. Breathing in, everything will be ok. Breathing out, the universe will work in our favor and everyone else's favor too. Good luck to all.
PMRSFemaleMexico2007-04-19 21:48:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
A silly question.............

I know that metal isn't allowed into the consulate. But, are paper clips allowed? What about butterfly clips to hold larger bundles of documents? Maybe I should use larger paperclips just in case.
PMRSFemaleMexico2007-04-17 22:52:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
Good question! I only checked with Continental Airlines for the flight from El Paso to San Francisco because I'm using a travel voucher that's in my name (Yeah, I know I'm risking it here, but travel prices were fluctuating so much, especially with Continental, so I wanted to take advantage of a good fare). I didn't check with AeroMexico though for his domestic flight. I think airlines use the credit card to find the reservation, but they can also do that with the name, passport, reservation number, etc. If you need to change the flight and have a penalty to pay, then you can do that over the phone.

We'll keep you posted since our interview is in 3 weeks!!!!!!!!!!
PMRSFemaleMexico2007-04-14 14:11:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
This thread has been very helpful! Thanks everyone!

Guillermo has his interview for the K-3 on May 4th!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, I sent him most of the documents (except the appointment letter and some other docs such as pay stubs, joint tax returns that I was going to send mid-April). I also sent a photo album with photos of our entire relationship. I send it via USPS airmail on March 17th and it should have arrived in 5-7 days. IT HASN'T ARRIVED YET!!!!!!!!! It's hecka slow. I've used this service a few times without any problems.

So, I have copies of most documents, except the rental agreement of the apartmenta we rented over the past few summers and plane ticket stubs from all the trips. I think I can reprint some of my itineraries from Cheaptickets and Travelocity and perhaps some are still saved in my email. I have extra copies of the photos as well. I'm willing to send my passport (a letter asking them to return it) if I can't get another birth certificate in time. I have proof of mailing the package and just filed an inquiry with the USPS about the missing package. This time I will send it via DHL, and I've seen these vans all over Oaxaca where he lives. Hopefully all will be OK.

I'm worried that we won't have all of our evidence. Of course, I'm a planner and want to be well-prepared. What do you all think??????????
PMRSFemaleMexico2007-04-05 22:57:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)I-797 question for anyone who is doing a K1

Thanks, Ill connect with these people in 2 weeks.. They just opened some case with USCIS .. a "service request", they said they will contact me in 2 weeks... If they contact me in two weeks it will be a miracle, I mean I would be amazed if I get any contact back from them. Im just hoping the senators office can get them to move something around and check where the file is.

macpafMalePakistan2013-06-30 23:51:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)I-797 question for anyone who is doing a K1
Rob & Rachel


Did calling your senator help your case? right now my case has been stuck in the same limbo, I received my NOA2 about 5 weeks ago and still waiting. NVC keeps saying they dont have it, and USCIS keeps giving me their scripts everytime i call...

macpafMalePakistan2013-06-25 20:24:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)How many people have waited over a month to get to the NVC?

Thanks stevie,

Just sent in a request to senators and made a "case" for omnibudsman. At this time, im gonna side with Rob & Rachel and suspect omnibudsman wont do much, I've lost all confidence in this organization working for the people. But we will see what happens with the senators, I have much more hopes there, but this is probably my last hope, I mean.. who to go to if neither works? These guys are so frustrating.

macpafMalePakistan2013-06-30 23:43:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)How many people have waited over a month to get to the NVC?

My NOA2 was dated May 20th. Ive been calling NVC everyday, Ive send an email to NVCResearch twice without any responses other than the initial email.  So far its been 5 weeks for me. What kills me is there is another person with K1 that posted his NOA2 posting a few days after, and his petition is already at the embassy (same embassy as mines will go to).  His petition also was passed from the same center, CSC.


Right now, I dont know exactly what I should do either... Did you petition go through yet? I call USCIS and they keep telling me to wait.  So right now I dont know how long these people want me to wait.


I guess I need to contact an elected official but it seems like i need to wait another week (6 weeks) before they can do anything ... Any advice would be appreciated.


macpafMalePakistan2013-06-25 20:16:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC May 2013 - K1 filers..

This looks great! You should have your petition received by NVC pretty soon. You wont have to but you can try emailing  cisombudsman. They do take a few days to respond but they were able to tell me my application was mailed out of USCIS CSC office on Saturday. 



But I think you don't need to worry any more, and just keep checking with NVC daily! 


Best of luck to you two.

Edited by fsaeed81, 24 July 2013 - 09:43 PM.

macpafMalePakistan2013-07-24 21:40:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC May 2013 - K1 filers..

Edited by fsaeed81, 24 July 2013 - 07:32 PM.

macpafMalePakistan2013-07-24 19:31:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC May 2013 - K1 filers..
Woohoo just checked NVC and finally instead of saying I'm sorry we don't have your file in the system.. the operator asked for my fiancées dob :) I knew it right then! Happy happy joy joy. :)
macpafMalePakistan2013-07-24 19:27:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC May 2013 - K1 filers..
Yeah it looks like you will receive a new noa2 soon.

Best of luck :)

macpafMalePakistan2013-07-24 11:18:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC May 2013 - K1 filers..

I think thats great news. It seems to me they probably had requested your file from NRC and reprocessed it because you do have an expiration date on your i129f petition. Once they reprocessed it, you received a new expiration date, and they will now send it to NVC. Id say just keep checking but within 9 - 10 days it should be there. But this is just a guess, it seems what happened with other, but just a guess.

macpafMalePakistan2013-07-23 22:18:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC May 2013 - K1 filers..

Well Great News! My senator just called me and said my application was found in the mail room and has been forwarded to NVC. Now one thing Im still a bit worried about is the expiration date. My i-129F application will expire in two months exactly and Im really worried that she wont get an interview before then.  This Is The Life, did your application get extension? I know Rob & Rachel did but not sure if your's also did...  

macpafMalePakistan2013-07-19 20:25:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC May 2013 - K1 filers..
I just spoke with tier two and she said they are requesting my application from "records" ( which I got that its in NRC) and we will be sending your a notice soon. It's pretty much the same info I got from the letter.
macpafMalePakistan2013-07-15 18:22:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC May 2013 - K1 filers..
I actually haven't been able to speak with tier 2, everytime I call the tier 1 the just tell me that I need to wait 90 days now before I can expect the file at nvc. If I ask then about my service request, they just respond by saying I need to wait for the response. How do you talk with tier 2? I've been able to talk with them before but that's only when I call and start yelling at them.
I actually haven't been able to speak with tier 2, everytime I call the tier 1 the just tell me that I need to wait 90 days now before I can expect the file at nvc. If I ask then about my service request, they just respond by saying I need to wait for the response. How do you talk with tier 2? I've been able to talk with them before but that's only when I call and start yelling at them.
macpafMalePakistan2013-07-15 00:04:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC May 2013 - K1 filers..

Okay, I just received a response to my service request from USCIS via a letter. I want to check if anyone has received this because this is very obscure information from them. Can you guys help me with what this states:


"On 06/28/2013 you, or the disignated representative shown below, contacted us about your case. Some of the key information given to us at that time was the following:


Information... such as case numbers etc...



The result of this service request is:


Based on your request we researched the location of your case. Your file has been requested. If you do not receive a notice of action from us within 60 days, please contact us again at the email address or through the NCSC at 800-375-5283"


Has anyone received this? They say my file has been requested... but my file was always at the USCIS center.. they're requesting it from themselves? What does this actually mean?

macpafMalePakistan2013-07-13 18:33:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC May 2013 - K1 filers..

Thanks! I just got replies from my congressman he contacted NVC and they said they don't have my file on record and that I have to "wait 8 weeks because thats typically how long it takes to get it".  Rob & Rachel, I remembered you when i was hearing this because you had a similar response (i think in your case it was 6 weeks). Anyways, so I asked him to please contact USCIS because I feel there may be an issue with them. He will contact them next but he asked me to wait another week. Which isn't big deal at this point.


Also, after hounding the staffer for my senator's office, I finally got a response from her today and she said she submitted a request to USCIS and i should wait a couple days to see what comes out of it. I dont think she expected how much annoying I could get. smile.png Her office being on the way to work also helped my cause because I would just stop by and bother them by asking to speak to her... she was always "busy" lol


Funny thing is, out of no where, I get these replies from NVCRequest (saying "we dont have it, bla bla bla, well contact uscis on your behalf") and from CSC-NCSC-FollowUp who didnt even answer my question of why havent you sent my applciation to NVC, but said I need to wait 15 days before I check the status of by Service Request i submitted to USCIS, if I dont get a status until then they will follow up on it. Im not sure what kind of information I should get from them but none the less, I finally did get some responses.


So now, Im going to wait and contact my congressman probably next tuesday to see if hes contacting USCIS and also recontacting NVC. And I will check in with the Senator if she received any responses from USCIS. Hopefully by then I also get some kind of response from this "service request". 


I called USCIS again today and after the guy tried to talk down to me by referring to me that im wasting my time by contacting them and NVC, I should be contacting the Embassy directly because my files probably already there... I kind of had to give him a lesson on his job about how there is a case number assigned by nvc, before going to an embassy and the embassy uses this case number to track the application and doesn't involve in the WAC receipt number from USCIS... I got the impression from him that he still thought I didn't know what I was talking about...


You think I can send the USCIS customer "support" an invoice for the time i took to instruct this representative? dancin5hr.gif

Edited by fsaeed81, 09 July 2013 - 11:21 PM.

macpafMalePakistan2013-07-09 23:12:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC May 2013 - K1 filers..
Yeah this is really insane. Did you call uscis and make a service request With them? If you haven't, please do so immediately. Let me know If you need more info about that.

I'm also trying to get some help from the senators office but they're just giving me the old well work on it. Not sure where it's going to go.

Wish you all the best and keep on these people, they don't care and they also want you to just forget about it. Keep on them!

Take care.

macpafMalePakistan2013-07-08 14:43:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC May 2013 - K1 filers..

Im glad to see everyone's ordeal with USCIS has been resolved. Unfortunately, my application was accepted on May 20th and so far, I'm still in a limbo state. NVC telling me to send them emails at their NVCRequest address... 4 already sent in the last three weeks without responses. 


USCIS is just another comedy. Sometimes I find myself also teaching the customer reps that all I-129f applications have to go through NVC prior to getting to a consulate ... Yes, I know what the letter states but trust me.. then they just reply sir you have to keep waiting. Right now Ive filed my "service request" on June 30th and really hoping I can get some results from it, if not, waiting another 6 weeks until I can file another request would be way too much.


I contacted my senators office but really dont know what they can do. Ive been bugging them every two days with calls and emails. Im glad their office is on my way to the office so Im gonna make sure they continue getting bugged until they give me an answer.


Im kind of sad (but happy for others) to see that Im the only in this situation. Just thinking whats wrong with my application? what did I do wrong on it?


Waiting game continues I guess. Rob & Rachel - thats a million for that great article and all the help!!! best of luck in the remainder of the process to everyone!

macpafMalePakistan2013-07-08 00:16:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Online check status NVC

yes.gif  Thank you

macpafMalePakistan2013-07-25 14:35:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Online check status NVC

Hi There,

I remember there was a site to check status for NVC (if I wasn't dreaming when i saw that) Does anyone know the URL to the site? You needed to put your nvc number and get the status ... or something..



Anyways.. my application is at NVC, how should i track this application from this point on, I remember there was a way to also track the DHL package when its done processing it and sent to the embassy ... 


Can someone help me at this point? Ive already called them and gotten the status, they're processing it .. Is there a writeup on VJ about this anywhere? how to track or what to do from this point forward. 



Thanks everyone!!!! 

Edited by fsaeed81, 25 July 2013 - 02:17 PM.

macpafMalePakistan2013-07-25 14:16:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)June NOA2 and still no case number from NVC!
My case was at csc and uscis said they mailed it to NVC. It turned out they send it to NRC which is their repository. The only thing that found the mistake was that I submitted a service request after 30 days if waiting. And I contacted my senator. They got on the case also.

You can see if NVC get it in the next couple days but at this time frame in my case I called uscis and spoken with a tier 2 rep and filed a service request. These slugs usually take a couple of weeks to find it and then couple more to request it back and mail it to NVC.

Best of luck.

Edited by fsaeed81, 26 July 2013 - 11:23 AM.

macpafMalePakistan2013-07-26 11:22:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Need Senator's help in Illinois

I'm gonna tell you the truth that congressmen and senator never help in case only information they will tell you the same thing like admin process in your case from embassy and i have been AP 29 month still waiting and praying i was ask to senator help in florida and she refused to help me in my visa application so i dont believe it sorry thanks 


Im sorry to hear about your situation, its such frustrating to be in AP but keep your hopes up. I had applied for a K1 visa for my then fiance. Unfortunately, USCIS lost my case (they actually sent it to the national repository center NRC instead of the embassy). I called many times for them to find it, but they just kept saying I need to keep waiting. I ended up contacting my senator who then contacted their sources in USCIS and they finally searched and found the documentation and forward it. So, yes, you are right in that a Senator will not interfere with the normal process of these agencies but they can help in certain abnormal situations.


I dont think they will be able to do much in my grandfathers case, but I would like the embassy to be aware of the case being still active and am hoping they finish it once contacted about it.


Best of luck to you. 



macpafMalePakistan2014-03-08 05:20:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Need Senator's help in Illinois

Hi There,


My auntie applied for my grandfather's I-130 parent visa (currently living in Pakistan), it has been a while since the interview and the embassy in Pakistan does not respond to any emails she sends them. On top of that when I call they ask me to send emails.


Can someone tell me which senator she can contact that will be able to work on her case? She is the sponsor. I cannot really do anything because Im not on the case. I tried to go on the senator's websites, but wasn't able to find any information on NVC/Embassy issues. Any assistance will help.


Thanks all in advance !!

macpafMalePakistan2014-03-07 01:09:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK-1 interview question in Islamabad



I wanted to check if anyone has gone through K-1 visa for and were asked "why didn't you marry her/him in pakistan, instead of going to US" ... And what was your response to it.  I just don't know if my reasons to not get married with my fiancee in pakistan will get our application in problem or not...


Any advice/help would be really appreciated.




ps - even on the embassy's site it stated that cr-1 visa are usually typical with pakistani couples.. I just don't want them to start suspecting something or worse to outride reject it.

Edited by macpaf, 31 July 2013 - 12:45 AM.

macpafMalePakistan2013-07-31 00:42:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionIslamabad Packet 3.5 received, states Visa Fee

Thanks for the reply i do have one more question. I see they requesting on 156k, proof of continued relationship? Is this needed now or in the interview day? and what is exactly needed for this?


Thanks again :)

macpafMalePakistan2013-08-11 14:56:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionIslamabad Packet 3.5 received, states Visa Fee


We're getting ready to send in our package 3.5 for our K-1 visa to Islamabad embassy but the packet 3.5 email states that a fee of $350 need to be submitted? When? Now or upon interview? And if now, what do I send them? Cash?



macpafMalePakistan2013-08-11 05:35:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHow will we receive packet 4 from Islamabad embassy

Thats great news! On what date is your interview?

macpafMalePakistan2013-08-28 10:12:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHow will we receive packet 4 from Islamabad embassy


We had sent our packet 3.5 to Islamabad embassy two weeks ago, but I wanted to check when we should expect packet 4.. It seems around 2 weeks.


Also how will we get packet 4? Via email like 3.5 or will it be through American Express delivery service?


Can I have my fiance do the medial now, instead of waiting for packet 4?

macpafMalePakistan2013-08-27 17:04:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionApproved!!!!!!

Approvedddddd!!! finally the K-1 journey's hard part is finally over!!!! After all the headaches (thank you USCIS) and waiting, its over.


Major Kudos to US Embassy in Islamabad. They went well above and beyond due to USCIS sending our file to NRC instead of NVC that delayed the process by two months and almost caused our file to be expired before K-1 visa could be processed. My Senator's office actually also went out of their way not not only following up with USCIS to finally untangle the mistake but also contacted NVC and contacted the US Embassy in Islamabad (without even me requesting them to do so). I was visiting my fiancee in Pakistan and my household received a letter from my senators office with a response from the embassy - I have to say I was shocked they contacted them without me following up with them.  

Pretty much NVC processed our application within a couple days and mailed it.  Then it was delayed again (sigh...) by DHL. They held it in Heathrow Airport for a few days, I had to follow up with DHL to finally get it released and send to Embassy.  They Embassy, knowing how many emails I had send them, received the application and within an hour of receiving the file sent my fiancee and myself our Packet 3.5. They asked my senator to tell us that we need to immediately fill out the forms and mail it back to them. After a few holidays in Pakistan, we mailed the forms back (along with the letter the senator send me to remind them this is time sensitive case) and they arranged our Interview a week before our expiration date, well before other interviews scheduled that were received the same time.heart.gif

Interview was usual with usual questions (listed on my profile page), and right away said congrats, approved! Its approved and you will receive it before the expiration of your I-129F.


For everyone in this process - Please stay on top of this process - Stay on top of it get as much help as you can from anyone you can get it from! Special thanks to the VisaJourney Community!!!


Kudos to the US embassy in Islamabad! They've reinstated my trust in our system! I really expected our application to expire and this whole hell to start all over again for us.


dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif cray5ol.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif 

macpafMalePakistan2013-09-11 21:15:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanFinally got interview date! [Ethopia - advice?] [topic title edited]

Got the interview date of May 22nd. Received the letter today in the states. Fiancé hasn't received anything? Letter states that it's packet 4. Anyone familiar with how long it takes for the results or to complete the physical. Any pre interview advice or helpful info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance

zeke2507MaleEthiopia2014-05-06 23:40:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK1 Visa pre interview packet 3 question
My fiance never received packet 3, but packet 4 was mailed to me in the states. Her interview is scheduled for May 22nd. Whats included in packet 3 ?
zeke2507MaleEthiopia2014-05-09 20:31:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPre K1 visa interview packets!
Thank you for responding. My I134 and supporting documents as well as the intent marries should be there by friday. I did email the consulate friday so will give them another day or so to respond. Interview is next Thursday so I'm alittle concerned. Will accompany my next email with a scanned copy of Packet for interview info. If I don't here back of course .
zeke2507MaleEthiopia2014-05-13 09:57:00