K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDoes Fiancee Need My NOA2 for Interview?
I'm frantically trying to assemble everything for my fiancee: tax returns, earnings, statements, etc. Before I send it to her do I need to wait for my own NOA2 to arrive? If she needs a copy of it then I will hold off sending the packet to her, however if the consulates don't require my NOA2 then I can send it to her now. Thanks for the help in advance.
Ugly_AmericanMalePhilippines2011-02-21 00:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiancee packet ready to send. Missing anything?
Thanks for all the help. This is a great forum. Here is a list of what's in the interview packet i'm sending to my fiancee. Many thing are unnecessary. I'm erring on the side of abundance. If anyone sees anything missing please let me know. Thanks. (I know i'm missing letter from bank. Maybe I'll get it tomorrow, but it seems such unnecessary))

• Interview package contents list

General (yellow tabs):
• I-129F Package as sent to USCIS (two copies)
• Originals (receipts, etc) of Submitted Proof for the I-129F (originals only)
• I-797C, Notice of Action form (NOA1) (original and two copies)
• NOA2 - not included, i'll email her a copy later.
• Birth Certificate of Petitioner (two copies)

Financial (pink tabs):
• I-134, Affidavit of Support (three originals and two copies)
• Letter from Employer (original and two copies)
• Verification of Employment (two copies)
• Job Earnings Statements, January 2010 to present (two copies)
• 2009 Tax Return (two copies)
• Past three year’s W-2 forms (two copies)
• Bank Statement (current; two copies)
• Bank deposits of salary over past year (two copies)
• Retirement Savings Account Statement (two copies)
• Medical Benefits (she will have same health benefits upon marriage; Two copies)
• Assessed Value of property as per Property Tax Statement (two copies)
• Mortgage statement for first loan (original and two copies)
• Statement for second loan (original and two copies)
• Photos of my house; Where we will live (one copy)

Proof of Ongoing Relationship (blue tabs):
• Letter of Intent to Marry (2 originals)
• Evidence of Financial Support, Western Union money transfers (two copies)
• Skype Records, January 25 to present (two copies)
• Screen captures of recent Skype conversations on February 20, 2011 (two copies)
• Recent email correspondences (two copies)
• Recent text messages (two copies)
Ugly_AmericanMalePhilippines2011-02-22 00:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi129f approved in less than 1 month???
Ryna, is the packet 3 something i must send in the mail or can it be an electronic documentation? I suspect the former. If so, which currier is most reliable? Federal Express? I imagine the address is on the NAO2 notice that's being delivered to me shortly. Thanks!
Ugly_AmericanMalePhilippines2011-02-18 16:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi129f approved in less than 1 month???
Thanks for all the wowntastic words of encouragement!

I won't find out if i won the state lottery until Saturday night

To TeddyHoney: no problem and not personal questions. I knew she was for me almost instantly. We connect so well and we were both experienced at online dating so we both felt it. I know the relationship has progressed at breakneck speed, but we chat nearly every night for an hour or two on Skype and text and email also. Over Christmas break we were online 8-12 hours a day, just talking and me playing guitar, while she tried to sing. Just having a great time. After about 2-3 weeks I booked a flight to visit her. I normally never book flights so near, but she was considering working in a call center and was willing to wait until the end of January. When I went there I already was committed. I did bring a copy of the i129f and toward the end of the week i had her fill out her section. Also while there we visited an internet cafe and printed out all the other forms we'd need. Her parents helped her fill out the Bio form which required family details. We got our passport photos and I did everything I could think of as mentioned in the application instructions. I proposed to her on my last day there. At that point we'd only known each other 6 weeks, with the last week being the only time we spent together in person. But really, I am a strong believer in Skype now. I do think it is possible to know someone well online, but it must be live video. I didn't begin data gathering really until during that trip. I just saved receipts and had photos and ticket stubs, itineraries, etc. Being away from her, I hate it. And so when I returned I was obsessed with mailing the completed form immediately. I returned in Sunday night and it took until Tuesday night to finish everything, but that included two 8 hour work days. I read everything and performed many queries on Google, particularly about examples of completed forms and packages, and also about the cover letter and Letters of intent, those extra things which I felt a reviewer would at least be pleased with the detail and also make it interesting.

To Maleman: Thanks so much for the advice. I am worried about the TB screening and so is she, mainly because she is a nurse and can easily be exposed to it. Nevertheless we're planning already for the wedding on May 28. It will be small and not too heavily invested in case it has to be postponed due to those kinds of setbacks you mentioned. I'm perhaps equally obsessive about filing everything promptly. One question. When you mention forwarding a copy of the NVC to her, must i mail the original or can I scan it and email her an electronic copy for her to print there? Also With regards to those next steps, What post do you most recommend on this site for that?

I'll visit her once more next month, as planned. We'll buy a live goat and we'll kill and eat it( her family will perform the killing part, i hope). I can't wait. I love the zany adventure of it all. Her family is amazing, great humble and kind people, hard-working, and fun. I'm so lucky I met her. And my luck is obviously continuing with regards to this visa processing. Our biggest challenge will be obtaining a B2 visa so her parents can attend the wedding. I'm really hopeful and it will be very upsetting if they are denied.

I am happy and also I would myself be so envious if I heard this had happened for someone, not me. If it's any consolation I'm not usually a lucky guy. I'm usually just patient and arduously plodding along. Also I know it was just blind luck. I didn't do anything special, so please don't feel bad or like you could have done something more.
Ugly_AmericanMalePhilippines2011-02-18 14:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi129f approved in less than 1 month???
I'm not military, but my grandfather died near the Philippines during WW2. Maybe some long-deserved good karma for his sacrifice.

The application was probably easy to approve in that neither of us have any children or prior marriages.

I bought a lottery ticket last night shortly after making this initial post.
Ugly_AmericanMalePhilippines2011-02-18 08:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi129f approved in less than 1 month???
Thanks everyone for all the congratulations. It's such a slow process and resigned to it I know how frustrating it is. I had planned on visiting here every 3 months just for my own sanity. Those countdowns drive me crazy. I'm still counting down to mid-march when I visit her again. The June trip won't need to happen now. I can't wait to tell her the news. She's still at work.

Several were asking about the package I assembled. It was nothing out of the ordinary and was only what I could ascertain as best from various sources online. Beyond reading and re-reading the instructions I did multiple Google searches for i129f samples, completed forms, etc. I included quite a large assortment of photos. I didn't have the patience to send the photos off for printing and instead i used photoshop and MS Word. I added photos as jpegs to a word document and printed that. It was like two pages with perhaps a dozen of the strongest images of us together, along with a shot of the ring on her hand. I also printed most of those photos (redundantly) as full page prints. This was for a few reasons, mainly that I was concerned they might have required actual printed photos on photo paper, however in a post I read it wasn't required and that printing them on standard paper in color using a color printer was fine. Also I was concerned they might think the smaller prints were modified in photoshop so i printed many of them as full pages. I wanted each shot to be seen in greater detail so they wouldn't suspect foul play. Below each photo in my own hand writing (which is very poor) i printed a description of the place and the exact date. In all there was about a dozen pages of photos, two word docs with smaller prints and 10 pages with the larger prints. For other evidence I used a flatbed scanner to create word documents with jpeg images of things like boarding passes, receipts for anything i bought there, like the engagement ring, I also did have a receipt for the small head shot (passport-style) photos we had taken while i was there. I do think that was probably more than most people include. I brought a blank form with me to meet her because I felt great about our relationship. The instructions on the form assisted in terms of knowing what they needed while I was there. I probably had about four pages of receipt/boarding pass evidence. All of my supporting documents were printed on on side only and held together in sections by paper clips. The sections were in exact order to the cover page, which listed every component of the application. I stapled the electronic notification forms to the very first page of the i129f. I filed one e-form for her email address and one for mine. I believe it was the only time i used a staple. I preferred a paper clip in case they ever needed to make a photo copy, that way they wouldn't have to remove a staple to run everything through an automated copier. I did however place a staple in that first page.

Here are the contents I included and specified on the cover letter (exact wording):
- Payment in the amount of $340 (personal check)
- G-1145 (two, attached to first page of application, as instructed)
- I-129F Supplement: Part B, Question 18, explanation of meeting in person
- G-325A and passport-style photo (Petitioner)
- G-325A and passport-style photo (Beneficiary)
- Letter certifying intent to marry (Petitioner and Beneficiary)
- Proof of having met in person in the past two years
- Proof of ongoing relationship

I didn't have my birth certificate and so i phootcopied every single page of my passport as they instructed. It seemed absurd because there were like a dozen blank pages.

I did fill out the section about meeting using a service. At first I didn't complete that - but later i reread it and it dawned on me that the web site we met on was a paid service and so i just filled out that section. The wording made it sound like some sort of elaborate dating service.

In addition to the cover letter i believe there were only three other things i included which weren't required: 1). a photo of her birth certificate, which I forgot to get but had her send me the photo and i printed it large in color. 2). Signed statements from each of us stating that during the 90 day period here that we do intend to marry. (For this i did have to cheat somewhat, because I didn't obtain here signature on this statement while i was there as I didn't know to include it at the time. Instead I scanned her signature from the i129f (which she filled out by hand while i was in the Philippines), and placed it as a jpeg onto the word document which I also used as a template for my own signed/dated statement. I did of course inform her of this form - it's wording, and ask her if she agreed to it, because legally I am not clear on the details of electronic signatures, but she agreed to it and so I produced that document which appeared as an authentic signature, I even ran across her signature with a black pen just to give the paper an indented appearance and also to flare it slightly so as to not have it match identically the other real signature in case it appeared too similar. 3) I did also include a cover letter briefly describing my life and why I wanted to marry her, and why I wanted for us to live in the US (better able to support us and our family here). The letter was only 2 paragraphs, and it seemed to hint at being too personal, but at least it also conveyed a real situation and probably smacked of deep feelings for her and our future together.

For proof of existing relationship i mentioned that we use texts and Skype daily, but those are not saved or with time stamps, so I included two brief email correspondences on a single page and didn't edit out some things which may have seemed personal. Nothing graphic, but some silliness was in there, like how we call each other "dummy" - I did hand write a note on the side of the paper explaining that "dummy" was a term of endearment we used for each other. (It arose because during my visit i missed the flight, then the next day i forgot my camera in a cab, and the next day after that my iphone fell from my pocket while we were on a hammock. Luckily an honest hotel staff person found it and i got it returned. I blame her for making me so stupid. I didn't explain this part anywhere in the application.)

Apart from the above I followed every instruction exactly. Even the part about including the city names without the state abbreviations. That was something that bugged me, because my mother was born in a city, let's call it Springfield, which could be located in any state. These, i believe, were on the bio forms. I did it with the state abbreviations, then thought the better of it and reprinted it filling out the form as they specified, without the state abbreviations. That part of the form irritated me.

For the passport-style photos i placed them separately in clear plastic bags and taped each bag to a piece of paper, behind each of our respective bio forms. I held those pages together with a paper clip.

All together the paperwork took me about 12 hours to complete. Much of it was re-reading and reprinting things. Even after i was done, I'd re-read everything and invariably change or correct something. I did that until it was perfect (and by then it was late at night). Of the 12 hours I'm including her filling out her portion of the form while we were in Phil. I'm also including the reading of the instructions over and over again. The actual assembly time was probably around 6-7 hours. I know these are simple forms and I was slow, but I didn't want there to be a single mistake because every day apart from her is difficult. I didn't want to be a dummy this time.

One other thing that helped was that I completed everything as soon as I could upon returning to the US. All the dates were fresh in my mind and all the documents were with me.

Having detailed what I did I'm certain there is nothing magic or special and that all of you will have success. Also I tend to agree with what someone said, that I was just lucky and probably mine was randomly grabbed by someone during a training exercise. At any rate, hope this helps anyone who's currently working on their papers. It wasn't difficult or daunting, just do your best and do go over everything several times before you mail it, rereading the instructions carefully and often. It's a 5-month wait - you don't want to screw up and lay awake at night (alone) wondering if it will be rejected.
Ugly_AmericanMalePhilippines2011-02-18 04:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi129f approved in less than 1 month???
Thanks, Dave. I'm stunned.

After the interview it takes the Manila embassy 33 days (on average) to process the visa, correct?
Ugly_AmericanMalePhilippines2011-02-17 21:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi129f approved in less than 1 month???
Thanks so much for the link Kevin. I've no clue. I'll call it pure luck and just be so thankful. I should quickly buy a lottery ticket.
Ugly_AmericanMalePhilippines2011-02-17 21:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi129f approved in less than 1 month???
Does the NOA2 get sent automatically to the NVC (Manila?) I'm way behind the research curve. I thought I'd have 5 months to prepare for the next step.
Ugly_AmericanMalePhilippines2011-02-17 21:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi129f approved in less than 1 month???
Really???? How is it possible? I still can't believe it's already approved. Are you guys sure? Is this really the notice people normally wait 5 months to receive?
Ugly_AmericanMalePhilippines2011-02-17 20:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi129f approved in less than 1 month???
Please forgive me. I'm completely confused by an email (and text) i received just now from

I'll post the complete email message below. I thought the i129f process (in California Service Center) required around 147 days. The text and email appear to indicate the case is already approved. They only sent the NOA1 on Feb 2. Could they really have already approved it in just 15 days? If not, then what does this email indicate as the status of the case? Sorry for the question. I wasn't expecting any news from them for another 4.5 months.

from USCIS <>
date Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 5:15 PM
subject Case Status Information for Receipt Number: WACXXXXXXXX

hide details 5:15 PM (10 minutes ago)


The last processing action taken on your case

Receipt Number: WACXXXXXXXXX

Application Type: I129F , PETITION FOR FIANCE(E)

Your Case Status: Post Decision Activity

On February 17, 2011, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E). Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at 1-800-375-5283.

For approved applications/petitions, post-decision activity may include USCIS sending notification of the approved application/petition to the National Visa Center or the Department of State. For denied applications/petitions, post-decision activity may include the processing of an appeal and/or motions to reopen or reconsider and revocations.

If you have questions or concerns about your application or the case status results
listed above, or if you have not received a decision from USCIS within the current
processing time listed*, please contact USCIS Customer Service at (800) 375-5283.

*Current processing times can be found on the USCIS website at under Check Processing Times.

*** Please do not respond to this e-mail message.


The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)"

Even on the USCIS website, when I enter my number, my case is listed as:

"Post Decision Activity"

What does this mean? Are they already sending me the NOA2?

Thanks for any assistance and knowledge regarding this.
Ugly_AmericanMalePhilippines2011-02-17 20:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurestrack your case number here
Awesome, Thanks so much. The NVC only recd my package yesterday. They say it takes like a week before they send it.

I just did research and came up with an estimate that we're (conservatively) still 49 days away from holding the visa. For some reason i was thinking it would only be 330-35 days..... oh well.

30-35 days i meant
Ugly_AmericanMalePhilippines2011-03-01 18:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk1 what's is considered a large difference in age
15 year age diff is nothing. i know a married couple where the man is pushing 68 and the girl is 20.
Ugly_AmericanMalePhilippines2011-03-03 01:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Misspelled fiancee's name in their system...
i emailed the nvc the scan of her main profile page of her passport. Perhaps it doesn't matter. i just fear bureaucratic nightmares.
Ugly_AmericanMalePhilippines2011-03-03 01:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Misspelled fiancee's name in their system...
I've been calling and emailing the NVC every few days. I'd already been issued a new case number, however I've been trying to keep on top of when they mail it out.

The first and only email I received (this morning) had a misspelling of her first name. I know for sure it was an input error on their part. So I phoned them to have them make the correction. The agent said I needed to email them a copy of her passport. I complained that all my forms were proper, with out the mistake and that they simply needed to re-examine my application to discover their error, but she said the procedure requires me to submit her passport. Of course now we're going to scramble to get it to them asap, however I do fear that if they have her improperly listed in the system, and pass it along that way to the foreign embassy, that it may bounce back to the US and get delayed or lost.

It's already such a frustrating process, but when they make a mistake it's unfair that they require us to supply documents they never initially required.

Has anyone else ever had them make a spelling error, and what were the consequences? It's extremely lucky that I sent them an email otherwise I never would have discovered the mistake.

Edited by Ugly_American, 02 March 2011 - 06:23 PM.

Ugly_AmericanMalePhilippines2011-03-02 18:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCase undergoing "additional processes"(?) at NVC
Thanks. yes, nine pages of color photos with locations and dates. no receipts for gifts, but there were many. I've no question my package will breeze thru manila. i just want it out of the US now.

As for my relationship, it's not for anyone to judge. You who have been online dating for 4-5 years, great. You know the person better or feel more in touch or you enjoy an extended online experience. Whatever. I knew instantly when I met her that this was my mate for life. Please don't judge relationships based on time. This is also something i won't have to deal with on my anonymous account.

last post - good luck

Edited by Ugly_American, 04 March 2011 - 05:27 PM.

Ugly_AmericanMalePhilippines2011-03-04 17:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCase undergoing "additional processes"(?) at NVC
I just want unbiased support. It's not possible with many. I can get it without frustration. Judge me if you like, but I don't need it. I lose nothing by starting an anonymous account. You who blame me for posting this really have no right. I asked a question, then my timeline gets out and the attacks begin. I never asked for sympathy, just answers. I can't get answers with a timeline like that. There are some who were kind and just saw that I wasn't being a jerk. Others, well you can feel good because I won't outrage you anymore. It's a win-win for all. I posted the letter so people would perhaps in the future think twice about attacking someone based on his or her timeline. People are all frustrated here and I don't need to have a target on my back. Human nature is what it is. I accept it. Now we can all move on. Please focus on your own issues. Thanks!

Edited by Ugly_American, 04 March 2011 - 05:06 PM.

Ugly_AmericanMalePhilippines2011-03-04 17:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCase undergoing "additional processes"(?) at NVC
Good luck, guys. I'll be back in some other form. No hard feelings.

"Dear Captain Ewok,

Please delete my account. I don't want my posts always weighed against my fortunate NAO2 approval. I think one feature that would help would be the ability to hide ones timeline, thereby avoiding unpleasant replies. I've never lacked humbleness about my own situation and have supported a more equitable approval process. I don't feel I'll ever be able to place a post without being harassed in some form or another. I'll generate another account, free of harassment. I don't blame others - we're all in a frustrating situation, but my timeline is a burden on a site where I only now want anonymity.

Please also lock that last thread. I don't want people discussing my case any longer.

Ugly_AmericanMalePhilippines2011-03-04 16:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCase undergoing "additional processes"(?) at NVC
I've been in the slow line at the supermarket while observing those in other lines breeze past, while thinking "that's where I would have been".

Go ahead and vent. It's fine. I can just create another account, hide my timeline and thereby avoid harassment. But I was hoping despite my luck, that people would be mature. I'm fine with anonymity here. I've been extremely sensitive in my posts. A few more negative remarks and I'll just delete this account and start an anonymous one.

Edited by Ugly_American, 04 March 2011 - 04:06 PM.

Ugly_AmericanMalePhilippines2011-03-04 16:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCase undergoing "additional processes"(?) at NVC
Thanks, Dogspot. You're always very helpful and supportive and you do great service to all of us here. You've replied to other posts of mine in such a great way that I could never be upset with you.

This post has nothing to do with my luck. Some people win the lottery and I don't complain about having to work everyday. My post is about AP at the NVC, not about my timeline.
Ugly_AmericanMalePhilippines2011-03-04 15:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCase undergoing "additional processes"(?) at NVC
i'm in love. Honestly, I know I'm blessed with my timeline, but a day apart from her is a day. We all know what it means. As long as there is nothing I can do, then I will wait. When my paperwork was in California I just waited. I knew my actions were useless, but if there is a chance this thing is lodged in a cog and that I can do something to move it, then I will. I've never made a nuicance of myself to the politicians I financially support every year via taxes. So if they can actually do something for me, then I will seek assistance. I expect everyone here would always do the same thing. I understand why they might delay it, if they think we've only known each other for three months, but I included AMPLE evidence of a relationship: money transfers, skpye logs, email correspondences, texts, and even screen captures of her and I chatting on skype.

Is there a chance they would require an updated set of proof of relationship? It's no problem if they do as we are sending 10-30 emails, 20+ texts, and using skype every day, but it does bother me if they would require more evidence as if they want to see it's lasted another month.

If this post bothers people who have seen much longer delays and experienced more frustrations, then forgive me. I'm not usually a lucky guy and have always had to earn things the hard way. I was lucky to meet my fiancee and lucky my case was randomly expedited. It's just how I'm wired. Even if I'm in the rapids, I'll keep paddling. Wouldn't you?
Ugly_AmericanMalePhilippines2011-03-04 14:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCase undergoing "additional processes"(?) at NVC
It's very irritating. I have so little patience. I'm not going to let this last 4 weeks and then call my senator. I want to call my senator now, but I'll wait one week, then I'm phoning my Senator and Congressman and the NVC everyday, even if they just tell me the same thing. I'll be on the radar everyday. And I'll make sure each phone call lasts over 10 minutes even if we only speak about what we ate for breakfast.
Ugly_AmericanMalePhilippines2011-03-04 13:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCase undergoing "additional processes"(?) at NVC
I phoned the NVC to try to discover the date they might be forwarding the case onto the foreign embassy. The agent on the phone said that my case is undergoing "additional processes" at NVC. I imagine someone here has also been told this before and I'm wondering what type of delay I might expect as a result. Thanks!
Ugly_AmericanMalePhilippines2011-03-04 13:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEntire replica of petition?
Same here. Original to USCIS, a copy to fiance and one for me. It's useful and worthwhile
Ugly_AmericanMalePhilippines2011-03-09 20:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVERY DEPRESSED BADLY NEED HELP
I was approvad for K1, even though my income was questionable. The USCIS recommended I either send more documentation of my work or get a co-sponsor. I opted for a co-sponsor and had no problems at the interview. He didn't even ask about my work. So I believe a co-sponsor is perfectly acceptable for a K1.GL!
Ugly_AmericanMalePhilippines2011-11-30 19:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat do you think of this?
Gosh. I feel bad for you. Like 99% here, we did our own paperwork. It only required about 10 hours of document gathering - photocopying. The only difficult part is figuring out what to do, but if you read this site all the info is there. I'd move on him to be disbarred. Heck, hire another lawyer and sue him lol
Ugly_AmericanMalePhilippines2012-02-07 23:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuick question about K-1 and tourists
But how do you do an adjustment of status? And could you get married inside the US on a tourist visa? I thought you had to have a K-1 to get married. Again, I got married outside of the country and then moved to the US so I'm not familiar with his procedure.

Thanks again!
armorri122FemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-08 14:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuick question about K-1 and tourists
Hello all,

I am a graduate of the visajourney living with my husband in California. A friend of mine is about to start the process of applying for a K-1 fiance visa. However, I did not obtain a K-1 and cannot remember the answer to her question so was wondering if you could help me out: If your fiance is on a tourist visa at the time of filing, is he or she eligible to stay in the US throughout the duration of filing for the K-1? I know that if you are on a student visa or an H1-B, your current visa is extended but am unsure if this is the case for tourists.

Thanks much!
armorri122FemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-07 18:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLanguage and Translations of Proof
Ok, Thanks for the speedy responses! I am doing the original submission of the I-129F. I definitely have proof of meeting in person with plane ticket stubs, passport stamps, and we lived together for 13 months in mexico last year. I guess I won't worry so much about including early emails in this packet.

My sister has gone through this process with her husband and she included a bunch of emails and phone bills, but her husband speaks english, so I just wanted to check in with others in a bilingual relationship. Thanks again!
JulieandAngelFemaleMexico2012-11-01 12:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLanguage and Translations of Proof
Hello VJ community,

I am in the final stages of putting together my K-1 application and am a little anxious about the proof of ongoing relationship part. I have phone records showing calls within the past two years, but they are only stored for 24 months and can't access any earlier information. We've been in a relationship for 4 1/2 years, and the only early documents I could provide are emails/chats from online.

My fiance is Mexican and since I am fluent in Spanish the majority of our communication is not in English. Can I submit emails that are in Spanish? And if so, do I need to provide a translation as well?

Thanks so much for your help!
JulieandAngelFemaleMexico2012-11-01 03:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow to track package on DHL in Juarez
I just started the application process for Mexico, so it will be good to know this information later on....

But it seems to me that it's just not in the system yet. The message says that there isn't any information for that number at this time. I think the Cd. Juarez Consulate website said that it would be 10 days before it would arrive with DHL. I would check back again in a couple days.... but I am probably not your best source of info either! Hope it works out!
JulieandAngelFemaleMexico2012-11-05 13:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers - Makin' It To The NVC
I called the NVC just now to see what's up (and to get the new number).

Took a few tries and ten minutes on hold with that strangely cheerful recorded guy, but I got my number and the petition was forwarded to the London Embassy on May 8th!

The operator was cute... I told her I had two questions, and I asked for the number, and then she said "I bet I know what your second question is..." and I told her she was psychic! lol!

So I hope that means we should get Packet 3 any day -- maybe tomorrow!

Edited by psho, 14 May 2007 - 08:18 PM.

pshoFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-14 20:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers - Makin' It To The NVC

On what dates did you first and then again call NVC, psho?

Just because I'm bored . . . .

I decided to sit on hold and call NVC to ask if they new what was up with any delays. Of course they didn't. They say 2-4 weeks and "but it can take up to 90 days" - to which I said "let's just not go there." Pleasant enough people, but no answers - not that I'm surprised.

So I decided to call USCIS to ask what's up. They don't know. Well, the info line doesn't know because they don't mail them out, the service centers do (I know, I know, it gave me a chuckle too). The operator offered no advice on getting better insight into the time table.

So there you have it - absolutely no new information! Doesn't everyone feel better now?!

I called on April 30 and then again on May 4 (after being told to not try again for two weeks -- :P )

Sounds like you got the same information I got ("could take 90 days").
pshoFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-07 21:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers - Makin' It To The NVC

Post-jacked this info from Len & How...

NVC Info (to find out when your case arrives/leaves there and to get NVC Case number):
Call (603) 334-0700 - press "1" for English then "5" to speak to a rep on the phone. Be ready with USCIS case number, beneficiary name and birthdate. K1 visas are NOT entered into the automatic system. Reps are available 7:30 AM - 12 midnight Eastern time. Call right after they open or right before they close for best results - during the day lines are always busy.

Here's something that may be helpful, may be not...

When I first called, after giving out my USCIS number, the operator didn't have me at all, so that was a quick phone call.

The second time I called, I got the whole "what's the name of the petitioner, when's his birthdate" etc, so that was a big clue that they did finally have it and they were just double-checking that I was calling about who I claimed to be calling about. I had good luck calling after 6:30 PT.

Edited by psho, 07 May 2007 - 06:54 PM.

pshoFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-07 18:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers - Makin' It To The NVC
Me! Me! I'm in! I was told on Friday that the NVC "just got" the petition.

I put that in my timeline, but I'll put it in my sig as well.
pshoFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-07 11:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsPlease enclude me to your prayers
Good luck! I'm sure it will turn out well!
pshoFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-13 12:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPPROVAL GOODNESS!!!!!
pshoFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-20 20:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary CSC filers - Interview Progress


I'd fax and email the forms for the packet 3.

(DS-230 is NOT required, this is a common misunderstanding, since the checklist is issued for both K1, K2, K3 and other visas. DS-230 is required for immigrant visas. K1 visa is not an immigrant visa)

I think that is only true of Warsaw -- London requires it:


The biographic data form DS-23O-I should be completed for each person applying for a visa, regardless of age. The form may be photocopied if insufficient copies are received for each family member. The DS-230-I should be completed and returned immediately to the Immigrant Visa Unit at 5 Upper Grosvenor Street, London, W1A 2JB, in order for the Embassy to begin the administrative processing of the application. Failure to return the DS-230-I promptly will delay the processing of the application. At the same time, please complete and return the form DS-156 and DS-156K and DS-157 if applicable. Note: Please do not sign the the DS-156 or DS-156K. The forms must be signed before a consular officer on the day of the visa interview.

Bears repeating: different consulates have different instructions!

We're going to send off Packet 3 tomorrow or Wednesday! YIPPEE!
pshoFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-21 17:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMy Fiancee received the NOA2 today
Congratulations to paulinespens!
pshoFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-11 17:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsINTERVIEW UPDATE!!
how exciting! congrats! :)
pshoFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-15 20:07:00