IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresStill no NOA1

Sorry to hear that ,i would suggest tell your wife to call the USCIS and ask them about your case,coz me and my hubby have our confirmation letter few days after he sent I-130,try to check this see if its
help you luck,just have faith and pray all things turn all right.

Hi there, thanks so much for the speedy reply, ouch i suspect something is amiss then a few days is great, nearly a month not so great, typical! i tried the link it went to a uscis page but it only had the background image no info on the page. are there any specific numbers that would be best to call in this case?

thanks again so much
ShergarMaleIreland2011-08-01 09:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresStill no NOA1
Hi there folks,
I hope this find you well,
Basically, I am back in Ireland, my beautiful wife sent the i-130 packet just over 3 weeks ago now. We enclosed the G-1145 (email notification form also) and sent it to the appropriate Chicago lock-box. The check was cashed two weeks ago however we have received no Text or E-mail notification since. This is beginning to worry my wife as she expected to hear something back by now.
I was just wondering whether this is normal? From what I have read it seems as if people are getting responses much quicker than this for their initial mailing of the packet. Nearly four weeks seems a lot to me.
Any information or advice on this would be greatly appreciated.
Also if there is any information on how to contact USCIS order to find out? (seems unlikey as I dont have any petition number or anything to give them only our names)
thanks in advance
ShergarMaleIreland2011-08-01 08:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresno text/email hard copy, check cashed 3weeks

This is not a mole - mountain situation. The fact that your payment was cashed is a good thing but if I were you, I would like to have my CIS case number and to which service center the petition is forwarded to, though one will have to wait for another 3 months. Call 1-800-375-5283 and first try to ge hold a human.

I agree, i think the knowledge that I actually have a CIS number and to which service center it is going wold help ease our minds. I guess we both just thought it strange when no text or email arrived and probably expected in a few days and not a month. Could it be possible someone did not see the G-1145 attached with my cellphone number I dont know but hopefully its just something simple. That is the number I called earlier so I will keep trying and hopefully get a human on the line at some stage ;-)

Thanks again, appreciate it
ShergarMaleIreland2011-08-01 14:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresno text/email hard copy, check cashed 3weeks

Having any info is good but as you see he is inquiring so quickly they cant give him any info. To me the NOA 1 isnt usefull other then to signify something has begun. As you see hundreds of times on V J the wait for the NOA 2 is very difficult for people. They begin to endlessly call USCIS thinking they can affect the outcome only to become frustrated in the effort. The calls to USCIS many times end in disinformation from uninformed contract workers which adds to the frustration & confusion. Then the decision is made to involve a politician which most times results in nothing.
I think its best to understand the system will function as it has done for all of us that survived the journey. The only thing we can learn to manage is our own frustration levels by better understanding the events that will unfold.

I have no real frustration at all to be honest, we were just worried as to whether an error was made and the 'text' or 'email' as it was not sent out, we are most definitely not under any illusion of the time frame it is not so much an issue as the wait is worth it an we both have great jobs and are saving well in our respective countries, it is merely that I cannot get in touch with anyone to find out whether we have a receipt number yet or to ask about the text confirmation? its been 3+ weeks and from what I have seen on here the texts/emails have come quicker to alot of people. I understand the system fine and there is nothing that should constitute a red flag in our application I just merely wanted to know if this is normal to wait that long for the text/email and if not is there an easier way to contact a 'real'person not automated when I do not have a receipt number

Thanks so much for all your valuable inputs guys, they really are greatly appreciated
As I said any more info or link to a contact number that works would be great

ShergarMaleIreland2011-08-01 14:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresno text/email hard copy, check cashed 3weeks

While NOA 1 is important what is most important is NOA 2. That will take most people at least 5 to 6 months based on what we see here on V J. Those cases that got NOA 1 sooner than you may get NOA 2 later than you.
Dont let this journey get you down. You have to look to the future to keep in mind you are making a long term investment in the lives of at least two people.
The toughest part is the waiting & then there is a sudden cascade of events that end in what we wanted & waited for. That is actually just the first phase but the remainder is done together which serves to soften the experiance.

Thanks so much for the kind words and positivity really appreciated
ShergarMaleIreland2011-08-01 13:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresno text/email hard copy, check cashed 3weeks

Agreed but it is good to have one's CIS number - so I suggest that he call USCIS ASAP.

Thanks peeps, always such nice people on this site i really do appreciate it and we will keep our chins up
When you say call the USCIS, is there a specific department?I called this afternoon and it was automated and
I could not speak with anyone as I have no receipt number. Is there a number that will guarantee that I speak
with a person?

Tanks again
ShergarMaleIreland2011-08-01 13:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresno text/email hard copy, check cashed 3weeks
Hi there,

any help is great,
here goes:

8th July packet recieved & signed for @chicago
15th July check cashed
G-1145 included
still no text/email confirmation

is there anything I can do to find out whats going on?
I have called USCIS but dont have receipt number so
in essence I am caught between a rock and a hard place
and disheartened to see people receiving theirs after 3days etc.

thanks so much in advance for your input
Ashley & Brian
ShergarMaleIreland2011-08-01 13:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 today!
Nice one. i hope the rest of the process goes as quickly and smoothly as possible for you
ShergarMaleIreland2012-01-25 19:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSignature on DS-3032 and DS-230 for NVC
Hi there,

I have just undertaken this part of the process so I can help you I hope, Here goes:

1. Technically No, the DS-3032 requires her signature and Barcode from your payment, However below may speed this up

You can now call the NVC # 603-334-0700, go through the automated steps and enter your USCIS reciept #, it will give you some info, an NVC # such as DBL XXXXXXXXXX. It may say that your AOS Bill ($88) is ready for payment,

Have your wife fill out the info on this template for DS-3032:
and email it to the email address provided. I got a response after 2 days.
(Being the 'nerd' that I am I would have her send a printed version of the DS-3032 also with signature and mail it to you along with the DS-230 just in case the email doesnt work, but I imagine it will)

Also Have your wife print and fill out the DS-230 and mail it to you with all the supporting docs required Birth Cert, Police Cert etc and sign it (Part 1 is normally signed Part 2 is filled but not signed depending on Columbian Embassy if its Standard or Appointment post processing, check the website i listed directly below for this info)

(You should have gathered your I-864 (AOS) forms, tax info and docs and be ready to send them in now once the 1st bill has been paid.(Yes, You are basically on 2 separate Visa tracks at the moment.)

They will respond to you by email and you can also check via the website, here is a quick link when you have received your Invoice number from your first bill, you can enter it here along with you NVC # and see when your 2nd bill is due. ($404 i think?):

click on fee payment under the Immigrant Visa Heading

When you pay the second bill you can then send the DS-230 once it arrives from Colombia.

2. You can prepare these in advance but they need her signature.
3. The barcode situation is sketchy to me I didnt quite grasp the uick guide generator thing, to be honest Id just use the barcodes generated by the payments to be safe, that is purely my opinion. You must send the cover sheets that are provided on the bill payments site so make sure and put these on you I-864 and on her DS-230 when it arrives before you send them in.

Yes she should include 2 passport photos to the US reqs. signed and dated on the back i believe

I wouldnt waste any time sending her the forms, just send her the link to them and have her print them and send them to you.

i hope this helps, sorry I was writing as quickly as possible so feel free if you have any question about what I have written just ask.

Check my timeline also, it was very quick this part so far once I had the DS-230 in the US signed,thats the most important thing


Edited by Shergar, 22 February 2012 - 08:41 PM.

ShergarMaleIreland2012-02-22 20:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI130 Fees...Dollars or Euro?

Wow seems easy enough thank you for the link Brian! :) Did you start the process recently? I'm hoping that sending everything to the Chicago lockbox doesn't prolong the process too much!

Aaaah you're filing through Chicago DCF, i see, sorry I should have looked at your post better, then the other people have given you good advice, your Mom should be able to help you with it, send your packet to her and she can include the check and send it to CHicago lockbox etc. My bad!

Been in the process since June 11, hoping that my case is on the way to Dublin right now so I can get back to the US soon :thumbs:
ShergarMaleIreland2012-02-23 07:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI130 Fees...Dollars or Euro?

Hi there everyone, just filling out and getting all my stuff together, about to send the I130 in this week hopefully (soooooooooo pumped!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D )... I'm currently residing in Dublin, Ireland however the fees say it's $410. Does it matter if it's a money order in Euro for the exact amount exchanged from dollars? It might be an obvious answer I just don't want to prolong this if possible, thank you! :help: :help:

Hey Pumpkin, From the most recent Dublin Embassy reviews (link below) on here they seem more than happy to take Cash Dollars for the amount at the Embassy counter which is much more helpful and practical, thats what I will be bringing, so happy days :thumbs:


Edited by Shergar, 22 February 2012 - 09:05 PM.

ShergarMaleIreland2012-02-22 21:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresBona Fide Relationship requirements??
Hi, my wife the US Citizen, added me to her triple A memberships and the gym etc which she said was very easy to do(aswell as bank accounts also as an AU on her Credit Cards) I did the same in Ireland for her and with what you listed below plus a few Affidavits from 3rd parties it was good enough.
TracyJo, good luck this time round
Kristine&sean ,good luck with the rest of your journey

So phone/text records, emails, photos, passport stamps weren't enough for the interview? I'm going to have to look into more things to get our names on together then. I already checked with my bank and they won't let me put his name on without a SS#. It's so annoying. I wonder what else we could put our names on?

ShergarMaleIreland2012-03-09 07:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHuge mistake in letter for I-130

Hi all, we made a huge mistake. My wife put the wrong month down for when we met and we just found out now after re-reading it. We met in person in January 2008 but on the letter of how we met for the I-130 she put down that we met in June 2008. Should we send in a letter stating that we made a mistake or what do we do? Can in be cleared up during the interview? We feel like complete idiots. This process is so exhausting and I can't believe we overlooked it.

Sincerely worried,

Paul and Amber

Hi there,

I agree with Penguins advice.
we had the same problem just a small mistake and it had us so worried.
We did nothing to be honest just left it be thinking that we would correct it if they asked.
Nothing came of it though in the end and our interview is on Monday
Good luck with the rest of your journey
ShergarMaleIreland2012-04-25 07:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat should I bring to interview?
Hi there,

I had my interview last week (not in Tokyo in Dublin) but the Interviewer had my full file in front of her.
I thought about bringing alot of things with me but in the end I just brought a small folder with the following:

My passport & passport photos
a copy of the I-864 info along with up to date payslips and the tax extension for this year
Certified copies of Marriage Cert & Birth Cert
Police Cert

All that was taken from me was the Police Certificate but I was gad to have the others as back up. The interviewer used my file to establish all of her questions and was very nice. Because of this preparation on VJ I was very relaxed and she could tell, I was only with her for 10 minutes.

Hope this helps and Good Luck :)

Edited by Shergar, 07 May 2012 - 07:43 AM.

ShergarMaleIreland2012-05-07 07:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWaiting for my (Conditional) Greencard

It should take about a month for you to receive the actual card in the mail. Considering the current situation of the USPS with cutting and reducing routes, it may take a little longer. Give it another week or two, if you can.
At the POE they may have annotated your passport to the effect that you were admitted as a resident and authorized to work. That should be proof that you are legit to any employer, but you will need to present your green card to HR at some point. Employers can also use e-verify to check your SSN is good for work.
Having said all that, there is nothing that should prevent you from looking for a job while you wait for your green card. Unless you have a job lined up already, chances are it will take you some time to find one. (I hope to be wrong). Make sure you disclose your situation to any potential employer so they know you're playing it clean.
Good luck! I wish you success!


Thanks so much for your very informative reply, what VJ is all about right there.

ShergarMaleIreland2012-06-18 01:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWaiting for my (Conditional) Greencard
Hi there,

I arrived in the US May 11th 2012 with my temporary I-551 in my passport.
As we have been married less than two years I am due to receive a conditional
Greencard for two years. I have received my Social Security Number (SSN) three
weeks ago.
I was under the impression I had to wait to receive the 2 year
Greencard with the i-551 stamp in the post before I could work? Is this true?
Do I need to apply for this card or does it come automatically? (The immigration
officer in the airport suggested it does however he also said the same for the SSN
but I still had to go to the office as it did not arrive)

How long does the card normally take to arrive?

Is there some resource that I can call/check in order to find this information out?

I have plenty of savings so am in no rush to work, you may think I am crazy but great and all as the Florida sunshine is, a
month off and boredom is setting in so I want to know when I can get back at it B-)

Any information you can provide would be great.

Thanks VJ'ers

Edited by Shergar, 15 June 2012 - 08:39 AM.

ShergarMaleIreland2012-06-15 08:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWill Spouse visa get denied for Herpes PLEASE HELP
Correct, there is a high percentage of people with herpes, and these stats are just from the people who were tested. What about the other half of America without insurance and can't receive medical treatment. That population isn't even counted. So actually the stats are even higher than what was actually counted. HPV is all high-risk. They all can lead to cervical cancer. Cervical cancer is the ONLY cancer that is 100% preventable. Every time a woman contracts and STD / STI it increases her chances of cervical cancer. There are MANY strands of HPV and the vaccination only protects a person against the strands of the live virus within the dose. Please read before vaccination and ask your provider EVERY question you can think of. Like I tell my patients, "No question is a dumb question". Get the facts, the good, bad, and the ugly. Be well informed before making a decision. I make sure I inform my patients as much as possible regarding these topics, then I put the ownership back on them, to do their research to see what options are best for them and when they return or call me the next day they have to tell me something about the vaccine that they learned outside of my office.

Good job with the stats by the way! Posted Image

She will not be denied for admitting herpes. Definitely check yes on the form.

By the way, since someone brought up stats earlier, around 20% of the US population has genital herpes, and I think about 80% of the US population has oral herpes (both are herpes simplex virus). While we are talking about STDs, 40% of the US population has HPV, and over 20% has high-risk HPV (the types that can lead to cervical cancer). Please consider vaccination if you or a family member is a candidate. (Stats from

FutureMrsLopezFemaleDominican Republic2012-07-07 00:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWill Spouse visa get denied for Herpes PLEASE HELP
Okay everyone, let me put some things to rest. As you know, I am Medical Practitioner, Midwife Posted Image and in between patients, babies, and births I am currently working on my PhD in Public Health. So I guess that makes me "Future Doctor Lopez" Posted Image I just realized that... awww I love the sound of that! Posted Image

Okay, I don't know law as you can tell by some of my questions that I have posted, but I do medicine, health and babies Posted Image. I do agree with everyone else: 1. Be honest 2. Herpes, is NOT a communicable disease that should cause denial. 3. I am almost positive that she will NOT be denied based upon her status. 4. is a great start on education and awareness for everything! I do want to give you a little info regarding Herpes. So please read carefully for the one's who posted previous questions.

I am not sure what specific test the medical exam requires, as I am still new to Visa Journey but at the time of her examination if she is not visibly showing an outbreak then the ONLY other POSSIBLE way to detect HSV 2 is through a SPECIFIC blood test (PCR) & a

lthough sores may be visible to the eye, several laboratory tests may be necessary to determine whether the sores are caused by HSV or another infection. The most reliable method of diagnosing genital herpes is by viral culture during which a new lesion is swabbed or scraped with the sample added to a laboratory culture that contains healthy cells. These cells are then examined, a day or two later, under a microscope that shows changes to the cells that indicate the growth of the herpes virus. A blood test only detects if a person has HSV antibodies in their blood. It doesn't tell if its HSV 1 (cold sores = HERPES) or HSV 2 (genital). What specific blood test will be ordered for her exam is unknown to me.

Living with Herpes is not the end of world. 2 out 3 people have some form of this ugly virus whether it be HSV 1 or HSV 2 and half the world who has this ugly virus can have it and NEVER know they have. It's called Asymptomatic. Meaning a person is a carrier of a virus / disease and can transfer their virus to another person without being aware they are positive and transferring it. Herpes, lies dormant (under the radar) at the bottom of your nerve ending which is why STRESS is the # 1 reason for flare ups. Along with direct sunlight, extreme cold, and certain foods like cheese, chocolate, sugary snacks, caffeine, nuts, oatmeal, etc... this virus is an immune systems enemy. It important to keep your immune system strong and healthy and watch your diet.

So, no need to panic about the STD question. Just say yes, to the question and make sure she is taking a daily regiment of medicine / herbs or homeopathics to lessen or keep her outbreaks at bay if she is prone to having outbreaks often.

Like I always say, you don't have to remember the truth.

Posted Image

Hope this helps.

Posted Image
FutureMrsLopezFemaleDominican Republic2012-07-06 18:05:00
Middle East and North Africaverbal threats
I just had a talk with my husband today, Asked him if he thinks our relationship is a normal happy one and his answer was "yes, there is nothing with our relationship, all couples disagree on things and pass under stress, but now I am working and all will be good". I told him I talked to an attorney, he said I misunderstood him when he was talking and yelling, he was just telling me that he could have done all those things to others, but he wouldn't because he is a nice guy" he said he'll never use nor hurt anyone and that I am too Americanized that is why I misunderstood his intentions" and so on. he was very calm with fixed eyes, no emotions in them at all, then he hugged me and kissed me telling me he married me because he loved him. Did that happen to you?
horseloverinflFemaleLebanon2010-09-14 18:40:00
Middle East and North Africaverbal threats

I'm sure this is not the relationship you dreamed of ! Get out of it FAST... You're wasting your life with someone who clearly does not appreciate what you or your family are doing for him.

There are good people out there, this is not some 'Middle Eastern' trait, plenty of VJ's here married to lovely people from the MENA region and all over the world...this is just plain abusive behaviour, from a man that clearly has personal issues.

Don't give him the chance to ruin yours or anyone else's life here. Send him back, get him deported. Seriously, and you can do this safely, just have those that love you support you through it and end this mess!

Thank you for everyone's support. I contacted a divorce attorney, now I am waiting to hear back from two immigration attorneys regarding my husband's status with the fact that he just got his conditional GC less than two months ago. I will keep posted. Thank you, I am Blessed to have so much support. I am here also for anyone who needs me.

All the best...let us know if you need anything

horseloverinflFemaleLebanon2010-09-13 14:43:00
Middle East and North Africaverbal threats

I think when you are trying to explain away someones behavior, it doesnt make you a bad person. It makes you retarded..not evil....I am very glad the poster has opened up because alot of people dont....nor are they truthful when things go south, therfore giving off the impression that whats happened to horse in fl is a rare occurance..its not....Its not my fault that I was loving, trusting and patient. And when other people from mena saw me bloodied and with welts they should have admonished him. They didnt, one in fact , a woman told me this was very common and that her husband from the magreb batters her and that her french born sister is battered by her brother and that this is very normal. She even threatened me if I told anyone. She followed me after a battering into a place of business to make sure I didnt tell. I finally told my family as well as a religious friend of all of theres and it wasnt until then that I got relief....Someone from the same country, a very religious mena person is the one that finally put a stop to it and admonished both him and his friends. Its not the fault of the person battered. A person may be stupid, they may be naive enough to believe they can change someone or blame circumstances...but its a dangerous message je veux to blame someone who has been victimised. All of us have chances every day to hurt people and we make a conscious choice not to.

I think that if you are close to removing conditions and you are with someone dangerous like this and you dont have support, give them what they want and protect yourself.. Blackmailing with vawa is very common. There was a woman on here about 4 weeks ago that was arrested by her turkish husband who recorded her, battered her and threw her out of her house. I was lucky enough to have family support as well as a mom and an aunt who is a lawyer who in no uncertain terms told him if he threatend me again that they would call ICE themselves. For those of you naive enough to not believe this is going on, it is and American women are now being threatend and manipulated with VAWA rules. I got through this situation relatively safely towards the end but not without absolutely horrible effects on my family. It absolutely is very possible to bring fake vawa charges against an american spouse and stage things and pretend that they were battered...This has become a new trick and not very uncommon...

Horse in florida...this happens alot more than people would like to admit and you first have to make an absolute choice of what you want to do....Its not going to get better. You are very far off removing conditions so that cannot be a carrot that you can hang out there to get the hell out of this..I am so sorry for you... I lived it and dont blame yourself...dont do it.. you can move on past this and things will be alright once hes out of your life

Proud of you to being so open, helpful and moving on. We all make mistakes and think that people have hope to change for the better. Glad you are out of this and I pray that you are not letting it affect your daily living. Stay strong and positive. Blame doesn't help, but I sure hope it helps other women and men out there think twice before they marry someone who just wants to come to America, which is happening a lot.
horseloverinflFemaleLebanon2010-09-13 08:09:00
Middle East and North Africaverbal threats

In normal circumstances (boy meets girl on US soil) no, I wouldn't say someone was asking for abuse or that they put themselves in danger. However, when the abuse or infidelity or whatever starts overseas and you have that out (not bringing them to the US) and you choose not to take that out well aren't you putting yourself in the line of fire, so to speak? A husband is abusive whether physically or emotionally while still overseas needs to stay his azz overseas. That way he cannot pose a threat to his wife in the US. Especially a MENA husband who would have a hard time getting to the states without his wife's help. I'm not evil but I am thinking logically and logic says don't allow an abusive husband to get into your country and therefore your home to continue the abuse. Now in the case of the OP where I don't see evidence of abuse prior to him coming to the US then yes, she should be careful but at the same time she should be trying to get herself out of the situation.

Well, you got a point there. Perhaps the reason why I did not notice the abuse overseas is because I did not stay there longer than a month, anyone can act their best for such a short period of time. He is a pro manipulator and I should have been smarter than being heads over heals. Some of us think that when such men leave their environment they'll get better, which is not true. They can manipulate it to get what they want. I already contacted an attorney, hope I'll get a call today to schedule an appointment. In the mean time he's been so nice to me. At one point shortly after he got his GC, he told me to apply for a job overseas, which I did before I met him, while he stays here to take care of the house. YEAH Sure. what about the family we wanted to have, how can we have it if I am overseas working under austere conditions?
horseloverinflFemaleLebanon2010-09-13 08:03:00
Middle East and North Africaverbal threats

This is a red flag in your relationship. looks like you are used for money and green card. dont let that happen.i cant understand how some men can not be at least grateful to those who pick them from the dirt.

He wanted a car to go to work, my dad gave him his until my husband starts making money to buy his own, he drove it for few days than came home one day saying: "How do expect to go work driving this car, I can not tell the manager I can't work because my back is hurting from driving your dad's car." few days later he said he found a used car he likes, I said OK, by when do you plan on paying me back for it" and he flipped and started his "Shame, Shame, Shame on you. all you talk about is money. You don't feel my pain, I have stomach pain because of the stress you put under, and anyway you said the car will be registered in your name, so why do I want to do anything with it" and more more, then after I asked a friend of mine, in-front of my husband, what happens if a US citizen divorces someone with a conditional GC, my husband became the nicest guy on earth.
All the above are some of his outbursts. he said we wife who asks her husband when he is going to return the money is a stranger not a wife, and he did not want me to tell my parents or anyone about the money borrowing that him and his family did claiming it is a private matter between him and I and his parents.
I will seek an attorney tomorrow, should I call USCIS as well?
horseloverinflFemaleLebanon2010-09-12 11:35:00
Middle East and North Africaverbal threats
Hello everyone,
My husband got his two year (conditional) green card about two months ago. Before we got married he borrowed money from me saying that his brother needed an emergency eye surgery and they did not have the money and they will pay me back as soon as he or his brothers can afford to, that dragged into more borrowing. It has been a year now, and no one has made the initiative to give me back at least a sign of good intention to return the money. Since he got here, every-time I did something he did not like, he starts yelling and screaming and telling me what he did to his mom when she behaved the way I did, and that he put his fist through windshield while driving when his dad gave a comment about my husband's driving, and what he did to his former B**** fiancee. he said a man has the right to be depressed and upset and to express his feelings. When I ask him to talk in a nicer way and stop yelling and making threats he says he is not yelling, he is just telling me what he did and that's his tone of voice. Now, he asked my cat "if I kick you slamming against the wall, what would you do?" Are those things considered threats? Thank you for reading all this. There is a lot more, but those are the highlights, what do I need to do? Should i give him the chance to get a visa to the country where brother resides, rather than him getting deported back where he doesn't want to be? There is a lot more to this, he even said he'll work under the table so he won't pay taxes. Dishonesty and exaggeration about who he is and who he knows has been his trait. he said that he can with "his foot he can make calls to frame people" and that "he has a way of making people trust him so they'll tell him personal things that he will use against them to ruin their lives, but he won't do it because he is a good man". what am I dealing with?
horseloverinflFemaleLebanon2010-09-12 10:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaMsg from uscis
I am talking about your case in this website
I still have the same message in my case nember ther..

Edited by maryame, 13 December 2013 - 04:01 PM.

maryameNot TellingMorocco2013-12-13 16:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaMsg from uscis
It means they sent your file to (NVC) national visa center.. My visa took 8 months after I received this message. Wish you good luck....
This message is gonna stay in your case even if you ll get your visa and after that they r ganna give you an other nember start with ( wac ) that s what happend me
All you need to do is waiting until they send you an other email telling you what they r gonna need or what to do?

Edited by maryame, 13 December 2013 - 09:13 AM.

maryameNot TellingMorocco2013-12-13 09:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhere can I notarize y wife signature in Morocco

Hello, I have a question for you please. How much did your wife got her documents notarized for? I have almost 40 pages to get notarized. Thank you.

samia1948Not TellingMorocco2013-06-24 14:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaTransit Visa needed for layover in Paris enroute to Morocco?

To the best of knowlege, your husband does not need any transit visa as long as he stays inside the airport. I know many people who have done that and they didn't have any problems at all.

samia1948Not TellingMorocco2013-06-24 18:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaNotarizing documents in the Us Embassy in Morocco

Thank you all for your replies. Our realtor told us that the bank will not accept a foreign notary, everyting has to be notarized at the consulate or the embassy.

@ Miben: yes, I need to sign every document because my name is on the contract. I will ask my realtor about the POA. Thank you all for your clarifications. Your help is greatly appreciated dancin5hr.gif


samia1948Not TellingMorocco2013-06-25 12:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaNotarizing documents in the Us Embassy in Morocco

Yes between 30 to 40 pages. I really don't know what to do

samia1948Not TellingMorocco2013-06-24 22:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaNotarizing documents in the Us Embassy in Morocco

   Hello eveyone! I know that the fee for notarials is $50 in the US embassy in Morocco, the problem is that I have almost 40 pages to notarize. Do they take into consideration the amount of pages? because if they charge me $50 per page, I will end up paying $2000 which is absolutely ridiculous. I forgot to mention that the notarials are needed to close on a short sale house in Florida, but the problem is that I'm already in Morocco!!

Did anyone go through a similar process? Please help ASAP!!

samia1948Not TellingMorocco2013-06-24 14:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresThe Phoenix lockbox address
Thank u
nr16hopeFemaleMorocco2012-03-22 05:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresThe Phoenix lockbox address
Question... Has anyone or is there anyone out there that had to send app out to the Phoenix location??? All of the comments I'm reading and timelines appear to
be either Vermont,Chicago, Texas,or Nebraska. Is this a new spot, I ask cause I live in Florida and that just seems so far off (Phoenix.) Appreciate any info on this.
nr16hopeFemaleMorocco2012-03-21 21:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130/CR-1
Good morning,

Is it necessary to put into the cover letter an explanation or story of how my husband and I met? Or is that something that goes on another sheet or later time it's not clear either way?
I'm not even sure if It 's recommended to do so? Thank you
nr16hopeFemaleMorocco2012-03-25 07:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR1 to Permanent Residence
Our case at the NVC was approved on January 23, 2013 and sent to the Consulate in Rio de Janeiro.

My question is as follows:

Will my wife receive her permanent green card or a conditional one?
I know that she needs to get her visa first. However, we have two children which are naturalized American citizens alerady and our 2nd year anniversary is on March 16th. Can anyone answer this question?

Thank you.
Samuel&AmandaNot TellingBrazil2013-01-24 23:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDomicile Proof
You can contact a previous job employer and see if they will offer a job for you. Tell them to write a letter of employment and notarize it because it needs to be legitimized. As for the bank account, you can only open instate. Best of luck to you all.
Samuel&AmandaNot TellingBrazil2013-01-30 02:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresImmigration Appointment
Does anyone know how long does it take for the NVC to issue an Immigrant Visa Appointment in Rio de Janeiro's consulate once it has been approved? My wife's case was concluded on January 23rd, 2013.

Edited by Kathryn41, 31 January 2013 - 11:29 PM.
to remove extraneous coding

Samuel&AmandaNot TellingBrazil2013-01-30 03:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2013 filers K1

Now that the December and January filers have been transferred, has anyone had the patience to call uscis to find out exactly where they are with processing petitions?

dreamingegyptFemaleTrinidad and Tobago2013-05-29 17:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2013 filers K1

My fiancé and I are also planning a courthouse wedding for a tentative October 12 wedding. I hope we get to keep the date.  We are going to have a party for family and friends to celebrate our 1 year anniversary.

By the way I filed feb 4 and received my noa1 on feb 7th....ide like to think we are all halfway through this process.

My fiancé and I are also planning a courthouse wedding for a tentative October 12 wedding. I hope we get to keep the date.  We are going to have a party for family and friends to celebrate our 1 year anniversary.

By the way I filed feb 4 and received my noa1 on feb 7th....ide like to think we are all halfway through this process.

dreamingegyptFemaleTrinidad and Tobago2013-05-20 18:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2013 filers K1

Glad to join the February filer group!!!

I like to believe we are halfway there to a noa2!!

dreamingegyptFemaleTrinidad and Tobago2013-05-10 09:52:00