K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresjust one copy....
The copies are mainly for if somehow the interviewer is missing parts of you packet, then you'd have the copies that you could pull out and give to them if you needed to. They probably won't ask for them but most people bring them as a precaution.
GingerpantsFemaleIreland2010-10-09 08:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAny recent approvals from CSC?

Everyone needs to realize that if the CSC was only processing 100 or so packages a month it would make one wonder why it takes so long. BUT they are handling thousands of petitions every month. I abandoned my wife's K-1, and we married instead in the Philippines. So, this is technically my second trip through the Visa Journey. It was even slower back in 07-08. The CSC processing times have sped up quite a bit....

I don't think the issue (and the multiple topics that have ensued from it) are due to simple impatience. At least it isn't for me. Instead, this is more a result of the apparent stoppage in K1 approvals. In addition the fact that there's no place we can go to with these kind of inquiries leaves us in the dark. The unknown has, and always will cause chaos.

VJ only gives a portion of the pool to look at but it's enough to see that approvals have plummeted. In June and July 80 some-odd (per month) were approved; In August only 36; In September: 8. If they have pulled groups off of K1's to work on other backlogged applications then they shouldn't have allowed it to go on for this long. This method will cause an infinite loop to occur. They will take people off processing visa Type A to get caught up on Type B, when they finally return to Type A they will find that it is now backlogged. Upon this they will pull people from Type C and when their caught up on Type A they will find that Type C is now backlogged. This will repeat indefinitely.

I (as do most others here) know that we have a long wait ahead of us, but what I find maddening is the flawed methodology and not knowing their reasoning behind it.
GingerpantsFemaleIreland2010-10-09 16:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDealing with the waiting game

He was getting the police cert in Cork, but the issue was that they had to send his application to the local station for every place he's lived, which meant four stations in the city plus his home village station in Clare. After 6 weeks there was still one that was holding things up. It took getting his TDs involved to get the thing wrapped up. Of course after one of them got in touch with the appropriate station the cert was mailed to John the next day. Fecking useless lazy jerks. Just typical.

Gosh then I'm going to be sure to pay them a visit and get that sorted as soon as we get the NOA2, thanks for the heads up!

The doctor was Dr. Donovan in Cork. Aside from being extremely difficult to get in touch with and very rude, he went on vacation after John's medical and the office was completely unreachable for three weeks.

Shame on him for being rude to people undergoing such a stressful process! We'll be sure to stick with Blackrock then. :yes:

Thanks for the support!

Not a problem! That's why we're here, to keep each other sane. :P
Ooh I just noticed your interview is in 4 days, best of luck to you both, let us know how it goes!

GingerpantsFemaleIreland2010-09-06 06:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDealing with the waiting game

Ok, I've never participated in one of these kinds of threads because I never felt bad enough. But holy hell I had a complete breakdown last night. I've been strong through these last 6 months of the waiting. Waiting for NOA2 - no biggie. I was prepared for that to take 5 months. Thankfully it came quicker so that was just a bonus.

But for most people the embassy stage is quicker (with the exception of Montreal I know and I'm sure other places as well). But the process on his side of the ocean in Ireland has been tortuous. The embassy taking longer than normal to process our package after getting it from NVC. Incompetent useless pricks at the police stations taking forever about his police cert. The medical doctor treating John like ####### and never answering phone calls/emails/in-person visits. Then the embassy rescheduling his interview date twice. So frustrating.

Eeek that does sound awful! Which Garda station was he going through? Where they just taking their sweet time or did they just have him jumping through hoops to get his certs? Which doctor was this? My fiance went through the one in Blackrock a few years ago without any troubles and he'll be going there again for this visa so I'm hoping this isn't the one that caused you troubles.

But still, even with those things I was plugging along and doing well. But everything else just came crashing in on me last night. All of a sudden the fact that I've been doing almost EVERYTHING for this process on my own just overwhelmed me. Finding an apartment and buying everything we need for it; moving in alone; planning the move to a different state; deciding what day we're going to get married; booking a B&B for a little mini honeymoon; finding a dress for our little courthouse wedding; buying my wedding ring. And the kicker that set me over last night was that I had to get my wedding ring resized because I have freakishly small fingers, and now the ring just isn't the same. I'm losing it over this ring and I don't know if I can get over it. There's not a lot the vendor can do and I just don't know what to do. It's like EVERY SINGLE PART of this whole engagement and marriage has been a compromise or concession. I couldn't handle ONE MORE THING, especially my WEDDING RING being another damn thing that I have to "settle" on.

I was sitting next to my mother, tapping away on the computer, when all of a sudden I broke into tears and literally sobbed for ages about all of it. My eyes are still swollen today from all of the crying. And I still don't really feel better. :(

I am not a dramatic person at all. But I've reached my limit.

Yes it's always that littlest things that finally cause you to break down. Sometimes though a well deserved break down can be a good thing in stressful times like these, it can help you to get it all out of your system. Hopefully it'll all be sorted soon and you'll both be happily enjoying your new life together. :)

Best Wishes to you and I hope you feel better!
GingerpantsFemaleIreland2010-09-04 14:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDealing with the waiting game

Aw thanks for reading! Yeah, my fiancé and I are really interested in documenting this process. Writing about it is sort of therapeutic for us, especially since we have been slacking on our creativity lately. This acts as a release as well as a motivator to write more regularly. I am the posts tagged The American and he's posts tagged The Englishman. At least something good is coming out of this crazy waiting game.

Yes I've thought about doing something similar but I think it would just manifest into a rant. :P So for now I'm just expressing my stress through online moodboard tools and such.
GingerpantsFemaleIreland2010-08-31 11:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDealing with the waiting game

I know. I think the wait is worse for the Americans as our fiances get to have this exciting life change so they get to spend their time packing and tying up loose ends in preparation to leave their lives behind whereas our lives just stay the same until they arrive.

My fiance and I are aspiring writers, and something we did to help kill time was start a blog about our experiences and general thoughts throughout this process:

I agree. This is the only thing I can think about anymore. It's consumed my entire year.

Oooh Gap1 I just clicked onto your blog and I'm finding myself immediately entertained, and nodding at each line as you've so precisely depicted this daunting process! I recall when I first heard about the K1 visa I thought to myself, "Wait-- not only do I need permission from my government to get married but I also have to wait ages for their approval?!"
GingerpantsFemaleIreland2010-08-31 08:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDealing with the waiting game

:lol: I am thinking they have one old fella to do all applications, and he changes centres every other day!

Didnt think the wait would be this bad!!

Yeah hehe, I picture a feeble little old man behind a desk with thick spectacle lenses typing very, very slowly.

*Ah I just noticed I used the incorrect 'their,' when I meant 'They're.' :blush:

Perhaps CSC employees just need some good motivation! Like a good old fashioned race between them and VSC. :P
GingerpantsFemaleIreland2010-08-31 08:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDealing with the waiting game

Feel really shitty today - just so fed up :blush:

Another week will come and go and wont hear anything, hating this big time :wacko:

Cant even be bothered to keep myself busy, have no motivation to do anything. Living everyday, doing the same thing, waiting for the same thing is starting to get rather repetitive.

If this continues until xmas I am going to go insane!

Aw, well look on the bright side, at least you're being processed at Vermont and not California. :thumbs:
Because I'm beginning to think that California has one lonesome employee doing all of the processing themselves with the way their moving.
GingerpantsFemaleIreland2010-08-31 06:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDealing with the waiting game

Does anyone think they are putting their life at a total standstill for this? I am not even happy at home anymore because I am not doing anything or planning anything to make me excited other than the wedding and the visa ####### - which although is exciting, its all tainted due to waiting so much. Maybe I am just a very impatient person :blush: I almost feel like the direction I want my life to go just cant be done and everyday with work it feels like you are never going to escape the place. I guess for some partners its easier as thier life continues as normal, as I said my OH is much more relaxed about it than I am! He knows it will happen when it happens, I guess I should take a leaf out of his patience book :help:

I really hope someone hears some good news soon and the key I think is too kepp as busy as possible :rofl:

Definitely! I feel like everything we talk about these days begins with "when we get in the US we can...."
It really just makes the wait more annoying :wacko:
GingerpantsFemaleIreland2010-08-29 10:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDealing with the waiting game

Thanks Gingerpants, I shall take a look. I too, am dreaming of NOA2 day and the day I walk out of the american embassy with that visa on its way and the moment I arrive in the states and for once im not on borrowed time....and getting married of course lol :)

I know all my friends are like well its got to be soon surely, and to try and explain the process over and over again its sometimes like way too much effort! And then u get the questions why is it taking so long and all u can say is I have no bloody idea!! Stop asking me!! I just wish there was a light at the end of the tunnel so it gives you a date to work for. the thought of all this lasting until like next summer is just too much to bear.

Its just so hard and I kow we will get through it but sometimes u just feel so miserable about it all. And everyones is like oh cheer up it will happen soon, and by the end of the day u just want to chuck something at them!!

Yeah it would be lovely if they could give a date to look forward to instead of a vague estimate. Before we started the process I'd heard it would take at least 9 months to get the K1 so once I started realising people we getting their within 3 and 4 months I felt more positive about the whole thing. But now even that feels like an eternity when the end is so uncertain! :wacko:
GingerpantsFemaleIreland2010-08-27 13:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDealing with the waiting game
Here Lucy, this website is great for passing the time: Polyvore

The guys may not find it too interesting but it's great fun if you like being creative or if you want to put together an outfit or even plan a wedding :P

Edited by Gingerpants, 27 August 2010 - 11:53 AM.

GingerpantsFemaleIreland2010-08-27 11:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDealing with the waiting game
I know how you feel, everyone keeps asking when we're leaving for the states and I keep having to give these tentative answers. And because of some complicated circumstances we've had to move out to the middle of nowhere with my future mother in-law until the K1 is approved and so far it's been nightmarish! We've gone from city life to country life and there's absolutely nothing to do out here and I usually get along with my fiance's mother but lately she's just been losing the plot at every turn. :help:

So needless to say I too have been checking our status constantly and dreaming of NOA2 day. :innocent:

Ah but I really shouldn't complain too much since I know I'm lucky enough not to have to be separated for months at a time.
GingerpantsFemaleIreland2010-08-27 11:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGETTING READY
Approvals take and average of 5 months.

The embassy doesn't care if someone needs fillings or teeth whitening. They will care however if someone has something like Tuberculosis.
GingerpantsFemaleIreland2010-10-08 17:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI´ll change my name, ¿how long must my fiancee wait to send the I-129F form?
I think you may be better off waiting until after you've entered into the states to do this as I could see this causing confusion and maybe even delays in your application. :unsure:
GingerpantsFemaleIreland2010-09-05 20:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI´ll change my name, ¿how long must my fiancee wait to send the I-129F form?
I'm a bit confused by your post but since no one else has answered I'll try and see if I can help. So are you changing your first name or last? If it's your last name and you're still not married (which I would assume you're not based on the rest of you info) then most people do this after they are married. In fact unless it's a tradition to do this prior to the marriage in your country then it may concern the consulate and they might think you're already married. If this is about changing your first name then I would recommend waiting until you change your last name and do it all at once to say you the hassle.

Edited by Gingerpants, 05 September 2010 - 02:01 PM.

GingerpantsFemaleIreland2010-09-05 14:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresContacting Senator / Congressman

choose one and not both.... they handle hundereds of immigration cases every month and they know what to do.. they know you mean business so no need to be agressive... My congressman helped us alot and his office is a few blocks from my home so it was easy to go to the office for a face to face discussion... it makes things easier than back and forth over the phone or by mail... keep in mind that all they can really do is make a status inquiry.. that means they can email the USCIS office and ask whats up with mr x's case... they cant 'make' anyone do anything...

Thank you ScottThuy for your reply.

Unfortunately I am living abroad at the moment so I won't be able discuss the matter in person, but I agree that that would make it a bit easier. :)

In my experience the way you word things can have a big impact on whether you get a response in your favour, so I suppose I am hoping for some examples to go off of as a starting point.
GingerpantsFemaleIreland2011-01-02 21:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresContacting Senator / Congressman
*I hope this is the correct place for this question*

On Wednesday we will hit our five month mark. To be prepared for the likely chance that we still won't have our NOA2 by then I have started filling out the forms for getting our representative involved.

For the two long answer questions I am having difficulty finding the right words to use. I want to get the point across that we mean business and really need to get on to the next stage of the process, but at the same time I don't want to come across as being overly demanding. So I am hoping someone that has already done this can provide some insight into how I might phrase it in the most diplomatic way possible.

Here are the two questions:
1. Please briefly explain your problem. (In writing, provide my office with a detailed account. Include any additional relevant
correspondence that you have initiated or received concerning your problem.)

2. Please state how you would like Senator Nelson to help you.

Also, would be better to contact my congressman or senator? Or both?
GingerpantsFemaleIreland2011-01-02 18:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJust Looking for Advice
Just to reiterate what Aoife said, don't count on finding work in Ireland. I applied for hundreds of jobs and attended dozens of interviews in Dublin and still came out unsuccessful. It got so bad that we were eventually forced to move out of the city because we couldn't afford to live there on his salary alone. I don't know much about how France's economy is doing but I don't think it's nearly as bad and they have similar terms for earning a partner's visa over there. (I see you were actually talking about a holiday working visa but if you two have been together for 2+ years you can get a partners visa that will allow you to work.)
GingerpantsFemaleIreland2010-11-03 02:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of Ongoing Relationship

Is it a problem if there are zero pictures? I've seen my fiancé 4 times in the last year alone and we have no pictures together. We both hate having our pictures taken so getting pics together is always the last thing on our minds. :( We have everything else, just no pictures.

Yes you're definitely going to need pictures. Especially for the interview stage.
GingerpantsFemaleIreland2010-08-21 16:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of Ongoing Relationship
For this part of the packet I put all of the proof into one Word document and headed each page in a way that stated what the items were. So for example on one page I headed it "Petitioner's Passport Stamps and Boarding Pass" and then placed the JPEGS of the scanned items onto the page. For the pictures I kept the same formula and included captions below each one.
GingerpantsFemaleIreland2010-08-19 21:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan NOA's be sent to Canadian address?
They sent both of mine to me in Ireland so it's likely that they could send yours to Canada. :thumbs:
GingerpantsFemaleIreland2011-02-09 21:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of Meeting

I think the idea of taking a picture with your sweetie while holding a newspaper is a good one (I wish I had done it). I hope you don't mind my asking, but why wouldn't people who are actually living together in the beneficiary's country (in other words, not being forced by the horrible separation that most of us have to live with) marry and then file for a I-130 and the I-129 F? I would think it the better deal because the beneficiary would enter the country as a permanent resident and would have work authorization right away...

I'm here on what's called a de-facto visa (visa for a couple in a long term relationship) which permits me to work. It's the same stamp as a spousal visa but I would still have to resubmit as his spouse which could take 2-4 months and cost 150 euro. So I guess it seemed like more trouble to do it that way and I'm kind of anxious to get settled in the States again so I can finish school.
GingerpantsFemaleIreland2010-09-01 16:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of Meeting

As someone else pointed out, how are you going to get the date on the newspaper and the people all in one photo? That's hard to do. And if photos are only considered secondary evidence because they are able to be doctored, holding a newspaper doesn't prove anything. You can add or change anything in a photo. It's not necessary to take a special photo with a newspaper as it wouldn't be able to serve as primary evidence. You would STILL need boarding passes or passport stamps to prove you were in the same place at the same time. So why go to the trouble of taking such a photo when there is no purpose behind it and it's impossible to do right anyway?

Look this is just a suggestion someone else had on another forum that I was simply passing along. It obviously wouldn't be primary evidence, but if the petitioner was feeling like they wanted to include more just to put their mind at ease then this piece of supporting evidence then this could be attempted.

Maybe I'm misreading your tone, but it seems as though you're getting a bit worked up over this newspaper-photo thing. :(
GingerpantsFemaleIreland2010-09-01 15:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of Meeting

Kristin and Gingerpants,

You guys are so lucky that you don't have to spend the wait time separated and alone! I'm super jealous! :crying:

I can't even imagine how difficult it must be for you and everyone else that has to be away from your partner for months at a time!
The waiting is still incredibly aggravating but that's mainly because we've temporarily moved in with my future mother in-law until he gets his visa. :wacko: So I often have to remind myself how lucky we are to not have be apart. :innocent:

But I wish you guys both speedy NOA2's! And Kristin, feel free to stop by and say hello in the August filers thread! :)

Thank you! Hopefully you'll receive yours quickly as well :D
GingerpantsFemaleIreland2010-09-01 11:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of Meeting
We're in the same situation, we've been living here in Dublin for the past year and lived together for a few months in America as well. For my proof I'm including:
-passport stamps (for both of us) my boarding pass from my flight to Dublin last year with a corresponding receipt
-a copy of my Irish work Visa card
-copies of leases from the two addresses we've lived in together since we moved
-a receipt from an online clothes purchase I made which has my name listed as the recipient and his as the card holder plus our address
-and three copies of addressed envelopes which lists both of our names on it
-32 pictures of us over the last two years
-and about two emails to each other (since our relationship isn't long distance we never really emailed)

Another idea I heard someone mention on here is to take a picture together holding up a newspaper with the date on it, or you could always go to your local priest and ask him to sign off on having seen you both together within the last two years.

Hope that helps (I'm pretty new at this as well)!

GingerpantsFemaleIreland2010-07-06 02:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAffidavit of support passport photocopy?
That's the first time I have heard that. We didn't submit that with ours, but then again it was already included in our initial petition packet and I was present at the interview (obviously with my passport on-hand).
GingerpantsFemaleIreland2011-06-09 16:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat are the documents need to send to Fiancee after receiving NOA2??

Hello Karen, Thanks! so u think I can send it now to my fiance so he can start gathering those documents for me?? You know I just want to make sure I did'nt miss anything so he can send it to me asap. :dance:

Yeah, I think you're good to go. :luv:
070809FemalePhilippines2010-08-28 22:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat are the documents need to send to Fiancee after receiving NOA2??
Good to go! :thumbs: Good luck dear, I know you've been waiting for this. I can still remember how excited we were when we received our NOA2. From here on everything will be a little quicker. I'm so happy for you! :dance:
070809FemalePhilippines2010-08-28 21:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 DENIED!! What next!?

He barely looked at a little of the mountain of evidence and denied her with a "blue" form. He told her that she needed phone records and that was all we were missing.

Was it really denied? From what I know a blue slip means that you just need to pass some missing paperworks or from what you've said just copies of phone records. In Manila there has been cases of blue slips that still got a K1 approved visa after submitting what the embassy wanted.
070809FemalePhilippines2010-08-28 22:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFinancial Affidavit Needed with I-129F Petition ?

Not needed for the petition. It is for the interview and should be fairly recent. Prepare it when you get closer to the interview.

Thank you !

Richard and Inna
Richard and InnaMaleUkraine2011-12-30 18:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFinancial Affidavit Needed with I-129F Petition ?

The I-134 is not needed until the US embassy portion. You will get the forms and supporting evidence ready when you get the NOA2 and then send it to the beneficiary.

USCIS has nothing to do with the affidavit of support.

Thank you so much for your help !

Richard and InnaMaleUkraine2011-12-30 15:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFinancial Affidavit Needed with I-129F Petition ?
I sent my I-129F petition in September but did not include a Financial Affadavit at that time. I'm thinking I should send it but is it required or should I wait for VSC to ask for it before I send it? I thought it was needed only at the interview of my fiance in Ukraine. I would appreciate the help on this. Thank you and Happy New Year Everyone !
Richard and InnaMaleUkraine2011-12-30 15:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMailing Updates for i-129F Approval Process

Agree! Ours didn't - who knows what happened to it.. save the additional info for the interview (proof of ongoing relationship)

Best of luck and Happy New Year!

Thank you and all the best to you as well !

Richard and Inna
Richard and InnaMaleUkraine2011-12-31 16:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMailing Updates for i-129F Approval Process

Your extra evidence probably will never meet up with your petition. I would keep it together to show at the interview stage if they ask for it.
Happy New Year to you. Hope it brings you together before year end.

Thank you, Terri, and best wishes for you as well.

Richard and Inna
Richard and InnaMaleUkraine2011-12-31 16:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMailing Updates for i-129F Approval Process
Hi, since my Petition for Alien Fiance' was received by the VSC on September 12, I have re-visited my fiance' in Ukraine in October. Should I send evidence of this second meeting to the VSC at this point? Anyone have any advise on this? I dont want to hold up the process but I want to maake sure everything needed is there. Tom Petty had it right in the words of his song "oh, the waiting is the hardest part!". Sometimes, it really feels like torture, but we'll wait as long as it takes. Happy New Year, everyone !

Richard and Inna

Attached Files

Richard and InnaMaleUkraine2011-12-31 15:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAge Difference Conssideration For Visa?

You both look good together ^_^

Thank you ! Happy New Year to you both...

Richard and Inna
Richard and InnaMaleUkraine2011-12-31 23:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAge Difference Conssideration For Visa?

In Kiev, no. Bring eivdence you have a legitimate relationship and do not worry about this.

Thank you so much !!

Richard and Inna
Richard and InnaMaleUkraine2011-12-31 18:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAge Difference Conssideration For Visa?

I dont Think you will have any issues, However you might want to go to Consulate Specific (Ukraine) for reviews of people that went through that US Embassy. Good Luck!!!:thumbs:

Thank you so much !

Richard and Inna

Attached Files

Richard and InnaMaleUkraine2011-12-31 15:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAge Difference Conssideration For Visa?

20 not so bad in middle age, just document everything and enjoy the process, if you can.

Thank you !

Richard and Inna

Attached Files

Richard and InnaMaleUkraine2011-12-31 15:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAge Difference Conssideration For Visa?

Not really. It can vary by country, but I am certain a 39 year old woman is mature enough not to concern anybody important.

P.S. Way to go, old man!

Thank you !

Richard and Inna

20 there are lots, including me, that have you guys beat in that dept....I know for Philippines its not a big deal, some countries it is...I think you guys will be fine, 60 and 40? paaaaalease, haha,

Thank you !

Richard and Inna

Attached Files

Richard and InnaMaleUkraine2011-12-31 15:14:00