K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresA few questions and concerns about Form G-325a - please help!

Sorry, there seems to be a lot of conflicting information here. 


I've read on the forum time and time again to never leave anything blank on the forms. 

But if I wrote "none" in the SSN space, I would be lying. :/ 

mirrortravelerNot TellingGermany2014-01-16 12:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresA few questions and concerns about Form G-325a - please help!

Thank you very much, HK12! 


A few more questions: 


1) Beyond the 5 years, should we just fill the spaces with "None" or leave them blank? 

2) Thanks! That's really a relief to hear! We have one case where the company in question no longer exists. I guess just putting the company name and the city there would be enough?  

3) Okay. We'll list unpaid jobs as well, then. 


Hopefully, someone can help me out with 4. Any former F-1 students around? 

mirrortravelerNot TellingGermany2014-01-16 11:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresA few questions and concerns about Form G-325a - please help!

Dear all, 


After almost a year of preparation, my fiance and I are finally (almost) ready to send out our expansive K-1 visa application. 

We have been together for almost seven years, now, so we've been hard at work documenting the full extent of our relationship in photos, postcards, emails, Skype records, plane tickets, and receipts. We have what you might call years of overwhelming evidence, so we're doing just fine in that department. 


We're still a bit confused about the forms, though, as they pertain to our individual situation. Particularly Form G-325a. 

So far, I was unable to find direct answers to these questions here on the forum, so I hope that they haven't been answered before and I just overlooked them. 


Anyways, here they are: 


1) On both forms (G-325a for petitioner and beneficiary), under "Applicant's residence last five years" and "Applicant's employment last five years": If there is still space left after filling out the information, should we fill it with residences and employments beyond the five years? 


2) Under "Applicant's Employment", does "Full Name and Address" mean full name and full address? 

I mean, do they need to see zip codes - and if yes, how on earth is that supposed to fit in the space provided? 


3) My US citizen fiance has only had a regular job since recently. For about a year, it was only a part-time job. Now, it has become full-time and he is about to get a raise that will allow us to meet the 25% above poverty levels without a co-sponsor. Since we are both former film students and work in the entertainment field, his jobs before this one were few and far in between. Some of them were unpaid. Should we still list jobs even if they were unpaid or one-time weekend jobs? 

Will we have to count the many years he spent without a steady job as unemployment?
Likewise, I spent a lot of time in unpaid jobs and did part-time online jobs for American companies (through Elance). How should we state that? 
We really want to answer this truthfully and do it right. Any advice? 


4) I studied in the US for close to five years (including OPT) on an F-1 visa.

A: Should I provide evidence of my studies (copy of visa, additional documents, etc.)?

B: Do F-1 students get an Alien Registration Number (A Number) as is requested on the form? If yes, where on my visa and/or documents can I find it? 

C: I was given a Social Security Number when I applied for OPT. I cannot seem to find it, though. Does anyone know a way for me to figure it out or look it up? 



Thank you very much in advance for answering all of those questions! Apologies for asking so much. 




mirrortravelerNot TellingGermany2014-01-16 09:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F Proof: Is there such a thing as too much?

Now, should friend and family testimonial letters go with the initial I-129F application, or are they for the interview as well? 

mirrortravelerNot TellingGermany2014-01-17 13:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F Proof: Is there such a thing as too much?

I agree! Thank you again, dwheels76! good.gif

Stupid question, but did you date and sign your relationship timeline? 


mirrortravelerNot TellingGermany2014-01-16 18:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F Proof: Is there such a thing as too much?

@mimolicious See, that, in my book seems kind of contradictory. How long was your relationship up to that point? 

For us, considering how much conversation has been going on for those 7 years, it'd be more like 300 pages instead of 30. 

And that's at a minimum. 


I've considered one thing, though: I would like to include copies of both our college transcripts, which show, as outlined in the letter of how we met, that we first met because we attended the same college class in early 2007. I understood that I might not have to include anything else in this initial application that refers to an ongoing relationship, but I think this one would fit. What do you guys think? 

mirrortravelerNot TellingGermany2014-01-16 17:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F Proof: Is there such a thing as too much?

Alright, I think there's something I can do. 

Oh, and forgot to ask, but in terms of email records/logs (just the list of emails sent back and forth, not the individual ones) does it matter whose email account the screencaps are from? I've screencap-ed our email records from my account (the beneficiary's), but should we submit ones from my fiance's account (the petitioner's) as well? 


Also, the letter of how we met (I-129F Supplement: Question 34.a.): Should this have a date and a letterhead like the Fiance Letters of Intent? 

Or is a simple signature at the bottom enough? Thanks! 

mirrortravelerNot TellingGermany2014-01-16 17:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F Proof: Is there such a thing as too much?

Whew! Thank you guys SO much! This is such a relief! You have no idea how much I've been obsessing over this. 

Then again, maybe you do. wink.png

After all, we're all kind of in the same boat, here. 


Alright, so I finally have an idea of how to shorten it and make it more quality, way less quantity. cool.png


One more question, though, if it's okay. Does anyone know if blacking out parts of conversations for privacy reasons is okay? 


Thanks a lot in advance! 

mirrortravelerNot TellingGermany2014-01-16 15:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F Proof: Is there such a thing as too much?

Relationship timeline?! Oh dear, another thing I'd never heard of before. unsure.png

Just simply as a list? But where to put it? With the letter of how we met? 


Thanks a bunch for all your help! 

mirrortravelerNot TellingGermany2014-01-16 14:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F Proof: Is there such a thing as too much?

Here: This is what the main K-1 visa guide here on VJ states: 


Use as many of these items are possible. There is no minimum, but the more you can provide the less likely you are that you will receive an RFE. Additionally, please note that providing proof of your ongoing and genuine relationship in this package may benefit you by allowing the consulate to have access to this information prior to them formally contacting the non US Citizen fiance. 


We just want to be sure that we've got everything the way it's supposed to be, since Immigrations doesn't bother with giving anyone hard-and-fast rules to go by. 


Currently included in our application are: 


- Cover Letter, Forms I-129F, G-325A, and G-1145 as well as all letters and documents belonging to them.

- Cheque over $340

- My fiance's proof of citizenship (copy of all passport pages, birth certificate) 

- All proof of having met within the past 2 years: Plane tickets, other tickets and receipts, postcards, emails, skype logs, facebook messages

- Proof photos of having met within the past 2 years

- All proof on an ongoing relationship: Plane tickets, other tickets and receipts, postcards, emails, skype logs, facebook messages

- By suggestion of this forum, testimonial letters from friends and family about our relationship

- Proof photos of an ongoing relationship, covering the years between 2007 and 2011


mirrortravelerNot TellingGermany2014-01-16 14:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F Proof: Is there such a thing as too much? could we have gotten that wrong all these years? 


So absolutely no evidence of a previous relationship beyond the 2 years in the application whatsoever?! I'm sorry, I'm just very surprised since I read the opposite a lot beforehand. 

I don't think we have any red flags. Except for the fact that we were both in unpaid jobs and/or temporary unemployed for many years (in my case that had something to do with my F-1 visa and being a full-time student without much spare time). However, with my fiance's new job, we can cover the financial requirements just fine. 


I was once held back and questioned at an airport in Atlanta, GA when I wanted to visit him, but after they had grilled me for an hour for reasons that had nothing to do with me, they finally let me go and I could enter the country. I'm not sure if that ordeal is on my record anywhere or if it would be counted as a red flag, even though I did nothing wrong. 

mirrortravelerNot TellingGermany2014-01-16 14:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F Proof: Is there such a thing as too much?

Hmm...putting together a couple of pages for each month is a good idea. I like that! 

Way less hassle. This is just for the initial application. I understand that they might need to see more during the actual interview. 


I've also blacked out a couple of lines here and there when the conversation got too private. Is that okay, or should I leave out those pages altogether? 


When you did a description of the highlights of each month, how did you do that? Did you attach a separate sheet? 


I have to admit, when it comes to Skype, a lot of it is just "call started" and "call ended". The conversations seem disjointed since we would only type if we couldn't talk for some reason. 


Did you include the emails with the Skype calls and facebook messages for one particular month, or did you separate them? 


Thanks a lot! 

mirrortravelerNot TellingGermany2014-01-16 12:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F Proof: Is there such a thing as too much?

Hey you guys, 


It's me again. As stated in my previous message, we are currently in our initial application process for the K-1. 

To document our entire 7 year relationship, we have accumulated a lot of photos, emails, postcards, facebook messages, skype records, copies of flight records, receipts, movie tickets, train tickets, etc. 

It's all so much, in fact, that we've just had to upgrade our application to a 5" binder in order to fit everything. 


A few months ago, we were able to briefly talk to an immigration attorney for free (we can't really afford one, though) and she kept mentioning to put in "everything but the kitchen sink". On the other hand, it's the records of our Skype conversations, which have taken up the bulk of the binder. We could fill several books with them if we wanted to, since, for the most part of our relationship, we used to talk on Skype every day for several hours. 

We have included about one Skype call/chat a day, but it's still so much. 


My question is: How does USCIS look at these kinds of things? Is there such a thing as too much evidence? 

Is there a way to lessen the load without the person reviewing this to think "Why did they only Skype once a month?" 


Thank you for your help! 

We just want to make it easier on everybody.

mirrortravelerNot TellingGermany2014-01-16 11:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuick Questions: G-325A Photos and Paper Format

Cool! Thanks, guys! goofy.gif


mirrortravelerNot TellingGermany2014-02-07 10:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuick Questions: G-325A Photos and Paper Format

Hey all,


I just had two quick question about the G-325A:


1) The US passport size photos of us attached to our individual G-325A forms: Do they have to be dated to show that they're current?

I got mine done here in Germany at a photo studio that does American format photos, my fiance got his done at Walgreens in Florida.

Neither put a time stamp on the back or anything. Do we need those?


2) Do they have an issue with non-American format paper? I have both US letter format and regular European A4 to print my form G-325A and question supplement page out on. Would any one be better than the other or does it really not matter?


Thanks a bunch in advance!

mirrortravelerNot TellingGermany2014-02-07 10:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEmployment Issues and Form G-325A

Our friend is married and living with her husband. Would that imply that she is financially supporting him? From what I know, he has his own income and everything.

mirrortravelerNot TellingGermany2014-03-11 06:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEmployment Issues and Form G-325A

Sorry it took me so long to reply to this, Zedayn. And thank you! You've answered my last question regarding all these financial issues. We feel a lot safer now starting the process. Thanks again! goofy.gif

mirrortravelerNot TellingGermany2014-02-07 10:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEmployment Issues and Form G-325A

@HK12: About living with his parents: This is really good to hear, but if I had to live with his parents, would that change anything in terms of us having to meet the 125% of the poverty average? The reason I'm asking is: My fiance's dad is already living in a household of four people - that's himself, my fiance, my fiance's grandmother, and the dad's girlfriend.


Our friend, who we want as a co-sponsor, lives in a household of two people. Adding one extra person onto that would be no problem. However, if I were to actually live with my fiance, his dad, his dad's girlfriend, and his grandmother, doesn't that mean that one other person inside that house, besides my fiance, would have to sponsor me? And how is that even counted? 


I know when it comes to financials, my fiance has to submit a form stating his income. But is this income counted for a household of 2 (my fiance and me) or do we have to include everyone already living in his dad's house with that? To be honest, my fiance isn't financially providing for anyone else in his dad's house. 

They're just living side by side and my fiance definitely files his own taxes, too. 


Sorry if this is confusing...

mirrortravelerNot TellingGermany2014-02-01 08:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEmployment Issues and Form G-325A

He's now starting to look into a different job altogether so he'll have enough money to move out and have his own place by the time I have my interview. 

I guess USCIS doesn't look favorably on living with your husband's parents. 

He asked what would happen, if he got a job in another state. If the original address was in Florida and our new address were in, for instance, Nevada - would there be problems? 

mirrortravelerNot TellingGermany2014-01-29 13:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEmployment Issues and Form G-325A

Sadly, he's already working full time. 8 hours a day at $8 an hour. So an annual income of around $15,360 (I assume that income is counted before taxes). 

He wants to additionally teach on evenings and/or weekends, but it'll take some time to set this up. 



Our friend, on the other hand, makes way over the 125% as she is an award-winning screenwriting professor and can afford two cars and a house. 

Edited by mirrortraveler, 29 January 2014 - 10:56 AM.

mirrortravelerNot TellingGermany2014-01-29 10:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEmployment Issues and Form G-325A

Sorry. Looks like that list didn't display in the message the way I thought it would. 

Attached is a photo which shows the list. 



mirrortravelerNot TellingGermany2014-01-29 08:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEmployment Issues and Form G-325A

Hello, it's me again. My fiance (petitioner) and I (beneficiary) are finally almost ready to send the I-129F application with all its various attachments and paperworks.

We're still a bit stuck on Form G-325A and listing past employment, though. 


As the list for my American fiance (petitioner) includes more than 5 items over the past 5 years, we've put it on a separate page and wrote "see attachment" in the space provided. Below is the attachment (minus header and addresses). It would be great if you guys could take a look at it and let us know if this would be okay and if it makes sense. 


From a previous post, we've learned that we should list unpaid jobs, so we did. My fiance had been an unpaid teaching assistant for many years at one college and one university, but as you can see, the one at the college goes way back to 2005, so I'm not sure if we put it in the right place in the timeline. 


All of the prior jobs of course overlap with the one starting in 2005, so we weren't sure if we should list times of unemployment in between, given that the Teaching Assistant job, though unpaid, was a job after all. 


I just hope that the list of jobs as it is will not present a problem to the people reviewing it. 

We want to be truthful, but we also don't want to make it look as if he cannot provide for me - which I know is a big issue for immigration officials. 




Full Name and Address of Employer

Occupation (Specify)


Month Year


Month Year

University A

Office Assistant



Present Time

University B

Teaching Assistant (unpaid)





College A

Teaching Assistant (unpaid)





Company A






Media Corporation A

Camera Utility





Production Company A

Script Coordinator







In other not-so-great news, the raise that was supposed to elevate my fiance's current Office Assistant job (first item on the list) to well above 25% didn't happen as nobody at the University where he works is getting a raise right now. So, as it stands, he's still making just below the poverty average despite all of his hard work, and living with his dad. Having come this far, though, we still want to go through with the application now and not postpone it again. We have a close friend who meets the income requirements and is more than willing to co-sponsor, should the raise not happen by the time the interview phase rolls around. But can friends co-sponsor or does it have to be family members? 


And one last question: I guess we'll have to put his dad's address down as a place for me to move to for now, but once my fiance moves out and gets his own place, does he have to notify OS about his change of address? How? 


Thank you very much in advance for all the answers and assistance! 

mirrortravelerNot TellingGermany2014-01-29 08:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLast address outside the US for more than one year

I've listed them in the space below. I'm just referring to the one single space question that refers to the last place where one has lived for longer than a year. Just wanted to know if the "longer than" part is to be taken literally, or if it's supposed to mean "as long as and longer than" a year. Thanks!

mirrortravelerNot TellingGermany2014-03-12 05:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLast address outside the US for more than one year

Okay, this may be a really stupid question. I just want to be sure that I've got this right:

I've been back in my home country of Germany for exactly one year, now. Maybe not to the day, but I moved back from England last March, too.

So should I list my current German address as my last one for "more than a year", or would that be my previous British address (where I lived for two years)?


Many thanks in advace to this awesome community! luv.gif

mirrortravelerNot TellingGermany2014-03-12 04:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWedding Rings: Does it matter who gets them?

This might be a really strange question, but it'd be nice to get a second opinion on this from you guys. :)


So, I guess there needs to be some sort of proof of the purchase of wedding rings later in the K-1 visa process.


I (the beneficiary and wife to be) am fortunate enough to have a sister who works for a large wedding and engagement ring retailer here in Germany.

Not only can she get a great deal on beautiful rings for friends and family, but she has also offered to pay for our wedding bands as an engagement present.


Now, I figured it would look better if she gave me the money to buy the rings, so there can be a receipt with my name on it to later present to the USCIS.

But shouldn't it be the husband and/or petitioner's name on the receipt? We'd wire the money to him to buy them off the company website, but the deals don't apply to online purchases from outside of Germany.


Do you think that me buying the rings directly at the store here and requesting a copy of the receipt in English (with just my name on it) to go along with it will be enough?


Thanks a lot in advance!

mirrortravelerNot TellingGermany2014-04-05 10:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUrgent: Might have sent a bad cheque with I-129F/K-1 Application. What can we do?

Thanks, Hypnos. I guess there's no real way of telling how long it will take until they send it back, am I right?

mirrortravelerNot TellingGermany2014-04-16 06:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 denied for marriage in Philippines

I am a US citizen recently divorced. I want to apply for a K-1 for my fiance. She tells me she will get denied because my previous marriage was in the philippines. Can anyone tell me of a similar case where this has or has not happened? And possibly what other options may we have short of getting an annulment.


I have asked a lawyer and they assured me that it would not affect the K-1 but I would like to cover all bases.

no worries, you will be fine as long as you have the divorce papers. my husband was married also here in the Philippines with his ex wife.

they got divorce in the US..but i was approved!

so everything will be awright!..just ready all the papers.

cc_cookieFemalePhilippines2013-11-04 07:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Petition Only Valid For Four Months?

So I've finally received my Packet 3 from the London Embassy... one line on the letter caught my eye:


"The K1/3 petition is valid for four months from the date of action (priority date at the bottom of the letter) and must be valid to process your case to conclusion.  To revalidate the petition, please request your fiance(e) to make a notarized statement of intent to marry within ninety days of your arrival in the US and present it on the day of your interview.




Your priority date:  10 JUL 2013"


My issue is that I'm about to go to America for about 70 days as a tourist and by the time I return, this four month period of validity will be closed.  What am I supposed to do here?  Do I get a letter from my fiancee while I'm over there and bring it back with me in December to my interview (when it gets scheduled)?  Do I need to do anything, besides sending in the forms requested, before the 10th November rolls around and the window closes?  :\

Dave MoseleyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-09-13 10:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan I get married abroad (ceremony only) and then still come on K1 visa?

And I did not have any problem entering the US. The border customs asked me if we already got married and I just told them we had a church ceremony but are not married legally / on the paper.

anna316FemaleGermany2014-02-07 09:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan I get married abroad (ceremony only) and then still come on K1 visa?


That's what my husband and I did. Ceremony in Germany while waiting on the K1, then legal wedding in the US after entering the States. Feel free to contact me.

Anna Katharina Symonds on Facebook.

anna316FemaleGermany2014-02-07 09:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSpecific question about form G-325A...

I have a question regarding the form G-325A.

It requires your employment history of the past five years which is no problem. It asks for 'Full name and address of employer'. Now, the boxes are small. My fiancé sent me his forms today and he filled out (in the line provided) the name of his employer, the full street address, and then the postal code. (He's in Canada) So it's missing the 'Toronto, ON' part of the full address because he couldn't fit it. Is this going to screw us over if I send it in like that? My town and state won't fit into said box either, but I can easily redo mine whereas he'll have to spend quite a bit resending me the paperwork.

Thanks in advance for any replies, I greatly appreciate any advice. (A side note- this is my first post but I've been lurking these forums for months now, so I've already read and reread the guides.) ;)

On our approved petition we'd only put Company Name, City, Postcode and skipped 1st line of address.
agnesbFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-18 17:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Visa help required!

I have applied some of the information for my timeline as requested.

Would a copy of the Police Certificate be suitable for criminal record details? What does AP mean?

Sorry for my Newbie-ness :)

So you have interview in London :thumbs: in this case you might want to read through this thread:


Also have a look here for other London specific information you may be looknig for: http://www.visajourn...united-kingdom/

AP = Administrative processing = delay

Hope this helps! Good luck!
agnesbFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-04-18 10:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Visa help required!

May I suggest that depending on a country interview will be held at, you might want to obtain details of your criminal record to take with you to the interview. They do not deny applications straight away but may want some details prior to approving visa and put you on AP until this is done.

Can you fill in your timeline please? :blush:
agnesbFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-04-18 09:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPolice Certificates?

Hi there, we are February filers, so got a while to go yet, but was just wondering in the meantime if I should get on with organising my Police certificates. Can they take a long time to get? I dont want to leave it untill I get an interview date and then find myself held up waiting for the certificates. Also, do I need one from California? I lived there for about 5 years from 2006 - 2011 on an F1 Visa.

Thaks so much!

KLB is right, it only takes few days to get Police certificate. But you do need it for medical examination too (you dont need an extra copy, they will just view it and return it back to you on the day). Medical has to be done prior to the embassy interview so keep that in mind. I got mine as soon as we received NOA2.

You dont need police records from US, they do their own checks but you need police records from any other country you lived for more than 12 months since age 16.

Good luck! :thumbs:
agnesbFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-04-21 04:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDS-230 - Employment in the last 10 years

I'm currently trying to piece together my employment for the last 10 years, which I'm finding to be rather complicated. I'm unsure of some of the start and end dates of some of the places I have worked. How accurate should this record be? Should I include places that I worked for "under the table" as well as places I have worked for on official payroll?

I had similar problems as I've changed jobs quite often few years back. I just tried to answer this question to my best knowledge. I've seen some people suggest contacting past employers and getting that info from them.

No sure about places that you worked for "under the table" though - I was not in this situation. I can imagine that if i'd do some extra work outsite my normal day job where cash was paid to hand I would not include that on the form.
agnesbFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-04-22 07:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDS-156K Nonimmigrant Fiancée Visa Application

The only country she has visited is Ukraine, this has been over the past 28 years. My question is, does she need to list every time for the last 10 years. These have for the most part only been over the weekend, or vacations lasting no more then a month.

I would just put then

Ukraine: each year between 2003-2013 or if you prefer Ukraine: 2003,2004,2005...etc.

They only want to know years not specific dates and only in last ten years.
agnesbFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-04-24 03:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDS-156K Nonimmigrant Fiancée Visa Application
Hi, form ds-157 is asking to list all countries visited in last 10 years. First check if your fiancee needs to fill this form and if so then its only 10 year history thas needed and only years so she could put for example

USA 2012
Ukraine yearly 2003-2013
Russia 2008-2009, 2011 etc
agnesbFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-04-23 14:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresChange of Address

I have moved after I filed the I-129F for Fiancee Visa. I have done some research, but don't see where or how to change my address?


You have not filled your timeline, if you are still waiting for NOA2 then use USCIS website: https://egov.uscis.g...ction=coa.Terms

past NOA2 you need to speak to NVC.
agnesbFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-04-25 06:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow long until Interview Date Issued?

I waited 3 weeks (including easter BH) and i was also very impatient, after studying timelines I knew it will be 3-4 weeks waiting. ClockWatch2.gif


By checking UK embassy timeline you can see who's got upcoming interviews and compare their timelines with yours - obviusly i had too much spare time on my hands rofl.gif


agnesbFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-02 08:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDS-156K

No, your fiancee doeasnt need to attache those documents or passport photos - these need to be taken to the interview. She's also not to sign this form.  She will sign it in front of CO during the interview

agnesbFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-03 05:04:00