Yeah I have all the proper permits from US Justice Dept. But was just curious how Customs would be with it all. Only took 2 months to get everything approved. Easier to get permits and paperwork for the guns than getting my paperwork finished up for entry lol lol

Hey thanks for the site too, interesting stuff in there
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-05-04 14:38:00
When the time comes for me to go to the US I plan on taking 2 hunting rifles with me. The firearms will accompany me at my POE
I have already secured the the proper documentation and permits for firearm importation from the US Dept. of Justice Alcohol, Tobbacco, Firearms and Explosives
My question is. Although I do have all the required paper work and gone through the proper channels to take em with me is there a chance it'll cause a problem at my POE with Customs and Immigration.
I prefer not to end up leaving my firearms there at Customs as they're of sentimental value and also worth a lot of money
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-05-04 13:28:00
CanadaOK - K1 VISA MTL interview THIS MONDAY
Last time I was on the train they had the bar car. It's a good place to kill some time lol lol
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-05-04 13:18:00
CanadaOK - K1 VISA MTL interview THIS MONDAY
Does one need to take a copy of the NOA2 they received ?

Good luck I'm sure all will go well :thumbs: :thumbs:
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-05-04 12:24:00
CanadaQuestion for ErikaB and others
Yeah that's the way mine was the vaccination form was attached to the medical envelope They told me that it would be my copy for future use
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-05-07 15:58:00
CanadaQuestion for ErikaB and others

I don't believe the Immigration Docs would let one go through all the expense and worry of travelling to Montreal if they thought something in the medical would be grounds for denial

They do tell you. When I got my medical I had a chest cold. Doc Doane said this may show on your x-ray and if it does you'll have to get another to show it cleared.
Sure enough it showed he called me 2 days after the medical told me wait 2 weeks for it to clear up then get another x-ray and have my family doctor send the radiologist report and his own treatment and diagnosis back to him
This was done and he called telling me the medical was okay now and it was being sent by courier to me
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-05-07 12:18:00
CanadaQuestion for ErikaB and others
I don't believe the Immigration Docs would let one go through all the expense and worry of travelling to Montreal if they thought something in the medical would be grounds for denial
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-05-07 12:11:00
CanadaQuestion for ErikaB and others
When I received my medical envelope I asked was it possible for a copy of the medical. I was told no not until after I obtain my Visa and if I needed a copy then to contact them and for $50 they would send me one no problem
Dr. Doane said I wasn't to see the medical, that's why it's sealed and states do not open on the envelope. He told me "what would the sense of my sealing the report be and then give you a copy to view it"
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-05-07 11:35:00
CanadaK1 - MTL interview this AM - success !!
Congrats :dance: :dance: :dance Good luck :thumbs: :thumbs:
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-05-07 14:55:00
CanadaCanadian Spy coins...Opps
Wow I suppose the'll just have to be careful how colorful they Canadian currency lol lol
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-05-07 11:47:00
Congrats glad to hear everything went well :thumbs: :thumbs: :dance: :dance: :dance:
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-05-10 14:26:00
CanadaSome questions about DS-230
I left the occupation question blank and did put in the dates I was previously in the US
I followed the example 230 form supplied here on VJ found above under the heading example forms
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-05-10 10:10:00
I called the Postal Outlet this morning. It wasn't Montreal :( The return address is Canada Firearms Registry I guess more paperwork on taking my rifles to the US
Just wanted to update on this thread
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-05-11 09:12:00
From what I read, I'm thinking it's not the letter I had been hoping it was:(

Thanks everyone for the info. VJ Family is #1
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-05-10 16:29:00
I am goin bonkers so much so that I just called the Post Office outlet on the card and they told me it hasn't been dropped off yet as it was in todays mail and they may not have it till Monday. Something about it has to be resorted to end up in that Postal outlet.
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-05-10 15:21:00
Hi all I just received and email from my brother inlaw. He's taking care of my mail while I'm here in WA with Lorry I'll be returning to Nova Scotia on Sat.

He told me there was a card from Canada Post regarding a package for me that is at the Post Office. In order to get the package I'll require photo ID along with address ID
Now I'm wondering does packet 4 from Montreal require all this when it comes to the door. I wouldn't have any other mail that would require all this ID and signing
Thanks any info is appreciated

AllieNot TellingCanada2007-05-10 14:53:00
Congrats :dance: :dance: :dance: Happy to hear it all went well :thumbs: :thumbs:
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-05-10 12:20:00
CanadaWe got our interview date!!!!!! (finally)
Congrats :dance: :dance: :dance: It took a long time in coming for sure. Good luck :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

Allie & Lorry
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-05-11 08:59:00
CanadaWill Montreal care ..
Hopefully Montreal will have thier butt in gear by then. I sold my house in Feb. I'm presently here in WA. with Lorry.
I came here on Feb 23 and ran my return flight back to Nova Scotia out to May 12 assuming my interview would be before then. It now appears I'll be staying at my Sister's place longer than the couple of weeks I had figured on.
It shouldn't matter to Montreal where one lives in Canada. After all we are planning on leaving whenever they get around to us anyhow
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-04-26 09:44:00
CanadaI guess She is Due her own Thread
Congrats , Happy everything went okay in Montreal :thumbs: :thumbs:

Allie & Lorry
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-04-19 12:03:00
CanadaError on Visa
Happy it all worked out at the Border :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: . By the way what was your timeline before getting the interview at Montreal
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-05-20 08:21:00
CanadaIs there a barcode when you print out DS 230?

Okay help a girl out here. Dan is on his way back to Canada with our *holy grail* (all the ####### he needs for this fiancee visa thingee!!!) :) My question is this. He has the blank DS-156 (two of these) and a DS-156K. They were sent to him by the embassy in Montreal. Now he is going to fill the DS-156 in duplicate and not sign and fill out the DS-156K (just one as instructed) and not sign either until he is in front of the interviewer in Montreal. Now are we missing something here in regards to filling stuff out electronically? Nothing in packet 3 mentions doing anything electronically!!! HELP HELP HELP!!! He is scheduled on June 1st and I need to let him know now. Thanks in advance!!

I believe it states in the insructions that come in packet 3 to do the DS-156 electronically online , to print them off in duplicate along with the generated page 3 that includes the bar code. When I did mine the instuctions stated to send the signed DS-156 forms which were done online and to make sure the barcode sheet was also included These along with the checklist and the DS-230 were asked to be sent back
The DS 156K I still have, it's filled out and I take it with me to my interview and sign it in front of the Consulate Officer
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-05-20 11:03:00
CanadaIs there a barcode when you print out DS 230?
In my packet 3 it stated to do the DS-156 form in duplicate electronically and to print it and to ensure that page 3 had the printed bar code included on it as it would be required at the interview
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-05-19 21:47:00
CanadaUpdate on our Case being processed after Denial
Congrats :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: We're happy that all the injustice being done to you by that woman has come to a successful ending
We can only imagine how relieved this must be for both of you to finally be done with all this
Good luck :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-05-18 16:09:00
CanadaUpdate on our Case being processed after Denial
We're hoping that this will all be resolved soon so you and your Wife can enjoy life together the way it should be
There was and is no need for this to be happening. I think that miserable person is now delaying this trying to find a way to justify what she has done. No doubt she knows she did wrong.
Once again we hope you'll be hearing positive news soon on all the injustice that has taken place

Allie & Lorry
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-05-09 10:20:00
CanadaDS-156 HELP!!!!!
It can be followed in the example forms here on VJ
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-05-22 15:17:00
CanadaImmigrant visa petition question
Maybe send off an email explaining you checked the wrong box. I'm sure they'll correct it or it may even be okay to change at the interview
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-05-22 16:26:00
Congrats CutienPurg Happy to hear everything is finally in order :thumbs: :thumbs:
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-05-22 11:36:00
Congrats, happy to hear it's going okay now
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-05-03 09:27:00
Sorry to hear about another hurdle That sucks big time
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-04-20 16:54:00
CanadaIf I may ask...
I went to Japan Camera They knew exactly what I needed in picture size and appearance
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-05-22 13:20:00
CanadaWedding anniversary!
Happy Anniversary
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-05-23 15:21:00
CanadaApproved in Montreal
Congrats :dance: :dance: :dance: Glad everything went well
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-05-22 11:28:00
CanadaVancouver Bound
Congrats and good luck I'm sure everything will go very well in Vancouver Thursday :thumbs: :thumbs:
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-05-22 19:18:00
CanadaStaff shortage in Montreal
There's no referral to K type Visa listed
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-05-24 12:22:00

Ugh I dreaded this day since I arrived here 5 weeks ago. The terrible day of having to say goodbye to my husband for the fourth time since we've known each other for an indefinite amount of time. I should consider myself lucky to be from Canada and thus be able to visit him often, but you all know how it is, saying bye is never easy. I'm busy packing everything and can't help getting all teary eyed when I stumble upon sentimental things like wedding photos, his favorite shirt that I will take with me, etc.
We're hoping that within a month or two, he might be able to visit me in Canada for a couple months, or until our interview arrives, whichever comes first.
Anyways, sorry for rambling. Just needed to vent a little and try to distract myself for a little bit, and getting that out of my system seems to have helped a bit.

On the bright side, I am now officially 29 hours away from a Tim Horton's coffee! :thumbs:

I know exactly how you feel . I arrived back in Canada Sat after being with Lorry in WA since Feb 23. We thought Montreal would have a date for us before I'd have to leave. It was not to be. Should have ran the return ticket our to July surely we'd have heard by then
This is also the 4 th time we've had to say our good byes at the airport and each time is just tougher. The next time I go will be on a one way flight and We're hoping so much this is going to all come together and happen soon
I wish you goodluck and a speedy return to your Husband
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-05-15 10:52:00
CanadaInterview Date
Thank You for all the help and support and good wishes from every one,it is much appreciated.
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-05-24 20:13:00
CanadaInterview Date
Thanks. The guns are packed, time to Git Er Done lol lol
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-05-24 12:40:00
CanadaInterview Date

Congrats on the interview date and yes, my aunt's husband signed for my envelope when it arrived as I was not home. No worries there at all.


Hi Mo, how's everything? Thanks for this info. I was wondering what would happen if it got here ahead of my getting back from the interview as I'm staying in Montreal an extra day
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-05-24 11:41:00
CanadaInterview Date

Congrats!!! :thumbs:

The size of the enveloppe is written in the instructions included with the interview appointment letter that they will send you. Hang on let me check my letter...

Ok they took it off at my interview cause both sheets were stapled together. But its the biggest size enveloppe. The address they will send it to is the address that you will write yourself on it. So all they will have to do is stamp their address on the Sender section. You must add the signature at delivery option cause you dont want them to leave your passport there without supervision. Worse case if you are not at home that day you will be able to pick it up at the nearest postal office from the address and you will be able to sign yourself.

Hope it helps!

Thanks Mephys. That is everything I was wanting to know about. I got the big envelope 314mm x394 mm. signature on delivery
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-05-24 11:36:00