K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInertviews from Montreal
Ok I'm about ready to break here. I know I'm probably being impatient, but has anyone with a recent packet 3 from Montreal gotten an interview date. We got our packet 3 in Feb. and they received the checklist and DS230 on March 2nd. Is it too soon to be looking for packet 4?? 21 days!!! Are they torturing us or what? Ok all better just needed to vent and see if anyone else has gotten anything from Montreal lately. Just need a little hope that everyone there hasn't gone on strike or quit or died and no one told all us poor saps waiting from them.
FredaNot TellingCanada2006-03-23 14:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWorried about Montreal Consulate being SLOW...
:crying: I'm gonna take my Mommy and Daddy with me.LOL But seriously I am. I know they can't come with me to the interview but they'll be close by. I'm still debating taking the little guy to the interview I'll wait until I get packet 4 and see if it says he needs to come if not I'll call them about it. But the terrible 2's are in full force right now. Being stuck in a room for hours with him doesn't sound like fun. So if he doesn't need to be there I'll leave him at the hotel with his grandparents depending on his mood that day. Then again he's such a cutie ( bias momma ) I'm sure no CO will deny him a visa. So who knows. Not sure about the rest of you but I still worry we over looked something and they are going to laugh and say heck no we are not letting you in to the USA. I'll probably worry until I am holding that visa in my hand and I'm through the POE. Oh and FYI I got my medical by courier today woooooohoooooooooo another thing done.
FredaNot TellingCanada2006-03-28 21:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWorried about Montreal Consulate being SLOW...
Guess we are all in the same boat. I hate the thought of going alone to Montreal. I plan on driving there from Nova Scotia ekkkkkkkkkkkkkkk Yeah I'm crazy. Don't know about y'all (how's that for southern Karen) but I am sick of all this waiting on Montreal. I thought about making a tape recording of our little guy crying for daddy at night and sending it to them to see if they'd give me an interview date sooner but looks like unless it's life or death we are all just stuck here in limbo. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I hate waiting. :angry:
FredaNot TellingCanada2006-03-28 21:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa in hand !!
congratulations :dance:
FredaNot TellingCanada2006-03-29 05:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterview date!
Congrat's Joel and Karen :dance:
FredaNot TellingCanada2006-04-03 11:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAbout to lose it
Yeah I know that, but why such a different story in a two week time frame. Two weeks ago it was a May interview now not even an interview letter for 5 to 8 weeks?? Do you think maybe the lady today was just being nasty and didn't even look at the case just read the ever hand quote this speech?
FredaNot TellingCanada2006-04-03 15:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAbout to lose it
Thanks guys, It's so nice to have someone to talk to that understands the stress of all this. All I know is the B*&^h I talked to today definitely hand something up her Butt. I am so sorry Joel and Karen I don't want to in anyway take away from your happiness today. I am so so very happy for you both. And like gsmaclean
said you never know. I know I need to be patient but it's really hard with the little guy asking everyday for daddy and feeling helpless to do anything about it except blame ourselves for putting him in this situation. Chin up!!! Just like the little engine I THINK I CAN I THINK I CAN!!!.
FredaNot TellingCanada2006-04-03 14:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAbout to lose it
:crying: I really need some encouragement here. I am so confused. I saw Joels post about an interview date and decided to call Montreal to check on our status. I was told that they are now issuing interviews for December and January checklists. And that we won't getting an interview letter for another 5 to 8 weeks. Which makes no sense since Pri and Joel and Karen are just before and just after us. Any suggestions on what to do now? I am so miserable here and the little guy wants to be with his Daddy so much I don't think I can hang on and wait anymore. And before all you people who have been waiting longer than me go getting upset and offended I mean me personally I guess I'm just not as able to handle the separation like you. :crying:
FredaNot TellingCanada2006-04-03 13:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresneed help from canadians
Hey there, I just went through this phase when I recieved my packet three from Montreal I filed out the DS230 and the checklist and mailed them back ASAP, then I booked my medical and got the police certificate. All the stuff on the checklist besides the DS230 you gather together and bring with you to Montreal. My list specifically said file in BUT DO NOT sign DS156 and DS156K they are to be signed at the consulate during the interview. Other posters have also said it's a good idea to make copies of all original documents such as birth certificates and divorce degrees. So bring all original documents and the copies just in case they want to keep them. I sent the DS230 and checklist back xpress post with the requirment to be signed for that way you can track it and know exactly what time, date and even who signed for it when they recieve it. Which in my case was a good thing since when I called last week they said they didn't recieve the DS230 yet and I had the Canada Post slip and number. They did find it eventually. And just in case you didn't know you need a long form birth certificate, thats the one with both parents listed on it. Hope this helps. Oh yeah and any children if you have any need the same stuff and they also need the DS230 sent in with yours and the DS156 filed out. But children under 16 don't need the police certificate. They will need the medical too.
FredaNot TellingCanada2006-03-31 13:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHi from sunny Alabama
Hey everyone, just wanted to tell you all I did it. I decided after 6 months away I'd give it a try and come back to the USA for a visit. So with an employers letter and all the K1 visa paperwork in hand I headed to the border. They did question me and made me go inside to the office but it was painless and they said have a wonderful trip. So my son, me fiance and I are reunited for a couple weeks anyway. We'll be here until the 19th of May when we need to go back to Canada for me to return to work and finish the waiting. But hopefully this visit will help us make it through the final few months. Cheers from Bama alllllll.
FredaNot TellingCanada2006-05-03 10:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHas anyone visited their fiance in the U.S.
Lyric, All the border officer looked at was the letter that was in the packet 3 attached to the checklist. I had all the rest with me and started pulling it out but, that and the letter from my emloyer was all she really read the rest she just glanced at. In our case I have two daughters from a previous marriage listed on the letter and my fiance and my son. So she did ask about them and want to see our sons birth certificate since I was taking him from one country to another just to make sure he was actually the USC fiance's son and I wasn't trying to take him from one country to another with out the other parents consent. Hope that helps.
FredaNot TellingCanada2006-05-08 09:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHas anyone visited their fiance in the U.S.
Hey Lyric, I'll try and remember it step by step but I was so nervous, when I stopped at the border the guy asked me where I was heading and I told him then he asked the purpose of the visit and I told him to visit my fiance. He asked if I was employed in Canada and I said yes and told him I have a letter from my employer and asked if he wanted to see it. He then said yes and asked me to go park and come inside. There I saw a young lady ( with the same last name as my fiances) and she looked at the letter and asked a few questions about why my parents were travelling with me if I wasn't getting married this time and I explained that we wanted our parents to met before the wedding. Then there were alot of questions regarding our son but as soon as she saw his birth certificate with his father's name (my fiance on it she was fine). She had a few more questions about what point in the visa process we were and I started pulling out papers from my file folder. She looked over the cover letter we received from Montreal with the packet 3 and asked a few more questions about my 2 daughters from a previous marriage that were listed on it just general like who they were to me and where they were and if they were coming to the US with me when I come to stay. Then she had a few more questions about our son whom we haven't gotten a US birth certificate for yet and who she thought should have one since his dad is American. I explained why he didn't have it yet and she went to her computer tapped away fro a bit then came back and looked at a chart of some sort taped on the desk, asked me to write down my fiances address and name then did a bit more tapping on the computer and handed me back all paper work and said have a great visit. All in all it was maybe 15 to 20 minutes just seemed to me like hours because I was so scared they'd not let me in. But as far as I can remember that was it. She did thank me for bringing along all the visa paper work and commented how most people don't and she has to deny them entry because she can't be sure they are actually in the process. So be sure to bring everything you have. I had my complete copy of the I-129F, the NOA's and my copy of the packet 3 from Montreal I made a photo copy of the checklist and stuff before I sent it in. They may not ask for any of it but I sure was glad I had it. I am so glad I took the chance it's wonderful to be together. And hopefully I'll get an interview letter while I am here or shortly after I get home and in a couple months I'll be back to stay. Hope this helps and good luck.
FredaNot TellingCanada2006-05-05 13:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHas anyone visited their fiance in the U.S.
Hi there, just wanted to add my 2 cents. My fiance and I are at the same place as you and have been waiting since March 2nd for our interview date. So I got a letter from my employer and gave it a try. And after a few questions they did allow me to cross the border. Just be honost at the border. The lady I was interviewed by was very glad I had brought along all my visa info. I had my orginal 129 F copy and my packet 3 from Montreal. I came into the States on the first of May with a letter stating I was expected back to work on the 22nd of May. So in my opinion go for it. And even if they deny you entry it won't effect your K1 visa process. It's worth a try. This few weeks visit is just what we needed to help us through the last hopefully few months of this seemingly never ending process.
FredaNot TellingCanada2006-05-05 09:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFuzzness & KarenCee
:D Congrats guys, I so happy for you both.
FredaNot TellingCanada2006-05-06 06:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFuzzness & KarenCee
I'm sitting here holding my breath so you two better post as soon as he gets the the YES. Have fun and enjoy your day. You are both the best.
FredaNot TellingCanada2006-05-05 09:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWe've got our Visa!!
Congrats!!! :dance:
FredaNot TellingCanada2006-05-11 15:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWE Got The Visa
:thumbs: Congrats guys.
FredaNot TellingCanada2006-05-10 14:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 Expirery
Ok so I was looking around today. And saw something about the NOA2 expiry date. Mine expires May 29th 2006 TOMORROW and my interview is June 8th. What do I do? Is this going to be a big problem and make us wait longer?
FredaNot TellingCanada2006-05-28 11:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNerves
I'll be living in Montgomery Alabama. My daughter just finished her first year at RMC. We went up to see here in Kingston last September just before we filed. And it is an absolute beautiful place. We spent a few hours of down time from all the hoopla driving around. I'm sure living there you know all about the Reunion weekend festivities. She was last home the second last week of February. So it will be wonderful to see her again. Will make the wait for August when she gets her 2 weeks off more bareable. And if all goes well Thursday we have the wedding planned for when she is visiting.
FredaNot TellingCanada2006-06-05 18:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNerves
Naw a massage would require sitting still and that is not likely to happen. Not with the bundle of nerves I am. Gotta keep moving.
FredaNot TellingCanada2006-06-05 14:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNerves
Oh I have plans for the trip already. My daughter is in Quebec in St. Jean finishing her IAP she is attending the royal military college in Ontario. It's just a short ride from Montreal so I'm going to go stay in St. Jean after the interview and just drive back up for the visa Friday and stay in St. Jean until Saturday to spend some time with her. We haven't seen her since Feb so it will be wonderful. It's one of the things helping keep my mind off the interview for a few minutes at a time anyway.
FredaNot TellingCanada2006-06-05 11:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNerves
Thank you both. Are you bringing you child to the interview? My son is just 2 and it's not required as far as I know but I am still undecided as to whether I will bring him. I'll wait and see what kind of mood he's in that morning. My fiance can't be here so my parents will make the trip with me to stay with him if I decide to leave him. But I think I may bring him just because he make me feel safe. LOL
FredaNot TellingCanada2006-06-05 11:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNerves
My son and I have our K1 and K2 interviews in 3 days, June 8th in Montreal. I have everything ready and have re-checked all the papers so much I am afraid they will be tattered soon. My question is how do you deal with the nerves? I know I shouldn't be a basket case but I am. So far other than Montreal being slow with the interview date it has been relatively quick and almost painless. Other than the separation. We haven't had any RFE's or anything. But I have been having nightmares that everything that can go wrong will go wrong. How did everyone else deal with it? Thursday afternoon can't come soon enough for me. To have this step behind us will be a relief.
FredaNot TellingCanada2006-06-05 10:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOFF TO INTERVIEW
OK guys it's 10 til 8. I'm off to the consulate. Here goes over 7 months of waiting. I'm so nervous. I'll post as soon as I get back................... well right after I call Mark and let him know of course.
FredaNot TellingCanada2006-06-08 06:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIntervew tomorrow
Well guys I'm here in Montreal and after a nightmarish day. I think I'm ready. I hope I'm ready. I'll post the results as soon as I get back. I'll tell you the details of the day as soon as I have the energy. Just send your prayers that tomorrow is a sucess and a quick and painless day. Freda
FredaNot TellingCanada2006-06-07 19:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVISA APPROVED
Thanks all. Joel and Karen where are you????
FredaNot TellingCanada2006-06-08 14:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVISA APPROVED
:D :dance: :dance: WOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO :dance: :dance: :D I got the visa. I'll fill in the details when I get home. For those impatiently waiting to hear not mentioning names, yeah you Joel LOL . Sorry I took so long. But the had an issue with my sons K2. He didn't get it. But that's ok he is a US citizen :dance: :dance: so I had to spend alot of time explaining and re-explaining why we hadn't did his report a birth abroad paper work. Which we had started but because I was legally married to my ex at the time of his birth (I was legally seperated before his conception) it had just taken until last summer for my ex to give me a divorce long story short he wanted to make life miserible and to stop me from marrying Mark. They wanted proof the baby was my US fiances son. I showed them what I had and all that and after a bit they figured it all out. So we have a few things to do as soon as I get back to get his a US birt cert and passport then register him here the next time we visit Canada. Oh heck if I went this far to explain I may as well fill in the rest. I got there at 8am and got number 5, so it was real quick but before I could even pay the fee I had to deal with the babies issues, so I ran from one window to the next. When I finally got to the actual interview part I got the usual sworn in routine and she asked me 3 questions have you ever been in trouble with the law in Canada, have you ever been in trouble with US customs, and have you ever been denied entry to the us and that was it she said well I'm approving your visa come back at 2:30 tomorrow and pick it up and then wanted to remind me once again to take care of the babies paper work asap. Have a great day and welcome to America. They didn't ask to see any of the prove of our relationship, no pictures or anything. They even gave me back the dvd we sent them with the original I-129 F of our sons dedication showing us together in front of our minister. And said you might like to have this back. And that was it. Everyone was wonderful and very patient considering I was so flustered from the issues with the baby I could barely speak and they interviewer had to wait on me to deal with that stuff. So it was a peice of cake. Just a little drama or should I say a bit of panick on my part wondering what would happen with it all because of my not being prepared to handle it today. Just thanking God I atleast brought along my divorce agrrement showing my ex wasn't the babies father and the babies birth certificate. OK that's enough for now anything else I think of I'll post later. Thank you all for your support and advise. 15 days and I'll be in the US planning our wedding. AUGUST 20th I'll marry my best friend and the most wonderful man in the world.
FredaNot TellingCanada2006-06-08 10:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI'm new...BE GENTLE!!!
Good luck on your journey, and welcome to VJ. Hope you K1 is quick. And I'm sure you'll find after you get into it it's not as scarey as it seemed. Just be prepared to be patient. Your patients will be tested more than anything. I'm not at all patient and I made it through the first step, so you'll do fine.
FredaNot TellingCanada2006-06-13 17:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterview Scheduled! Freaking OUT!
Congrats and good luck at the interview.
FredaNot TellingCanada2006-06-14 13:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe Visa is here!!!
Congrats Lizzy, have a safe trip. I said the same thing last week about how pretty the visa was when I sae mine too. I'll be leaving on Thursday for Alabama.
FredaNot TellingCanada2006-06-16 04:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJust wondering
Hey guys, I have been wondering has anyone heard from Scott and Holly, they have their interview in Montreal on Tuesday if I recall right. Scott is usually very busy here in the site and I haven't notice a post from him in ages. Just wondering if anyone has heard anything and hoping everything is ok. And I want to wish them the best of luck Tuesday. I for one will be anxiously waiting for the post of their approval.
FredaNot TellingCanada2006-06-17 19:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFinally Interview!
Congrats and best of luck at hte interview we'll be waiting for your post of approval.
FredaNot TellingCanada2006-06-21 08:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMoving
Well we made it to ALabama,
The trip was uneventful, just very long. The POE was very easy. I was expecting it to be alot more stressful traveling with my toddler who is a USC and staying here with me but as yet we haven't filed his citizenship claim, my daughter whom I have shared custody of and who isn't staying here just coming for the summer, my parents and all our belongings. But the officers at the border in Houlton Maine were wonderful. He didn't want to inspect or have me fill out any forms for our stuff, just wanted to know if I was bringing a car with me and I wasn't. Didn't look at my parents or daughters id's except to ask if my daughter was immigrating with me soon as I said no and that I had a letter from her Father stating he knew she was with me for the summer, he said ok. Didn't look at my son much other than to see his fathers name on his Canadian birth certificate being the same as the one on my K1 visa. Although the little guy was traveling at this point for about 7 hours and was glad to be able to move about and did make a bit of noise nothing that I even noticed but the officer looked somewhat annoyed, which bothered me since he was extremely well behaved but obviously the officer didn't have children and seemed disturbed by the few little squeals of delight he made from being able to walk about. Then it was on to me. The officer hadn't processed many K1 visa's since he needed to do read it from the book and go step by step trough the book looking it over repeatedly. But I got to see what was in the mysterious brown envelope. And it wasn't all the exciting. It contained all the paperwork we filed from the original I-129 F to the stuff from Montreal. Only thing was it had alot of red writing and red stamps of approved on it. All he really had to to was verify the name and birthday were right, verify the address I was going to be living at, scan my visa, and verify the local consulate or whatever you call it here and put it in to the computer so they knew where to forward it all, then he stamped the paperwork in a few places printed out the I-94 stamped it gave me back my passport, had me pay the $6.00 and sent me on my way. It was funny how he couldn't find anything and I had to keep pointing it out to him, like the A number and where to find the medical report. He was looking through the stuff from California for it and I really didn't want to be there all night so I pointed it out to him. They obviously have to read it for any restrictions the consulate may have placed on you, woooooohooooooooo I had none. But it was a very easy entry. And now we all know whats in that brown envelope, nothing overly exciting. But the land crossing was very easy and a real anticlimax to what has been a very long stressful 8 months. Now time to relax for a week or so and then finish the wedding plans and start on the ssn#. Hope everyone else who came into the US this weekend had as easy and pleasant experience.
FredaNot TellingCanada2006-06-24 19:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMoving
I thank you all, just waiting on that clock so I can be on my way. I can't wait to get back to the south. Who ever came up with the idea to make kids write exams to finish the school year?? I'm not liking them much right now. LOL But after 8 long months a few hours should be no problem.
FredaNot TellingCanada2006-06-22 06:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMoving
Last post for a few days guys. This afternoon I pick my daughter up at school when she finishes her final exam and we are on our way to Alabama. I'll post my experience at the POE ( land crossing at the Houlton Border between New Brunswick and Maine with all our belongings) as soon as I can. To anyone else going to the US this weekend best of luck. And one more huge thanks to everyone here at VJ, your support the past 8 months has been so wonderful. Scott and Holly best wishes, and Joel, Karen. Roger and Peggy, we'll be in touch soon.

SOrry about the blank post my computer froze and I couldn't get back on the edit it in a timely manner it seems..........................LOL
FredaNot TellingCanada2006-06-22 04:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresvideo
Don't bother with the video, my husband and I had one of him and I together with my daughters at our sons baptism and they didn't even look at it and told us they couldn't. A secutity thing I guess they are worried about viruses or hacking programs getting into their system which makes perfect sense.
FredaNot TellingCanada2007-03-16 11:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresvisiting my husband...Help
I want to visit my husband for Christmas....wondering what to I tell them I am going to see my husband? Do I tell them that the immigration process is started? What kind of proof will I need? Any help would be appreciated.


Craig-n-JacquieFemaleCanada2009-08-31 23:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresjoint bank account with no ssn
We had no issues at the Umpqua bank and also with credit union...good luck
Craig-n-JacquieFemaleCanada2010-08-24 10:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresGreen Card

Just an FYI - My husband made his POE on December 3 and got his Social Security card on December 14. We didn't go to the Social Security Office (he had checked the box on his DS-230 to automatically have one issued).
Still haven't received his actual Green Card Card, but he has the stamp in his passport and has been using it to travel back and forth to Canada daily for work with no problems.

My POE was on November 4 and still no SSN or green card... I too checked the box on the DS-230 to automatically issue. Wondering if where you make your POE makes a difference in how long you have to wait. Also wondering if I could go and file for a SSN even though I checked that box? Just don't want to cause any confusion.
Thanks for your help
Craig-n-JacquieFemaleCanada2010-12-16 17:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresGreen Card
How long does it normally take to receive your green card and SSN after coming to the USA on a CR-1? Thanks
Craig-n-JacquieFemaleCanada2010-12-15 13:30:00