CanadaRound 2 questions lol lol
Thanks Lynette and Misa you both answered everything we were wondering about.
I'm sure you'll have the Visa before the news fees kick in Lynette. Thanks for the reminder on the vaccination sheet and having to get it filled by a civil surgeon here. I totally forgot that being required
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-07-12 16:24:00
CanadaRound 2 questions lol lol
Hi everyone. Firstly Lorry and I want to thank you for all the many well wishes on our Wedding Day ( 7 /7 / 07 )
It was a beautiful sunny day and everything was very nice. I'll see if I can figure out how to get pics up on here

I'm about to start filling the AOS paperwork and need some help. What else is new eh lol lol

Does Lorry have to fill out the form I-864 Affidavit of Support to go along with the AOS forms? We already did the income thing with the I-134 so is it required now again with AOS and an I-864

Do I send the EAD forms and the Advance Parole formsalong with my AOS application?

Thanks for any info that can be given I'm sure by the time we're finished filling these out there'll be a few more questions.

Allie & Lorry
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-07-12 15:54:00
Canadatempoary Reject after my interview..
Congrats Colin, happy to hear it's on the way :dance: :dance: :dance:
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-07-16 15:02:00
Canadatempoary Reject after my interview..
Hopefully it'll all work out quickly
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-06-15 17:42:00
CanadaHotel Abri du Voyageur
Try La Tour Centreville on Rene' Lesveque Blvd. I stayed there many times while in Montreal and did so for my interview in June It was $110 a nite, clean and comfy They have a locked locker to hold your stuff in while you go for the interview and it's only a 1 minute walk from the Consulate.
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-07-19 12:56:00
Congrats Lynette :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: We were waiting to hear the good news. We're very happy for you
Good luck and have a safe journey to Cleveland

Allie & Lorry
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-07-18 22:20:00
Hi Lynette. We know you're heading to MTL tommorrow for your interview on Wed. and just want to wish you luck and assure you everything will go perfectly
Good luck Lynette just 2 more days to the happy :dance: :dance: :dance:

Allie & Lorry
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-07-16 10:41:00
CanadaVancouver Interview 12 July
Congrats Happy to hear you're on your way :dance: :dance:
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-07-18 09:20:00
CanadaI need to vent!!!

ARRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!! This is going to be a long rant .. thank you for your patience :)

We live in a small town. Closest "metro" area (if you can call it that) is 1 1/2 hours away. Hubby is a carpenter. Was working in a supervisory capacity in Vancouver and making decent money. He had been at his company for 5 years and really enjoyed it. A year ago, I was living in Georgia. We decided to move to NH, for me to take a job that has associated student loan repayment. I work at the agency for 2 years, and my loans are forgiven. Too good to pass up, right? Well, we factored in hubby's line of work. A year ago, saw numerous job opening for carpenters. Heck, a month before he got his work auth., saw lots of carpentry jobs posted. Now that he can legally work .... ZILCH. He has applied at the 3 largest contracting companies in town, none are hiring currently. He has called about 20 other smaller contractors, none of them are hiring. He has applied at Home Depot and Lowe's, nada. He drove 1 1/2 hours to the "metro" area to interview with a temp. agency who assured him they would have him working by the end of this week ... haven't heard anything yet. He interviewed with another temp. agency who said they had nothing except for a factory job that pays $12/hour and is an hour drive away. He applied at a furniture manufacturing company (that does not currently have any jobs but will keep his app on file) ... they pay $8/hr. There seems to be work in the southern part of the state, close to Boston, which would mean a 4 hour roundtrip daily commute or living away from home :(
And the most depressing thing: hubby talked to his 15 year old nephew today. The nephew makes $10/hour


We knew that he would be taking a pay cut and possibly having to take a job that was not at the level he was working at in Canada. We didn't figure on him not being able to find ANYTHING!!!

I am second guessing this move to NH like you wouldn't believe. Something that complicates it is that we have found it extremely difficult to make friends. I've never experienced anything like this. I am a very social person and had tons of friends in GA. Hubby also had a nice network of friends in BC. People in this area tend to be more isolative and standoffish initially. We've made a few friends, but nothing like what we were used to.

ARGH again!!!! We will survive this, but dang it really sucks right now!!!!

I am sorry to hear of your troubles. I too have no advice, I would like to add a virtual hug, good thoughts and prayers for you both.
Lorry & Allie
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-07-11 22:03:00
CanadaCongratulations to Liz and Ol....
Happy anniversary to you :thumbs: :thumbs:
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-07-20 10:20:00
Congrats it's about time :dance: :dance:
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-07-18 16:26:00
CanadaVery concerned about the I-134...

I guess the question for those who have already interviewed in Montreal is: did the consulate want to see an updated I-134 and updated supporting documents?

When I had my interview in June Lorry's I-134 info along with employer, bank info was all dated and notarized Dec 23. They only asked if I had a sought out employment not a question about where Lorry was working
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-07-22 17:21:00
CanadaVery concerned about the I-134...
I can't see how the Montreal Consulate is going to know you started a new job and you are not at your previous job.
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-07-22 12:12:00
CanadaPacket 3 Confusion
No you just send them back what they list they want returned . The other stuff you take to the interview when it arrives
Good luck
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-07-23 11:36:00
CanadaWe got hitched!!
Congrats to you both :dance: :dance: :dance:
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-07-24 09:34:00
CanadaJust beginning the K-1 journey.
Welcome aboard. You have come to the right place to help in keeping your sanity in this journey. Everyone here is fantastic and helpful
Good luck, sit back and try to enjoy the ride :thumbs: :thumbs:
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-07-24 15:04:00
CanadaHow very disappointing!!!
Hi Lynette. I just saw this topic, very sorry to hear that MTL has caused you more stress and unhappiness.
We're hoping you'll have the Visa today and finally, be on your way to Ed.
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-07-25 08:19:00
Canada$176 later !!!!!!!!!!
Hi all Last week I posted where the Civil Surgeon here in Spokane wanted a TB skin test done before she'd transfer and sign my 693A vaccination supplement form
At that time I explained to her I had the complete medical done by a USCIS Civil Surgeon in Canada including the chest X-ray to check for TB and was Visa approved. All that wasn't good enough and I was basically told no test no signature.

So I set up an appt. with a DR. for the TB skin test at a cost of $32. Filled out the medical forms for it and was asked had I been vaccinated in Canada for TB.
I replied yes and the DR. then tells me sometimes because a person was vaccinated the test will show positive as the body's immune system kicks into gear and will react to the shot they give on the skin test.
She then says if that happens you'll have to get an X-ray. I then go into the same routine of already having an X-ray for my Visa requirement and it all came back okay nothing showing.
"Why then do you need this TB- PPD test I'm asked, that X-ray should be good for 1 yr". Because the Civil Surgeon here in Spokane won't sign my vaccination supplement without this test.
Then once again I'm reminded " if your immune system reacts to the test you'll need the X-ray in order to show negative even though the prior vaccination maybe the cause of the reaction"
By this time I'm frustrated with the whole thing and tell her let's just do the damn test. If it does show positive I'll be paying for an X-ray that I already know the results off.

I get stuck with a needle in the left forearm and told to come back 48 to 72 hrs. later to have it read. 6 hrs. after I'm needled it starts to turn red and itch. By the next morning there's a bit of swelling at the spot. I tell Lorry " there's the reaction she must have been referring to for 32 bucks I now know my immune system works"
2 days later I go to get it checked. she looks at it, measures the swelling and says it shows positive and knowing that you had a prior X-ray in Jan. it's probably a reaction from your vaccination you had as a child.
You'll need the X-ray to show negative for the Civil Surgeon. I ask how much for the X-ray and told $ 121. So I have the X-ray and the reports will be ready in 2 days.
2 days later Lorry and I go back for the reports and guess what they're negative. My pretty little pink lungs are the same now as they were in Jan. when the X-ray for the Visa medical was done.

That afternoon we're off to the Civil Surgeon to get the 693A signed. She looks at all my needle work and the TB test I had and says " this is everything I need to sign but sometimes for AOS you need a complete medical I tell her I already had that done in Canada and passed everything including the X-ray and came here on a K-1 Visa, they already have my medical and I'm not required to send one in with my AOS application that medical is good for up to one yr.
Then she tells me if I need another medical to come here and her husband who is a Civil Surgeon too will do the medical for me.
I finally get the 693A signed and give the receptionist $25 on the way out . In total it cost me $176 to get it signed and pay for things I already had done
After all this I think it's time to go buy a bottle of the Captain and sail with him for awhile lol lol
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-07-27 12:25:00
CanadaMessed up

I would suggest to wait when you receive your AOS receipt number and maybe send back the G-325A with all your information saying to include it with the AOS with that receipt numer. Or maybe wait till then send you the RFE for it. I dont think they will deny you before attemping to get any further informations from you.

Hi Mephys. Yeah I guess I'll have to wait see how it goes. I was shocked to find the G-325 forms still here . Don't know how I left em out of the envelope I checked everything several times before sending

Filling out the AOS paperwork was sooo stressful for me.. post move/ post wedding/ while adjusting.. it's a stressful time.. give yourself some breaks.. it happens for sure.. you'll get there :)

Thanks Emancipation. What you say is true very stressful. I'm in the process of posting my vaccination supplement signing procedure here in Spokane and the TB testing I had to go through. That was even more stress for em to pile on the process
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-07-27 11:34:00
CanadaMessed up
Just got off the phone with USCIS service centre and was told all that will happen is a request for the G-325A info will be sent when they look at the AOS application.
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-07-27 11:08:00
CanadaMessed up

I would suggest to wait when you receive your AOS receipt number and maybe send back the G-325A with all your information saying to include it with the AOS with that receipt numer. Or maybe wait till then send you the RFE for it. I dont think they will deny you before attemping to get any further informations from you.

Hi Mephys. Yeah I guess I'll have to wait see how it goes. I was shocked to find the G-325 forms still here . Don't know how I left em out of the envelope I checked everything several times before sending
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-07-27 09:46:00
CanadaMessed up
I mailed my AOS application yesterday. This morning while going through the left over paper work I found the G-325A forms I filled out in the pile. They didn't go with the AOS, application any advice on what I do now. Could this error cause denial of my AOS I'm in panic mode again
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-07-27 09:36:00
CanadaYou can call me Mrs. now :)
Congrats Lynette and Ed. We're very happy to hear everything went well and now you can start your life together.
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-07-29 10:02:00
CanadaSocial Security Number - Who do I call to check status?
Can I get a SSN before getting AOS or an EAD. If so what's the procedure for obtaining the SSN
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-07-16 15:04:00
CanadaSocial Security Number
I just had to sign I didn't have one on the line below where they put Lorry's SSN
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-07-29 09:59:00
CanadaReceived GC in mail today....
Congrats on getting your GC :thumbs: :thumbs:
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-07-30 13:17:00
CanadaMarriage license
I put my legal address as Lorry's as that's where we'd be living after marriage
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-07-30 16:26:00
CanadaWe're new here!
Welcome to the VJ community and good luck

Allie & Lorry
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-07-29 20:36:00
CanadaWill OHIP cover me
I don't know that they'll cover the expenses of medical aid here. I do know whenever I would come to visit Lorry I'd have to purchase medical insurance before leaving Canada just in case I did take ill while here.
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-07-31 08:35:00
CanadaGoodluck Sharon
Good luck Alan & Sharon, everything will be fine. Tommorrow you'll be doing the happy :dance: :dance: :dance:
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-07-31 08:39:00
CanadaDr. Maureen Stuart
When I made my appt. with Dr. Doane here in N.S. The secretary told me to bring tne cover letter from packet 3 along with 3 passport pics and $180.00
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-04-20 14:32:00
CanadaBCG vaccine in Ontario

Allie, yeah, that sucks that you guys had to go through that... for what? The same damn results from the first chest x-ray!

Can you claim any of the $176 on your U.S. health insurance?

Yeah it did suck big time . Doing everything to get here and then more paper work and more medical requirements in order to get a form signed is so redundant.
I got a test that we knew my immune system would react too because I was vaccinated to fight the TB germ and then paid for an X-ray that I knew and the DR. had an idea what the results would read. It's just a circle everyone wants thier kick at us I guess :whistle: :whistle:
We didn't think of the insurance we have covering what I paid for it all. I have the reciepts and will check into it, thanks Misa
Best of luck when AOS interview arrives
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-08-02 15:37:00
CanadaBCG vaccine in Ontario

That small dime sized scar on your upper arm? It was for smallpox. It was a vaccination that turned into a scab,and the result is that scar. All children at one time in Canada had that. At some point this did stop immunizing for this though, I just don't know when. My kids, in their 20's, never had it.

Carla (F)

Thanks Carla! You're more helpful than my mom was when I asked her about my vaccinations before my medical in Canada. She said, "How would I remember what you got? I threw out your records a long time ago." :blink: :P

Anyway, I wasn't sure if my scar was from smallpox or BCG. Sounds like it was indeed for smallpox. I was going to get a preemptive TB test but was going to hold off if I had indeed had the BCG vaccine since it would come up with a false positive and then I'd be required by the health department to get a chest xray. Which of course I already had before I came on my K3 and another would come up clear.

I hear you about the whole TB skin test AOS confusion for K1s and K3s. My interview is this month as well and my husband convinced me to not bother getting the skin test and just seeing how it goes at the interview.

You're correct on the false reading Misa. I know all about the TB skin test and what having the vaccination in chilhood does. I had to get the skin test and my immune system showed a false negative reading and was then forced into another x-ray before my 693A would b4 signed by a Civil Surgeon.
My review on this is located on page 4 under the topic titled $176 later. I hope you don't require this test

That small dime sized scar on your upper arm? It was for smallpox. It was a vaccination that turned into a scab,and the result is that scar. All children at one time in Canada had that. At some point this did stop immunizing for this though, I just don't know when. My kids, in their 20's, never had it.

Carla (F)

Thanks Carla! You're more helpful than my mom was when I asked her about my vaccinations before my medical in Canada. She said, "How would I remember what you got? I threw out your records a long time ago." :blink: :P

Anyway, I wasn't sure if my scar was from smallpox or BCG. Sounds like it was indeed for smallpox. I was going to get a preemptive TB test but was going to hold off if I had indeed had the BCG vaccine since it would come up with a false positive and then I'd be required by the health department to get a chest xray. Which of course I already had before I came on my K3 and another would come up clear.

I hear you about the whole TB skin test AOS confusion for K1s and K3s. My interview is this month as well and my husband convinced me to not bother getting the skin test and just seeing how it goes at the interview.

You're correct on the false reading Misa. I know all about the TB skin test and what having the vaccination in chilhood does. I had to get the skin test and my immune system showed a false negative reading and was then forced into another x-ray before my 693A would b4 signed by a Civil Surgeon.
My review on this is located on page 4 under the topic titled $176 later. I hope you don't require this test

False positive reading it should say sorry :blush:
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-08-02 15:12:00
CanadaDoes illegal immigration upset you big time too?

karen, you took that way personally. i did not mean to offend you, or anyone else. i was just stating facts. when the "white man" came here it was not a country, it was an unsettled territory. not a country w/ a gov't, social services, an economy etc.(a nation). sorry the "white man" took land from native american tribes. i believe they have been appoligized to & compensated. as well as benifited in many other ways from the "white mans" country they built here. we are talking about illegal immigration into a nation. not taking land from native tribes. noone said it was right for the "white man". to do what they did, but everyone here has benifited.

Firstly I wish to tell Bowflex I in no way am highkjacking your topic. But do feel compelled to answer to this reply and a previous one.

You are absolutely correct there was no US in these lands until after the War of Independence. It was land inhabited by what we refer to as First Nations People. Those words first peoples mean just that first in these lands.
I prefer to use the term non-Native as to the words white man
Above you have stated it was not a country. it was an unsettled territory, no social structure, no economy
Unsettled territory only in the eyes of those that came here uninvited, stuck a flag in the ground and claimed these lands for the King of England as uninhabited lands not as unsettled as you state but uninhabited.
As for a Gov. there was a Gov appointed and run by a Tribal Chief with Social Service where everyone helped others in need out. Nobody was left to fend for themselves in hard times. Food was shared as a community need. As for an economy there was much trade beween Tribes

Yes land was taken and that's all a part of history and people live with what has happened in the past as with many other things that have taken place in time. Many live with it but that doesn't mean it should be washed from memory and the books completely
Do you honestly think that being stuck on reserves most with useless lands was compensation to Natives. Benefits what benefits did the non -native bring smallpox, disease and assimilation of people.
We are now an educated peoples we're lawyers, Doctors and many other occupations and now know what is right and what is wrong and through that education we have benfited ourselves. Yes we have Casino's and get medical aid and pay little taxes but I suppose that's the benefit of being first Nation Not a bad deal for the Gov when one considers all they have taken in return. I would say they're still coming out on top after all
When I first replied in this topic It was in no way in reference to taking lands from Natives Everyone who knows history is familiar with how that all went down
My reply was to show people have already come into these lands uninvited a long time ago. Not on the right and wrongs of Native history or treatment

Although Here's a site for you to brush up on history

Wela'lin ( thank you ) Allie
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-06-15 16:51:00
CanadaDoes illegal immigration upset you big time too?
I think the people who would probably be more versed on the topic of illegal immigrants would be any Native American
They know all too well about people setting up shop illegally in every corner of North America. So in a sense wqe are all illegal immigrants I guess
Just my view on this
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-06-14 12:05:00
CanadaNeeding some words of encouragement for Réjean...
Being nervous is all part of going through this process. In the end he'll find as was already previously stated, the interview is the easiest step of all
Good luck, no need to worry worry Rejean you'll do just fine.
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-08-06 09:12:00
CanadaEI Address


Accept the terms of this and it will continue to another page for you to log on. You might have to have registered already, I'm not sure. The page I go to is this, to check on-line status.


Let me know if this helps!

Carla (F)

You will need the little 4 digit access code that is on the bottom of your first set of cards. As well as your SIN #, DOB and remember that your province of filing is in ONT :) :thumbs:

Thanks for the info I'll check it out
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-08-07 10:50:00
CanadaEI Address


Accept the terms of this and it will continue to another page for you to log on. You might have to have registered already, I'm not sure. The page I go to is this, to check on-line status.


Let me know if this helps!

Carla (F)

Thanks for the sites Carla. I'll see if I can find anything out on em
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-08-07 10:47:00
CanadaEI Address
Does EI have an address where one can check on a claim online?
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-08-06 16:22:00
CanadaEI Address
Thank you Flames
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-08-03 23:31:00