CanadaCrossing the border while K-1 Pending
I went to the Us to visit my fiance while waiting on the visa. And like everyone says theres just no way of knowing. All depends on the person you see at customs. We had already recieved our packet 3 from Montreal and were waiting on an interview date at the time. I brought a letter from my employer stating when I was due back at work and they did ask for it. So I guess it's up to you and whether you want to risk the money and if you can provide sufficiate proof of ties here in Canada. But like most I drove into the US so the most I was risking if they denied me was a days worth of gas and driving. Good luck if you decide to try.
FredaNot TellingCanada2006-06-13 17:53:00
CanadaMontreal Experience
Just an update, I am now still in Quebec but in Saint-Jean-Sur Richelieu. I have my visa in my hand, OH MY IT HAS TO BE THE PRUDIEST THING I EVER SAW!!!!!!!!!!!!LOL. Today was a much better day I got to explore a bit while we wait on 2:30 to pick up the visa. So we walked around and did some shopping, and I must say it was a far better day, guess all the nice people decided to get out and about today. Only one nerve wracking experience today and no one from Montreal was to blame. I got to the window to pick up my visa and they couldn't find it. **gasp*** thankfully after about 30 minutes they did, rough 30 minutes not breathing!! LOL. I even managed to get out of Montreal and here in one try, didn't get lost once. I figured it out. I was use to aggressive driving while I was in Montgomery but over the past 7 months being back in Nova Scotia I got soft again. So today I set out with an OH YEAH I CAN DO IT attitude and it worked. So after a rough 2 days I am sitting here waiting for my daughter who I haven't seen since Febrauary to call so I can go over to St. Jean garrison and pick her up. So to all you from Montreal I do apologize, but I do want to remind you all about first impressions. But I am glad I had to stay there another day, now I can say I MIGHT go back for a visit.
FredaNot TellingCanada2006-06-09 16:35:00
CanadaMontreal Experience
As I posted repeatedly I am not saying all Montrealers. I have tried and tried to avoid offending anyone and not try and sound like a few people speak for all of Montreal. I don't think that not being from a place gives people a right to treat anyone with disrespect. I realize people are busy and all that but don't they know being helpful takes no more energy than swearing and honking your horn at them? And at the end of the day you may even get a small amount of pleasure from it? All am saying is Montreal was not a pleasureable experience for me and wouldn't not return anytime soon. And as said it's not a nice part of town. Well since this is where we all have to be for this process. The hotel is located on the same street as the consulate. Just out the door and straight up Rene-Levesque Boul. Then maybe it's a good thing to post here so others will know it's not a great part of town. But as I recall the hotel recommended on the board here is just across the street I assumed that this one being just up the street would be just as good.
FredaNot TellingCanada2006-06-08 20:07:00
CanadaMontreal Experience
I just wanted to clarify I am from Canada I grew up in Nova Scotia and we also have our share of french speaking people. I can speak a very limited amount of french. I drove into and around this province with a Nova Scotia license plate so in all fairness it's wasn't like I was some foriegner ( not that, that should give anyone to be rude). I am not trying to make this a platform for a rant or play politcs like most of us english/ french Canadians so enjoy. I was just trying to post my experience and if it helps anyone be more prepared to come then good. I guess at the age of 36 it was time for the rose color glasses off and realize as a country Canada will always be divided by this french/ english drama. But we all still Canadians and shouldn't we atleast try and remember that. Not to mention do onto others as you would have done onto you.
FredaNot TellingCanada2006-06-08 18:05:00
CanadaMontreal Experience
Ok, I just wanted you all to know I just had a visit with the guy Eric I mentioned and his boss the manager of the Days Inn here in Montreal. They both have been wonderful. Some one had called him and told him he needed to see this post. So he read it and was extremely disappoint by what was said and how I was treated. I explained to him the details and he was more than apologetic. So I have to say the Days Inn here in Montreal is an exception. If you have to come to the city I would recommend you stay here and keep your eye out for Eric and Olivier. They are wonderful men. And have really helped to make a otherwise unpleasant day a bit brighter.
FredaNot TellingCanada2006-06-08 17:01:00
CanadaMontreal Experience
Thank you all. And as I said I am referring to the people I came in contact with. I'm sure there are nice people they must just all be on vacation. And I have been around alot of Canada from Ontario to Nova Scotia and all the eastern seaboard of the US along with a few other states and none can compare to Montreal. Is the bible not written in French * love thy neighbor*. I could quote a thousand adages but why bother I'd just rather forget today get my visa and go see my daughter in Richelieu and be done with it and go back toAlabama where everyone is friendly. OH and War Eagle!!!!!!!!
FredaNot TellingCanada2006-06-08 16:04:00
CanadaMontreal Experience
I just wanted to clarify, every person I have had contact with, I am being general here not saying every person since I have obviously not meet them all. But even people on the street who I wasn't interacting with one bulched in my daughters face and another spit from a roof top at us walking on the street below. So anyone I have had contact with here in the city.
FredaNot TellingCanada2006-06-08 14:48:00
CanadaMontreal Experience
:crying: :angry: OK HERE GOES!!! I wasn't going to say anything but this is the last straw. And I don't want another fellow Canadian to come here niave like me. I am very sorry if I offend anyone who is from the city of Montreal but this is my opinion and my experience and I have a right to voice it. Since I arrived in this place at 1:30pm every person but 2 has been rude and obnoxious. No one speaks english atleast to you even if they can. The hotel staff at the days inn are incompetent and rude save except for the 1st of the two nice people I meet here his name is Eric and he went above and beyond to be helpful. The drivers are nasty impatient and downright rude cussing people, honking and damn near running you over even when you are in the right and they aren't. Introducing the next nice person I never did get her name working at the infomation office who helped me with directions. all signs are in french so be prepared to know french or be damn. The hotel made me park in an outside parking lot across the street and charged me 100.00 to do it as a deposit for 2 days. In said parking lot my car was broken into oh no let me amend that my parents car was broken into. They broke the passengers side window out and ransacked the car. Smashing doughnuts that were in the car all over the car and spreading glass eveywhere. My sons new portable dvd, my daughters mp3 player and her friends school books with all her exam prep work was stolen, all of which was well hidden in the trunk. We went to the police who had us file a report. When we asked about when we could clean it and cover the window, since it is raining here assuming they would want to inspect the damage first we were handed a peice of plastic to cover the window and and sent on our way. So much for the local police helping the puplic. So on what should have been an exciting and happy day it has been the worst experience of my life I want to go home and as soon as I get out of here I will never return to the city again and I will be sure to give anyone who asks my opinion of this city. So fellow Canadians be adviced and be especially carefull while your here and if you don't need it as in if it's not life or death don't bring it with you. My two children and my daughters friend are now in our hotel room where we plan to stay locked up until 2:30 tomorrow when I can get my visa and get the hell out of here. I'll save the celebrating until I am safely in Alabama. And to think I just spent 2 nights in New York last month a place known for crime and never had so much as someone look at us funny.
FredaNot TellingCanada2006-06-08 14:20:00
CanadaGOT THE VISA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats!!! :dance: And thanks for the news about the ppl there. I go Thursday for my interview. I pray I have the same news to tell as you. Best wish on your move and upcoming wedding.
FredaNot TellingCanada2006-06-05 14:01:00
CanadaPassport picture question
5 PICS are needed, 3 for the doctor he puts one on that mysterious form thats inside your sealed envelope to take to the interview, and one on each lab req. one for blood one for x-ray, guess it's so the hospital can make sure it's you and that you haven't sent someone else out to get it done for you. And 2 for the interview.
FredaNot TellingCanada2006-06-16 06:41:00
CanadaInterview doc
Not sure if it matters but I brought 3 years tax returns. Did we need them I have no idea but they did take them. Anyone else have any idea on the tax return issue?
FredaNot TellingCanada2006-06-13 17:57:00
CanadaCouple of questions about I-134
As far as I can remember ( i didn't really look at them) but it was to who it may concern. But I'll ask him when we speak this afternoon and let you know. I was so nervous, and everyone here was wonderful telling me not to be. And they were right. Everyone at the Consulate in Montreal are very helpful and nice.
FredaNot TellingCanada2006-06-18 12:41:00
CanadaCouple of questions about I-134
The I-134 is asking for anyone the USC supports financially already. You will need an original and one copy of almost everything on the checklist if I recall correctly. I had a copy and the original of my divorce degree, my birth certificate, police check. They give you back your original birth certificate and divorce degree after the interview and keep the copies. I just got evreything together on the list and made a copy of everything just to be safe and had them as they asked for them. They asked so quick I can't even remember what they asked for copies of. My fiance the USC didn't put the current balance as far as I understand they just want how much goes in and out throughout a year, possibly to verify income..........who knows. And you need your divorce degree not marriage certificate because if you have a marriage certificate then you are married and thus are not free to marry. Hope this helps. Good luck on your interview. Is it in Montreal? Thats' where mine was and it was easy. They asked only three questions and not one about my fiance and I and they didn't even look at the stack of proof I brought. I was rather disappointed since I had spent months on it. But the disappointment soon faded when after the three questions she said she was issuing the visa and to come back the next day at 2:30 and pick it up.
FredaNot TellingCanada2006-06-18 04:31:00
CanadaAirport Experience
Congrats Pri. I'm heading to the border on Thursday.
FredaNot TellingCanada2006-06-18 04:18:00
CanadaInterview and Young children
Your welcome and good luck. Enjoy your get away.
FredaNot TellingCanada2006-06-20 09:04:00
CanadaInterview and Young children
I emailed them to ask about my son he is only 2 and and they emailed me back saying only children 14 and older need to attend. This was for Montreal and only a few weeks ago. But you can email them to verify.
FredaNot TellingCanada2006-06-20 07:47:00
CanadaMedical report
Not sure on getting a copy from the doctor. But it couldn't hurt to call them. I explained it to the doctor while I was there. And he sent me the original and the copy at the same time. My son had his medical at the same time and because he is only 2 he didn't need the blood or x-ray done so he gave me both of them for him the day of the medical. I didn't get a vaccine record so I'm assuming it is in the copy envelope. I wasn't sure exactly what was needed so I got him to make a complete copy of it all and seal it in a second envelope. Hope this helps. But I have my original vaccine record from when I was born with all mine recorded on there and the doctor recorded the ones he gave me on it also so maybe he meant that to be the record for me.
FredaNot TellingCanada2006-06-18 08:38:00
CanadaMedical report
Yep, that's what I did. Some one posted a while back about needing it for AOS also and if you didn't have a copy you'd need to get it redone or something along those lines so when I went for my medical I asked the doctor for a copy of it. He just photo copied it all and put it in a sealed envelope like the original and wrote copy on it. He didn't charge me anything for it which impressed me.
FredaNot TellingCanada2006-06-18 04:06:00
CanadaOff to Montreal
I'll wish you good luck Scott and Holly, but we all know you don't need it. Can't wait to see your post. Hope your trip is good.
FredaNot TellingCanada2006-06-20 06:16:00
CanadaYeah, we got it!
WOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOO, YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, Congrats guys I have been wearing out the computer checking every 10 minutes for this post. I'm so happy for both of you. Have a safe trip to the US. My son and I leave this morning for Alabama.
FredaNot TellingCanada2006-06-22 04:25:00
CanadaI am in the US
Congrats on getting to the US. I had the same experience at the POE in Houlton Maine. I kept praying they didn't screw it up. But apparently all is well because I was in the system when I went for the SSN # yesterday. Boy was I relieved since the officer first had our local office as Alaska and not Atlanta, he really had me questioning his ability and where my paperwork would eventually end up.
FredaNot TellingCanada2006-07-12 16:01:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC notice

I got through at 9:20pm EST. I sent them an e-mail the same day I called and still haven't gotten a response. So I guess which route you pick depends on how patient you are. :lol:

Yeah call NVC. I tried for the longest time over a 2 day period . Then called one nite at 11:30 p.m. and got right through to a very friendly person that answered all my questions

Good Luck
AllieNot TellingCanada2007-01-08 10:09:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInterview Date in Montreal!
congrats today was a good day for a lot of us.
FredaNot TellingCanada2006-06-08 11:39:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPacket 3
:dance: Hey all we got packet 3 from Montreal yesterday. Woooooooohoooooooo another step closer. But now what??? I looked at all the forms here on the site and they are all newer than the ones I was sent. Think it will be a problem to use the ones here? I'm sure I'll have lots of other questions but that's all for now. So happy to be getting towards the end of all this. Hope all you other K1'ers that got NOA2's around the same time as us are getting your packets too. :dance: :dance: :dance:
FredaNot TellingCanada2006-02-22 07:18:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWaiting for Consulate Interview at Montreal Consulate
Hi guys, I know how ya feel. It's frustrating as all get out. I sent my DS230 and checklist in before both of the last two people who got interview dates and I am still waiting. My advise don't set your hopes on the timelines look at them and use them as references but when it comes down to it all it is, is the luck of the draw. The Montreal embassy got my stuff on March 2nd 2006.
FredaNot TellingCanada2006-05-09 10:30:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMontreal - still waiting
Grrrrrrrrrrr, I can't stand this waiting. If I wasn't here in Alabama I'd be crying like I usually do when I read your posts. Seems like we are in this for the long haul. Guess they decided when they recieved our packet 3's back they'd all go on vacation. It has to be soon it just has to be.
FredaNot TellingCanada2006-05-05 14:03:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMontreal Interview Date!
Congrats guys, hope this means I'll see something soon. :dance:
FredaNot TellingCanada2006-05-09 08:26:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAn Interview (I Think!!!!)
I am in Alabama right now visiting my fiance and I know exactly what your saying I went numb when I called 2 days ago and they finally said yes a date was given and when she said June 8th I went numb. I know she told me a time and other stuff but it didn't even register. I called my fiance at work to let him know and he was the same way. LOL he even forgot he had a client sitting in his office with him for a few minutes. We are almost there. I know theres lots to come but dealing with it together will be easier than 2000 miles apart.
FredaNot TellingCanada2006-05-11 15:06:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAn Interview (I Think!!!!)
Congrats Jea, and join the club Scott and I have also been there calling and being told July and we both got ours mine is June 8th and his mid June. Me thinks Montreal phone answerers are secretly working for the anti- depressant companies and are just drumming up business.
FredaNot TellingCanada2006-05-11 14:49:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionOMG Montreal
Yeah I know the feeling I'd love for Mark to be there too but he used up all his vacation time visiting us for Christmas and our sons birthday. But it's easy to get through knoeing it's almost over.
FredaNot TellingCanada2006-05-12 09:21:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionOMG Montreal
Cool maybe I'll be needing you to keep an eye on her. She's turning 19 next week and is already having just too much fun. Thank God she was a good kid. I'd be even grayer than I am now. Although she spent last summer there too and since legal age is 18 I can't see it being any different now than then.
FredaNot TellingCanada2006-05-11 14:36:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionOMG Montreal
Hey there Harding, thanks for the offer. I am also driving up. But my daughter, son and parents are coming along with me. I plan on staying through the weekend possibly, since I have a daughter going to the Royal Military College and she will be in St. Jean finishing the second year of her basic officers training at the same time and it's only 45 minutes from Montreal. She hasn't been home since February and it's an excellent opportunity for us all to visit. Thanks again though and hope to see you there. Hopefully we'll both breeze through.
FredaNot TellingCanada2006-05-11 14:08:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionOMG Montreal
How tall are you Joel?? Just wondering since I'm about 5 foot nothing maybe I can just duck and you'll miss me all together. :lol:
FredaNot TellingCanada2006-05-09 16:30:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionOMG Montreal
:whistle: That just read like you'd enjoy kicking my butt just a bit to much there mister!!! LOL I'll behave myself for now thanks.
FredaNot TellingCanada2006-05-09 16:25:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionOMG Montreal
Once again thank you all. And not to single anyone out and make others feel bad or like their support and help wasn't very appreciated, but Peggy, Joel and Karen thank you so very much. There were times when I was about ready to give up and just reading your posts or getting a kick in the butt from ya'll helped me through. Thank you all so very much. I can't wait to meet you all face to face. I got 3 huge hugs with your names on them.

Edited by Freda, 09 May 2006 - 04:17 PM.

FredaNot TellingCanada2006-05-09 16:16:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionOMG Montreal
:dance: :dance: Thanks everyone, I'm still on cloud nine. (Funny bit) I called Mark at work after I talked to Montreal and he was OMG OMG and freaking and then after a few minutes he said OMG I have to call you back I have a client in the office with me. HA HA HA he forgot they were there for a bit. We are going out to dinner tonight to celebrate WOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOO!!! I am so happy. I'm sure the nerves and worries of the interview will hit me soon. :dance: :dance:
FredaNot TellingCanada2006-05-09 15:46:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionOMG Montreal
:dance: OMG, OMG,OMG, Hey guys I read Scott's post today about and interview and just had to call Montreal!!!!!!!!!! We got and interview date. OMG OMG OMG JUNE 8TH. I am so happy!!!!!!!!! Thank you all so much for your support. :dance: :dance: :dance: And I am here in Bama with my sweetie so we can celebrate together!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
FredaNot TellingCanada2006-05-09 15:10:00