Middle East and North AfricaOlder American woman Younger Algerian man

Point? Essentially they're assisting in what is 100% your job and fulfilling your obligations, and you go online and talk ####### about them because they don't want to do your job for you anymore. Hshuma.

Why are you telling him shuma? Why is it 100% his job? Is a family effort. We have a business and I have a full time job. My husband and I 'both' work 10 hour days. Sometimes 11 hour days. It is not just always a male responsibility. You should not shuma anyone who works hard to care for his family. Shuma goes to the judgemental one pointing finger.

MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2013-10-16 16:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaOlder American woman Younger Algerian man

You don't have to tell me anything islamically speaking. I have six sisters, two in El Jadida married, and the other four live 16 hours from Morocco. We work to help our family, we don't ask for help from our families. Our mother is our priority, so yes, my sisters left their home to help support her many years ago, so,there goes your lesson right out the door.

Hey! My husband worked in El Jadida! Restaurant Ozoud...

MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2013-10-16 16:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaOlder American woman Younger Algerian man

Actually most of the people commenting are witnesses to the trainwrecks not the people in them.. They are NOT degrading your spouse.. What they are doing is recounting most of the 7 to 8 plus years they have been here and have see ALOT... You should really pay attention to Sandinista and Msheesha.. They have been around for years and years and have some pretty wise things to say.
No one is saying that people do not start with good intentions. No one is saying that people are morally bankrupt on either side. But someone marrying someone their kids age after several years is most likely going to lose that younger partner. They are going to want their own kids, looks fade etc. ESPECIALLY POST CITIZENSHIP. Does it mean all will end? No. But the majority of the moroccan, algerian and Egyptian men that I have met through 10 plus years who have citizenship through American spouses do not  remain with them. Its not common for mena marriages to last anyway.. THrow in the age difference and honestly of all of those, I know one and its because hes sick and does not have having kids as a priority. Most of these guys want kids and even if they love their American wives at one point, most will eventually leave the marriage. Idealising these relationships is just dangerous.. Listen to these women talk and do whatever you want. But the reality is when you are in your 50s and he is in his 30s he will leave you.. maybe not for another woman but he will leave once he has established himself.. thats no offense to you.. Its just the way it is. I am sorry if it hurts.. But its just the way it is.. I am sorry. Dont come here and ask for opinions if you do not want them. The people here can recount all kinds of things to you if you ask them. The numbers are NOT good. Its not about the men. Its about these ridiculous age gap marriages that are completely not ok in the mena culture.If most American men dont want to marry their mom, most mena men dont either.. They will if they have to get out of the country.. but its sure not a first choice. If they could get a girl close in age that would convert to islam, thats a much better bet for them than marrying someone their moms age. And if Momma is ok with it, shes in on it. What mother in her right mind wants her kid marrying someone her age?

That really was presumptuative on your part, without lacking any true facts. Hurtful and very misleading to any current or future petitioners. Not helpful in any way shape or form. Who are you of all or any people to say that there future husbands will leave them. They will not stay? Really? You must have a big set of kahonas. Are you carrying around your husbands too?? You should not come on here and tell ANY petitioner that they will be left in the wind later on. If you can not give anyone constructive helpful advice without trying to tear down or rip apart someones world DONT POST. These are peoples lives. Not a game you can play with.

For any petitioner FOLLOW YOUR HEARTS. There are age differences that work. As some people have said.. people are individuals and you cant lump them into one bucket. People are different and different things work. Don't define others peoples failures as yours. Start thinking of your lifevas a sucess and it will be. Shut the negativity out and follow your dreams and hearts and be happy. Allah gave you one life to live... don't be afraid to live it. Dont live with regrets or what could have been. Live every moment. <3. Ps... and love every minute you can <3

MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2013-10-16 16:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaOlder American woman Younger Algerian man
Purpled... I would like to say that I hope you have not been offended in any way or manner by my posts. I agree with you whole heartedly in your last post. And Jen I am happy for you and know exactly how you feel. Purpled don't equate or compair your experience to those of MENA'S. Yours is your own experience, your writing your own book. I remember when I was beginning my relationship with Mo... I thought to myself "If I ended it because of fear of the unknown" could I be losing the best thing Allah put in my life? I would have lived the rest of my life not knowing what could have been. And I couldn't live with that. Yes there will be different things about the both of you. But that's what makes our marriage exciting was learning from each other. When Mo came over here I never expected him to stop being Moroccan. He will be Moroccan untill his last breath... and I expect him to be. Because that's WHO HE IS. I urged him to make other Moroccan friends here, go to the mosque, He was a soccer player for a team in morocco so we found a league for him to play for here. My mother says.. missy... he's an American now. But no.. I married a Moroccan and thus he will always be. The biggest and best advice I can give is do not try to change him but help him adapt to his new surroundings when he gets here. If you both truely love each other do notttt listen to negativity....put only positive things in your life and you will be blessed will a joyous and wonderful marriage. :-)
MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2013-10-16 11:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaOlder American woman Younger Algerian man

One could easily argue that perception is reality which I think you have a large case of, but I'll just repeat myself by saying this honor complex it does exist OUTSIDE the MENA world. Hit us all up when you've been married that 5-7yr that Mithra mentioned and we can talk again about how amazing everything is about your MENA man and how American dudes simply pale in comparison :)

I have been with my husband for over five years and our marriage has one gotten stronger....

MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2013-10-16 09:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaOlder American woman Younger Algerian man

A different set of values, for sure yes. Which reaches into picking potential spouses, what their families would approve of, etc as well. I'm also not saying all, but a very large percentage. And that gets back to the root of the OPs subject.
I'm aware I spoke about myself, however someone below me gave a similar example so it it probably more common than most would care to admit. And news for you, I see that 'honor' you speak of in my stepfather every day and plenty of other men. It is only non-existent to you because you may not have experienced it yet from an American. 

I'm sure your stepfather has honor but its a different type of honor than theirs. And I cant really adequately explainit to the fullest degree ssufficiently enough. I'm seeing from the outside in. Only one seeing from the inside out can express it. But it is unyielding, unmoving, in reflects in all manner of beliefs and living, it is never altered or changed. Honor can be so strong he will die fir his beliefs. He is unyielding in his moral convictions. The family reflects on that's honor so it is never blemished or marred in any way. The family acts accordingly in all manners of speech and dress so the family honor is not scared. Honor is not something you can get back if lost. Once someone's word is given it is as binding as a contract or your honor is lost. Your fathers honor is not the same as theirs. I hate to disagree, but its not. It might has very minor similarities, but it is not as strong. And that is my husband's version of Moroccan honor.

MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2013-10-15 22:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaOlder American woman Younger Algerian man

mithra has the right idea....I mean, think of it this way. 20 odd years older may be OK when the petitioner is in her 40s. Fast forward 10yr and see if the young man is still with her, or if he has moved on to a woman who can give him children, or just moved on in general. Also I can speak for this. I married the first time when I was 20. I grew up over the course of the marriage and my growing up is what killed things; we do not stay the same when we enter into a union so young. Mindsets and goals and outlooks on life change. We aren't the same at age 22 as we are at 27, and so on. 

In the perspective of growing up... you spoke of yourself at age 22. Now lets compair two men of different cultures. Lets start with ours. Most young men here are spoiled, coddled and don't know how to accept responsibility. Nor, would not know what to do with it if given. Some attend college, some don't. Some, very few take their studies seriously, most don't. Some if their are luckly will even learn to think for themselves, others will just process imformation given them and call it fact. Our crime rate is through the roof and it starts at adolescence and peek through the teenage years intil when they are in they're early 20's they wind up in prison because the young men over here are not mentally equiped to handle peer pressure or the pressure that descendes upon them, or the expectations that must be meet by the outside world. Adolescents mature at a much slower rate here mentally, but bodies at a much more physical rate. Now, lets take for instance men in Europe or Middle East. More hardships. Men are brought up to be the primary breadwinner of the family at a very early age. Laziness is not tolerated in work or studies. Family broke? Doesn't matter your age... your going to work. But they do it because they want to. Not because they have to. They have a different set of family values that we lack here. A honor that is completely nonexistent here. And I respect that immensely. Education. What we take for granted here they would give anything for. And there would be no slacking, or just getting by to make any passing grade. Honor and pride demands that you be the best. Now I have had the immense pleasure of meeting a lot of people that are from Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and about 16 men from my husband Moroccan soccer team and they all share the same vallues. When I compare knowing my American friends to the foreign ones I know, I can see that the American ones are a lot more immature and do not/can not take on lifes responsibilities and well as they can. They are mentally and emitionall tougher in my opinion because of their life experiences. I am not saying all... but it a very large percentage. Life experiences changes a person. It can soften some while hardening/preparing others.

MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2013-10-15 19:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaOlder American woman Younger Algerian man

The ultimate prize in terms of the immigration process.  I've read this forum for the past 7 yrs.  I know what people talk about here.  The OP doesn't realize that the actual visa itself is nothing in the grand scheme of things.  In the beginning, yes, most people look at the getting the visa as a huge hurdle to overcome.  It's not though.  The biggest hurdle has absolutely nothing to do with the visa or green card or anything immigration related.  The biggest hurdle comes when the beneficiary and petitioner come to live with each other in real life and not for a week, month, year....years. 


  I have also read this forum for the past several years, and one of the biggest hurdles to overcome is the immigration process.  What I have learned is that immigration has no feelings.. No cares, no compassion, and could give a whit as to if a couple truly loves one another or not.  You can have children, you can marry, you can be married for years and they will deny you anyhow.  And don't even tell me its because they found 'something'.  So yes, when two people do fall in love, whether its from Pluto or Jupiter, immigration is not going to be the least bit supportive.  So immigration is a huge hurdle to overcome.  In any marriage, when two people love one another you vow to love one another till death do you part.  When I married my husband I did not go into that marriage with the pessimistic view 'oh wow, this is going to be a huge hurdle to overcome'.  I went into with the view of all the wonderful moments we will then be sharing henseforth.  All marriages have ups and downs, no marriage is perfect.  But if you have communication and love between the two of you, you have a strong matter what country, no matter what age, no matter what cultural differences.  But if anyone is going to go into a marriage thinking, 'omg what a hurdle... " I suggest find you a shorter one to climb over or just walk through life and don't run.  And if you want to live well break out the bandages and enjoy the ride.   But Mithra I'm sorry, you have the idea all wrong...  marriage is a blessing and a joy, not a hurldle.

MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2013-10-15 15:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaOlder American woman Younger Algerian man

Yeah the comparisons aren't necessary. The OP wants a shortsighted opinion of the successfulness of May December MENA relationships not which kind of young pup is better and less likely to piss on the floor and chew the sofa. She's in love and sees the visa as the be all end all. I suppose at this stage most people see the visa as the ultimate prize.


If you had been reading her posts, or anyone's posts here on MENA or Visa Journey for that matter, you would hopefully know or realize that this is not a pissing contest or game where husbands and wives are not to be prizes to won in the end.  We are speaking of peoples lives and feelings and not as you quoted where "the visa is the ultimate prize". 

MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2013-10-15 11:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaOlder American woman Younger Algerian man

Thumbs up for a great post.

Thumbs up accepted. Thanks!

Thumbs up for a great post.

Thumbs up accepted. Thanks!

MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2013-10-15 09:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaOlder American woman Younger Algerian man

I'm sorry but that above is ridiculous. 23 year old men from any country can be capable of being lazy and childish just the same as 23 year old men can be mature and responsible. It's not where they're from that matters, it's how they were raised, their own personality, and what they've been exposed to.

You must not have read my response very well. After I typed that sentence in my post, immediately following, I did a reideration of the sentence you took note of. In laymans terms, some are very responsible men... and some very few are not. Better?

MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2013-10-14 19:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaOlder American woman Younger Algerian man

I certainly realize that cultural norms are different in MENA. But reading the archives, I have seen these issues come up, particularly men who hang out at the cafe drinking coffee with their friends until all hours of the night, leaving their wives sitting at home, and men that do not know how to be an equal partner in household duties such as cooking and cleaning. In no way did I mean to imply that this is a MENA specific issue since there are many mature and responsible MENA men-and plenty of immature and irresponsible American men. In fact, I would ask the exact same questions of a 40-year old American woman marrying a 22-year old American man.
He doesn't need the experience to have a successful marriage, but he needs to be prepared for the realities of stepparenting/coparenting, possibly dealing with ex-husband issues and differing perspectives on life due to the age gap-all while adjusting to a new country and culture. If he can handle that, great for him (I wouldn't have been able to when I was 22).
I'm glad that your marriage has been successful and I wish you continuing happiness in the years to come.

"I have seen that a 23 year old boy here in United Stated is more immature than a 23 year old man there. My husband is from Morooco. We have an 18 year difference also. Although he is one of five brothers, third to the youngest, he managed his home there, took care of his family, raised his siblings, owned his own business, and along with his mother managed the family finances. You can not judge or even compare an American man's maturity level to theirs 'in my opinion'. Americans are very spoiled, self indulgent and take things for granted. Yes, there 'might' be a small portion over there who are likewise... but they are hard to find. My husband has been here for 3 and a half years and he nows owns his own business. He does mostly all the cooking and helps me clean. Hes a very generous and loving person. His father is the same way. I could not ask for a more loving husband. Yes going to have coffee is what they do.. does it mean they're lazy in life, uneducated in matters of life? No.

MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2013-10-14 19:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaOlder American woman Younger Algerian man

I certainly realize that cultural norms are different in MENA. But reading the archives, I have seen these issues come up, particularly men who hang out at the cafe drinking coffee with their friends until all hours of the night, leaving their wives sitting at home, and men that do not know how to be an equal partner in household duties such as cooking and cleaning. In no way did I mean to imply that this is a MENA specific issue since there are many mature and responsible MENA men-and plenty of immature and irresponsible American men. In fact, I would ask the exact same questions of a 40-year old American woman marrying a 22-year old American man.
He doesn't need the experience to have a successful marriage, but he needs to be prepared for the realities of stepparenting/coparenting, possibly dealing with ex-husband issues and differing perspectives on life due to the age gap-all while adjusting to a new country and culture. If he can handle that, great for him (I wouldn't have been able to when I was 22).
I'm glad that your marriage has been successful and I wish you continuing happiness in the years to come.

MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2013-10-14 18:45:00
Middle East and North AfricaOlder American woman Younger Algerian man
My husband is from Morocco. I was 40 when we met and we also have an 18 year age difference. Our visa was without difficulty and went very smooth. If you love each other do not worry about the age difference. But I won't tell you that its peaches and cream all the time. He will want children. There will be those awkward times. You will have to work on the marriage. And there will be insecure times you will have to overcome. As I said, we love each other more than anything. There are marriages that work and some that don't. Even the same age marriage tend to fall apart. So don't judge yours too harshly just because of the age difference. Its takes two people to make a marriage work no matter how old you are. Keep allll your proof... take a million happy pictures when you go... and if you truely love each other Allah will be with you till the end.
MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2013-10-10 20:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiling for K1 with a AGE GAP and evidence of meeting
YOU CAN WASH YOUR HAIR WITH BAKING SODA?????? wow.gif I'll have to try that... not sure my 15 years old will like that And about the the "marriage license, AOS, etc..." I got mairried 20 years ago, how much are they today? And whats a 'AOS"? I have thought about Health Insurance, especially since I dont have it anymore myself! I am getting ready to mail off the packet in about a week hopefully... some cases I have seen them be approved in 8 months approximately.. so Im hoping ours wont take any longer. I told him I would rather save the money and come there when he's approved so we can fly back together. Im really nervous about him going through the airport, and changing flights so many times. When I went over there, I seen so many ppl harrasses, being profiled by security just really made me grr and I dont want him to go through that. As much as I fool myself about going back before his interview I dont think its possible. Playing the lottery at this point is really starting to sound like a good

I did call the company I have my calling card with. and they did say that they can provide a list of telepehone numbers I have called with the card. We dont talk in the phone that much, we mostly talk online. Usually the only time I call is to tell him I miss him or to get his behind in the cyber to talk to me.. lol Be we talk about twice a day online. I thought about sending uscis printouts or portions of our chats but we always end up saying something we shouldnt and mess it up... lol Im hoping I have gathered up enough proof!


MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2009-05-04 17:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiling for K1 with a AGE GAP and evidence of meeting
I finally found the MENA forum.. thats! :-D I thought you mean the envelope that I get after I mail the petition. The NOA or something like that. I understand it that when I get the NOA I am to mail to him the complete packet that I mailed to USCIS and he is to take that to his interview in Casablanca. So, when his visa is approved and he has it in hand, I will then get the 'conspicuous brown envelope' in the mail? unsure.gif And I take it to airport when he arrives?

As far as another trip I believe that is financially impossible. But I do have lots of emails as poof, and we have about 560 pics, and if I do say so myself we make a quite lovely I think a blind person would not see that when the CO looks at the pics. Inshallah unsure.gif I can print out the phone cards that I bought, but I dont think I can get a list of the numbers I called with it. I will have to see.

MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2009-05-04 16:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiling for K1 with a AGE GAP and evidence of meeting
How many pictures is it adviseable to send? I had printed 70 to send. I also was going to send a cd with 560 pictures on it of us too. We have hundred of daily emails, and I have spend almost $1,000 on phone cards to call him. Missy
MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2009-05-04 15:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiling for K1 with a AGE GAP and evidence of meeting
I forgot to ask... What is the MENA forum? Where is it?? Missy
MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2009-05-04 14:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiling for K1 with a AGE GAP and evidence of meeting
No we are not married, but wear rings. I have told my fiance not to wear his ring at the interview, and we have omitted anything from out evidence showing our rings, or calling each other husband and wife.

As far as the interview goes, in Casablanca you are not allowed in the embassy. One the person being interview, the person with the sole purpose of being there, is allowed in.

I would like to go again, but being a single mother, unemployed (yes I have a sponsor), traveling again in not a wise idea on a budget as tight as mine at the time being.

Now... WHY CANT I BE NOSIE... Already you have me curious. Who gets the brown package? Is it for him? Do I mail it to him? Whats in the package????? lol Missy
MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2009-05-04 14:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiling for K1 with a AGE GAP and evidence of meeting
Ok... Im filing for a K1, and I have already gone to see my fiance this past February and spend 3 weeks there and and took a whopping 960 photos, and 550 are of us, some seperate and some together. Getting to my question and concern... I was told that I should go see him twice in order to make it more convincing. In my thoughts if you cant tell by our pictures with our happiness beaming that we are actually 'really' happy... then they are blind. I cant afford to make another trip there. The reason I was told to make another trip is bc I am 40 and hes 23. So we need to put al little more effort into convincing the CO. If is not everday a hum being can just fork out the fund to hop on a plane. I cant. I am wondering what experiences other have had, that have been approved for visa. 1. Age gap? 2. How many times did you meet before approval? 3. Did they even ask how many times we met? Thoughts anythone? Missy
MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2009-05-04 13:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureshow many people cancel their petition...more info inside...
If your going to tag urself as the comment police, let me enlighten you that your comment was completely inappropriate and out of line when you say STFU. We are all here for support, and your not exactly falling in that category. No one wants to listen to comments like this. Something I learned in kindergarden btw... if you dont have anything nice to say, dont say anything at all.

Your comments on this are inappropriate and out of line. To generalize ANY culture or sex is WRONG. So, why don't you just STFU!!!!!

MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2009-06-13 19:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow do you know whan you have been "touched"
I really think I have family members who are 'touched' (in the head) but I have actually wondered what it meant being touched where visa's are concerned. Cant someone plz explain?
MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2009-07-23 22:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat does the petitioner do after the NOA2 is recieved
QUOTE (Otto und Karin @ Aug 20 2009, 12:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (MouadsWife @ Aug 20 2009, 10:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
What do you mean by "peitioner can send money for the medical and visa costs"? I realise that the medical will cost money. But when first applying for the k1 visa I paid (cant remember) approx $550. So when you said visa costs, are you saying that there will be more fees to pay before he gets here?

There is a Visa application fee paid to the Embassy/Consulate, plus the fee for the medical exam.

Do you know how much the visa application fee is? I heard that the medical examination will be approximately $220 american dollars, but how much does the other fee run? If it helps anything, his interview will be in Casablanca, Morocco... blink.gif
MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2009-08-20 12:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat does the petitioner do after the NOA2 is recieved
QUOTE (baron555 @ Aug 20 2009, 11:15 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (paul p @ Aug 20 2009, 10:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi all;

What does the petiotner have to do to move the process forward past NOA2.

I beleive the NOA2 comes by email and post. Is this correct?

If email, can the petitioner act then or do they have to wait for the snailmail copy?

Once received, what do they physiclly have to do. I have read the guide on what they need to send to the beneficiary? Do they have to do anything with USCIS or any other U.S. government agencies to move this forward to the beneficiaries embassy?

Thanks in advance


The petitioner waits about two weeks for the NVC to process the petition and assign a case number. Then after about two more weks the petitioner can contact the Embassy where the beneficiary lives and inquire as to if they received the petition. Then they both wait about two more weeks for the interview to be scheduled. During this time the petitioner completes the necessary forms and sends them to the beneficiary. Then when the interview date is scheduled, the medical can be scheduled. Then they both wait until those dates. The peitioner can send money for the medical and visa costs. Then when the visa is approved and received in hand, the petitioner can book tickets.

There is nothing the petitioner can do to move the process forward; it all works on its own.

What do you mean by "peitioner can send money for the medical and visa costs"? I realise that the medical will cost money. But when first applying for the k1 visa I paid (cant remember) approx $550. So when you said visa costs, are you saying that there will be more fees to pay before he gets here?
MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2009-08-20 11:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTyped mistake on Fiancee's G-325 (not yet submitted)
QUOTE (HelloWorld08 @ Aug 20 2009, 12:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (MouadsWife @ Aug 19 2009, 07:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (HelloWorld08 @ Aug 19 2009, 07:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
use a white out and fix the name yourself...

NOOOOOOOOOO Dont use whiteout!.. Call uscis and see what you need to do. I called them about if I needed to make a correction could I use whiteout and they specifically said "NO"! Call them!

the purpose of whiteout is to fix errors, what can USCIS do if you call them? lol

Yes, but we all know how uscis like to pick any option to deny a petition and I did not want to give them any excuse to reject my papers, so I called to make sure what I was planning on doing was okay before I did it. I was instructed to make a line through the mistake (being able to still read what the mistake was) and write above or beside it the correct information. Yes, any common mistake in the USA calls for whiteout, but we are dealing with uscis and we all know they move in different ways and are very picky and choosy of the ppl they approve. I just believe in covering my basis with important things like this... and this is my future, just making sure.
MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2009-08-20 20:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTyped mistake on Fiancee's G-325 (not yet submitted)
QUOTE (HelloWorld08 @ Aug 19 2009, 07:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
use a white out and fix the name yourself...

NOOOOOOOOOO Dont use whiteout!.. Call uscis and see what you need to do. I called them about if I needed to make a correction could I use whiteout and they specifically said "NO"! Call them!
MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2009-08-19 21:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresvsc k1 march filer
QUOTE (missinhim @ Aug 23 2009, 10:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi everyone
I checked my status online today and got the message that initial evidence is needed unsure.gif after this is all cleared thng should go quickly i hope, just waiting for the letter in the mail to see what is needed. didn't know this was so difficult. what could be needed? unsure.gif

I cant help as far as what would be needed, but I am curious about something. When were you first able to check your online status? I have been trying to see my status for 3 months, and I filed in May. blush.gif
MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2009-08-23 23:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about photos
QUOTE (elephantmaniac22 @ Aug 24 2009, 06:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks for the reply. The letter says in bold print, film dated. So being printed on the front was the only thing I could think of. I will have to look for my camera manual. Hopefully I can get the date on the photos already taken.

When I sent my evidence I just printed my name on the back along with the date that the picture was taken. The instructions did not say that date had to be printed on front with photograph, just that it had to be written on the back of each picture. I hope they do nt do this to me, because I cant make a date magically appear on the front. It haas to be set up with the camera. I did set mine up that way, but, it didnt print that way. However.... if you put the sd card in your computer, look up that file on the computer, right click on the picture file, and it will show you the dates that the pictures were taken (in some instances). If your creative and have an idea on how to do this, you may be able to print those dates out to show as proof.
MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2009-08-24 19:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance Received K1 Visa....
I have always told my so... "be there is % minutes", or "I'd be on the next plane"... etc etc... But I know if I was traveling there to live forever with him, I would be making my mental and written list of "EVERYTHING I COULD POSSIBLY NEED AND MORE". Have you ever gone on a trip and wished you would have brought something, or 'hey maybe this will be handy", or "dang! I'll definitely need this!!!" Hes coming and not going back! He thinking of all the things he may need. And in thinking of all this, and getting all these things in a row this is how he's handling the situation which may be to him 'as calmly as he can'. You plan for sooo many month being together, wanting to be together, worrying if they'll say a big fat NO to your visa,... thenone day, you get the YES! When you get that yes, then you start thinking "wow I cant believe it actually happened!!!" And then you go into plan/survival mode.

I have read alot of comments saying 'maybe he's shopping for you, and maybe he's buying gift for your family," etc etc... Dont get stars in your eyes expecting great and wonderful things and when he comes here, he has nothing to present you. In other words, dont set your self up for a big downfall. The big present that you'll get is him coming into your arms and thats present enough. Do dont kill the poor guy if he doesnt bring you anything.

Be thankful that you have something that many ppl are waiting for, dont have, or have not been able to gotten. You got the gold mine in your hands, and you have in soon! Think of it as winning the lottery but having to wait to get the check... "after uscis take out all theyre taxes of course..!!" jest.gif Jk!
MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2009-08-28 21:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance Received K1 Visa....
QUOTE (Ian and Lisa @ Aug 27 2009, 08:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I don't know what else I can add to the many people who've replied already. I understand what you're saying, but 2 weeks is not that much time. It really isn't. You could have waited ages in AP at the consulate, really, so it's good you have time to spare until October. What wedding plans do you think you can't get done in time?

I'm not sure what I could add either. Not to be mean but it seems sort if insensitive and selfish myself. I have not seen my fiance since 7:00am on March 14th, 2009. I count the months and the days since we have left leach other and I dont know when we will be together again. Everyday I wake alone, go to bed alone, eat alone, watch tv alone, all the time pretending in my mind he is here right beside me. I cant imagine how I would feel inside knowing the news of him coming in just as little as 2 weeks. Even though his family will be here with him as you say, imagine the anxiety of moving to another country, living in a different culture. Im sure he has many anxieties he has not shared with you fully. If my fiance received his visa, and told me he would not be coming for 2 weeks bc he had to do 'things'... it wouldnt bother me a bit. Because I will know in my mind that in two weeks I would have my hbibi by my side... 'finally!" Knowing a date of arival is priceless! I would give 'anything' to be in your shoes. Your the luckiest person I know. Take this time to savor, enjoy and to prepare things for him to make his adjustment a little easier.
MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2009-08-27 22:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo I need a co-sponsor?
Poverty guidelines are as follows: For a household of 6, 100% poverty level is $28,400 and 125% above poverty level is $35,500. However you must add $4,500 for each additional person, making your total income a minimum of $40,000.00. At $38,890.oo you will be a little short.

Check out this webpage and look at the bottom of the table.

You may need a so-sponsor.
MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2009-09-03 23:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI think I have everything...
Copies of his passport are not required, and you will wan tto send in (2) passport photoes. You may want to send copies of chats or letters you both send each other. But as I was reading your checklist I noticed you said G325 x 4. Its been a few months, almost 4 since I mailed mine, and I thought it was 3. No matter, I sent what what required from looking at the checkoff list. But just wondering if I remembered incorrectly, or was it 3 or had it always been 4. Hummmmmm.....
MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2009-09-07 12:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOMMGGGGG I GOT APPROVALLLLL
QUOTE (Y's_habibitk @ Sep 10 2009, 07:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
this is probably the best place to start http://www.visajourn...amp;page=k1flow
you can ask some of the people who have been thru moroc to see how fast they are scheduling interviews

Good Luck!

I was looking at the above link and had a couple questions... I seen where it said:

*Two weeks after you receive the NOA2 you can contact the NVC to see if they have received your approved I-129F. You can contact them at 603 334-0700. Their homepage is here. Welcome to the US Department of State! Things move much faster now smile.gif.

Question: Thats where I mailed my K1 Petition... so... of course they would already have my approved I-129F because that was where I mailed it too....yes????

Question: And in about 3 weeks I can contact the embassy in Casablanca to see if they received the approved petition... yes???

Question: Meanwhile within 3-4 week my fiance will get his packet of things to do in the mail.... correct??

Woowow Im sooo lost!

MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2009-09-11 20:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOMMGGGGG I GOT APPROVALLLLL
Omg! I cant believe it! I received my approval. I thought I had to wait atleast another month to get it! We mailed off the original petittion on May 13, 2009 and they received it on May 18, 2009 and I received my NOA1 within a week after that. So, I never thought to hear this soon. Anyhoo... this is what it said....

Application Type: I129F, PETITION FOR FIANCE(E)

Current Status: Approval notice sent.

On September 10, 2009, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E). Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service.

Sooo... I dont know what to expect next! I called my faincing balling... was sooo happy, and between us both we were wondering some things. And I would be soo greatful for anything who could asnwer....

1. What comes in the NOA2 packet?

2. Does the instructions for him to visit doctor for physical come in it?

3. How soon do you think he may get his interview scheduled at embassy?

4. I guess at this point I am going to have to mail him a copy of everything I mailed to emabassy?

I just really have no clue as to whats coming now?????? OMG CANT BELIEVE IT!
MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2009-09-10 19:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAddress situation...
I have a address question and I am not sure how to explain it. My fiance has changed addresses. And we had not notified uscis because when I mailed the packet to them for the petition, I enclosed a letter with the mailing address of his employment kindly requesting that all correspondence be mailed to his work. He is still working in the same place. Now thats said, let me try to explain.... blink.gif

The last address of his Bio form states...
"123 Doodle Avenue" (Made up of course) Dates from: January 2209 - present

Thats the last address on form. A few months back he moved to another address.....
"1244 Whatever Street" He lived there from April 2209 to August 2009
We did not update Bio form with USCIS because as I stated above we just requested correspondence to be sent to his work address and did not think the address change was a big deal. But nowwwww he has moved again....

New address:
"124555 OMG Street" Dates from: August 2009 to present.

So the last two address are not on a updated form... He can still get his mail at the first address I listed "doodle ave' which is on his Bio bc his friends live there and will give it to him when his packet comes. And he can get it at his work address which I supplied to uscis.

Question being is it a BIG deal that they did not have the last two addreses he lived at??? Does it even matter? Will this even come up in the interview? All the moving was done after we submitted the petition. Im thinking of calling them on Monday and giving them the newer address. The one he's at now, and not even worry about the 2nd address "whatever street"? Are you as confused as I am??? Just need some thoughts on this... Thanks!!!!
MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2009-09-12 00:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA1 Info
I mailed my K1 in on May 13th, and received my NOA1 in the mail within 2 weeks. Basically it is just a letter of receipt stating that your application has been received and they will issue you a receipt number that you can enter in on the website to check the status of your case. However as of yet I have not been able to see my status online yet. dry.gif Did you send your petition certified mail? You can call 1-800-375-5283 to check to see if its been received yet. Hope this helps.
MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2009-08-24 14:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Life Span
Thank you to those who have given me 'good advice'. I appreciate it alot. I have been saving up since this all began, and just inquiring as to 'when it had to be paid'. For some, I dont ask for answers to be sugar coated, but when I need an answer to a direct question especially an easy one answer question, the answer would be nice instead of...... well Im sure you know.

I buy stocks at work so this helps me in paying for fees and ceratin things. Just wasnt sure when things where due. I have read some conflicting information. I had done my research in this and if I wanted to I would have gone the k3 route, but after careful studying we decided to go the k1 and we are both happy with the decision.

Thank you Corinthians, baron555, Otto and Karin, luvlikcraz, kathryn41 and cactuscake for your helpful advice. good.gif

Edited by MouadsWife, 14 September 2009 - 12:52 PM.

MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2009-09-14 12:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Life Span
QUOTE (Gary and Alla @ Sep 13 2009, 08:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (luvlikcraz @ Sep 13 2009, 08:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (baron555 @ Sep 13 2009, 12:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (MouadsWife @ Sep 13 2009, 12:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
When entering in the United States on a k1... how long is it valid for? I have heard that you must get married within 90 days. So I assumed it was only valid for 90 days, but I have read where it is valid for 6 months. My second question is, after entering on a k1, and after getting married within 90 days, how long after his arival do I have to pay the AOS fee? I think its somewhere in the ballpark of $1,100. Does this have to be paid within 90 days? Or within 6 month? Wondering how long I have to save up for that BIG fee!

You need to read the Guides since your questions are very basic and indicate you do not understand everything. Click on the Guides button at the top of this page.

The beneficiary has 6 months once they get the K-1 visa from the Embassy to leave their country.

Then at the Point of Entry, they are given a I-94 Visa and that is good for only 90 days.

Yes you must get married within 90 days or they go back.

You file the AOD documentation as soon as possible after you marry. You don't have to do it on day number 89 or number 91, but you should do it soon after the 90 days. DO NOT wait until 180 days after the 90 days is over because then you may incur an overstay and risk deportation and bans from future visas. You should have this AOS fee saved up BEFORE you even start the K-1 process.

Umm.. that was quite rude. She wasn't asking for your opinion but to simply answer the question or pass it up. She is asking for help, the guides are there to be used but anyone can ask a question.

I disagree. It is no way rude to point someone in the direction of information they need. The OP has come this far and does not know the answer to basic questions, she needs to read the guides and it is a SERVICE to her to point that out in no uncertain terms. Sure, she can ask questions, and she got her answers PLUS good advice to educate herself.

I also get a bit perturbed when people who have CHOSEN the K-1 route then act like it is a big surprise they have to pay $1010 to adjust status. This is no secret. It is part of the process and should be planned for long in advance. You have to submit affidavits of support for a person, certainly $1010 one time fee cannot be such a burden if you intend to support a person. Sheeesh, it doesn't even feed the family for a month, let alone the increased electric bill, gas bill, etc. If $1000 is such an impediment, then people should re-think their life plan. It's a pretty good deal if you ask me, that doesn't even come up to the cost of a decent car repair bill. A visit to the emergency room or a good medical exam costs that much.

Well, 'I" personally wasnt perterbed until this last post. I appreciate everyones responses and assistance in answering my questions. First of all I would like to add that "I was not surprised by the AOS fee. I just did not know exactlty 'when' it was supposed to be paid. As far as 'rethinking' my life plan because the AOS fee is an 'impendiment' is quit ridiculous. Not everyone is born with a fantastic career, silver spoon, or massive savings account. I work very hard and save every penny I make. Im not blessed enough to have a lucritive career to where money is not a concern like some ppl. So just because I have to save money for such fees does not mean I am unable to support my fiance. Whether it be a person is fed through a silver spoon or a plastic one doesnt matter.... I think money is a concern for a majority of the population. I do study the guides and look at everything I can get my hands on and "ask' questions. I am a little insulted by the response I recieved. One should never make a person feel less, say its better to "rethink a life plan", be of their financial matters. Should I have said "sorry honey, gotta rethink my life plan... you just cost tooo much!" Obsurd. blink.gif But for everyone who was supportive in answering my questions with no judgement, thank you! (((Hugs!!)))

Edited by MouadsWife, 13 September 2009 - 09:03 PM.

MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2009-09-13 21:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Life Span
When entering in the United States on a k1... how long is it valid for? I have heard that you must get married within 90 days. So I assumed it was only valid for 90 days, but I have read where it is valid for 6 months. My second question is, after entering on a k1, and after getting married within 90 days, how long after his arival do I have to pay the AOS fee? I think its somewhere in the ballpark of $1,100. Does this have to be paid within 90 days? Or within 6 month? Wondering how long I have to save up for that BIG fee!
MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2009-09-13 12:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI am workinging on my petition for my fiance in Argentina..
QUOTE (baron555 @ Sep 15 2009, 05:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (powerlord86 @ Sep 15 2009, 04:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

I am working on the I129-F petition for my fiancee. I am wondering how much information I should provide as evidence. I note the recent topic...I am wondering if I should front load, I think that's the term...that means provide a lot of evidence of our relationship, right?

I am just a little curious, in general, of what it takes to bring my love from Argentina...



This is just what i have 'read' in other posts. Its better to send as much evidence as you can in the beginning when submitting your petition. Its better to always have more than not enough. I have read that not enough evidence can cause the examiner to already begin to doubt the validity of the relationship therefore already getting a predetermined no or making it take longer by asking for more evidence. I major front loaded. I sent 122 pictures, chats, emails, phone records, anything I could get my hands on. Train tickets, plane tickets, bus tickets... etc etc... So send what you have and make your case as strong as you can in the beginning!!!! Thats my thought for the day! wink.gif Good luck!!
MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2009-09-15 18:27:00