K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresjob hunting
I just filed my I-129F at VSC on Monday!! yay for us!

However, I will likely be changing jobs soon (I've been going to interviews for over a month now) and I'm just wondering if this is going to mess anything up...or how much it WILL mess it up? I will be getting paid more whereever I go, but my phone number will change, my job title, etc etc.

I'm at a job where if my boss quits, I'd better quit or I'll get fired because I can't fill his shoes, and he's planning to quit in the near the end of the month.
deadbirdFemaleEgypt2007-04-11 06:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat constitutes a visa overstay? Would this affect the K-1?

He shouldn't have a problem with illegal presence, but as Mo said, consult with an attorney since he went to school on a tourist visa, not a student visa.

Thank you sooo much! Now I'm not worried that he overstayed at all. Looks like his parents did, or at the very least, his mother (I know his father traveled back and forth to Egypt & the US but his mother didn't).

Is there anything an attorney could do at this point in the game considering we already filed for the K-1? My main reason for starting this thread was to see if we had to prepare ourselves for extra waiting time for a waiver for a visa overstay. If an overstay didn't affect a minor, would misrepresentation?
deadbirdFemaleEgypt2007-04-22 12:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat constitutes a visa overstay? Would this affect the K-1?

Oh...ok. I'm trying to figure out why the I-94 wasn't in his passport, I went through it with a fine tooth comb while I was in Egypt and have photocopies of his old visa (I should have taken a copy of the whole passport).

The I-94 wont be in his passport anymore, it was attached to his passport while he was in the US, BUT I'm more than sure that he gave it back at the exit gate with the airline staff when he flew back to Egypt. The I-94 is stapled to the passport, but you are supoused to give it back when you depart from the U.S., you're not supoused to keep it, I imagine the airline staff gives all the I-94 they recover to an immigration officer and that's how they register that you left before the date that it was stamp on it.

I'm not sure how can you find out those dates it seems a bit difficult... maybe you should apply for the K-1 and in case they find something you guys can prove that he didn't overstay longer than 3 months.

Good luck :)

Thanks, we're definitely going to need it. I think all we can do right now is hope for the best, right now actually we're just hoping for no RFEs and a speedy NOA2 lol, and then we're hoping that Cairo likes us. Our backup plan if we got denied was for me to just join him in Egypt and get married, but right now the Embassy in Cairo isn't allowing Americans to marry in Egypt for some twisted legal reasons involving the US government and Egyptian law...soooo our plan B just went up a creek.
deadbirdFemaleEgypt2007-04-21 21:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat constitutes a visa overstay? Would this affect the K-1?

Ahh, the plot thickens. :)

Minors under 18 *are* a different story.
You are sure it was a B visa and not an F?
Yes, the time 'out' works in his favor.

Don't know what about studying on the B.. it's a bit of a grey area I think. Maybe when you haev a history written out in a linear format, and have all the documents, a consultation with an immigration attorney would help you rest easier.

Yeah, it's a B. It says "Visa Type: R Class: B1/B2"

What's the deal with minors? Too bad we couldn't have gotten married while he was here (LOL)... would have saved a lot of time :P

The immigration stamp that he got when he arrived in New York doesn't have a date written on the "Admitted until" part. Nothing. It's like they just stamped it and let him go.
deadbirdFemaleEgypt2007-04-21 16:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat constitutes a visa overstay? Would this affect the K-1?

Oh ok, I was looking for the I-94 but of course didn't find it, so that's why I was concerned. Thank you both so much! I feel a bit better.

He was told that his extension was denied sometime in May 2001 (mid month), and he left August 13, so at most it was about 90 days and definitely not more than 180.

Except that if his extension was denied, he was supposed to have been gone since the original date on his I-94 (ore his previous extension)--does he have any of these extension letters or correspondance from that time? It's very unusual to get an extension granted twice back to back.. that means he was legally allowed in for 3 x 6 months. He must have had a good reason.
Suggest you follow up on the last bit; there is a potential for more overstay than you state here.

Oh...ok. I'm trying to figure out why the I-94 wasn't in his passport, I went through it with a fine tooth comb while I was in Egypt and have photocopies of his old visa (I should have taken a copy of the whole passport). He was going to high school here (for grades 11 & 12) and graduated which is probably why he got the extensions granted. He doesn't have any of this paperwork.

How does all this work with minors? Will he be held accountable even though he was 17? If there was an overstay, I read somewhere that he would have to stay out of the US for 3 years unless he was deported and then he would have to stay out for 10 (right?) He hasn't been in the states at all for the past 5 1/2 years, so.....

help? We have lost a lot of sleep and energy over this.

And since he was a high school student, did he violate his visa because he was here on a B2? I know he had a guardianship here and I have photocopies of all that paperwork as well. It's like I have photocopies of everything except the most important thing.
deadbirdFemaleEgypt2007-04-21 16:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat constitutes a visa overstay? Would this affect the K-1?
Oh ok, I was looking for the I-94 but of course didn't find it, so that's why I was concerned. Thank you both so much! I feel a bit better.

He was told that his extension was denied sometime in May 2001 (mid month), and he left August 13, so at most it was about 90 days and definitely not more than 180.
deadbirdFemaleEgypt2007-04-21 13:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat constitutes a visa overstay? Would this affect the K-1?
My fiance was in the US on a B2 visa that was valid from February 2, 1997 - February 2, 2002. He was only in the states from July 14, 1999- August 13, 2001 and all of this is clearly documented in his passport. (Actually, his departure is not marked in the passport but his arrival date in Egypt of August 15, 2001 is.)

What I'm worried about is that there are no dates in his passport that said he had to leave by a certain date besides the obvious expiration date and he said something like the tourist visa was only good for 6 months and that you had to file for an extension.

He said he filed for the extension 3 times--approved twice but on the third try he was told to leave the country. At that point he only had 3 weeks until high school graduation, so he stayed, but then he couldn't afford plane tickets right away so he stayed another 2 months.

None of this is documented on his passport or anywhere else that I can tell. Since he was here on a B2 (or is it B1? he was a minor at the time he arrived and still a minor when he left) where could he find documentation that gives specific dates for him to leave? We want to know if he violated his visa and how responsible he was for it considering he was 17 at the time and both his parents were here on B1 visas. Back then, his father took care of all their immigration paperwork, and we asked him and he didn't find anything wrong, so are we worrying for nothing?
deadbirdFemaleEgypt2007-04-21 08:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresbonafide relationnship (k1)visa

we really bit scare about this procces , just wanna avoid any problems , what is the k1 famous problems coz its important for us to know before take any step

I included much relationship data up-front when filing with USCIS and the consular officer gave a clean and simple interview to my wife, I feel providing that info up front made the consular officer's decision easy and quick, I read about many nightmares at the consulate that we dealt with, when this info was not provided to USCIS, in our case the consulate almost always wont look at anything brought to the interview, they will deny the visa and request that that info be sent to them for over-come, a 1 or more month process.

Egypt may be easier than China.

Nah...Egypt has AR/AP that can take anywhere from like 2 weeks to 9 months or even more. And right now Americans cannot get married in Egypt.
deadbirdFemaleEgypt2007-06-02 07:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI suspect RFE

Yes, this is a terribly long process to endure when you're so far apart and you're reliant on government processes and permissions to be together. It's understandable that each little step of acknowledgement from that process becomes very important in your life, and it becomes frustrating to see others achieving those milestones ahead of you.

The nice thing about time is that it passes. Each day is bringing you one step closer to each other. Today, you are further ahead in your process than you were yesterday. You are filling your time wisely and you will soon be together. When that time comes, all this will be a distant memory.

Hang in there, Sparrow. Your time will come. All the best in your journey to be with your loved one.


Thanks, I know we're 86 days closer to being together than we were.

Called VSC today and got someone who works there instead of one of the USCIS call center drones. She said our case is stuck in security checks. I don't know if that's a standard answer or what, but I felt a lot better when she said there appeared to be nothing "wrong" with the case. lol

I wonder what's holding everything up so bad. I gave them copies of like...every bit of paperwork I had including copies of his old visa & passport from his previous stay in the US hoping it would speed things up a little. HA!!!!

I really do feel good that I talked to someone who actually took the time to punch in our case and didn't just tell me it's within processing times. She was super nice. lol I was off the phone in 11 minutes, including all the time spent on hold & navigating the menu.
deadbirdFemaleEgypt2007-06-25 10:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI suspect RFE

You know, you can still go and visit your fiance..........

Just thought I'd point it out since you said it's been something like 3 months and you working 60-70 hour weeks

you probably have all that vacation time just festering!

lol not quite....definitely trying to pay off an old credit card bill and some $2500 in car repairs I had in the past month (blown head gasket and a ton of other stuff) :blush:

I was thinking around Christmas if he's not here yet, I'll be able to sneak away and spend both Christmas and New Year's with him...would be nice! He's hesitant to plan for it because he's optimistic he'll be here by then...let's face it though, Cairo isn't known for processing these fast, and we're going to get stuck with AR/AP too. I'm thinking we'll be lucky if he's here by next spring, if we're having this much trouble getting through VSC!
deadbirdFemaleEgypt2007-06-24 22:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI suspect RFE

My Guess is that he is stuck in name checks. Huskerkiev spoke of this before and it is not all that uncommon with MENA benificiaries.

I'm thinking we probably hit some snags because of the fact that he was here before, too. And there's some large red flags with our petition---i.e. we didn't see each other in person for over 5 1/2 years. So a bit of our impatience comes from the whole "ok, we were apart 5+ years and you're telling us we STILL have to wait to get married?? #######!!!!!!!!"

But this is definitely me lately: :girlwerewolf2xn:
deadbirdFemaleEgypt2007-06-24 22:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI suspect RFE

I don't think you're that far off from receiving a NOA2. You can definitely call USCIS using the RFE trick to see if you do have an RFE, but here is a list of people who received their NOA2s from VSC in June.

Name     Visa   Country     NOA1    NOA2 Carmi & Lonnie    K1  Philippines    04/11/07   06/22/07 Steph & Joe    K3  India    11/02/06   06/21/07 Chinenye & Amadi  K1  Nigeria     05/03/07   06/21/07 Pri & Ran   K3  India    04/18/07   06/15/07 Ayodeji & Kia Smith  K3  Nigeria     12/14/06   06/12/07 M & S    K1  Estonia     03/16/07   06/11/07 Dawn & Aaron   K3  United Kingdom 02/05/07   06/04/07 Elena & David  K1  Russia   03/13/07   06/04/07 S & V    K3  India    03/22/07   06/01/07
Hopefully you will get yours in the next couple of weeks.

Next couple days would be good too, of course. :) I just have a sinking feeling that you know...6 months from now my receipt date will be the one on the processing times page. I think the person I talked to at USCIS wasn't one of the people from VSC because it was kind of late in the day and it mentioned at one point that no one was at the service center I was trying to contact, yet I got a breathing person on the other end...I'll keep trying...but honestly I question how much longer I can stand it here in the US before hopping a plane and going back to him for good. I don't care where we live as long as we're together, hell, we could live under a bridge on the moon for all I care. Maybe we'll find some stray I-129Fs sitting in a bin up there or floating in space. lol
deadbirdFemaleEgypt2007-06-24 21:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI suspect RFE

Leave the poor people alone. You are in the queue :D

Go count some beans or clean up your house or write some letters to your significant other. Time will pass dont worry!!

Play a video game together :P

Just be patient is all im saying.

If you filled out all the forms correctly you will be fine.


Oh believe me, I'm busy, I have two jobs and work 75 hours a week, so I don't have time to do anything else but sleep and cry. I would just like to stop being so miserable! I mean, was it too much to hope that he would be here by Christmas? (guess so...:( ) Honestly, it's been 85 days since my fiance and I have seen each other, and it just feels like this time apart is getting worse and worse, but that's how it's been every day since I've come back to the states. So...72 days kind of felt the same that it did at 32 days, etc. It just really hurts to see people who got their NOA1 on the same day as us already have an interview date.
deadbirdFemaleEgypt2007-06-24 19:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI suspect RFE

I didnt get one, but from what I've heard of others with RFE, they see the status change online. In addition, there *should* be a touch (though anything's possible with USCIS...) I'd say if there are no touches, no change of status and the people at VSC said you dont have one, I think you dont have one! It sucks you are nearing CSC timelines though! Good luck!

Yeah, you think you hit a lucky break because of being a VSC filer, but then it really sucks to see all the approvals ahead of yours and praying that "today might be the day"....and then when you're going to bed, you check one last time and it still says "Last updated 04/17/07". I keep thinking it's punishment for ever thinking I was soooooo lucky in the first place, lol. -sigh-
deadbirdFemaleEgypt2007-06-24 19:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI suspect RFE
I'm a VSC filer and it's been 72 days since my NOA1. I have heard NOTHING, haven't got a touch since April 17 according to the site, which is possibly not accurate. I realize VSC slowed to almost nothing in recent weeks, but how many other VSC April filers have no approval and NO RFE?

I tried the RFE trick but they didn't tell me anything I couldn't find out on the site, and they also said I didn't appear to have an RFE at all, and I was within normal processing times, yadda yadda.

I tried contacting my congressman but that didn't get me anywhere either. I'll be calling around again this week and pestering anyone who picks up that phone.

I've heard of cases getting denied or expired or something because an RFE was sent and never responded to. Well, if I have an RFE and god forbid it actually got lost in snail mail, how would I ever be able to respond if their system is all messed up and says I don't have one?

I just feel so helpless. Any advice?
deadbirdFemaleEgypt2007-06-24 17:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresproof of relationship photos
LOL I sent like 40 photos. Mine were digital but I had prints made at Walmart to save my ink cartridges. And I sent photos of the family too. Even like group photos that had about 10 people where everyone was frowning except the two of us. Like awful photos of everyone else. hahahaha.
deadbirdFemaleEgypt2007-07-03 11:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI wonder if this could be delaying our K1 NOA2?

Wow. That's a lot of information you've shared.

Some of the issues that would only be potentially raised by the situations you describe would factor in at the Embassy stage (overstays, etc), not necessarily at the petition stage.

Also, those receipting notices I *think* pertain to the issuance of the actual approval document - like the paper that comes in the mail. It doesn't seem to apply to the actual PROCESSING of the petitions. A similar problem was facing CSC filers with the receipts (notices of approval). For example, we were approved on May 3, but we received our NOA2 TODAY, the day after my fiance's embassy interview. Go fig).

Sorry about the delay - I know how frustrating it is. We waiting longer than the average CSC filer, so I can empathize. Best of luck!

Ok, yeah, there's a lot of info there but it's all kind of vague LOL. I was thinking after I posted that I should edit stuff out but I can't figure out how! They should have some kind of hair-pulling smiley thing. lol

Thanks guys, but I'm really starting to think that there's more reason for our delay than just the fact that VSC is being super slow.
deadbirdFemaleEgypt2007-07-08 05:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI wonder if this could be delaying our K1 NOA2?
At this point, VSC--YES, THE FAST SERVICE CENTER-- :lol: is taking so freaking long with our petition that I'm just looking for any reason on my end that could be holding this up.

1. When I came back from Egypt on April 1, I was detained at JFK for about 40 minutes because my passport had been flagged. They didn't tell me why or what happened, but I had to sit in some office and wait to be called to the desk and asked a ton of questions regarding my original passport application (filed in December '06).

Obviously they let me have my passport back, but they would NOT tell me what was wrong with it. However, while they were holding my passport before calling me to the desk, this was the conversation two officers had about it.

"Hey, have you seen anything like this?" --points to me--
"Says it's stolen!!" --points again--


I have no idea how it happened, my passport was on me at all times. If it was a real problem I wouldn't have been let back in the country, right? lol

2. As a minor (age 17), there's a possibility my fiance overstayed his original B1/B2 visa. Or maybe his stay in general.

3. When my fiance left the states in 2001, his father stayed behind for about another year before returning to Egypt. However, he sold my mom my first car. It was only $400 but would that be considered a red flag? He had bought that car from another Egyptian immigrant whom he eventually had a falling out with.

4. And speaking of the immigrant whom my fiance's family had a falling out with--when they originally came here in 1999, they stayed with them. Is it possible the gov't contacted that family and they said bad things about us? They wanted my fiance to marry one of their daughters and my fiance's family said no and left. That family had started in the guardianship process for my fiance to go to high school with the daughter here, but my fiance moved out and found a new guardian.

5. The realtor who sold my parents their first house in 1987 later became my fiance's legal guardian for high school (small town, small world...)

Maybe I'm thinking too hard about all this but....when it's all I think about, I can't really help it.
deadbirdFemaleEgypt2007-07-07 20:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe address on my checks doesn't match!
It shouldn't matter, my checks say Fleet Bank and I have Bank of America (my checks are 5 years old from before BOA took over Fleet).
deadbirdFemaleEgypt2007-07-10 12:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiancee filling out G-325A

I know the K1 petition requires me to fill out a G-325A form for myself, will my fiancee have to do the same? If so, how did your fiancee fill out the form and get it back to you? Via mail or fax? To me I see it as a problem for the fiancee having to fill out the form? Any comments would be appreciated.


Yes, your fiancee has to fill out this form.

My fiance and I filled out ours while I was visiting him the last time so we didn't have to worry about mail. I do have to mail him the I-134 however, and will be using registered mail so if mail is a problem in your fiancee's country then you could try registered mail or even DHL/UPS/FedEx.
deadbirdFemaleEgypt2007-07-17 15:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAre you fed up with USCIS yet?
QUOTE (devilette @ Sep 19 2007, 03:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
No, that is so all these super excited letter writers get a dose of reality. And that ran as a national story.

.... I educate my friends & others about immigration & how much it needs to change. I read up on current legislation for immigration as well. What did/do you do?

good.gif good.gif

In all seriousness, I think a peaceful march would be noticed. Maybe not actually get anything done, but be noticed enough to have a small write up in the press. Besides, marches are fun.
deadbirdFemaleEgypt2007-09-19 14:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAre you fed up with USCIS yet?
I still say mass suicide might be more effective.

Now that's sarcasm for you. Or cynicism. Or realism.
deadbirdFemaleEgypt2007-09-19 13:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAre you fed up with USCIS yet?
btw... eb0dfafc.gif
deadbirdFemaleEgypt2007-09-19 11:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAre you fed up with USCIS yet?
Do I hate misinformation and inaccuracies? Yes. But USCIS is only the beginning, NVC and DOS are not much better. What about the embassies? Why are some more difficult to get through than others? Shouldn't everyone be treated the same at the embassies? It just doesn't happen. Why can't any of these agencies have any sort of accountability?

As someone who kind of expected a less-than-30 day wait for NOA2 from VSC and got it at 94 days (I realize this is far less than most VJers who filed from April till now), being apart from your loved one hurts more and more every day. The helpless thought of not being able to do anything about it hurts. Not knowing what's going on or receiving wrong information about your case hurts. Being approved for your visa, and not having it in your hands and not knowing when you're going to get it sucks. Granted, my fiance and I have only been waiting for the visa for a week so far, but how quickly that week will turn into a month, and that month will turn into 2....etc. We've all been there and we're all still there. For those of you waiting since April, May for your NOA2---don't you feel the same as those of us who have it? I haven't seen my fiance in almost 6 months and the pain felt the same whether we had NOA1, 2, packet 3, whatever.

Unfortunately, it's going to take a lot more than letters to get government officials to notice. Even mass letters. Maybe mass suicide might turn some heads, but would it get anything done? Probably not much more than distracting our congressmen and senators during their lunch breaks.

Large marches and protests? I'd be all for it. Let's go block off a street in St. Albans and get arrested...and risk our petitions because of a police record.... At least then we could annoy some people like they annoy us. Or just prevent adjucators from getting to work on time. Let's block off a street in DC. NYC. Boston. Have protests done anything lately? This administration's made it pretty clear they will do what they want, when they want, and we'd better bend over and take it.

Come to think of it, mass suicide would work if more than 1000 of us did it (which is what, 1% of petitioners per year?). But none of us are willing to go that far because it just defeats the purpose of being with our loved ones.

Sorry to be all doom and gloom. Best of luck to you. And if someone organizes a march in NYC I'll probably be there.

Edited by the sparrow, 19 September 2007 - 11:13 AM.

deadbirdFemaleEgypt2007-09-19 11:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaWednesday
lol Doodle that camel costume is a riot. smile.gif

Allousa - -hug- I really really hope you get some kind of update soon!
deadbirdFemaleEgypt2007-10-31 07:48:00
Middle East and North Africacamel day
Happy hump day and Halloween for those who celebrate... should see one of my coworkers, I have no idea what he is but he's hilarious looking.

I'm very sleepy sleepy.gif

Tammy's husband is coming today, way cool!
deadbirdFemaleEgypt2007-10-31 07:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaGood News!
Have fun!
deadbirdFemaleEgypt2007-10-25 13:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaThursday again
Jess--fantastic news!

Good morning everyone else!

My coworkers brought in all their leftover candy from the lack of trick or treaters.....where were all the kids? We only had 3 and they came in the same group! Apparently my coworkers didn't get any either so we have 3 huge bowls sitting on the conference table.
deadbirdFemaleEgypt2007-11-01 07:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaTammy and Ibrahim sitting in a tree
yay!!!!!!!! I was thinking about them today and hoping he made it ok.

deadbirdFemaleEgypt2007-11-01 17:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaTammy and Ibrahim sitting in a tree
2AM Jordan time has totally passed so he's on his way now, right? kicking.gif
deadbirdFemaleEgypt2007-10-30 20:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaTammy and Ibrahim sitting in a tree
one more day Tammy! How excited are you?!?!?!?! Do you have to be peeled off the ceiling with a spatula yet? laughing.gif
deadbirdFemaleEgypt2007-10-30 08:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaTammy and Ibrahim sitting in a tree
Congrats Tammy! Best wishes for a safe flight and happy reunion biggrin.gif
deadbirdFemaleEgypt2007-10-29 14:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaI wanted to share something nice my husband said last night
QUOTE (aj1 @ Nov 3 2007, 12:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The nicest thing that my fiance says to me is "I love you" everyday. Everytime he tells me that i feel more inlove with him every single time.

AJ1 heart.gif

luv.gif mine too
deadbirdFemaleEgypt2007-11-03 21:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaI wanted to share something nice my husband said last night
Ramy knew I was upset yesterday so he called me and left the sweetest voicemail and then called me a couple times throughout the day because he was thinking of me luv.gif
deadbirdFemaleEgypt2007-10-25 06:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaSaturday!
I have to bring my car in for an oil change and a bunch of other stuff dead.gif

And then I'm going to the place that's making my wedding cake to pick out what I want :energetic:

My uncle, who's helping my coworkers arrange all the food for the wedding is arranging to have sushi there, I'm floored but that would be so awesome!!!!!

Ramy arrives 1 week from today. I think I'm just going to run around in circles with occasional bouncing off the walls.

I guess CT is supposed to get clipped by some storm today.

Did anyone hear about the accident on I-95 in CT yesterday morning where a tanker carrying diesel fuel jumped the median and hit a tractor trailer and 4 cars head on, and killed 3 people? That happened about 10 minutes away from where I work.
deadbirdFemaleEgypt2007-11-03 07:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaAaaaand it's Friday
QUOTE (MelindaandTarek @ Nov 2 2007, 08:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello everyone have a great day--- I am heading to Egypt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! kicking.gif Today!!!!! I am beyond excited....I wish everyone a wonderful day and weekend and happy to hear about two VISAs issued YEAH - - - hope to hear more good news...take care everyone....


yayyyyyyyyy have a safe trip!!!!!!!!!
deadbirdFemaleEgypt2007-11-02 07:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaAaaaand it's Friday
Another Friday...another pizza day at work! lol

I'm starting to get all wound up thinking that Ramy will be here the day after next Friday wub.gif goofy.gif

I'm going to be bouncing off the walls this coming week biggrin.gif
deadbirdFemaleEgypt2007-11-02 06:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhy you got Married/engaged to your spouse/fiance?!!!
laughing.gif Jackie you're too much.

Why did Ramy and I get engaged? Because we're both crazy. And being crazy for each other helps too. wink.gif

He's the only man I still trust.....and I have a lot of trust issues so for me to trust someone 100%, well, that says a lot about him luv.gif

And if he breaks that trust, I'll be the old lady on the block who yells at the hellion whippersnappers while sitting in a rocking chair on her porch with 20 cats, and an afghan and rifle on her lap. jest.gif
deadbirdFemaleEgypt2007-11-02 22:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Tuesday MENA
morning everyone!

I made my bridal registry at Linens n Things late last night and thought EVERYTHING was on when I logged in this morning imagine my surprise when almost everything on my list was $99.99. hahahahahahhaa like any of my broke college friends can afford that! LOL And this is why I wasn't going to do a registry at all till my coworkers were like "well we'd get you something NICE, but we don't know what to get you." hahahha headbonk.gif

The car wasn't acting up this morning, which is good.

QUOTE (allousa @ Oct 30 2007, 09:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I don't have good news. sad.gif

Found out yesterday that my uncle has throat cancer. My aunt and uncle pretty much raised me because my parents weren't together. My father passed away a year ago on Oct. 23rd from liver cancer. This is so soon to have to deal with something like this after losing my father. I am very close to my uncle.

I am so completely devastated. Having a hard time focusing on things. sad.gif

Inshallah, we will have an answer on Hicham's case soon and he can come home. I just don't think I can go through this again without him here. crying.gif


You're in my prayers! -hug-
deadbirdFemaleEgypt2007-10-30 08:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaMonday!
QUOTE (water is wide @ Nov 5 2007, 04:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Im home from egypt.... Had an amazing time with my love....... hope everyone is well

Its sooo hard to be home, I can't stop crying... I miss him

Aww -hug- I think I cried every night for 3 months when I got back from Egypt.

I hope you hear something soon!
deadbirdFemaleEgypt2007-11-05 16:33:00